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Inspection Checklists

S.No. Checklist Name Format No. Remarks

1. General Check list for Works GC-1
2. Inspection Checklists for Building Works IC-1
3. Inspection Checklists for Roads IC-2
4. Inspection Checklists for Drains IC-3
5. Inspection Checklists for Water Supply IC-4
6. Inspection Checklists for Sewerage IC-5
7. Inspection Report on quality control for Projects______ IR-6

GC – 1: General Check list for Works

Sr. Yes/No.
Item to be checked
No. /Remarks
Are copies of following available at site
i) Contract documents incl. contract drawings,
ii) Construction (working) drawings,
iii) Estimates and designs?
iv) Are the Site Order Book and Quality Control Test Registers properly maintained and
available at contractor’s site office?
2. Is there a Work Plan of the contractor?
3. Are the TBMs set up & verified by Engineer-in-charge?
4. Are the underground works commenced / done first i.e., sewerage, water supply, drains,
street lighting, roads in that sequence?
5. Are the construction of sewerage & drainage commenced from downstream end?
6. Are the Drain top levels below the road edge levels and also below the Courtyard Levels
of houses in general?
7. Are there any encroachments to be removed?
8. Is there any delay in progress of work with reference to work plan?
9. Is there any deviation in work or field conditions with reference to design?
Does any technical / financial problem need to be addressed?
10. Is the construction as per construction drawings?
11. Is the Contactor conducting quality control tests?
Is the Quality control test register being maintained properly and endorsed by the
12. Is proper barricading provided where necessary to ensure safety of residents?
13. Are drains and sewers properly connected to their disposal points?
14. Is there free flow of drainage?
15. What is the feedback of community on:
i) quality of work
ii) functional aspects of works?
16. Whether regular site visits are done by Engineer-in-charge?
Is the manufacturer’s test certificate for cement produced?
Is it fresh (<1 month from date of manufacture), free from lumps?
Is it stacked properly in stacks less than 10 bags height over a raised wooden platform to
prevent contact with moisture?
Is air entry into the store room prevented to prevent formation of lumps?
Is the fine aggregate (FA or sand) of good quality coarse river sand and conform to the
grading requirements of mortar / concrete?
19. Has bulking of sand been tested? If there is bulking, has the volume of sand been
adjusted accordingly?
20. Is the Coarse Aggregate (CA) of hard variety, cubical in shape and not flaky and conforms
to the grading requirements of CA for concrete as per code?
21. Is the content of deleterious matter like coal & lignite, clay lumps, material finer than 75
micron sieve (dust), soft fragments, organic matter etc. <5% as per code?
22. Is the Maximum Size of Aggregate maintained as specified?
(For RCC, it should not be more than 20 mm; for PCC, it should not be more than ¼ of the
minimum thickness of the member subject to a maximum of 50 mm). For pavement
concrete, it should not be more than 25 mm.
23. Is the % water absorption < 2% for the CA for concrete?
24. Has the concrete mix design been done by a designated laboratory and approved by the
25. Is the CA being wetted before being used for concrete?
26. Is the concrete being mixed in a mechanical mixer with hopper?
27. Are the concrete cube samples taken for compressive strength testing in accordance
with sampling criteria?
28. Is the concrete properly placed in position from a height of less than 0.5 m?
29. Is the workability as per slump test in the required range for the nature of work being
30. Is the concrete being emptied from the drum onto a smooth impermeable platform?
31. Is vibrator being used on the work? Is there a spare vibrator?
32. Is the form work strong enough to prevent bulging when vibrated? Is it free from holes
etc. to prevent loss of cement slurry?
33. Is the concrete being cured adequately as per requirements?
34. Is the form work removed only after the expiry of prescribed period for the type of
structural element?
35. Is the acceptance criteria being followed as per code?
36. Are manufacturer’s test certificate produced for conformance to standards for Tor steel
and for mild steel (as applicable) from manufactures?
37. Have the i) yield strength test, ii) % elongation test, iii) rebend test been conducted for
