Mark Vies Functional Safety System Release Notes: December 2018

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Mark* VIeS Functional Safety System

Release Notes
December 2018

Public Information
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. The information is supplied for informational
purposes only, and GE makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information included herein. Changes, modifications,
and/or improvements to equipment and specifications are made periodically and these changes may or may not be reflected
herein. It is understood that GE may make changes, modifications, or improvements to the equipment referenced herein or to
the document itself at any time. This document is intended for trained personnel familiar with the GE products referenced
GE may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this
document does not provide any license whatsoever to any of these patents.
Public Information – This document contains non-sensitive information approved for public disclosure.
GE provides the following document and the information included therein as is and without warranty of any kind,
expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied statutory warranty of merchantability or fitness for
particular purpose.
For further assistance or technical information, contact the nearest GE Sales or Service Office, or an authorized GE Sales

Revised: December 2018

Issued: July 2018

© 2018 General Electric Company.

* Indicates a trademark of General Electric Company and/or its subsidiaries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Public Information
Document Updates
Revision Location Update
C ControlST V07.04.00C Released ControlST V07.04.00C

B ControlST V07.03.01C Maintenance release driven by security updates

A ControlST V07.03.00C Released ControlST V07.03.00C

Instruction Guide GEI-100846C 3

Public Information
Related Documents
Document Title Document #
ToolboxST User Guide for Mark VIe Control GEH-6703
Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I: System Guide GEH-6721_Vol_I
Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: General-purpose Applications GEH-6721_Vol_II
Mark VIeS Safety Control Functional Safety Guide GEH-6723
Mark VIeS Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Equipment in HazLoc Instruction Guide GEH-6725
Sequential Function Chart Application Guide GEH-6741
PI-based Historian with ControlST Software Suite System Guide GEH-6744
Proficy-based Historian with ControlST Software Suite System Guide GEH-6745
Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Virtual Controllers User Guide GEH-6742
Mark Controllers Shared IONet User Guide GEH-6812
Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library GEI-100679
Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library GEI-100682
Mark VIeS Safety Controller Block Library GEI-100691
ControlST Software Suite Installation and Upgrade Instruction Guide GEI-100694
Certificate Store Manager Application Guide GEI-100724
Resource Translation Manager User Guide GEI-100793
Trender Instruction Guide GEI-100795
Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Power Distribution Modules (PDM) for Safety Systems Application

4 GEI-100846C Mark VIeS FSS Release Notes

Public Information
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 7
2 V07.04 Release Notes...................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 V07.04 Known Issues...............................................................................................................................9
2.2 V07.04.00C (December 2018)....................................................................................................................9
2.2.1 Security...........................................................................................................................................9
2.2.2 V07.04.00C Highlights .................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.3 V07.04.00C Changes ....................................................................................................................... 11
3 V07.03 Release Notes.................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 V07.03 Known Issues............................................................................................................................. 15
3.2 V07.03.00C (August 2018)...................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.1 V07.03.00C Highlights .................................................................................................................... 16
3.2.2 V07.03.00C Changes ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.3 ControlST V07.03.01C (September 2018) .................................................................................................. 21
3.3.1 Security......................................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.2 ToolboxST V07.03.01C.................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.3 WorkstationST V07.03.01C .............................................................................................................. 21
3.3.4 Mark VIe V06.05.01C ..................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.5 YVIB V05.01.04C .......................................................................................................................... 21
4 V07.02.05 Release Notes .............................................................................................................. 23
4.1 V07.02 Known Issues............................................................................................................................. 23
4.2 V07.02.05C (July 2018) .......................................................................................................................... 23

GEI-100846C Instruction Guide 5

Public Information

6 GEI-100846C Mark VIeS FSS Release Notes

Public Information
1 Introduction
The Mark VIeS Functional Safety System contains a set of hardware and software components intended for use in the general
market. This software release contains a subset of the ControlST* Software Suite products that are needed to support general
market safety applications.

ControlST is an integrated suite of Windows®-based tools and component firmware for the Mark* Controls products. The
applications span a wide variety of control and safety equipment. The suite is constantly evolving to improve customer
experience, network security, expand features, and keep pace with advancements in technology. Refer to Related Documents
for a list of product related documentation.

Introduction GEI-100846C Instruction Guide 7

Public Information
The following table lists the software components supplied with the Mark VIeS Functional Safety System.

