Steward & Gee's Experiment - GSoT - Physics Lab PDF
Steward & Gee's Experiment - GSoT - Physics Lab PDF
Steward & Gee's Experiment - GSoT - Physics Lab PDF
Out of class
At the end of watching the video the student should be able to;
1. To define what is intensity of magnetic field and on what factors does it depend on (Recall level)
2. Describe how the graph vary between distance and tan of the angle of deflection.
1. Compare the intensity of magnetic field theoretically and experimentally (Analyse level)
2. Students will be able to evaluate the intensity of magnetic field at different points along the axis of
the circular coil carrying current
3. Students will be able to calculate the value of field intensity for different values of the current and
number turns of coil (create)
To study the variation of magnetic field with distance along the axis of circular current by Stewart
and Gee’s method
Apparatus: stewart and gee’s tangent galvanometer, Rheostat, commutator, plug keys, storage cell,
ammeter (0-2 amp) and connecting wires.
Description of apparatus:
The apparatus consist of thick insulated wire wound ona circular shaped wooden frame. The frame is
fixed to be horizontal support (arms) which is graduated in cms, fixed at the middle of the scale.
There is a stand to hold the deflection magnetometer which slides on the horizontal support. The
height of the stand is such that the center of the magnetic needle lies in horizontal plane passing
through the center of the coil.
Formula Used: 1/3
12/31/2020 Steward & Gee’s Experiment – GSoT – Physics Lab
(i)Place the magnetometer compass box on the sliding bench so that its magnetic needle is at the
centre of the coil. By rotating the whole apparatus in the horizontal
plane, set the coil in the magnetic meridian roughly. In this case the coil, needle
and its image all lies in the same vertical plane. Rotate the compass box till the pointer ends read 0-0
on the circular scale.
(ii) To set the coil exactly in the magnetic meridian set up the electrical connections as in the fig. Send
the current in one direction with the help of commutator and note down the deflection of the needle.
Now reverse the direction of the current and again note down the deflection. If the deflections are
equal then the coil is in magnetic meridian otherwise turn the apparatus a li le, adjust pointer ends to
read 0-0 till these deflections become equal.
(iii) Using rheostat Rh adjust the current such that the deflections of nearly 60-60
produced in the compass needle placed at the centre of the coil. Read both the ends
of the pointer. Reverse the direction of the current and again read both the ends of
the pointer. The mean of four readings will give the mean deflection at x = 0.
(iv) Now shift the compass needle through 2cm. each time along the axis of the coil and for each
position note down the mean deflection. Continue this process till the compass box reaches the end of
the bench.
(v) Repeat the measurements exactly in the same manner on the either side of the coil.
(vi) Plot a graph taking ‘d’ ‘along the axis and tanθ along the y-axis.
(vii) Mark the points of inflexion on the curve. The distance between the two points will be the radius
of the coil.
Circuit diagram:
The graph shows the variation of the magnetic field along the axis of a circular coil carrying current. 2/3
12/31/2020 Steward & Gee’s Experiment – GSoT – Physics Lab
(ii) All the magnetic materials and current carrying conductors should be at a considerable distances
from the apparatus.
(iii) The current passed in the coil should be of such a value as to produce a deflection of nearly 60-60
(iv) Current should be checked from time to time and for this purpose an ammeter
(v) Parallax should be removed while reading the position of the pointer.
Assesment question
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