the steel being used on major / important works? Does it meet the specifications?
38. Is there any coating of earth or dirt etc. for the steel which prevents formation of proper
bond with the concrete?
39. Is the steel of adequate anchorage length, with proper cover (higher specified cover for
water retaining structures) with chairs and placed in forms and properly tied with GI
binding wire?
40. Are the overlaps of required bond / anchorage?
i.e Minimum 50 times dia. of bar for tension
i.e. Minimum 40 times dia. of bar for compression
Whether overlaps are staggered?
41. Is proper detailing of reinforcement done as per standard, particularly at joints?
42. Has the reinforcement assembly been checked by the Engineer-in-charge prior to laying
of concrete w.r.t. approved designs?
43. Is necessary provision / arrangement for services like water supply, electrical fixtures etc.
made in the form work prior to laying of concrete (for buildings)?
44. Is sampling of concrete cylinders and compressive strength testing done as per the
sampling criteria in code?
45. Are the bricks well burnt without un burnt portions, of rectangular shape, with sharp
edges, free from cracks and of correct size? Are they properly stacked in stacks not more
than 20 courses?
46. Do they give clear metallic sound when struck with a hammer? Are they intact and do
not break when dropped from a height of about 2m?
47. Are the bricks soaked in water for 2 hours before being used?
48. Have the bricks been tested for compressive strength? Do they satisfy 50 kg/cm2 for 1st
class bricks (for sewer man holes) and 35 kg/cm2 for 2nd class bricks for other works?
49. Is the % water absorption after 24 hours not more than 20%?
50. Does the sand fall in the grading as prescribed? Is the mortar used as per specified mix
51. Is the frog (manufacturer’s mark) kept on the top of the brick while laying the brickwork?
52. Are the joints in each layer broken to prevent stress concentration?
53. Is the thickness of mortar joint as per specification?
(Not more than 12 mm for 2nd class brickwork and 10 mm for 1st class brickwork)
54. Are the joints raked when mortar is green for at least 7.5 mm before plastering?
55. Is the brickwork cured for at least 14 days after construction?
56. Any constraints to speedy progress of work?
57. Any constraints to maintaining quality of work?
58. Any other remarks of the Inspecting Officer
1C-1: Checklist for Building Works
Remarks by
Sr.No. Items by
A. Pre Excavation
1.1 Construction Drawings indicating levels available at Site
1.2 Proper safety precautions taken for site and public
1.3 Precautions taken for dewatering and protecting site from flooding
1.4 Dumping ground established
1.5 Setting out and levels as per drawings
1.6 Intermediate levels checked
B. Post Excavation
1.7 Characteristics of excavated strata noted and deviations informed
1.8 Appropriate shoring and shuttering done
1.9 Final excavation levels, surface inspected and approved
1.10 Anti-Termite Treatment has been done post excavation
A . Pre-concreting
2.1 All levels and dimensions
checked for correctness
2.2 Shuttering is as per plan and has
no gaps in between
2.3 All materials are of specified
brand and grade
B. During Concreting
2.4 Mixing of concrete has been done as specified
2.5 Slump and other tests carried out as specified
2.6 Honeycombing removed
2.7 Required number of Samples have been taken for carrying out
slump tests, cube tests etc
C. Post Concreting
2.8 Concreting has been done as per specified line and level
2.9 Curing has been done as specified
2.10 Compaction has been done properly
2.11 Remedial measures taken for removal of defects
3.1 Chemicals for ATT are as per specifications
3.2 Chemicals in use are within the expiry date.
3.3 Sufficient quantities of chemicals are available at site for ATT.
3.4 Safety precautions have been taken for carrying out ATT and
storage of Chemicals.
3.5 Record of consumption maintained at site.
4.1 Filling material/ earth is as per specification
4.2 Anti-termite treatment has been carried out before commencement of
4.3 Filling has been done in layers of 300 mm, watered and compacted as
per specifications
4.4 Proper compaction method has been adopted
4.5 Filling has been done to the required levels
A. Pre-concreting
5.1 All specified materials available at site
5.2 Cement is of the required grade and not more than three months old.
5.3 Shuttering checked for Staging & Propping, line & level, dimensions
cleaning etc and its quality approved