ControlST Software Components

Package Group Component Description
Mark VIeS Functional Safety ToolboxST Application/System configuration tool
Tools Package
Mark VIeS Safety control system

Mark VIeS Virtual Simulates Mark VIeS control system responses in a

Controller software environment
Mark VIe Mark VIe Gateway controller

Distributed I/O PPDA Power distribution system diagnostics

PSCA Serial Modbus communication
Distributed YAIC Analog I/O
Safety I/O Packs
YDIA Discrete contact input

YDOA Relay output

YVIB Vibration input monitor

YUAA Universal analog

GE CMS-SVN Server CMS Server Configuration Management System server

Mark VIeS Functional Safety Support ResourceTranslationMan- Provides the ability to display specific applications in
Support Package ager selected non-English languages

Versions Provides the ability to display installed ControlST

component versions

ControlST Documentation Provides the ability to locate and view ControlST

CertificateStoreManager Provides the ability to manage X509 certificates for use
in the ToolboxST application when configuring a secure

GE Historian Reports GE Historian Reports Provides the ability to generate and view configured
reports based on historical data

GE WorkstationST* Package WorkstationST Features Provides an interface for downloading the ToolboxST
configuration to a workstation, and ensures that
configured WorkstationST* features start and stop
accordingly. Workstation features include:
• Alarms (Alarm Server, OPC AE Server, Alarm
• Live values (OPC DA Server, OPC UA Server,
• Historians (Recorder, Historian)
• Time synchronization (Network Time Protocol,
• Network Status Monitor
• HMI configuration

WorkstationST Alarm Displays and manages live and historical alarm and
Viewer event information from a computer configured with the
WorkstationST application and running the Alarm
Server feature
Trender Provides the ability to capture and display trend graphs
of variables using live or historical data

8 GEI-100846C Mark VIeS FSS Release Notes

Public Information
2 V07.04 Release Notes
2.1 V07.04 Known Issues

Note Refer to the ControlST Software Suite Upgrade Instruction Guide (GEI-100694), Appendix B, Known Issues for
additional information when upgrading from previous versions of ControlST to this version.


• If you are using a high Dots Per Inch (DPI) (greater than 96 DPI) monitor, such as a 4K monitor, you may experience
graphic anomalies that render some applications such as ToolboxST and Trender unusable. A work around for this
problem is to set your screen resolution in Windows Settings to a lower resolution and text scaling to 100%.
• The ToolboxST application does not prevent the creation of user block definitions with duplicate names. However, this
block creation practice is strongly discouraged because in rare cases it causes unpredictable behavior (particularly if the
blocks have different content). With ControlST V06.02.00C, the ToolboxST generates warnings when user blocks with
duplicate names are encountered to encourage the use of a new feature: Block Library Reference. This feature enables the
libraries to reference other libraries. Using Block Library References is the recommended alternative for such use cases.
• Using the Configuration Management System (CMS) requires network connectivity between ToolboxST and the CMS
server. The Windows© Firewall will block this connectivity. The default behavior of the Windows Firewall is to notify the
user when an application requires access. When the initial attempt after installation is made to connect to the CMS server,
the user will be prompted by Windows to allow firewall public and private access by ToolboxST, which allows
connectivity to the CMS server.

ControlST Support for Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10

• OSI PI Historian is not supported.

• WorkstationST Modbus Serial Interface has been validated with ControlST V07.03.00C using Windows 10 and Windows
Server 2016. Two USB to Serial Converter products have been tested and qualified for Modbus.

♦ Sabrent USB 2.0 to Serial (9-Pin) DB-9 RS-232 Adapter Cable 6ft Cable [FTDI Chipset] (CB-FTDI)
♦ USB to Serial Adapter – 2 Port – Wall Mount – Din Rail Clips – Industrial – COM Port Retention –

2.2 V07.04.00C (December 2018)

Release based on ControlST V07.04.00C.

