Shinar Directive Horn
Shinar Directive Horn
Shinar Directive Horn
Crane, MO 65633
©2014 by Michael K. Lake
All rights reserved. Published 2014.
I dedicate this book to all those who long for truth, revival, and to walk in the kingdom of God. May
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
By Thomas Horn
As far back as the beginning of time and within every major culture of the ancient world, an
astonishingly consistent story is told of “gods” that descended from heaven and materialized in bodies
of flesh. From Rome to Greece—and before that, to Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Babylonia, and Sumer—
the earliest records of civilization tell of the era when powerful beings known to the Hebrews as
Watchers and in the book of Genesis as the Benei ha-Elohim (“Sons of God”) mingled with humans,
giving birth to part-celestial, part-terrestrial hybrids known as Nephilim. The Bible says this
happened when men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them. When the Sons of
God saw the women’s beauty, they took wives from among them to sire their unusual offspring. This
event is recorded in Genesis 6:4 this way:
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in
unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which
were of old, men of renown.
When this Scripture is compared with other ancient texts, including Enoch, Jubilees, Baruch,
Genesis Apocryphon, Philo, Josephus, and others, it unfolds to some that the giants of the Old
Testament, such as Goliath, were the part-human, part-animal, part-angelic offspring of a supernatural
interruption into the divine order of the species. The apocryphal Book of Enoch gives a name to the
angels involved in this cosmic conspiracy, calling them “Watchers.” We read:
And I Enoch was blessing the Lord of majesty and the King of the ages, and lo! the Watchers
called me—Enoch the scribe—and said to me: “Enoch, thou scribe of righteousness, go,
declare to the Watchers of the heaven who have left the high heaven, the holy eternal place, and
have defiled themselves with women, and have done as the children of earth do, and have taken
unto themselves wives: Ye have wrought great destruction on the earth: And ye shall have no
peace nor forgiveness of sin: and inasmuch as they delight themselves in their children [the
Nephilim], The murder of their beloved ones shall they see, and over the destruction of their
children shall they lament, and shall make supplication unto eternity, but mercy and peace shall
women (among other things) to extend their progeny into mankind’s plane of existence. Departing the
proper habitation God had assigned them was grievous to the Lord and led to divine penalization.
Jude described it this way:
[The] angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in
everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. (Jude 6)
Yet beyond such historical accounts from apocryphal, pseudepigraphic, biblical, and Jewish
traditions related to the advent of the Watchers and the “mighty men” born of their union with humans,
mythologized accounts say these “gods” used humans to produce demigods (half-gods). In fact, when
the ancient Greek version of the Hebrew Old Testament (the LXX or Septuagint) was made, the word
“Nephilim”—referring to the part-human offspring of the Watchers—was translated gegenes, the
same terminology used by the Greeks to describe the Titans and other legendary heroes of partly
celestial and partly terrestrial origin, such as Hercules (born of Zeus and the mortal Alcmena) and
Gilgamesh (the two-thirds god and one-third human child of Lugalbanda and Ninsun).
This is where things get quite interesting, as on the back cover of this book you will find an
unsettling statement involving what some would call the greatest of all “demigods” on the ancient
plains of Shinar—a geographical locale in ancient Mesopotamia that the Hebrew Bible refers to as
Babylon—where an evil was born: the first world king, the prototype transhuman, the ultimate despot
named Nimrod in the Bible, Osiris by the Egyptians, Gilgamesh by the Sumerians, and Apollo by the
Greeks. This part-human hybrid was the original Son of Perdition who later devised the “Shinar
Directive”—a plot to enslave humanity through a global false religion that would turn men against
God and the order of His creation. Of course, we all know how God intervened at the Tower of Babel
and dispersed Nimrod’s original coup, but few understand that this story is not over yet—it’s coming
around and was prophesied to do so in a final end-times conflict during which the primeval powers
of Mystery Babylon would gather to build a new Tower of Babel for Nimrod/Apollo’s second
Over the years, my good friend and biblical scholar Gary Stearman has written extensively
about the connection this historical figure had with the original Babylonian mystery religion as well
as his reanimation in the end-times as Antichrist. “But who is this Assyrian[?]” he asked a while
back. “He is none other than the spiritual inheritor of the first great post-Flood religious apostasy. He
is the keeper of the great heritage that began at the Assyrian capital, Nineveh. Its founder was
Nimrod.… He is the Antichrist, the future despot who comes in the name of the ancient mystery
Stearman continues:
He was a rebel who allowed himself to be worshipped as a god. After the Flood, his rebellion
became the foundation of mankind’s greatest religious apostasy. Down through the generations,
this system of false worship became known simply as the “Babylonian Mystery Religion.” Its
basis is quite clear. It attempts to channel the power of the ancient gods through the figure of
one, powerful man. Nimrod became that god [emphasis added].
Alexander Hislop, in his classic text, The Two Babylons, substantiates the thesis that the
Babylonian mystery religion was based on the worship of this proto-Antichrist. “It was to glorify
Nimrod that the whole Chaldean system of iniquity was formed,” he wrote. Yet the mystery
religion continued since its beginning secretly through the ages, shrouded in hiding by adepts of the
occult in anticipation of a final moment when the ancient spirit should be awakened:
Corrupt priesthoods have flourished, carrying with them the shadow of Nimrod and his ancient
mysteries. Their inner secrets have been known by various names, including alchemy, magic,
sorcery, conjuring, soothsaying and so forth.… waiting for the prophesied day when it would
rise once again. [A movement that] will result in the reign of the Antichrist.
Enter Dr. Michael Lake, founder and chancellor of Biblical Life College and Seminary, whose
shocking essay you now hold in your hands—a work that argues beyond doubt that we have entered
the final time frame in which the spirit of Nimrod/Apollo is rising. Dare I say, with this book, that
Lake emerges as one of the most judicious observers of the ages harkening back to those ancient
biosphere and exosphere that have become a vast and stunningly dreadful battleground—a terrain as
forgotten as prehistory, yet is as close to us now as our own tomorrow. This lethal and toxic reality
was foreseen by Scriptures, both Old and New Testament, but soon will, by necessity, be traversed by
gutsy end-time heroes, not highly trained black-ops teams or Elite commandos, but a revived and
triumphant Church!
