Matchan Jurus 1-6

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Matchan Jurus 1-6: Table of Contents

• Tongkat Silat Matchan Jurus 1-6 00:30

• Juru 1 Application 08:00
• Matchan Juru 2 11:15
• Juru 2 with a Machete 14:30
• Matchan Juru 3 15:13
• Juru 3 with a Machete 18:20
• Matchan Juru 4 19:54
• Juru 4 Application 21:11
• Juru 4 with a Machete 22:50
• Matchan Juru 5 24:14
• Juru 5 Application 25:32
• Juru 5 with a Machete 28:21
• Matchan Juru 6 29:07
• Juru 6 with a Machete 30:48

Matchan Jurus 1-6: Video Transcription

Tongkat Silat Matchan Jurus 1-6 00:30

We are going to show you 6 Matchan jurus today, that's this perspective and also we are going to do a
machete as well, and then in another month you are going to get 6 more jurus with the Matchan and
with the machete so there are 12 total. I want you to understand the Tongkat, the Tongkat Matchan vs a
Filipino art, Filipino stick, because Filipinos are fast and explosive. It is just very quick, watch the end of
the stick. They are lightning fast with Filipino martial arts. in Tongkat the Matchan, it's a Dutch
Indonesian art, so it lumbers, and it comes with a big thump. So from here, with Mr. Kyle's help, it's just
very quick. See the difference? It's thicker, stronger, harder and smashes things. That's my perspective.

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Copyright© 2016 KI Fighting Concepts LLC
4 Kittitas St. Ste. 101, Wenatchee, WA. USA
We are at the Wind and Rock Training Facility in beautiful Lake Chelan, WA, USA. I want to offer you
some perspectives of the value of the Tongkat Silat. In May of 1992 I trained, and I am on my 25th year
of Silat participation. Now, the Matchan is like your inseam, I have a 33-inch inseam, that is my stick.
Also, two other perspectives, it's the nipple height from here, that is the other Matchan or Tongkat
perspective. Then, it's my ear lobe right to here, so there is one, nipple height and ear lobe height, that
is my perspective. Now, the Matchan, there's a buntut, so it's a half-grip here, and then a full-grip and
that is my buntut. That's the tail, this is the tiger. Buntut, tail, the rest of the Matchan is the tiger. Now, I
am going to show you 6 jurus, there are a total of 12 but we will only go over 6 today. Right from here,
this is the Matchan position. Now, back in 1992, I was in this position here, and then I am in this
position. Why? This is my Serak jurus and Tongkat jurus so that is how it is going to go, rather than here,
it's the same perspective, hopefully that makes sense to you. Now I am charging, I am moving in, just go,
that is what I am doing. But the jurus are slow and they are methodical and pay attention to detail. From
another vantage point, and another perspective as well. With Mr. Kyle's help I will process this so that
you can understand me, that was Juru 1 from here, out and back. When I hit the Matchan down, that is
a whole different perspective what I am doing. So here, here, I am hitting the end of the Matchan and I
am raising my elbow up this way, that is what I am specifically doing.

Juru 1 Application 8:00

This is a perspective I developed for X-Dtac. So when we do Juru 1, smashing the skull, smashing his
clavicle, because there is a subclavian artery underneath each clavicle, when you shatter that, maybe we
could puncture, I don't know, the artery, and they are going to bleed out. So from here, boom, here,
now smash, and then hit. So let's say that I am clearing the hall, this is a concept called clearing the hall
and there is a guy in front of me in the hallway and my family is in danger, so I am going to smash, and
then move, smash, move, smash, move. Bang, pop, smash, pop, smash, pop, smash, pop. And a little
quicker, that is my concept of clearing the hall.

Here I am on guard, I am moving in, there. Boom, that's the Juru. Mr. Kyle please. Clearing the hall,
smash, boom, smash, boom, smash, boom. That is my perspective on clearing the hall and Juru 1 with a

Juru 2 11:15

Mr. Kyle is going to demonstrate Juru 2. He faces me, you are hitting into center line right here, this
convergence into this position, and you are protecting your forearm from here, and maybe you could
just smash and bang into this. So into the centerline, and then this could be a block because they come
here and here, that could also be a block. So I smash with the right and I come back across, that's
blocking hand or defanging the snake, that is a Filipino perspective but that's what we do. Facing me,
smash, protecting yourself, smashing my head and crashing my collar bone. Smashing my head, boom,
and one more time, so from here, you could block and then also come up with the butut and then smash
down on my face as you step back. Mr. Kyle will represent what we believe is necessary. So rather than
starting Juru 2 here and you are already in the fight and we clear and go back, maybe from this position,

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Copyright© 2016 KI Fighting Concepts LLC
4 Kittitas St. Ste. 101, Wenatchee, WA. USA
he is just going to explode and then step up. Once more with more energy. From this side over here, and
from this side hitting the post.

