17th Scheme 7th Sem PDF

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Department of Automobile Engineering

P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, (An Autonomous Institution under VTU)

Scheme of Teaching And Examination VII Semester B.E.

Teaching Hrs/ Week Examination
SL. Subject Total
Title of the Subject Dept. Pattern Marks
No Code Credits
L : T : P:H CIE SEE Total
1 P17AU 71 Electric & Hybrid Vehicles AUTO 4:0:0:4 4 50 50 100
2 P17AU 72 Vehicle body Engineering and safety AUTO 4:0:0:4 4 50 50 100
3 P17AU 73 Vehicle dynamics, AUTO 4:1:0:5 4 50 50 100
4 P17AU 74* Elective – IV : AUTO 4:0:0:4 3 50 50 100
5 P17AU 75* Open Elective – I AUTO 4:0:0:4 3 50 50 100
6 P17AU L76 Automotive Testing and Servicing Lab AUTO 1:0:2:3 1.5 50 50 100
7 P17AU L77 Diagnosis and Reconditioning Lab AUTO 1:0:2:3 1.5 50 50 100
8 P17AU78 Project Work Phase-I AUTO 0:0:4:4 2 - 50 50
Total 23 350 400 750

List of Electives
Elective-4 Open Elective-1
Sl. Sl Course
Course Code Course Title Course Code
No No Code
1 P17AU741 Transport Management & Motor 1 P17AU751 Automotive Engine and systems
Vehicle Act

P17 Scheme, IV Year VII sem Syllabus Page 1

Department of Automobile Engineering
P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, (An Autonomous Institution under VTU)

Course title: Electric & Hybrid Vehicles

Course code: P17AU71 Semester: VII L – T – P -H:4-0-0-4 Credits: 4
Contact period-lecturer: 52hrs. Exam:3 hrs Weightage:CIE:50%; SEE:50%

Course content
Electric vehicles: Introduction: Limitations of IC Engines as prime mover, History of EVs, EV
system, components of EV, Basic Structure-Electric vehicle drive train-advantages and limitations.
Configuration of electric vehicle, performance of electric vehicle, traction motor characteristics,
tractive effort and transmission requirement , vehicle performance , tractive effort in normal driving
,energy consumption.
SSC: Study and list the Indian electric vehicle 10 Hrs
Electric Machines and Drives in EVs
Introduction to electric components used in electric vehicles, Configuration and control of DC Motor
drives, Configuration and control of Induction Motor drives, configuration and control of Permanent
Magnet Motor drives, Configuration and control of Switch Reluctance Motor drives, drive system
Energy Storage Technology: Battery basics, different types of batteries (lead-acid battery / Lithium
/ Alkaline), High discharge capacitors, flywheels, battery parameters.
SSC: Study the motor fitted to any one electric vehicle 11 Hrs

Power train Optimization
Power train Modeling Techniques: Forward-Facing Vehicle Model Backward-Facing Vehicle
Model. Comparison of Forward-Facing and Backward-Facing Models. Defining Performance
Criteria: Tank-to-Wheel Emissions and Well-to-wheel Emissions. Modular Power train Structure:
Framework of Proposed Toolbox, Modular Power train Structure. Optimizer.
Optimization Problem: Case Studies: Optimization of Power train Topology and Component Sizing
Case Study 1: Tank-to-Wheel versus Well-to-Wheel CO2. Lowest Well-to-Wheel CO2 Emissions,
Lowest Tank-to-Wheel CO2 Emission, Multi objective Optimization
SSC: Study any one power train structure adopted in existing electric vehicle 10 Hrs

Hybrid Electric Vehicles - concept of hybrid electric drive trains
Hybrid architecture: series configuration- locomotive drives, series parallel switching, load tracking
architecture. Pre transmission parallel and combined configurations-mild hybrid, power assist, dual
mode, power split, power split with shift, continuously variable transmission (CVT). Wheel motors.
Different hybrid vehicles on the road; at least three modes.
SSC: Study the any one existing vehicle architecture 10 Hrs

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Department of Automobile Engineering
P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, (An Autonomous Institution under VTU)

Fuel cells: Fuel cell characteristics, fuel cell types - alkaline fuel cell, proton exchange membrane,
direct methanol fuel cell, phosphoric acid fuel cell, molten carbonate fuel cell, solid oxide fuel cell,
hydrogen storage systems, reformers, fuel cell EV.
Fundamentals of Regenerative Braking
Braking Energy Consumed in Urban Driving, Braking Energy versus Vehicle Speed. Braking
Energy, versus Braking Power, Braking Power versus Vehicle Speed Braking Energy versus Vehicle
Deceleration Rat, Braking Energy on Front and Rear Axles, Brake System of EV, HEV, and FCV:
Parallel Hybrid Brake System.
SSC: Study the braking system adopted in Indian electric vehicle 11 Hrs

Text Books:
1. Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles, Third Edition, CRC Press Taylor
& Francis Group, 6000 ken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742
2. Iqbal Husain “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design fundamentals”. CRC Press, 2011.