In the end, the greatest achievements of The Shinar Directive are apt, profound, and conveyed
in riveting fashion: With this work, the past and future legacy of wisdom and revelation clearly shine
forth in multifaceted grandeur—from the forgotten “knowledge” of so-called “gods” and their
reconnection to the latest scientific advances to the terrifying underbelly of a boiling Armageddon
and, finally, the brilliant and thrilling endgame that God has in store for His own.
The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the
It’s amazing how God will take you on journeys of discovery, especially when you are in ministry and
clueless as to where the Church is prophetically in the “war against the saints.”I remember in 1999,
as I was watching the new sci-fi thriller, The Matrix, I began identifying so intensely with Neo (the
main character in the story) that I almost had a panic attack during the movie. Neo had a sense that
something was off in his world, but the truth was beyond what his paradigm would allow. The scene
in the movie had him asleep at his computer keyboard when Trinity (the main heroine in the movie)
typed the now-famous words on his computer screen: “Knock, knock, Neo.” From that moment on,
Neo began a journey down the rabbit hole and discovered another reality existed.
I am not saying that the singularity is already here or that AIs (artificial intelligence beings)
have secretly taken over the world. Actually, what we are facing is something even more nefarious.
We are living in a neo-pagan world that is completely controlled by the occult, and the Church is
oblivious to this reality.
I was raised as a typical American Christian. I cannot remember a Sunday that I wasn’t in
church. In fact, I have vivid memories as a young child of taking naps under the pews (in contrast to
the many adults taking naps while on them). I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at a Missionary
Baptist youth camp nestled deep in the woods of Missouri when I was just twelve. On my thirteenth
birthday, I answered the call to the ministry and have been a student of the Word and a
preacher/teacher ever since. I wish that I could tell you that everything was clear skies and rainbows
after that, but it wouldn’t be true. Like most Christians in America, I was only partially awake. To be
truthful, the covert influence of the occult within society and the Church had left me nearly comatose
spiritually. I would have moments of great spiritual lucidity while ministering in the pulpit, but would
revert back to a type of spiritual slumber by the time I got home. (I have recently discovered that the
luciferian community mocks the state of the Church today by referring to us as “zombies.”)
Then something startling happened. In January of 1994, a sovereign act of God changed my life
forever. My wife, Mary, had lived under the shadow of a dark depression most of her life. I must
commend her. She was able to hide this depression from the public well, and was able to make
herself get out of the bed in the mornings to take care of our children and home. I am sure she had to
muster intestinal fortitude to make it through each day. Everyone thought she was a very cordial
person with a bubbly personality. She always baked goodies for our children’s activities at school
and was involved in classroom parties and other extracurricular events, although she confessed to me
later that these social atmospheres were exhausting for her. Mary tried to conceal her deep
depression, because she did not want to burden the people around her. She would rather hurt on the
inside than make everyone around her miserable, too. Yet, she continued each day under this huge
burden that was blocking her spiritual growth and even keeping her from reading the Word of God.
Mary woke up one cold January morning, and the depression was gone. It took her several days
to realize what had happened. Colors around her appeared brighter and more beautiful. The air
seemed fresher that morning, and she felt a joy in her heart. Mary began reading (actually more like
devouring) the Word of God, listening to teachings on Christian TV, and getting lost in prayer for
hours with this wonderful God who had set her absolutely free. While the rest of the family was
watching evening television, she would dress warmly and go sit outside in our van to pray. (I even
believe that this step helped her hear from God, considering the wealth of knowledge that we now
have concerning the use of television broadcasts for the purpose of interjecting attitudes and ideas at
the subliminal level.) Most importantly (at least from my perspective), she began to pray for the
husband whom she had just fallen in love with anew. She prayed that he would be set free from the
To our dismay, after eight months of glorious freedom, the depression came back with a
vengeance. This time, it was darker and even more oppressive than before. Finally, on a cold evening
a few months later, she wrapped herself in a blanket and sat outside on a picnic bench behind our
home to seek the face of God. She determined in her heart that she would remain there until she got an
answer from God on how she could have regressed to such a state. About the time she felt chilled to
the bone, God began speaking to her. He told her that she was under demonic oppression, and that she
now had the knowledge and ability to fight. God told Mary to bind the power of these demons in the
Name of Jesus, and that He would show her the path to freedom. As God continued the process of
Mary’s deliverance and healing, she had memories emerge of abuse by those in the occult. She was
having a very difficult time believing that these memories could be true, and she would repeatedly ask
me to pray that God would show us truth to ensure that she was not being led into error by a deceiving
spirit. Much to my amazement, everything she told me was not only confirmed by people in her
hometown right in front of my eyes, but many of the details that she was remembering were confirmed
though my continual research (and many of the other aspects of her recollections are still being
confirmed today). In our present time, the concept of chimeras (a hybrid that combines several types
of animals into one new creature) is a common topic among those in the know; when she gave me
details of these hybrid beings in 1995, I must confess that it was very difficult to believe. In 2000, we
viewed a series of huge lights flashing in a particular sequence over her hometown. As our research
has continued, it is more apparent than ever that these lights were impacting the citizens of that town
(the people in that town are totally unaware that they are being affected). I am convinced that these
lights are an integral element of the unfolding saga of mind control in our nation (especially
considering that the first time we viewed the lights was on election night of November 2000—is it
possible that technology is being used to sway elections?).
As Mary’s healing progressed and we stepped into the preliminary stages of discovering the
deep roots of witchcraft in the Ozarks, God began working on me. Step by step, I began to awaken
from the occult haze that had enveloped my soul. I was just like Neo in The Matrix. I knew there was
something wrong, yet I was asleep at the keyboard of life. Then, through several sovereign moves of
the Triune God, like Neo, I received a wake-up call. This did not lead me down a rabbit hole to
discover that the world I had always known was a fabrication by an advanced AI to control my life.