5.4 Application of oil & grease carried out
5.5 Mixer/Vibrator as specified available at site with adequate
means to run them during concreting
5.6 Cut-out & Sleeves/Inserted
5.7 Surface of reinforcement is clean and free from rust
5.8 Bars have been provided as per structural drawings
5.9 Lap length & dowels provided as per codal provisions
5.10 Pin bars & chairs/cover blocks provided as per requirements
5.11 Tying of bars has been done correctly
5.12 Service lines(Electrical, Plumbing, Others) if any, provided before
commencement of concrete
B. General Arrangement
5.13 Availability/ Arrangement of pumps etc, proper access & walkway
5.14 Adequacy of vibrators/ needle including diesel vibrator
5.15 Slump cone & test cubes made
5.16 Safety and health measures taken before commencement
C. During Concreting
5.17 All necessary precautions taken before commencement of concreting
5.18 Samples of taken for slump, cube tests etc for each batch
5.19 Proper Compaction done and checks on Staging & Scaffolding carried out
5.20 Covering of green concrete carried out
5.21 Surface finish checked
5.22 Construction joints provided
D. Post Concreting
5.23 De-shuttering started on Vertical faces / Other faces carried out as per
codal provisions
5.24 Proper curing of concrete carried out
5.25 Line& Level of surface checked for correctness
5.26 Defects, notified and removed
5.27 Cube and other test results will be intimated to the engineer in
charge for further action
A. Pre-Masonry Work
6.1 Availability of material as per daily requirement checked
6.2 Quality check for bricks/ blocks/ sand/ cement carried out
6.3 Provisions kept for electrical and other services
B. During masonry work
6.4 Checking for line/ level/ right angle carried out
6.5 Mortar checked for mix proportion
6.6 Proper raking of joints
6.7 Seismic bands provided as per zonal requirements
C. Post masonry
6.8 Check cleaning of dead mortar and broken bricks/ blocks etc.
6.9 Curing carried out as per requirements
D. Plastering/Pointing
6.10 Mortar for plastering as specified for each side of wall
6.11 Quality of cement and sand checked
6.12 Curing work done as per requirement
6.13 Preparation of surface
E. During Plastering
6.14 Mortar mixing in tray
6.15 Addition of water proofing compound
6.16 Proper roughing of first coat
6.17 Check for collection of mortar
6.18 Cleaning of dead mortar
6.19 Check of waviness
6.20 Check for grooves/ drip moulds
6.21 Application of cement slurry on concrete surface
F. After Plastering
6.22 Curing
6.23 Check for hollowness
6.24 Check for cracks
6.24 Check for diagonal
6.25 Lime wash after 3 days (within 5 days in case of neeru application)
6.26 Safety and health measures
7.1 Surface for waterproofing has been prepared and cleaned
7.2 Safety measures/ precautions taken before commencement of
7.3 Specified type of water proofing used
7.4 Specified material used for waterproofing
7.5 The material used was as per specification
7.6 Work has been carried out as per specifications by the department/
specialized agency
8.1 Layout of floor checked and proper slopes for draining water
are maintained specially in bath room and toilet.
8.2 Thickness bases at GL checked of different floor
8.3 Check for proper back filling under floor done
8.4 Metal/glass strips laid properly in flooring
8.5 Curing of Flooring done as per requirements
8.6 Dado provided as per required height
8.7 Cleaning and finishing done
9.1 GI/CI/HDPE pipes etc. confirms to relevant codes
9.2 Pipes of required diameter and their fittings used
9.3 Plumbing and Water Supply work carried out through a licensed
9.4 Works done as per specification
9.5 Plumbing and Water Supply works tested on completion
9.6 Defects rectified
10.1 Layout plans: showing the position of L.T Panels/ distribution board,
lighting fixtures, lighting distribution, scheme, receptacles, etc available
before commencement of work
10.2 All the following items are as per specification and of approved makes
L T Panels/ Distribution Boards
Lighting Fixtures
Conduits, including accessories
Junction Boxes
Any other item
10.3 Conduit and accessories are of specified make, gauge and diameter
10.4 Proper installation of all conduit wiring and concealed wiring.
10.5 Earth electrode provided as specified.
10.6 Types and size of main/sub main and circuit earthing conductors
provided as specified
10.7 Main switch board is fabricated based on approved shop drawings and
the entire material used is as per BIS Code.
10.8 Make of switches and other items as specified.