Reference Books:
1. Hybrid Electric Vehicle System Modeling and Control - Wei Liu, General Motors, USA,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2017.
2. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Tom Denton, Taylor & Francis, 2018.
3. James Laminie and John Lowry. “Electric Vehicle Technology – Explained’, CRC Press

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Department of Automobile Engineering
P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, (An Autonomous Institution under VTU)

Course Title: Vehicle Body Engineering & safety

Course Code: P17AU72 Semester: VII L:T:P:H -4:0:0:4 Credits: 4
Contact Period-Lecturer: 52Hrs. Exam:3 Hrs Weightage:CIE:50%; SEE:50%
Course Content
CAR BODY AND BUS BODY DETAILS Types of car bodies Constructional details of a
passenger car. Visibility: Regulation, Driver's visibility, Methods of improving visibility.
CLASSIFICATION OF BUS BODIES – Based on distance traveled, Based on capacity of the bus
and based on style & shape. Types of metal section used in the construction and regulations.
Construction of conventional and integral type buses& comparison. Different types of seating
SSC: Commercial vehicle body layouts & types 12Hrs

body construction-Steel sheet, timber, plastics, GRP, properties of materials. Body trim items-body
mechanisms. corrosion: Anticorrosion methods, Modern painting process procedure-paint problems.
Hand tools-power tools-panel repair-repairing sheet metal-repairing.
SSC: Plastics-body fillers-passenger compartment service. 10Hrs

AERODYNAMICS Types of aerodynamic drag. Forces and moments influencing drag. Effects of
forces and moments. Various body optimization techniques for minimum drag. Principle of wind
tunnel technology. Testing with wind tunnel balance (scale models).
SSC: Flow visualization techniques 10Hrs

DESIGN OF AUTOMOTIVE BODY AND SAFETY Introduction to automotive safety systems -
Design of the body for safety - engine location - concept of crumble zone - safety sandwich
construction - deformation behavior of vehicle body - speed and acceleration characteristics of
passenger compartment on impact.
SSC: Collapsible steering column, tiltable steering wheel, air bags. 10 Hrs

Load Distribution: Types of load carrying structures -closed, integral, open, flat types. Calculation
of loading cases- static, asymmetric, vertical loads. Load distribution, stress analysis of structure,
body shell analysis.
CRASH WORTHINESS Definition – Requirements – Tests – component, sled and full-scale
barrier impacts-Active safety: driving safety, conditional safety, perceptibility safety, operating
SSC: Passive safety: exterior safety, interior safety. 10 Hrs

Text Book
1. Heinz Heisler, “Advanced Vehicle Technology”, 2 nd edition, Butterworth – Heinemann, 2002.
2. Wolf-Heinrich Hucho, “Aerodynamics of road vehicles”, 4th edition, 2000.
3. Vivek D. “Ergonomics in the Automotive Design Process” Bhise publisher CRC press, Taylor and
Francis group.

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Department of Automobile Engineering
P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, (An Autonomous Institution under VTU)

1. John Fenton, “Vehicle Body layout and analysis”, Mechanical Engineering Publication Ltd.,
2. Hand book on vehicle body design – SAE publication
3. Vehicle Safety 2002, Cornwell press, Town Bridge, UK, ISBN 1356 -1448.
4. Redesign of bus bodies – part I & part II – CIRT, Pune (Report), 1983
5. Ed W.H. Hucho, Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles, 4th Edition, Butter worth’s 1987

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Department of Automobile Engineering
P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, (An Autonomous Institution under VTU)

Course Title: Vehicle Dynamics

Course Code: P17AU73 Semester: VII L:T:P:H -4:1:0:5 Credits:4
Contact Period-Lecturer: 52Hrs. Exam:3 Hrs Weightage:CIE:50%; SEE:50%
Course Content
Introduction: introduction to vehicle dynamics, the driver-vehicle-ground system, SAE vehicle
coordinate system.
Tire fundamentals: desirable tire properties, tire force and movements, rolling resistance of tier,
factors affecting the rolling resistance of tire. Tire construction, Bias-ply tire, and radial –ply tire,
Performance of tyre of wet road, hydro planning, ride properties of tyres, static stiffness, non rolling
dynamic stiffness, rolling dynamic stiffness, specification of tire, factors affecting tire life.
Acceleration performance: power for propulsion, air resistance, rolling resistance, grade resistance,
traction and traction effort, road performance curve, calculation of equivalent weight, Numerical
SSC: Calculate total resistance of any two Indian vehicle 10 Hrs.

