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1st Term
Información Curso Completo: www.mansioningles.com/otrosproductos/matdescar/ejemplos1.htm

© Copyright La Mansión del Inglés C.B. – All Rights Reserved


Introduction 3

How to use this e-book 4

1st Term Course Map 5

Lesson 1 10
Breaking the ice

Lesson 2 22
Starting and continuing conversations

Lesson 3 36
Discussion and debate

Lesson 4 43

Lesson 5 55
The cinema

Lesson 6 66

Lesson 7 75
Geography and National Stereotypes

Lesson 8 84

Lesson 9 93
Asking Questions

Lesson 10 101
Mixed Bag

Credits 110


Thank you for downloading Teaching Conversation by La Mansión del Inglés.

Teaching Conversation is aimed at teachers of conversational English at

intermediate level, or band B2 in The Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages.

Conversation classes often have students of varying ability. This course material
has been used successfully for B1 (pre-intermediate) and C1 (pre-advanced) level
students with only minor modification and adaptation of the material.

Emphasis in this course is on fluency, listening, confidence building and

on developing the necessary functions students need in order to communicate
successfully in English. Teaching Conversation uses a wide range of interesting, fun
and engaging activities to stimulate lively student interaction with their classmates
and with the teacher. There are mp3 audio files for listening practice, full
instructions for less experienced teachers and photocopiable class handouts.

About the author

Craig Wealand is a qualified TESL teacher (DELTA, ITTC,

Bournemouth, UK - 1996), who has been teaching ESL
since 1985. He currently lives in Valencia, Spain where
he has been teaching at the British Council since 1997.
Craig is the materials developer and partner at La
Mansión del Inglés CB

If at any point while you're reading this e-book you have questions
or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach us
on the Mansión Inglés Facebook Page, or send us an email at
You can also follow us on Twitter @mansiontwit

How to use this e-book

A complete 60-hour course

The full course contains material for 60 academic hours of class teaching, divided
into 3 terms of 20 hours each (term 1, term 2 and term 3). 1 academic hour = 50
minutes. 1 lesson = 2 X 50-minute periods, with a 10 minute break in the middle.

Detailled instructions for each activity help teachers with little or no experience to
provide their students with a successful, enjoyable and productive conversation

The fast track

Experienced teachers can jump around the e-book using the hyperlinks in the
course map.

Teachers looking for a job interview role play, or a vocabulary exercise on the
cinema, for example, can simply browse the course map, click on an activity
heading and go directly to the section they need.

Click on a Handout link in the course map to go directly to any printable handout.

Return to the course map from the end of any lesson by clicking back to course

Additional materials

As an annex, we have included an

additional materials bank
for teachers who need more material or
who wish to substitute activities
included in the first 3 terms. Each
activity in the annex (and in the main
body of the course) has an approximate
time length, giving the teacher the
opportunity to change and substitute
activities as and when he or she sees

1st Term Course Map

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Optional Homework


Lesson 1 True or False? Breaking the Ice Name Chain Student’s Needs 1. Present a website
to the class.
Breaking the Use: Relax Ss Use: Question Use: Learn Ss Use: Discover Ss’
ice Give T idea of S level formation names needs. 2. Optional writing:
Intonation in Practice Speaking and
questions “He’s…/she’s listening practice. My background in
3rd person Her/His name’s…….. Notetaking English and course
Topic: Exchanging Topic: Getting to Topic: Ss names Topic: Ss’ needs
personal information know you and expectations

Time: 15 minutes Time: 35 minutes Time: 5 minutes Time: 40 minutes Time: 5 minutes
Handout 1 Handout 2
Lesson 2 Did You Have a Starting She Was the Girl Presenting a Meeting at a Party
Good Weekend? Conversations For Me Website
Starting and
continuing Use: Past simple Use: Initiating Use: Listening and Use: Fluency, Use: Listening 1. Giving a student
questions, conversations and speaking practice, vocabulary preactice, presentation for the
conversations Intonation ‘Wh’ responding Past tenses, expansion Breaking the Ice and class – set up
questions Sequencing Self-study, making small talk
Sharing resources, 2. Optional writing:
An interesting
Topic: Speaking Topic: Introductions Topic: Relationships Topic: Web sites for Topic: Meeting in a conversation with a
about the weekend and small talk learning English social situation stranger

