Research On Trust Sensing Based Secure Routing Mechanism For Wireless Sensor Network

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Research on Trust Sensing based Secure Routing

Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Network


Aiming at the serious impact of the typical network attacks caused by the limited

energy and the poor deployment environment of wireless sensor network (WSN)

on data transmission, a trust sensing based secure routing mechanism (TSSRM)

with the lightweight characteristics and the ability to resist many common attacks

simultaneously is proposed in this paper, at the same time the security route

selection algorithm is also optimized by taking trust degree and QOS metrics into

account. Performance analysis and simulation results show that TSSRM can

improve the security and effectiveness of WSN.


The trust sensing based secure routing mechanism is designed; establishment and

working process of TSSRM are also described in this paper. The proposed routing

algorithm is applied to the secure routing mechanism to achieve the efficient and

reliable transmission of data. At the same time, the maintenance process of

TSSRM is also presented to further ensure the security of data transmission.


A sensor node, including the movement and energy consumption of sensor nodes.

The trust degree of sensor node is evaluated according to these characters, and then

the trust degree of route is calculated and the trust calculation model of network is

established to get the optimal route from the source node to the destination node.

At the same time, the trust degree and QoS metrics are combined as the routing

metrics to present an optimized routing algorithm by using the smearing theory.


A presents a trust sensing based secure routing mechanism to handle common

network attacks. An optimized routing algorithm is proposed by using smearing

theory, which considers the trust degree and other QoS metrics. Simulation results

show that TSSRM can reduce the routing overhead and improve the reliability of

data transmission compared with the traditional trust mechanism. Future research

will design a distributed intrusion detection system for WSN, which may provide a

new way for the research of trust degree and ubiquitous routing

Title I: Transmission with energy harvesting nodes in fading wireless channels:

optimal policies

Author’s Name: J. Yang, S. Ulukus, and A. Yener


Wireless systems comprised of rechargeable nodes have a significantly prolonged

lifetime and are sustainable. A distinct characteristic of these systems is the fact

that the nodes can harvest energy throughout the duration in which communication

takes place. As such, transmission policies of the nodes need to adapt to these

harvested energy arrivals. In this paper, we consider optimization of point-to-point

data transmission with an energy harvesting transmitter which has a limited battery

capacity, communicating in a wireless fading channel. We consider two objectives:

maximizing the throughput by a deadline, and minimizing the transmission

completion time of the communication session. We optimize these objectives by

controlling the time sequence of transmit powers subject to energy storage capacity

and causality constraints. We, first, study optimal offline policies. We introduce a

directional water-filling algorithm which provides a simple and concise

interpretation of the necessary optimality conditions.

Title II: Adaptive piezoelectric energy harvesting circuit for wireless, remote

power supply

Author’s Name: G. Ottman, A. Bhatt, H. Hofmann


A vibrating piezoelectric device differs from a typical electrical power source in

that it has capacitive rather than inductive source impedance, and may be driven by

mechanical vibrations of varying amplitude. An analytical expression for the

optimal power flow from a rectified piezoelectric device is derived, and an “energy

harvesting” circuit is proposed which can achieve this optimal power flow. The

harvesting circuit consists of an ac–dc rectifier with an output capacitor, an

electrochemical battery, and a switch-mode dc–dc converter that controls the

energy flow into the battery. An adaptive control technique for the dc–dc converter

is used to continuously implement the optimal power transfer theory and maximize

the power stored by the battery.

Title III: Enhancing cooperation in MANET using neighborhood compressive

sensing model

Author’s Name: A. K. A. Mohammad, and S. Gadadhar


The use of Compressive Sensing (CS) in the reduction of resource

consumption to minimize battery and bandwidth usage. It also focuses

on how attacks and misbehavior can be nullified. The proposed

Neighborhood Compressive Sensing (NCS) model compresses the

neighborhood sparse data such as routing table updates, advertisement

and trust information. It minimizes resource consumption because major

computations are performed by the leader node. The use of compressive

sensing gives the reduction in resource consumption because it reduces

the amount of transmitting data in the network. It also prevents a

network from unwanted advertisement and attacks because the

neighborhood nodes do not accept the advertisements and updates

directly, rather it uses leader node’s processed information.


Network Model

In this paper, we consider a WSN consisting of a few sink nodes and a number of

sensor nodes that are randomly distributed in a designated area. Each sensor node

is in charge of both detecting events and acting as a router in order to forward

packets. All the sensor nodes are resource constrained and have the same limited

radio coverage. Consequently, end-to-end communication in a WSN is normally

achieved via multihop relaying where a communication path is established in a

distributed manner. We also assume that all the sensor nodes are compromisable if

there are no security mechanisms protecting them. In addition, WSNs may consist

of sensor nodes from different manufacturers or service providers. In this case, the

selfish nodes may not completely cooperate with each other.

