Discharged Battery: Chapter Outline

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Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

Discharged Battery
Chapter Outline

This chapter is explanation about a discharged battery.

 Verifying the Symptom and Diagnostic Questioning
 Judge and Inspect Malfunctions
 Charge and Discharge Balance

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Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

Outline Flow of Troubleshooting

1. Discharged battery
The following are malfunctions and complaints concerning the discharged battery.
・ The battery is discharged.
・ The starter does not turn, preventing the engine from starting.
・ The engine can be started now, even though the battery was previously
discharged.The customer thinks that the battery should be checked.

2. The main cause of malfunction

The following are causes of discharged battery malfunctions.
・ The switches are left turned on (light control switches, etc.).
・ A malfunction problem in the battery or in the charging system.
・ An imbalance between the amount the customer habitually uses and the alterna-
tor generates.

3. Handling method for discharged battery

The following knowledge and skills are necessary for handling the discharged bat-
・ Understanding of the customer’s habitual usage.
・ Correct technical knowledge regarding discharged batteries.


4. Flow of troubleshooting
Customer problem analysis check
Verify the Handle the discharged battery malfunction by following these
symptom and
diagnostic three steps.
questioning. The battery is charged Engine start Engine start
impossible possible
are left turned on. (1) Verify the symptom and diagnostic questioning
・ Perform diagnostic questioning with the customer and verify
Cranking state inspection the information regarding the vehicle.
・ Understand the customer’s habitual usage of the vehicle.
Diagnostic questioning
(2) Judge and inspect the malfunction symptom
Inspect the battery and the charging system, etc. to judge
Vehicle inspection
Judge and
inspect the
whether the malfunction problem is caused by a problem on
malfunction the vehicle side or is due to the customer’s habitual usage.
Judged to be a Judged not to be a malfunction (3) Inspect the charge and discharge balance
Offer appropriate advice to the customer by ascertaining the
[Example] true cause of the malfunction based on the charge and dis-
Drives the vehicle only at
Systematic troubleshooting night because works night charge balance inspection, and try to prevent the malfunction
The charge and discharge from recurring.
Repair balance is bad because of
low-speed driving in traffic
Inspect the
charge and Flow of troubleshooting
Ascertain the cause of the malfunction.
discharge Explain to the customer so that they (See “Discharged Battery” of “Electrical” on PDF (2 to 2)
balance. can understand the situation. Attachment
A-1) (2/2)

Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

Verifying the Symptom and Diagnostic Questioning Points for Troubleshooting

For troubleshooting concerning the discharged battery, it is

1 necessary to keep the following points in mind.

1. The battery degrades even if it has not been used. The

degree of degradation will greatly differ depending on the con-
ditions under which the vehicle has been used.

2. While the engine is running, if the electrical output that the

alternator generates is greater than that consumed, the battery
will be charged.

2 3
3. Conversely, if the electricity expended is greater than the
amount the alternator generates, the battery will also supply
electricity, causing it to become discharged.

The amount the battery can charge and the amount it dis-
charges is called the charge and discharge balance. If this bal-
ance significantly worsens, the battery becomes discharged.

Charge and discharge balance is good: Charge and discharge balance is bad:
the battery charges. the battery discharges.


Verifying the Symptom and Diagnostic Questioning Diagnostic Questioning

Concerning the specific diagnostic questioning about the dis-

charged battery, the following conditions should be known.

1. Previous battery maintenance history and maintenance

In addition to questioning the customer, also check the inspec-
tion and maintenance booklet.
・ History of battery change
・ Frequency of refilling the battery fluid
・ History of charging the battery, change in the specific gravity,


2. How the electrical devices for the charge and discharge

balance have been used
Not only at the time when the battery became discharged, but
also verify the electrical load that the customer uses on a daily
・ Headlights and fog lamps (the lights are turned off when the
vehicle stops at an intersection, etc.)
・ A/C (AUTO position, ECNO mode, etc.)
・ Whether or not post-installed parts or components are used
and how they are used
・ How other electrical devices are used


Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

Verifying the Symptom and Diagnostic Questioning Diagnostic Questioning

3. When the customer leaves the vehicle

・ Check whether the switches have remained turned on or not,
when the customer leaves the vehicle. (Check the condition
when the vehicle was brought in.)
・ Check the ignition key condition when the customer leaves
the vehicle.


