Final Date Sheet For Leftover / Session Exprie / Supply Cases From Sessions 2011-2020 For Affliated Colleges

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Final Date sheet For Leftover / Session Exprie / Supply Cases From Sessions 2011-2020 For Affliated Colleges


1 Associate Degree in Accounting and Finance 28-12-20 9:00 2016-2018 1 COM-303 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS
2 Associate Degree in Accounting and Finance 29-12-20 9:00 2016-2018 1 COM-301 PRINCIPLE OF ACCOUNTING
3 Associate Degree in Accounting and Finance 30-12-20 9:00 2016-2018 2 COM-501 PRINCIPLE OF MANAGEMENT
4 Associate Degree in Accounting and Finance 31-12-20 9:00 2016-2018 2 COM-503 PRINCIPLE OF MARKETING
5 Associate Degree in Accounting and Finance 01-01-21 9:00 2016-2018 4 CSI-404 Computer Archituchture
6 Associate Degree in Computer Science 29-12-20 11:00 2016-2018 2 CSI-302 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING
7 Associate Degree in Computer Science 30-12-20 11:00 2016-2018 2 ENG-321 Functional English
8 Associate Degree in Computer Science 31-12-20 11:00 2016-2018 2 CSI-405 / 503 INTRODUCTION TO DATABSAE SYSTEM
9 Associate Degree in Computer Science 29-12-20 13:00 2016-2018 3 CSI-401 DATA STRUCTURE AND ALGORITHMS
10 Associate Degree in Computer Science 30-12-20 13:00 2016-2018 3 CSI-403 DIGITAL LOGIC AND DESIGN
11 Associate Degree in Computer Science 31-12-20 13:00 2016-2018 3 BBA-406 FUNDAMENTAL OF MARKETING
12 Associate Degree in Computer Science 01-01-21 13:00 2016-2018 3 STA-321 Introduction to Statistical Theory
13 Associate Degree in Computer Science 02-01-21 13:00 2016-2018 3 SWE-402 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
14 Associate Degree in Computer Science 04-01-21 13:00 2016-2018 3 CSI-501 WEB ENGINEERING
15 Associate Degree in Computer Science 29-12-20 9:00 2016-2018 4 CSI-504 / 604 COMPUTER GRAPHICS
16 Associate Degree in Computer Science 30-12-20 9:00 2016-2018 4 CSI-508 VISUAL PROGRAMMING
17 Associate Degree in Computer Science 01-01-21 9:00 2016-2018 4 CSI-404 Computer Archituchture
18 Associate Degree in Computer Science 30-12-21 10:00 2017-2019 1 MTH-323 Calculus and analytical geometry
19 Associate Degree in Computer Science 01-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 1 PHY-323 Basic Electronics
20 Associate Degree in Computer Science 02-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 1 MTH-323 Calculus and analytical geometry
21 Associate Degree in Information Technology 04-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 3 STA-321 Probability and Statistics
22 Associate Degree in Information Technology 05-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 3 ENG-422 Technical Writing
23 B.Sc. Chemical Engineering Technology 02-01-21 13:00 2015-2019 3 CHT-201 BASIC THERMODYNAMICS
24 B.Sc. Chemical Engineering Technology 05-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 2 CHT-304 Technical Drawing
25 B.Sc. Chemical Engineering Technology 01-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 3 CHT-405 Basic process calculation
26 B.Sc. Chemical Engineering Technology 04-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 3 CHT-407 Machanics of materials
27 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 30-12-20 10:00 2014-2018 3 CTHU-202 Communication Skills-II
28 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 31-12-20 10:00 2014-2018 3 CT-204 Concrete Technology - I
29 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 01-01-21 10:00 2014-2018 3 CT-205 Structrual Mechnics
30 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 02-01-21 10:00 2014-2018 3 CT-203 Surveying and Application of GIS in Civil Technology
31 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 04-01-21 10:00 2014-2018 3 CTMA-201 Statistics And Numerical Methods
32 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 29-12-20 11:00 2015-2019 1 CLT-301 Engineering Geology
33 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 30-12-20 11:00 2015-2019 1 CTM-104 Engineering Geology
34 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 31-12-20 11:00 2015-2019 1 CTMA-10 Applied Mathematics
35 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 31-12-20 12:00 2015-2019 2 ELT-407 Electronic-I
36 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 01-01-21 13:00 2015-2019 3 CLT-401 Surveying And Application of GIS in Civil Technology
37 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 02-01-21 13:00 2015-2019 4 CLT-402 Soil Mechanics
38 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 04-01-21 13:00 2015-2019 4 CLT-506 Steel Structure
39 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 01-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 6 CLT-504 / CET-522 Introduction to Architecture and Town Planning
40 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 01-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 7 CLT-607 Computer Application In Civil Technology
41 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 29-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 CET-313 Professional Ehtics
42 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 30-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 CLT-301 Engineering Geology
43 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 31-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 CLT-303 / MECHANICS OF MATERIALS
44 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 01-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 1 CLT-305 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS
45 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 02-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 1 CSI-321 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING APPLICATIONS
46 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 04-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 1 MTH-321 MATHEMATICS-I
47 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 29-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 2 CLT-304 Fluid Mechanics
48 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 30-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 2 CLT-306 Surveying
49 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 31-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 2 CLT-308 Technical Drawing
50 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 01-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 2 ELT-407 Electronics-I
51 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 02-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 2 ISL-321 Islamic Studies
52 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 04-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 2 PHY-310 Materials and Methods of Construction
53 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 30-12-20 9:00 2016-2020 3 STA-321 Introduction to Statistical Theory
54 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 29-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 4 CLT-402 Soil Mechanics
55 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 30-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 4 CLT-404 Hydraulics Machinery
56 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 31-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 4 CLT-406 Water Supply and Waste Water Management
57 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 01-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 4 CLT-408 Quantity surveying and cotract douments
58 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 02-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 4 PST-321 Pakistan Studies
59 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 29-12-20 13:00 2016-2020 5 CLT-501 Soil Investigations
60 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 30-12-20 13:00 2016-2020 5 CLT-503 Hydrology
61 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 31-12-20 13:00 2016-2020 5 CLT-505 Bridge Technology
62 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 01-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 5 CLT-507 Concrete Technology
63 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 02-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 5 CLT-509 Engineering Economics
64 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 04-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 5 ENG-321 Functional English
65 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 29-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 6 CET-522 Introduction to Architecture and Town Planning
66 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 30-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 6 CLT-502 Environmental Management
67 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 31-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 6 CLT-506 Steel Structure
68 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 01-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 6 CLT-508 Renewable energy sources
69 B.Sc. Civil Engineering Technology 02-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 6 CLT-512 Engineering management
70 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 12:00 2013-2017 5 ET-311. Microcontrollers
71 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 02-01-21 12:00 2013-2017 6 ET-365 Electrification and Energy Auditing
72 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 31-12-20 12:00 2013-2017 6 ET-325 Power Plant Technology
73 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 12:00 2013-2017 7 ET-401. Supervised Industrial Training / Projects
74 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 9:00 2015-2019 1 ELT-114 Applied Physics
75 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 10:00 2015-2019 2 MTH-322 MATHEMATICS II
76 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 11:00 2015-2019 3 ELT-405 Digital Logic Design
77 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 31-12-20 11:00 2015-2019 3 ELT-401 Electrical Machines-I