No—this rabbit hole led to the reality of just how embedded the occult is in every aspect of our
society, and to what extent we are under its control. The luciferian agenda is well under way. I
discovered that the multidimensional schemes of the enemy are more complex than anyone could ever
imagine. In fact, these plans have been in motion since Nimrod walked the streets of Babylon. My
discoveries included:
· Involvement by those in the occult in politics, education, and law enforcement
· The reality of mind control, satanic ritual abuse, and multiple personalities
· Systematic poisoning of our food, air, and water
· Secret societies’ web of entanglement in every level of our society—worldwide
· The occult’s deep intrusion into our churches, denominations, seminaries, and
theologies—as well as spiritual warfare and psychic warfare aimed at our pastors
· How the luciferian agenda includes both aspects of completely controlling every
individual on the planet and a deep passion to see the population reduced to just
five hundred million
As Mary and I proceeded to realize the depth and span of Lucifer’s plan for mankind, the
warfare began to accelerate. We began ministering to several multigenerational members of the occult
who were diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD ), which led to more research on
mind control. We actually believe that these individuals were sent in to infiltrate and destroy rather
than to seek help. It became obvious that someone was very concerned about what my wife was
remembering. That was when all hell broke loose. To our astonishment, some of the greatest
adversaries we had were Christians we had known for years in the churches of our community. We
would run into these people, and it was apparent that they hated us (their appearances would be
disturbing, and they would sneer at us or make bizarre comments). We would see the same people in
the grocery store or on the street at other times, and they would seem normal and even talk to us like
nothing odd had ever happened. This was “blowing our minds” until we finally understood the level
of occult control in the town and the multifaceted concept of multiple personalities with programming.
(As we learned more about mind-control experiments and the effects on the body, we concluded that
their bright red faces were a result of histamine levels.) Once we read Russ Dizdar’s book, The
Black Awakening, we were able to make sense of the black uniforms that these Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde
types were wearing on certain dates. While this information caused my wife and me to sit back at our
desks in unbelief as we continued our research, it explained what we were witnessing within that
small town, and it also shed light on what had happened to Mary. We were able to connect some dots,
convincing us that this secluded town had been a logical choice for such testing decades ago (with a
military base about twenty miles away). Our investigations concluded that the experimentation was a
success on a monumental scale. Keep in mind that, to the casual observer, this town looked like
Mayberry from the Andy Griffith Show.
I could tell you about all the times when members of local covens circled our home at night
uttering curses against my family, or when they poisoned us, or when they sabotaged our vehicle, or
when they killed one of our pets and left the animal’s body part on the edge of our yard for my
children to find. But most of these stories have already been written by my dear wife in her book,
What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know. Mary walked a fine line in writing her book. She
wanted to share what we went through and how God delivered us to bring hope to those still trapped
in the place where she had been raised. At the same time, she did not want to reveal names or provide
too many details that would jeopardize the lives of those she was trying to reach. Few can even
imagine the nights she spent in prayer, writing, rewriting, and weighing the words of every story and
every detail. Although some have criticized her for not including all the “juicy” details, I am sure no
one has walked in her shoes or cared as much about those still trapped in darkness. At this time, Mary
believes she has done everything possible to show that God will protect those who want out of the
trap she was born into. She believes she has fulfilled her promise to God to stand in the gap and pray.
With sadness in her heart for those still in shackles, Mary agrees with me that God is telling us to
move forward.
I am thankful that God is moving our family and ministry into another phase. The Holy Spirit
very clearly stated that the old door of ministry has been closed and a new one has opened. This was
also confirmed by several men of God whom I have the greatest respect for and trust greatly. The new
door is all about the Remnant, preparing for what is coming, and learning how to walk in victory.
With the preparation of the Remnant in mind, I want to share the facts I have discovered through
the process and the trials. I am an academic researcher and Bible teacher. I am also ex-military. So, I
have a deep desire to “know my enemy.” During those troubling times, I kicked into research
overdrive. I read stacks of books and gleaned information from myriad websites. There were even
books I considered so vile that I burned them after reading. I wanted to examine the mindsets of those
involved in the occult so I could attempt to comprehend their warfare doctrine. Although I’m not an
expert on the subjects I will discuss in this book, I do have a better understanding of how trained
occultists work to pull us into subjection and put us to sleep. Along the way, I have also discovered
how the ancient Hebraic wisdom encoded into God’s Word can make us aware of the enemy’s tactics,
identify paganism and its influences, break the power the kingdom of darkness has over our lives, and
enable us to walk fully awake and in the freedom Jesus came to give us!
Today, the Holy Trinity is knocking at your door. “Knock, knock, Remnant.” Are you ready to
look beyond the world that has been pulled over your eyes and discover the truth? Are you ready to
be equipped for end-time spiritual warfare and be enabled by our Sovereign and Holy God to walk
out of Babylon? Are you ready to be that Bride whose garments are without spot or wrinkle? If so,
read on and discover a reality that will set you free!
Chapter One
The Reality of Conspiratorial History: A Brief Introduction
Coincidence is merely the puppeteers’ curtain, hiding the hands that pull the world’s strings.
now” and “only the present matters” mindsets have been thrust into our society from every quarter.
These cultural blinders establish fuel for the economy to fund the Elite and cultivate intellectual
bondage. The enemy of our soul is limited concerning what he can use in his warfare against mankind
(1 Corinthians 10:13). Since he has a limited bag of tricks, he needs to keep us in the dark regarding
our real history. Without these psycho-spiritual blinders, we would recognize what is going on, cry
out to God for intervention, and implement spiritual strategies to overcome his intrusion and control
of our lives.
