DISH+20 1-21 1+Remote+User+Guide PDF
DISH+20 1-21 1+Remote+User+Guide PDF
DISH+20 1-21 1+Remote+User+Guide PDF
Safety Instructions
You must keep safety in mind while using this device. Keep
these and any other instructions for future reference.
Publishing Information
Copyright © 2013. EchoStar Technologies L.L.C., Englewood,
Colorado 80112. All rights reserved.
The information in this User Guide may change without notice.
Revisions may be issued to tell you about such changes.
Printed in
Decide whether to use IR or UHF
signals for the remote. Use UHF
signals if you do not have a clear
line of sight between the remote
and the receiver.
Set UHF/IR SWITCH to either
UHF or IR. If your remote has a
blank, black key, continue to
Insert the Batteries on page 2.
Using System Wizard
Note: Not all receivers support System Wizard. If
System Wizard does not appear, continue with page 4
or page 5 to make your remote work with your receiver.
Use System Wizard initially to set up the remote to
work with the receiver. System Wizard can also store/
restore your remote settings. Note: If your batteries are
low, replace them before beginning.
4 Select Continue to
return to Live TV.
Making 20.1 and 21.1 IR
Remote Work with Receiver
For 20.1 and 21.1 IR
Use the following
instructions to
configure your remote
while using IR signals.
Note: Use these instructions if your receiver
does not support System Wizard.
Turn your receiver and
TV on, and press
front of the receiver.
Confirm that you
see the System
Info screen.
Press RECORD on
1 your remote. The
receiver then matches
the remote’s address.
Confirm that your remote
operates your receiver by
pressing remote buttons.
Making 21.1 UHF Remote
Work with Receiver
For 21.1 UHF
Use the following
instructions if you
have configured
your remote to use
UHF signals.
Note: Use these instructions if your receiver
does not support System Wizard.
4 1
Press RECORD on
your remote. The remote
1 address will probably
change on the screen.
Number Buttons
Enter a desired
channel number
Picture-In-Picture on TV
(PIP) Buttons
Display PIP features
on some TVs with
PIP capabilities
Pause a videotape
or DVD
Rewind a videotape
or reverse a DVD FWD
Stop Forward a
Stop playing a DVD, videotape or DVD
stop playing or
recording a Play
videotape Play a videotape
or DVD
Record on a Number Buttons
videotape Enter a channel
number for DVD
DVR Functions
Press twice to go to the list of recorded
Records a program.
Programming Remote to
Control Another Device
Entering a Code
Turn device on and try other
buttons to make sure the
device responds the way
you expect. If you want to
try another code, begin from
step 1 again.
Programming Remote to
Control Another Device
Scanning the Remote Database
Note: Only use Scanning the Remote Database if
you are unable to find a code using Entering a Code.
This procedure can take several minutes.
4 Press POWER.
The Mode button flashes
a number of times corresponding
to the value of the stored device
code. If Limited Mode is used, the
last flash represents Limited Mode.
For example, if the stored device
code is 593, the Mode button
flashes five times, pauses, flashes
nine times, pauses, and flashes
three times. A quick flash is for
If SAT was pressed to display the
remote address, the SAT Mode
button flashes 1 to 28 times, giving
the remote address.
For AUX mode: The first group of
flashes tells you what the AUX mode
controls, then the following flashes tell
you each digit of the device’s code.
— 0 for second TV
— 1 for second DVD/VCR/BD
— 2 for tuner, amplifier, or audio
SAT Auto-Tune
SAT Auto-Tune programs into the remote control the
correct TV channel used for watching TV. If you are
experiencing fuzzy, snowy, blue, or black screens, it
might be due to the TV being set to the wrong channel.
Using the SAT Auto-Tune feature helps prevent these
screen issues from occurring on TVs connected to
the receiver’s modulated output (usually TV2). Use
SAT Auto-Tune to program the correct TV channel for
satellite viewing into the remote control. When SAT is
pressed and released, the remote sends that channel
to the TV, ensuring that the TV is on the correct channel
for watching TV.
