Cone Crusher Performance: Research
Cone Crusher Performance: Research
Cone Crusher Performance: Research
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1 author:
Magnus Evertsson
Chalmers University of Technology
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Vertical cross-section of a cone crusher by Peter Schachinger
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Göteborg, 2000
To Maria and Alice
Cone crushers are used by both the aggregate producing and the mining industry. Both
industries are interested in increasing the product quality while at the same time lowering the
production costs. Prediction of crusher performance has been focused on, since crushing is a
vital process for both industries.
In this thesis a method for prediction of cone crusher performance is presented. The model is
based on the laws of mechanics and constitutive relations concerning rock breakage
characteristics. There are some crucial assumptions which are of central interest for the model.
The validity of these assumptions has been verified by full-scale tests.
The overall size reduction process is a result of several subsequent crushing events.
Therefore, the process occurring in a cone crusher must also be modelled in the same repetitive
way. Each crushing event is modelled with a selection and a breakage function. Selection
corresponds to the probability of a particle being broken when an aggregate of particles is
compressed. Breakage represents the way a single particle is broken into smaller fragments.
The appearance of the selection and breakage functions is rock material specific and can be
obtained by laboratory tests. The characterization of the fragmentation behaviour for rock
materials is done by form conditioned compression crushing tests. Two modes of breakage are
possible to achieve in a cone crusher. The location of the choke level is the criterion which
determines the breakage mode. Interparticle breakage is achieved above the choke level while
only single particle breakage is achieved below this level.
The crusher model takes the fragmentation behaviour of the rock and feed size distribution
into consideration. Moreover, chamber and machine geometry together with machine
parameters such as closed side setting, stroke and eccentric speed, is accounted for. On all
occasions continuity of mass is preserved.
Three main factors are identified to promote the size reduction process occurring in a cone
crusher. These factors are: breakage modes, number of crushing zones and compression ratio.
The main factors are affected by both design and operating parameters. For a given crusher, the
factors depend on eccentric speed, closed side setting, rock material breakage characteristics
and feed size distribution. The main factors provide a fundamental and detailed understanding
of how a cone crusher operates. Any design consideration should be evaluated against these
main factors.
The model can be used as a simulation tool to assist in the design process of crushers. Any
arbitrary design can then be studied. If a set of simulations is performed for a given crusher, a
Crusher Performance Map is achieved, which in turn can be used when optimizing a given
crushing task or a crushing plant.
This dissertation comprises the following papers:
Paper A: Evertsson, C. M., “Prediction of Size Distributions from Compressing Crusher
Machines”, Proceedings EXPLO 95 Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 173-180, 4-7
September 1995.
Paper B: Evertsson, C. M. and Bearman, R. A., “Investigation of Interparticle Breakage as
Applied to Cone Crushing”, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 10, 199-214, February
Paper C: Evertsson, C. M., “Output Prediction of Cone Crushers”, Minerals Engineering,
Vol. 11 215-232, March 1998.
Paper D: Evertsson, C. M., “Modelling of Flow in Cone Crushers”, Minerals Engineering,
Vol. 12, 1479-1499, December 1999.
Paper E: Evertsson, C. M., “Size Reduction in Cone Crushers”, Minerals Engineering
Conference '99, Falmouth, England, 22-24 September 1999 (Accepted for
publication in Minerals Engineering).
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Production of Ballast Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Crushing of Mineral Ores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Basic Comminution Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Operating Principle of Cone Crushers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Scientific Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4 Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5 Model Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.1 Structure of Crusher Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.2 Modular Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6 Nominal Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7 Size Reduction Process Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8 Rock Fragmentation Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
8.1 Breakage Behaviour Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
8.2 Size Distribution Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
8.3 Compression Crushing Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
8.4 Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
8.5 Breakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
9 Flow Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
9.1 Material Flow Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
9.2 Velocity Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
9.3 Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
10 Interaction between Rock Flow and Size Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
10.1 Mass Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
10.2 Volumetric Filling Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
10.3 Utilized Compression Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
10.4 Relation between bulk density and size distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
10.5 Confinement and Breakage Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
10.6 Choke Feeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
10.7 A Particle Shape Model for Single Particle Breakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
The initiative for this research project was taken by producers of aggregates, contractors and
manufactures of crushing equipment in Scandinavia. The work has been carried out at Machine
and Vehicle Design, Chalmers University of Technology.
I wish to express my sincere thanks Professor Göran Gerbert for his excellent supervision.
With his great devotion and general competence, Professor Gerbert has supported, inspired
and encouraged me throughout the project.
The promoters (also financial sponsors of the project) formed a technical reference group to
which the author has regularly reported and presented research results. The people who has
been working in the reference are (in alphabetical order, past and present): Jonas Andersson
(Nordberg Sweden AB), Per Andersson (SveBeFo), Richard Bern (Svedala-Arbrå AB), Jan
Bida (NCC Industri AB), Hans Carlsson (Sabema Material AB), Kjell Carlsson (Sabema
Material AB), Leif Dahlqvist (Skanska AB), Konny Deubler (Råsjö Kross AB), Christer
Hagert (Vägverket), Pär Johnning (Ballast Väst AB), Christian Ottergren (Svedala Industri
AB), Lennart Persson (Skanska AB), Bo Ronge (Chalmers University of Technology), Sigvard
Sundelid (Gatu & Väg AB) and Sven-Olof Wennberg (Nordberg Sweden AB). Each member
of the technical reference group is hereby gratefully acknowledged.
The author is grateful to the following companies and organizations for funding this work:
Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF), Gatu & Väg AB, National
Swedish Road Administration (Vägverket), National Swedish Sand and Crushed Stone
Association (GMF), NCC Baggermanns AB, Nordberg Sweden AB, Råsjö Kross AB, Sabema
Material AB, Skanska AB and Svedala Industri AB.
I would like to thank all my colleagues (past and present) at Machine and Vehicle Design.
They have all, in some way, contributed to the progress of my work.
Dr. Anders Hedman deserves special thanks for reading the thesis and many of the papers.
During the years Anders has been helpful in increasing my vocabulary and among other things
taught me that Gothenburg is a city in Nebraska.
Finally, I want to express my gratitude to Maria for her love and for having the patience of
an angel with me. I must also thank our daughter Alice for being there with her exultingly
happiness and always ready to jump for joy.
Cone crushers are used by both aggregate producers and the mining industry. The purpose of
using crushers is to reduce the particle size of rock materials or to liberate valuable minerals
from ores. A tremendous amount of material is crushed yearly by cone crushers. Despite this
fact, the detailed knowledge of how a cone crusher works from a process point of view is quite
poor. In order to achieve significant advances in crushing efficiency, increased knowledge is
needed. High quality knowledge can only be gained through fundamental understanding.
The primary crusher is normally a jaw crusher which is fed with blasted rock material. As
the size of the blasted material may vary greatly, the primary crusher has to have a large inlet
opening. Secondary crushers are normally of the cone or gyratory type. Tertiary and final
crushers are mostly cone crushers. In situations where very high cubicity is required, the final
crusher may alternatively be an impact crusher if the rock is particularly difficult to shape.
