OUTCOMES Beginner Student's Book Answer Key
OUTCOMES Beginner Student's Book Answer Key
OUTCOMES Beginner Student's Book Answer Key
1 Ali
2 Jessica
3 Carlos
4 Rasa
5 Carlos; Rasa
6 Rasa
7 Ali
centre (south), 30 (80)
Jessica: big (small), house (flat)
Rasa: a coffee shop (an office), university
(a language school)
Ali: bad and (OK but), children
Table for two (pages 20-21) Food/Drinks:
chicken, fish, ice cream, salad, meat, seafood, burgers,
2 chips, oranges, vegetables, bacon, kebab,
1 meat rice, tomato, prawns, bread, cake, curry, pizza, cheese,
2 chicken salmon, cod, sandwich, drinks, fruit juice, coffee, tea,
3 fish water, coke, milk
4 rice
5 salad Exercise 1B, Grammar reference
6 ice cream 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 a 9 b 10 a
7 fruit 11 b 12 a
8 drinks
9 juice Exercise 2, Grammar reference
1 Where are you from?
Exercise 1, Grammar reference 2 Do you live here?
1 I love them. 3 Are you OK?
2 I don’t like it. 4 What do you do?
3 I don’t like it. 5 Do you know it?
4 I don’t like them.
5 I like them.
6 I like it. Video: People
7 I love them.
8 I don’t like it.
9 I like it. 1
1 0 I love them. Answers will vary, but the flags suggest Spain, Israel
and Georgia. The faces are from Asia, the Indian
8 subcontinent, Europe and perhaps South America.
two orange juices, a Coke and some The best answer is ‘many different countries in
water the world’.
9 2
kebab with rice, chicken with chips, a6b1c5d4e3f2
prawns with rice
10 1T
1 three 2 F (The baby is 14 months old.)
2 English 3 F (They are friends).
3 some 4 F (She does like the book.)
4 me 5T
5 you 6T
6 rice 7 F (The boy is ten.)
7 else
8 Fifteen 5
9 thanks 1 We
2 He; His
17 3 has; He
Possible answers 4 it
Jobs/Work: 5 you
job, bus driver, doctor, nurse, student, 6 ’re
waiter, mum, retired, teacher, work in an
office / a university / a coffee shop / a
hospital, hours, money, 6
company Students’ own ideas
Review 1 (page 23) 7
1 This is my wife.
1 2 This is my brother.
1 are 3 This is my father.
2 is 4 This is my daughter.
3 do you 5 It’s in the south.
4 has 6 It’s very cheap.
5 children; sons 7 It’s a small town.
6 his 8
7 do 1 name
8 are 2 student
9 don’t 3 city
1 0 I don’t 4 north
5 flat
2 6 brother
1 It’s not expensive. / It isn’t expensive. 7 park
2 Is his mother retired? 8 nice
3 They don’t have a lot of money.
4 Do you work near here? 9
5 I don’t have a sister. 1d2g3b4f5a6h7e8c
6 Are the teachers nice?
7 I don’t know her brother.
8 Does he like English?
1 don’t
2 his
3 don’t
4 n’t (not)
5 are; is
6 ’s (is)
7 lot
8 do; Is
1 What’s your name?
2 Where are you from?
3 How old are you?
4 What do you do?
5 Do you like your job?
1 work
2 take
3 live
4 have
5 walk
6 like
7 know
Food: chicken, fish, rice, salad, sandwich
Drink: americano, Coke, orange juice, tea,
Jobs: doctor, nurse, taxi driver, teacher,
Unit 3 Love, want, need 5 ’m not (am not)
6 ’s not (is not / isn’t)
How is it? (pages 26-27) 7 ’s not (is not / isn’t)
8 ’s not (is not / isn’t)
5 9 ’s not (is not / isn’t)
Possible answers 1 0 ’m not (am not)
Photo a: difficult, hungry, small, tired
Photo b: expensive, good, great, married, 18
new, nice 1 Oh, good.
Photo c: cold, difficult, expensive, good, 2 Oh, good.
great 3 I’m sorry.
Photo d: good, great, hot, nice, old, tired, 4 Oh, good.
well 5 Oh, good.
6 Oh, good.
7 7 I’m sorry.
Possible answers 8 I’m sorry.
1 It’s an expensive / a good / a great / a
new flat. 21
2 It’s a big / a difficult / a great / a new / a Possible answers
small class. 1 in a hotel: How’s your room? How’s the
3 It’s an expensive / a great / a nice / an restaurant? How’s the food? How’s the service?
old hotel. 2 in a restaurant: How’s the food? How’s the
4 It’s bad / cold / good / hot / nice service? How’s your table?
weather. 3 at school: How’s the class? How’s the teacher?
5 They’re expensive / great / new / old How are the students? How’s the lesson?
clothes. 4 in a different country: How’s the weather? How’s
6 I’m cold / hot / hungry / married / old the food? How’s your hotel?
well / tired. 5 about a new flat/house: How’s the living room?
How’s the garden? How’s the kitchen?
1 0°C 2 -15°C 3 78 4 98
Things I want in life (pages 28-29)
1c2b3a4d 2
1 take 2 go 3 want
1 How’s your room? 5
2 How’s your class? 1 has
3 How’s the chicken? 2 doesn’t have
4 How’s the weather? 3 goes
4 doesn’t go
12 5 likes
1 not very; old 6 doesn’t like
2 difficult 7 doesn’t take
3 great 8 works; lives
4 cold; hot
Exercise 1, Grammar reference Possible answers
1a2b3b4b5a6a My brother doesn’t go to university.
My friend doesn’t have a lot of money.
Exercise 2, Grammar reference My mum doesn’t live in New York.
1 ’s not (is not / isn’t) My sister doesn’t take the bus to work.
2 ’re not (are not / aren’t) My dad doesn’t want a new job.
3 ’re not (are not / aren’t) My son doesn’t work in the city centre.
4 ’re not (are not / aren’t)
Exercise 1, Grammar reference I have a lot of friends. I go to a lot of
1 I don’t like fish. parties. I don’t want more friends.
2 My son doesn’t like meat. I want a family. I want a daughter and a son. I don’t
3 It doesn’t take a long time. want lots of money.
4 My mum and dad don’t have a big
5 My friend Mikel doesn’t have a very Do you need anything? (pages 30-31)
good job.
6 She doesn’t live near here. 3
7 We don’t like this city. Possible answers
8 I don’t have (any) money. a weekend in a city: a map, my mobile, a charger, a
small bag, some cash, a toothbrush and toothpaste,
9 (credit card, passport, sunglasses)
1 a new mobile phone a week to visit friends or family: my mobile, a towel
2 no and some soap, a charger, lots of clothes, something
3 yes to read, some other shoes, (presents)
4 no two weeks in a hotel in a hot country: my mobile, a
5 no (He works two days a week.) charger, a (beach) towel, lots of clothes, some cash,
6 no something to read, some other shoes, (sun cream,
7 He’s a teacher. sunglasses, swimming costume)
8 two hours
Exercise 1, Grammar reference 1 Wilton; Janet; Ben 2 Peru
1 A: I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.
B: Andrea. 5
2 A: Do you know this area? 1 sixteen hours
B: No. I don’t live here. 2 no
3 A: What does your mother do? 3 (black) tea
B: She doesn’t work now. She’s retired. 4 a phone charger
4 A: Where does Maria live?
B: I don’t know. Ask Simon. He knows her 6
well. 1 How are you? 2 I’m hungry.