78 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 01-01-21 11:00 2015-2019 3 ELT-407 Electronics - I
79 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 02-01-21 11:00 2015-2019 3 ENG-322 English Comprehension and Composition
80 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 04-01-21 11:00 2015-2019 3 ELT-403 Network Analysis
81 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 02-01-21 13:00 2015-2019 4 ELT-402 Electronics II
82 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 04-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 6 ELT-502 Industrial Electronics
83 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 04-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 7 ELT-607 High Voltage Technology
84 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 05-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 7 ELT-605 Power electronics
85 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 29-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 ACH-321 Applied chemistry
86 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 ELT-301 / Electrical technology
87 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 31-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 MTH-321 Mathematics-I
88 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 01-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 1 PHY-301 Mechanics-I
89 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 9:00 2016-2020 2 ELT-305 Professional Ethics
90 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 31-12-20 9:00 2016-2020 3 MTH-423 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND TRANSFORMS
91 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 29-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 4 ELT-402 Electronics II
92 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 4 ELT-406 Power generation and utilization
93 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 31-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 4 ELT-409 SIGNAL AND SYSTEM
94 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 29-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 5 EET-505 Control technology
95 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 5 ELE-508 Electrical measurement and instrument
96 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 31-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 5 EET-503 Industrial Drives and PLC
97 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 01-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 5 ELT-511 Linear Control System
98 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 02-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 5 ELT-505 Networking Technologies
99 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 04-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 5 ELE-553 Networking Technology
100 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 05-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 5 ELT-503 Power Transmission system
101 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 06-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 5 EET-501 Switch gear and protective drives
102 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 13:00 2016-2020 6 ELT-507 Communication Systems
103 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 01-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 6 ELT-609 Electrical apliances and safety techniques
104 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 02-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 6 ELT-506 Fundamental of space and communication technology
105 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 04-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 6 ELT-502 Industiral electronics
106 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 05-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 6 ELT-504 Power system protection techniques
107 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 29-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 7 ELE-605 Power electronics
108 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 31-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 7 ELE-510 Power Plant Technology
109 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 29-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 7 ELT-601 Renewable Energy Technologies 3(3-0)
110 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 7 ELT-603 Technology Management 3(3-0)
111 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 31-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 7 ELT- 512 Circuit Breakers And Substations 3(3-0)
112 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 01-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 7 ELT-510 Power Plants Technology 4(3-1)
113 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Technology 02-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 7 PS-111 Pak Studies 2(2-0)
114 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 11:00 2015-2019 2 MTH-322 MATHEMATICS II
115 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 31-12-20 11:00 2015-2019 3 MLT-403 Applied Mechanics
116 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 01-01-21 11:00 2015-2019 5 MLT-509 Inspection And Quality Control
117 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 02-01-21 11:00 2015-2019 6 MLT-506 / Industrial Thermal Utilities
118 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 04-01-21 11:00 2015-2019 7 MLT-607 Machining Technology-2
119 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 05-01-21 11:00 2015-2019 7 MLT-601 Power Plant Technology
120 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 31-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 2 MTH-322 Mathematics - II
121 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 01-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 3 MLT-401 Materials Technology
122 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 02-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 3 MLT-405 / Strength of Materials
123 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 04-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 3 MLT-407 Thermodynamics for Technologists
124 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 30-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 4 MLT-402 Fluid Flow process
125 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 05-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 4 MLT-404 Basic mechanics of machine
126 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 06-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 5 MLT-505 Instrumentation Technology
127 B.Sc.Mechanical Engineering Technology 07-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 6 MLT-506 Industrial Thermal Utilities
128 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 01-01-21 11:00 2017-2019 1 FIN-301 Financial Accounting
129 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 02-01-21 11:00 2017-2019 1 MGT-401 principal of management
130 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 04-01-21 11:00 2017-2019 1 MGT-502 Management information system
131 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 05-01-21 11:00 2017-2019 1 MTH-306 Business mathematics
132 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 01-12-21 12:00 2017-2019 2 FIN-402 Business finance
133 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 03-01-21 13:00 2017-2019 3 FIN-401 Managerial Accounting
134 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 04-01-21 13:00 2017-2019 3 MKT-402 Marketing Management
135 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 05-01-21 14:00 2017-2019 4 MGT-513 Business law
136 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 30-12-20 9:00 2018-2020 1 FIN-301 Financial Accounting - I
137 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 31-12-20 9:00 2018-2020 1 MGT-401 Principles of Management
138 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 01-12-21 9:00 2018-2020 1 STA-304 Business Statistics
139 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 31-12-20 10:00 2018-2020 2 FIN-302 Financial Accounting II
140 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 01-12-21 10:00 2018-2020 2 FIN-402 Business finance
141 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 30-12-20 12:00 2018-2020 4 MGT-502 Information and communication technology
142 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 31-12-20 12:00 2018-2020 4 MGT-504 Business Research Methods
143 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 01-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 4 MGT-601 Entrepreneurship
144 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 02-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 4 MKT-501 Consumer Behavior
145 BBA Banking and finance 31-12-20 15:00 2013-2017 5 Bank Auditing
146 BBA Banking and finance 01-01-21 15:00 2013-2017 7 International Banking
147 BBA Banking and finance 02-01-21 15:00 2013-2017 8 Money and Capital
148 BBA Banking and finance 30-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 BBF-302 Introduction to finance
149 BBA Business Administration 31-12-20 10:00 2015-2019 1 BBA-305 Freshman English
150 BBA Business Administration 01-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 3 PST-321 Pak Studies
151 BBA Business Administration 30-12-20 12:00 2015-2019 3 SOC-307 Socialogy
152 BBA Business Administration 04-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 3 STA-322 Introduction to Statistical Theory I
153 BBA Business Administration 01-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 4 BMS-402 Business Communication
154 BBA Business Administration 02-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 4 STA-323 Statistical Inferences
155 BBA Business Administration 04-01-21 15:00 2015-2019 8 BMS-552 Enterpreneurship
