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[Ibrahim, 4(3): March 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(ISRA), Impact Factor: 2.114

Ishag Abass Ibrahim*, Prof. Salah A/elateef
Department of Textile Engineering, College of Engineering & Industries Technology, Sudan
University of Science and Technology, Sudan.

This study was carried out in order to predict the knitted fabric irregularity based on yarn irregularity. Using the
Uster statistics of yarn mass irregularity, the knitted fabric specifications were determined. In order to build up a
theoretical model, the sine function of the Non-linear regression function was applied for 14Ne polyester/viscose
(65/35) yarn using the Orign program. The sine function was chosen because it shows the best fitting results
compared with the different functions. The result obtained from the proposed model shows a high correlation and
good significant. Furthermore, the results obtaining using the Non-linear regression equations shows optimal
correlation with experimental results for yarn used in this study.

KEYWORDS: Irregularity , Evenness, Variation, Mass variations, Spectrogram, Knitted fabric.

Yarn evenness is a measure of the level of variation 1.1 Sources of yarn irregularity [2]:
in yarn linear density or mass per unit length. In other The regularity of a yarn fundamentally depends on
words, it refers to the variation in yarn count along its fibers and their arrangement within the yarn. The
length.Continuously filament yarns have virtually no causes of irregularities are:
variation in linear density so evenness is not an issue a. Random fiber arrangement and fiber-length:
for those yarns. A yarn with poor evenness will have the fibers are randomly arranged through blending,
thick and thin places along yarn length, while an even carding, doubling, roving, and spinning.
yarn will have little variation in mass or thickness b. Effect of drafting waves: In drafting process
along length. While a yarn may vary in many fibers move in groups causing non-random wave-like
properties, evenness is the most important quality patterns called drafting waves, which they are
aspect of a yarn, because variations in other yarn responsible for periodic thin and thick places over a
properties are often a direct result of yarn count yarn.
irregularity. We already know that twist tends to c. Twist variation: Spun yarn production
accumulate in the thin places in yarn, so irregularity fundamentally involves twisting of a random fiber
in yarn linear density will cause variations in twist array.Twisting tends to concentrate the yarn structure
along yarn length. This preferential concentration of into an irregular close-packed polygonal shape [3],
twist in thin places along a yarn also exacerbates the but the cross-section still possesses a concave-convex
variations in yarn diameter or thickness, which often irregular shape.
adversely affects the appearance of the resultant d. foreign elements: Neps are caused by foreign
fabrics. An irregular yarn will also vary in strength elements, immature raw material, and insufficient
along the yarn. The ‘weakest link’ theory says a and improper cleaning during preparation processes.
chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Similarly a These faults are usually random and visible to the
yarn is only as strong as its weakest spot. When there human eye. They are detected by many evenness-
are large variations in yarn linear density, there will testing instruments.
be many thin spots in the yarn, which are often the 1.2 yarn evenness test: There are many way of
weak spots (despite its relatively high twist assessing yarn evenness:
concentration). a. Visual examination [4]: Yarns to be examined are
wrapped onto a matt black surface in equally spaced
turns so as to avoid any optical illusions of
http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
[Ibrahim, 4(3): March 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 2.114

