14.1 Whether the provision for adequate ventilation and natural
lighting has been made as per National Building code?
14.2 Whether facility for storage in terms of Almirah/ Shelves / Lofts /
Platform has been made?
14.3 Whether Sanitary fittings have been provided?
15. IC – 2 : Inspection checklists for Roads
Remarks by
Sr.No. Items Implementation Compliance
agency/Auth Rep by Contractor
15.1 Is the construction as per construction drawings?
15.2 Are the Road Edge Levels are above the Drain Top
Levels and Courtyard Levels?
15.3 Is the Formation properly done?
15.4 Is the Granular Sub-base material of good quality and required
15.5 Is the consolidation properly done? Is it tested for field density?
15.6 Are the CA, FA (Coarse / Fine Aggregates) and water of good
quality and free from deleterious material?
15.7 Is the lean concrete properly cured for 3 days prior to laying
pavement slab?
15.8 Is the concrete mix design given by a reputed laboratory and
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge?
15.9 Is a trial length of road laid with the mix design in the presence of
15.10 Is the Vibrator being used? Is there a spare vibrator in case of
repair of the first one? Are the edges properly vibrated, preferably
using a pin vibrator along the edges?
15.11 Is the form work adequate for keeping it for at least 12 hours
without removal and to continue further work?
Are spikes of 20 mm dia steel rods provided to retain the form
work and prevent bulging when vibration is done?
15.12 Is Curing done properly, preferably by ponding at least for 14 days
and preferably for 21 days?
15.13 Are offsets given for offsite roads?
15.14 Are the Contraction Joints saw cut to 1/3rd depth and provided at
4.5 m interval? Are they properly sealed with 60/70 grade
15.15 Are the Construction Joints provided whenever work is stopped
for >30 minutes and do they coincide with Contraction Joints? Are
they properly sealed with 60/70 grade bitumen?
15.16 Are Expansion Joints provided at specified interval & at junctions
with bridges and culverts? Are they properly filled with good
quality compressible joint filler & sealed with 60/70 grade
15.17 Are the joints formed without acute angles?
15.18 Are Longitudinal Joints saw cut to 1/3rd depth and provided
whenever width of pavement is > 4.5 m? Are they properly sealed
with 60/70 grade bitumen?
15.19 Are Shoulders formed properly to level with necessary
15.20 Are there cracks/damage observed in pavement or near joints?
If so, what is the plan for rectification of the same or replacement
of the affected portion? What might have caused the defects and
how to prevent them?
15.21 Is there any i) segregation or ii) honeycombing observed?
If so, is it being rectified properly?
15.22 Is the finishing of the road proper?
15.23 Are the road junctions properly formed?
15.24 Is the road laid to proper camber and longitudinal grade to enable
proper drainage?
15.25 Are the dimensions correct?
15.26 Are any post construction tests done like Rebound Hammer Test
and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Meter Test to assess the strength of
cost after curing?
18.78 Is the sewer construction done from the downstream (D/S) end
considering the Invert Levels of Manhole (MH )on out fall sewer /
Inlet of Septic Tank?
18.79 Has TBM been established in the poor settlement and have the
invert levels been established based on this TBM from the d/s
18.80 Have the invert levels been checked through the LF book by the
Engineer – in - Charge?
18.81 Are sight rails and boning rods used in aligning and fixing the
invert levels of sewer?
18.82 Are the i) Invert Levels of inlet and outlet of septic tank and ii
invert levels of sewers fixed as per construction (working)
18.83 Is the sewer construction done from the d/s end?
Is the direction of socket facing the upstream end?
18.84 Is proper granular bedding provided under the sewer for the
required depth?
18.85 Is the sewer jointing done properly using solvent cement for UPVC
pipes and Hessian/jute yarn soaked in cement mortar 1:1 ½ and
cocked with a cocking tool into the socket end?
18.86 Are the manufacturer’s test certificates available at the site? Have
the pipe testing been witnessed by Engineer – in –charge ? Do the
test results satisfy the requirements?
18.87 Is the sewer trench to proper
i) Alignment?
ii) Gradient?
iii) Depth? and
iv) Width?
18.88 Is the sewer jointing properly done as per specification?
18.89 Is the backfilling done properly by watering and ramming in
layers, removing boulders etc. and slightly higher than GL?
18.90 Are the ‘Y’s & ‘Tee’s of good quality?
18.91 Is the connection to trunk main/septic tank properly planned
18.92 If the main sewer is to be joined to the outfall (trunk) sewer, is the
crown level of the main sewer higher than the crown level of the
outfall (trunk) sewer to prevent back flow?
18.93 Has the Hydraulic Testing of sewer lines witnessed by the,
Engineer & the community? If there is any leakage etc., has it
been rectified?
18.94 Have all Households taken House Connections?
18.95 Are the Manholes (MH) properly constructed as per design and
drawings and to proper spacing, to the correct invert level using
first class bricks? Are they properly cured?
Are the sewers properly aligned and joined at the MH?
18.96 Are the top of Man Holes provided flush with the road level?
18.97 Are Man Hole frames and covers of appropriate strength provided
i.e., LD / MD / HD / EHD considering the type of traffic to take
care of traffic loads? Are they of good quality?
18.98 Has proper channelling (benching) been provided at the invert of
the Man Hole?
18.99 Are there any un-served Households?
Has the effect of GWT been considered in the design of floor slab?
Has necessary strengthening of foundation done for poor soils like
BC soil, if met with?
18.101 Have the baffle walls been provided properly at the right place?
18.102 Have the Invert Levels for inlet and outlet properly adhered to
and the influent enters the septic tank and leaves it satisfactorily?
18.103 Has free board of 0.30 m been provided for the septic tank?
18.104 Has slope towards the inlet been given at the bottom to enable
proper sludge removal?
18.105 Is the septic tank outlet properly connected to either dispersion
trenches or to storm water drain?
18.106 Has the reinforcement assembly at each stage been checked by
the Engineer-in-charge?
18.107 Is the form work for floor slab/ roof slab / dome adequate and
18.108 Is the steel being used comply with the relevant specifications?
Are the manufacturer’s test certificates available on site?
18.109 Has the steel been tested for tensile strength, % elongation and
rebend test?
If so, do the results satisfy the requirements of the code?
18.110 Has the minimum cover in accordance with code provided for RCC
water retaining structures?
18.111 Is the detailing at joints properly done as per code?
18.112 Have man holes been provided at the inlet and outlet?
18.113 Has the septic tank been tested for water tightness in accordance
with code?
18.114 Is there any leakage through the septic tank?