156 BBA Business Administration 29-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 BMS-301 INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
157 BBA Business Administration 30-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 2 MTH-321 Mathematics-I
158 BBA Business Administration 31-12-20 9:00 2016-2020 3 FIN-401 Cost & Managerial Accounting
159 BBA Business Administration 29-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 4 BMS-406 Fundamentals of Marketing
160 BBA Business Administration 30-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 4 BMS-408 Bussiness finance
161 BBA Business Administration 31-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 4 BMS-410 Principles of Management
162 BBA Business Administration 01-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 4 STA-323 Introduction to Statistical Theory-II
163 BBA Business Administration 29-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 5 BMS-505 Business research methods
164 BBA Business Administration 30-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 5 BMS-507 Organizational Behaviour
165 BBA Business Administration 31-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 5 ECO-408 Issues of Pakistan Economy
166 BBA Business Administration 29-12-20 13:00 2016-2020 6 BMS-502 Money and banking
167 BBA Business Administration 31-12-20 13:00 2016-2020 6 BMS-506 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
168 BBA Business Administration 01-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 6 BMS-508 Business ethics
169 BBA Business Administration 02-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 6 BMS-510 Bussiness Law
170 BBA Business Administration 04-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 6 BMS-504 Consumer Behavior
171 BBA Business Administration 31-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 7 BMS-551 operational / protection management
172 BBA Business Administration 01-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 BMS-553 International Business
173 BBA Business Administration 02-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 BMS-560 Essential of Training & Development
174 BBA Business Administration 04-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 BMS-579 Sales Management
175 BBA Business Administration 05-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 BMS-581 International Marketing
176 BBA Business Administration 06-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 BMS-582 Advertising Management
177 BS (Hons). Radiography and Imaging Technology 04-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 3 MIC-321 General Microbiology and strelization
178 BS (Hons). Radiography and Imaging Technology 05-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 3 RIT-405 medicine
179 BS (Hons). Radiography and Imaging Technology 06-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 5 AHP-601 Forensic Medicine
180 BS (Hons). Radiography and Imaging Technology 29-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 5 RIT-505 Regional& Imaging Anatomy-II
181 BS (Hons). Radiography and Imaging Technology 30-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 7 RIT-603 MRI-1
182 BS Applied Linguistics 29-12-20 9:00 2016-2020 1 CSI-321 Introduction to Computer application
183 BS Applied Linguistics 01-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 3 LNG-403 ELT Methods & Approaches
184 BS Applied Linguistics 04-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 3 LNG-402 Advance english grammar
185 BS Applied Linguistics 30-12-20 9:00 2016-2020 4 LNG-407 Teaching Language Skills
186 BS Applied Linguistics 31-12-20 9:00 2016-2020 5 LNG-501 task based langauge teaching
187 BS Applied Linguistics 31-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 6 LNG - 507 Testing & Evaluation
188 BS Applied Linguistics 01-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 6 LNG - 508 Literary Criticism
189 BS Applied Linguistics 04-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 6 LNG-512 Second language acquisition
190 BS Applied Linguistics 05-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 7 LNG-603 Syllabus Design & Material Development
191 BS Applied Linguistics 06-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 7 LNG-605 Forensic Linguistics
192 BS Applied Psychology 30-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 2 MTH-322 Mathematics -II
193 BS Applied Psychology 01-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 6 PSY-506 Health Psychology
194 BS Applied Psychology 04-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 6 PSY-510 Industrial Organization Psychology
195 BS Applied Psychology 05-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 6 PSY-504 Testing Psychology
196 BS Applied Psychology 30-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 7 PSY-613 Cross-cultural psychology
197 BS Applied Psychology 01-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 7 PSY-601 Clinical Psychology -I
198 BS Applied Psychology 04-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 7 PSY-607 Human resource management
199 BS Applied Psychology 05-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 7 PSY-603 Psychological Testing and Measurement- II
200 BS Biochemistry 30-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 6 ENG-422 Technical Writing
201 BS Biochemistry 01-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 7 BNB-402 Bioinformatics
202 BS Biochemistry 04-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 7 BCH-502 Biological Metabolism
203 BS Biochemistry 05-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 7 BCH-611 Fermentation Biotechnology
204 BS Biochemistry 06-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 7 BNB-504 Genomics
205 BS Botany 30-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 1 MTH-321 Mathematics - I
206 BS Chemistry 31-12-20 16:00 2014-2018 7 CHM-627 Rearrangment and Precyclic Reactions 3(3-0)
207 BS Chemistry 31-12-20 12:00 2015-2019 3 PHY-423 Applied Physics-III 4(3-1)
208 BS Chemistry 30-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 PHY-423 Applied Physics-III
209 BS Chemistry 31-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 BOT-301 Diversity of Plants
210 BS Chemistry 31-12-20 9:00 2016-2020 2 CHM-302 Inorganic chemistry-I
211 BS Chemistry 30-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 3 ZOL-401 Zoology-III
212 BS Chemistry 31-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 3 MTH-423 Mathematics -III
213 BS Chemistry 01-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 4 CHM-402 Chemistry (Special Topics)
214 BS Chemistry 02-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 5 CHM-507 Analytical Chemistry-I
215 BS Chemistry 01-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 7 CHM-625 Spectroscopic Organic Techniques
216 BS Chemistry 04-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 7 CHM-617 Main Group Organometallic and Organic Reagents
217 BS Chemistry 05-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 7 CHM-603 Advance Seperation Technique
218 BS Computer Science 29-12-20 10:00 2012-2016 1 CSI-301 Programming Fundamental
219 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 10:00 2012-2016 1 EET-321 Basic Electronics
220 BS Computer Science 29-12-20 11:00 2012-2016 3 CSI-407 Numerical Computing
221 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 11:00 2012-2016 3 ENG-421 Communication Skills
222 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 9:00 2012-2016 4 CSI-404 Computer Archituchture
223 BS Computer Science 29-12-20 9:00 2012-2016 4 CSE-402 Introduction to Software
224 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 9:00 2012-2016 4 CSI-402 Operating System
225 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 9:00 2012-2016 4 CSI-406 Computer Communication and Networks
226 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 9:00 2012-2016 4 MTH-421 Multivariable Calculus
227 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 12:00 2012-2016 6 BBA-521 Marketing
228 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 12:00 2012-2016 6 CSI-502 Distributed database system
229 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 12:00 2012-2016 6 CSI-508 Visual programming
230 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 14:00 2012-2016 8 CSI-602 Professional Practices
231 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 14:00 2012-2016 8 CSI-604 Software Economic
232 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 9:00 2013-2017 1 CSI-301 Programming Fundamental
233 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 10:00 2013-2017 2 CSI-302 Object Oriented Programming
234 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 10:00 2013-2017 2 MTH-322/424 Linear Algebra
235 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 11:00 2013-2017 3 CSI-407 Numerical Computing
236 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 12:00 2013-2017 3 STA-351 Introduction to statistical theory
237 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 13:00 2013-2017 4 CSI-402 Operating System
238 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 13:00 2013-2017 5 CSI-403 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
239 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 13:00 2013-2017 5 CSI-503 Theory of Automat and Formal Languages
240 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 13:00 2013-2017 5 CSI-505 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
241 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 13:00 2013-2017 6 CSI-508 Visual programming
242 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 14:00 2013-2017 7 CSI-603 System Programming
243 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 14:00 2013-2017 7 CSI-605 Compiler Construction
244 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 14:00 2013-2017 7 CSI-611 Mobile and wireless network
