The Building of Environmental Geographic Information System For Supporting Environmental Policymaking in Korea
The Building of Environmental Geographic Information System For Supporting Environmental Policymaking in Korea
The Building of Environmental Geographic Information System For Supporting Environmental Policymaking in Korea
The goal of this study is to build a geographic information system for environmental
policymaking. To achieve this goal, this study first surveys the local environment status. Based
upon the collected environmental data, it forecasts the future environmental status of each city in
Gyeongbuk province and generates a geo-referencing code. Finally, by using these data, it
builds up a future environmental geographic information system for supporting environmental
policymaking. This study consists of three major parts: 1) developing integrated environmental
indicators, 2) establishing an environmental capacity database on the local level, 3) building up
an environmental capacity geographic information system, and 4) making an environmental
policy monitoring system. The results of this study will contribute to establish a warning system
to prevent an excess of environmental capacity. They will also provide the framework and
standard for integrating various environmental databases with a local environmental and
geographic information system.
Key words: Environmental indicators, geographic information system, geo-coding and geo-
referencing, environmental policy
I. Introduction
In the 21st century, the quality of the environment is one of the most important
life. In Korea, the citizen's concerns on the environmental amenities are gradually
weak because of the high density of the population, the lack of developable land space,
and the rapid urbanization and industrialization. These natural and social conditions
have deteriorated the environmental status such as air pollution, water pollution, solid
improved the environment-related organizations and laws and greatly expanded the
government budget for the environment protection. It also develops the several
focuses on the sustainable development to protect the natural and social environments in
(NII) to use land effectively by constructing digital territory through the building of
databases such as population, housing, land, traffic, and environment and so on.
systematically the environment status because current indicators only include the
physical indicators such as atmosphere pollution, water quality, and solid waste except
on. Furthermore, it is very difficult to grasp the local environmental problems because
environmental databases do not integrate with geographic information system.
Therefore, this study intends to build the environmental geographic information system
In order to establish EPMS, it develops the integrated EIs including the social
integrated environmental indicator data by time series base. It also builds a relative
referencing on each environmental data. EGIS will be connected with analysis programs
such as SAS or SPSS for execution of a time series analysis, a causal relation analysis, a
correlation analysis, and a spatial analysis in order to build up the EPMS. The result of
this study will contribute to make a tailored environment policy because it can provide
the future local environmental information and execute the simulation process on each
development project.
Information System (KOSIS) are the representative information systems in Korea. The
goal of the NGIS is to provide the geographic information for the environmentally
sound and sustainable land development. The major issues of the NGIS can be
development: 4) Development of framework for utilization and application of the NGIS.
KOSIS is built for efficient management the statistical data such as economy,
population, land, and housing and so on. One of the major functions of KOSIS is to
Address and facility searching is major function of Internet map services like
Figure 1. However, this figure conceptually differs with statistical geographic map.
Therefore, in order to convert this figure to the digital map, geo-coding process is
2. The Environmental Geographic Information System
such as air, water, and solid waste like Figure 2 but it does not provide the social
( ).
Korea Forest Research Institute also services a nationwide forest map that shows
the location of national forest resources such as botanical species and the rarity of plant
habitat. And National Park Authority provides satellite pictures such as climbing
routines, facilities, and culture resources of each natural park on the web
a: Web map service with satellite picture b: National park information system
<Figure 3 > Satellite picture service and national park information system
statistical data at the nation and city level instead of the micro data in the level of each
census tract. Therefore, there are some limitations to use these data for analyzing the
b: Download of raw data
<Figure 4> National statistical map service from National Geographic Institute
The Land Suitability Assessment System is newly introduced to provide criteria for
types into five grades: priority preservation, preservation, agriculture, development, and
the developed area grade. The land suitability assessment should be executed before
processing the land development in order to select the suitable land for the development
like Figure 5.