Gyratory crusher
Feeder with grizzly
0-22 22-32
16-22 11-16 0-2 2-5 5-8 8-11
exclusively cone crushers. The configuration of secondary and tertiary crushers together with
screens varies from case to case. Closed circuits are very common where the crushers are
producing a ball mill feed. For closed circuit crushing the finished product is the undersize
from the screens while the oversize material is fed back to the crushers and recrushed. Open
circuit crushing is often used in intermediate crushing stages, or when the secondary crushing
plant is producing a rod mill feed.
Gyratory 0-20
crusher Gyratory
+55 0-70
20-55 Storage
Cone crushers
SAG ball mill
0-20 Storage Pump cyclone
to concentration
energy consuming process. A part of the elastically stored energy will transform into surface
energy as the crack propagates. The rest of the elastic energy will dissociate as the crystal
relaxes. This behaviour is known as brittle fracture. In contrast, a tough and ductile material, as
for example steel, can relax the elastic energy by the mechanism of plastic flow. The energy is
then consumed in distorting the shape of the material.
P = P(s) mv
E part = ---------
P v
Figure 3. The main difference between form conditioned (left) and energy conditioned (right)
breakage is the principle for energy input.
Crushing machines utilizing energy controlled breakage are called impact crushers. These
types of crusher are known to produce a product with a good particle shape, i.e. high cubicity.
Depending on the energy level, the crusher can be used to primarily improve shape or to give
significant size reduction. A drawback of impact crushers is that they produce a significant
amount of fines. This property is a direct consequence of the utilized comminution principle.
From strength tests utilizing a modified Hopkinson Pressure Bar, Briggs and Bearman [4]
concluded that impact crushers produce material that contains less variation in strength than
the feed because every particle is exposed to the breakage mechanism. Cone crushers do not
break material as consistently as impact crushers, as there is variation in both the number of
particles exposed to the breakage mechanism and the degree to which the particles are crushed.
Attrition is breakage by shear failure and produces mostly fine material. Generation of fines is
often undesirable. Attrition occurs mainly in practice due to interaction between particles and
is thus to be considered as interparticle breakage.
Concave Concave
Mantle CSS
Product n Main shaft axis
At a fixed point of location somewhere in the crusher chamber, the distance between mantle
and concave will vary between open and closed position, as shown in Figure 5. The motion can
be described with a cyclic function of the eccentric angle α . The eccentric angle corresponds
to the position of the eccentricity and therefore also to the position of the main shaft.
The distance between the mantle and concave at the outlet of the crushing chamber is called
the Closed Side Setting when the mantle is in its closed position. The closed side setting is
commonly referred to as the CSS.
distance 1st cycle 2nd cycle
OSS open
s nom
CSS closed
opening closing opening closing
α = ωn t
π 2π 3π 4π
Figure 5. For a fixed point in the chamber the distance between mantle and concave varies
cyclically with time.
The breakage of material in cone type gyratory crushers is traditionally regarded as relying
upon single particle breakage. In the last ten years the emphasis has shifted with manufacturers
trying to generate higher degrees of interparticle breakage. Increasing the degree of
interparticle crushing is claimed to improve crushing efficiency and product shape.
When the material passes the crusher it will be subjected to several repeated compressions
due to the cyclic oscillation. During every compression the material will be partly crushed.
Due to the downward flow and the repeated compressions of the crusher chamber, the material
will follow a step-wise motion.
At a first glance a cone crusher may seem to be a quite simple piece of equipment – rocks are
reduced in size by passing a machine with moving surfaces. This opinion might be true if no
requirements whatsoever are put on either the crushed product or the operation efficiency of
the crusher. By applying strictly defined requirements on product quality in combination with a
desire to optimize important production aspects, the need for a detailed understanding of
crusher operation arises.
The size reduction process occurring in a cone crusher has not yet been fully understood.
However, the possibility to simulate and predict cone crusher performance is of great interest
for the development of crushers as well as for the design and optimization of crushing plants.
A model giving manufacturers the possibility to tailor make a rock crusher to specific
customer needs would undoubtedly be a major breakthrough for the quarrying and mining
The problems related to cone crushers can be divided into three different groups. These
groups are:
• Process design of crushing plants
• Crusher design
• Crusher operation
Capacity X X X X 0 0 X 0 0
Power requirement X X X X X X X X X
Chamber design
Hydraulic pressure = X X X X X X X X X (1)
Material strength
Product size X X X X X X X X X
Attrition resistance
Product shape X X X X 0 0 X X X
Feed size
Product strength X X X X X X 0 0 X
Feed shape
Feed strength
on-line on-line
detector detector
Feed Product
CSS Speed
Figure 6. Possible system for process control of a single crushing stage. On-line detectors could be
of the optical, acoustic or microwave type. Control signals from the crusher model are
closed side setting (CSS) and eccentric speed.
In every crushing stage an undesirable amount of fine material is produced. The definition of
fines varies, but a common definition is particles with a size of less than 2 mm. In some
geographical regions the disposal of fines can be difficult. Therefore, it is of great interest to
the ballast producing industry to reduce the production of fines, while still preserving the
overall reduction ratio.
This work was carried out at the Machine Element Group, Machine and Vehicle Design,
Chalmers University of Technology. The focus of research within the group is on machine
components and machines. The main activity is the systematic search for new knowledge
concerning the principles of operation, characteristic behaviour and performance of the objects
studied. It is believed that significant improvements in machine design can be achieved by
fundamental understanding of the component or machine.
The research is problem oriented. This means that the problem itself is in focus and not the
method or tools to solve it. The different steps in the problem oriented research method put
into practice by the Machine Element Group are shown in Figure 7. The problem oriented
research method is thoroughly described by Hultén [22].
Problem Breakdowns
Lack of knowledge
Research Literature
Observations Data acquisition
Guiding experiments
Physical principles
Modelling Assumptions
Fundamental experiments
Verification Experiments
Characteristics Simulations
and Performance
Research is defined as the activities undertaken to create new knowledge, which in turn is
used to find a solution to the original problem.
Most research projects start with a problem. The character of the problem can be very
different. Machines or components can reveal unexplained breakdowns or there are
malfunctions. Unexpected phenomena might occur. Sometimes there is a lack of knowledge
which originates from a need of increasing the performance of the object.
The first step in the research process is to identify a knowledge gap. Different kinds of
observations are used for this purpose. Literature reviews are used to outline the current status
of the knowledge base related to the problem. Data acquisition or guiding experiments can be
performed in order to clarify the nature of the problem. When the knowledge gap is identified
the objectives of the research project can be formulated.
Modelling is probably the most central part of the research process. The aim of modelling is
to describe the phenomenon in mathematical terms. Already known physical effects are
normally used when the models are formed.
Very often, the phenomenon is complex in nature. If the complete behaviour, including all
possible aspects, is to be described, the mathematical model would be large and complex and
thus difficult to use in simulations. In order to make the model possible to handle
simplifications are needed. Assumptions and simplifications should be done on such a level
that no restrictions are obtained at the level where the problem is formulated. Which
assumptions and simplifications that should be made depend directly on the degree of
explanation or resolution required of the final model.