5 A: Where does your girlfriend work?
B: Sorrento. 8
A: How long does it take to get there? Possible questions to ask
B: Twenty or thirty minutes. What do you do?
Do you have a towel?
Exercise 2, Grammar reference How long does it take to get from home to school?
1 does What do you need on holiday?
2 is Do you need a toothbrush?
3 does Do you take a charger on holiday?
4 Is What do you want?
5 are Do you want a dictionary?
6 doesn’t How’s the weather?
7 Does Would you like a drink?
8 works
9 do 10
10 Are Possible answers
Here is a list of words students may wish to say:
12 passport, credit card, hat, boots, flip flops, sunglasses,
Possible answers sun cream, shorts, bikini, swimming costume,
I don’t want a new job. I have a good job. headphones, a (guide) book.
I’m a doctor.
I want a new house. I don’t like my flat.
11 Exercise 1B, Grammar reference
Possible answers 1a2b3b4b5a6b7a8b
I don’t take a hairbrush. I don’t have any
hair! Exercise 2, Grammar reference
I don’t take any soap. The hotel has soap. 1 + 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 + 6 – 7 – 8 + 9 + 10 +
I don’t take lots of clothes. I take a small 11 + 12 –
bag of things.
I don’t take any food from home. I like
different food! Unit 4 Where and when?
Is there a bank near here? (pages 34-35)
1a 1
2 any Students’ own ideas
3 any
4a 4
5 any Possible answers
6 any a) a church, a shop (but not a clothes shop), a café
(perhaps), a park (perhaps)
Exercise 1, Grammar reference b) a supermarket, a restaurant, a church, a park, a
1a cash machine, a clothes shop, a car park, a hotel, a
2 any café, a bank (the others – a cinema, a swimming
3 any pool, a hospital, a train station and a market – are all
4a possible in a town in the UK, and likely in a big town,
5 any but not necessarily in a small town)
6 a; a Note that the answers may also depend on where
7 any your students come from. In some countries, most
8 a; a villages may have no facilities at all.
10 any 5
1 café
16 2 supermarket
Possible answers 3 bank
Student A (student): 4 hospital
Do you have any soap? Of course. Here
you are. 6
Do you have a charger? No. I’m sorry. 1d2b3c4a
Do you want my mobile number? Yes,
please. Exercise 1, Grammar reference
Student B (host): 1 Is there; There’s
Do you need to phone home? No. It’s 2 Is there
OK. Later. 3 There’s
Do you want to eat? Yes, please. I’m 4 Is there; there’s
hungry. 5 Is there; there’s
Do you have a coat? Yes, I do. 6 Is there; There’s
18 9
7, 5, 8, 6, 2, 1, 3, 4 Possible answers
There’s a hotel in Picture A but there isn’t one in
21 Picture B.
Possible answers There’s a man in Picture A but there’s a woman in
adjectives: cheap, expensive, big, small, Picture B.
cold, hot, good, bad, etc. In Picture B there’s a child but in Picture A there isn’t.
things you have: money, a big house, a There’s a car park in Picture A but there’s a food shop
nice car, books, free time, children, a in Picture B.
There’s a cinema in Picture B but there 7
isn’t one in Picture A. Possible answers
There’s a pizza restaurant in Picture A but Students’ own ideas
in Picture B there’s a café. I always/usually go to work on Monday.
There are tables and chairs outside in I’m normally free on Saturday and Sunday.
Picture B but in Picture A there are no I always/usually/normally start classes at 9.
tables and chairs. I normally go to bed at 11.
In Picture A there’s a book shop but in I usually wake up at 7.
Picture B there’s a clothes shop.
Exercise 1, Grammar reference
10 1 I usually go out on Saturday night.
1 cash machine 2 They’re always late.
2 restaurant 3 I sometimes work on Saturday.
3 car park 4 I always go to mosque on Friday.
5 I’m normally free on Wednesday afternoon.
11 6 I never go swimming.
1 a 200 7 We don’t usually go out at night in the week.
2 a this 8 I’m never busy at the weekend.
3 a second 9 He’s not usually here in the afternoon.
b next to 10 They sometimes go to the beach on Sunday
b first morning.
b right 11 I don’t often go to the cinema.
c left
c right Exercise 2, Grammar reference
c left 1 never
2 always
14 3 usually
Students’ own ideas 4 normally
5 sometimes
16 6 often
Possible questions 7 usually
Is there a pizza restaurant called Mario’s 8 sometimes
(near here)?
Is there a church in the town / near here? 8
Do you know a restaurant called The Students’ own answers
Lemon Tree?
1 depend = if something ‘depends’ on your religion,
When are you free? (pages 36-37) it only happens because of your religion
2 companies = people work for them (e.g. Sony, Ford
4 and Microsoft are companies)
Possible answers 3 government = makes laws and rules
Answers depend on what day it is today,
as well as your students’ culture. The 10
answers below are a guide: 1 false (In Indonesia, people normally only have a
4 6am (or when it gets light) to 12 free day on Sunday; In Colombia … lots of
(midday) people only have Sunday free.)
5 12 (midday) to about 5pm 2 false (In Saudi Arabia, the weekend is usually
6 5 or 6pm to about 9pm Friday and Saturday; In Indonesia, people
7 about 10 or 11pm to 4 or 5am (or when normally only have a free day on Sunday)
It gets light) 3 true (In Colombia, people usually work 48 hours
8 Monday; 10 o’clock; 11 o’clock a week and lots of people only have Sunday
9 Sunday free.)
10 6am (on weekdays in the UK) 4 true (… children usually go to school on Saturday
5 false (Government offices are always open
on Saturday …)
Can you help me? (pages 38-39) 10
Possible answers
3 You ask the teacher:
1 S 2 S 3 S 4 S or T 5 T 6 S 7 T Can you open / close the window / door?
Can you help me?
Exercise 1, Grammar reference Can you translate this word?
1 say Can you repeat that?
2 help Can I write the answer in the book?
3 write Can I go to the toilet?
4 wait The teacher asks you:
5 go Can you open / close your book?
6 sit Can you stop talking?
7 get Can you listen?
8 change Can I have your books?
You ask another student:
Exercise 2, Grammar reference Can I have a pen?
