Special Report: Strategic Planning Readiness-Assessment Checklist
Special Report: Strategic Planning Readiness-Assessment Checklist
Special Report: Strategic Planning Readiness-Assessment Checklist
1. There is a willingness to work towards developing the best fit between the
organization and its external environment by examining the following questions:
• What is our purpose (mission)
• Where are we going? (vision)
• How do we get there? (strategies)
• What is our blueprint for action? (action plan)
• How do we know if we're on track? (assessment/evaluation benchmarks)
• How do we adjust our strategies based on continued evaluation? (annual review)
Yes___ No___
2. There is a high probability that agreement can be reached on the following issues:
• Who are we?
• What is the niche and needs we exist to fill?
• What do we do to recognize or anticipate and respond to these needs?
• Who are our key stakeholders and how should we respond to them?
• What are our core values?
• What makes us distinctive or unique?
Yes___ No___
4. There is deeply held commitment on the part of top leadership to engage in strategic
Yes___ No___
6. There is a competent group of people willing and able to serve on the strategic
planning team.
Yes___ No___
7. There is ability within the organization to respond to problems with solutions that are
politically, ethically, technically, and culturally acceptable.
Yes___ No___
8. There is agreement on the planning process and model to be used.
Yes___ No___
9. There is consensus regarding the organizational mandate given to the planning team.
Yes___ No___
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10. There are adequate resources (including facilitators from either within or outside the
organization) so that the planning team can do each of the following tasks:
• Clarify organizational mission and values
• Identify stakeholders
• Assess the external environment
• Assess the internal environment
• Identify the strategic issues it faces
• Formulate strategies to manage these issues (gap analysis)
• Establish an effective organizational vision for the future
• Convert the vision into action plans, budgets, and result that can be monitored
• Monitor performance
• Make adjustments to the plan
• Base annual board/administration goals on the plan
Yes___ No___
11. There is access to data that reflects the political, economic, social, and technological
trends that effect the organization's stakeholders, competitors and collaborators.
Yes___ No___
12. There is access to data that reflect the organization's current resources and
performance levels.
Yes___ No___
Upon review of your score, you should determine what key obstacles need to be resolved prior
to moving forward. This may include situations that are within control of the key decision makers
or presently outside their mandate of control or capability. In general terms, if your score has 4
or more “No’s”, you need to determine the magnitude of the barriers and whether they can be
resolved. At this stage, external assistance is recommended in moving the plan forward. There
are usually two compelling reasons to hold off on a plan: (1) the organization’s roof has literally
fallen in and/or, (2) the organization lacks the skills, resources, or commitment of key decision
Please use this space to comment on your organization’s significant obstacles Education Group
and identify the changes you need to make to ensure that the planning process provides
is not obstructed. Feel free t contact us for more information.
schools and non-
Obstacle(s) Actions needed to resolve organizations with
Obstacle customized
solutions for their
operations and
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