Judge and Inspect Malfunctions Outline

Verify the symptom and 1. Outline of judgement and inspection of malfunctions

diagnostic qquestioning. To troubleshoot for a discharged battery, it is necessary to
2. judge whether the malfunction symptom is caused by a prob-
Judge and inspect the Vehicle inspection lem on the vehicle side or not by inspecting the related electri-
malfunction symptom. -Inspect battery function
-Inspect connection of circuits cal devices including the charging system while accurately
-Inspect charging function determining whether the battery is good or not.
-Inspect parasitic current

( ) 3-(2)
( ) 2. Vehicle inspection items
・ Inspect battery function: If the battery is degraded, the
Judged not to be a
Judged to be a malfunction
malfunction electromotive force becomes smaller and the voltage drop
[Example] when it is received some load becomes greater, which may
Drives the vehicle cause the starter not to turn correctly.
Systematic troubleshooting only at night
because works
Repair night shift.
The charge and ・Inspect connection of circuits: If looseness or poor contact
Ascertain the cause of the
scharge balance exists in the circuit connection, the current does not flow cor-
is b
bad because of
Inspect the
th charge
h and
Explain to the customer so that
w-speed driving in rectly, which could cause the alternator or IC regulator not to
trafffic jams. operate correctly.
discharge balance. they
y can understand the situation.
・ Inspect charging function: If the charging system does
not correctly generate electricity, the battery charge becomes
A insufficient and will be discharged. If the battery is over-
charged, the amount of battery fluid decreases and may cause
the amount of battery charge to be insufficient or promote its
・ Inspect parasitic current: Even if all the switches are
turned off, current flows into every electrical device. If this
current is large, the battery discharge becomes larger, which
causes a discharged battery.

3. Post inspection consultation

(1) When the symptom is judged as a malfunction: If the
malfunction problem is on the vehicle side based on the result
of the inspection, the problem is judged to be a malfunction.
Therefore, troubleshoot to determine the malfunction cause.

(2) When the symptom is not judged as a malfunction: If

the malfunction problem is not on the vehicle side based on
the result of the inspection, and there is no other cause that
leads to the malfunction symptom, it is necessary to consult
with the customer from a different view point regarding the
malfunction. This is because the malfunction is considered to
be a result of the customer’s habitual usage.

Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

Judge and Inspect Malfunctions REFERENCE

Battery Life

1. Factors that determine battery life

Battery life changes depending on the using conditions or environment.
(1) Frequency that the battery is charged and discharged
If the battery is frequently charged and discharged, the battery life becomes
shorter and if the battery is not frequently charged and discharged, the battery life
becomes longer.
(2) Difference in load of the vehicle
Heavy loads will need to be supplied with a large amount of electrical power upon
ignition. Therefore, even if the battery performance slightly drops, it can easily
reach the limit of its use.
(3) Difference in temperature
When the temperature decreases, the battery’s amount of electrical power
decreases. During winter, upon engine starting the battery requires a large amount
Gas generation is of power, so the battery can easily become discharged.
2. Judge the life of the battery
The life of the battery can also be determined by the following.
(1) Cloud of the electrolyte, the amount of precipitate
The electrolyte cloud becomes significant or the quantity of precipitate increases.
(2) Change in electrolyte quantity
・ The amount of electrolyte significantly decreases. (An increase in the fluid filling
・ The difference in the decreasing rate between each cell is large.
(3) Conditions while charging
・ Fluid temperature abnormally increases while charging.
・ Even when charging has finished, gas generation is abnormally insufficient.

Inspect Battery Function

1. Check the amount of electrolyte fluid

Inspect battery function
Check the amount of fluid in each cell.
Check the amount of electrolyte fluid

OK Low

Check specific gravity Refill

OK Large difference in the Small specific

specific gravity of each gravity (all cells)

Inspect recharging
and charging condition


Load test (High-discharge)


Judge the battery as degraded and replace it


Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

Judge and Inspect Malfunctions Inspect Battery Function

・ Criterion
The fluid level should be between the “UPPER” and the
“LOWER” levels.