This feature is enabled by default; however, if you want
to use this feature, the channel must be programmed by
following the steps in Setting SAT Auto-Tune Channel.
Press STAR (*).
Enter the channel used for
viewing (two or three digits
in range of 002 to 125), for
example channel “10” or
3 Enter 00 or 000.
Removing Auto-Tune for
If you want to remove Auto-Tune for your DVD/
VCR/BD, follow the steps below.
3 Enter 00 or 000.
Recovering Your Picture
Use the RECOVER button to get back to watching
satellite programming if you accidentally change
channels or inputs on your TV, DVD, and/or VCR.
To use this feature, you must set up Auto-Tune for
your TV (see page 16) and for your DVD/VCR (see
page 18).
Note: RECOVER only works if the remote control
has been set up to control the TV and/or DVD/VCR,
if connected. If the RECOVER button is used, the TV
channel programmed for SAT Auto-Tune is also the
channel that is sent to the TV. If SAT Auto-Tune is not
programmed, RECOVER first tries to tune your TV to
channel 3, then channel 4, and then other video inputs
with each press of the RECOVER button. If SAT Auto-
Tune is programmed, RECOVER tries to tune your TV to
the channel given in SAT Auto-Tune and then other video
inputs with each press of the RECOVER button. You may
need to press the RECOVER button up to 30 times to
recover your satellite TV video. If SAT Auto-Tune is not
set-up, RECOVER only tries channels 3 and 4.
6 Press SAT.
Press the plus (+) and minus
(-) sides of VOLUME.
Control TV Volume
Use this procedure to change from having the
remote adjust the volume of an audio receiver
or amplifier to having the remote adjust the TV’s
volume. When the remote control is set up to
operate your TV, the MUTE and VOLUME buttons
adjust your TV volume when in SAT mode.
Note: It is only necessary to do these steps if the
remote had been set up to control the volume on an
audio device and now you want the remote to adjust
the volume of a TV.
Press the plus (+) side of the
VOLUME button.
Press POUND (#). The TV
mode button flashes three
Make sure the remote controls the TV’s
volume in other modes:
6 Press SAT.
Press the plus (+) and minus
(-) sides of VOLUME.
2 1
Write down the TV1 address
that is shown.
Learning from Another
Device’s Remote, continued
To have the DISH remote control learn specific
commands for another device, complete the following
Program the DISH remote
to the desired remote
address (see Changing
the Remote and Receiver
Address, page 28).
Changing the Remote and
Receiver Address
Sometimes the receiver picks up UHF
interference from another receiver in the house
or even a neighbor’s. If you notice that your
receiver is changing channels or opening
menus but you’re not using the remote control,
changing the address should fix the problem.
Write down the TV2
remote address shown on
the System Info screen.