11.1 Poles used are of approved make as specified and conform to
relevant codes.
11.2 Test certificate as applicable.
11.3 Pole embedded below ground level as specified.
11.4 Metallic poles are adequately earthed with specified size of earth
11.5 Strays struts, insulators, conductors used conform to relevant
11.6 Earth wire conductor used as specified.
11.7 Lightning arrestors used as specified
11.8 Spacing of poles, spans and clearance between, conductors and,
surroundings kept as specified.
11.9 Insulators used for specified grade.
11.10 Trenches of specified dimensions excavated and prepared
11.11 Required quantity of sand cushioning provided; cable laid;
another layer of sand and brick protective covering provided.
Refilling done earth ramming and dressing done.
11.12 Cables entry point in building or crossing roads path protected by
providing Hume pipes or PVC pipe
11.13 Cable tested before and after laying and before emerging
11.14 Earth electrode provided as specified
11.15 Types and size of main/ sub main and circuit earthing conductors
provided as specified.
12.1 Excavation for drains carried out as per the approved lay- out
12.2 Bed Concrete laid as per specifications with proper slopes and
12.3 All pipes procured and laid as per requirement
12.4 Jointing of pipes done as per specifications
12.5 Manholes provided as per design
12.6 Materials for construction of manhole as specified
12.7 End of the pipes plugged
12.8 Drainage line tested before putting to use
13.1 Materials used for construction of sub base, base and cement
concreting is as specified
13.2 Grading of Aggregates is as per specifications
13.3 Right of Way Maintained as per drawings
13.4 Aggregates spread uniformly to proper profile
13.5 Centre line, gradient and camber maintained as specified
13.6 Cross section levels of precedent layer recorded
13.7 Tests of aggregates carried out as specified and record
13.8 Top concrete surface is of required grade and mix
13.9 All tests carried out as per the relevant Codes