2.2.1 Security
There are no security updates included in this release.

V07.04 Release Notes GEI-100846C Instruction Guide 9

Public Information
2.2.2 V07.04.00C Highlights

UCSCH2A Platform Support

Application: All applications
Description: Initial release. Mark VIe has expanded its capability to support the UCSCH2A controller.
New platform UCSCH2A supporting Mark VIe for all redundancies.
Mark VIe and VIeS Controls Volume II System Guide (GEH-6721_Vol_II)
ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6703)
Work Items: 44936

Mark VIe UCSB/UCSC Interoperability

Application: All applications that use controller redundancy
Description: Initial release. Added controller interoperability support: The UCSBH1A is interoperable with the UCSCH2A. The UCSBH4A is
interoperable with the UCSCH2A.
Mark VIe and VIeS Controls Volume II System Guide (GEH-6721_Vol_II)
ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6703)
Work Items: 44937

Trender Enhancements
Application: All Applications
Description: Added the following enhancements to Trender:
• The ability to save individual chapters as separate trend files has been added to the Trender.
• The ability to jump to individual chapters has been added to the Trender.

Trender Instruction Guide (GEI-100795)
Work Items: 44397, 44848

10 GEI-100846C Mark VIeS FSS Release Notes

Public Information
2.2.3 V07.04.00C Changes GE Historian Reports V07.04.00C

Reference Release Note

Modified the Historian Reports install to allow user selection for the data and reports locations which were
hard coded to D:\HstData and E:\Site\Reports in previous installer versions. Mark VIe V06.06.00C

Reference Release Note
New platform UCSCH2A supporting Mark VIe for all redundancies.

Added controller interoperability support: The UCSBH1A is interoperable with the UCSCH2A. The
UCSBH4A is interoperable with the UCSCH2A.

44104 An issue where the maximum number of voted Booleans check in ToolboxST did not annunciate when
the limit was exceeded has been completely corrected.

44463 An issue was resolved where SFCs with no transitions would keep the controller from booting. This
behavior was introduced in Mark VIe V06.01.00C and affected upgrades of empty SFCs from prior
versions as well as new empty SFCs. ToolboxST V07.04.00C

Reference Release Note
The ability to save individual chapters as separate trend files has been added to the Trender.

The ability to jump to individual chapters has been added to the Trender.

Added a WorkstationST Features configuration report to the System Overview. The report allows the
data to be saved to clipboard and pasted into Excel. The configuration information is also included into
the WorkstationST service log when logs are saved.

15349 PROFIBUS IO Packs can now be dragged to Cimplicty screens. Also, they can now be dragged in and
out of Hardware Cabinets. PROFIBUS modules still cannot be copied using drag/drop with the control
key. Export/Import is still required for duplicating PPRF packs. If the whole Hardware Cabinet is
duplicated by dragging it to the top node and holding the control key, all other IO Packs will be duplicated
and the PROFIBUS IO Packs will be skipped. A warning in the log window will indicate this.

42407 An issue was resolved where Blocks with animated shapes sometimes did not get drawn at some zoom
levels and scroll positions after making a pin connection.

43541 An issue was resolved where the property grid for a Task or User Block had different properties when it
was collapsed versus expanded in the Software tree. For example, the Protection node only showed
when expanded. This has been corrected, along with minor inconsistencies in the property editors.

44030 Fixed an error in the Trender COMTRADE data source reader.

V07.04 Release Notes GEI-100846C Instruction Guide 11

Public Information
Reference Release Note
44353 Fixed an application error in Trender that could occur when scrolling the horizontal axis.

44406 Fixed an application error that could occur while copying and pasting Alarm Variables.

44415 Fixed an issue in the Trender where the Data Source could not be reliably changed without closing and
reopening the Trender.

44429 Fixed an application error that occurred when reading program settings.

44509 Fixed the sorting of non-selected traces in the Trender Trace List View.

44584 Added an export for CMS revision history

44587 Undo checkout at the system level no longer incorrectly leaves added component files or deleted
component files missing in the working copy.

44589 Enhanced the Trender with an option to select the number of hours it will continue to create live data and
maintain the disk cache for the live values. After the configured maximum hours, the live data begins to
be truncated. The default setting is to maintain 72 hours of live data prior to truncating.

44798 Previously, a build error was generated in the WorkstationST Component Editor when the alarm server
feature was not enabled, a feature that required alarms was enabled, and the Alarm Server to Use
property was left blank. Now, if the Alarm Server to Use property is left blank, the alarm server feature is
not enabled, and there is a primary alarm server defined in the system, a build error will not be generated
and the features that require alarms will connect to the configured redundant alarm servers.