If the fluid level is below the “LOWER” level, refill the battery
However, if water is filled, the specific gravity cannot be cor-
EL rectly measured. So, recharge before checking the specific
ER gravity.


2. Check specific gravity

Inspect battery function
Check the specific gravity in each cell.
Check the amount of electrolyte fluid

OK Low

Check specific gravity Refill

OK Large difference in the Small specific

specific gravity of each gravity (all cells)

Inspect recharging
and charging condition


Load test (High-discharge)


Judge the battery as degraded and replace it


・ Criteria
(1) The specific gravity should be in the specified range shown
in the Repair Manual.
(2) The difference in the specific gravity of each cell should be
0.04 or less.

Float ・ Specific gravity only shows the battery charged (discharged)
condition. Therefore, with only a specific inspection, the bat-
tery’s degradation cannot be judged.
・ If there is a great difference in the specific gravity of each
cell, the following conditions are presumed.
・ Inside short circuit in the battery
・ The concentration increases due to the fluid shortage
・ The concentration decreases due to water filling


Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

Judge and Inspect Malfunctions Inspect Battery Function

3. Inspect recharging and charging condition

Inspect battery function
When the specific gravity is high or low, after recharging the
Check the amount of electrolyte fluid battery, inspect the voltage and specific gravity.
The battery’s degradation can be judged by this method.
OK Low
Check specific gravity Refill As preparation for the “load voltage measurement,” recharging
is performed to adjust specific gravity.
OK Large difference in the Small specific
specific gravity of each gravity (all cells)

Inspect recharging
and charging condition


Load test (High-discharge)


Judge the battery as degraded and replace it


・ Criteria
(1) Voltage
・ The voltage at the beginning of charging should be 15 V or
・ The voltage at the end of charging should be 15 V or more.
(If the voltage is abnormal, the possibility of sulfation is high)

(2) Specific gravity

・ After charging, specific gravity should be in the specified
V range shown in the Repair Manual.
・ The difference in the specific gravity of each cell should be
0.04 or less.

Charge the battery with the normal charge. (The charging cur-
rent should be set at approximately 1/10 of the battery capac-


Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

Judge and Inspect Malfunctions Inspect Battery Function

4. Load test (High-discharge)

Inspect battery function
After the engine is warmed up, make it impossible to start.
Check the amount of electrolyte fluid Then, measure the battery voltage when the engine is cranked
with the ignition switch in the ST position (the starter is turned)
for 5 seconds.
OK Low

Check specific gravity Refill

OK Large difference in the Small specific

specific gravity of each gravity (all cells)

Inspect recharging
and charging condition


Load test (High-discharge)


Judge the battery as degraded and replace it


・ Criterion
The standard value is not set, compare the value with the
same models.

・ If the battery receives any load, the voltage decreases
even when it is 12 V because current consumption increases.
Therefore, measure the voltage with load and judge the battery
V capacity based on how much it decreases.
・ When the current that is approximately four times as much
as the battery capacity passes into the circuit (example: in
the case of a 50 Ah battery, approximately 200 A), if a battery
tester indicates 9 V or more after a period of 5 seconds, the
voltage can be judged as good.


Judge and Inspect Malfunctions Inspect the Connection in Each Circuit

Inspect the connecting condition in each circuit.

・ Connection in each terminal of the alternator
・ Connection of the battery terminal
・ Fuse
・ Fusible link condition

・ Criterion
(1) There is no looseness or poor contact in any of the connec-
(2) There is no burning, cutting of the fuses or fusible links.

Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

Judge and Inspect Malfunctions Inspect Charging Function

Perform the following inspection about charging.

1. Inspect the alternator and V-belt
・ Criterion
(1) The V-belt tension, and deflection should be in the specified
range shown in the Repair Manual.
(2) There are no abnormal sounds from the alternator while the
engine is running.


2. No load test (adjusting voltage inspection)

・ Inspecting condition
2. Inspect with the minimum electrical load (the output is 10 A or
・ Criterion
The generated voltage should be kept constant (adjusting volt-
A V age).