Vehicle stability: stability on level ground, vehicle taking turn on level ground, stability on inclined
ground, stability of vehicle running on a banked track, maximum achievable acceleration on level
road and inclined road (Front, rear & four wheeldrive) determination of centre of gravity of a
vehicle, transverse weight shift due to drive torque, effect of C.G position on maximum achievable
acceleration, stability of two and three wheeler vehicles and Numerical problems.
SSC: Calculate maximum acceleration for Indian vehicle 10 Hrs.

Braking system and performance: braking requirements, construction and comparison of drum
brake and disc brake, Energy of motion and frictional force, brake balance, stopping distance, brake
fade, work done in brakes, braking efficiency, load transfer during braking, brake applied to rear
wheels, max braking force and load distribution on level and inclined road (frank, rear & all wheel
balanced) brake proportioning, behavior of vehicle when wheels locked conditions for wheel lockup,
antilock brake system., Numerical problems.
SSC: Calculate maximum braking force for Indian vehicle 10 Hrs.

Handling characteristics of road vehicles: steering geometry, effect of camber, kingpin inclination,
castor, toe-in, toe-out, condition for true rolling, turning circle radius.
Ackerman linkage geometry – analytical and graphical solution, four wheel steering.
Cornering properties of tiers – cornering force, slip angle, self aligning torque,
Steady state handling characteristics: fundamental equation, neutral steer, under steer, over steer,
steady state response to steering input, yaw velocity response, lateral acceleration response,
curvature response, testing of handling characteristics and Numerical problems.
SSC: Construct steering error curve for any two Indian vehicle 11 Hrs.
Vehicle ride characteristics: Source of vibration in vehicle, human comfortable criteria vehicle ride
models, two – degrees of freedom vehicle model for sprung and unsprung mass, two degrees of
freedom vehicle model for pitch and bounce, introduction to random vibration, frequency response
function, evolution of vehicle vibration.
Aerodynamics: mechanics of air flow around vehicles, pressure distribution on a vehicle,
aerodynamics forces and moments. Effect of shape, angle of attack, operation parameters on drag
and lift, aerodynamic aids.
SSC: study the various type of damping system provided to Indian vehicle. 11 Hrs.

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Department of Automobile Engineering
P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, (An Autonomous Institution under VTU)

Text Books:
1. J.Y.Wong, “Theory of Ground Vehicles”, Wiley publications-2008. ISBN: 978-0-470-17038-0
1. Thomas D. Gillespie, “Fundamentals of Vehicle DynamicsSAE -2018. ISBN-13: 978-
1560911999 ISBN-10: 1560911999
2. N.K.Giri, “Automobile Mechanics” Khanna publications-2014. ISBN 10: 8174092161 / ISBN 13:
3. Reza N.Jazar, “Vehicle Dynamics” springer publications-2014. ISBN: 978-1-4614-8544-5

P17 Scheme, IV Year VII sem Syllabus Page 7

Department of Automobile Engineering
P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, (An Autonomous Institution under VTU)

Course Title: Transport Management & Motor Vehicle Act

Course Code: P17AU741 Semester: VII L:T:P:H -4:0:0:4 Credits: 3
Contact Period-Lecturer: 52Hrs. Exam:3 Hrs Weightage:CIE:50%; SEE:50%

Course Content
Transport Management
History of transport with special reference to Road Transport in India, Modes of Road Transport,
organization, structure of fleet organization, Road worthiness requirement maintenance of records,
prevention and analysis of road accident,[1] Emphasis of safe driving annual awards, Bonus
encouragement, Platform layout, Safety devices. Infrastructure, road network, Bus priorities, Bus -
stops, shelters, Bus stations facilities for passengers,[2]Garages, types of garage, location, layout,
selection of site, garage organization, Function, requirement of facilities, legal provisions for depot.
Layouts, inspection of faulty vehicle, estimation of repairs, test reports. [1,2]Vehicle Design, Design
Considerations, Design Options, Standardization, Safety, Convenience, Comfort, Security,
Environmental Standards, Raising Standards. Garage Stores. [1]
SSC: Fleet Maintenance–Preventive, Breakdown, Maintenance Standards Schedules. 10Hrs.