As I said, I cared little about history until a series of events changed my worldview forever. As
I mentioned in the introduction, my wife was in the middle of a miraculous healing season when
several groups from the occult launched an incredible attack on our family. We eventually concluded
that the attack was directly related to my wife’s surfacing memories. These memories were bits and
pieces of events that sounded like they were out of a script from some unknown sci-fi thriller. I must
admit, there were times when Mary’s memories caused my biblically trained and techno-oriented
mind to reel in bewilderment. Later on, her memories were confirmed through the research of
individuals such as Steve Quayle, Russ Dizdar, Walter H. Bowart, and Dr. Nick Begich (to name just
a few). Some of her recovered memories were validated right in front of my eyes. I began to wonder:
If the kingdom of darkness was so worried about what my wife was remembering about her past,
maybe the history of mankind is replete with additional landmines of truth that the enemy desperately
doesn’t want us to discover, as well. In fact, today, the history of the United States is being rewritten
with an Orwellian fervor. History was taught quite differently in times past; lessons included the
portrayal of the heart and soul of each character. Students were imparted with a rich wealth of
information that allowed them to both learn from history and be inspired by it. Books such as The
Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States by Benjamin F. Morris
were used in the educational process of our youth. Then the Progressive Movement began to take hold
of our nation, and the deconstruction of our history began. During the time when I attended school (in
the late 1960s and ’70s), history had been reduced to memorizing events and dates. History had been
separated from the passion, beliefs, and mistakes of those who had lived it.
Today, as part of the new Common Core curriculum in our schools, America’s Founding Fathers
are being referred to as terrorists, and they and the Constitution are looked upon with disdain. At
West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center (WPCTC), the best and brightest of our young Army
officers are being taught that radical Islam is not a real problem in America. The true potential
enemies, according to a recent WPCTC report, are conservatives and patriots inside the United
States. Every effort to obscure our true history is being exerted from behind the scenes, allowing
our leaders to create so-called historical justifications for whatever political agenda they are
espousing. One of the recent historical fabrications is that George Washington would have wanted
Obamacare for all US citizens. (Since the original intent of the Founding Fathers was limited
government, only those completely ignorant of American history could buy into such a sound bite.) An
old axiom credited to Winston Churchill is more relevant today than ever before: “Those who fail to
learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
We need to realize that the enemy is working overtime to hide our past so that he can keep us in
bondage for a future he is covertly building.
After years of study—both in the Word of God and human history—since my wake-up call, I
have become a strong believer in conspiratorial history. We have all been preprogrammed by our
progressive culture to have a knee-jerk response to anyone who believes in conspiracies—they are
the ones who wear aluminum foil on their heads. From our evening news to our favorite sitcoms,
conspiracy theorists are depicted as either simpletons or mentally unstable. Few have taken the time
to research for themselves and discover that there can only be one of two types of history. Noted
historian, university professor, and believer A. Ralph Epperson provides an eye-opening introduction
to the subject of understanding history in his book, The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the
Conspiratorial View of History:
Wars start when one nation moves into the territory of another; depressions occur when markets
take unexpected downturns; inflations occur when prices are driven up by shortages;
revolutions start when the people, always spontaneously, rise up to overthrow the existing
government. These are the traditional explanations of historical events. Events happen by
accident. There do not seem to be any causes.
But this explanation of history leaves gnawing questions in the minds of serious students. Is it
possible that government leaders and others planned these events and then orchestrated them to their
desired conclusions? Is it possible that even the great catastrophes of history were part of this plan?
There is an explanation of historical events that answers these questions in the affirmative. It is
called the Conspiratorial View of History, and it is the alternative to the Accidental View, the view
commonly held today. It is possible, therefore, to summarize the major events of history into two
alternative schools of thought:
1. The Accidental View of History: Historical events occur by accident, for no apparent
reason. Rulers are powerless to intervene.
2. The Conspiratorial View of History: Historical events occur by design for reasons not
generally made known to the people.
We need to realize that we have been conditioned to believe everything that happens in the
world today is merely by accident. There is no real cause and effect. We are expected to believe that
an accidental event happening somewhere in another country caused a cascading series of events that
ends up affecting both that nation and the entire world. The message is continually being reinforced
within our global consciousness: “There is no secret cabal governing the affairs of this world. There
is nothing to see here, folks; just watch another sitcom that amuses you, while it programs you to
abandon social norms established by previous generations in exchange for a new agenda. Just slide
back in your easy chair, be dazzled by the special effects in the new action movie, and enter another
techno-induced stupor by the Elite-controlled entertainment industry.”
security) to create policies and laws that even contradict the very platforms they
ran on to be elected to office?
· Do the policies of both the right and left wings continually move us toward the
same destination? (As far as I can see, the only difference is that one side prefers to
move more quickly than the other.)
· Have we had national leaders speak of an agenda contrary to that of our own
country? Are they warning us about or proclaiming the need for a New World
Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and
unheard by Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional
government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body
one-party state.…
The important point to remember about this group is not its ideology but its organization.
It is a dynamic, aggressive, elite corps, forcing its way through every opening, to make a breach
for a collectivist one-party state. It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our
—Senator William Jenner, 1954
In 1962 then Governor Nelson Rockefeller delivered a series of lectures at Harvard University
on the future of federalism. In his presentation the governor dwelt at length on the
interdependence of nations in the modern world, concluding with this statement: “And so the
nation-state, standing alone, threatens in many ways to seem as anachronistic as the Greek city-
state eventually became in ancient times.”
Everything the governor said was true. We are dependent on other nations for raw
materials and for markets. It is necessary to make defense alliances with other nations in order
to balance the military power of those who would destroy us. Where I differ from the governor
is in the suggestion implicit throughout the lectures that to achieve this new federalism, the
United States must submerge its national identity and surrender substantial matters of
sovereignty to a new political order.
equally to Western Europe, Japan, and the United States. It is intended to be the vehicle
for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control
of the political government of the United States.
—US Senator Barry Goldwater
The depression was the calculated “shearing” of the public by the World Money powers,
triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money
The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now
acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the
privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.