1 Can; can’t Can I use your dictionary?
2 Can; can Can I sit with you?
3 Can; can
4 can’t; Can; can’t; can 12
2, 4, 6, 7, 1, 5, 3, 8
Exercise 3, Grammar reference
1 Can you help me? 15
2 I can’t hear you. Possible answers
3 My mum can cook lots of different days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
things. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, today,
4 They can’t speak English. tomorrow, yesterday
5 We can leave early. times of day: morning, afternoon, evening, night
6 Can you write it on the board? places in towns and cities: a supermarket, a
7 She can come in now. restaurant, a cinema, a church, a park, a cash
8 Can I help you? machine, a clothes shop, a car park, a hotel, a café,
9 Can you three share a book? the train station, a swimming pool, a hospital, a
bank, a market
1 Can you help me? Exercise 1B, Grammar reference
2 Can you close the window? 1b2a3a4b5a6a7b8a9b
3 Can you wait a minute? 10 a 11 b 12 a
4 Can you do exercises 6 and 7?
5a Can we have a break? Video 2 Morning! Student’s book page 40
5b Can we have drinks in the class?; Can 2
we have five more minutes? (in the order they are mentioned in the video:)
Japan; Italy; America; Turkey; China; Vietnam;
8 Argentina
1h2c3d4e5b6g7a8f 4
1 the man from Turkey
9 2 the woman from Italy
1 Can I sit at the front? / Can you turn on 3 the girl / the children from Japan
the light? 4 the man from Argentina
2 Can I share your book? 5 the man from China
3 Can I come in? 6 the woman from Vietnam
4 Can I leave early? / Can I sit at the 7 the girl from America
front? 6
5 Can you write it on the board? / Can I a 10; 50 b 1st; 5 c 13 million d 7.30 e 73
Use your tablet? f 200 g 8; $490
6 Can you play it again? / Can I use your
Review 2 Student’s book page 41 9
1 The supermarket’s closed.
1 2 I’m busy on Monday.
1 any 3 It’s very hot.
2 I’m not 4 I get up early on Sundays.
3 you 5 I go there every morning.
4 never 6 It’s a good film.
5 Do you have 7 It’s on the left.
6 Is there 8 They’re my new shoes.
7 doesn’t 10
8 does it take 1 married
2 2 hungry
1 Do you have a mobile? 3 small
2 Is there a supermarket near here? 4 difficult
3 They’re not / They aren’t French. 5 well
4 It doesn’t take a long time. 6 long
5 Do you need to do it today? 7 tired
6 She doesn’t like coffee. 8 great
1 Can I
2 Can you
3 Can you
4 Can I
5 Can you
6 Can I
1 Is the restaurant usually busy on
Saturday night?
2 What time do you normally get up?
3 I never go to the beach. I can’t swim.
4 I always get up late on Sundays.
5 I don’t normally go out in the week.
6 I usually get the bus to work, but I
sometimes / sometimes I get a taxi.
See Audio script 83 below.
1 turn off
2 take
3 want
4 sit
5 share
6 get
7 go
8 use
Places: bank, church, cinema, hotel,
Things: bag, brush, charger, map,
Days/Times: afternoon, evening,
Saturday, tomorrow, yesterday
Unit 5 Going places Exercise 2, Grammar reference
1 Are
Good places to go (pages 44-45) 2 ’s / is
3 are
1 4a
Students’ own ideas 5 any
2 7 are
Students’ own ideas 8 Is
9 ’s / is
1d2a3c4e5b Exercise 3, Grammar reference
1 there aren’t 2 there is 3 there isn’t
1 buy some new clothes 10
2 go swimming 1d2b3a4e5c6f7h8g
3 go out in the evening
4 have something to eat / some lunch 11
5 see some interesting art Possible answers
Taxis in my town are very expensive.
5 I usually walk to work but on Fridays I get a taxi.
1 near I usually wait about five minutes for the bus.
2 on; about I never get a taxi to go to work. I always get
3 in; to; in the bus.
4 on; In
5 in; near 12
How get there? How long?
6 1 walk 10 minutes
Students’ own ideas 2 train 30 minutes
3 car or taxi 20 minutes
7 4 bus 10 minutes
1 Is there; There are 5 taxi 10 or 15 minutes
2 Are there; There are
3 a; there’s 13
4 any; there’s Possible questions
Are there any good shops near here? I want to buy
Exercise 1, Grammar reference a bag.
1 There are some men outside. Is there a supermarket in the centre? I want some
2 There are no toilets. food.
3 There are no bars near here. I’d like a coffee. Are there any nice cafés in Parker
4 There are some / a lot of / three shops Street?
on this road.
5 There are some / a lot of / two
restaurants in the square.
6 There are no cinemas in the area.
7 There aren’t any hospitals in the town.
8 There are some / a lot of / six people in
the café
9 There are some / a lot of / six men in
our class.
Have a good trip! (pages 46-47)
Possible answers passengers = people on a train or bus or
1 take the train / bus / red line plane
2 get off the bus / train / at the next stop dinner = the main meal of the day, eaten
3 visit the museum / a friend / the old in the evening or at midday
town / London / a city third class = a cheap ticket or seat (compare first
4 wait for the bus / the train / a friend class and second class)
5 buy some clothes / a drink / some food
2 1 ticket 2 machine 3 card 4 Single 5 First
Possible answers 6 number 7 receipt 8 next
Here is a possible dialogue with an extra
question: 14
A: How do you normally get here? Possible answers
B: I always get the bus. Possible conversations:
A: How long does it take? A: Where are you going?
B: It usually takes 35 minutes. B: The pizzeria in the city centre.
A: What bus do you get? A: Oh, yes. It’s in the High Street near the
B: The C3. supermarket. You can walk there.
A: Where are you going?
3 B: The National Sports Centre.
Possible answers A: OK. Take the number 7 bus. It takes about
Yes – it’s good to eat, sleep and talk to 20 minutes.
people on trains. You can get off and see
interesting places. Some trains are cheap. Good plan! (pages 48-49)
No – trains are slow, take a long time and
are usually expensive. 1
Possible answers
4 After class, I normally go to a café / go shopping /
1b2c3a go home.
After work I often go to the gym / visit friends.
5 On holiday, I usually go to the beach / visit family
a3b1c2 in Australia.
6 2
1 in New York a: 2 b: 1 and 3
2 in Scotland
3 in Kyushu, Japan 4
4 the journey on the Seven Star train a 3, b 1, c 2, d 1, e 2, f 1, g 3, h 2
5 the journey from Moscow to
Vladivostok 5
a 3 b 1 and 2
beautiful = very attractive to look at 9
single ticket = a ticket for a train that goes Possible answers
from A to B only (opposite of return – a I’m going to meet friends after the class.
return goes from A to B then back to A I’m going (to go) to the cinema tonight.
again) I’m going (to go) on holiday next week.
costs = the amount of money you must
Exercise 1, Grammar reference A: Oh. Where are you going?
1 ’m B: To a café in the Old Town. We’re going to have
2 ’re; Do a coffee.
3 Do; ’m A: Great!
4 ’m; Are; ’m
5 Do; ’re; Do 15
1 the hotel
Exercise 2, Grammar reference 2 the station
1 I’m going home at seven. 3 at the bus stop
2 We’re going to the beach on Saturday. 4 there
3 I am going to the cinema tonight. 5 five
4 We’re going to have a coffee.
5 I’m going to the park after the class. 16
6 We’re going to see the Old Town Possible answers
tomorrow. Possible conversation:
7 We’re going to meet some friends later. A: I’ll meet you at the station.
8 We’re going to finish at six. B: OK. What time are you getting there?
A: Oh, at about four o’clock.
Exercise 3, Grammar reference B: Great. Can we meet at the café there?
1a2b3b4a5a B: Yes, fine.