Organization Management
Forms of Ownership, Principle of Transport, Management–Internal organization, Centralized &
Decentralized condition (Engineering, Traffic, Secretarial), Administration. Personnel Management
and Training, training& for drivers & conductors, Staffing Levels, Staff Selection, Recruitment and
Training, Discipline and Incentives. Factors affecting punctuality. Public Relations Divisions
Dissemination of information, maintaining of goodwill-handling of complaints, Co-operation with
the press news and articles, Forms of publicity. [2,3]
SSC : Importance of quality, Inter departmental liaison advertisements, and Specialized publicity.
Route Planning & Schedules
source of traffic, survey of route, preliminary schedule, test runs, factors affecting frequency,
direction of traffic flow, community of interest, estimating, traffic volume, probable weekday
travelers, passengers during various periods of the day, Estimation of traffic flow- frequency,
estimated number of passengers, estimated traffic, possibility of single verses double deck and
frequency. Timings, Bus workings and Schedules-Time table layout, uses of flat graph method of
presentation, preparation of vehicle and crew schedule preparation of the duty roster, , duty
arrangements Source of traffic, Town planning, turning points, Stopping places, Numerical
SSC: Cooperation with employers, use of the vehicle running numbering determination of vehicle
efficiency checking efficiency of crew 11Hrs.

Fare collections, Fare structure, Operating cost and types of vehicles

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Department of Automobile Engineering
P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, (An Autonomous Institution under VTU)

Need, Principles of collection, tickets and its types mechanical ticket machines, one-man operation,
two stream boarding, pre-paid tickets, tickets exchanges, the fare box, electronic ticket machines,
box system personal and common stock flat fare platform control.[2,3]Fare structure: Basis of fares,
concession fares, straight and tapered scale elastic and inelastic demand co-ordination of fares,
concessions fares for workman, standard layout of fare table, anomalies double booking inter
availability through booking and summation, private hire charges. Operating cost and types of
vehicles: Classification of costs, average speed, running costs, supplementary costs, depreciation
obsolescence, factor affecting cost per vehicles mile incidence of wages and overheads.[2]
SSC: life of vehicles, sinking fund, types of vehicle, economic considerations 11Hrs.

Motor Vehicle Act
Short titles & definitions, Laws governing to use of motor vehicle & vehicle transport, Licensing of
drivers & conductors, Registration of vehicle, State & interstate permits, Traffic rules, Signals &
controls, Accidents, Causes & analysis, Liabilities & preventive measures, Design of road complex,
Responsibility of driver, Public & public authorities, Offences, penalties & procedures, Personnel,
Authorities & duties, Rules & regulations, Rules regarding construction of motor vehicles. Taxation
and Insurance of vehicle [1].
SSC: Different types of forms. Government administration structure 10Hrs.
Note: Numbers in Brackets [X] indicate Text book

Text Book:
1. V.S. Khilery, Dr. Satpal Sharma, Er.Shaman Gupta, Motor vehicle act and Transport
Management, Ishan Publications, First Edition 2016-17
2. L D Kitchen ―Bus operationǁ, ILIFFE & sons, London [Unit1-8]
3. Rex W. Faulks, Bus& coach operation, Butterworth Version Of 1988, London (ISBN-
10: 0408028106, ISBN-13: 978-0408028103)

Reference Books:
1. P.G.Patankar, "Road Passenger Transport in India", CIRT, Pune.
2. Transport Management and Motor Vehicle act.-Dilip M kupade
3. Government Motor Vehicle Act –Publication on latest act to be used as on date

P17 Scheme, IV Year VII sem Syllabus Page 9

Department of Automobile Engineering
P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, (An Autonomous Institution under VTU)

Course Title: Automotive Engines and Systems (Open Elective-I)