Time: 10 minutes Time: 20 minutes Time: 20 minutes Time: 20 minutes Time: 25 minutes Time: 5 minutes
Handout 3 Handout 4 Handout 5


Lesson 3 Don’t Say ‘Yes’ or Discussion What’s Your Student Class Debate Optional writing:
‘No’ Expressions Opinion? Presentation
and debate Use: Question forms. Use: Funcions used in Use: Discussion Use: Vocabulary Use: Fluency, Give your opinion on
Alternative ways of discussions functions, fluency expansion, fluency, Discussion functions a controversial
saying ‘yes’ and ‘no’ public speaking, statement
asking and
answering questions

Topic: Any Topic: Giving opinion Topic: Controversial Topic: Any (Ss Topic: Any from
Asking for opinion statements choose) Handout 6
Agreeing and

Time: 5 minutes Time: 10 minutes Time: 35 minutes Time: 10 minutes Time: 40 minutes
Handout 6 Handout 7
Lesson 4 Get Your Line In SMS Text Messages Listening Role play Student Optional writing:
Use: Discussion Use: Understanding Use: Listening Use: Fluency, Use: Vocabulary “Technology is the
funcions, fluency SMS texts and comprehension confidence building expansion, fluency, new religion.”
abbreviations used on public speaking, Discuss
the Internet asking and answering

Topic: Various Topic: Mobile phone Topic: Family Topic: A child Topic: Any (Ss
test messaging discussion on buying asking his/her choose)
a new laptop parents for a mobile

Time: 10-15 minutes Time: 10 minutes Time: 30 minutes Time: 15 minutes Time: 10 minutes
Handout 8 Handout 9 Handout 10


Lesson 5 How Are You Acting Out a Dialogue Gap Fill Student Cinema Vocabulary Optional writing:
Feeling? Dialogue Presentation and Discussion
The cinema
Use: Pronunciation – Use: Pronunciation – Use: Listening Use: Vocabulary Use: Presentation, Write a film review
attitudinal intonation using intonation to practice leading to expansion, fluency, practice and review of
show feelings discussion public speaking, cinema vocabulary,
asking and discussion for fluency
answering questions

Topic: Feelings Topic: A short piece Topic: What are you Topic: Any (Ss Topic: The cinema
of movie dialogue prepared to do for choose)

Time: 20 minutes Time: 10 minutes Time: 20 minutes Time: 10 minutes Time: 40 minutes
Handout 11 Handout 12
Handout 13
Lesson 6 Things in Common Shopping Shopping Student Shopping for Optional writing:
Vocabulary Race discussion Presentation Clothes
Shopping and Circular

Use: Speaking and Use: Practising and Use: Question Use: Vocabulary Use: Listening In what ways are our
asking about the past reviewing shopping formation, fluency expansion, fluency, practice, vocabulary buying habits affected
vocabulary public speaking, for buying clothes, by advertising?
asking and fluency
answering questions

Topic: Finding things Topic: Shopping Topic: Shopping Topic: Any (Ss Topic: Trying on and
in common choose) buying clothes

Time: 10 minutes Time: 20 minutes Time: 20 minutes Time: 10 minutes Time: 40 minutes
Handout 14 Handout 15
Handout 16


Lesson 7 The Room is the Geography Quiz National Student A Holiday in Optional writing:
World Stereotypes Presentation Cambodia
and National Use: Fluency, Use: Fluency, Use: Descriptive Use: Vocabulary Use: Fluency, giving 1. Write about a
listening in a noisy negociation adjectives expansion, fluency, and asking for memorable holiday
Stereotypes room public speaking, opinions, agreeing you’ve had (good or
asking and and disagreeing, bad).
answering questions making suggestions,
discussion 2. Would you like to
live and work in a
Topic: Travel Topic: Geography Topic: Nationalities Topic: Any (Ss Topic: Travel, foreign country for at
choose) holidays and national least a year? Which
stereotypes country and why?