irregularity. The blackboards are then examined passed through two parallel plates of a capacitor
under good lighting conditions using uniform non- whose value is continuously measured electronically.
directional light. Generally the examination is The presence of the yarn between the plates changes
subjective but the yarn can be compared with a the capacitance of the system which is governed by
standard if one is available; the ASTM produce a the mass of material between the plates and its
series of cotton yarn appearance standards. Motorized relative permittivity (dielectric constant). If the
wrapping machines are available: in these the yarn is relative permittivity remains the same then the
made to traverse steadily along the board as it is measurements are directly related to the mass of
rotated, thus giving a more even spacing. material between the plates. For the relative
b. Cut and weigh methods[4]: This method consists permittivity of a yarn to remain the same it must
of cutting consecutive lengths of the yarn and consist of the same type of fibre and its moisture
weighing them. The mass of each consecutive length content must be uniform throughout its length. The
of yarn is plotted on a graph as in Fig.1.1, a line presence of water in varying amounts or an uneven
showing the mean value can then be drawn on the blend of two or more fibres will alter the relative
plot. The scatter of the points about this line will then permittivity in parts of the yarn and hence appear as
give a visual indication of the unevenness of the yarn. unevenness.
The further, on average, that the individual points are d. Zweigle G580[4]: This instrument measures yarn
from the line, the more uneven is the yarn. evenness by a fundamentally different method from
the mass measuring system of the Uster instrument.
Instead of capacitance measurements it uses an
optical method of determining the yarn diameter and
its variation. In the instrument an infra-red
transmitter and two identical receivers are arranged.
The yarn passes at speed through one of the beams,
blocking a portion of the light to the measuring
receiver. The intensity of this beam is compared with
that measured by the reference receiver and from the
difference in intensities a measure of yarn diameter is
obtained. The optical method measures the variations
in diameter of a yarn and not in its mass. For a
constant level of twist in the yarn the mass of a given
Fig.1.1 The variation of weight of consecutive 1 cm length is related to its diameter by the equation:
lengths of yarn. Mass = C * d (2)
A mathematical measure of the unevenness is Where C ≡ constant,
required which will take account of the distance of he D ≡ diameter of yarn.
individual points from the mean line and the number However, in practice the twist level throughout a yarn
of them. There are two main ways of xpressing this in is not constant [4].
use: Therefore the imperfections recorded by this
1 .The average value for all the deviations from the instrument differ in nature from those recorded by
mean is calculated and then expressed as a instruments that measure mass variation. However,
percentage of the overall mean (percentage mean the optical system is claimed to be nearer to the
deviation, PMD). This is termed U% by the Uster human eye in the way that it sees faults. Because of
ompany. the way yarn evenness is measured, this method is
2. The standard deviation is calculated by squaring not affected by moisture content or fibre blend
the deviations from the mean and this is then variations in the yarn.
expressed as a percentage of the overall mean 1.3. Fabric irregularity:
(coefficient of variation, CV %).This measurement is The appearance of fabrics is affected by the
in accordance with standard statistical procedures. irregularity of yarns and fabric production process
When the deviations have a normal distribution about problems. Irregular yarn will have an uneven strength
the mean the two values are related by the following and will likely to disturb the fabric production
equation: process because of frequent breakage. The fabric
CV = 1.25 PMD (1) defects caused by irregular yarns may be grouped in
c. Uster evenness tester[4]: The Uster evenness two categories: random and periodic fabric
tester measures the thickness variation of a yarn by irregularities. While random fabric irregularities may
measuring capacitance. The yarn to be assessed is occur at any location in a fabric, periodic
http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
[Ibrahim, 4(3): March 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 2.114

irregularities may create visible patterns in certain them into weave or knit fabric structures in order to
directions. ASTM [4]. help visualize the final product [11], [12] and [13].In
1.3.1 Random irregularities: this study knitted fabric irregularity measured as the
Random yarn irregularity may cause rough fabric CV mass irregularity.
appearance. Cloudiness, rough, fuzziness is a fabric
condition characterized by a hairy appearance due to MATERIALS AND METHODS
broken fibers or uneven twist. Irregular reed marks 14Ne polyester/viscose (65/35) carded ring spun yarn
are due to cracks between warp ends at random used in this study .The measured yarn properties are
intervals for short distances. Missing or -faulty yarns given in table 2.1.
are visible at a portion of the fabric. Holes, cuts, Table 2.1: measured yarns properties
knots or slubs are local defects mainly caused by p/v
mechanical problems. Material
1.3.2. Periodic fabric irregularities: Yarn count (Ne) 14
Bárre is a striped effect in a fabric caused by a series Yarn diameter (mm) 0.242443
of picks, which have apparent difference in color or Yarn twist (t/m) 650
luster that is repeated at intervals in the warp Evenness CV % 10.65
direction. See Figure 1.2. Warp streak is U% 8.48
characterized by a narrow bar running warp-wise and
has difference in color from neighboring ends. Filling Appearance (visual
Grade A
bar is a weft that runs parallel with the picks and that inspection)
is different in material, linear density, twist, and The knitted fabric properties are given in table2.2.
luster from the adjacent wefts. Diamond bar/Moiré is Table 2.2The knitted fabric properties
caused by sinusoidal periodic thickness variations in Knitted fabric type Interlock
weft yarn whose wavelength is less than twice the
width of the cloth [5], [6]. See Figure 1.2. Reed Course length (cm) 110
marks, unlike irregular reed marks, occur in regular Stitch length (cm) 0.92
intervals and run along the pick. Skewing, bowing, Stitch density (stitch/cm2) 30
non-symmetric placements are usually caused by Uster 3 evenness tester was used to measure yarn
excessive tension in fabrication. CV. The passap dumatic 98 machine used to knit the