245 BS Computer Science 06-01-21 14:00 2013-2017 7 PSY-421 Psychology
246 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 14:00 2013-2017 7 CSI-401 Data structure and Algorithms
247 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 14:00 2013-2017 7 CSI-608/508 Artificial Intelligence
248 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 11:00 2014-2018 1 CSI-301 Programming Fundamental
249 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 11:00 2014-2018 1 CSI-311 Introduction to information and communication technology
250 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 10:00 2014-2018 2 CSI-302 Object Oriented Programming
251 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 10:00 2014-2018 2 CSI-304 Discrete Sturcture
252 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 10:00 2014-2018 2 ENG-322 Reading, writing, speaking and listening
253 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 10:00 2014-2018 2 ISL-321 Islamic Studies / Ethics
254 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 10:00 2014-2018 2 MTH-322 Linear Algebra
255 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 11:00 2014-2018 3 CSI-407 Numerical Computing
256 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 9:00 2014-2018 4 CSI-404 Computer Archituchture
257 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 9:00 2014-2018 4 CSE-402 Software Engineering-I / Intro to Software Engineering I
258 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 9:00 2014-2018 4 CSI-402 Operating System
259 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 9:00 2014-2018 4 MTH-421 Multivariable Calculus
260 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 12:00 2014-2018 5 CSI-403 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
261 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 12:00 2014-2018 5 CSI-501 Web Engineering
262 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 12:00 2014-2018 5 CSI-505 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
263 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 12:00 2014-2018 5 MTH-521 Differential Equations
264 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 12:00 2014-2018 5 MTH-424 Linear Algebra
265 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 14:00 2014-2018 6 CSI-504 Computer Graphics
266 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 14:00 2014-2018 6 CSI-506 Design & Analysis of Algorithms
267 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 15:00 2014-2018 7 CSI-605 Compiler Construction
268 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 15:00 2014-2018 7 PSY-421 Psychology
269 BS Computer Science 29-12-20 9:00 2015-2019 1 CSI-301 Programming Fundamental
270 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 9:00 2015-2019 1 ENG-321 English For Academic Purpose (EAP) 3(3-0)
271 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 9:00 2015-2019 1 ENG-321 Functional English
272 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 9:00 2015-2019 1 MTH-323 Calculus and analytical geometry
273 BS Computer Science 29-12-20 10:00 2015-2019 2 CSI-302 Object Oriented Programming
274 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 10:00 2015-2019 2 ENG-321 English Comprehension & Composition
275 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 10:00 2015-2019 2 ENG-322 English Comprehension and Composition
276 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 10:00 2015-2019 2 ISL-302 Islamic Studies / Ethics
277 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 10:00 2015-2019 2 ISL-321 Islamic Studies / Ethics
278 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 10:00 2015-2019 2 MTH-322 Linear Algebra
279 BS Computer Science 06-01-21 10:00 2015-2019 2 MTH-324 Multivariable Calculus
280 BS Computer Science 07-01-21 10:00 2015-2019 2 PST-321 Pak Studies
281 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 9:00 2015-2019 3 CSI-403 Digital logic design 3(2-1)
282 BS Computer Science 06-01-21 9:00 2015-2019 3 STA-321 Introduction to Statistical Theory
283 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 11:00 2015-2019 4 CSI-401 Data Structure & Algorithms
284 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 11:00 2015-2019 4 CSI-406 Computer Communication and Networks
285 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 11:00 2015-2019 4 MTH-423 Differential Equations
286 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 5 CSI-501 Web Engineering
287 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 5 CSI-505 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
288 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 5 MTH-324 Multivariable and Integral Calculus
289 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 13:00 2015-2019 6 CSI-502 Distributed database system
290 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 13:00 2015-2019 6 CSI-504/CSI-604 Computer Graphics
291 BS Computer Science 06-01-21 13:00 2015-2019 6 CSI-508 Visual programming
292 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 7 CSI-603 System Programming
293 BS Computer Science 06-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 7 CSI-611 Mobile and wireless network
294 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 15:00 2015-2019 8 CSI-602 Professional Practices
295 BS Computer Science 06-01-21 15:00 2015-2019 8 PSY-421 Psychology
296 BS Computer Science 29-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 ELT-321 Basic Electronics
297 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 ENG-321 Functional English
298 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 ISL-321 Islamic Studies / Ethics
299 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 1 MTH-323 Calculus and analytical geometry
300 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 2 CSI-302 Object Oriented Programming
301 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 2 CSI-304 Discrete Structures
302 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 2 ENG-322 English Comprehension and Composition
303 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 2 MTH-324 Multivariable and Integral Calculus
304 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 2 PST-321 Pak Studies
305 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 3 CSI-401 Data Structure and Algorithms
306 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 3 CSI-403 Digital logic and design 3(2-1)
307 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 3 CSI-405 Intro to Data Base System
308 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 3 CSI-407 Numerical Computing
309 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 3 STA-321 Introduction to Statistical Theory
310 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 4 CSI-402 Operating Systems
311 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 9:00 2016-2020 4 CSI-404 Computer Archituchture
312 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 4 MTH-423 Differential Equations and Transforms
313 BS Computer Science 06-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 4 SWE-402 Software Engineering-I
314 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 13:00 2016-2020 4 MTH-423 Differential equation and transforms
315 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 5 BBA-501 Financial Management
316 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 5 CSI-501 Web Engineering
317 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 5 CSI-505 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
318 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 5 MTH-424 Linear Algebra
319 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 5 SOC-307 Introduction to Sociology
320 BS Computer Science 29-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 6 BBA-506 Human Resource Management
321 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 6 CSI 508 Visual Programming
322 BS Computer Science 31-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 6 CSI-502 Distributed database system
323 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 6 CSI-504 Computer Graphics
324 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 6 CSI-506 Analysis of Algorithms
325 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 6 CSI-508 Visual programming
326 BS Computer Science 06-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 6 SWE-502 Software Engineering-II
327 BS Computer Science 06-01-21 16:00 2016-2020 6 SWE-502 Software engineering II
328 BS Computer Science 30-12-20 16:00 2016-2020 7 CSI-601 Human Computer Interaction
329 BS Computer Science 31-12-21 16:00 2016-2020 7 CSI-605 Compiler Construction
330 BS Computer Science 01-01-21 16:00 2016-2020 7 CSI-607 Artificial Intelligence
331 BS Computer Science 04-01-21 16:00 2016-2020 7 CSI-609 Fundamentals of Data Mining
332 BS Computer Science 05-01-21 16:00 2016-2020 7 CSI-613 Mobile Application Development
333 BS ECONOMICS 31-12-20 16:00 2016-2020 1 MTH-321 Mathematics - I
334 BS English Literature 01-01-21 10:00 2015-2019 3 ENG-421 Communication Skills
335 BS English Literature 31-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 GEO-301 Intriduction to physical geography
336 BS English Literature 04-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 4 ENG-408 Novel - I
337 BS English Literature 05-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 6 ENG-504 Novel II
338 BS English Literature 06-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 7 ENG-603 Pakistani Literature in English II
339 BS HND 30-12-20 11:00 2015-2019 1 CSI-321 Introduction to computing application
340 BS HND 31-12-20 11:00 2015-2019 2 FST-304 Food processing & Preservation
341 BS HND 31-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 HND-301 Principles of Human Nutrition
342 BS HND 30-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 2 HND-302 Community Nutrition
343 BS HND 31-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 2 FST-507 Food Microbiology