44883 Fixed a ToolboxST crash when deleting an external device from EGD in certain circumstances.

45025 The Summary view in the Hardware Tab was fixed to show the proper number of networks to match the
Network Redundancy. It was always showing 3 IO Nets regardless of the Network Redundancy.

45033 Fixed an application error that could occur during build or download.

45034 Corrected issue when changing the GSDML file to a new version, double the Input and Output points for
sub modules would be generated.

45043 Updated the final screen of the Initialize USB Flash Device Wizard to include instructions for both the
UCSB and UCSC since both are possible in the configuration due to Interoperability of Controllers. WorkstationST V07.04.00C

Reference Release Note
The ability to save individual chapters as separate trend files has been added to the Trender.

The ability to jump to individual chapters has been added to the Trender.

18227 Corrected a problem where redundant Secondary EGD producers always had an unhealthy exchange if
they were consuming the primary producer.

44030 Fixed an error in the Trender COMTRADE data source reader.

44353 Fixed an application error in Trender that could occur when scrolling the horizontal axis.

44499 Improved the status indication for the WorkstationST service when starting and attempting to initialize the
local cache from controllers that are not on line. The empty files are loaded from controllers and from the
EGD configuration server if not available from the controller.

44509 Fixed the sorting of non-selected traces in the Trender Trace List View.

12 GEI-100846C Mark VIeS FSS Release Notes

Public Information
Reference Release Note
44589 Enhanced the Trender with an option to select the number of hours it will continue to create live data and
maintain the disk cache for the live values. After the configured maximum hours, the live data begins to
be truncated. The default setting is to maintain 72 hours of live data prior to truncating.

44941 Corrected an issue where EGD status information requests for WorkstationST's with large number of
exchanges, only returns a partial list. The EGD tab, statistics sub-tabs show a view of the current state of
produced and consumed exchanges. This view was not including all exchanges for WorkstationST
configurations with large numbers of exchanges. In the test case the UI showed 88 exchanges for a node
that had 123 exchanges.

45278 Corrected a problem where the recorder process failed to stop after a request to stop.

V07.04 Release Notes GEI-100846C Instruction Guide 13

Public Information

14 GEI-100846C Mark VIeS FSS Release Notes

Public Information
3 V07.03 Release Notes
3.1 V07.03 Known Issues

Note Refer to the ControlST Software Suite Upgrade Instruction Guide (GEI-100694), Appendix B, Known Issues for
additional information when upgrading from previous versions of ControlST to this version.


• If you are using a high Dots Per Inch (DPI) (greater than 96 DPI) monitor, such as a 4K monitor, you may experience
graphic anomalies that render some applications such as ToolboxST and Trender unusable. A work around for this
problem is to set your screen resolution in Windows Settings to a lower resolution and text scaling to 100%.
• The ToolboxST application does not prevent the creation of user block definitions with duplicate names. However, this
block creation practice is strongly discouraged because in rare cases it causes unpredictable behavior (particularly if the
blocks have different content). With ControlST V06.02.00C, the ToolboxST generates warnings when user blocks with
duplicate names are encountered to encourage the use of a new feature: Block Library Reference. This feature enables the
libraries to reference other libraries. Using Block Library References is the recommended alternative for such use cases.
• Using the Configuration Management System (CMS) requires network connectivity between ToolboxST and the CMS
server. The Windows© Firewall will block this connectivity. The default behavior of the Windows Firewall is to notify the
user when an application requires access. When the initial attempt after installation is made to connect to the CMS server,
the user will be prompted by Windows to allow firewall public and private access by ToolboxST, which allows
connectivity to the CMS server.
• Certain combinations of operating system, video card, and video drivers have occasional difficulty rendering the
graphical user interface. Graphical glitches most often manifest as partially drawn windows, patterns of gibberish on the
screen, or system errors that force a computer to reboot. To avoid these issues, keep video drivers up to date. For other
workarounds, refer to documentation included on the ControlST installation DVD.

ControlST Support for Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10

• OSI PI Historian is not supported.

• WorkstationST Modbus Serial Interface has been validated with ControlST V07.03.00C using Windows 10 and Windows
Server 2016. Two USB to Serial Converter products have been tested and qualified for Modbus.

♦ Sabrent USB 2.0 to Serial (9-Pin) DB-9 RS-232 Adapter Cable 6ft Cable [FTDI Chipset] (CB-FTDI)
♦ USB to Serial Adapter – 2 Port – Wall Mount – Din Rail Clips – Industrial – COM Port Retention –

3.2 V07.03.00C (August 2018)

Release based on ControlST V07.03.00C.