—Curtis Dall, son-in-law to Franklin Delano Roosevelt
We will succeed in the Gulf. And when we do, the world community will have sent an enduring
warning to any dictator or despot, present or future, who contemplates outlaw aggression. The
world can, therefore, seize this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world
order, where brutality will go unrewarded and aggression will meet collective resistance.
—President George H. W. Bush, State of the Union address, 1991
Well, to be honest, George Washington warned us about this cabal at the very beginning of our
It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism
had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I
—President George Washington
A Quick Review of the Tactics of Intelligence Agencies
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
―Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Few realize that conspiracy and campaigns of disinformation have been business as usual in
international affairs since the time of Babylon! The Art of War was written by Sun Tzu around 500
BC. Many of the concepts postulated in that book were not necessarily originated by Sun Tzu. He
simply organized and codified many that were developed well before his time and then added his
own convictions, philosophies, and life lessons. History remembers Sun Tzu as a brilliant tactician
and soldier. His legacy is that The Art of War is required reading in every war college and
intelligence agency on the planet today (as well as in international corporations).
Nations have intelligence agencies because other countries and groups conspire against them.
These same intelligence agencies that continually comb through tons of data each day to detect
possible conspiracies are tasked with the duty of enacting their own governments’ secret plans against
other nations, as well. There is a continual cat-and-mouse game played on an international level
involving conspiracies and campaigns of disinformation to hide the true agenda of any move by an
intelligence agency against a competing nation. Conspiracy/misinformation is the game of kings
and thrones since civilization began.
conspiracy to be enacted without being noticed by the general public. Intelligence agencies conduct
such activities worldwide continually. In fact, part of their job is to make the false conspiracies look
more creditable to keep investigators running after red herrings and prevent them from discovering
the truth until it is too late. While the Elite-controlled media uses such stories to paint pictures of
conspiracy theorists who look and act like Dr. Emmett Brown in the movie Back to the Future, in
reality, both the fake conspiracies and their ever-so-carefully placed trail of bread crumbs were
created by real conspirators to keep us from discovering their true agendas.
Clues to the Ultimate Conspiracy
19Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others,
exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in
pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet;
20And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before
whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose
“little horn” waged war against three of the other kings? This has occurred at various times
throughout human history, too. I believe the answer lies in the nature of this final kingdom. You see,
there is a kingdom today that transcends all national borders. This kingdom controls kings, presidents,
prime ministers, and nations. When its council of kings convenes, it determines which nations will
prosper, which will fail, who will be elected president, and who will become expendable to
accomplish the tacit global agenda. You see, this game of kings and thrones continues in the
clandestine meeting rooms of the world’s Elite. They use their own intelligence agencies and those of
vassal nations both to conspire and to disseminate disinformation to keep the uninitiated from
discovering the truth. The final kingdom, the kingdom that is different from all the others, in which the
Antichrist will rise, is a financial empire that has subjugated the entire world under the weight of its
power. All democracies, dictatorships, regimes, or even political parties are nothing more than
tentacles of the same, final beast.
Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.
―Mayer Amschel Rothschild
To set the proper foundation for understanding conspiratorial history from a prophetic view, we
must understand that, at its very core, it is spiritual in nature. Therefore, the Word of God is our
The more I grow in the grace of God and see Him and His majesty in the Word, the more I become
enthralled at the splendor and wisdom of the One True God we serve. There are times when I sense
what Solomon was feeling at the dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem in the tenth century BCE. We
find an account of this event in 2 Chronicles:
But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth? behold, heaven and the heaven of
heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house which I have built! (2 Chronicles 6:18)
At the moment the glory cloud of God (kaw-bode’) filled the Temple, Solomon’s heart was
filled with awe. I believe this is of paramount importance for us to keep in the forefront of our minds
as we seek to understand the level of warfare we find ourselves engaged in just before the Messianic
Age. Although things may seem so complex at times that we cannot even begin to grasp the strategies
of the enemy, our God was fully aware of His plan from the very beginning. With a word, the God we
serve created our reality and used the speed of light as a container (or set the boundaries) of time
itself. Never lose sight of this truth: There is none like our God!
God makes a powerful statement in Isaiah 46 that is essential to our study: He told us the end
from the beginning. The entire Bible was inspired by God; it is immutable, infallible, and perfect. Yet
there is something unique about the Torah. Would you be surprised if I told you that Moses did not
author Genesis through Numbers? Did he write them down? Yes. But he did not author them. He was
not moved upon by the Holy Spirit to write as the other men who penned the remaining books of the
canon. The first four books of the Bible were dictated by God to Moses as he met with the Almighty
face to face as a man would speak to his friend (Exodus 33:11). After years of meeting with God and
taking dictation for the first four books, the residual anointing on Moses allowed him to author
Deuteronomy with the same supernatural uniqueness the first four possessed. Deuteronomy (or
Devarim in Hebrew) simply means “words.” Moses provided the new generation of Israelites with a
Reader’s Digest version to instruct them before they crossed over into the Promised Land. So, the
Torah (or the “loving instruction of the Father God” ) is five books in length; this is another reason
we call it the Pentateuch. Five is the biblical number for grace. As we proceed in our study, you
will begin to realize why the kingdom of darkness has created such jaundice in the body of Christ
concerning the Torah. Such prejudice against the foundations of our faith did not exist in the hearts of
the apostles. In fact, they used the Old Testament (Tanakh) and the revelation of Jesus to turn the
world upside down!
true that the apostle John did write the final books that closed out New Testament canon, his last
books were his epistles.
The Gospel of John: John wrote this Gospel between AD 90 and 95. His purpose for
writing it was so that all might have faith in the completed work of Messiah on the Cross.
The Book of Revelation: John wrote this book while he was exiled on Patmos. Most
commentators date this book as being written between AD 95 and 97. This prophetic book was
written to the bondservants of God to reveal Jesus to them as “Messiah ben David.” (We will
cover this term later in our discussion.)