344 BS HND 01-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 2 FST-304 Food processing & Preservation
345 BS HND 01-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 3 BNB-405 Introduction to Biotechnology
346 BS HND 04-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 6 HND-506 Diet Modeling and Counseling
347 BS HND 05-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 6 HND-502 Clinical and Therapeutic Nutrition
348 BS HND 06-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 6 PHM-701 General Pharmacology
349 BS Information Technology 30-12-20 12:00 2015-2019 1 ENG-321 Functional English
350 BS Information Technology 30-12-20 13:00 2015-2019 3 CSI-401 Data Structure and Algorithms
351 BS Information Technology 31-12-20 13:00 2015-2019 3 CSI-403/405 Digital logic and Design
352 BS Information Technology 04-01-21 13:00 2015-2019 3 BMS-406 Fundamental of Marketing
353 BS Information Technology 05-01-21 13:00 2015-2019 3 CSI-406/503 Introduction to Database Systems
354 BS Information Technology 30-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 CSI-301 Programming Fundamentals
355 BS Information Technology 31-12-20 10:00 2016-2020 1 MTH-323 Calculus and analytical geometry
356 BS Information Technology 01-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 1 CIT-303 INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY
357 BS Information Technology 30-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 2 PHY-312 Basic Electronics
358 BS Information Technology 31-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 2 MTH-324 Multivariable and Integral Calculus
359 BS Information Technology 01-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 2 CSI-302 Object Oriented Programming
360 BS Information Technology 04-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 2 PST-321 Pakistan Study
361 BS Information Technology 30-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 3 ENG-421 COMMUNICATION SKILLS
362 BS Information Technology 31-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 3 CSI-403 Digital Logic and Design
363 BS Information Technology 01-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 3 CSI-406 Introduction to Database System
364 BS Information Technology 04-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 3 STA-321 Introduction to Statistical Theory
365 BS Information Technology 30-12-20 13:00 2016-2020 4 CSI-404 Computer Communication & Networks
366 BS Information Technology 31-12-20 13:00 2016-2020 4 CIT-404 Web Systems and Technologies
367 BS Information Technology 01-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 4 CSI-402 Operating System
368 BS Information Technology 06-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 5 CIT-507 Object Oriented Analysis and Design
369 BS Information Technology 04-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 6 CIT-502 Multimedia Systems and Design
370 BS Information Technology 05-01-21 10:00 2016-2020 6 CIT-658 Visual Programming
371 BS Information Technology 31-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 7 CIT-601 Human Computer Interaction
372 BS Information Technology 01-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 CIT-655 Artificial Intelligence
373 BS Information Technology 04-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 CIT-648 Data Mining
374 BS Information Technology 05-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 CIT-645 Mobile Application Development
375 BS Information Technology 06-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 CIT-603 IT Project management
376 Bs Islamic Studies 05-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 1 ENG-321 Functional English
377 BS Mathematics 30-12-20 16:00 2014-2018 3 MTH-403 Mechanics - I 4(4-0)
378 BS Mathematics 31-12-20 16:00 2014-2018 5 MTH-505 Vector and Tensor Analysis 4(4-0)
379 BS Mathematics 01-01-21 16:00 2014-2018 5 MTH-503 Complex Analysis 4(4-0)
380 BS Mathematics 04-01-21 16:00 2014-2018 5 MTH-509 Point Set Topology 4(4-0)
381 BS Mathematics 05-01-21 16:00 2014-2018 5 MTH-501 Real Analysis II 4(4-0)
382 BS Mathematics 06-01-21 16:00 2014-2018 7 MTH-623 Advanced Mathematical Mathods 4(4-0)
383 BS Mathematics 30-12-20 13:00 2015-2019 1 MTH-303/ 512 Mathematical Method-I 4(4-0)
384 BS Mathematics 31-12-20 13:00 2015-2019 2 MTH-304 MATHEMATICAL METHOD-II -(4-4-0)
385 BS Mathematics 01-01-21 15:00 2015-2019 3 MTH-403 Mechanics - I 4(4-0)
386 BS Mathematics 04-01-21 15:00 2015-2019 3 PHY-425 Physics-II
387 BS Mathematics 05-01-21 15:00 2015-2019 4 MTH-406 numerical analysis
388 BS Mathematics 06-01-21 15:00 2015-2019 4 MTH-402 Matric & topological space
389 BS Mathematics 30-12-20 15:00 2015-2019 4 MTH-408 Operations Research
390 BS Mathematics 31-12-20 15:00 2015-2019 4 MTH-404 Differential Equations (4-4-0)
391 BS Mathematics 01-01-21 16:00 2015-2019 5 MTH-505 Vector and Tensor Analysis 4(4-0)
392 BS Mathematics 05-01-21 16:00 2015-2019 6 MTH-504 Algebra II
393 BS Mathematics 06-01-21 16:00 2015-2019 6 MTH-508 Functional Analysis
394 BS Mathematics 04-01-21 16:00 2015-2019 7 MTH-615 Numerical Analysis-I
395 BS Mathematics 05-01-21 17:00 2015-2019 8 MTH-612 Numerical analysis-II
396 BS Mathematics 06-01-21 17:00 2015-2019 8 MTH-620 Partial differential equations
397 BS Mathematics 30-12-20 13:00 2016-2020 1 MTH-301 Calculus-I 4(4-0)
398 BS Mathematics 29-12-20 16:00 2016-2020 2 MTH-302 Calculus-II
399 BS Mathematics 30-12-20 16:00 2016-2020 2 MTH-304 Discrete Mathematics
400 BS Mathematics 31-12-20 16:00 2016-2020 2 PHY-425 Physics-II
401 BS Mathematics 01-01-21 16:00 2016-2020 2 STA-322 Statistics-I
402 BS Mathematics 04-01-21 16:00 2016-2020 3 MTH-403 Calculus III
403 BS Mathematics 05-01-21 16:00 2016-2020 4 MTH-402 Affine and Euclidean Geometry
404 BS Mathematics 06-01-21 16:00 2016-2020 4 MTH-404 Linear Algebra
405 BS Mathematics 30-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 4 MTH-408 Metric Space and Topolog
406 BS Mathematics 31-12-20 14:00 2016-2020 4 MTH-406 Ordinary Differential Equations
407 BS Mathematics 01-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 4 CSI-321 Introduction to Computing Applications
408 BS Mathematics 04-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 5 MTH-505 Vector and Tensor Analysis 3(3-0)
409 BS Mathematics 05-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 5 MTH-507 Algebra-I 3(3-0)
410 BS Mathematics 06-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 6 MTH-508 Algebra-II 3(3-0)
411 BS Mathematics 30-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 6 MTH-512 Numerical Analysis-I
412 BS Mathematics 31-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 6 MTH-504 Differential Geometery 3(3-0)
413 BS Mathematics 01-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 6 MTH-506 Mechanics 3(3-0)
414 BS Mathematics 04-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 7 MTH-605 Numerical Analysis-II
415 BS Mathematics 05-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 MTH-603 Mathematical Methods
416 BS Mathematics 06-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 MTH-607 Number Theory
417 BS Mathematics 31-12-20 13:00 2016-2020 7 MTH-625 Operational Research
418 BS Mathematics 04-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 MTH-621 Fluid machnics
419 BS Medical Laboratory Technology 31-12-20 15:00 2016-2020 7 STA-421 Biostatistics
420 BS Medical Laboratory Technology 01-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 MLT-609 Advance Diagnostic and Bio MedTechniques
421 BS Medical Laboratory Technology 04-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 STA-421 Biostatistics
422 BS Medical Laboratory Technology 05-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 MLT-609 Advance Diagnostic and Bio Med Techniques
423 BS Medical Laboratory Technology 06-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 MLT-611 Quality Assurance Management
424 BS Microbiology 05-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 3 MIC-303 Microbial texonomy
425 BS Microbiology 04-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 5 MIC-511 Infectious Waste Management
426 BS Physics 30-12-20 12:00 2015-2019 1 MTH-111 Basic mathematics-I (Deficiency Course for FSC Pre-Medical)
427 BS Physics 31-12-20 12:00 2015-2019 1 MTH-323 Calculus and analytical geometry
428 BS Physics 01-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 1 PHY-301 Mechanics-I
429 BS Physics 04-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 2 MTH-324 Multivariable and Integral Calculus
430 BS Physics 05-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 2 PST-321 Pakistan Studies
431 BS Physics 06-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 4 MTH-424 Linear Algebra
432 BS Physics 04-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 4 PHY-403 Modern physics
433 BS Physics 05-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 6 ENG-601 English for Employment
434 BS Physics 06-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 7 PHY-605 Solid State Physics-I
435 BS Physics 30-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 3 PHY-401 Electricity and megnetism I
436 BS Physics 31-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 3 PHY-403 Modern physics
437 BS Physics 01-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 3 MTH-425 Differential Equations-I
438 BS Physics 04-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 5 PHY-507 Electronics-I
439 BS Physics 05-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 5 PHY-505 Electrodynamics-I
440 BS Physics 06-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 6 PHY-502 Methods of Mathematical Physics-II
441 BS Physics 04-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 PHY-609 Advanced Electronics
442 BS Physics 05-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 PHY-601 Quantum Mechanics-II
443 BS Physics 06-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 PHY-605 Solid State Physics-I