The model structure can be described with a theory tree, see Figure 8. The theory tree is a
hierarchical structure of submodels, which together form the hypothesis. The top level of the
tree corresponds to the final model describing the problem. The different sub levels correspond
to models which are often based on accepted theories taken from a common knowledge base.
Sub level 2
Sub level 3
The overall purpose of this work is to achieve a fundamental understanding of how a cone
crusher works from a size reduction point of view.
The objective of this thesis is to develop a theoretical model, which can be used to predict
product size distributions and capacities from cone crushers. An important property of the
process model is that it must be closely physically defined. Prediction of the performance of a
cone crusher already at the design stage would enable improvements without full-scale testing.
Crushers already existing in crushing plants can be investigated and the best operating
parameters chosen.
Crushing is quite a complex process and the results are affected by both machine properties
and rock properties. Therefore, machine design and operating conditions, together with the
breakage characteristics of the rock material, should be taken into consideration.
Prediction of energy consumption and power requirement is not an objective of this work, as
the operating principle of cone crushers is form conditioned. Energy consumption is
considered to be a secondary effect of the size distribution process. Liner wear prediction is not
an objective of work.
Historically, the process of size reduction has been studied in terms of the energy consumed
during the operation of a comminution plant (Lynch [27]). This was a logical starting point
because size reduction is responsible for a large proportion of the costs of ore treatment and the
energy consumed is the major cost in size reduction. This basis of investigation was influenced
more by the economics of the operation than by any other factor.
Relatively few models describing the size reduction process occurring in cone crushers have
been presented. Bond’s model [3], Third Theory of Comminution, presented in the early fifties
is still frequently used today by manufacturers when selecting crusher equipment. The success
of the model is probably explained by its ease of use and not by the quality of the predicted
results. Before Bond presented his model, both Rittinger [30] and Kick [23] had worked with
similar types of approach. The theories of Rittinger, Kick and Bond are described in details in
Paper A.
For single fracture of a brittle solid, the distribution function for fragment size after fracture
has been derived by Gilvarry [19]. The physical point of departure is the Griffith theory of
brittle fracture [20]. The derivation is based on a closely defined physical model and deduced
by the laws of probability. Single fracture of a brittle solid is defined as fracture by an external
stress system, which is instantly applied and permanently removed when the first Griffith
flaws begin to propagate. Subsequent flaws are activated by stress waves produced by
propagation of prior ones. Comminution of a specimen by repeated fracture of specimens is
excluded by the definition, since there is no assurance that the flaw distributions in the
fragments exposed to the repeated breakage are the same as in the original specimen.
Rosin and Rammler [32] suggested an empirical equation describing the size distribution
after breakage. Broadbent and Callcott [7][8] suggested a modification of the Rosin-Rammler
equation for use in their investigations of coal breakage processes. The distributions given by
Rosin-Rammler and Broadbent-Callcott are examples of some well-known and frequently
used size distribution functions. During the last three decades a number of both analytical and
empirical functions have been suggested by different authors. The mathematical form of the
functions vary from simple to rather complex. Klimpel and Austin [24] derived an expression
in which they tried to link physical properties of the particles to the breakage function. Barnard
and Bull [1] determined an empirical breakage function for the cumulative size distribution by
performing drop-shatter tests with brown-coal.
Drop weight tests have been used by several authors. Examples of such work have been
carried out by Rose [31] and Briggs [5].
Models describing interparticle breakage behaviour are relatively rare. Fewer tests have
been conducted and reported with particle beds than with single particles. Prasher [29]
concludes that this fact represents a research gap, since most industrial comminution involves
beds, and single-particle tests cannot adequately represent the interaction of particles with
different size, shape and orientation. Buss et al. [9] worked with the aspects of energy
utilization in particle beds. Liu and Schönert [26] concluded that it should be possible to model
closed circuit comminution with high pressure roller mills originating from models describing
interparticle breakage. The problem with roller mills is in a way similar to cone crushers but
there are also great differences. In a roller mill the material is only subjected to one single
crushing event, in contrast to repetitive crushing in cone crushers. Interparticle breakage
behaviour was modelled from an energy point of view. Size reduction in a cone crusher is form
conditioned. Therefore energy is considered to be a secondary effect, i.e. instead of energy
input there is energy consumption. Further, Schönert [33] has shown that the probability of a
particle breaking depends upon the number of forces acting on it.
The well-known flow model developed by Gauldie [17][18] is only capable of predicting
crusher capacity and does not embrace any ideas concerning the size reduction process.
Gauldie’s model has been used by several authors for prediction of the throughput from
crushers [10][14]. The model has a serious weakness since it lacks a genuine constitutive law
coupling size distribution to bulk density.
Empirical models, such as the one of Whiten [34][35], provide excellent guides for
operational purposes but these models are insufficient for describing the going on size
reduction and flow mechanisms in the crusher. These types of model cannot be used for design
Bearman [2] presented mathematical relationships which are capable of predicting energy
and eighty per cent passing size of product based on identified controlling factors. These
factors were certain rock strength parameters and discharge setting. Especially good
predictions were achieved for the rock strength parameter fracture toughness. This is a strong
indication that tensile failure is the dominating breaking mechanism in both jaw and cone
Crusher models which are based on laws of mechanics are very rare. Briggs [5] proposed a
model based on equations of motion, but which was only capable of treating single particle
A large number of authors have worked with quality aspects of aggregate production
(Eloranta [10], Heikkilä [21], Kojovic [25]). As long as no fundamental model has been
accepted describing the crushing mechanisms in cone crushers, the conclusions are sometimes
contradicting and may be dependent on the specific application.
The overall model for predicting cone crusher performance presented in this thesis has
successively been developed in the following four parts:
• Size reduction process modelling
• Characterization of rock material breakage behaviour
• Flow modelling
• Interaction between flow and size reduction
Process modelling comprises identification of the comminution principle utilized together
with the basic operating principle of cone crushers (Paper A). The overall size reduction
process is modelled as a series of repeated crushing events. Form conditioned crushing tests
are performed to characterize the fragmentation behaviour of different rock materials (Paper
B). Equations of motion are used to describe the flow of material in the crushing chamber
(Paper D). A geometry module capable of handling arbitrary chamber geometries delivers
geometrical data to the flow model. To guarantee that mass continuity is preserved and that no
other requirements are violated the interaction between material flow and size reduction is
given some extra attention (Paper E).
Figure 10. The calculation method has a modular structure. Every single module can be replaced if
Input to the calculation method are machine parameters such as closed side setting (CSS),
speed, stroke, chamber geometry, feed size distribution and material breakage characteristics.
Input is divided into four modules. Prediction of material flow and size reduction is performed
in two separate modules. Output from the method are capacity and product size distribution.
Zone boundaries and compression ratios ( s ⁄ b -ratios) are calculated as intermediate results.
dimensional and shows how the final product depends on variations in machine parameters for
a given crushing chamber and feed. A Crusher Performance Map for a tentative cone crusher is
shown in Figure 11 (Paper C). This particular CPM is two-dimensional as it was calculated for
only one value of the CSS. It can be seen that the eccentric speed has a great influence on the
final product i.e. size distribution and net capacities of different product gradings are affected
by the eccentric speed.