14.1 Whether the provision for adequate ventilation and natural
lighting has been made as per National Building code?
14.2 Whether facility for storage in terms of Almirah/ Shelves / Lofts /
Platform has been made?
14.3 Whether Sanitary fittings have been provided?
15. IC – 2 : Inspection checklists for Roads
Remarks by
Sr.No. Items Implementation Compliance
agency/Auth Rep by Contractor
15.1 Is the construction as per construction drawings?
15.2 Are the Road Edge Levels are above the Drain Top
Levels and Courtyard Levels?
15.3 Is the Formation properly done?
15.4 Is the Granular Sub-base material of good quality and required
15.5 Is the consolidation properly done? Is it tested for field density?
15.6 Are the CA, FA (Coarse / Fine Aggregates) and water of good
quality and free from deleterious material?
15.7 Is the lean concrete properly cured for 3 days prior to laying
pavement slab?
15.8 Is the concrete mix design given by a reputed laboratory and
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge?
15.9 Is a trial length of road laid with the mix design in the presence of
15.10 Is the Vibrator being used? Is there a spare vibrator in case of
repair of the first one? Are the edges properly vibrated, preferably
using a pin vibrator along the edges?
15.11 Is the form work adequate for keeping it for at least 12 hours
without removal and to continue further work?
Are spikes of 20 mm dia steel rods provided to retain the form
work and prevent bulging when vibration is done?
15.12 Is Curing done properly, preferably by ponding at least for 14 days
and preferably for 21 days?
15.13 Are offsets given for offsite roads?
15.14 Are the Contraction Joints saw cut to 1/3rd depth and provided at
4.5 m interval? Are they properly sealed with 60/70 grade
15.15 Are the Construction Joints provided whenever work is stopped
for >30 minutes and do they coincide with Contraction Joints? Are
they properly sealed with 60/70 grade bitumen?
15.16 Are Expansion Joints provided at specified interval & at junctions
with bridges and culverts? Are they properly filled with good
quality compressible joint filler & sealed with 60/70 grade
15.17 Are the joints formed without acute angles?
15.18 Are Longitudinal Joints saw cut to 1/3rd depth and provided
whenever width of pavement is > 4.5 m? Are they properly sealed
with 60/70 grade bitumen?
15.19 Are Shoulders formed properly to level with necessary
15.20 Are there cracks/damage observed in pavement or near joints?
If so, what is the plan for rectification of the same or replacement
of the affected portion? What might have caused the defects and
how to prevent them?
15.21 Is there any i) segregation or ii) honeycombing observed?
If so, is it being rectified properly?
15.22 Is the finishing of the road proper?
15.23 Are the road junctions properly formed?
15.24 Is the road laid to proper camber and longitudinal grade to enable
proper drainage?
15.25 Are the dimensions correct?
15.26 Are any post construction tests done like Rebound Hammer Test
and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Meter Test to assess the strength of
cost after curing?