444 BS Physics 06-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 7 PHY-601 Quantum Mechanics-II
445 BS PSYCHOLOGY 05-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 1 MTH-321 Mathematics - I
446 BS Software Engineering 30-12-20 10:00 2015-2019 1 MTH-324 Advance calculus
447 BS Software Engineering 31-12-20 10:00 2015-2019 1 ENG-321 Functional English
448 BS Software Engineering 01-01-21 10:00 2015-2019 1 MTH-323 Calculus and analytical geometry
449 BS Software Engineering 30-12-20 11:00 2015-2019 3 CSI-401 DATA STRUCTURE AND ALGORITHMS
450 BS Software Engineering 31-12-20 11:00 2015-2019 3 STA-321 Introduction to Statistical Theory
451 BS Software Engineering 01-01-21 11:00 2015-2019 3 MTH-424 Linear Algebra
452 BS Software Engineering 30-12-20 12:00 2015-2019 4 CSI-402 Operating Systems
453 BS Software Engineering 31-12-20 12:00 2015-2019 4 CSI-506 Analysis of Algorithms
454 BS Software Engineering 01-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 4 SWE-402 Personal Software Process and Team Software Process
455 BS Software Engineering 31-12-20 14:00 2015-2019 6 CSI-607 Artificial Intelligence
456 BS Software Engineering 01-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 7 SWE-601 Formal Methods in Software Engineering
457 BS Software Engineering 04-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 7 SWE-603 Software Project Management
458 BS Software Engineering 05-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 8 SWE-602 Information System and data Processing
459 BS Software Engineering 06-01-21 14:00 2015-2019 8 SWE-604 Information System Audit
460 BS Software Engineering 01-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 1 CSI-301 Programming Fundamental
461 BS Software Engineering 04-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 1 ISL-321 Islamic Studies / Ethics
462 BS Software Engineering 05-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 7 SWE-609 Enterprise Security Architecture
463 BS URDU 05-01-21 9:00 2016-2020 2 STA-321 Introduction to Statistical Theory
464 BS Zoology 30-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 2 CHM-322 inorganic chemistry-I
465 BS Zoology 31-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 2 ZOL-302 animal life II
466 BS Zoology 01-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 3 CHM-421 Chemistry III / Subsudiary
467 BS Zoology 04-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 3 BOT-401 Bio Chemistry
468 BS Zoology 01-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 4 BOT-302 Botany-II 4(3-1)
469 BS Zoology 04-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 4 ZOL-402 Zoology-V, Animal Farm Function
470 BS Zoology 05-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 6 BCH-502 Biochemistry-II(Metabolism) 3(2-1)
471 BS Zoology 06-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 6 STA-321 Introduction to Statistical Theory
472 BS Zoology 04-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 6 ZOL-504 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY
473 BS Zoology 05-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 6 ZOL-512 Physiology-II 4(3-1)
474 BS Zoology 05-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 ZOL-605 Fishries
475 BS Zoology 06-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 7 ZOL-613 Aquatic Toxicology
476 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 29-12-20 10:00 2015-2020 1 DPT-301 Anatomy I
477 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 30-12-20 12:00 2015-2020 2 DPT-306 Clinical Kinesiology
478 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 31-12-20 12:00 2015-2020 2 STA-323 Introduction to Statistical Theory II
479 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 01-01-21 12:00 2015-2020 2 DPT-302 Lower Limb Anatoomy and General Histology
480 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 05-01-21 12:00 2015-2020 3 DPT-403 Physiology of Reproductive, Nervous and Renal System
481 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 30-12-20 14:00 2015-2020 4 DPT-404 Advance techniques in Biomechanics & Ergonomics
482 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 31-12-20 14:00 2015-2020 4 DPT-406 Behavioral Sciences (Psychiatry & Psychology)
483 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 01-01-21 14:00 2015-2020 4 BCH-408 Biochemistry& GeneƟ cs - II
484 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 04-01-21 14:00 2015-2020 4 DPT-402 Human Neuro Anatomy
485 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 04-01-21 12:00 2015-2020 5 DPT-503 Pharmacology in Rehabilitation - I
486 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 01-01-21 15:00 2015-2020 7 DPT-609 Human growth development and community base rehabilitaion
487 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 04-01-21 15:00 2015-2020 7 DPT-607 Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy
488 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 05-01-21 15:00 2015-2020 7 DPT-605 Radiology and digonostic imaging
489 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 06-01-21 15:00 2015-2020 8 DPT-608 Evidence Bassed Practice
490 M. A. English 01-01-21 10:00 2017-2019 4 ENG-662 Media and Culture Studies
491 M. A. English 04-01-21 10:00 2017-2019 4 ENG-652 Modern Novel
492 M. A. English 05-01-21 10:00 2017-2019 4 ENG-654 Pakistani Literature in English
493 M. A. English 06-01-21 10:00 2017-2019 4 ENG-658 Popular Narrative
494 M. A. English 29-12-20 10:00 2018-2020 1 ENG-551 Classical Poetry
495 M. A. English 30-12-20 10:00 2018-2020 2 ENG-556 Romantic and Victorian Poetry
496 M. A. English 31-12-20 10:00 2018-2020 2 ENG-560 Literary Theory
497 M. A. English 01-01-21 10:00 2018-2020 2 ENG-558 American Literature
498 M. A. English 05-01-21 10:00 2018-2020 3 ENG-651 Research Methodology
499 M. A. English 06-01-21 10:00 2018-2020 3 ENG-653 Modern Drama
500 M. A. English 04-01-21 10:00 2018-2020 3 ENG-655 Modern Poetry
501 M.Sc. Chemistry 01-01-21 11:00 2016-2018 1 CHM-557 Environmental Chemistry
502 M.Sc. Chemistry 04-01-21 11:00 2016-2018 2 CHM-562 Introductory Spectroscopy
503 M.Sc. Chemistry 05-01-21 11:00 2016-2018 4 CHM-676 X-RAY Spectroscopy
504 M.Sc. Chemistry 30-12-20 9:00 2017-2019 1 CHM-551 Physical Chemistry-I
505 M.Sc. Chemistry 31-12-20 9:00 2017-2019 1 CHM-553 Organic chemistry-I
506 M.Sc. Chemistry 01-01-21 9:00 2017-2019 1 CHM-555 inorganic chemistry-I
507 M.Sc. Chemistry 04-01-21 9:00 2017-2019 1 CHM-557 Environmental chemistry
508 M.Sc. Chemistry 31-12-20 10:00 2017-2019 2 CHM-552 Physical Chemistry-II
509 M.Sc. Chemistry 01-01-21 10:00 2017-2019 2 CHM-554 Organic Chemistry-II
510 M.Sc. Chemistry 04-01-21 10:00 2017-2019 2 CHM-556 Inorganic Chemistry-II
511 M.Sc. Chemistry 05-01-21 10:00 2017-2019 2 CHM-558 Analytical Chemistry-II 3(3-0)
512 M.Sc. Chemistry 30-12-20 11:00 2017-2019 3 CHM-559 Electrol anlytical techniques
513 M.Sc. Chemistry 31-12-20 11:00 2017-2019 3 CHM-659 Electro Analytical Techniques
514 M.Sc. Chemistry 01-01-21 11:00 2017-2019 3 CHM-661 Advanced Separation Techniques
515 M.Sc. Chemistry 04-01-21 11:00 2017-2019 3 CHM-687 Main Group Organometallic and Organic Reagents
516 M.Sc. Chemistry 05-01-21 11:00 2017-2019 3 ENG-611 EFE (English for Employment)
517 M.Sc. Chemistry 29-12-20 13:00 2017-2019 4 CHM-652 Nuclear Analytical Techniques
518 M.Sc. Chemistry 30-12-20 13:00 2017-2019 4 CHM-658 Food and Drug Chemistry
519 M.Sc. Chemistry 31-12-20 13:00 2017-2019 4 CHM-660 Organic Polymers
520 M.Sc. Chemistry 01-01-21 13:00 2017-2019 4 CHM-662 Reactive Intermediates and Photochemistry
521 M.Sc. Chemistry 04-01-21 13:00 2017-2019 4 CHM-664 Disconnection Approach
522 M.Sc. Chemistry 05-01-21 13:00 2017-2019 4 CHM-666 Organic Catalyst and Catalysis
523 M.Sc. Chemistry 06-01-21 13:00 2017-2019 4 CHM-680 Standard Methods And Quality Assurance
524 M.Sc. Chemistry 01-01-21 13:00 2017-2019 4 STA-595 Intoduction to Statistical Theory
525 M.Sc. Chemistry 30-12-20 11:00 2018-2020 1 CHM-551 Physical Chemistry-I
526 M.Sc. Chemistry 31-12-20 11:00 2018-2020 1 CHM-553 Organic Chemistry-I
527 M.Sc. Chemistry 01-01-21 11:00 2018-2020 1 CHM-555 inorganic chemistry-I
528 M.Sc. Chemistry 04-01-21 11:00 2018-2020 1 CHM-557 Analytical Chemistry – I
529 M.Sc. Chemistry 05-01-21 11:00 2018-2020 1 MTH-571 Mathematics for Chemists 2(2-0)
530 M.Sc. Chemistry 01-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 2 CHM-558 Analytical chemistry-II
531 M.Sc. Chemistry 04-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 2 CHM-560 Environmental chemistry-II
532 M.Sc. Chemistry 30-12-20 13:00 2018-2020 3 CHM-651 Electro-analytical Techniques
533 M.Sc. Chemistry 31-12-20 13:00 2018-2020 3 CHM-653 Advanced Separation Techniques
534 M.Sc. Chemistry 01-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 3 CHM-655 Atomic Spectroscopy
535 M.Sc. Chemistry 04-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 3 CHM-657 Advanced Analytical Chemistry Practicals
536 M.Sc. Chemistry 05-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 3 CHM-661 Main Group Organometallic and Organic Reagents 3(3-0)
537 M.Sc. Chemistry 06-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 3 CHM-661 Main Group Organometallic and Organic Reagents 3(3-0)
538 M.Sc. Chemistry 30-12-20 15:00 2018-2020 3 CHM-663 Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis
539 M.Sc. Chemistry 31-12-20 15:00 2018-2020 3 CHM-673 Rearrangements and Pericyclic Reactions 3
540 M.Sc. Chemistry 01-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 3 CHM-675 Pharmaceutical Chemistry
541 M.Sc. Chemistry 04-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 3 ENG-611 EFE (English for Employment)
542 M.Sc. Chemistry 05-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 3 CHM-671 Spectroscopic Organic Techniques
543 M.Sc. Computer Science 01-01-21 13:00 2013-2015 1 CSI-551 Introduction to Computer Science and Information Technology