The crusher performance map describes the combined response from the interaction between
crusher and rock material. Only the total capacity is independent of material choice and thus
valid for all rock materials. The map in the general case is multidimensional and has as many
dimensions as there are machine parameters. In the case where eccentric speed and closed side
setting are the varying parameters the crusher performance map will have three dimensions.
Total Capacity
Throughput, [tph]
+0-2 +4-8
+2-4 +11-16
Net Capacities +8-11
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Eccentric Speed, [rpm]
Figure 11. Crusher Performance Map for a tentative cone crusher showing the capacities for
different product gradings. Only interparticle breakage is considered (Paper C).
From the crusher performance map it is obvious that total capacity and all net capacities
varies quite substantially with eccentric speed. For eccentric speed higher than 400 rpm packing
occurs if the feed to the crusher is not restricted. Net capacities for different product gradings
does not have maxima at the same eccentric speed. This fact makes optimization very
interesting and challenging. It is up to the aggregate producer to formulate criteria to which the
optimal eccentric speed can be chosen.
Before any simulations can be carried out, the nominal crusher chamber geometry has to be
encoded numerically. For this reason an input module for geometry was designed (Paper D). By
means of the generally designed input module, every possible chamber geometry can be treated.
The calculations in the flow model are therefore based on true geometry. Every existing
chamber geometry, independent of brand and model, can be described with a set of nodes which
are connected with arcs or straight lines. If desired, any arbitrary continuous function can be
used to describe the profile of the chamber geometry between two given nodes.
The nominal geometry for a Svedala Hydrocone crusher is shown in Figure 12. Already at
this stage it is possible to calculate a set of nominal parameters that characterize the crusher
chamber. Nominal stroke and bed thickness are determined at every point of a cross-section of
the chamber. The ratio between stroke and bed thickness is called the nominal compression
ratio and is denoted ( s ⁄ b ) nom . This parameter is central for later predictions of size reduction.
The horizontal cross-sectional area is calculated at all vertical levels. The minimum of the
cross-sectional area defines the so-called choke level of the crusher chamber. The location of
the choke level is important since it will control the different types of breakage modes in the
crushing chamber.
ID08, H3000F,
Crushing CSS=15,
Chamber e =14.5
Profiles Nominal Data
0 −0.3
s [mm]
Y−coordinate [m]
Y−coordinate [m]
−0.4 . . b [mm]
−0.2 (s/b)x100
−0.5 β [deg]
−0.4 CHOKE LEVEL −0.6
−0.6 −0.7
−0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 20 40 60 80
X−coordinate [m]
Crushing and Bed Vectors Nominal Cross−Sectional Area
Y−coordinate [m]
Y−coordinate [m]
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
X−coordinate [m] 2
Area [m ]
Figure 12. Nominal geometry for a Svedala Hydrocone crusher (Paper D). β is the angle between
the crushing and bed vectors.
f p1 p2 pN – 1 pN
S1 B1 S2 B2 SN BN
( I – S 1 )f ( I – S 2 )p 1 ( I – S N )p N – 1
Figure 13. Process model of a cyclically operating crusher with N consecutive crushing events. The
utilized compression ratio (s/b)u is determined from the location of each crushing event,
crusher dynamics and rock material density (Paper E). S=selection, B=breakage.
p i = [ B i S i + ( I – S i ) ]p i – 1 (2)
where p i represents the product from and p i – 1 the feed to step i . Furthermore, B i and S i are
matrix operators corresponding to breakage and selection, respectively. The total number of
crushing events occurring within the modelled crusher is denoted N . The value of the elements
in the breakage and selection matrices B i and S i will vary depending on the location in the
crusher chamber. The dimensionless machine parameter ( s ⁄ b ) u is called the compression ratio.
This parameter describes how much the rock material is compressed at a certain location in
crushing event i . The compression ratio is therefore used to determine the values of the
elements in B i and S i . The value of ( s ⁄ b ) u is obviously a key parameter for size reduction and
should therefore be delivered by the flow model.
Two different main types of breakage can occur in a cone crusher. The different kinds of
breakage are called breakage modes. The two breakage modes considered are interparticle and
single particle breakage. The breakage modes are not mutually exclusive, but can occur
simultaneously in a breakage zone depending on the surrounding conditions.
By introducing a mode matrix M i to Eq. (2), a general expression including both types of
breakage is achieved (Paper A). A crushing event where both interparticle and single breakage
occur is shown in Figure 14. The corresponding mathematical description is given in Eq. (3).
The mode matrices are diagonal by definition, and the only values the elements can take are
one or zero. The sum of the mode matrices is identical with the identity matrix I , in which the
elements are one in the main diagonal and zero in every other position.
Mi Si Bi
pi – 1 ( I – S i )p i
Mi Si
Figure 14. A single crushing event comprising both interparticle and single particle breakage.
Depending on particle size and the location in the crushing chamber a particle will
either be crushed in the interparticle or the single particle breakage mode.
inter single
Mi + Mi = I (4)
The conditions that control and activate the different breakage modes are the degree of
confinement and the local closed side setting (Paper E). It is assumed that interparticle
breakage occurs above the choke level where confined particle beds are obtained.
Furthermore, single particle breakage occurs when a particle is nipped between mantle and
concave. It is assumed that this is the only breakage mode obtainable below the choke level.
assumed only to be dependent on the compression ratio. This means that a large particle gives
rise to a size distribution of the daughter fragments similar to a small particle, if the size scale
is normalized by the original size.
σ ℵ = --- (5)
The advantage of using the normalized standard deviation as a measure of the spread of the
size distribution is that this number will be independent of particle size. Further, the
normalized standard deviation will always take values in the interval zero to one.
1 1
s ℵ = 0.10 s ℵ = 0.15
0.9 0.9
tests tests
0.8 simulations 0.8 simulations
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
Particle Size, [mm] Particle Size, [mm]
1 1
s ℵ = 0.20 0.9
s ℵ = 0.25
tests tests
0.8 simulations 0.8 simulations
Cumulated Weight Fraction
Cumulated Weight Fraction
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
Particle Size, [mm] Particle Size, [mm]
1 1
s ℵ = 0.30 s ℵ = 0.35
0.9 0.9
tests tests
0.8 simulations 0.8 simulations
Cumulated Weight Fraction
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
Particle Size, [mm] Particle Size, [mm]
Figure 15. Test and simulated results from the six series of consecutive compression crushing tests.
The value of selection is obtained directly from the compression tests. For the first test in each
series with the narrow size distribution, defined by +x 1 -x 0 (+16-19 mm), the value of S is
simply obtained as the weight fraction passing size x 1 (16 mm). For the following tests the
value of S is achieved as
x x
W i 1 – W i 1– 1
S i = ----------------------------
- (7)
1 – W i 1– 1
1 x
where W i is the weight fraction passing size x 1 after test i and S i – 1 is the value of the
selection function from the preceding test. The achieved values of S are plotted in Figure 16a
against the compression ratio. It is clear that the breakage probability S varies both with the
compression ratio s ℵ and with the feed size distribution σ ℵ. The value of S increases with
increasing s ℵ which is an obvious and natural behaviour. The size distribution width
influences the value of S , so that for short fractions higher values of the breakage probability
are obtained compared to wide fractions.