Exercise 4, Grammar reference
1 walk
8, 5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 7, 1
2 swimming
3 coffee
4 shopping
Possible answers
5 dinner
words for buying tickets and travelling by train:
6 run
change trains, first/second/third class, single, return,
pay by card, cash, receipt, platform
things you are going to do next weekend: go to the
1 What time are you going / When are
gym, meet a friend, see a film, play football, have a
you going
coffee, go shopping, stay at home
2 Where are you going
3 What are you doing tonight / Where are
Exercise 1B, Grammar reference
you going tonight
1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 a 8 b 9 b 10 a
4 Are you going; Are you (going)
11 a 12 b
Exercise 1, Grammar reference
1 doing
2 Do
3 are
4 do you do?
5 are you going
6 What time
Possible answers
Possible conversation:
A: What are you doing after the class?
B: I’m going to meet friends after the
Unit 6 Away from home 5 are
6 was
How was your flight? (pages 52-53) 7 was; ‘m
8 are
1 9 am; was
Possible answers 1 0 did; went
a is not serious (but it is disappointing)
b is a serious problem (you could miss a Exercise 2, Grammar reference
holiday or work) 1 a were b are
c could be serious (you can’t sleep) 2 a go b went
d is not serious (but might be serious if 3 a did b do
you are tired every day) 4 a had b has
5 a is b was
1 problem 12
2 noise 1 I had a problem at work.
3 rain 2 I went to the wrong place.
4 late 3 There was a problem on the bus.
5 no-one
6 nowhere 14
7 tired 1 didn’t 2 don’t 3 ’m 4 isn’t 5 don’t
8 wrong
5 Possible answers
Possible answers I had a problem at home. / I don’t have my book. / I
There’s a lot of rain: in my country, I often don’t have my homework. / The bus was late. / I had
have this problem. a problem with my car.
I’m very tired: I sometimes have this
Problem because I work a lot. 17
There’s nowhere to sit: in our class, I Possible answers
never have this problem. There are a lot How was your journey/flight: It was good / late / on
of chairs. time / long / OK. Thank you.
How was your day?: It was OK/great/busy.
6 How was your holiday?: It was great / not very
1 How 2 I’m 3 Not very 4 we 5 I’m not good / OK, thanks.
6 Do 7 can
1 had 2 did 3 was 4 went 5 had; went We loved it (pages 54-55)
6 were 7 went 8 had
10 Possible answers
Possible answers How are you? I’m fine/good, thanks.
I went to the cinema / the theatre / a How’s work? It’s OK/great.
restaurant / a café / a party yesterday / How do you get here? On the bus/I walk to
last night. school.
I had a party / a meal / an evening class How was the last class? It was OK/great/
yesterday / an evening at home last night. interesting.
How was your weekend? It was great. I went
Exercise 1, Grammar reference to the beach.
1 went How was your day yesterday? It was OK/busy.
2 have
3 had; went
4 go
4 13
1 rooms 6 number band = musical group
2 booking 7 check out service = when you bring food to or do things for
3 passport 8 lift people in a hotel or restaurant
4 address 9 breakfast tour = when you go and visit different places on
5 bags 10 password holiday in a group (often on a bus)
lake = a large area of water which is inland
We hear the following sentences: 2, 3, 4, 14
5, 6, 9 Students’ own ideas
6 15
b (They have his hotel booking but it does 1 It wasn’t a nice place.
not include breakfast.) 2 We didn’t have a car.
3 We didn’t visit San José.
9 4 There weren’t a lot of hotels.
Hotel: 3, 5, 6 5 There wasn’t a lot of noise.
Hostel: 1, 2, 4 6 It didn’t rain.
Note, however, that there are hostels
with top floor swimming pools, and there Exercise 1, Grammar reference
are some cheaper hotels in which you 1 wasn’t
have to share a bathroom. 2 rained
3 didn’t have
10 4 stayed
rained, loved 5 didn’t
6 don’t
Exercise 1, Grammar reference
1 They talked a lot. Exercise 2, Grammar reference
2 I needed a coffee. 1 didn’t go out
3 We shared a flat. 2 didn’t work
4 It rained a lot in April. 3 don’t feel
5 She loved him. 4 don’t; have
6 I wanted to go. 5 didn’t know
6 doesn’t eat
Exercise 2, Grammar reference
1 went 16
2 wanted Possible answers
3 stayed I went to Thailand. I stayed there for ten days. I stayed
4 had in a hotel called the Bangkok Palace. It’s near the beach.
5 was It was expensive but great. We went swimming but we
6 walked didn’t see a lot. I liked the food in Thailand.
7 rained
8 was
9 loved What did you do? (pages 56-57)
11 Possible answers
Students’ own ideas I like the afternoon best. I don’t like the morning.
In the morning I usually have breakfast, in the
12 afternoon I often go for a coffee and in the evening
a Hotel Regina I sometimes go to class. I never go to the gym in
b Tierra Magnífica the morning!
c Selina Hostel The meal I like best is dinner. I usually have a big
dinner at home.
I usually have bread with my meals. I always have
some water.
2 5 Did you stay there all day?
1 morning 2 breakfast 3 last night 6 What did you do?
7 What did you see?
3 8 Do you go every day?
4 Possible answers
b A: I went to work.
B: Where do you work?
5 A: In an office in the city.
Possible answers B: Oh. What do you do?
When I’m on holiday I sometimes talk to A: I’m a lawyer.
people in the hotel. I often talk to people A: I went out last night.
at breakfast. B: Where did you go?
We usually stay in a hotel near the beach. A: I went to the cinema. Did you go out?
I like walks in the Old Town. I like B: No. I stayed at home. I watched TV.
museums and art galleries, too. A: I went to the beach yesterday.
B: Did you stay there long?
6 A: No. I stayed there for an hour.
1 Can 2 was 3 have 4 are 5 did 6 Where B: Oh. Did you swim in the sea?
7 How 8 Was 9 do 10 Are 11 are 12 Do A: No. It rained and we went home!
13 going 14 What
Exercise 1, Grammar reference Possible answers
1 What do you do? How was your day/meal/lunch/walk?
2 What did you do last night? I had a very busy week/weekend/morning.
3 Where did you go after the class? We stayed in a hotel/village/town.
4 Did you have a nice time on holiday? We had a great view of the mountains/sea/beach.
5 Where do your parents live? What’s the password for the internet?
6 What time did you get up this morning? What did you do last Friday/weekend?
I met some students/people/children.
Exercise 2, Grammar reference I went to the cinema/park/supermarket.
1 were
2 was 18
3 Were Possible answers
4 were past verbs: was, were, had, went, did, loved, rained,
5 were stayed, shared, talked
6 Was words about problems: late, noise, rain, tired, traffic,
Exercise 3, Grammar reference
1c2a3f4b5d6e Exercise 1, Grammar reference
1 Did you go to the museum?
Exercise 4, Grammar reference 2✓
1 What did you do in St Petersburg? 3 The hotel didn’t have a nice restaurant.
2 What did you see? 4 There was a big problem at work last week.
3 Was it good? 5✓
4 Where was it? 6 We went to the beach yesterday afternoon.
5 How long was the opera? 7 What did you do yesterday evening?
6 Did you sleep? 8✓
9 I didn’t see you yesterday. Where were you?
1 What did you buy?
2 Where do you work?
Exercise 4, Grammar reference
3 Where did you go?
4 What do you study?
Video 3 Ancient land (page 58) 7
1 2 Do you like walking?