544 M.Sc. Computer Science 04-01-21 10:00 2014-2016 1 CSI-553 Database Management System
545 M.Sc. Computer Science 05-01-21 10:00 2014-2016 3 CSI-653 Theory of Compiler Construction
546 M.Sc. Computer Science 29-12-20 11:00 2015-2017 1 CSI-551 Introduction to Computer
547 M.Sc. Computer Science 30-12-20 11:00 2015-2017 1 CSI-553 Database Management System
548 M.Sc. Computer Science 31-12-20 11:00 2015-2017 1 CSI-554 Discrete Structure
549 M.Sc. Computer Science 01-01-21 11:00 2015-2017 1 CSI-563 Digital Logic and Design
550 M.Sc. Computer Science 04-01-21 11:00 2015-2017 1 ENG-421 Communication Skills
551 M.Sc. Computer Science 05-01-21 11:00 2015-2017 1 ENG-551 Communication Skills
552 M.Sc. Computer Science 01-01-21 12:00 2015-2017 2 CSI-561 Object Oriented Programming
553 M.Sc. Computer Science 04-01-21 12:00 2015-2017 2 CSI-562 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages
554 M.Sc. Computer Science 05-01-21 12:00 2015-2017 2 CSI-574 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
555 M.Sc. Computer Science 30-12-20 13:00 2015-2017 3 CSI-551 Data Structures and Algorithms
556 M.Sc. Computer Science 31-12-20 13:00 2015-2017 3 CSI-652 Computer Graphics
557 M.Sc. Computer Science 01-01-21 13:00 2015-2017 3 CSI-653 Theory of Compiler Construction
558 M.Sc. Computer Science 04-01-21 13:00 2015-2017 3 CSI-654 Web Engineering
559 M.Sc. Computer Science 05-01-21 13:00 2015-2017 3 CSI-661 Artificial Intelligence
560 M.Sc. Computer Science 06-01-21 13:00 2015-2017 3 SWE-551 Software Engineering
561 M.Sc. Computer Science 05-01-21 15:00 2015-2017 4 CSI-657 Wireless, Mobile Communication & Networks
562 M.Sc. Computer Science 06-01-21 15:00 2015-2017 4 SWE-656 Software Project Management
563 M.Sc. Computer Science 30-12-20 12:00 2016-2018 1 CSI-552 Introduction to Computer Programming
564 M.Sc. Computer Science 31-12-20 12:00 2016-2018 1 CSI-553 Database Management System
565 M.Sc. Computer Science 01-01-21 12:00 2016-2018 1 CSI-563 Digital Logic and Design
566 M.Sc. Computer Science 04-01-21 12:00 2016-2018 1 ENG-421 Communication Skills
567 M.Sc. Computer Science 30-12-20 13:00 2016-2018 2 CSI-561 Object Oriented Programming
568 M.Sc. Computer Science 31-12-20 13:00 2016-2018 2 CSI-562 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages
569 M.Sc. Computer Science 01-01-21 13:00 2016-2018 2 CSI-571 Distributed Database Systems
570 M.Sc. Computer Science 04-01-21 13:00 2016-2018 2 CSI-574 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
571 M.Sc. Computer Science 05-01-21 13:00 2016-2018 2 SWE-551 Software Engineering
572 M.Sc. Computer Science 31-01-21 14:00 2016-2018 3 CSI-651 Data Structures and Algorithms
573 M.Sc. Computer Science 01-01-21 14:00 2016-2018 3 CSI-652 Computer Graphics
574 M.Sc. Computer Science 04-01-21 14:00 2016-2018 3 CSI-654 Web Engineering
575 M.Sc. Computer Science 05-01-21 14:00 2016-2018 3 CSI-655 Data Communication and Networks
576 M.Sc. Computer Science 06-01-21 14:00 2016-2018 3 CSI-661 Artificial Intelligence
577 M.Sc. Computer Science 30-12-20 15:00 2016-2018 4 BBA-406 Fundamental of Marketing
578 M.Sc. Computer Science 31-12-20 15:00 2016-2018 4 CSI-501 Web Engineering
579 M.Sc. Computer Science 01-01-21 15:00 2016-2018 4 CSI-657 Wireless and Mobile Communication
580 M.Sc. Computer Science 04-01-21 15:00 2016-2018 4 CSI-671 Research Methods and Data Analysis
581 M.Sc. Computer Science 05-01-21 15:00 2016-2018 4 SWE-656 Software Project Management
582 M.Sc. Computer Science 30-12-20 12:00 2017-2019 1 CSI-652 Computer Graphics
583 M.Sc. Computer Science 31-12-20 12:00 2017-2019 2 CSI-574 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
584 M.Sc. Computer Science 01-01-21 12:00 2017-2019 3 CSI-654 Web engineering
585 M.Sc. Computer Science 04-01-21 12:00 2017-2019 3 CSI-655 Data communication and networks
586 M.Sc. Computer Science 05-01-21 12:00 2017-2019 3 CSI-661 Artificial intelligence
587 M.Sc. Computer Science 06-01-21 12:00 2017-2019 4 CSI-671 Research Methods & Data Analysis
588 M.Sc. Computer Science 30-12-20 13:00 2018-2020 1 CSI-552 Introduction to Computer Programming
589 M.Sc. Computer Science 31-12-20 13:00 2018-2020 1 CSI-563 Digital Logic and Design
590 M.Sc. Computer Science 01-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 2 CSI-562 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages
591 M.Sc. Computer Science 04-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 2 CSI-573 Operating Systems
592 M.Sc. Computer Science 05-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 2 SWE-572 Software Engineering
593 M.Sc. Computer Science 06-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 3 CSI-651 Data Structures and Algorithms
594 M.Sc. Computer Science 05-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 3 CSI-661 Artificial intelligence
595 M.Sc. Mathematics 30-12-20 15:00 2016-2018 1 MTH-553 Complex Analysis
596 M.Sc. Mathematics 31-12-20 15:00 2016-2018 1 MTH-551 Real Analysis-I
597 M.Sc. Mathematics 01-01-21 15:00 2016-2018 2 MTH-556 Mechanics
598 M.Sc. Mathematics 04-01-21 15:00 2016-2018 2 MTH-562 Numerical Analysis-I
599 M.Sc. Mathematics 06-01-21 16:00 2016-2018 3 MTH-651 Mathematical Statistics-I
600 M.Sc. Mathematics 31-12-20 16:00 2016-2018 3 MTH-653/512 Mathematical Methods
601 M.Sc. Mathematics 01-01-21 16:00 2016-2018 3 MTH-655 Numerical Analysis-II
602 M.Sc. Mathematics 01-01-21 14:00 2016-2018 3 MTH-677 Quantum Mechanics-I
603 M.Sc. Mathematics 05-01-21 16:00 2016-2018 4 MTH-652/656 Mathematical Statistics-II
604 M.Sc. Mathematics 29-12-20 14:00 2017-2019 1 MTH-552/502 Real Analysis-II 3(3-0)
605 M.Sc. Mathematics 30-12-20 14:00 2017-2019 1 MTH-561 Differential geometry
606 M.Sc. Mathematics 31-12-20 14:00 2017-2019 1 MTH-551 Real Analysis-I
607 M.Sc. Mathematics 01-01-21 14:00 2017-2019 1 MTH-557 Vector & Tensor Analysis
608 M.Sc. Mathematics 04-01-21 14:00 2017-2019 1 MTH-553 Complex-I
609 M.Sc. Mathematics 05-01-21 14:00 2017-2019 1 MTH-559 Point Set Topology
610 M.Sc. Mathematics 06-01-21 14:00 2017-2019 1 MTH-561 Differential Geometry
611 M.Sc. Mathematics 06-01-21 17:00 2017-2019 1 MTH-555 Algebra-I
612 M.Sc. Mathematics 29-12-20 15:00 2017-2019 2 MTH-554/504 Complex Analysis-II
613 M.Sc. Mathematics 30-12-20 15:00 2017-2019 2 MTH-556/506 Algebra-II 3(3-0)
614 M.Sc. Mathematics 31-12-20 15:00 2017-2019 2 MTH-560/510 Functional Analysis
615 M.Sc. Mathematics 01-01-21 15:00 2017-2019 2 MTH-562/512 Mathematical Methods
616 M.Sc. Mathematics 04-01-21 15:00 2017-2019 2 MTH-558 Mechanics
617 M.Sc. Mathematics 29-12-20 16:00 2017-2019 3 MTH-653 Partial Differential Equation
618 M.Sc. Mathematics 30-12-20 16:00 2017-2019 3 MTH-659 Fluid Mechanics-I
619 M.Sc. Mathematics 31-12-20 16:00 2017-2019 3 MTH-655 Advance Set Thoery
620 M.Sc. Mathematics 01-01-21 16:00 2017-2019 3 MTH-667 Integral Equation
621 M.Sc. Mathematics 02-01-21 17:00 2017-2019 4 MTH-652 Numerical Analysis-II
622 M.Sc. Mathematics 04-01-21 17:00 2017-2019 4 MTH-660 Fluid Mechanics II
623 M.Sc. Mathematics 05-01-21 17:00 2017-2019 4 MTH-664/680 Special Functions.. 3(3-0)
624 M.Sc. Mathematics 01-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 1 MTH-557 Vector and Tensor Analysis
625 M.Sc. Mathematics 04-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 1 MTH-551 Real Analysis-I
626 M.Sc. Mathematics 05-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 1 MTH-559 Point Set Topology
627 M.Sc. Mathematics 06-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 1 MTH-561 Differential Geometry
628 M.Sc. Mathematics 06-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 2 MTH-562 Mathematical Methods
629 M.Sc. Mathematics 30-12-20 15:00 2018-2020 2 MTH-558 Mechanics
630 M.Sc. Mathematics 31-12-20 16:00 2018-2020 3 MTH-653 Partial Differential Equations
631 M.Sc. Mathematics 31-12-20 14:00 2018-2020 3 MTH-675 Functional Analysis
632 M.Sc. Mathematics 04-01-21 14:00 2018-2020 3 MTH-655 Advance Set Theory
633 M.Sc. Mathematics 05-01-21 14:00 2018-2020 3 MTH-657 Algebraic Number Theory
634 M.Sc. Mathematics 06-01-21 14:00 2018-2020 3 MTH-671 Advanced Group Theory-I
635 M.Sc. Mathematics 30-12-20 13:00 2018-2020 1 MTH-553 Complex Analysis-I
636 M.Sc. Mathematics 31-12-20 13:00 2018-2020 1 MTH-555 Algebra-I
637 M.Sc. Mathematics 31-12-20 15:00 2018-2020 2 MTH-552 Real Analysis-II
638 M.Sc. Mathematics 01-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 2 MTH-554 Complex Analysis-II
639 M.Sc. Mathematics 04-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 2 MTH-556 Algebra-II
640 M.Sc. Mathematics 05-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 2 MTH-562 Mathematical Method
641 M.Sc. Mathematics 30-12-20 16:00 2018-2020 3 MTH-651 Numerical Analysis
642 M.Sc. Mathematics 01-01-21 16:00 2018-2020 3 MTH-655 Advance Set Theory
643 M.Sc. Mathematics 04-01-21 16:00 2018-2020 3 MTH-659 Fluid Mechanics-I
644 M.Sc. Mathematics 05-01-21 16:00 2018-2020 3 MTH-661 Operational Research
645 M.Sc. Mathematics 30-12-20 14:00 2018-2020 3 MTH-667 Integral equations
646 M.Sc. Physics 30-12-20 15:00 2017-2019 2 PHY-512 Atomic and Nuclear Physics
647 M.Sc. Physics 31-12-20 15:00 2017-2019 3 PHY-651 Quantam Machnics II
648 M.Sc. Physics 01-01-21 15:00 2017-2019 4 PHY-654 Computational Physics
649 M.Sc. Physics 04-01-21 15:00 2017-2019 4 PHY-662 Advanced Electronics
650 M.Sc. Physics 05-01-21 15:00 2017-2019 4 PHY-652 Plasma Physics
651 M.Sc. Physics 06-01-21 15:00 2017-2019 4 PHY-656 Solid State Physics-II
652 M.Sc. Physics 01-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 1 PHY-555 Electrodynamics-I
653 M.Sc. Physics 04-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 1 PHY-553 Classical Mechanics
654 M.Sc. Physics 05-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 1 PHY-551 Methods of Mathematical Physics-I
655 M.Sc. Physics 06-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 1 PHY-559 Relativity of Cosmoloyg
656 M.Sc. Physics 01-01-21 16:00 2018-2020 3 PHY-661 ADVANCE ELECTRONICS
657 M.Sc. Physics 04-01-21 16:00 2018-2020 3 PHY-653 NECULER PHSICS-II