Time: 10 minutes Time: 15 minutes Time: 25 minutes Time: 10 minutes Time: 40 minutes
Handout 17 Handout 18 Handout 19
Lesson 8 An email to Steve Vocabulary A Job Interview Student Work and Jobs Optional writing:
Jobs Brainstorming Presentation Discussion
Use: Sentence Use: Practising and Use: Listening Use: Vocabulary Use: Dictation, Write an application
construction and reviewing work practice and role expansion, fluency, fluency, giving, and letter for the post of
word order vocabulary, fluency play interview, job public speaking, justifying opinions your countries
interview language asking and political leader.
answering questions Explain way you are
the right person for
Topic: Writing emails Topic: Work and jobs Topic: A job Topic: Any (Ss Topic: Jobs and work the job.
interview choose) in general

Time: 10 minutes Time: 20 minutes Time: 40 minutes Time: 10 minutes Time: 15 minutes

Handout 20 Extra activitiy –

What’s My Job?
(question formation)


Lesson 9 Question Forms The Right to Ask Mind your Own Student Role play – A Optional writing:
Business! Presentation Surrogate Mother
Questions Use: Question Use: Fluency. Asking Use: Asking and Use: Vocabulary Use: Question Ss prepare 5
formation for, giving and deflecting personal expansion, fluency, formation, fluency, questions they would
justifying opinions. questions public speaking, role play interview like to ask the T.
Agreeing and asking and
disagreeing answering questions

Topic: Any (Ss Topic: Deciding who Topic: Exchanging Topic: Any (Ss Topic: An interview
decide) has the right to ask personal information choose) between a surrogate
certain questions in mother and parents
certain situations

Time: 15 minutes Time: 35 minutes Time: 10 minutes Time: 10 minutes Time: 30 minutes

Handout 21 Handout 22 Extra activity –

What would you
(question formation,
Lesson 10 Ask the Teacher Kenneth Bought Taboo Student The Expert Game Optional writing:
Carrots Presentation
Mixed Bag
Use: Question Use: Pronunciation – Use: fluency, Use: Vocabulary, Use: fluency, Explain your favourite
formation, listening phoneme recognition vocabulary, listening fluency, asking and listening hobby/interest to an
practice and production answering questions alien and say how
you became
Topic: Any (Ss Topic: English Topic: various Topic: Any (Ss Topic: Any (Ss interested in it.
decide) names, food and choose) decide)

Time: 10 minutes Time: 20 minutes Time: 30 minutes Time: 10 minutes Time: 30 minutes
Handout 23 Handout 24


Lesson 1

Breaking the ice

S = student
Ss = students
T = teacher

Activity 1 – warmer: True or False? (Time: 15 minutes)

Introduce yourself and present Ss to each other while waiting for latecomers.

Example language:

Hi/Hello, I’m…….
Nice to meet you.
This is….
Ana, this is David. David, this is Ana

TIP: Put your hand in your pocket during this activity to hide your wedding ring (or
lack of one).

When all the Ss are in the class, explain that you are going to tell them 10 things, 10
facts, about yourself. 6 things will be true and 4 things will be false. Get Ss to write
the numbers 1 – 10 on paper and they should write T if they think the fact is true
and F if they think it is false.


10 facts: 6 true
4 false

You then read 10 previously prepared facts about yourself. 6 true facts and 4 lies.
Here are my 10, but you should use your own:


1. I’m 49 years old F

2. I’m married and I have children F
3. I speak Spanish T
4. My family live in Spain (Mum, Dad, sister) T
5. I’ve lived and worked in New York City T
6. I play the saxophone F
7. I’ve parachuted from a plane T
8. I like football T
9. I like cooking F
10. I’ve done a bungee jump. T

Get Ss to check in pairs and compare their guesses for about 1 minute

Get feedback open class and tell them some extra information about yourself:

- My family live about an hour and a half from here in a small Spanish village.