3. Load test (output current inspection)

・ Inspecting condition
3. Use the electrical equipment as much as possible to apply a
large load (apply 30 A or more).
・ Criterion
A V The alternator should output depending on the load.

Headlight HI beam
Heater blower HI
Rear window defogger ON


Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

Judge and Inspect Malfunctions Inspect Parasitic Current

Inspect parasitic current

Turn all the switches off and measure the discharged current
from the battery.

・ Criterion
The standard value is not set, compare with the same model.

A ・ When measuring the parasitic current, connect the tester
without cutting the battery negative (-) terminal circuit.
・ If the battery negative (-) terminal circuit on the vehicle side
is cut, connect the tester between the battery negative (-) ter-
minal on the vehicle side to that on the battery, and leave until
the parasitic current becomes stable and measure the parasitic

Parasitic Current
1. What is parasitic current?
In general, parasitic current is the current flowing when no electrical devices are
used. For the vehicle, parasitic current is the current that flows when the ignition
switch is off.
In the vehicle, the following current flows as parasitic current to retain the memory
in the system.
・ Stand-by current of the microcomputer, etc. that arranges the preparation and
waits to restart.
・ Current for the diagnostic system memory or radio channel selection information,
H M :00
・ Current necessary for clock operation, etc.
2. Examples of parasitic current flowing into various equipment
Clock approx. 2.0 mA
ECT ECU approx. 3.0 mA
Airbag sensor assembly approx. 0.1 mA
ABS ECU approx. 2.0 mA
The key left in the ignition key cylinder(With key unlock warning switch) approx. 3.0 mA
3. Malfunction cause in the parasitic current
Usually, parasitic current flows only a few mA to 50 mA, which does not affect the
battery function.
However, the following causes, etc. may result in several hundred mA of parasitic
current, which could result in a discharged battery.
・ The switches are left on or the lights in the luggage room, etc. remain on.
・ The malfunction of equipment or wiring.
・ Power supplying method to the post-installed parts are not correct (always pass
electricity when the ignition switch is off).
・ The customer always inserts the key into the ignition key cylinder. (1/1)
Charge and Discharge Balance Outline of Charge and Discharge Balance

1. Inspect charge and discharge balance

If any malfunction cannot be found on the vehicle side accord-
ing to the vehicle inspection, the customer’s habitual usage
Engine: at approximately 2,000 rpm may be severe. In this case, inspect the charge and discharge
balance based on the information from the diagnostic ques-
current 2. Important point about the charge and discharge balance
The alternator’s output performance has a characteristic which
is shown in the illustration. When the electrical load exceeding
the alternator’s output performance is used, the battery dis-
charge compensates for the alternator’s output current.
If such conditions continue for a long period of time, the battery
will become discharged.
To prevent this, it is necessary to inspect the current, which is
0 2 4 6 8 10 flowing into the electrical device, and the alternator’s output
Alternator speed (x1,000 rpm) performance when the battery is discharged and to judge
whether or not the charge and discharge balance is good, that
is, whether the battery is in a charged or discharged state.
-10- (1/1)
Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

Charge and Discharge Balance Inspection Procedure for Charge and Discharge Balance

1. Inspect current consumption

(1) After the engine is warmed up, keep the speed at approxi-
Current consumption of electrical load = a + b
mately 2,000 rpm and wait until the current stops flowing into
the battery.
Current "a"
Current "b"
+b HINT:
A XX A ・ An alternator can reach the maximum rating output at around
2,000 rpm.
・ Inspect with the battery fully charged.

(2) While keeping the engine speed at approximately 2,000

XX A rpm, apply the electrical load that the customer used in the
same order and measure each current consumption and all the
current consumption (a + b in the illustration). Measure the bat-
V XX A tery voltage (c in the illustration) at this time.
Voltage "c"

Add up the current load. When the alternator’s generating volt-
age cannot be maintained constant, the current consumption
of the electrical load can be judged as more than the alterna-
tor’s maximum output. (1/3)
2. Inspect the alternator's output
Current "a"
(1) After the engine is warmed up, keep the speed at approxi-
A mately 2,000 rpm and wait until the current stops flowing into
the battery.
Inspect with the battery fully charged.
(2) While keeping the engine speed at approximately 2,000
rpm, apply the total electrical load that the customer used.
(3) Change the engine speed to obtain the engine speed at the
point where the alternator’s output current (“a” in the illustra-
tion) becomes equal to the total consumption current mea-
sured at “1. Inspect current consumption.”