658 M.Sc. Physics 05-01-21 16:00 2018-2020 3 PHY-657 SOLID STATE PHYSICS-I
659 M.Sc. Physics 06-01-21 16:00 2018-2020 3 PHY-655 Statistical Mechanics
660 M.Sc. Zoology 01-01-21 13:00 2016-2018 1 ZOL-553 Developmental Biology 4(3-1)
661 M.Sc. Zoology 04-01-21 13:00 2016-2018 3 ZOL-655 Biostatistics 3(3-0)
662 M.Sc. Zoology 05-01-21 13:00 2016-2018 3 ZOL-655/ZOL-502 Biostatistics
663 M.Sc. Zoology 06-01-21 13:00 2016-2018 4 ZOL-665 Mammology
664 M.Sc. Zoology 04-01-21 12:00 2017-2019 2 ZOL-562 Fundamentals of Microbiology
665 M.Sc. Zoology 01-01-21 12:00 2017-2019 3 ZOL-507 Biostatistics
666 M.Sc. Zoology 30-12-20 10:00 2018-2020 1 ZOL-551 Structure and Functions of Macro molecules
667 M.Sc. Zoology 31-12-20 10:00 2018-2020 1 ZOL-553 Developmental Biology
668 M.Sc. Zoology 01-01-21 10:00 2018-2020 1 ZOL-555 Advanced Environmental Biology 3(2-1)
669 M.Sc. Zoology 04-01-21 10:00 2018-2020 1 ZOL-557 Animal Physiology
670 M.Sc. Zoology 05-01-21 10:00 2018-2020 1 ZOL-559 Advanced Cell Biology
671 M.Sc. Zoology 06-01-21 10:00 2018-2020 1 ZOL-561 Research Methodology
672 M.Sc. Zoology 06-01-21 9:00 2018-2020 2 ZOL-562 Fundamentals of Microbiology
673 M.Sc. Zoology 30-12-20 12:00 2018-2020 3 ZOL-507 Biostatistics
674 M.Sc. Zoology 31-12-20 12:00 2018-2020 3 ZOL-653 Fish Culture
675 M.Sc. Zoology 01-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 3 Zol-655 Biological and Chemical
676 M.Sc. Zoology 04-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 3 ZOL-674 Applied Microbiology
677 M.Sc. Zoology 05-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 3 ZOL-687 Molecular Biology
678 M.Sc. Zoology 06-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 3 ZOL-688 Fish Ecology
680 MASTER IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 04-01-21 11:00 2017-2019 3 MPA-655 Human Resource Development
682 MASTER IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 04-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 1 MGT-401 principal of management
683 MASTER IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 05-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 1 MPA-551 Public administration and society
684 MASTER IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 06-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 1 MPA-553 Quantitative Techniques for Management
685 MASTER IN PUBLIC HEALTH 30-12-20 12:00 2018-2020 1 MPH-605 Basic Biostatistics
686 MASTER IN PUBLIC HEALTH 31-12-20 12:00 2018-2020 1 MPH-603 Basic Epidemiology
687 MASTER IN PUBLIC HEALTH 01-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 1 MPH-607 Communicable and Non communicable disease control
688 MASTER IN PUBLIC HEALTH 04-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 1 MPH-601 Foundation of Public Health
689 MASTER IN PUBLIC HEALTH 30-12-20 14:00 2018-2020 3 MPH-623 Demography
690 MASTER IN PUBLIC HEALTH 31-12-20 14:00 2018-2020 3 MPH-615 Hospital Management &Hospital attachment
691 MASTER IN PUBLIC HEALTH 01-01-21 14:00 2018-2020 3 MPH-613 Nutrition
692 MASTER IN PUBLIC HEALTH 04-01-21 14:00 2018-2020 3 MPH-619 Reproductive Health and MCH
693 MASTER IN PUBLIC HEALTH 05-01-21 14:00 2018-2020 3 MPH-621 Research methodology and synopsis writing
694 MASTER IN PUBLIC HEALTH 06-01-21 14:00 2018-2020 3 MPH-617 Social &Behavioral sciences in Public Health
695 MBA Industrial Management (2 Year programme) 05-01-21 9:00 2017-2019 3 MBAE-43 Organizational Behavior
696 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 01-01-21 9:00 2012-2016 5 MBA-471 Project Management
697 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 04-01-21 12:00 2015-2019 7 BMS-752 Services Marketing
698 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 30-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 1 BMS-601 Business Communication
699 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 31-12-20 11:00 2016-2020 1 BMS-603 Principle of marketing
700 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 01-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 1 BMS-605 Financial Accounting
701 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 04-01-21 11:00 2016-2020 1 MTH-321 Mathematics- I
702 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 30-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 3 BMS-651 Cost and Management Accounting
703 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 31-12-20 12:00 2016-2020 3 BMS-655 Organizational Behavior
704 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 01-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 3 BMS-656 Total Quality Management
705 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 04-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 3 BMS-657 International Business
706 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 05-01-21 12:00 2016-2020 3 ECO-302 Principles of Macro Economics
707 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 04-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 4 BMS-654 E-Commerce
708 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 05-01-21 13:00 2016-2020 4 BMS-658 Financial Institution
709 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 01-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 5 BMS-705 Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibilities
710 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 04-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 5 BMS-707 Strategic Marketing
711 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 05-01-21 14:00 2016-2020 5 BMS-709 Operations Management
712 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 01-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 6 BMS-704 Introdcution to academic writing
713 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 04-01-21 15:00 2016-2020 6 BMS-754 Marketing Research
714 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 04-01-21 16:00 2016-2020 7 BMS-711 Strategic Mangement
715 MBA Business Administration (3 1/2 Years) 05-01-21 16:00 2016-2020 7 BMS-753 Retail marketing
716 MBA Executive 01-01-21 10:00 2017-2019 1 MBAE-469 Business mathematics
717 MBA Executive 04-01-21 10:00 2017-2019 1 MBAE-470 Computer Application In Business
718 MBA Executive 05-01-21 10:00 2017-2019 1 MBAE-407 Financial Accounting
719 MBA Executive 06-01-21 10:00 2017-2019 1 MBAE-420 principal of management
720 MBA Executive 31-12-20 11:00 2017-2019 2 MBAE-414 Cost and Managemnt accounting
721 MBA Executive 01-01-21 11:00 2017-2019 2 MBAE-421/FIN-501 Financial Management
722 MBA Executive 04-01-21 11:00 2017-2019 2 MBAE-416 Managemnt information system
723 MBA Executive 05-01-21 11:00 2017-2019 2 MBAE-432 Operations Management
724 MBA Executive 01-01-21 12:00 2017-2019 3 MBAE-449 Auditing
725 MBA Executive 04-01-21 12:00 2017-2019 3 MBAE-433 International Business
726 MBA Executive 05-01-21 12:00 2017-2019 3 MBAE-431/MGT-406 Organizational Behavior
727 MBA Executive 01-01-21 14:00 2017-2019 4 MBAE-434 entrepreneurship
728 MBA Executive 04-01-21 14:00 2017-2019 4 MBA-457 Sales Management
729 MBA Executive 05-01-21 14:00 2017-2019 4 MBAE-435 Total Quality Management
730 MBA Executive 01-01-21 11:00 2018-2020 1 MGT-402 Business Communication
731 MBA Executive 04-01-21 11:00 2018-2020 1 CSI-321 Introduction to computing application
732 MBA Executive 05-01-21 11:00 2018-2020 1 FIN-304 Financial Accounting
733 MBA Executive 30-12-20 12:00 2018-2020 2 FIN-402 Business Finance
734 MBA Executive 31-12-20 12:00 2018-2020 2 MGT-404 Human resource Management
735 MBA Executive 01-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 2 FIN-401 Managerial Accounting
736 MBA Executive 04-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 2 MKT-402 Marketing Management
737 MBA Executive 05-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 2 MGT-504 Business research methods
738 MBA Executive 30-12-20 13:00 2018-2020 3 MKT–501 Consumer Behavior
739 MBA Executive 31-12-20 13:00 2018-2020 3 MGT-501 Operations Management
740 MBA Executive 01-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 3 MGT-406 Organizational Behavior
741 MBA Executive 04-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 3 MGT-601 entrepreneurship
742 MBA Executive 05-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 3 MGT-603 Quality management system
743 MBA Executive 06-01-21 13:00 2018-2020 3 FIN-502 International Business
744 MSC Applied Psychology 06-01-21 12:00 2018-2020 1 PSY-551 History and System in Psychology
745 Msc Botany 01-01-21 13:00 2017-2019 2 STA-598 Applied Statistics Theory
746 Msc Botany 04-01-21 13:00 2017-2019 4 BOT-660 Nitrogen Assimilation And Metabolism
747 Msc Botany 05-01-21 13:00 2017-2019 4 BOT-654 Phytohormones (Special Paper*)
748 Msc Botany 06-01-21 13:00 2017-2019 4 BOT-658 Plant Stress Physiology (Special Paper*)
749 MSc Botany 30-12-20 15:00 2018-2020 1 BOT-551 Diversity in Non-Flowering Plants-I (Viruses, Bacteria & Algal Protoctist)
750 Msc Botany 31-12-20 15:00 2018-2020 2 BOT-556 Lab techniques
751 Msc Botany 01-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 2 BOT-552 Plant anatomy
752 Msc Botany 04-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 2 BOT-554 Systematic and plants texonomy
753 Msc Botany 05-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 3 BOT-659 Molecular Genetics
754 Msc Botany 06-01-21 15:00 2018-2020 3 BOT-655 Plant Phyisology
755 MSc Information Technology 31-12-20 14:00 2016-2018 2 CIT-506 Operating System
756 Msc Information Technology 01-01-21 14:00 2016-2018 3 STA-321 Introduction to Statistical Theory
757 MSc Information Technology 04-01-21 14:00 2016-2018 4 MIT-602 Network Security
758 MSc Information Technology 05-01-21 14:00 2016-2018 4 MIT-604 IT Project Management
759 MSc Information Technology 06-01-21 14:00 2016-2018 4 MIT-606 Visual Programming
760 PMDCP 06-01-21 12:00 2018-2019 1 C-PSY-802 Psycho-Dignosis and Assessment-I

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