Course Code: P17AU751 Semester: VII L:T:P:H -4:0:0:4 Credits: 3
Contact Period-Lecturer: 52Hrs. Exam:3 Hrs Weightage:CIE:50%; SEE:50%
Course Learning Objectives (CLOs)
At the end of the course the student should able to
a) Explain the combustion and working of IC engines
b) explain the different ways of fuel supplied to SI and CI engines
c)explain the different ignition system and super charging systems
d) Explain about necessity of lubrication and cooling in IC engines and different methods
e) measure and analyze different engine parameters
Course content
Introduction to IC engines:
Energy conversion, basic engine components, working principle of engines, classification of IC
engines, combustion in SI and CI engines ,stages of combustion in SI and CI engines
SSC: rotary engines 10 Hrs
Fuel supply system in SI and CI engines, principle of carburetion , simple carburetor, essential
parts of carburetor, automobile carburetors, petrol injection system, multipoint injection system,
Diesel fuel supply system, different types of fuel injection systems like inline injection, distributor
SSC: electronic diesel control system 11Hrs
Ignition system, super charging and turbo charging:
Introduction, battery ignition, magneto ignition, modern ignition system, spark advance mechanism,
supercharging, objects of supercharging, super charging limits for SI and CI engines, methods of
supercharging and turbo charging
SSC: capacitor discharge system 11Hrs
lubrication and cooling systems
Variation of gas temperature, piston and cylinder temperature distribution, need for cooling,
different liquid and air cooled systems. Function of lubrication, lubrication systems, properties of
lubricants, SAE rating of lubricants
SSC: synthetic oils 10Hrs
Engine testing and performance parameters: engine power and its measurements Different types of
dynamometer , engine efficiency , pollutants from SI and CI engines, Different instrument for
pollution measurements
SSC : Emission control techniques 10Hrs

Text Books
•V . Ganesan-" Internal combustion engines, 4th edition , 2014
•M L Mathur and R P sharma, " Internal combustion engines,

1. S S Thipse, " Internal combustion engines, 2012
2. Dr. Kirpal singh, "Automobile engineering vol . 2, 12 edition ., 2011

P17 Scheme, IV Year VII sem Syllabus Page 10

Department of Automobile Engineering
P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, (An Autonomous Institution under VTU)

Course Title: Automotive Testing and Servicing Lab

Course Code: P17AUL76 Semester: VII L:T:P:H -1:0:2:3 Credits:1.5
Contact Period-Lecturer: 39Hrs. Exam: 3Hrs Weightage:CIE:50%; SEE:50%
Course content

1. Conduct performance test on single cylinder SI engine (Hero Honda, Bajaj)

2. Conduct performance test on multi cylinder SI engine( Fiat, Maruthi MPFI )
3. Conduct performance test on single cylinder CI engine (Kirloskar)
4. Conduct performance test on multi cylinder CI engine (TATA 407,Mahindra Maxima)
5. Conduct Morse test on SI engine to find FP, IP, indicated thermal efficiency and mechanical
efficiency Fiat Engine
6. Conduct Morse test on CI engine to find FP, IP, indicated thermal efficiency and mechanical
efficiency (Kirloskar)
7. Study of engine performance using alternate fuels like alcohol, bio diesel and LPG
8. Test the performance of single cylinder CI engine by varying compression ratio (VCR)
9. Optimizing the performance of SI engine by varying the ignition timing
10. Diagnose the engine using engine analyzer and advanced Engine diagnostic equipment.
11. Conduct performance test on universal test rig
12. Engine diagnosis by KTS-590
13. Gas Analyzer for petrol engine

Text books
1. Dr. N K Giri , automobile mechanics, khanna publishers, eight edition , 2014 ISBN 10:
8174092161 / ISBN 13: 9788174092168
2. Dr v Ganeshan , Internal combustion engines, Mc Graw hill, publication , fourth edition 2013
ISBN 10: 1259006190 / ISBN 13: 9781259006197
3. Auto lab manuals

P17 Scheme, IV Year VII sem Syllabus Page 11

Department of Automobile Engineering
P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, (An Autonomous Institution under VTU)

Course Title: Diagnosis And Reconditioning Lab

Course Code: P17AUL77 Semester: VII L:T:P:H- 1:0:2:3 Credits: 1.5
Contact period : Lecture: 39 Hrs. Exam 3 Hrs. Weightage : CIE:50%; SEE:50%
Course Content
1. Inspection of vehicles and preparation of test charts.
2. Tuning of Engines: Check for ignition timing, valve tappet clearance, Radiator flushing and
check for leaks etc.,
3. Study and practice on :
• Connecting rod alignment
• Cylinder Reboring Machine
• Valve Refacing Machine
• Nozzle grinding Machine
• Brake drum skimming Machine
4. Servicing of components like FIP, Carburetor, Fuel pump, Exhaust pipes and Silencer,
Lubricating system, Air compressor, shock absorber, Calibrations of FIP.

1. Study and practice of wheel alignment (Mechanical and computerized) and wheel balancing
2. Study of tyre retreading and vulcanizing (Using Tyre changer)
3. Study and practice on body repairs – tinkering and painting
4. Students have to visit at least three different automotive industries in which at least one
automotive manufacturing unit. Report to be submitted on Industrial visit.

Text books
1. Mathur and Sharma - Internal combustion engines,
2. Auto service lab manuals

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