Uts - Essay About Self - Jhondavesurbanobsed-Science 1a

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Republic of the Philippines


Sorsogon City Campus
Sorsogon City



Who Am I?

Self-concept is defined as a relatively stable set of beliefs that each of us has about ourselves
(Adler). In simple terms, who do we think we are? The concept seems easy enough to remember,
easy enough to remember on a test, and I can explain it in my own words. Everything is very clear
until someone asks me to write an essay about myself. Then suddenly the heavens part, I look into
the distance and realize that I don't know how to explain who I am. I would define myself as a
complex enigma of paradoxes that are in a perpetual rivalry for my personality. Confusing, but
exciting. What I do know is that I'm the fiery mess known as Jhon Dave Surbano, born to a Filipino
mother and a Filipino father, either. I am internally hyperactive, a chaotic source of energy. Being a
major introvert, my energy comes from my emotions. If I didn't channel the energy and keep it
inside, I would probably be a very uncomfortable person. Instead, I channel them into everything I
do and use them to keep going even if my body is about to crash to earth and sleep Expect a lot from
my teacher as I strive to become a teacher and become a BUSSINESSMAN. To do this, I need the
ability to stand up in front of people without feeling like I'm going to do it. To stab myself just to
survive the ordeal. But I really expect a lot more from myself than from any other person. However,
my physical characteristics are not half as interesting as my personality. When I think of who I am,
my thoughts are what comes to mind.
One trait I value most is my ability to see things from more than one perspective. When I
ask my religion, I say Christian or Baptist, but I am more spiritual than religious. For example, the
idea of astrology makes sense to me, although it is often viewed with pagan beliefs. Officially, my
sexual orientation is straight because I have never been sexually attracted to a man, but I am open
to everything. James Dean once said, "No, I'm not gay. But I'm not going to go through life with one
hand tied behind my back." If I had to identify myself as something it would be, "just putting up
with this" ... but mostly directly. While some of my beliefs were developed by myself, most of my
personality came from experiences. A partner is defined as a person whose opinion is important
enough to strongly affect one's concept of self (Adler). The people I considered other important
people growing up shaped my approach to life and the way I feel about myself, specifically my self-
esteem and self-image.
There was never a single day or instance that I became this way. Time changes all things,
but music shaped most of who I am. My imagination did the rest. In seventh grade, I realized that
music made me happy more than anything. I didn't want to be the one to make the music; I don't
have the patience to sit down long enough to study. But if anything can affect me that much, it
would be music. It's as alive as the people who make it. In a way, I'm addicted to it. When I am calm
on the outside, my mind rages out of control inside when music texts and sounds occupy my
thoughts and lead my energy to an internal source that is connected to my brain and my
imagination. When I'm loud, crazy, unable to sit still or just jump around, these are the noises that
break through and make me an eternally happy person. The energy flows out of me in waves,
sometimes I can't stop myself jumping up and down or making a random movement of my hands to
convey what I am feeling.
At home I see myself as many things, I am the youngest child with the adorable dog, but my
opinions are not all based on selfish biases or interpreting the information in a way that casts the
perceiver in the most favorable light. (Adler), I see my flaws too, I procrastinate like I'm getting paid
to do it, I'm incredibly lazy and never want to go anywhere, and my room seems like it's hit by a
tornado every morning, I try to be optimistic about my capabilities and my outlook on life because
it's easy to be suffocated by negativity. When I was younger, my feelings were much more fragile. I
have a war going on. When I'm home alone and I know I won't. bothering nobody I have a kind of
tendency to bounce off the TV chair, always listening to music while reading books. It's an article
about adolescent love, the Fifty Shades and before we collided over the best books I had ever read,
fatal blows and ultimately victory. I've never had much fun with the character, capturing who the
impostor was, or in true love, camping the flags to score the two thousand points needed to win. I
lost the first battle I played on the river, but I didn't. I don't mind losing the first time, my mind
went blank in awe and a burning need to be at the top of the deadly blow list exploded and I went
after that target with literal bloody revenge. I've been to the top more times than I can count, out of
a maximum total of twenty books in three weeks and over 1 year of experience through reading
books, it was fun and I gained knowledge to develop my cognitive ability. It trained me to
understand what comes from what reality in a context.
I don't always feel hyperactive, I cry easily under stress or pressure, and some days I feel
completely numb, but don't mistake me for being weak I used to hang out with two really great
people who unfortunately are no longer with the living. Nico was definitely mentally insane; We
called him Sin because he had a great love for anything dark, gothic or evil, but he himself was not
evil, he taught me to fight, to have confidence in myself and to laugh at myself often for the mistakes
I made. Then there was Karen, the always upbeat girl who lifted my feet up and made me feel happy