C: Forest use map d: Final suitability map
<Figure 5> Land Suitability Assessment System
could figure out that most of map focused on the visualization of information but they
do not provide the analytical procedure for getting the secondary information. In
solutions on what relationship is existed among EIs?, which EIs cause environmental
problem?, How will environmental problems change in the future? What is the most
geographical data, and analyzes the relationship among EIs through time series analysis,
spatial analysis, causal analysis, and correlation analysis, and suggests a tailored
III. Research Methodology
1. Research Area
Its area is larger than that of other local governments and has various cities such as
problems differ from any other local government. Up to now, environmental policy of
provincial government could not solve the specific environmental problems of each city
2. The Development of Integrated Environmental Indicators
Based upon the environmental law, this research intends to re-categorize the
environmental management indicators are important EIs affecting the level of future
<Table 1> Examples of Integrated Environmental indicators based on Korea Environmental law
Duration of Sunshine
Damages from Storms and Floods
Soil Pollutant Emitting Facilities
Soil Pollution by Pollutant
Area and Length of Rivers
Landscape River and Marsh
Natural Water Supply Source Protection Areas
Environment Length of Coast and Island Area
Sea and Coast
Marine Pollution Accidents
Forest Land Area by Forest Type
Forest Growing Stock by Forest Type
Forest Damaged Area
Korean Species
Designation of Endangered, Vulnerable Wildlife
Living SO2, NO2, and CO Emissions
Environment Total Suspended Particulate
Air Pollutant Emitting Facilities
BOD and COD Density of Rivers and
Environment Water
Drinking Water Quality
Waste Water Discharging Quantity
Water Supply Rate
Water Supply and Drainage
Sewerage System Supply Rate
Disposal of General Wastes
Waste Recycling Rate
Noise and Vibration Noise and Vibration Generating Facilities
Housing Population Density
Environment Population Trend in Population
Number of Livelihood Protection Persons
Number of Industries
Industry and Energy
Total Energy Consumption
Length of Roads
Roads and Transportation Motor Vehicle Registration
Traffic Accidents
Natural Environmental Preservation Area
Land Use
Dwelling Zone Area
Green zone area
Parks and Green zone Park Area per one Person
National and Local Cultural Property
Environmental Law
Environmental Budget
Environment Collection of Waste Treatment Charge
Environmental Finance
Administration Collection of Environmental
Improvement Charge
Environmental Information
Supporting Amount on Environment
Environment Environmental Technology Technology Field
management Umber of Environmental Companies
Environmental Subjects Selected School
Environmental Education
Environmental Environment Technology Manpower
Environmental Impact
Assessment Consultations
Co-work System between
Government and Nonprofit
And this research collects the integrated environmental indicator data produced in
several government agencies such as Korean Research Institute for Human Settlement,
and Home Affairs, the Ministry of Construction and Transportation, and the Minister of
3. Analysis Software
This research builds up environmental database using Excel and Access (XLS file
Format) and link environmental database with geographic information using ArcView
8.3 (SHP file format) with extensions such as Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst, and Geo-
statistical Analyst because XLS and SHP file formats are compatible with most GIS
software and easy to link environmental database and geographic information like
Figure 7.
It also uses the SAS® Bridge for ESRI to link geographic environmental data with
analysis program such as SAS, SPSS. And analysis programs are used to identify what
kind of relationships are existed among EIs through various analyses such as logistic
2) It analyzes the structure of environmental data, the building procedure of NGIS,
3) It identifies current administrative districts of each city and the postcode systems
5) It builds up IEID by using a relative data model because this data model can
6) It links environmental data with spatial units such as point, line, and polygon using
Extension Entity Relationship Data Model. For example, entities are consisted of
Gu, Dong (administrative district), and pollutants like Figure 8. And relationships
like “occur”, “aggregate”, and “locate” are existed between these entities. And
7) It designs a spatial database schema per spatial units using tabular type data
structure because tabular type data structure is easy to insert and delete environmental
2. The Building of Environmental Geographic Information System
IEID with geographic information of each local area by Geo-coding and Geo-
Referencing method. Specific procedures for building EGIS are summarized as follows:
1) This research searches the way which encodes location information such as
districts such as Province, City, Gun, Gu, Eup, Myon or Dong depending upon
survey boundary. And it analyzes the geographic topology structure such as point,
3. The Building of Environmental Policy Monitoring System
connecting an EGIS with analysis programs like SPSS or SAS and executes time series
analysis, causal relation analysis, and correlation analysis. More specifically, EGIS
connects with an SAS or SPSS statistics programs using the SAS bridge® for ESRI and
This research developed the integrated environmental indicators and they are
with geographic location where the environmental problems were generated. And these
databases were connected with analysis program using SAS Bridge program in order to
analyze a local environmental status. Based upon these analyses, this study can forecast
the future environmental state in specific local areas and display the degree of severity
of environmental problems visually using the EGIS. More specifically, EPMS can
predict the future environmental status of each city through simulating the policy factors.
Based on these simulation results on the environmental policy of each city, we can
monitor the environmental policy of each city and suggest a tailored environmental
policy. EPMS can be used as a decision making supporting system for building the local
environmental policy. It also suggests some lessons on the other policy building such as
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