6 Press RECORD.
TV Codes TV
Gibralter 501 505 506 520 627 751 766 773 777 809 829 834
711 775 813 838 839 841 846 857 903
Go Video 696 Inteq 501 711 775 813
Goldi 566 JBL 566 621 656 674 761 792
Goldstar 505 506 520 523 564 818 897
566 627 653 654 655 658 702 JC Penney see Penney
718 720 761 897 JCB 500 640 652 677 758 781
GPX 532 783 795 797 798 837 844
Gradiente 540 Jensen 502 537 539 627 653
Granada 627 654 842 903 912
Grand 627 JVC 508 517 533 557 570 642
Grundig 603 649 655 658 662 688 713 714
Grunpy 532 541 657 682 715 726 735 736 737 812 817 834
Haier 515 571 693 843 Kawasho 627 652 654 795
Hallmark 564 627 654 718 KDS 591 669 902
Harley Davidson 532 756 KEC 541 657 682
Harman/Kardon 621 627 656 Kenwood 505 506 520 627
674 761 792 818 897 654 716
Harvard 541 657 682 KLH 595 743 744 745 815
Havermy 521 572 739 740 Kloss 627 657
Helios 901 905 Konka 510
Hello Kitty 528 531 697 719 KTV 506 520 541 627 655 657
832 658 682 702
Hewlett Packard 599 712 721 LG 501 503 522 545 553 564
911 615 627 650 653 654 693 711
Hisense 759 718 720 730 766 773 775 779
Hitachi 517 523 547 549 554 804 805 809 813 830 831 859
555 606 627 637 638 654 655 Linksys 721
658 675 688 709 756 786 788 Lloyd’s 627 756
789 790 791 Lloytron 658
Howard Computers 721 Loewe 566 656 761 897
HP 599 712 721 911 Logik 675
Hush 721 Luce 699
Hyundai 695 Luxman 523 627 654
iBUYPOWER 721 LXI 503 526 564 566 590 595
Ilo 529 559 588 596 625 668 611 621 627 631 635 645 650
764 654 656 674 683 718 744 749
IMA 657 761 768 771 776 785 792 818
Infinity 566 621 656 674 761 830 863 864 897
792 818 897 M. Wards see Wards
InFocus 616 MAG 591 669 902
Initial 596 625 Magnasonic 664 756
Insignia 527 533 537 538 539
543 550 553 569 585 618 671
679 694 698 701 726 728 733 Table continued on next page
TV Codes, continued TV
Magnavox 506 507 508 517 MTC 505 506 516 520 523 627
520 527 532 536 550 560 563 653 654 680
566 569 581 609 618 621 625 Multitech 541 657 682
627 646 654 656 674 679 688 Multivision 810
694 710 733 746 747 753 756 NAD 526 564 595 627 631 635
761 762 763 767 777 782 792 637 654 718 744 768 771 785
801 818 827 828 829 838 839 NEC 505 506 517 520 523 604
841 846 876 887 888 891 892 608 610 627 653 654 687 688
893 894 897 731 732 904
Magnin 661 NetTV 507 581 586 609 710
Majestic 675 746 753 763 801
Marantz 506 520 550 560 563 Nikkai 613
566 604 608 621 627 654 656 Nikko 506 520 524 564 627
674 747 761 792 818 836 897 654 718 727 778
Matsushita 512 577 619 634 Niveus Media 721
685 689 700 729 734 765 780 Norcent 519 579 759
784 819 820 821 822 823 Northgate 721
Maxent 507 581 609 710 746 Norwood Micro 588
753 763 801 Noshi 681
Media Center PC 721 Novabeam 627
Megapower 804 NTC 524 727 778
Megatron 564 627 654 718 Nyon 627
Memorex 504 529 532 533 Olevia 523 564 578 580 654
559 564 590 611 613 627 648 910 914
653 654 675 680 683 684 718 Onwa 541 657 682
725 726 752 787 799 834 869 Optimus 512 577 590 611 619
876 899 634 637 685 689 700 729 734
MGA 504 505 506 520 564 756 765 780 784 819 820 821
613 627 653 654 661 718 725 822 823 869 876
787 799 Optonica 521 572 739 740 835
Microsoft 721 Orion 532 533 538 694 726
Midland 501 508 645 650 655 748 752 834 899
658 702 711 730 749 775 776 Panasonic 508 509 512 576