A two-variable selection function S ( s ℵ, σ ℵ ) given in Eq. (8) can satisfactorily describe the
breakage probability (Paper E). The appearance of the selection function achieved after fitting
Eq. (8) to experimental data is shown in Figure 16. The good fit with the experiments confirms
the assumption about the behaviour of the selection function.
2 2 2 2
S ( s ℵ, σ ℵ ) = a 1 s ℵ σ ℵ + a 2 s ℵ σ ℵ + a 3 s ℵ (8)
2 2
+ a4 sℵ σℵ + a5 sℵ σℵ + a6 sℵ + a7 σℵ + a8 σℵ + a9
The values of the fitted constants a i for the tested material are
a 1 = – 17.20202 a 2 = 1.64983 a 3 = – 4.61729
a 4 = 6.26490 a 5 = 1.41795 a 6 = 4.21650
a 7 = – 0.025766 a 8 = – 1.22568 a 9 = 0.055819
0.8 1
0.7 0.8
σ ℵ = 0.06
0.6 0.6
σ ℵ = 0.86
0.1 0.5 0.4
σℵ 0.2
0.1 sℵ
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 σ0 0 0
ss/b s/b
a) b)
Figure 16. a) Two-variable selection function fitted to experimental data.
b) In 3D the function appears as a surface in space.
The breakage behaviour is assumed only to be dependent of the compression ratio. Therefore,
to calibrate a breakage function it is sufficient to use the result from the first test in each series
shown in Figure 15. Normalized size distributions resulting from the compression tests with
different s ℵ-ratios are shown in Figure 17. These breakage functions are obtained by
normalizing the size distribution curve below size x 1 (16 mm) with the value of S in the
corresponding case.
1 1
Dalby Gneiss 0.9 Diabase
tests Gneiss
0.8 simulations 0.8
0.7 0.7
Cumulated Weight Fraction
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4 sℵ
0.3 s ℵ = 0.35 0.3 s ℵ = 0.35
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
s ℵ = 0.10 s ℵ = 0.10
0 0
0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
Particle Size, [mm] Particle Size, [mm]
a) b)
Figure 17. a) Normalized breakage behaviour of the tested gneiss material (Paper E).
b) Comparison of the breakage behaviour for diabase (Paper B) and gneiss (Paper E).
It is obvious that the overall reduction increases when the s ℵ -ratio increases. A function
given in Eq. (9) with s ℵ as parameter and four constants can be fitted to the experimental data
(Papers B and E). Here x ℵ is a particle size relative to the initial particle size x 0 . The particle
size x s is defined in Eq. (10) in which x min is a small reference particle size ( x min = 0.008
α + α2 sℵ
B ( x ℵ, s ℵ ) = ( 1 – ( α 3 + α 4 s ℵ ) )x s 1 + ( α 3 + α 4 s ℵ )x s (9)
log 2 ( x ⁄ x min )
x ℵ = ----------------------------------
- (10)
log 2 ( x 0 ⁄ x min )
After fitting Eq. (9) to the data for gneiss in Figure 17 the numerical values of the constants
are (Paper E)
α 1 = 18.9539 α 2 = – 36.2309 α 3 = – 0.0095 α 4 = 0.5657
For comparison data for diabase are also shown in Figure 17 (Paper B). It can be noted that
the two different types of rock materials have a similar breakage behaviour. Though, for a
given compression ratio, gneiss generates more fines than diabase.
Finally, the obtained selection and breakage functions were applied to each test in Figure 15.
The simulated results are in good agreement with the tests, which confirms the overall
breakage behaviour approach and assumptions. It is assumed that the obtained breakage
behaviour can be used in the simulations of repeated size reductions in a cone crusher.
The crushing process is modelled as a series of repeated crushing events. The flow model must
therefore predict where and under which conditions (how) the material is compressed during
each size reduction cycle. The overall size reduction process is described in Eq. (2). For a
given rock material, the operators S i and B i depend on the dimensionless machine parameter
( s ⁄ b ) u . The flow model should therefore predict the compression ratio at those points where a
material volume is subjected to the crushing events (Papers B and C).
The flow model must be able to handle variations in both design and operational parameters.
The design parameters are all the geometric parameters needed for describing different
chamber profiles or crusher designs. For a given design or crusher, the operational parameters
are closed side setting CSS , eccentric speed n and nominal stroke s nom .
α = π
closed closed
open open
Figure 18. Three speed regions are defined depending on the active mechanism for material
transport (Paper D).
Depending on the speed region the effective stroke that will be used for compression and
crushing will vary. The effective stroke can be equal or less than the local nominal stroke. How
the nominal stroke is utilized, depending on the transport mechanism, is shown in Figure 19. It
is concluded that geometry controls the motion of the particle at low eccentric speeds while
crusher dynamics controls the motion at higher speeds. In speed region I and II the local
nominal stroke is fully utilized and therefore equal to the effective stroke. The effective stroke
is less than the nominal one in speed region III.
s eff s eff s eff
ω = ω1 ω = ω2 ω = ω3 αc
αc = π αc = π αc > π
ωn t
π 2π π 2π π 2π
Figure 19. The effective stroke varies depending on the eccentric speed ( ω 1 < ω 2 < ω 3 ).
From the simulation the so-called crushing zones are defined. A crushing zone corresponds
to a volume of material which is crushed when the eccentricity of the main shaft is turned one
lap. The boundaries of a crushing zone are set by the mantle and concave surfaces together
with lines perpendicular to the mantle surface. These lines intersect the starting and finishing
points of the simulated path for each crushing step. When the locations in space and time are
known for these zones, the geometry module will provide all geometrical data needed for the
size reduction calculations.
Effect of t d Compression
ω3 t d α = ωn t
π 2π
Free fall
vc ( ω1 ) v c ( ω 3, t d )
vc ( ω3 )
α c ( ω 3, t d )
vc ( ω2 )
αc ( ω1 ) αc ( ω2 ) αc ( ω3 )
Figure 21. Velocity distributions as a function of eccentricity angle α , with eccentric speed as
parameter ( ω 1 < ω 2 < ω 3 ) (Paper D).
Let us introduce a short time delay t d . During this time period the particle does not move
relative to the mantle surface. The time delay provides the possibility to handle feed material
with varying moisture content.
Once the velocities of all particles in a horizontal cross-section are known it is possible to
calculate the capacity. In the simulations we will simulate a full crushing cycle of a particle
which starts from rest at the choke-level. The choke-level is defined as the level where the area
of a horizontal cross-section has its minimum. Then we will approximate the velocity field at
the choke level with the velocity distribution of the particle. This simplification is not likely to
give any serious impact since the total falling distance per cycle is quite small (less than 60 mm
at low speeds).