Students’ own ideas 3 I love playing football.
2 5✓
Answers 6 Do you like driving?
City Famous sight Other things to see 7✓
Cairo the museum mosques, pyramids 8 My husband doesn't like going to the gym, but
Alexandria the library beach, cafés I love it.
Luxor the temple great art
3 Possible questions
1 F (20 million) Do you like skiing / running / going out / going to
2 F (things from the time of Pharaoh the cinema / watching concerts on TV / swimming at
Tutankhamun) the beach?
3 F (more than 70)
4T Exercise 1, Grammar reference
5 F (three hours) 1 cooking
6 F (Arabic, English and French) 2 listening
7 F (the south) 3 driving
8T 4 playing
5 going
5 6 travelling
1d2e3f4a5b6c 7 watching
8 eating
9 living
10 having
Unit 7 Going out and staying in
Exercise 2, Grammar reference
I love going out (pages 62-63) Short answers may vary.
1 A: Do you like cooking?
3 B: Yes. I love it.
Students’ own answers 2 A: Does your husband like cooking?
B: Not really.
3 A: Do you like swimming
1 read something
B: Not really.
2 listen to music
4 A: Do you like watching TV?
3 cook
B: Yes, it’s OK.
4 do some exercise
5 A: Does your son like playing football?
5 watch football
B: No, he doesn’t.
6 go out
6 A: Do you like reading?
7 go shopping
B: Yes (I do). I love it. / It’s great.
8 watch TV
7 A: Do you like driving?
9 go on the internet
B: No (I don’t).
8 A: Does your sister like travelling?
B: Yeah (a bit).
1 writer; stories
2 singer; song
Exercise 3, Grammar reference
3 food; dish
1 Do
4 concerts; go
2 Did
5 news; programme
3 going
6 game; player
4 didn’t
5 playing
6 do; it
7 They
10 Picture c: There is a young man watching
1 She stayed at home and made dinner. Something at home.
2 She watched TV. Picture d: A young man is listening to
3 She played basketball with some music in the park.
friends. Answers
1 a cooking b Russian 3
2 a the news b The Crown 1a✗
3 a running b Atlético Madrid b✓
12 b✗
1 Me too.
2 I prefer
3 I prefer b✓
4 Me too 4a✗
5 I prefer b✗
15 5
Possible answers 1 are you listening to
I went to see my cousin. 2 I’m watching
Do you like visiting your cousin? 3 are you doing; ’m looking
Do you go to see your cousin a lot? 4 Are you making; are you cooking
What do you normally do with your
cousin? 6
Students’ own answers
What are you reading? (pages 64-65) Students’ own answers
Possible answers
Picture a: There is a man reading a book.
He is sitting on a bed.
Picture b: A man is using a computer in
the kitchen.
Exercise 3, Grammar reference 16
1 a listens b are; listening Possible answers
2 a am/’m not reading b don’t read I don’t often watch TV. I don’t really like it.
3 a am/’m working b works I love reading books. I like crime novels and stories
4 a go out b Are; going out about the past.
5 a do b am/’m doing I normally read in the evening at home. At the
6 a are; eating b do; eat moment I’m reading a book called The Fault In Our
Stars. It’s about two young people and it’s very sad,
9 but I like it.
Possible answers
Japanese writers: Haruki Murakami,
Koushun Takami, Nahoko Uehashi This one looks good (pages 66-67)
American bands: Aerosmith, Foo Fighters, 1
Nirvana Student’s own ideas
British singers: Adele, Leona Lewis, Ed
Sheeran 3
Chinese companies: Air China, Alibaba, Colour: blue, brown, green, white, yellow
Huawei Size: 12, 38, extra large, long, small
Spanish actors: Antonio Banderas, Clothes: a coat, a dress, a jacket, jeans, a T-shirt
Penélope Cruz, Javier Bardem Reason to buy: 25% off, the design, feels comfortable,
Egyptian cities: Cairo, Alexandria, Sharm half price, looks good
El Sheikh
11 Possible answers
Possible questions Colour: red, orange, pink, purple, grey, gold, silver
Do you know any … Italian cities / French Size: extra small, medium, short
painters / German composers / Brazilian Clothes: a shirt, a skirt, a jumper, trousers, shorts
footballers / Australian sports stars? Reason to buy: feels great, looks nice, fits well, like
the colour
1 Darren 5
2 Don Possible answers
3 Camila In photo a you can see: blue, brown, green, yellow,
4 Zeynep tops, a dress, a jacket, small
In photo b you can see: blue, brown, green, white,
13 jeans, shoes, a shirt, long
The Mad Toy, Three Daughters of Eve, Students could also argue for: (the shoes) feel
Animal Farm comfortable and (the dresses) look good
1 The Mad Toy – no; Three Daughters of
Eve – yes; Animal Farm – yes 7
2 Student’s own answers Photo a = conversation 3
Photo b = conversation 1
1 famous 8
2 moment a3b1c3d1e3f2
3 called; about
4 really; sad 9
1 these
15 2 This; one
Student’s own ideas 3 shirt; one
4 these; ones
5 the blue one
6 shoes
7 this; one
8 this; one
Exercise 1, Grammar reference Exercise 1, Grammar reference
1 a These shoes are very comfortable. 1 do 4 it 7 like
2 b What do you think of this/my jacket? 2 one 5 Are 8 going
3 b The brown coats are OK but I don’t 3 This 6 ’m
like these ones.
4 a This skirt looks good. Exercise 2B, Grammar reference
5 b I like the design on this bag / these 1b2a3b4a5a6a7b8b9a
bags. 10 a 11 a 12 b
6 b This dress is nice, but I prefer the red
one. Exercise 3, Grammar reference
1 I like travelling a lot.
10 2 I don’t like listening to music.
1 think; bit 3 I’m reading a good book at the moment.
2 of 4 Are you watching anything good at the moment?
3 really 5 What do you think of these shoes?
4 sure 6 I prefer the black ones.
1 cooking
2 the game Unit 8 Here and there
3 working
4 film Where is everyone? (pages 70-71)
5 listening to
6 these 1
7 shoes 1 take
8 watch 2 work
3 study
15 4 travel
Possible answers 5 make
1 Do you like playing football? 6 meet
2 Did you watch the new TV series last 7 get
3 I’m sleeping a lot at the moment. 2
4 It’s a really good French film. Students should tick the following collocations for
5 What are you reading? each of the seven sentences in Exercise 1:
6 What do you think of this? 1 take a friend to the airport
7 They are my favourite jeans. 2 work at home
8 What do you normally cook? 3 study for an exam
4 travel a long way
17 5 make a lot of money
Possible answers 6 meet a client
Country adjectives: American, British, 7 get something to eat
Brazilian, Chinese, Egyptian, French,
German, Japanese, Spanish 3
Colours: black, blue, brown, green, red, Possible answers
white, yellow 1 take a bus/train
Clothes: coat, dress, hat, jeans, jumper, 2 work in an office/school/hospital
shirt, shoes, skirt, socks, top, trainers, 3 study English/History/Maths
trousers, T-shirt 4 travel abroad / to the USA / fast
5 make dinner/lunch/tea
6 meet new classmates / your family / to go shopping
7 get lunch / a drink / some shopping
4 Exercise 2, Grammar reference
Possible answers 1 a rains
I’m working hard at the moment. b is/’s raining
I often travel a lot for work. 2 a is/’s working
I met a friend for coffee yesterday. b works
My sister got a new job last year. 3 a is/’s doing
b does
6 4 a meet
Possible answers b am/’m meeting
Picture a: There is a girl. She is sitting and 5 a travels
writing. b are/’re travelling
I think she is studying for an exam. 6 a is/’s staying
Picture b: A man is at the airport. There is b stays
a plane.