813 863 864 577 619 634 644 647 656 685
Mind 721 689 700 729 734 761 765 780
Mintek 596 625 784 811 819 820 821 822 823
Mitsubishi 504 505 517 521 860 861 862 867 868 869 870
564 572 613 614 627 653 654 871 872 873 874 875 876 877
688 718 725 739 740 787 799 878 879 880 881 882 883 884
Mitsui 769 885 886 889 890 895 896 897
Monivision 692 804 900
Montgomery Wards see Panavision 734 811
Motorola 521 572 739 740 835
Table continued on next page
TV Codes, continued TV
Penney 503 505 506 508 516 Quasar 508 512 577 619 634
520 525 526 543 564 595 627 685 689 700 729 734 765 780
631 635 645 650 653 654 655 784 819 820 821 822 823 860
658 661 680 681 690 702 718 861 862 867 868 869 870 871
720 728 730 744 749 768 776 872 873 874 875 876 877 878
771 785 830 857 863 864 879 880 881 882 883 884 885
Petters 534 886 889 890 895 896
Philco 505 506 514 520 527 Radio Shack 503 505 506 520
529 532 536 559 569 618 621 541 564 590 611 627 645 650
627 653 654 655 656 658 665 655 657 658 662 682 683 702
668 674 679 694 733 761 764 718 749 756 776 830 863 864
777 792 818 829 838 839 841 RCA 503 505 508 521 522 530
846 897 544 547 627 630 636 637 639
Philips 514 525 527 548 550 641 645 650 651 653 654 661
560 563 566 621 625 627 655 671 681 686 690 740 742 749
656 658 665 674 747 761 770 751 776 779 805 830 831 859
782 792 818 824 825 826 827 863 864 902 916
828 839 876 887 888 891 892 Realistic 503 505 506 520 541
893 894 897 564 590 607 611 627 645 654
Pilot 505 506 520 627 655 658 655 657 658 682 683 702 718
702 730 830
Pioneer 547 561 576 604 608 Ricavision 721
627 637 654 Runco 501 506 520 604 608
Plasmsync 610 627 711 775 813
Polaroid 534 537 539 550 588 Sampo 506 507 520 581 609
591 627 669 670 671 678 743 627 654 655 658 702 710 746
744 745 751 766 773 814 815 753 763 801
901 902 903 905 Samsung 505 506 516 520
Portland 505 524 528 530 531 523 564 566 601 627 653 654
627 653 654 655 658 697 702 655 658 680 684 702 707 717
719 727 778 832 718 738 755 761 794 833 858
Price Club 680 897
Prima 502 653 673 674 842 Samsux 655 658 702
912 Sansei 697
Princeton 562 804 Sansui 527 533 569 622 694
Prism 508 726 733 748 750 752 754 756
Proscan 503 506 520 522 645 834 841 846 865 866 899 908
650 705 742 749 776 779 805 Sanyo 517 590 611 621 627
830 831 859 863 864 656 661 674 683 688 761 792
Proton 536 564 627 654 655 818 840 897
658 718 SBR 566 761 897
Protron 589 Sceptre 677
Proview 591 669 902 Schneider 566 761 897
Pulsar 501 505 627 711 775 Scimitsu 505 773
813 Table continued on next page
TV Codes, continued TV
Scotch 564 627 654 718 Sylvania 506 520 527 529 536
Scott 505 532 541 564 627 559 566 567 568 569 618 621
654 655 657 658 682 718 627 646 654 656 668 672 674
Sears 503 523 526 527 532 679 694 723 724 733 756 761
558 564 569 590 595 611 621 764 767 777 792 818 829 838
627 631 635 645 650 654 656 839 841 846 888 897
658 674 683 694 718 733 744 Symphonic 527 541 569 587
749 756 761 768 771 776 785 632 646 657 679 682 694 733
792 818 830 841 846 863 864 756 767 841 846
897 Syntax 523 558 564 578 580
Seimitsu 627 654 910 914
Semivox 682 Systemax 721
Semp 595 771 Tagar Systems 721
Sharp 521 546 556 572 605 Tandy 521 572 739 740 835
627 628 629 654 655 658 663 Tatung 511 535 588
702 739 740 803 835 836 898 Teac 586
