SPM Assignment 510

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13/04/2020 : Ajay Kumar.R


1. Apply software workflow concept for your main project.(From unit ii)

AGILE methodology is a practice that promotes continuous iteration of development and testing

throughout the software development lifecycle of the project. Both development and testing
activities are concurrent unlike the Waterfall model.

The agile software development emphasizes on four core values.

1. Individual and team interactions over processes and tools.

2. Working software over comprehensive documentation.
3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
4. Responding to change over following a plan.

Mainly these four core values really helped a lot in achieving our project without compromise in
each phase during start to end of our project.

2.Justify ? Is team management can improve project efficiency?

1. Be present in the planning stages
As a project manager, it is important that you are involved in all of the different stages of
planning. If you are involved in the beginning stages, you will likely be able to avoid certain
issues and come up with the cost effective ideas and strategies. Being present also ensures
that you are in the loop and are informed of the details going into the project.
2. Manage time wisely
Managing time wisely is one sure fire way to increase operational efficiency. With the
construction industry being so fast paced, it is essential that workers are productive with
their time. Using a mobile app is one way that project managers can accurately time track
hours worked by their employees. Applications such as these contain GPS tracking systems,
so that project managers know exactly where their employees are at, at all times. Time
management keeps your workers accountable and more productive, which saves you
money in the long term.
3. Hold regular meetings
Taking the time to hold regular meetings with contractors can help you stay informed on the
productivity level of your employees. Designating specific times for discussion ensures that
you take the time each week to make communication a top priority. These meetings are
useful because they can serve as a time to resolve any possible issues and keep you upto-
date on employees.
4. Implement mobile technology
An excellent way to increase effective communication is to adopt mobile technology. This
enables members of your team to have instant communication with each other through
apps and other communication tools. Having mobile devices can end up saving a lot of time
and eliminates the need for on-site visits. By being more productive with their time,
employees will be able to get work done faster, ultimately saving you money.ubcontractor
Software Demo
5. Implement mobile construction software
Implementing mobile construction software can improve operational efficiency across all
levels of project management. Mobile software serves many functions, all of which
ultimately remove any need for physical paperwork. This means an elimination of the
timeconsuming and tedious task of filling out forms and more time spent on other aspects
of the project. Mobile software also keeps better track of specific details and allows
employees to adjust and modify documents quickly.
6. Provide Incentives
This method of encouragement can help provide some extra motivation for your workers by
offering goals and rewards. A reward could be anything as small as a gift card, to something
as large as a bonus. By providing an incentive, you can push employees to try a little harder
and exceed their normal productivity. Incentives not only helps you to be more efficient, but
it also promotes morale amongst workers.
7. Check in regularly with workers
Regular check-ins with employees will ensure that everyone on your team is on the same
page. This is also a useful time to chat and resolve any problems or receive updates from
workers. By keeping tabs on everyone’s activity and progress, you can help to promote a
proactive work environment.
8. Pay attention to labor productivity
Paying attention to labor productivity helps you keep track of your crew and prevents any
major productivity issues. You want to make sure that you and your crew are on the same
page so that you get the results that you want. Productivity can often be affected when your
crew is forced to work overtime, when there is a lack of tools/equipment, and when morale
is low. Make sure to give your workers adequate time off, proper resources, and
encouragement, so that they can be as productive as possible.
9. Keep a constant flow of communication
Effective communication is essential in ensuring operational efficiency. In the construction
industry, there are many different units that need to stay in contact with each other.
Maintaining a constant flow of communication between all individuals involved in the
project helps to ensure the highest level of productivity. This means keeping your workers
informed of their start times, locations, and tasks, to reduce any idle time. One benefit of
implementing mobile construction technology includes 2-way email integration, so all
messages related to a particular project (and tasks within a project) are documented.