4 5
3 6 This engine speed is the minimum engine speed that can keep
7 Apply the total electrical the charge and discharge balance against the consumption
8 load that the customer used
current used by the customer’s electrical load. This engine
speed is defined as “N” rpm. (2/3)

3. Judge the charge and discharge balance

(1) Obtain the ratio of the engine speed when the battery is discharged while driv-
ing and the engine speed N as calculated in “2. Alternator output inspection”.
・ Criterion
If the ratio when driving at the engine speed that the alternator’s output current
exceeds the consumption current is more than half, the charge and discharge bal-
Judge the charge and discharge balance ance can be judged as good.
<B : good
A= (2) If the judgement is difficult using the above procedure, correctly measure
A>B : bad
the amount of the battery’s charge and discharge (Ah) using a charger counter
B (VF-600), etc.
speed 4. Recurrence prevention
Since the true cause of the discharged battery frequently depends on the customer’
s using conditions, it is important to accurately advise and explain to the customer.
"N" rpm It is necessary to give advice in order to let the customer know how to prevent the
battery from becoming discharged by explaining the result of the charge and dis-
A charge balance (gain his understanding of the situation).
If the technician fails to offer advice, the customer will not understand the true
cause of the discharged battery and will continue the same habitual usage.
Time As a result, the possibility of a malfunction recurrence is likely.


Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery


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Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

The following statements refer to points for troubleshooting the battery. Which statement is true?

j 1.
n A battery does not degrade regardless of whether it has been used or not.

j 2.
n A battery definitely degrades. When the battery is discharged, it should be replaced with a new one.

j 3.
n If the amount of electricity consumed is greater than the amount the alternator generates, the battery will
also supply electricity, causing it to become discharged.

j 4.
n When the battery is discharged, there is a high possibility that the starter has a malfunction.

"Inspect battery function" is included among the inspection items for the discharged battery. For each of the following
blanks (1 to 6), choose the correct description (a to f) in relation to "Inspection procedure" and "Criterion," respectively.

Inspection procedure Criterion

Check the amount of

electrolyte fluid 1 2

Check specific gravity Check the specific gravity in each cell. 3

Inspect recharging and

charging condition
4 5
Compare the battery voltage with
Load test (High-discharge) 6 that of vehicles the same model,
the voltage should be the equal.

a. The fluid levels in all cells should be between the "UPPER" and "LOWER" levels
b. Specific gravity should be within the specified range shown in the Repair Manual. Also, the difference of specific
gravity in each cell should be 0.04 or less.
c. After the engine is warmed up, make it impossible to start. Then, inspect the battery voltage when the engine is
cranked with the ignition switch in the ST position for 5 seconds.
d. The voltage should be 15 V or less at the beginning of charging, and 15V or more at the end of charging. Also,
the difference of specific gravity in each cell should be 0.04 or less.
e. Check the amount of fluid in each cell.
f. When specific gravity is low, that is, the difference of specific gravity is large, after recharging the battery, inspect
the voltage and specific gravity.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Diagnosis Master Technician - Electrical Course Discharged Battery

The following statement refers to the description about the charge and discharge balance of the battery. Fill in the
blank spaces (1 to 4) by choosing the correct term from the list (a to d).

When ( 1 ) exceeding the alternator's ( 2 ) is used, the battery ( 3 ) compensates for the alternator's output
current. If such conditions continue for a long period of time, the battery will become discharged.
To prevent this, it is necessary to inspect the current, which is flowing into ( 1 ), and the alternator's ( 2 ) under
the condition where the battery is discharged and to judge whether or not the charge and discharge balance is
good, that is, the battery is in a ( 3 ) or ( 4 ) state.

a) charge (or charged)

b) discharge (or discharged)

c) the electrical load (the electrical device)

d) output performance

1 2 3 4


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