Sharper Image 703 Technics 508 512 577 619 634
Sheng Chia 521 572 739 740 685 689 700 729 734 765 780
Shogun 505 627 784 819 820 821 822 823
Signature 621 656 674 675 Technol ACE 532
761 792 818 897 Techview 590 683
Simpson 536 Techwood 508 523 627 654
Solavox 613 Teco 704
Sole 699 Teknika 504 505 512 516 523
Sony 500 513 640 652 677 524 532 536 541 613 621 627
721 756 758 781 783 795 796 644 653 654 655 656 657 658
797 798 806 837 844 845 674 675 680 682 685 702 725
Soundesign 532 536 541 564 727 761 778 787 792 799 818
627 654 657 682 718 897
Spectricon 520 627 Telecaption 688
Spectroniq 591 669 902 Telefunken 738 794
Squareview 527 569 694 733 Thomas 627 756
841 846 TMK 523 564 627 654 718
SSS 505 541 627 657 682 TNCi 501 711 775 813
Stack 9 721 Toshiba 516 517 526 590 595
Starlite 541 657 682 610 611 615 617 622 631 635
Studio Experience 692 644 666 680 683 688 721 744
Superscan 521 572 583 646 750 754 755 768 771 785 793
739 740 741 767 777 800 802 847 848 849 850 851
Supra 523 627 852 854 855 865 866 908 909
Supreme 500 640 652 677 Totevision 655 658 702
758 781 783 795 797 798 807 Touch 721
837 844 Toyomenko 627
SVA 515 618 679 759 777 829
838 839 901 905 Table continued on next page
TV Codes, continued TV
Trutech 529 559 584 Zenith 500 501 506 520 524
TVS 533 726 834 530 533 553 555 564 615 627
Ultra 589 638 640 645 675 677 711 718
US Logic 588 720 726 727 748 749 752 756
V Inc. 562 575 758 766 773 775 776 778 781
Vector Research 506 520 627 783 795 797 798 809 813 834
VEOS 558 837 844 853 863 864 899
Victor 557 735 736 737 Zonda 804
Vidikron 604 608 621 656 674 ZT Group 721
761 792 818 897
Vidtech 505 517 564 627 653
654 688 718
Viewsonic 507 551 562 575
579 581 582 583 600 606 609
620 710 721 741 746 753 760
763 789 796 801
Viore 907 915
Vizio 511 535 551 562 575 583
593 598 741 773
Voodoo 721
Wards 500 501 503 505 506
508 516 520 526 532 536 541
564 590 595 611 621 627 631
635 640 641 645 653 654 656
657 674 675 677 681 682 711
718 749 758 761 768 775 776
781 783 785 792 795 797 798
813 818 830 837 844 863 864
Waycon 526 595 631 635 768
Westinghouse 528 531 551
562 574 575 652 697 719 795
797 798 809 832 856
White Westinghouse 528 530
533 726 816 832 834
Yamaha 505 506 520 606 627
653 654 789
York 627
Go Video 502 507 522 524 Marantz 554 556 581 585 592
529 591 675 678 779 912 594 801
Goldstar 502 507 512 522 529 Marta 512 676 678
592 594 676 678 779 Matsushita 554 614 628 799
Goodmans 585 806
Gradiente 544 588 594 Media Center PC 792
Granada 549 MEI 554
Grundig 556 801 Memorex 506 512 515 516
Harley Davidson 544 588 594 525 533 544 549 550 554 581
Harman/Kardon 568 592 594 585 588 591 594 607 614 628
Headquarter 581 675 676 678 770 771 777 780
Hewlett Packard/HP 792 781 782 784 786 787 788 789
Hi-Q 789 799 806 809 918
Hitachi 513 514 544 588 594 MGA 512 567 568 591 675
595 682 776 MGN Technology 591 675
Howard Computers 792 Microsoft 792
HP see Hewlett Packard Midland 591
Humax 521 910 911 Mind 792
Hush 792 Minolta 595 776
iBUYPOWER 792 Mitsubishi 512 523 526 527
Insignia 507 803 562 567 568 595 607 776 795
Instant Replay 554 Montgomery Wards see
ITT 675 Wards
JC Penney see Penney Motorola 554 607 918
JCL 554 MTC 544 588 591 594 675
Jensen 513 595 682 776 Multitech 544 588 591 594