First Epistle of John: The Apostle of Love wrote this book around AD 98. He had
already experienced the vision about which the book of Revelation was written. This epistle
was written to prepare the Remnant for the challenges John had already witnessed in the
John begins both his Gospel and his first epistle with the phrase, “In the beginning.” What we
do not see with our twenty-first century, Gentile eyes is that he was referring to the Torah and, more
specifically, to the book of Genesis. This Jewish apostle knew both the Torah and the book of Isaiah
well. So, he was cognizant of the prophetic overtones encoded in the story of Creation. Before we
can understand what John saw, we must first learn to view the Scriptures through Hebraic eyes.
The end of the law (τελοςνομου [telos nomou]). Christ put a stop to the law as a means of
salvation (6:14; 9:31; Eph. 2:15; Col. 2:14) as in Luke 16:16. Christ is the goal or aim of the
law (Gal. 3:24). Christ is the fulfillment of the law (Matt. 5:17; Rom. 13:10; 1 Tim. 1:5). But
here Paul’s main idea is that Christ ended the law as a method of salvation for “every one that
believeth” whether Jew or Gentile. Christ wrote finis on law as a means of grace.
First, Paul makes it clear that the only way to salvation is through the completed work of Christ.
Both the apostle Paul and the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 put a stop to the misuse of the Torah as
a means of salvation for Gentiles by the erroneous teaching of the Pharisees from the School of
Shammai that Gentiles had to first become physically Jewish (through circumcision) before they
could receive the Messiah (Acts 15:1). Since the enemy has so successfully disenfranchised us from
our Hebraic heritage, nearly all Protestant theologians miss the fact that God never intended the Torah
to save anyone. When we examine the Exodus story, the Torah was not handed to the children of Israel
as a means to free them from the clutches of the pharaoh of Egypt. Moses, a biblical type and shadow
of Messiah, was sent by God to deliver them first. Only after they were a free people gathered around
God’s feet at Sinai did the Almighty begin giving them the Torah. The Torah is how free people in
God conduct themselves, and it provides clear definitions of what sin is so that it might be avoided.
Also encoded within the Torah is the promise of a greater deliverance: a salvation that is more than
just physical. This salvation would free them from the one whom Pharaoh embodied: Lucifer himself.
The One to come would be both like Moses and God. We call this One the Messiah. So Jesus is the
goal of the Torah. The Torah first establishes the legal precedent for salvation through the suffering of
Messiah. Then the job of the Torah is to act as a teacher to bring us before Him to receive that
salvation through faith (Galatians 3:24). Jesus is the epicenter of the entire Word of God. Therefore,
we can expect to see Him in every story, teaching, precept, and sacrificial offering required in the
Torah. It is all about Jesus, from Genesis 1 to Deuteronomy 34!
2. Hebraic Hermeneutics
The next principle I need to touch on is the Hebraic methods of interpreting Scripture. The rabbis
teach that there are four levels of Torah interpretation. The acronym for this is: PaRDeS, which is
Hebrew for “paradise” and refers to a garden of delight (in other words, when we interpret God’s
instructions correctly, our lives can produce a garden of the Almighty’s blessings).Let’s take a look at
what this acronym means.
Level One—Pashat: This is the literal meaning of the Scripture. It is the plain, simple
meaning of the text in grammatical and historical context. We must remember that no method of
interpretation can negate the Pashat level of the meaning of the text.
Level Two—Remez: This is the implied meaning of the text. The text is hinting at a deeper
truth than what is being revealed.
Level Three—Drash: This is the allegorical, typological, homiletical meaning of the text
being studied.
Level Four—Sod: This is the deep, hidden meaning of the text.
Even in the hermeneutical principles used by evangelicals today, we have adopted the first
three methods illustrated here. But for us to see what the apostle John was referring to, we will need
to look at the original Hebrew and utilize the fourth level of Hebraic interpretation: the Sod level.
The rabbis recognize that each word, letter, and placement have specific meanings placed there by
Almighty God as He dictated the Torah to Moses. Here is a chart depicting the meaning of each
Hebrew letter.
Gematria and Meaning for Hebrew and English
Let’s take a look at the beginning through the eyes of the apostle John.
Luciferianism teaches that Lucifer is the god that created the earth and mankind. It also teaches
that Elohim was jealous of this new creation, portrayed Lucifer as evil, and took credit for the
Creation. (This same concept is presented in the Masonic book, Morals and Dogma, by 33rd-Degree
Mason Albert Pike.) In the minds of the followers of this belief system, Lucifer is wonderful and
wants to fulfill his promise of imparting knowledge (that was forbidden to be given to mankind by
Elohim) to make them like God. They believe that Elohim are evil, and Lucifer is the one who came
to bring them light. I share this with you because you need to understand the belief systems of the
Elite. They are luciferian to the very core. Every move they make in manipulating mankind is for one
express purpose: to discover how to become gods through the knowledge promised by Lucifer. Yet
God’s Word paints a different picture for us. Is Lucifer in the Creation story before Genesis 3? Would
you be surprised if I said, “Yes”? The good news is that Jesus is there, too (as well as in Genesis 3)!
The apostle John had a revelation of something that the rabbis had debated for centuries before
Jesus ever walked the shores of Galilee. But to understand this debate and revelation, you would
have to see through Hebraic eyes and view the beginning the way John did.
In the beginning (or Bereshith), there was a Word that sat right next to Elohim and was an
active part of Creation. The rabbis understood the divine nature of the Torah and believed, since it
was dictated directly from the mouth of God, that every word and its placement within Scripture held
significant meaning. In Hebrew, this word was the Aleph-Tav. In Greek, it would have been
represented as the Alpha-Omega. Grammatically, the Aleph-Tav in Hebrew is pronounced “et,” and it
is a connecting word. There is no corresponding word in English, so it remains silent. Yet, its impact
upon our understanding of Creation is profound.