16. IC – 3 : Inspection checklists for Drains

Remarks by
Sr.No. Items by
16.1 Is the construction as per approved construction drawings?
16.2 Are the Drain Top Levels below the Road Edge Levels and
Courtyard Levels for onsite drains?
16.3 Is Proper alignment and gradient maintained for the drains?
16.4 Are the dimensions correct?
16.5 Is proper granular bedding provided under the bed concrete after
removing loose, slushy soil? Is the bed concrete of Good quality?
16.6 Is the construction done to the required gradient?
16.7 Are the CA, FA and water of good quality & free from deleterious
16.8 Are the concrete cube samples taken by Engineer-in-charge and
tested? If so, do they satisfy compressive strength requirements?
16.9 Is Vibrator being used?
16.20 Is Curing done properly for the specified period?
16.21 Is the internal drainage properly connected to the outfall drain?
16.22 Are the Road side drain walls raised to just below road level?
Are the dimensions of these walls adequate?
16.23 Is the finishing of the drain good?
16.24 Are the culverts adequate to discharge the drainage?
If not, do they need widening?
16.25 Are the water pipe lines across the drain or beside the drain being
shifted /realigned/encased to prevent pollution of water?
16.26 Is there any need to rehabilitate existing damaged drain section if
any, which inhibits the efficiency of functioning of the drain?
17. IC – 4 : Inspection checklists for Water Supply

17.27 Is the construction as per approved construction drawings?

17.28 Is the trench to proper i) alignment?
ii) depth conforming to minimum cover, and iii) width?
17.29 Is proper bedding provided under (& around if necessary) the pipe
with granular material like sand or crusher dust?
17.30 Are the manufacturer’s test certificates for raw material made
Has the pipe testing been witnessed by Engineer-in-charge?
Do the results satisfy the requirements of the code?
Is the % of reprocessed HDPE material maintained less than 10%?
17.31 Are there any cracks in the DI/CI in the pipes or the lining?
17.32 Whether specials like bends, tees etc. conform to the material
and pressure of the relevant pipe line?
17.33 Is the jointing of pipes good, particularly at junctions and while
giving house service connections?
Have good quality jointing materials (like solvent cement for PVC;
butt welding using welding machine for HDPE; Jiffy joints with
Rubber rings and gaskets for DI/CI been used?
Are the rubber rings and gaskets field tested and are positioned
properly with jointing material?
17.34 Are thrust blocks provided at bends as per requirements of the
17.35 Is the backfilling done properly by watering and ramming in layers
duly removing boulders etc. and slightly higher than GL?
17.36 Are the house connections of GI or MDPE? Is the quality of
GI/MDPE pipes as per standards?
17.37 Are the
i) valves, ii) valve chambers, covers and iii) specials
of good quality?
iv) are they properly and safely located to prevent their breaking
due to traffic?
v) do they conform to the relevant pipe line requirements?
17.38 Whether air valves conform to the pipe line requirements?
17.39 Whether non-return valves conform to the pipe line
17.40 Whether pressure release valves conform to the pipe line
17.41 Are horizontal stretches in the pipe line avoided to prevent air
17.42 Have proper Arrangements for Interconnection with Source of
supply done? Are concrete / RCC thrust blocks provided at bends
as applicable?
17.43 Has the Hydraulic test on pipeline/s been conducted?
Is it witnessed by the Engineer – in -charge & community?
17.44 Is the test pressure adequate and as per specifications?
17.45 Is there any leaks/cracks/damages observed in the pipes or joints?
17.46 Have all Households taken House Service Connections?
17.47 Are the pressures adequate? Have all pit taps, if any, been
removed after laying new distribution lines/ replacing old lines?
17.48 Are there any un served Households?
17.49 Is there any pollution or scope for pollution of drinking water? If
so, are necessary precautions taken or planned?
17.50 Is water actually reaching the consumer’s house with adequate
17.51 PUMP SETS:
i) Are the pumps procured as per specifications of duty and head?
Has testing of pump set been conducted in the presence of
ii) Have the pump sets passed the tests and satisfy the duty and
head requirements?
iii) Have all accessories like panel board, switch gear of the pump
sets been supplied and are they suitable and satisfy the quality
iv) Is the starter provided appropriate to the KW of the pump set?
iv) Has Trial run been conducted and is it successful?
v) Have single phasing preventor, over load relay & capacitors
been provided?
17.52 Are the cable sizes provided as per design and operating
17.53 Is positive suction condition ensured for centrifugal pump sets?
17.54 Has an eccentric taper been provided on the suction side?
17.55 Have the required sluice valves and non-return valve on delivery
side been provided?
Is the piping devoid of unnecessary bends etc. to reduce friction
17.56 Have proper earthing, lightning arrestors and safety controls been
17.57 Have dismantling joints been provided for the valves at the pump
17.58 Has the electrical connection been given to the pump sets?
17.59 Has the correct Contracted Maximum Demand (CMD) been
agreed with the State Electricity Board ?
17.60 For a tube well, has the capacity (KW) of the submersible pump
set been fixed based on the depth and yield of water after
conducting yield test?
17.61 SUMP / OHSR / GLSR
Is the safe bearing capacity (SBC) of soil for foundation of Sump /
OHSR been tested?
17.62 Does the design of foundation for the Sump / OHSR need any
revision based on the SBC?
17.63 Have necessary strengthening of foundation done for poor soils
like BC soil and / or high water table, if met?
17.64 Has the reinforcement assembly at each stage been checked by
the Engineer – in - charge?
17.65 Is the form work for floor slab/ roof slab / dome adequate and
17.66 Is the steel being used comply with the relevant specifications?
Are the manufacturer’s test certificates available on site?
17.67 Has the steel been tested for tensile strength, % elongation and
rebend test? If so, do the results satisfy the requirements of the
17.68 Has the minimum cover in accordance with code provided for RCC
water retaining structures?
17.69 Is the detailing at joints properly done as per code?
17.70 Have puddle pipes been provided in the floor slab of OHSR?
17.71 Has the SUMP / OHSR /GLSR been tested for water tightness in
accordance with code?
1.72 Is there any leakage through the Sump / OHSR / GLSR?
17.73 Is the scour of OHSR/GLSR connected to natural drain?
1.74 Have the inlet and outlet been inter connected (bye pass)?
17.75 Has the overflow pipe been connected to the outlet pipe?
17.76 Have proper lightning arrestor, water level indicators, ventilators,
phenial, ladders, staircase, railing been provided?
17.77 Has the ground below the ELSR been raised to prevent stagnation
of water?