V07.03 Release Notes GEI-100846C Instruction Guide 15

Public Information
3.2.1 V07.03.00C Highlights

Windows® Server 2016 Compatibility

Application: All ControlST applications
Description: ControlST V07.03.00C and ControlST V07.02.00C have been tested with Windows Server 2016 (Standard).
ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade (GEI-100694)
ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6703)
Work Items: NA

Universal Analog I/O SIL YUAA Module

Application: UCSC Safety Systems
Description: Initial release. The YUAA module provides a reduction of cost per I/O point as compared to traditional analog I/O modules
(while maintaining high availability). A three-wire channel is located on a single terminal block section that fits onto a row of the header. Each
block section can be independently wired and then inserted, allowing channel by channel commissioning. This enables much faster and more
reliable terminations and decreases time to commission / maintain the system. The YUAA module requires ControlST V07.02.00C or later.
Mark VIe and VIeS Controls Volume II System Guide (GEH-6721_Vol_II)
ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6703)
Work Items: 42863

Mark VIeS Function Block Additions

Application: Safety Systems
Description: Added new function blocks to the Mark VIeS.
Mark* VIeS Safety Controller Block Library (GEI-100691)
Work Items: 44148

16 GEI-100846C Mark VIeS FSS Release Notes

Public Information
3.2.2 V07.03.00C Changes ToolboxST V07.03.00C

Reference Release Note
Several more properties of UserBlocks and Tasks now support attribute substitution: Description,
Category, Detached Summary File, and Enable.

A property has been added to program and pin variables called Is Critical. When true, a build error will be
generated for the variable if it is not driven (written to) or is not driving an input on a block. This property
can be used to help detect incomplete or unintentionally modified trip logic or other critical code. The flag
can also be used to filter the global variable report, allowing audits of logic around critical control
38390 Will now put out a warning if the Update Rate does not match for bit-packed Holding Registers with the
same address on a PSCA Modbus Master.
38895 An issue was corrected where dragging multiple shapes in an SFC diagram and dropping some of those
shapes on a different page could result in an unclickable shape.

41459 In the Where Used window of a Library Container, the Find All button returns matching global variables
across all libraries in the container. An issue was resolved where the parent Library, Program, and Task
was not identified with a search result, making it difficult to distinguish them from each other.

42643 An issue was resolved where the System Constants Export wizard would fail to connect to a device when
S or T is the designated controller.

42644 The System Control Constants and Parameters Import wizard skips any variables from the input CSV file
that cannot be modified for various reasons (protection, HMI Resource, etc). Formerly, the results
summary merely showed "Import Complete" in green. This has been modified to show yellow and a
warning count when parameters are skipped.

42704 Fixed an application issue that occurred when saving the Change Log.

42731 An issue with the I/O Variable and I/O Configuration reports was fixed where the Connected Variable
column was not honoring the Display Variable Aliases instead of Variable Names setting. It now shows
the Alias for the connected variable when in Alias mode.
43052 An issue was fixed with Compare Device, where performing a compare from an open Controller window
would cause incorrect behavior of the open Controller window. For example, attempting to view
blockware diagrams after a compare would result in a blank detail view. The issue is corrected, and the
Controller window works normally after a compare.

43089 The Coding Practices report has been modified to exclude internal, auto generated variables from SFCs.

43306 When copying and pasting a User Block, SFC Transition, or SFC Action that contains a global variable,
the Rename Globals dialog allows you to make unique variable names for each Global. Cancelling this
dialog caused ToolboxST to unexpectedly terminate; this has been fixed, and the paste is cancelled as

43376 Fixed an application issue that occurred when viewing live data.

43529 Added the two letter ISO language name to the selection of language's in the ToolboxST system overview
to help when selecting the correct language in the CIMPLICITY language mapper file.

43584 An issue was resolved where in rare cases ToolboxST would terminate unexpectedly when trying to view
blockware diagrams. Due to a compression glitch, the diagram was corrupted; ToolboxST now recreates
the diagram in auto-layout mode. The compression library has also been changed to prevent the problem
from occurring going forward.