3.1 Yarn irregularities:
For yarn irregularity was tested using Uster3 tester.
Figure 1.2: Appearance of some fabric defects [4] The mass diagram and the coefficient of variation
1.4 Fabric irregularity testing: were obtained.Ten tests were performed. The results
It was suggested that [7], [8] the quality of fabric can are given in table 3.1
be predicted from the coefficient of variation, the CV Table 3.1 total result for 14Ne polyester/viscose 65/35yarn
Nebs Nebs
Test Um CVm Thin Thin Thick Thick Hairiness
(%), of the yarn that is used. However, in industry, No % % - 40% -50% +35% +50% +200

the evaluation of fabrics is still commonly done by 1 8.84 10.09 1 0 9 0 0 0 6.54

the experts through eye and hand judging. This is 2 8.68 10.81 4 0 14 3 2 2 6.21
primarily due to the fact that the CV (%) is grossly 3
insufficient to predict the features of irregularities, 5
since it is not location specific within the fabric. 7
Several researchers in the past tried to characterize 9
numerous fabric properties, some through Mean
8.48 10.65
5/km 3/km 6.10
introduction of quality indices and others by new CVb
2.46 2.49 68.8 8.0 21.9 82.3 57.0 90.4 4.83
methods of measurement using time series, Fourier 0.95%
0.15 0.19 5 0 5 3 2 2 8.18
transform, and Wavelets. Consequently, methods The diameter in millimeters for yarn was determined.
such as the Kawabata System (KES) [9], fabric For each yarn type 100 tests were performed. For
assurance by simple testing (FAST), and the Total each test the sample length was 20 meters. Therefore
Quality Index [10] have been proposed for total a total of 2000 meters was tested.The variations in
appearance rating. Nowadays yarn quality testers are yarn diameter plotted in figure3.1.
equipped with devices for obtaining information on
yarn properties on-line or off-line and then mapping
http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
[Ibrahim, 4(3): March 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 2.114

3.3 Model:
The final CVs for yarn and fabric were calculated and
shown in table 3.2. The Origin program was used to
establish an equation (model) that could better
correlate the data obtained from the yarn and fabric.
diameter (mm)

