Tahir Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan #01

Name of the Teacher

Muhammad Tahir Shabbir

Roll no
General Science

Duration of the lesson

30 Minutes

Production of sounds


NO. Of Students:

25 December, 2020

General Objectives:

By the end of this lesson students will be able to differentiate between different
sounds. Students will be able to differentiate between humans and animal’s sounds.

Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson they will be able to demonstrate how sound is produced
by vibration. Identify the material that can vibrate. Able to compare the differences in sounds produced
such as high pitched sound, low pitched sound. Quality of sound and noise.

Teaching method:
Lecture-cum-inductive /deductive method.

Av Aids:
Blackboard, chalk, textbook, pictures of living and non-living things.

Previous Knowledge:
Sounds can be produced by beating the drum, students must have the knowledge about this. Sounds
are produced by vibration of particles of matter the degree of depends upon the strength with which
particle vibrates.

Topic Announcement:
Today we are going to discuss about the “Production of Sounds.”

I will Introduce me by a question. What kind of music do you like?

Do you know how musical instruments produce sounds?

I will call a student and say him to produce sound by beating while board by
board marker /pointer. Students place rulers at the edges of the table and top
top the free hand. I will ask them these questions. Can you hear any sounds from
from the rulers? What is making the sound? How do you describe the movement
movement of ruler? I will try to convey the lesson about movement of sand
particles and ruler’s particle and how they are same.

I will review my lesson and ask them some questions. Why does the trumpet
produce a very high pitch sound but the trombone produce a low pitched sound?

Use the following words to complete the sentence below

Vibrating objects, water objects, different, bottles, loud, soft.

a) Different ( )make ( ) sounds b) Some sounds are ( ),( ) and some sounds are ( ).

Home Work:
I will say them to write ten sources of sound production.

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