V07.03 Release Notes GEI-100846C Instruction Guide 17

Public Information
Reference Release Note
43606 Fixed an uncommon application error in the Block Diagram Editor.

43836 Fixed a refresh issue where recorder manually created System collections containing WorkstationST
variables did not reflect variable changes such as description or other properties until the WorkstationST
editor was reopened.

43847 Corrected an unwanted new line character that was at the start of the text for the Control System Health
description for a Virtualization Server Hardware reported status. The extra new line character resulted in
a warning when importing the diagnostics after having added a language translation.

43909 Fixed an issue with the Shared I/O that could cause an application error if the user cancels a password

43910 Fixed an error that occurred when opening certain configurations.

44091 An issue was resolved where variable connections to array elements were not displaying the element
index when Display Aliases instead of Variable Names was selected in the Workstation Status Monitor
User Preferences. For example, if a connection was to alias XYZ element 2, it should have displayed
XYZ[2] but was only displaying XYZ. WorkstationST V07.03.00C

Reference Release Note
Added support to the WorkstationST OPC UA server for certificate management from a Global Discovery
Enhanced the WorkstationST feature log viewer to scroll to the bottom (latest), when opened and added
a refresh and live update button. Additionally added a warning when enabling the OPC DA server's SDI
feature and automatically warn and disable the SDI feature when the HMI feature is enabled.

Added a new HmiSysScreenPcode.xml file that is published to the master workstation when the System
Information is saved. HMI file utility features that are using auto download will now look for this list and if
found will use it for the list of screens they are to auto download. This avoids the requirement to rebuild
and download each workstation after a new screen is added to the list of screens in the system.

Added an optional WorkstationST Data Recorder collection setting to cause a continuous live network
collection to create a set of monthly maintenance CSV logs. When enabled, the recorder collection will
not create and maintain its binary files.

42313 Provided a way for the operator to force the alarm viewer to connect to the secondary and clearly indicate
the active state of the connection.
43076 Corrected an issue where the Trender and Alarm Viewer ActiveX controls appear as white boxes if a
CIMPLICITY frame hosting them is closed and re-opened before the frame falls out of screen cache. The
issue was not seen for overlaying away from the screen hosting the ActiveX control.

43824 The OPC UA feature can continue to run after a workstation is downloaded with the feature turned off.
This typically will only happen on larger consumed configurations, such as a wind park.

18 GEI-100846C Mark VIeS FSS Release Notes

Public Information Mark VIe V06.05.00C
Reference Release Note
39027 A variable configured OPC UA as writable can now also be read.

42004 Given a system where the controller is configured to consume EGD from another device. If the page has
at least one Boolean array defined then the controller may fail to load the configuration. The Mark VIe
family does not support arrays on EGD, but allows consumption of pages with arrays as long as the array
variables themselves are not connected to. This issue has been completely resolved.

43391 The Standard Block Library ARRAY_COMPRESS and ARRAY_COMPRESS_UDI blocks now properly
handle the condition where variables connected the INxx pins are scalars.

43587 When a new connection to the controller is abruptly terminated certain interfaces, including SDI and
Ethernet Modbus, may to be temporarily unresponsive for a few seconds. This issue has been
completely resolved.

44116 In systems with Modbus configured, executing an online download will cause a file descriptor leak.
Eventually an online download will fail due to insufficient resources. This issue was introduced in Mark
VIe V06.04.00C and has been completely resolved. Mark VIeS V06.01.00C

Reference Release Note
Added six new function blocks to the Mark VIeS (DUALSEL_S2, CLAMP, FUNGEN, INTERP_V2,

43448 Given a system where the controller is configured to consume EGD from another device. If the page has
at least one Boolean array defined then the controller may fail to load the configuration. The Mark VIe
family does not support arrays on EGD, but allows consumption of pages with arrays as long as the array
variables themselves are not connected to. This issue has been completely resolved.

43449 Given a system where the controller is configured to consume EGD from another device. If the page has
at least one Boolean array defined then the controller may fail to load the configuration. The Mark VIe
family does not support arrays on EGD, but allows consumption of pages with arrays as long as the array
variables themselves are not connected to. This issue has been completely resolved.