JVC 513 523 526 527 545 561 NAD 507
562 581 592 594 682 795 NEC 513 523 526 527 549 562
KEC 512 676 678 581 592 594 682 795
Kenwood 513 523 526 527 562 Nikko 512 676 678
581 592 594 682 795 Nikon 791
Kodak 512 554 676 678 Niveus Media 792
LG 502 507 522 529 676 678 Noblex 591 675
779 Northgate 792
Linksys 792 Olympus 554
Lloyd’s 544 588 594 Onkyo 783
Luxor 567 Optimus 512 549 581 607 614
LXI 512 676 678 628 676 678 756 770 771 777
M. Wards see Wards 780 781 782 784 786 787 788
Magnasonic 536 756 796 799 806 809 918
Magnavox 519 531 533 544 Optonica 585
554 556 588 594 756 783 797 Orion 550 559
798 801 803 804
Magnin 591 675 676 678
Table continued on next page
VCR Codes, continued DVD
Panasonic 554 614 628 672 Sanyo 515 516 525 549 581
770 771 777 780 781 782 783 591 675 789
784 786 787 788 791 799 806 SBR 556 801
809 810 912 Sceptre 549 581
Penney 512 554 581 591 592 Scott 508 534 559 567
594 595 675 676 678 776 Sears 512 544 549 554 581
Pentax 594 595 776 588 594 595 676 678 776 789
Pentex Research 592 594 Sharp 512 585 607 918
Philco 554 Shintom 595 772
Philips 520 554 556 585 783 Shogun 591 675
801 803 804 911 Singer 554 791
Pilot 512 676 678 Signature 554
Pioneer 523 526 527 562 776 Sonic Blue 502 522 529 678
795 779 907 912
Polaroid 517 530 Sony 500 544 554 588 594
Presidian 519 804 768 772 778 790 791 792 919
Profitronic 591 675 Stack 9 792
Proscan 528 585 605 607 649 STS 554
773 774 Superscan 531 798 804
Pulsar 533 Sylvania 519 531 544 554 556
Quarter 581 567 588 594 756 797 798 801
Quartz 581 803 804
Quasar 554 614 628 770 771 Symphonic 519 531 544 588
786 799 806 594 756 804
RadioShack 512 544 581 588 Systemax 792
594 676 678 Tagar Systems 792
Radix 512 676 678 Tandy 581
Randex 512 676 678 Tashiko 512 676 678
RCA 518 528 539 541 554 585 Tatung 513 682
591 595 605 607 649 675 773 Teac 513 544 588 594 682
774 775 776 Technics 554 614 628
Realistic 512 534 544 549 554 Teknika 512 544 554 588 594
581 585 588 594 607 676 678 676 678
789 918 Thomas 544 588 594
Ricavision 792 TiVo 510 520 521 537 548 905
Ricoh 791 906 908 909 910 911
Rio 502 522 529 678 779 TMK 591 675
Runco 533 Toshiba 513 515 516 525 534
Salora 567 537 538 542 543 567 682 769
Samsung 506 524 534 591 776 783 792
675 755 807 Totevision 512 591 675 676
Sanky 533 607 918 678
Sansui 513 515 516 523 525 Touch 792
526 527 544 550 562 588 594
682 795 Table continued on next page
VCR Codes, continued DVD
UltimateTV 649
Unitech 591 675
Urban Concepts 672 783
Vector Research 534 592 594
Victor 561 562
Video Concepts 534 568 592
Videomagic 512 676 678
Videosonic 591 675
Viewsonic 792
Villain 544 588 594
Voodoo 792
Wards 512 528 533 534 544
554 585 588 591 592 594 595
605 607 649 675 676 678 772
773 774 776 789 918
White Westinghouse 588
XR-1000 544 554 588 594
Yamaha 581 592 594 682
Zenith 500 502 507 512 522
529 533 544 588 594 678 772
779 783 791
ZT Group 792
DVD Player Codes DVD
Combo Codes
The following tables contain the manufacturer codes for
programming the remote control to operate combined
devices. If your combined device brand is not listed or if
the codes do not work, the remote may not control your
combined device. In some cases, codes may operate some,
but not all, buttons shown in this guide.