The capacity is calculated by integrating the mass-flow field over a horizontal cross-section
of the crushing chamber. In theory, the vertical level where the integration is carried out can be
chosen arbitrarily. A natural choice is the level where the cross-sectional area has its
minimum. For most crushers this level will be identified as the choke-point which controls the
capacity of the crusher. A horizontal cross-section through the crushing chamber is shown in
Figure 22.
α Ro
α = 0 Ri ( α )
ωn dr
Concave r
α = αc Mantle
The radius R i ( α ) is the radius from which a particle with speed v ( α ) originates. The bulk
density of the aggregate is denoted ρ.
In the upward direction we will have to divide the mass flow by two as particles in contact
with the concave surface will have zero vertical velocity.
2π R o 2π
1 1
= --- ∫ ∫ ρv ( α )r dr dα = --- ∫ ρ ( R o – R i (α) )v ( α ) dα
2 2
Q up (13)
2 4
αc Ri ( α ) αc
Q = η v ( Q down – Q up ) (14)
We here introduce a volumetric filling ratio η v . This parameter is equal or less than one
depending on how well filling of the crushing zone is achieved.
So far, we have assumed that the velocity is equal for all points in the radial direction during
the downward motion, see Figure 23. This is a first-order approximation. A more general
approach would be to assume some distribution of the velocity in the radial direction.
R i, max Ro
R i, min
open closed
Figure 23. The assumed velocity distribution for a vertical cross-section (Paper D).
Q down = m i n = η v, i ρ i V i n (15)
Though the expression for capacity is rather simple, it is still quite complicated to determine
the value of the specific mass flow for the reason that we do not know the value of the
volumetric filling ratio. The specific mass flow cannot be directly calculated due to the
dependency between bulk density and size distribution. Therefore, an iterative and recursive
calculation procedure is needed.
calibrate the filling ratio for the inlet zone. During the simulations with different closed side
settings the value of η v was kept constant independently of the closed side setting. If no full-
scale tests are available for calculating the volumetric filling ratio, the inlet of the crushing
chamber needs to be modelled in detail.
The direction of interdependence between the parameters involved in the size reduction
predictions is shown in Figure 24. The density of the material entering the first zone is known,
as it is equal to the uncompressed bulk density ρ 1, u of the incoming feed material. Of all
crushing zones, only one single zone can control the final capacity. A recursive type of
calculation scheme is needed to find this zone.
A condition which must be fulfilled to avoid packing is that the density after every
compression step must be lower than the solid density ρ s .
The maximal possible compression ratio is achieved when all air is compressed out of the
aggregate system. Packing will be avoided as long as the following condition is fulfilled:
--s- < 1 – ----
- (17)
b u ρ s
The packing condition must be checked for every crushing zone. If the condition is fulfilled,
the calculation may proceed with size reduction and then continue with the next zone. If the
condition is violated, the value of the volumetric filling ratio has to be decreased, and we have
to start it all over again with zone number one. The calculation procedure is shown in
Figure 25.
From zone n-1
ηv = 1
Zone i
--s- > 1 – ---- ρi
--s- < 1 – ----
Decrease η v - -
Zone 1 b u ρ s b u ρ s
Packing Compression
Zone i
Size Reduction
Zone N
To zone 1
To zone n+1
a) Product b)
Figure 25. The iterative and recursive calculation procedure used for determination of the
volumetric filling ratio.
In Figure 26 a schematic representation of a crushing zone is shown. After taken the idling
stroke s t into account, the utilized compression ratio ( s ⁄ b ) u can be calculated.
b nom
s nom
st su
s eff
b eff
The utilized bed thickness can be calculated from the specific mass flow Q ⁄ n , density ρ i ,
crushing zone height h i and zone circumference o i
Q 1 1 η v, 1 ρ 1 V 1 1
b u = ---- ⋅ ---- ⋅ --------- = ----------------------- ⋅ --------------------- (19)
n ρi hi oi ρi h i ( 2πR i )
Finally, the utilized compression ratio is obtained as the ratio between utilized stroke and
bed thickness:
--s- = ----
- (21)
b u bu
ρ ℵ = ----- (22)
, y
100 1
90 0.9
80 0.8
70 0.7 2
Cumulated Weight [%]
60 0.6 7
6 5 4
50 0.5
40 0.4
2 3
30 0.3
4 5
20 0.2
10 7 0.1
0 0
0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Particle Size [mm] σℵ
a) b)
Figure 27. a) Product size distributions used to calibrate the density model for gneiss.
b) Normalized density as a function of normalized size distribution width.
The use of typical size distributions originating from full-scale tests implies that the model is
valid in the region of practical interest. However, it was found during the size reduction
simulations that wider size distributions could be achieved than the ones achieved from full-
scale tests. For this reason, a theoretical point with σ ℵ = 1 was introduced, corresponding to
the widest possible size distribution.
The relation between ρ ℵ and σ ℵ is assumed to follow the expression given in Eq. (23),
which was fitted to the experimental data.
3 2
ρ ℵ = D 1 σ ℵ + D 2 σ ℵ + ρ ℵ, mono (23)
The constant ρ ℵ, mono corresponds to the normalized density of an aggregate with a very
narrow size distribution, i.e. a mono-size distribution with σ ℵ = 0 . After fitting Eq. (23) to
the test results, the following values of the parameters were achieved (Paper E)
ρ ℵ, mono = 0.54284 D 1 = – 0.062277 D 2 = 0.24758
The normalized test results from the density measurements together with the adapted data
are shown in Figure 27b.
1st zone
Confined crushing zones
3rd -interparticle breakage can occur
Choke level
7th A IP
No confinement
8th -only single particle breakage Choke level
9th A tot
11th b)
Y a)
ξ IP = --------
- (24)
A tot
The product size distribution descending from the partly confined zone will be a mix of
particles originating from interparticle breakage and single particle breakage:
p = ξ IP p IP + ( 1 – ξ IP )p SP (25)
The level of the feed material is kept between an upper and a lower limit by some control
device. This type of solution inherently assumes that the feeding conditions are not affected by
the pressure exerted by the material volume above the inlet (cf. pressure in fluids). There are
examples where the level of the material surface in the bin affects the crushing parameters
leading to variations in the final product [28].
The author agrees with the statement that choke feeding is necessary for achieving a stable
feed (stationary) to the inlet of the crusher. A stable feed guarantees minimal variations in the
final product. However, the currently used definition of choke fed conditions might not be a
sufficient requirement to achieve proper feeding conditions. The pressure exerted by the bulk
material in the bin on top of the crusher will affect the volumetric filling ratio as well as the
confinement of the first crushing zone. Requirements on the feed material level may also be
One way to eliminate the problem would be to perform single particle breakage tests. The
breakage function describing single particle breakage would then be achieved by laboratory
sieving. Miss-shaped over-sized particles would then inherently be included in the breakage
function. In this work the breakage function achieved from the interparticle compressing
crushing tests is intended to be used. As these tests are purely interparticle, a model capable of
estimating the over-sized material is needed. Here it is assumed that a fraction γ of the
particles broken in the single particle mode is elongated. Further, it is assumed that the
geometry of these flaky particles can be approximated with a ratio between particle width d
and thickness t , which is denoted λ .