He is waiting. Exercise 3, Grammar reference
Picture c: There is a child on a sofa. He is 1 Yes, it is.
ill. 2 No, he’s not.
His mother is using a computer. 3 Yes, she is.
Answers 4 Yes, he is.
1c2a3b 5 No, she’s not (she is not / she isn’t).
6 Yes, it is.
8 7 No, I’m not (am not).
Answers to Exercise 7 8 Yes, it is.
1a 9 Yes, I am.
✓ 10 No, it’s not (it is not / it isn’t).
b Ulla is talking to a client.
c Katya’s not coming to the meeting. 13
d Her son is not feeling well. Kim (not Ken)
2 She’s not coming today. She’s meeting a friend.
a Emma’s studying French and Spanish.
3 15
a He’s travelling to Dubai. 1 Say thank you.
b✓ 2 Say I’m sorry.
3 Say hello/hi.
9 4 Say thank you.
1 Is … working … ; ’s meeting 5 Say hello/hi.
2 it’s not raining 6 Say I’m sorry.
3 is … doing; ’s teaching
4 Are … going; ’m staying
5 ’s not coming; ’s not feeling
6 is … taking I can’t find my keys (pages 72-73)
10 6
Possible conversations Possible answers
A: What happened to your hand? transport, jobs, shops, history, entertainment (cafés,
B: I cut it at work! restaurants, cinemas)
A: Oh no! When was that?
B: A few days ago. 7
A: What happened to your arm? Possible answers
B: I hit it at the sports centre. A: The weather in this country is good.
A: Oh, really? When? B: Yes, there’s always sun and there isn’t often rain.
B: This morning. A: I think the environment here is OK.
A: Oh, sorry. Are you OK? B: Yes. There aren’t a lot of cars and the air is good.
B: Yes, thanks. C: Here it is OK, but in the big towns it’s not
very good.
1 cut my hand 8
2 had a cold 1 are
3 (my son) broke his leg 2 is
4 had something in my eye 3 have
4 are
13 5 is
1 a few days ago 6 are
2 last week 7 have
3 on Thursday 8 have
4 this morning
14 Possible answers
Possible conversation We have almost no snow in Greece.
A: I had a really bad headache this There are a lot of police on the streets of big towns in
morning. my country.
B: Are you feeling better? There is some beautiful countryside in my country
A: Yes, a bit better. Thanks.
Exercise 1, Grammar reference
It’s a beautiful environment (pages 82-83) 1 There are lots of …
2 There’s quite a lot of …
1 3 There are no …
Possible answers 4 There’s some …
1 5 There are lots of …
A: I went on holiday two months ago. 6 There’s almost no …
B: Where did you go? 7 There’s some …
A: I went to Argentina a few years ago. 8 There are almost no …
B: What did you do there?
A: I went to see some friends.
A: I broke my arm when I was young.
B: Did it hurt?
A: Yes! But it’s OK now.
(on) average = the amount that is typical of a group
Exercise 2, Grammar reference
of people; in the middle
1 are
worse = the comparative adjective of bad
2 teachers
continue = go on; keep doing something without
3 are; women
4 water
summer = the hot months of the year
5 aren’t
6 meat
7 time
The weather in my country is better.
8 education
I think education is worse in my country.
I think the environment is better there.
Exercise 3, Grammar reference
1 Do you have a lot of universities?
2 There isn’t a lot of rain most of the
What do you think of the weather here?
Is the health system good in your country?
3 Are there a lot of police on the streets?
What do you think of the environment in Mexico?
4 We don’t have a lot of football teams in
Do you think France is safe?
my city.
5 Is there a lot of crime?
6 There aren’t a lot of guns here.
Living abroad (pages 84-85)
Students’ own ideas
Possible answers:
Difficulties in living abroad: new language, different
1 A safe country
customs, missing family and friends, problems with
2 A great environment
visas and passports, different food, getting access to
3 The health system
a health system
4 Education
5 Sport
6 The weather
1 friend
7 Food
2 go to the same school
3 mothers
4 British
97%: the number of people in Iceland
5 Vietnam
who say the water is very good
22: number 22 in the world in sports /
number of hours in a day in summer in
1 a, c, d, g, h, i
2 b, e, f, j
83: On average, people live until they are
83 years old in Iceland.
17 minutes: amount of time Icelanders
at a conference for love
see the sun on a day in December
at university for work
60%: number of people who go to
on holiday on business
university in Iceland
in the army to study
three or four: On average, it rains or
snows three or four times a week in
Possible answers
My friends Sue and Paulo moved to a new place.
They are in Spain because they like hot weather.
almost = nearly but not completely
Scotland was very cold!
guns = things that you use to shoot
My brother moved to Los Angeles for work. He works
bullets (Bang! Bang!)
with computers and there’s a lot of work there.
7 Possible answers
Possible answers Education is worse today.
A: Who is Pietro? How do you know him? We have a problem with our health system.
B: He’s my friend from work. We started Business is very good.
work on the same day in the same office. There isn’t a war in my country.
How do you know Mina?
A: She lives in the house next to me. She Exercise 1, Grammar reference
moved to the house four years ago. 1 They went
We’re friends now. 2 She’s going to take
3 I went
9 4 We’re going to visit
1 years ago 5 He plays
2 came to 6 I’m watching
3 staying with 7 She goes
4 ’s not working 8 He cooked
5 think of
6 lot of Exercise 2, Grammar reference
7 long time 1✓
8 my hand 2 I cut my hand on Monday.
9 better 3 There are lots of beautiful mountains near here.
10 quite a 4 There are lots of / There are a lot of / There are
quite a lot of problems here at the moment.
10 5✓
1 An’s sister had a baby last year. 6 She broke her arm three weeks ago.
2 Lena thinks the British health system is 7✓
bad. 8 We have almost no snow.
3 ✓ (He broke it.)