Combo Codes, continued
Magnavox Penney
TV Code 756 876 887 TV Code 661
888 891 892 VCR Code 591 675 676
893 894 Philips
VCR Code 533 544 588 TV Code 876 887 891 892
756 797 893 894
Memorex VCR Code 801
TV Code 869 RadioShack
VCR Code 614 628 676 TV Code 756
770 771 777 VCR Code 533 544 588
780 781 782 Quasar
783 784 786 TV Code 860 868 869 870
787 788 799 VCR Code 614 628 799 806
806 809 RCA
Optimus TV Code 641 645 661 776
TV Code 756 869 863 864
VCR Code 614 628 756 VCR Code 591 675
770 771 777 Samsung
780 781 782 TV Code 755
783 784 786 VCR Code 755 775 807
787 788 799 Sansui
806 809 TV Code 748 752 756 899
Orion VCR Code 533 544 588
TV Code 748 752 899 Sanyo
Pansonic TV Code 661
TV Code 647 765 811 VCR Code 591 675
860 861 862 Sears
867 868 869 TV Code 756
870 871 872 VCR Code 533 544 588 676
873 874 875 Sharp
877 878 879 TV Code 521 546 556 740
880 881 882 Sony
883 884 885 TV Code 500 640 677 756
886 889 890 758 781 783 795
895 900 797 798 837 844
VCR Code 614 628 770 VCR Code 533 544 588
771 777 780 Sylvania
781 782 783 TV Code 887 888 891 892
784 786 787 893 894
788 799 806 VCR Code 797
Table continued on next page
Combo Codes, continued
TV Code 756
VCR Code 533 544 588 756
TV Code 756
VCR Code 533 544 588
TV Code 617 666 755
VCR Code 538 542 543 769
TV Code 748 752 756 899
VCR Code 533 544 588
Combo Codes, continued
Combo Codes, continued
Haier RCA
TV Code 693 TV Code 503 522 636 637
Hitachi 639 650 671 742
TV Code 786 788 790 791 751 763 779 805
iLo 831 859
TV Code 625 DVD Code 647 867
Initial Samsung
TV Code 625 TV Code 680 684
Insignia DVD Code 740
TV Code 618 671 679 698 Sansui
751 777 829 838 TV Code 622 750 865 866
839 908
DVD Code 570 631 647 679 DVD Code 515 516 525 646
Jensen 709 725 775 814
DVD Code 759 815
JVC Sharp
TV Code 662 TV Code 546 556 605 898
Konka DVD Code 573
TV Code 510 Sylvania
DVD Code 753 TV Code 567 568 618 668
LG 672 679 723 724
TV Code 553 561 766 773 764 777 829 838
809 839
Magnavox DVD Code 570 617 619 631
TV Code 618 625 646 679 645 658 661 674
767 777 782 829 679 764 829 815
838 839 Toshiba
DVD Code 570 631 679 TV Code 622 666 750 754
Mintek 771 793 802 847
TV Code 625 848 849 850 851
Mirror 852 854 855 865
DVD Code 634 866 908
Panasonic DVD Code 515 516 525 646
TV Code 644 811 869 648 656 709 725
DVD Code 663 754 814 815
Polaroid Viore
TV Code 534 678 751 TV Code 915
DVD Code 635 636 647 677 Westinghouse
Prima DVD Code 629
DVD Code 759
Combo Codes, continued
Combo Codes, continued
Use this information if you have a problem using
the remote. To solve a particular problem, do the
• Find the information that relates to the problem
you are experiencing. Try the suggested solution
for that problem.