3. A top software tool used by most of the agile teams . Give proper reasons with
Team management tools
Agile Manager
HP's Agile Manager is built to organize and guide teams from the beginning as they plan and
deploy working code through the agile model. At the early stages of the cycle during the
release plan, the managers gather the user stories and decide how the teams will attack
them. These set the stage for the sprints and deployment.
During each code sprint, the scrum masters and developers record their progress on the
user stories and issues. All the progress (or failures) from the build and the unit tests are
plotted in charts on a dashboard so the entire team can watch how they're converging on
the release.
The tool gathers information directly from major tools such as Jenkins, Git, Bamboo, and
Eclipse. To complete the cycle, Agile Manager will push stories and tasks directly to these
tools so developers can keep track directly from their favorite IDE.
Active Collab
From juggling tasks to tracking time and generating bills, Active Collab is organized to help
software shops deliver code and account for their time. The heart of the system is a list of
tasks that can be assigned and tracked from conception to completion. A system-wide
calendar helps the team understand and follow everyone's roles. The system checks the
amount of time devoted to all the tasks so the team can determine how accurate their
estimates are.
The system also supports a collaborative writing tool so everyone can work together on
documentation, an essential operation that sets the stage for more agile collaboration later.
The tool can be hosted locally or used through a cloud service.
JIRA Agile
The JIRA Agile tool adds a layer for agile project management that interacts with the other
major tools from Atlassian. The team creates a list of project tasks with a tool called
Confluence and then tracks them on an interactive Kanban board that developers can
update as they work. The Kanban boards become the center of everyone's focus in planning
how to attack the code.
The Agile tool is well-integrated with other Atlassian tools. The dashboard updates the
moment code is committed to Stash or Bitbucket, Atlassian's Git hosting products. Bamboo
(see number three above) offers continuous integration that builds and tests the code
before reporting the relative success or failure back to the main JIRA page. Discussions take
place through HipChat, which indexes the discussions to the tasks.
Agile Bench
The Agile Bench tool is a hosted platform that emphasizes tracking the work assigned to
each individual. The release schedule begins as a backlog of user stories and other
enhancements. As they're assigned, the team must gauge both the business impact and the
cost of development by assigning an estimate of the complexity of each task in points. The
dashboard tracks both of these values so that members can tell who is overloaded and
which tasks are the most important.
The tool is well-integrated with standard Git hosting sites like GitHub or Bitbucket (see
number five above), allowing it to make committed code with tasks. If your project needs
more, there's also an open API that can integrate the project information with any other
Pivotal Tracker
Pivotal Tracker is just one of a constellation of tools from Pivotal Labs created to support
agile development. The core of the project is a page that lists the tasks that are often
expressed as stories. Team members can rank the complexity with points, and the tool will
track how many tasks are being finished each day. The constellation includes Whiteboard
for team-wide discussions, Project Monitor for displaying the status of the build, and Sprout,
a configuration tool. Telerik TeamPulse
Telerik is known for its numerous frameworks for creating apps for the mobile marketplace.
They've bundled much of that experience from creating their own code into TeamPulse, a
tool they use to track projects. The main screen displays a page full of tasks that need to be
completed and follows the team as it progresses. The menus offer configuration options and
a wide variety of reports showing how the project is evolving toward completion. It also
works with Telerik's other tools for building and testing code.
Version One
When a large enterprise embraces agile development, they need a tool that's customized to
juggle multiple teams working on multiple initiatives because eventually they'll need to
work together. Version One is designed to organize all the groups involved in development
across an enterprise by providing a stable communication platform where everyone can
plan the initiatives and create persistent documentation.
The tool embraces Kanban boards for following ideas and stories through the process until
they're turned into working code. The system tracks all sprints and organizes the
retrospective analysis so the team can start the cycle again.
Additionally, the open Agile API makes it possible to integrate Version One with other
4.How priorities is useful for tailoring the process framework? Justify
Evidence-based practices (EBPs) are underutilized in community settings. Implementation
science, the study of methods to promote the integration of research into routine practice,
has advanced knowledge of ways to increase the use of EBPs. In the United States, national
agencies have prioritized the development and testing of implementation strategies, which
are “methods or techniques used to enhance the adoption, implementation, and
sustainability of a clinical program or practice.”3(p2) Implementation strategies can be
single component or “discrete” strategies (e.g., disseminating educational materials,
reminders, and audit and feedback); however, most are multifaceted and multilevel,
involving more than one discrete component. Multifaceted strategies can be built by
combining the over 70 discrete implementation strategies that have been described in
published taxonomies However, selecting the most appropriate implementation strategies
is a complex task – one for which the literature has provided limited guidance.This article
outlines challenges associated with selecting implementation strategies, presents an
argument for selecting and tailoring implementation strategies to address the unique needs
of implementation efforts, and fills a gap in the literature by suggesting four potential
methods that may be used to guide that process.
Challenges associated with selecting implementation strategies
It is challenging to select from the many implementation strategies that may be relevant to
a particular change effort given: limitations of the empirical literature; the underutilization
of conceptual models and theories in the literature; and variations related to the EBPs and
the contexts in which they are implemented.8 The evidence-base for implementation
strategies has advanced considerably in recent years and numerous randomized trials have
been conducted.9 However, reviews and syntheses of that literature provide limited
guidance regarding the types of strategies that may be effective in particular circumstances.
This is particularly true in behavioral health settings, as there are far fewer randomized
controlled trials and head-to-head comparisons of implementation strategies than in other