The Aleph-Tav predates Creation. This word was considered by the apostle John to be the
“Word of Life” (1 John 1:1). Since Elohim is the plural form for “God” in Hebrew, why is the Aleph-
Tav residing outside of Elohim, yet considered equal with Elohim (Philippians 2:6)? I am convinced
that it was the promise of salvation. There would be a distinct work of the Aleph-Tav separate, if you
will, from the general work of Elohim in the plan for Creation and redemption. The Aleph-Tav (or
Alpha-Omega in Greek) is none other than the preincarnate Christ! Now let’s examine the Aleph-Tav
using our chart to see if we can find Jesus in its meaning.
Aleph = strength
Enoch walked with God. What was between Enoch and Elohim that enabled the walk? The
answer is the Aleph-Tav! The placement of the Aleph-Tav reveals the truth that it is impossible to
walk with God without the enabling work of Messiah.
Now let’s look at a prophetic Scripture dealing with the return of Christ:
And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of
grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall
mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is
in bitterness for his firstborn. (Zechariah 12:10)
When we view this verse in our Interlinear Bible, we again discover the Aleph-Tav.
In Zechariah 12:10, the word “me” is added to “upon” to make sense of the Scripture by the
translators. It could easily have been translated, “They shall look upon the Aleph-Tav they have
In Genesis 9:12, in the Hebrew word for “token,” we see the Aleph-Tav with another letter in
deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:1–2)
Genesis 1 is a complete statement in itself. Almighty God created the heavens (shamayim is in the
plural form and should be translated “heavens”) and the earth. Yet there is the possibility that
something happened between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. The Hebrew word for “was” in Genesis 1:2 is
hayah (haw-yaw), which means “to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out.” Whether
or not you ascribe to the concept between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 that there was a pre-Adamic race (like
Finis Dake postulated in both his Annotated Reference Bible and his book, God’s Plan for Man),
Explanatory on the Whole Bible, biblical scholars Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset, and David
Brown make the following observation:
The earth was without form and void—or in “confusion and emptiness,” as the words are
rendered in Is 34:11. This globe, at some undescribed period, having been convulsed and
broken up, was a dark and watery waste for ages perhaps, till out of this chaotic state, the
present fabric of the world was made to arise. (Emphasis added)
We find further evidence of a gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 in the writings of Isaiah:
For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made
it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD;
and there is none else. (Isaiah 45:18, emphasis added)
Notice the phrase within this verse that says: “he created it not in vain.” The Hebrew word
translated as “vain” is the same word used in Genesis 1:2: tohuw. In fact, the New American
Standard Bible (NASB) expresses the Hebrew somewhat clearer in this particular verse:
For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and
made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited), “I
am the LORD, and there is none else.” (Isaiah 45:18, emphasis added)
We can also apply something that Jesus said to what we see here in Genesis 1:2:
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)
The Greek word here for “truth” is aletheia (al-ay’-thi-a),which means “in truth, according to
truth, and in fact.” But it also has another meaning: in reality.
Is it possible that there is a conspiracy that predates mankind, in which Lucifer intended to
bring an unreality to God’s creation that would manifest in confusion and emptiness? Is it possible
that the solution to this eternal conspiracy is the Aleph-Tav who came to bring truth or divine reality
to set us free? It is very possible. Lucifer came to disrupt Creation, to bring tohuwor confusion,
chaos, and unreality. Within the nature of Lucifer is embedded the very essence of all conspiratorial
history: to so mar God’s creation that the fingerprints of the Creator can no longer be found.
28:11–17; Mt. 16:22–23; Mk. 5:7–16; Lk. 4:33–35, 41). In these and many other passages a
visible creature is addressed, but certain statements also refer to an invisible person using the
visible creature as a tool. Thus, two persons are involved in the same passage. The principle of
interpretation in such passages is to associate only such statements with each individual as
could refer to him. The statements of Gen. 3:14 could apply only to the serpent and not to Satan.
The first part of Gen. 3:15 could apply to both the seed of the serpent and Satan. The last part of
Gen. 3:15 could only refer to Satan and Christ. A simple example of this law is the case of
Christ addressing Peter as Satan. When Peter declared that he would never permit anyone to
crucify his Lord on the cross, Christ rebuked him saying, “Get thee behind Me, Satan” (Mt.
16:22–23). Both Satan and Peter were addressed in the same statement, and both were involved
in the rebuke. Peter, for the moment, was unknowingly being used as a tool of Satan in an effort
to keep Christ from going to the cross. Satan was the primary one addressed, and so it is in
Gen. 3:15. A literal serpent is addressed, but the primary reference is to Satan. We have other
examples in Isa. 14:12–14 and Ezek. 28:11–17 where the kings of Babylon and Tyre are
addressed, but the statements mainly apply to Satan—the invisible king of Babylon and Tyre.
There are some statements in these passages which could not possibly refer to an earthly man.
So we can see the Law of the Double Reference in Ezekiel 28.We will do our best to separate
that which directly speaks of the king of Tyrus from that which speaks of Lucifer.
To be truthful, an entire book could be developed by simply conducting an exhaustive study of
these verses in Ezekiel and Isaiah. I would like to focus on some of the aspects revealed about
Lucifer’s fall, as well as examine his gifts and other characteristics. Once you begin to understand his
nature and see his influence in Heaven’s conspiratorial history, you will see more clearly his
fingerprints in the history of the earth as well.
Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord
GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. (Ezekiel 28:12)
When God created Lucifer, he was the embodiment of the grand, finishing touch on the creation
what God was saying here, we need to look at the Hebrew word used for “sum.” Tokniyth (tok-
neeth’) means “measurement, pattern, proportion.” Lucifer was the seal; the pattern of perfect
measurement. Then God used the word “wisdom.” In Hebrew, the word is chokmah (khok-maw’),
which means “wisdom, skill in war, wisdom in administration, shrewdness, prudence in religious
affairs, and wisdom in ethical and religious matters.”