λ = --- (26)
Single particle breakage will occur if the thickness of a particle is greater than the local
closed side setting.
t = --- > CSS local = b – s (27)
This condition is valid for nominal, effective and utilized bed thickness and stroke, see Figure
Further, the compression ratio, which a particle of size d is exerted to, is
λ(b – s)
s ℵ, single = 1 – ------------------- (28)
The values of the parameters in the particle shape model chosen are λ = 2 and γ = 0.5 .
The expression describing the size reduction is achieved by modifying Eq. (3). The expression
now consists of two parts, one for the flaky and one for the non-flaky cubical particles.
inter inter,flaky single,flaky single,flaky
pi + 1 = γ { [ Bi S i + ( I – S i ) ]M i + Bi Mi }p i + (29)
inter inter single single
( 1 – γ ) { [ Bi S i + ( I – S i ) ]M i + Bi Mi }p i
Computed results are rarely exact but if the difference between the computed result and the
real behaviour of a system is small enough, the error is of no importance. If there is an
unacceptable difference there is also a need to identify the origin of the error.
Modelling errors occur if there is a difference between the physical system and the
mathematical model.
Feed and product in the size reduction process are described by size distributions. These
distributions are cumulative functions of a linear size of the particles. The use of a linear size is
perhaps an easy and convenient description but it does not tell anything about the shape of the
particles. The linear size is defined by a sieve analysis. The size of a particle is then smaller
than the width of a square aperture, which the particle can pass through, and it is larger than a
width, which it cannot pass through. Single particles, which are assigned a certain size from
the sieve analysis, can have completely different shapes and will therefore also be likely to
behave differently during breakage.
There is also a loss in accuracy in the transformation from the sieve analysis data to the
frequency vector, which is used to characterize the feed material coming to the reduction
process. The approximation of a continuous distribution by a discrete vector will therefore give
rise to a discretization error which has been obvious when working with this project.
11.2 FLOW
Simulations of particle flow are conducted in Paper D. In the simulations the time delay t d was
set to 0.01 second. The simulated vertical position of a particle starting from the choke-level is
shown in Figure 30. The predominant flow mechanism is free fall. Sliding occurs only at low
eccentric speed. The total covered distance in the vertical direction decreases with increasing
eccentric speed. One notice that if the nominal stroke is to be fully utilized the eccentric speed
chosen should be just below 300 rpm.
The velocity distributions are shown in Figure 31. The influence of the constant time delay
on velocity is clearly seen. The velocities in the upward direction are substantial compared
with the ones in the downward direction. However, the upward velocities should be divided by
a factor of two before comparison, as the velocities on the concave surface have zero velocity.
In Figure 32 the velocities are shown in a polar plot. Here it is clearly demonstrated how the
eccentric angles are utilized. For the lowest speed the nominal stroke is fully utilized while for
the highest only half of the nominal stroke is utilized.
By repeated simulations it is possible to show how a particle is transported through the
crusher chamber. As the predominant flow mechanism is free fall, this simulation will give us
the fastest possible way a particle can take. The resulting path of a repeated simulation is
shown in Figure 33. For a given eccentric speed the height of the crushing zones does not seem
to change significantly. With increasing eccentric speed the number of crushing zones
increases. The effective bed thickness and stroke decreases when the eccentric speed increases.
Effect of t d
Start position
Fully open
Particle trace
Eccentric speed
−0.45 600 rpm
Vertical position, rY, [m]
−0.48 250
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Eccentricity angle, α , [rad]
Figure 30. Simulated vertical position of a particle at different eccentric angles. For the studied
crusher, free fall is the predominant flow mechanism ( t d = 0.01 s).
Effect of t d
Velocity vY, [m/s]
600 rpm
Slide 550
−0.8 450
250 300
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Eccentric angle, [rad]
Figure 31. Velocity distributions in the vertical direction at choke-level ( t d = 0.01 s).
1 m/s
120° 60°
180° 0°
α c, 300 300
240° 300°
Figure 32. Polar plot showing the magnitude of the velocity distributions in vertical direction at
choke-level ( t d = 0.01 s).
are fully confined. If the degree of confinement is lower, the values of the selection and
breakage functions will decrease and thus also the overall size reduction.
If repeated size reduction simulations are conducted with different values of one or several
parameters the performance behaviour of the crusher is obtained. In Figure 37a size
distributions are shown for varying closed side setting. The corresponding Crusher
Performance Map is shown in Figure 37b. For comparison, full-scale test results are shown in
Figure 38. The similarities between simulations and test results are convincing. The qualitative
agreement is especially good in terms of the locations of maximal relative capacities together
with the trends of the different fractions.
1 1
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
Cumulated Weight Fraction
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
Particle Size [mm] Particle Size, [mm]
a) b)
Figure 34. a) Simulated results for three different eccentric speeds and two different CSS.
b) Full-scale tests.
1 1
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
Particle Size, [mm] Particle Size, [mm]
1 1
0.7 0.7
simulation simulation
feed 0.6
product product
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
Particle Size, [mm] Particle Size, [mm]
0 d 0 d
1 1
n=429 rpm 0.9
n=429 rpm
css=8 mm css=12 mm
0.8 #IP=4.74 0.8 #IP=4.02
Cumulated Weight Fraction
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
Particle Size, [mm] Particle Size, [mm]
Figure 35. Simulated size distributions after each reduction step for a Svedala Hydrocone.
0 d 0 d
−0.3 −0.3
−0.45 −0.45
Y−coordinate [m]
Y−coordinate [m]
−0.5 nominal −0.5 nominal
effective effective
−0.55 utilized −0.55 utilized
−0.6 −0.6
−0.65 −0.65
−0.7 −0.7
−0.75 −0.75
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
(s/b)−ratio (s/b)−ratio
−0.3 −0.3
−0.45 −0.45
Y−coordinate [m]
Y−coordinate [m]
−0.6 −0.6
−0.65 −0.65
−0.7 −0.7
−0.75 −0.75
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
(s/b)−ratio (s/b)−ratio
0 d 0 d
−0.3 −0.3
−0.45 −0.45
Y−coordinate [m]
Y−coordinate [m]
−0.6 −0.6
−0.65 −0.65
−0.7 −0.7
−0.75 −0.75
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
(s/b)−ratio (s/b)−ratio
Figure 36. Compression ratios at different settings and speeds originating from simulations for a
Svedala Hydrocone crusher.
p p
1 0.45
0.9 0.4
Cumulated Weight Fraction
0.3 11-16
Relative Capacity
0.6 0-2
0.5 8-11
0.2 16-32
0.4 Feed
0.3 2-4
0.1 0.05
0 0
0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Particle Size [mm] CSS [mm]
a) b)
Figure 37. a) Simulated product size distributions at eccentric speed 269 rpm.
CSS varies with 1 mm steps between 8 and 16 mm.
b) Simulated Crusher Performance Map for eccentric speed 269 rpm.