- I can’t play the saxophone, but I love jazz and the sax is my favourite

- I hate cooking actually, but I love eating!

Now tell the students they are going to do the same thing, but with one small
difference. They must think of 4 things about themselves. 3 true things and 1 lie.
They must write them on a piece of paper.

Check that Ss understand what they have to do by asking, “What are you going to
do now?”


4 things

3 true
1 false

T corrects grammar and spelling as Ss write.

Put Ss in small groups of 3 or 4.

1 S reads all 4 facts to the group and the group decides which fact is false. It’s
important that S reads all four facts before the others guess the false one.


Tip: This is a good chance for T to check out the level of the students in the class,
notice the shy and the talkative Ss, and the weak and strong ones. T should
occasionally join in with Ss and guess which fact is false and ask individual Ss follow-
up questions.

As the activity is finishing, write any errors on the board and ask the Ss to correct

Board - possible errors

X I’m nurse X I’m a nurse

X I like swim X I like swimming
X I’m 23 years X X I have 23 years X I’m 23 (years old)
X I born in Madrid X I was born in Madrid

Activity 2 Breaking the Ice (time: 35 minutes)

Explain that the first half of the lesson will be spent getting to know each other and
the second half will be about the course and what the Ss expect and need from it.

Tell the students they are going to ‘break the ice’ and find out some information
about the person next to them.
Give Ss Handout 1.


Handout 1

Breaking the Ice

Ask your partner about the following topics and write down
anything you find interesting. Ask ‘follow-up’ questions.

 Name _____________________________________________

 Place of birth________________________________________

 Present address______________________________________

 Home and family_____________________________________


 Job/Studies_________________________________________


 Hobbies and pastimes_________________________________


 Foreign travel________________________________________


 Ambitions and plans for the future_______________________


…………..now you will introduce your partner to the class.


Start eliciting and drilling questions from Ss. Drill rising / falling intonation on ‘Wh’
Explain that intonation is important in English as it conveys the speaker’s interest
and attitude to the listener.

Tip: get students to hum the intonation first then drill the words. If they hum it after
you model it, they can concentrate on the pitch and don’t have to worry about the

Board – intonation:

What’s your name?

Where do you live?

What do you do?

Continue eliciting questions for each category on the handout and drill them.

Tell the Ss they should ask follow-up questions and write down information in note
form (no full sentences). At the end of the activity Ss will introduce their partners to
the class:
“This is Juan. He’s a computer software consultant. He’s single and he lives in the
city centre.”

Make sure Ss are sitting next to someone they don’t know and give them about 20
minutes to interview each other. Student A asks all the questions to student B and
makes notes. Then they change and student B asks student A.


Example questions and follow-up questions:

Present address – Where do you live? How long have you been living there? Do
you like it?

Home and family – Are you married? Do you have kids? How many? How old are
they? Boys or girls? Do you live in a house or a flat? Is there anything you’d like to
change about your home?

Job/Studies – Do you work or study? Why did you decide to study that? Would you
like to work for a big or a small company? What do you like/dislike about your job?
How long have you been working for your company? What’s a typical day like for

Hobbies and pastimes – Do you have any hobbies? What do you like doing in your
free/spare time? How long have you been doing that? How often do you play/go/do
that? Is it expensive? What equipment do you need? Is there a hobby or pastime you
would like to do if you had more time?

Foreign travel – Do you like travelling? Have you been anywhere interesting lately?
Are you planning a holiday at the moment? How often do you go abroad? Which
countries have you been to? What was your best/worst holiday?

Ambitions and plans for the future – What are your future plans? What ambitions
do you have for the future? What do you think you’ll be doing 5 years from now?