4✓ Exercises 3 and 4, Grammar reference
1 last month
11 2 three years ago
Possible questions 3 on Thursday
Have you been to India/China/the USA? 4 forty years ago
Have you been to 5 a few days ago
Paris/Sydney/Bangkok/Moscow? 6 this morning
7 this afternoon
13 8 last night
For work. 9 nine or ten years ago
Four or five years ago. 10 four or five years ago
It was very hot and busy! Exercise 5, Grammar reference
Only two days. 1 ’s almost no
2 have no
15 3 There are some
(The different sound is shown in 4 ’s a lot of
phonemic script 5 are quite a lot of
following each word.) 6 There are lots of
1 arm /ɑː/ 7 There’s almost no
2 course /ɔ:/ 8 There’s no
3 move /u:/
4 women /ɪ/
5 great /eɪ/
6 air /eə/
7 friend /e/
8 war /ɔ:/
Unit 10 News 9
Possible answers
It’s going to stay like this (pages 88-89) It’s going to be sunny tomorrow.
It’s going to be 20 degrees next weekend, but it’s
3 going to rain next week.
1 summer I’m going shopping tomorrow.
2 minus 30 Next week I’m going walking in the mountains.
3 38 degrees We’re going to stay at home in the summer.
4 change My sister’s going to university next year.
5 dry
6 heating Exercise 1, Grammar reference
7 a fire 1 Are
8 windy 2 ’s/is
3 ’re/are
4 4 ’m/am
Possible answers 5 ’re/are
Note that there is no fixed answer. 6 Is
Answers will depend on your students 7 are
and the places they come from. 8 ’m/am
air-con(ditioning) Exercise 2, Grammar reference
hot 1 You’re not / You are not / You aren’t going to lose
38 degrees (38 °C) your job.
sunny 2 I’m / I am not going to travel a lot this summer.
dry 3 Are you going to Japan?
warm 4 They’re not / They are not / They aren’t going to
Winter drive there.
heating 5 Are they going to university next year?
cold 6 Are we going to meet Anya tonight?
minus 30 (–30 °C)
rain Exercise 3, Grammar reference
wet 1 I’m going (to go) to bed early tonight.
windy 2 I’m not going to have (any) time this weekend.
fire 3 What are you going to wear to the party tonight?
4 They’re going to get married in June.
5 5 We’re going to travel there by train.
Possible answers 6 Where are you going to eat tonight?
Summer: sun, sunglasses, sun cream,
holiday Exercise 4, Grammar reference
Winter: ice, snow, ski, coat, 1c2b3f4d5e6a
snowboarding, fog, cool
6 1 no
1 rained 2 no (still cold, but worse)
2 is 3 yes
3 raining 4 yes
4 was
5 is, rains 12
1 hot (35 degrees)
8 2 cold (minus 10); nothing special
1 ’m (am); ’re (are) 3 wet (horrible); sunny (25 degrees)
2 ’s (is); ’re (are) 4 lovely (sunny/warm); windy; clean the house
3 ’s (is); ’s (is); ’s (is); are
4 ’re (are); ’s (is)
14 7
Possible questions 1 Trenčín, Slovakia (next to the river Vah and near
1 Is it going to be nice at the weekend? the Carpathian mountains)
2 Is it going to be hot later? 2 the second weekend of July
3 Are you going to the café this evening? 3 two days
4 Is your teacher married? 4 all kinds of music from all over the world
5 Does Maria have any brothers or 5 no (There are plays, art exhibitions, films, talks,
sisters? discussions, children’s lessons, etc.)
6 Does your teacher live near here? 6 around $100 per ticket (free for children under 12
with an adult)
Possible answers 8
A: Is it going to be nice at the weekend? 1 T (In the first year, it was in Trenčín’s football
B: Yes, I think so. stadium.)
A: Are you going to the café this evening? 2 F (all kinds of music from all over the world)
B: No, I don’t think so. Are you going? 3 F (Almost 30,000 people visit the festival each day.)
A: I think so. 4 F (The weather is normally hot and sunny…)
5 T (Children can learn circus skills or they can do
dancing or play games. / There is a special area
for families. / …it’s free for children…)
2 14
Possible answers 1 How about
A: I’m going to Spain in the summer. 2 Yeah, great. (also possible: OK)
We’re going to stay at a hotel near the 3 OK. (also possible: Yeah, great)
beach. Are you going on holiday? 4 How about
B: Yes, I am. I’m visiting my family next 5 I’d prefer
week and then in August I’m going to the 6 I don’t really like
USA. It’s going to be great! 7 I’ll meet you
A: Nice!
a 3 (a circus)
b 1 (a play)
c 7 (a classical concert)
d 5 (a fair)
e 8 (a comedy show)
f 6 (an exhibition [of photos])
Did you see the news? (pages 92-93) Irregular verbs:
am/is/are – was/were
1 get – got
Students’ own ideas win – won
take – took
3 see – saw
1 When? meet – met
2 How old was he? cut – cut
3 Is it a boy or a girl? cost – cost
4 How did it start? spend – spent
5 Who won? come – came
6 Did anyone die?
7 Why? 10
8 Who scored? 1 lost
9 How much? 2 opened; cost
10 How many people work there? 3 died; had
4 met; talked
4 5 snowed; were
1, 7, 9 and 10 are about the future. The 6 won; came
use of going to indicates this.
5 Students’ own ideas
Possible answers
1 next year / in the summer Exercise 1, Grammar reference
2 only 60 1 had
3 a girl 2 went
4 somebody dropped a cigarette 3 spent
5 the Green Party 4 stayed
6 I don’t think so. 5 was
7 The old airport is too small. 6 helped
8 Golovin 7 took
9 millions 8 met
10 two hundred 9 talked
10 tried
8 11 said
Regular verbs: 12 came
finish – finished
decide – decided Exercise 2, Grammar reference
open – opened 1 It cost a lot.
happen – happened 2 It took a long time.
stop – stopped 3 You tried very hard.
play – played 4 We spent a lot of money.
talk – talked 5 We won.
help – helped 6 I met her.
try – tried 7 He came to class yesterday.
use – used 8 They were very happy about it.
live on the streets Ancient history (pages 102-103)
start a business
lose your home 1
have problems with the police Students’ own answers
go to prison
have an online shop 4
Students may also suggest: Students’ own answers
go to / finish
(art) school; do well at (art) school; 5
become interested in art/politics 1 King Jeongjo
2 in the 1790s
12 3 because his father was killed there
1 when John was five 4 King Jeongjo wanted to make Suwon Hwaseong
2 after school the new capital city.
3 after he left prison 5 Some parts of the fortress were damaged in the
4 in the 1980s war in the 1950s.
5 in 1991
13 1
1 in a , so
2 After b because
3 When 2
4 when a because
5 when b , so
6 in 3
7 after a , so
8 After b because
15 a because
Possible answers b , so
I finished school when I was 16.
I finished university in 2015.
7 16
I’m studying English because I have an Possible answers
exam soon / See the full list of months on Student’s Book page 98.
I want a good job. See the extensive list of collocations about life
I chose this school because the website events on Student’s Book page 100.
was good / it’s in an interesting place.
I like where I live because the people are Exercise 1, Grammar reference
friendly / there are good cafés. 1 did; so
I like my job because the pay is good. I 2 did; in
chose it because I could live in my home 3 did; Because
city. 4 are; After
5 Is; when
Exercise 1, Grammar reference 6 are; so
1 , so 7 Can; after
2 , so 8 when; did
3 because
4 because Exercise 3, Grammar reference
5 , so 1 Can you help me in a minute?
6 , so 2 It was lovely weather when I was there.