1 0.45
0.9 0.4
Cumulated Weight Fraction
Relative Capacity
0.1 2-4
0.1 0.05
0 0
0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Particle Size [mm] CSS [mm]
a) b)
Figure 38. a) Product size distributions from full-scale tests at eccentric speed 269 rpm.
CSS varies with 1 mm steps between 8 and 16 mm.
b) Crusher Performance Map from full-scale tests at eccentric speed 269 rpm.
By integration of the velocity distributions multiplied with the volumetric filling ratio and the
density, the total capacities for the different eccentric speeds are obtained. The simulated
capacities together with measured are shown in Figure 39. The simulation was conducted with
time delay set to 0.01 second and with a filling ratio set to 0.70 as in the size-reduction
120 t d = 0.01
η v = 0.70
Capacity, Q [tph]
CSS=15 mm
60 CSS=12 mm
CSS= 8 mm
250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Eccentric speed, n [rpm]
Figure 39. Simulated capacities (lines) compared with full-scale tests (x-marks). The simulated
capacities are calculated for three different CSS at the same eccentric speeds as is the
full-scale tests (269, 360 429, 514 and 579 rpm).
The capacities were evaluated at the choke level. The volumetric filling ratio of the inlet
zone were held constant between the simulations. This implies that the filling ratio at the choke
level will vary as the density varies with the size distribution of the material entering this level.
Three main factors are identified to promote the size reduction process occurring in a cone
crusher, viz. breakage modes, number of crushing zones and compression ratio. These main
factors provide a possibility for a fundamental and detailed understanding of how a cone
crusher operates. The factors are affected by both design and operating parameters. Any design
consideration should be evaluated against the three main factors.
Interparticle breakage governs particle shape whilst single particle breakage is most energy
efficient [6]. If a number of interparticle crushing zones is followed by a calibration zone it is
strongly recommended that this zone is parallel or slightly divergent. In this way the
probability to produce miss-shaped elongated particles close to the crusher outlet is minimized.
The number of crushing zones is controlled by crusher height and eccentric speed. A crusher
which has the choke zone relatively high up the chamber could probably be shortened from the
bottom with a couple of crushing zones without any significant loss in overall size reduction.
For a crusher with the choke zone near the outlet of the chamber, the first interparticle
crushing zones will have very little affect on the size reduction. In these zones the ( s ⁄ b ) -ratios
are so low that the value of the selection function will approach zero and thus not contribute to
any size reduction.
The compression ratio is mainly controlled by chamber profiles, crusher dynamics and
volumetric filling ratio. Together these factors results in the utilized compression ratio ( s ⁄ b ) u .
In turn the utilized compression ratio determines the values of selection and breakage.
The breakage behaviour of rock materials seems to be strongly non-linear given the
approach in this work. For the gneiss and diabase material studied in Paper B and E the
combined behaviour of selection and breakage is obviously non-linear, see Figure 16 and 17. It
is likely that there exists a “best way” to achieve a desired size reduction. This way could be
formulated as a size reduction strategy. The size reduction strategy comprises the optimal
choice of ( s ⁄ b ) -ratios, number of crushing events and breakage modes.
The optimal size reduction could be found by iterative calculations in which the selection
and breakage functions are utilized. The size reduction strategy is achieved by the crusher
machine as shown in Figure 40. For a given crusher concept, e.g. a cone crusher, there will be
theoretical limitations in that is possible to achieve. In a case where the crusher concept limits
the size reduction strategy there will be a potential for innovations. New crusher types could be
synthesized originating from the strategy.
Size Reduction
Feed Product
Figure 40. A size reduction strategy can be applied to the transformation of the feed to the product.
A calculation method with a modular structure based on a deductive crusher model has been
developed. The presented model is a comprehensive analytical tool for predicting cone crusher
performance and provides detailed understanding of how and where size reduction is achieved
in a cone crusher. Full-scale tests has been performed to validate the model. The agreement
between simulated results and experimental data is very good. The model is capable of
establishing a direct correlation between crusher design parameters, rock fragmentation
behaviour and crusher performance. The model can be used as a simulation tool to assist in the
design process of cone crushers. Any arbitrary design can then be studied.
In the crusher model there are only two parameters which are unknown and has to be tuned.
The time delay parameter t d is used to compensate for varying moisture content. The
volumetric filling ratio η v is determined by iterative calculations in which the packing criteria
is checked.
Data governing the detailed understanding of how a cone crusher works is achieved from the
simulations. Detailed information about how different machine parameters affect the size
reduction process in every crushing zone is provided by the model. Different crusher
behaviours can be explained depending on crusher layout. The identity of a crusher brand or
model can be characterized by a couple of crusher related parameters. Different machine
layouts can be compared and evaluated early at the design stage. Improvements in crusher
design can be done without excessive testing.
Three main factors are identified to promote the size reduction process occurring in a cone
crusher. These factors are: breakage modes, number of crushing zones, and compression ratio.
The main factors are affected by both design, rock material and operating parameters. For a
given crusher application, the factors depend on eccentric speed, closed side setting and feed
size distribution. The main factors provide the possibility for fundamental and detailed
understanding of how a cone crusher operates. Any design consideration should be evaluated
against these three main factors.
If a set of simulations is performed for a given crusher, a Crusher Performance Map is
achieved, which in turn can be used when optimizing a given crushing task or a crushing plant.
The Crusher Performance Map describes how the product output from the crusher varies with
machine parameters. By applying optimization criteria to the Crusher Performance Map the
best operating conditions can be found. It appears that the output from a tentative cone crusher
strongly depends on the eccentric speed. For the studied crusher the dependence with eccentric
speed was vague
The cone crusher performance model gives manufacturers the possibility to tailor make
customized crushing chambers. With the three main factors as design considerations new
crushing chamber geometries can be synthesized to fulfil the desired behaviour of the crusher.
Desired values of the main factors are in turn achieved by choosing correct values of the
design and operational parameters. The potential for improvements is high and therefore also
of great interest for the industry. The improved understanding of the size-reduction process
also governs the possibility for synthesis of knew crusher concepts.
13.2 FLOW
From the derivation of the flow model together with simulated results, a number of interesting
conclusions can be drawn. The validity of the flow model is achieved through the agreement
between simulated results and full-scale test data. Especially, the response of the model to
changes in closed side setting is very promising. In turn, this fact verifies that the cross-
sectional area at the choke-level is the controlling factor of the overall capacity.
The flow model provides a fundamental understanding of the flow mechanisms occurring in
a cone crusher. These mechanisms have earlier been described only briefly.Free fall is the
predominant flow mechanism at typical eccentric speeds. Standard eccentric speeds chosen by
crusher manufacturers seem not to fully utilize the nominal stroke at the choke point. The
choice of a specific eccentric speed is probably empirically found and reflects the complex
situation between crusher capacity and overall size reduction.
The simulations show that there is a substantial flow of material upwards due to the uplift-
effect. This upward flow of material will reduce the overall capacity and cannot be ignored.
The same effect is necessary for the horizontal (radial) transport of the material from the inlet
to the outlet of the crushing chamber.
By simulating the fastest way through the crusher it is shown that the number of crushing
zones is about twice as high than previously believed.
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