0.24 Nonlinear regression analysis curve fit was used to

choose the best model.
Table 3.2 Yarn and fabric CV’s
0.20 CV (yarn) (%) CV (fabric) (%)
7.7152 1.6926
6.9176 1.4517
0 500 1000 1500 2000
length (m) 11.5704 1.9979
7.6458 1.8819
Figure 3.1: The variations in the yarn diameter for 14Ne,
8.5057 2.1438
polyester/viscose (65/35) blended yarn. 8.6385 1.9824
3.2 Fabric analysis: 6.282 2.6266
Figure 3.2 shows the image of the knitted fabric 9.7942 1.2958
knitted from 14Ne, polyester/viscose (65/35) blended 6.4176 1.5948
yarn. As can be seen from the image the produced 5.9995 2.7367
fabric is more regular. The Non-linear fit functions were tested in order to
select best nonlinear model for (14Ne
polyester/viscose (65/35) yarn). The results are given
in table 3.3.
Table 3.3: The result obtained
R MSE Prob>F
Sine** 79 0.35 0.00003**
Polynomial 91 0.33 0.24
Exponential 70 0.37 0.00001
Figure 3.2: Image of the knitted fabric The correlation coefficient; R, mean square error;
MSE and significant value were used to choose the
The weight in grams was determined for fabric
best model. From table 3.3 it can be seen that the
sample. Sample was 18 courses height. The length
Polynomial model is not suitable because, it is
used to knit 18 courses was equivalent to 20 meters.
insignificant (sig ≤ 0.05). On the other hand, the
The results obtained are plotted in figure 3.3. As can
correlation coefficient; R and mean squared error;
be seen in figures the curves behavior it nearly the
MSE values for the Exponential are less the Sine.
yarn diameter variation curves. See figures 3.1
Therefore the model chooses was the Sine. The best
curve fit is illustrated in figure 3.4.
CV fabric (%)
0.76 Sine Fit of Sheet1 CVfabric1
weight (grms)

0.74 2.4

CV fabric (%)


0.68 1.8
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Length (m)
Figure 3.3: The variations in fabric weight for the knitted
6 7 8 9 10 11 12

CV yarn (%)
Figure 3.4: best curve fit for sine function
http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
[Ibrahim, 4(3): March 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 2.114

The mathematical model is as follows:

Y1 = 1.87 + 0.53sin (2.49X1 – 6.69) (3) Table 3.5: Proposed specification for knitted fabric
Where Y1 is the CV (%) for knitted fabric Material (yarn) Fabric CV specification
X1 is the CV (%) for yarn (%)
Compare model with the data: Polyester/viscose 2.02 v. good
Predicted value calculate from equation (3) and (65/35)%
14 Ne 2.04 good
compared with the actual data the result show in table
2.07 Acceptable
3.4 below.
Table 3.4: CV fabric, CV predicted Above 2.07 fail
CV (fabric) (%) CV (predicted) (%)
1.6926 1.42144 CONCLUSION
1.4517 1.87929  The yarn mass variations (CVm) and the
1.9979 1.71383 knitted fabric mass variations (CVfm)
1.8819 2.38764 curves follow a sinusoidal curve. It is
2.1438 2.31761 behavior was the same as the sine function
1.9824 2.15014 curve.
2.6266 1.36941  The sine function was the best model to
1.2958 1.98563 estimate the knitted fabric mass variations
1.5948 2.37672 (CVfm) from the yarn mass variations
2.7367 1.42144 (CVm). The correlation coefficients were
The CV curve for the actual and predicted
values for fabric are plotted in figure 3.5. Which  Using equation1 predict mass variation
represented the relation between actual value and (CVfm) of the fabric knitted from blended
predicted value calculate using the equation (3). The polyester/viscous (65/35) yarn having 14Ne
figure shows the relation the measured values and can be determined.
those calculated using equation1. As can be seen  The proposed mathematical
from the figure, the trends are nearly the same. The equations(model) was tested.
correlation is nearly 79%.  The results obtained from the proposed
model was in good agree with those
obtained from experiments.
CV fabric
 The proposed specifications of the knitted
2.8 fabrics are given in table 3.5.

CV fabric

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[Ibrahim, 4(3): March 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655
(ISRA), Impact Factor: 2.114

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Author Biblography
Ishag Abass Ibrahim F/elmola
The first author did his B.Sc. degree in
Textile Engineering at Sudan University of
Science and Technology (SUST),
Khartoum, Sudan in 2000. M.S.c Degree in
textile engineering at SUST University,
Khartoum, Sudan in 2006. Currently, he is
working towards the Ph.D. degree in
Textile Engineering at SUST. Mr. Ishag
Abass Ibrahim is a senior Lecturer in
SUST, Eng. College, since August 2006
till now.

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