7 because 3 It happened after I left her.
8 because 4 I can have the car when I need it.
5 I’m going there in a few weeks.
Exercise 2, Grammar reference 6 I get angry when I’m tired.
2 47 (years old)
4 2 (years)
5 5.7 (kilometres)
6 6 or 4 (metres)
7 800 (million dollars)
8 130 (hectares) (= 10,000 square metres)
10 1997
1 because the king died quite young
3 nobody knows – politics!
(The different sound is shown in
phonemic script following each word.)
1 queen /i:/
2 put /u/
3 sure /ɔ:/
4 history /ə/ (here ‘o’ is unstressed)
5 rock /ɒ/
6 May /eɪ/
7 born /ɔ:/
8 July /aɪ/
Unit 12 Thank you and goodbye 10
1 wrong
I’ll do it for you (pages 106-107) 2 lost
3 strong
1 4 full
Possible answers 5 broken
I help my family a lot. I always help my 6 low
dad to make breakfast and I sometimes 7 working
help in the garden. Last week I helped my 8 heavy
friend with his English homework. I
sometimes help tourists in my city. I give 11
them directions to places. 1d2f3a4b5h6c7g8e
Possible answers
1 I’ll cook/buy lunch.
2 I’ll call your boss.
3 I’ll go up the stairs.
4 I’ll look at the timetable / ask my mum.
What a lovely gift! (pages 108-109) I’m here to …
check out
1 collect a computer
Possible answers help you
Problems: hungry, late for a meeting, no meet Mr Hassan
space in the lift, don’t know bus times,
something wrong with computer, a bit Exercise 2, Grammar reference
lost, coffee’s not hot, the café’s very full, 1 to get some money.
glasses are broken, battery’s low, card’s 2 for dinner.
not working, the shopping’s heavy 3 for our anniversary.
Example conversation: 4 to say thanks.
A: My shopping’s very heavy. 5 to buy desks.
B: I’ll carry it for you. 6 for schools.
A: Are you sure?
B: Yes. It’s fine. I’m walking past your Exercise 3, Grammar reference
house. 1 Do we need anything to make dinner?
2 Do you have anything for headaches?
3 3 Do you need anyone to help you?
1T 4 Do you know anywhere nice for a picnic?
2 F (I’m sure some boys would love a 5 Are there any nice places for children?
present like that, but I was not one of 6 Who’s the best person to ask?
those boys!) 7 What are you getting her for her birthday?
4 F (A lot of people are happy with just a 11
thank you or some other nice words.) Possible answers
I want to get a big cake for my mother’s
4 birthday party.
1 just I need to get a new bike to ride to work. My bike
2 should is broken!
3 useful My friend bought me a card for my birthday.
4 couple My dad bought me a suitcase to put my things in
5 stuff when I go to university.
Students’ own ideas
Saying goodbye is hard to do (pages 110-111)
We explain the purpose of something 1
using for noun or to + verb. Possible answers
When you leave home in the morning: wave or give
7 a kiss or hug and say: Bye! See you later!
1 to At the end of a class or meeting: Goodbye. See you
2 for tomorrow. Have a nice evening.
3 for At the end of an evening out with friends: wave,
4 to give a kiss or a hug and say: Bye! See you. Let’s get
5 to together again soon.
6 for After staying at someone’s home: shake hands, give
7 to; for a kiss or a hug and say: Thanks for having me.
After meeting someone for the first time: shake
Exercise 1, Grammar reference hands, or possibly give a kiss and say: It was nice to
I’m here for … meet you. Hope to see you again.
an appointment
Sylvia’s birthday party
the conference
work and pleasure
When a friend or one of your family is Exercise 1, Grammar reference
going away for a long time: give them a 1 Don’t be
hug and/or a kiss and say: Goodbye. Stay 2 Tell
in touch/contact. Please call/write. 3 Don’t forget
4 Have
2 5 Send
Exercise 2 6 Have
1 enjoyed 7 Be
2 order 8 Don’t hurry
3 a call 9 Wait
4 lovely; hope 10 Don’t say
5 journey; kind
6 forgot; everything Exercise 2, Grammar reference
7 miss; hurry 1 won’t
2 will
4 3 will
Possible answers 4 won’t
I missed a train in France last year. I was 5 will
Very unhappy. I waited three hours for
the next one. 11
I hurry all the time. I’m sometimes late to 1a2b
work and I have a lot of things to do.
I don’t often forget things. I write 12
everything down in a list or in my diary. I Conversation 1: 2, 3, 5, 8
sometimes forget my cousins’ birthdays. Conversation 2: 1, 4, 6, 7, 9
I stay in contact with friends on
WhatsApp. I stay in contact with my 18
family by phone or by visiting. carry a backpack/suitcase
stand up / in the corner
5 lend me a book / your car keys
1 everything send them a letter / a text
2 having miss the train / the party
3 a call give them a card / a kiss
4 contact order a meal / a takeaway
5 back walk to work / to school
6 hope
7 journey Exercise 1, Grammar reference
8 forget 1 for
9 say 2 to
3 I’ll
7 4 be
Stay in contact. 5 Don’t
Say goodbye to your sons. 6 for
7 Don’t
8 8 won’t
1 Have 9 Have
2 Don’t be 10 I’ll
3 Be 11 Say
4 Say 12 will
5 Don’t ask
6 Hurry Exercise 3, Grammar reference
7 Send 1 Don’t forget to
8 Go; be 2 I’ll go and get something
9 Don’t work; Get 3 I’ll send someone to
10 Don’t worry; forget 4 I can’t go now, but
5 Do you know a good place
6 I don’t want to have fish
Video 6 Diwali (Page 112) 3
1 How old are you
1 2 Do you want to come
Students’ own ideas 3 How old are you going to be
4 When did you become a doctor
2 5 Do you like your job
1 F (It happens in October or
November…) 4/5
2 T (It celebrates light, hope and good See Audio script 186 below.
things in the world.) 1 so I can get
3 T (People also draw flowers on the floor 2 are you; why are you going
outside their homes. They use sand in 3 because I need; for
different colours.) 4 Get; don’t forget to
4 F (They take them food. People make 5 Wait; I’ll check
special sweets and cakes.)
5 T (On the fifth night there are 6
fireworks… People also have fireworks 1 go
at their private parties.) 2 become
3 do
4 4 celebrate
1b2b3a4b5b 5 have
6 start
5 7 live
1 happens 8 move
2 lasts
3 celebrates 7
4 put Life events: become a doctor, born in the 1980s, die
5 make in his sleep, finish school, start a business
6 visit; take History: king and queen, protect the country, repair
7 enjoy the castle, the fifteenth century
Leaving and saying goodbye: call a taxi, forget my
bag, lovely to meet you, miss my train, a sandwich
for the journey
Review 6 (page 113)
1 1 the first
1 I’ll 2 the fourth
2 so 3 the fifteenth
3 for 4 the twenty-second
4 us 5 February
5 because 6 August
6 to come 7 September
7 to 8 November
8 don’t
2 1 heavy
1 are 2 low
2 Can 3 broken
3 Do 4 wrong
4 was 5 full
5 does 6 lost
6 is 7 strong
7 were 8 empty
8 did