43588 When a new connection to the controller is abruptly terminated certain interfaces, including SDI and
Ethernet Modbus, may to be temporarily unresponsive for a few seconds. This issue has been
completely resolved. Virtual Mark VIeS V06.03.00C

Reference Release Note
44094 Given a system where the controller is configured to consume EGD from another device. If the page has
at least one Boolean array defined then the controller may fail to load the configuration. The Mark VIe
family does not support arrays on EGD, but allows consumption of pages with arrays as long as the array
variables themselves are not connected to. This issue has been completely resolved.

V07.03 Release Notes GEI-100846C Instruction Guide 19

Public Information YUAA V05.05.01C
Reference Release Note
Initial release of the Safety Universal Analog I/O Pack.

43900 An issue was fixed where Pulse accumulators and RTDs may fail intermittently on configuration.

20 GEI-100846C Mark VIeS FSS Release Notes

Public Information
3.3 ControlST V07.03.01C (September 2018)
This is a maintenance release driven by security updates. Additionally, the WorkstationST OPC UA server now supports
alarms and conditions.

3.3.1 Security
The following security updates are included in this release.

• Updated the RTS Hypervisor to include security updates from the manufacturer
• Updated the Proficy Common Licensing software and USB drivers

3.3.2 ToolboxST V07.03.01C

Reference Release Note
43917 An issue was resolved where editing an Attribute value while the attribute grid was sorted by value could
display incorrect values after editing.

44314 Previously when a control constants/undriven variables report was exported to csv, only a subset of the
variables had live values. Now all variables will have live values. (In both cases, the controller must be
online to get live values.)

44402 Fixed an issue where the Crash Report tool could close before the issue could be reported.

3.3.3 WorkstationST V07.03.01C

Reference Release Note
Added support for Alarms and Conditions to the WorkstationST OPC UA server.

44326 There was a failure in stress testing which, in very rare incidents, would cause the Logic Builder ActiveX
control to terminate CimView during a script's call to EndInitialize. This bug fix corrects that potential
44356 Added a connection block for OPC DA clients while the OPC DA server is initializing. A by proxy HMI was
experiencing unknown variables for initial item adds after a reboot.

3.3.4 Mark VIe V06.05.01C

Reference Release Note
44149 Security update

3.3.5 YVIB V05.01.04C

Reference Release Note
43408 An issue has been fixed regarding a false KeyPhasor speed provided when the shaft rotation speed is
below 1RPM.

V07.03 Release Notes GEI-100846C Instruction Guide 21

Public Information

22 GEI-100846C Mark VIeS FSS Release Notes

Public Information
4 V07.02.05 Release Notes
4.1 V07.02 Known Issues

Note Refer to the ControlST Software Suite Upgrade Instruction Guide (GEI-100694), Appendix B, Known Issues for
additional information when upgrading from previous versions of ControlST to this version.


• The ToolboxST application does not prevent the creation of user block definitions with duplicate names. However, this
block creation practice is strongly discouraged because in rare cases it causes unpredictable behavior (particularly if the
blocks have different content). With ControlST V06.02.00C, the ToolboxST generates warnings when user blocks with
duplicate names are encountered to encourage the use of a new feature: Block Library Reference. This feature enables the
libraries to reference other libraries. Using Block Library References is the recommended alternative for such use cases.
• Using the Configuration Management System (CMS) requires network connectivity between ToolboxST and the CMS
server. The Windows© Firewall will block this connectivity. The default behavior of the Windows Firewall is to notify the
user when an application requires access. When the initial attempt after installation is made to connect to the CMS server,
the user will be prompted by Windows to allow firewall public and private access by ToolboxST, which allows
connectivity to the CMS server.
• Certain combinations of operating system, video card, and video drivers have occasional difficulty rendering the
graphical user interface. Graphical glitches most often manifest as partially drawn windows, patterns of gibberish on the
screen, or system errors that force a computer to reboot. To avoid these issues, keep video drivers up to date. For other
workarounds, refer to documentation included on the ControlST installation DVD.

ControlST Support for Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 10

• OSI PI Historian is not supported.

• WorkstationST Modbus Serial Interface has been validated with ControlST V07.00.00C using Windows 10. The USB to
Serial Converter, Tripp Lite© (model number USA-19HS) has been tested and qualified for Modbus. Creation of an
official GE part number is in progress.

4.2 V07.02.05C (July 2018)

Initial release.

V07.02.05 Release Notes GEI-100846C Instruction Guide 23

Public Information

24 GEI-100846C Mark VIeS FSS Release Notes

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