• Make sure your remote control has fresh
batteries. If you see the Remote Battery Low
warning on your TV screen, it is time to change
the batteries. Follow the instructions on page 2.
• Make sure you have a direct line of sight between
the remote and the receiver.
• Visit
Troubleshooting, continued
Your remote control does not work well.
What to do: If SAT Auto-Tune has been enabled,
press SAT to return to watching TV.
Move your receiver to different locations. For best
results, place the receiver as high as possible, above
all other equipment in your entertainment center.
There may be IR interference from objects near the
Limited Warranty
This warranty extends only to the original user (“you,” “your”) of the DISH
Network remote control and is limited to the purchase price of the remote
control. EchoStar Technologies L.L.C., formerly known as EchoStar
Technologies Corporation, and its affiliated companies (“we,” “our,” “us”)
warrant this remote control against defects in materials or workmanship as
For one year from the original date of purchase, if we find the remote control
is defective subject to the limits of this warranty, we will replace the remote at
no charge for parts or labor. We warrant any such work done against defects
in materials or workmanship for the remaining part of the original warranty
This warranty does not cover installation of the DISH Network System;
consumer instruction; physical set up or adjustment of any consumer
electronic equipment; remote control batteries; signal reception problems;
loss of use of the equipment; unused programming charges due to equipment
malfunction; cosmetic damage; damage due to lightning, electrical or
telephone line surges, fire, flood, or other acts of Nature; accident; misuse;
abuse; repair or alteration by other than our factory service; negligence;
commercial or institutional use; improper or neglected maintenance;
equipment sold AS IS or WITH ALL FAULTS; equipment removal or
reinstallation; shipping damage if the equipment was not packed and shipped
in the manner we prescribe; nor equipment purchased, serviced, or operated
outside the contiguous United States of America.
exception of opening the battery cover).
This warranty gives you specific legal rights which may vary from state to
state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of incidental or
consequential damages, or allow limitations on the duration of an implied
warranty, so those limitations may not apply to you.
DISH’s Exchange Programs
DISH offers two options if you need to replace your remote
control—the Advanced Exchange Program and the Post
Receipt Exchange Program.
Advanced Exchange Program
The advanced Exchange Program allows you to have a
replacement remote shipped immediately to you. Depending
upon where you live, the remote should arrive within three to
five business days. You will not have to return your defective
remote to DISH using this program.
A shipping charge will be applied for shipping the replacement
remote. This is a one-time fee based on DISH’s competitive
bulk shipping rates (additional charges may apply outside
the continental U.S.). This fee will be charged to your billing
account or valid credit card.
Post Receipt Exchange Program
The Post Receipt Exchange Program does require that you
send the defective remote control at your cost to DISH to
determine if the equipment is covered under warranty. To
provide faster service, upon receipt of your equipment, you
will be shipped a replacement. Your original equipment will not
be available for return.
If your equipment is not covered under warranty and can be
repaired, your billing account or credit card will be charged
the standard repair fee for the replacement. If damage to the
defective equipment is found, which DISH in its sole discretion
determines has voided the warranty or makes the equipment
unrepairable, your billing account or credit card will be
charged the market price of the replacement.
Accessory Warranty
An accessory is any DISH branded equipment, displaying the
DISH logo, excluding the receiver, Smart Card, cables and
hookups, and non-mechanical components. A one-year warranty
becomes effective upon the activation of the DISH system or
date of purchase, if bought separately. A proof of purchase is
required to verify the purchase date. If an accessory has an
expired warranty, no exchange will be issued. You may purchase
replacement accessories from DISH or your local retailer.
Reference Table
Write down your remote address, channel numbers/
inputs, TV, VCR, DVD player, and stereo equipment
codes as you program them for future reference.
Remote Address
TV Code
For all your customer needs,
go to or
call the Customer Service center at
1-800-333-DISH (3474)