Ss introduce their partners to the class and say 2 or 3 interesting things about them.
T asks any extra questions as necessary (of either interviewer (“Do you know how
long Pedro has been playing golf?”) or interviewee (“Why did you decide to study

Tip: T can use this time to make a note of Ss names (Write notes to help remember
the Ss, eg. “X” wears glasses, “Y” has long brown hair, “Z” is an estate agent etc.).
Don’t correct the Ss heavily at this point. It’s their first time speaking open class and
some may be shy and self-conscious.

When Ss have finished introducing their partners, draw their attention to errors and
vocabulary and grammar improvements that you noted down while they were
interviewing each other.

Board - possible errors

X I like play tennis X I like playing tennis

X I will work in Barcelona in 5 yearsX I will be working in Barcelona in 5 years
X I’m 23 years X X I have 23 years X I’m 23 (years old)
X I practise sport two days a week X I do sport two days a week.
X I have a difficult work X I have
15 a lot of work. I have two jobs
X I have 2 childs X I have 2 children

Board - possible vocabulary / grammar

To run / to set up a business

I’m single / divorced
To take up a sport / hobby
What will you be doing in 5 years?
I hope/plan/intent/want/would like to be living in New York.
To go abroad
Holiday (UK) / vacation (US)

BREAK – 10 minutes

Activity 3 Name chain (Time: 5 minutes)

Ask the Ss if they remember each other’s names. Probably not! Do they remember
the T’s name?
Starting with the T and going around the class clockwise, get the Ss to repeat the
names of everyone in the class in a chain drill and practise personal pronouns ‘he’
and ‘she’. This is the drill:

1. T says “I’m …….. (T name) and he’s / she’s ……….” (T indicates S on his / her
immediate left and says his / her name.

2. T asks the same S to repeat “He’s…...(T name), I’m……..(S name) and he /

she’s……” (name of the next S going clockwise).

3. T tells next S to repeat “He /she’s….(T name), he /she’s……(1st S’s name), I’m
……(second S’s name) and he / she’s (third S’s name) etc. etc. around the class.

With a big class it’s more fun as the name list gets longer. Insist on correct personal
pronoun (he’s / she’s). Don’t let Ss just say a list of names.

T should help Ss if they can’t remember names. This will help T to memorise the
names also.

Tip: Take away or cover up the papers of Ss who write a name list. This often
happens with the last 2 or 3 Ss in the group who have the most to remember.


If necessary go around a second time. Especially with the first S on your left who
only had one name to remember!

Activity 4 Student’s Needs Analysis (Time: 40 minutes)

Note: Why spend half of the first lesson talking to the Ss about their needs and

This will help fine-tune the course material (more telephone English, more listening,
less business vocabulary, more travel role plays etc.). More material can be found in
the additional materials bank.
The 12-15 minute discussion activity gives the Ss a chance to talk about their
strengths and weaknesses. They can ‘loosen up’ linguistically and ease into the
course by talking about a neutral subject, and also think about what they need to do,
both inside and outside the class, to improve their English.

Explain to Ss that you want to hear from them about their past experiences learning
English, their expectations from this course and what they need from it.

Divide Ss into groups of 3 or 4 and give 1 copy of Handout 2 to a strong S in each

group who you name as group secretary. The job of the group secretary is to ask the
questions on the handout one by one and note down comments and ideas from the
other group members.

Note: You should have a pretty good idea from the first half of the lesson about
which Ss have the level of English and the personality to act as a group secretary.

Give Ss 15 - 20 minutes to do this.

Tip: While Ss are discussing, T makes notes for course planning/student needs and
specific notes on errors for correction when the discussion has finished.

T goes from group to group, occasionally joining in the discussion asking questions
and giving personal experience from learning a second language.


Handout 2

Needs and Expectations – Group discussion

1. Why did you decide to do this conversation course and

what do you expect from it? In what ways do you expect
your English to improve?

2. What were your previous English classes like? What things did/didn’t
you enjoy doing?

3. How do you learn new vocabulary? Do you have a system?

How can you improve your pronunciation?
How important is it to have good pronunciation in English?
Should you sound like a native English speaker?