medical and health service settings. Thus, while it is well established that simply training
clinicians to deliver EBPs is insufficient, it is less clear which strategies are needed at the
client, clinician, team, organizational, system, or policy levels to facilitate implementation
and sustainment.
Conceptual frameworks can guide research and practice by suggesting factors that influence
implementation outcomes and providing some direction for the selection and tailoring of
strategies. But researchers often fail to explicitly refer to guiding conceptual frameworks,
and when they do, they often simply borrow a subset of constructs or outcomes without
framing their study within the broader context of the framework. It is not always clear how
to translate frameworks into implementation strategy design, as many are primarily
heuristic and do not indicate the direction or nature of causal mechanisms. Thus, while
conceptual frameworks and theories can inform all aspects of implementation research,
they provide a necessary but not sufficient guide for selecting and tailoring implementation
The considerable variation in EBPs and other process changes has implications for selecting
strategies. Scheirer, for example, has proposed a framework of six different intervention
types that vary in complexity and scope, from interventions implemented by individual
providers (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy) to those requiring coordination across staff
and community agencies (e.g., multisystemic therapy, assertive community treatment) to
those embracing broad-scale system change (e.g., Philadelphia's recovery transformation).
These intervention types may require the use of unique constellations of implementation
strategies to ensure that they are integrated and sustained. Contextual variation also has
implications for selecting strategies, as settings are likely to vary with regard to patient-level
(e.g., fit between patient's cultural values and EBP,26 patient “buy in” to EBP); providerlevel
(e.g., attitudes toward EBPs28 and specific behavior change mechanisms7); organizational-
level (e.g. culture and climate,29 implementation climate30); and systemlevel
characteristics (e.g., policies and funding structures).
Selecting and tailoring discrete strategies to address contextual needs
The complexities associated with selecting implementation strategies and the considerable
variation inherent to different EBPs and contexts has led scholars to suggest that
implementation strategies should be selected and tailored to address the unique needs of a
given change effort. The first step in selecting and tailoring implementation strategies is to
conduct an assessment of factors that influence implementation processes and
outcomes,34 such as the characteristics of the innovation, characteristics of the setting in
which it will be implemented, the characteristics and preferences of involved stakeholders,
and other potential barriers and facilitators. Numerous resources can guide the assessment
of these factors. The second step of the process involves selecting and, when necessary,
tailoring strategies that can potentially address the context-specific factors identified in the
pre-implementation assessment. An example of selecting strategies to address an identified
barrier would be preventing “therapist drift” by selecting fidelity monitoring, audit and
feedback, or ongoing consultation. Discrete strategies may also need to be tailored to
address a particular barrier. For example, in-person trainings may be difficult to scale-up in
community settings because they require substantial expenditures of time and money; thus,
the training may need to be to be delivered as a web-based module.
The need for systematic methods for selecting and tailoring implementation strategies
Selecting and tailoring strategies to address contextual needs “has considerable face validity
and is a feature of key frameworks and published guidance for implementation in health
care.”4 While the empirical evidence supporting the approach is not yet robust, a Cochrane
Review found that strategies tailored to address identified barriers to change were more
likely to improve professional practice than no intervention or the dissemination of
guidelines.33 Yet many implementation studies have failed to use strategies that are
appropriately matched to contextual factors. Implementers have too often become
attached to single strategies (e.g., educational workshops) and uncritically applied them to
all situations. Furthermore, in a review of studies, Bosch and colleagues40 found that when
researchers have attempted to match implementation strategies to identified barriers, there
has often been a theoretical mismatch (e.g., clinician-focused strategies are used to address
barriers that at the organizational level). Baker et al. note, “although tailored interventions
[implementation strategies] appear to be effective, we do not yet know the most effective
ways to identify barriers, to pick out from amongst all the barriers those that are most
important to address, or how to select interventions [implementation srategies] likely to
overcome them.”(p20) Linking strategies to barriers, facilitators, and contextual features
remains a creative, emergent, and non-systematic process that occurs during
implementation efforts. It is clear that “systematic and rigorous methods are needed to
enhance the linkage between identified barriers and change strategies.” These methods
should take relevant theory and evidence into account, elicit stakeholder feedback and
participation, and be specified clearly enough to be replicated in science and practice. To
date, few studies have advanced candidate methods capable of addressing that need.
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Methods for Selecting and Tailoring Implementation Strategies
This article fills a gap in the implementation science and behavioral health literatures by
suggesting four methods that can be used to improve the process in which strategies are
linked to the unique needs of implementation efforts: concept mapping, group model
building, conjoint analysis, and intervention mapping. These methods were selected based
upon the authors' expertise and a narrative search of the literature in multiple disciplines
(e.g., implementation science, public health, engineering, marketing, etc.). They were also
chosen because they have been used to develop interventions in other contexts, have
substantial bodies of literature that could guide their use, and are not proprietary. The
evidence for their effectiveness in improving implementation and clinical outcomes is yet to
be determined; however, their use in other contexts suggests that they may be an
important step in a research agenda aiming to integrate the perspectives of implementation
stakeholders, make implementation planning more systematic, and improve the linkage
between implementation barriers and strategies. Below each method is reviewed and
examples of their use are provided. Table 1 contains a brief description of each method and
lists some advantages and disadvantages to them to select and tailor implementation

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