no matter what mood I was in. She taught me to grasp the dreams I have for my future and to hold
onto them, even if my hands were burning and the world was going to implode.
As for the things I would like to delve into this and the following semester, I honestly
haven't thought about them. I think I would enjoy learning more about how they relate to
individuals than to society as a whole. I know the two are connected, but I want to separate the
whole community aspect and focus only on myself focus. I have a feeling that a lot of what we deal
with is a kind of “no duh” situation that gets boring. I would love to see more creative learning like
the creative piece for the exploration paper. I want to learn the skills I need in other classes, mostly
in formatting for certain types of writing assignments, like the research paper we're doing right
now, it would also be a nice thing to learn how to write 4-page essays, for example, without that
Feeling like filling the gaps with absolute rubbish. Also, I enjoy the fact that we read Frankenstein
because I enjoy reading classical literature that I don't have time for in my spare time. I tend to feel
like a sheep in a flock until the end of the year and I can't help it to feel as a certain indifference as I
know what my ideal course content is not realistic and therefore irrelevant to the class.
My expectations of the class are basically the same as the feelings I just recited because I
have none really did. I just hope that I will be able to get things done and think critically about the
topics we are discussing. And by the end of the semester, I want to be able to pass the class with an
A or B. My training is entirely in the hands of the instructor, which ironically, I shouldn't allow
myself to do after reading Freire in the exact same class. As for self-expectations, I can't really think
of anything again. I hope I'll be a bit more open and optimistic and if not then I hope to at least be
able to tackle such an optimistic course. I know that after an idealistic session last semester, I could
get so cynical that I would be in a terrible mood for the rest of the day, which was both physically
and mentally demanding. But I will still ask why and challenge ideas that have been brought up in
discussions and I hope that is enough. In fact, I think that's enough, plus in third grade we learned
how to add and subtract fractions. The teacher asked for the answer to the problem and everyone's
hands went up, however, she chose to call me. On second thought, I guess it must have been the
opposite day because my hand was certainly NOT raised. simplicity of the problem, so I made a
guess. "Three halves?" It was wrong. My classmates roared with nasty laughter. The teacher
considered my answer silly and passed on to the next student. The moral of the story is that I'm still
not very good at fractions. This was probably due to the fact that I assumed I was terrible at it until
my first year.
An event changed my self-image or my self-image in relation to mathematics. Negative
thinking can only lead to negative results. Now I try to “yes-I-can” everything before automatically
accepting defeat. If you think you could handle being around me when I go crazy. Just give me
something with a good amount of sugar. I turn into a ticking time bomb and count to the point in
time when all the energy that accumulates in my body is forced out of me like the lyrics to a song I
love "A limitless hyper energy will enter your brain, there is no chance for you to stop the force that
you cannot hold back. "(Game to kill with primal fear) During a hyper-spell, I'm usually very crazy
and twisted, kind of scary, but still like the little kid I used to be. It's actually very difficult for me to
concentrate and Forming coherent thoughts the only things that cross my mind are some form of
music and occasionally completely random thoughts or ideas that have nothing to do with what is
going on in my head or around my body. For example, I had thoughts like "I wonder if eyeballs are
ricocheting" or "If you stab someone in the brain, would you feel it?" "And if they do not bother me
for hours in this condition, I will have a verbal conversation out loud with myself on a wide range of
topics, the usual being the different forms of torture and how, when and why they were used, for
hours and hours.
But under all this, I'm just a teenager, a tiny person with unimaginable hyperactive energy, a
twisted sense of fun, and a music addiction. I live in a near constant state of hyperactivity, be it
mental or physical. I can't imagine if you weren't who I am and I often wonder if some people would
be here if they weren't who they are today. People go through so much in their life. If I couldn't
shake off the bad things in life and find the energy to keep going, would I even be alive? I would like
to believe I've found things for myself that make me happy.
Reading, drawing, dancing for the battles and competitiveness and my favorite item around
the world, my mp3 player, makes me feel like the world could go crazy and I would just be okay no
matter what as long as I have that. No need for the experiences I encounter to continue to affect the
way I develop. I've learned a lesson for every good, bad, unusual, or unexpected situation I've been
in knowledge everywhere. I think of experiencing each moment as studying for the next. I like to
live life week by week, day by day, problem by problem and resolution by resolution. And on the
road if my self-esteem seems arrogant or my self-image seems. prejudices, that's fine. Being
arrogant is healthier than self-criticism. Staying positive is better than staying negative. I can only
dream that when I grow up, I will have an arsenal of experiences and lessons to share with my
children. better than bad

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