18. IC – 5 : Inspection checklists for Sewerage

18.78 Is the sewer construction done from the downstream (D/S) end
considering the Invert Levels of Manhole (MH )on out fall sewer /
Inlet of Septic Tank?
18.79 Has TBM been established in the poor settlement and have the
invert levels been established based on this TBM from the d/s
18.80 Have the invert levels been checked through the LF book by the
Engineer – in - Charge?
18.81 Are sight rails and boning rods used in aligning and fixing the
invert levels of sewer?
18.82 Are the i) Invert Levels of inlet and outlet of septic tank and ii
invert levels of sewers fixed as per construction (working)
18.83 Is the sewer construction done from the d/s end?
Is the direction of socket facing the upstream end?
18.84 Is proper granular bedding provided under the sewer for the
required depth?
18.85 Is the sewer jointing done properly using solvent cement for UPVC
pipes and Hessian/jute yarn soaked in cement mortar 1:1 ½ and
cocked with a cocking tool into the socket end?
18.86 Are the manufacturer’s test certificates available at the site? Have
the pipe testing been witnessed by Engineer – in –charge ? Do the
test results satisfy the requirements?
18.87 Is the sewer trench to proper
i) Alignment?
ii) Gradient?
iii) Depth? and
iv) Width?
18.88 Is the sewer jointing properly done as per specification?
18.89 Is the backfilling done properly by watering and ramming in
layers, removing boulders etc. and slightly higher than GL?
18.90 Are the ‘Y’s & ‘Tee’s of good quality?
18.91 Is the connection to trunk main/septic tank properly planned
18.92 If the main sewer is to be joined to the outfall (trunk) sewer, is the
crown level of the main sewer higher than the crown level of the
outfall (trunk) sewer to prevent back flow?
18.93 Has the Hydraulic Testing of sewer lines witnessed by the,
Engineer & the community? If there is any leakage etc., has it
been rectified?
18.94 Have all Households taken House Connections?
18.95 Are the Manholes (MH) properly constructed as per design and
drawings and to proper spacing, to the correct invert level using
first class bricks? Are they properly cured?
Are the sewers properly aligned and joined at the MH?
18.96 Are the top of Man Holes provided flush with the road level?
18.97 Are Man Hole frames and covers of appropriate strength provided
i.e., LD / MD / HD / EHD considering the type of traffic to take
care of traffic loads? Are they of good quality?
18.98 Has proper channelling (benching) been provided at the invert of
the Man Hole?
18.99 Are there any un-served Households?
Has the effect of GWT been considered in the design of floor slab?
Has necessary strengthening of foundation done for poor soils like
BC soil, if met with?
18.101 Have the baffle walls been provided properly at the right place?
18.102 Have the Invert Levels for inlet and outlet properly adhered to
and the influent enters the septic tank and leaves it satisfactorily?
18.103 Has free board of 0.30 m been provided for the septic tank?
18.104 Has slope towards the inlet been given at the bottom to enable
proper sludge removal?
18.105 Is the septic tank outlet properly connected to either dispersion
trenches or to storm water drain?
18.106 Has the reinforcement assembly at each stage been checked by
the Engineer-in-charge?
18.107 Is the form work for floor slab/ roof slab / dome adequate and
18.108 Is the steel being used comply with the relevant specifications?
Are the manufacturer’s test certificates available on site?
18.109 Has the steel been tested for tensile strength, % elongation and
rebend test?
If so, do the results satisfy the requirements of the code?
18.110 Has the minimum cover in accordance with code provided for RCC
water retaining structures?
18.111 Is the detailing at joints properly done as per code?
18.112 Have man holes been provided at the inlet and outlet?
18.113 Has the septic tank been tested for water tightness in accordance
with code?
18.114 Is there any leakage through the septic tank?

19. Inspection Report on quality control for Projects_______ mm

Particulars of Project
19.1 Name of Project
19.2 Description of work
19.3 Agreement No.
19.4 Name of Agency/ Contractor
19.5 Scheduled date of commencement
19.6 Actual date of commencement
19.7 Scheduled date of completion
19.8 Expected/ Actual date of completion
19.9 Date of Inspection
19.10 Percentage progress at the time of inspection vis-à-vis expected as per contract and
reasons for delay, if any
19.11 Details of mile stones as per contract vis-à-vis their achievement
19.12 Name and Designation of Inspecting Officer
19.13 Name of Representative present during inspection
19.14 Whether authenticated copy of contract document is available at site
19.15 Whether copy of specifications as per contract is available at site
19.16 Whether list of I.S.I. marked/ approved materials to be used is available at site
19.17 Whether Testing facilities to check conformance of material is available as per
contract document
19.18 Whether well-equipped field laboratory as per requirement of contract document is
established at site
19.19 Whether Inspection Registers, Site order book etc. are maintained at site
19.20 Whether Registers for prescribed tests of material are maintained at site
19.21 Whether soil investigation has been done? (give brief details)
19.22 Suitability of water for construction
19.23 What is the source of water?
19.24 Has water been tested and approved by Engineer-in-Charge before construction
19.25 Has water been tested subsequently as per requirement
19.26 Whether all mandatory tests have been carried out at stipulated frequency?
19.27 Whether tests of material are being done from accredited labs also, if yes details of
such labs.
19.28 Comments of site engineer on tests already done
19.29 Action Taken Report on previous report
19.30 Frequency of visit by consultant/inspector
19.31 Whether materials have been approved by Engineer-in-Charge?
If so, whether samples are available at Site
19.32 Whether cement, steel, aggregates etc. being used in the work, got tested before use.
19.33 Whether manufacturer test certificate for cement, steel, pipes etc. have been
obtained with supply and are being maintained ( In separate files)
19.34 Whether sample housing units/items have been completed and approved by
Engineer-in-Charge before start of mass finishing work?
19.35 Whether proper control on batching, mixing, placing, compacting and curing of RCC
has been ensured at site.
19.36 Whether RMC is being used in RCC work, if yes, provide details of control & checks
ensured at plant of site
19.37 Any other particular comments

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