4. How confident are you about speaking English generally?

Do you worry a lot about making mistakes when you speak?

5. This course has no course book. How do you feel about including the
following in this course?

 Grammar practice? How much?

 Homework?
 Telephone English? (Is talking English on the phone more difficult than
talking face to face? (Why? / Why not?)
 Discussing news and current affairs? (Do you think this is boring and
 Songs (Which ones?)
 Class debates, discussions and role plays (What about?)
 A student presentation for the class. (How can this improve your
 Are there any topics that you are especially interested in talking


Do you have other ideas or comments for this course?



6. What can you do outside the classroom to improve your English?

Write a list on the back of this piece of paper.


Stop the activity after 15 minutes, even if some groups haven’t finished and get
feedback from the group secretaries. Invite other Ss to comment and direct
questions at individual Ss as appropriate.

 How many of your Ss need telephone English for their job? (It’s usually more
difficult to speak on the phone because you cannot use hand gestures, body
language nor see facial expressions).
 Do any Ss ask for job interview role plays?
 Is there a high demand for song activities? Can the Ss bring in music they like
for T to prepare an activity?
 How many Ss need English for travel and tourism? How will this affect your
choice of role plays?
 How many Ss ask for pronunciation practice? Will you teach them the
phonemic symbols?
 Do the Ss have a personal notebook for writing down and revising new

You may decide to make homework compulsory. You could also give an optional
writing task at the end of each lesson based on the things discussed in class. Ss
hand it in the following lesson for correction and you return it with comments on
both language and content. This gives Ss a personal dialogue with the T and a
chance to express views that they may not have wanted to, or had the chance to,
during the class. They also re-cycle vocabulary from the lesson and improve their
writing skills.

What is a student presentation?

A student speaks in front of the class for a maximum of 5 minutes on a subject of
their choice. The class then asks questions if they want to.


How can a presentation improve the students’ English?

 Ss prepare notes at home and study vocabulary specific to their presentation.
 They speak about a subject they like and have an interest in, which motivates
them to present it to the class.
 They rehearse their presentation at home. They have an opportunity to do
some public speaking in English. They can boost their confidence in the
relatively ‘safe’ environment of the classroom.
 They answer spontaneous questions on their chosen subject at the end.

(Details on how Ss can prepare for the class presentation are included in lesson 2)

What can Ss do outside the classroom to improve their English?

 Find English speakers in your area. Is there a language exchange group
where you live? If not, could you start one?
 Are there any bars or pubs running pub quizzes in English?
 Are there any Irish bars or Ex-pat bars where English speakers meet to chat
or watch sports? If so, go there and start a conversation.
 Are their any cinemas in your area showing English films in original version?
What about DVD’s in English (with English subtitles) and English TV?
 Listen to songs in English and read the lyrics. Use YouTube and similar video
sites to find songs with subtitled lyrics.
 Read a book in English that you have already read in your language (or a
graded reader). Note down interesting vocabulary in your vocabulary
 Read English magazines, e-zines and blogs about the subjects you are
interested in (football, cookery, fashion, travel etc.)
 Join English speaking communities on social networking sites like Facebook
and Twitter. La Mansion del Ingles (Facebook) and MansionTwit (Twitter) are
good places to start.


Homework (Time: 5 minutes)

1. Present a website
Ask Ss if they have Internet access at home or at work.
Tell them you want them to find a website that could be useful for improving their
English. Ss will show the website to the class and explain why they like it and how it
can be used for practising English.

Note: if you have internet in the classroom, Ss can navigate through the website and
explain the good and bad aspects of the site.

Board - possible websites




2. Optional writing
Write about your background in English and your expectations from this course.

Board – optional writing ideas

When did you start studying English? What courses have you done? Have you
studied abroad?
Why do you need/want to improve your English?
Why did you decide to do this particular course?
What difficulties do you have with English?
What do you see as your strong and weak points?
What do you expect from this course?

End of lesson 1
Información Curso Completo: www.mansioningles.com/otrosproductos/matdescar/ejemplos1.htm


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