Authentication Phase:

First test is performed for the authentication of a node. A node encrypts its data

with the shared secret key which is calculated by two nodes previously; and

transmits it the route

Trust phase:

At second level of trust, a node is checked for its trust vales. For this 3

conditions are being checked:

• If the response time of a node is less than the Intimacy Threshold AND

• Throughput of the node is greater than Honesty Threshold AND

• Energy of the node is greater than threshold energy

Ranging from the trust parameter, every neighbor is evaluated based on a set

of trust metrics that include:

• Packet forwarding: To identify the nodes that judiciously transmit packets or

decline to send packets, acting in an ungenerous manner, each time a source node

sends a packet to a neighbor for further forwarding; it enters the promiscuous mode

and overhears the wireless medium to see whether or not the packet was actually

forwarded by the chosen neighbor.

• Authentication: The trust management module receives information from

different blocks of applications associated with the trustworthiness of the

neighbors. In case a node may choose between neighbors supporting different

authentication mechanisms, the one with better security features should be

preferred. Although this is often not an occurrence or behavior facet monitored by

the source node, it’s listed here as an input to the trust analysis system.

• Remaining Energy: Even though the level of energy of each neighbour is not a

real trust metric. In our proposed routing protocol, the remaining energy is used to

indicate the node availability



Set Network

Choose Packet

Select trust based network

Packet Forwarding
Sender Receiever

Authentication Phase

Find attacker node

Received Packet

+Username +USername
+Password +Password
+Login() +Login()
+Set network() +Set network()
+Choose Packet() +Choose received path()
+Choose trust based network() +Choose trust based network()
+Authentication Phase() +Authentication Phase()
+Packet Forwarding() +Packet forwarding()
+Find untrust node() +Find untrust node()
+Send packet() +Received packet()

1 : Set network path()

2 : Set network path()

3 : Choose packet()

4 : Choose trust based network()

5 : Authentication phase()

6 : Packet Forwarding()

7 : Find untrust node()

8 : Set received path()

9 : Choose trust based network()

10 : Authentication Phase()

11 : Packet Forwarding()

12 : Find untrust network()

13 : Received packet()

10 : Authentication Phase()

5 : Authentication phase()

4 : Choose trust based network() 12 : Find untrust network()

8 : Set received path()
3 : Choose packet()
1 : Set network path() 2 : Set network path()

11 : Packet Forwarding()
7 : Find untrust node()
13 : Received packet()
6 : Packet Forwarding()


9 : Choose trust based network()



sender. Receiver.






Set Network

Choose trust based network

Choose Packet

Forward Packet Find untrust network

Set Network

Choose trust based network

Choose Packet received path

Received Packet Find untrust network


Authentication Phase
Choose trust based

Packet Forwarding
Choose packet

Set Network Path Find untrust network


Set network Path

Receiver Received packet

Choose received path

Find untrust
Choose trust network


A presents a trust sensing based secure routing mechanism to handle common

network attacks. An optimized routing algorithm is proposed by using smearing

theory, which considers the trust degree and other QoS metrics. Simulation results
show that TSSRM can reduce the routing overhead and improve the reliability of

data transmission compared with the traditional trust mechanism. Future research

will design a distributed intrusion detection system for WSN, which may provide a

new way for the research of trust degree and ubiquitous routing.

[1] O. Ozel, K. Tutuncuoglu, J. Yang, S. Ulukus, and A. Yener, ”Transmission

with energy harvesting nodes in fading wireless channels: optimal policies,” IEEE

Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 1732-1743, Sep.


[2] N. Marlon, C. Jose, A. B. Campelo, O. Rafael, V. C. Juan, and J. S. Juan,

”Active low intrusion hybrid monitor for wireless sensor networks,” Sensors, vol.

15, no. 3, pp. 23927-23952, 2015.

[3] G. Ottman, A. Bhatt, H. Hofmann, and G. Lesieutre, ”Adaptive piezoelectric

energy harvesting circuit for wireless, remote power supply,” IEEE Transactions

on Power Electronics, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 669-676, Sep. 2002.

[4] A. K. A. Mohammad, and S. Gadadhar, ”Enhancing cooperation in MANET

using neighborhood compressive sensing model,” Egyptian Informatics Journal,

vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1-15, 2016.

5] G. Uttam G, and D. Raja, ”SDRP: secure and dynamic routing protocol for

mobile ad-hoc networks,” IET Networks, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 235-243, 2014.

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