Juru 2 with a Machete 14:30

Mr. Kyle is going to perform Juru 2 with a machete. He can improvise whatever he wants. That was

Matchan Juru 3 15:13

I have done Wing Chun for several years, several decades, and my perspective on Tongkat jurus is a jet
sau. From Sil Lum Tao, that is a jet sau. We are going to crush their skull and smash and run through
them. Hit, hit. Notice I am taking space, that is the one and then the two. I am smashing into their face
on Juru 2. And you could also advance forward. These are the jurus I was taught from Maha Guru Victor
De Thouars and Guru Bob. But a different perspective is you could just move forward. Matchan Juru 3.

Juru 3 with a Machete 18:20

Number 3 is the first combination Juru. I will perform it for you. One, plus two, equals three. Let me
explain that. It's the first combination Juru but I use a jet sau, jet sau from Wing Chun here, boom,
boom, boom. One, two. One, two, three. Another position. Juru 3 with a machete.

Matchan Juru 4 19:54

Matchan Juru number 4. From another vantage. Matchan Juru number 4.

Juru 4 Application 21:11

In Juru 4 I am actually shielding my body from the Matchan. I will explain. From here, I am squatting low
and protecting my body from here. Not only am I hiding behind the Matchan, I am putting it maybe
2,3,4 inches above. From here, I am driving and protecting my body, that is what I am doing. Then,
slowly, boom, here and then smash and smash. Also, if he steps in I can back up, boom here, so slowly,
pop, pop, then hit and smash, smash, smash. That is Juru 4 from Matchan.

Juru 4 with a Machete 22:50

Juru 4 with a machete. Could I pull this off? Maybe, maybe not, but I am just going to stab him in the
thigh, maybe his femoral artery, because he is smashing me here, boom, I am going to stick him in his
femoral artery. So I am just going to stick, maybe cut off his balls here, just smash here, then cut, cut,
cut. Again. He has his stick down, I don't have any problems, just boom right to here, then cut, cut, cut.
That is Juru 4 with a machete.

Matchan Juru 5 24:14

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Copyright© 2016 KI Fighting Concepts LLC
4 Kittitas St. Ste. 101, Wenatchee, WA. USA
Mr. Kyle is going to perform Juru 5 with a Matchan. You are protecting your forearm, maybe you could
smash into me, whatever you need to do. Also another perspective on Juru 5 specifically, because you
pinch your knees together, that is a heavy load and then he blocks here. I will explain and demonstrate
that later. Then, bang, one, two. Again, then he can smash my collarbone here, or again he could be
here and smash my head here and here. Or the abaniko, bang, smash, down here. So we do Filipino
martial arts as well.

Juru 5 Application 25:32

So now, Mr. Kyle is hitting into the centerline, crushing my larynx, crushing my jaw and shattering my
teeth. Or he could butut and follow with an elbow right to here, there are so many variables from Juru 5.
From here, he could also abaniko me here, which is a Filipino perspective, and then he could do the
butut here and smash, smash, smash. Back to that position. So abaniko me, that is Filipino, then he
smashes my jaw here and crush, bang, crush, bang. That is what Juru 5 with a Matchan can do. One of
the reasons why Mr. Kyle pinches his knees together is that it creates a heavy load on him. So now, I am
going to hit him pretty hard. I was attacking Mr. Kyle with the staff and now I am going to attack him
with the Matchan. From here, starting slow, that is the reason. When I am smashing down on him he
pinches his knees together. Once more, I am going to hit him hard. Mr. Kyle, Juru 5, he has the Matchan,
I have a machete. So when he drives into me here, I can just do that. Or if he does an upward block,
boom, that works.

Juru 5 with a Machete 28:21

Matchan Juru 5 with a machete.

Matchan Juru 6 29:07

Matchan Juru 6. We are already in the fight, we are smashing and going after them. We block. Buntut,
shift your hips 90 degrees, boom, then shift them back clockwise, one, two. Matchan Juru 6. A little

Juru 6 with a Machete 30:48

Matchan Juru 6 with a machete. Drive, just cut their head off, that is what I would do. Mr. Kyle was
doing number 2; the fight is over. Switch your feet and your hips 90 degrees and then clockwise, switch
your feet back to 12. Another vantage point. Matchan Juru 6 with a machete.

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Copyright© 2016 KI Fighting Concepts LLC
4 Kittitas St. Ste. 101, Wenatchee, WA. USA

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