We need a panoramic view to completely understand the enemy we are dealing with. He
represented the full completion of:
· The skill of war
· The gift of administration
· Full understanding of religious affairs (how to operate in the spirit realm)
· Shrewdness
Friends, we must not approach spiritual warfare as novices. God must empower us, anoint us,
lead us, instruct us, and guard us. If we move outside of these parameters, the ramifications will be
severe! Thank God for the Holy Spirit, the blood of Jesus, and the written Word of God.
Perfect in Beauty
Lucifer was the perfection of beauty. We cannot derive any deeper meaning out of the original
Hebrew text. When Lucifer was created, no other angel compared to his beauty; we will find out later
that he covered the throne of God.
The Word tells us that Lucifer can also appear as an angel of light that will dazzle those who
see him.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14)
Freemasonry has been dazzled by his beauty and considers Lucifer the one to seek light from:
Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness.
Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! It is he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable
blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls. Doubt it not! For traditions are full of Divine Revelation
and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed. Plato and Philo also were
As we survey the Ark of the Covenant, we see that God changed the way He covered His throne
after the fall of Lucifer (more on his ability to cover God’s presence shortly). Now there are two
identical angels over the throne of God. No matter how perfect, how wise, or how beautiful one angel
is, there is an exact replica across the throne of God; there is no chance of one being lifted up in
pride. The fall of Lucifer cannot happen again! As far as the angels are concerned, the matter is
settled forever.
We need to understand that Lucifer has an anointing! That anointing was originally given by God, and
Lucifer perverted it for his own purposes. This is one reason I prefer the word “Messiah” over the
word “Christ.” Messiah comes from the Hebrew word ha Mashiach. There is only one Messiah as
promised by the Word of God. “Christ” comes from the Greek word Christos, which in the Greek
culture can refer to Apollo or Zeus. In paganism, these no-gods can manifest an anointing, too. Not
every anointing is from God, and not everything that is supernatural is the Holy Spirit! The
charismatic church needs to wake up to this fact.
Cherub That Covers
Lucifer was anointed and given the ability to cover the manifested presence of God. He was the
canopy over the top of the throne of God. Lucifer maintains his abilities (although perverted) today.
He still seeks to cover God’s presence in individuals; this may help explain how God can move
through an individual and yet the stream of anointing in his or her life is contaminated; we have all
been confounded by this mystery. A man or woman with open doors to the enemy can have a double-
stream. The anointing of Lucifer can cover or ride right on top of the anointing of God if the enemy
has a legal right. This is part of his end-time strategy; the enemy uses carnally minded preachers who
declare, “Since sin was taken care of on the cross, you can now live as you please—Jesus overrode
the commandments of the ‘wrathful’ God of the Old Testament, and you can now disregard all of that
instruction.” Lucifer can create quite the canopy over a life embracing such lies, and this is just a part
of the fulfillment of the great falling away!
This has been a problem in the Church for years, because most people believe that once they
are saved, the enemy can’t gain access to them. A wounded heart, pride, unconfessed sin, and a host
of other issues can open a door to the enemy. With the constant updates of revelatory information
concerning victims of mind-control programming and their placement in the churches, the following
list provides a crucial template for pastors. These qualities must be present with a man or woman of
· Broken and humble
· Consecrated and walking in holiness
· Quick to deal with his or her own inner world
· Complete in Christ (This is a sensitive issue, but we need to address it. If people need
something besides the completed work of Jesus to feel whole, they have a vacancy in
their soul that the enemy can use to contaminate the anointing God placed within them.
When I see individuals who are driven to be used up front in services and driven for
others to see that they are anointed and can be used of God, I see a wound that Lucifer
will use against them. The enemy uses the entryway of that open wound [manifested
through that driven need] to contaminate their anointing to affect ministries and all they
minister to! Lucifer strategically wounded them because they had a calling and an
anointing on their life. He wants to use that wound against them and render them
ineffective in the kingdom. If this sounds like you, the best thing you can do is to become
God’s secret agent. Refuse to be upfront and be seen. Stay in the background and
intercede for others. Allow the time in the background to be a season for God to minister
to you; many times, these types of wounds come from not having the affirmation needed as
a child and may require some introspection. Find your worth in knowing Him. You will
know when you are healed, because being seen, recognized, and upfront will no longer be
important to you. You will find peace by simply communing with Jesus and watching God
blesses those around you. Then you will be able to use your talents for God.)
Understanding that Lucifer has an anointing also enables us to spiritually contextualize such
historical phenomena as Adolf Hitler. Hitler was trained by Dietrich Eckart, who was an influential
member of the Thule Society, a wealthy publisher, and editor-in-chief of an anti-Semitic journal he
called In Plain German. Hitler’s training included esoteric knowledge (possibly dating all the way
back to the fallen angels of Genesis 6) on how to flow in Lucifer’s anointing to recruit followers in
Germany. Later, he tapped into this perverted anointing and utilized forms of mind control to sway the
masses. The words used in his speeches, the rhythm and framework of his sentence structure, and the
pageantry of the meetings he led were occult constructs in which Lucifer’s anointing could flow
unimpeded. Once you develop a basic understanding of how to set the stage for occult power to flow,
as it did with Hitler, you will never look at a presidential campaign in the United States the same way
The Five “I Wills” of Lucifer
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the
the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. (Isaiah 14:12–15)
Notice in this passage that Lucifer declares “I will” five times. As I have already shared in this
chapter, five is the biblical number for grace. Out of pride, Lucifer attempted to use his anointing
from God to create a false grace to empower his ascension into something else…something outside of
the framework of God’s design. This counterfeit grace was offered to Adam and Eve, and it was
embodied within the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
The promise of luciferian grace is being heralded today in esoteric secret societies and
manifests in the aspirations of the Transhumanist Movement. But their end goal will never be attained.
As with Lucifer, their attempts to ascend into godhood will result in them being brought down into the
very pits of hell itself!
On to Genesis 2 and 3
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that
the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before
it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to
till the ground.
But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:4–7)
In Genesis 2, God reveals Himself for the first time as the LORD God (YHVH-Elohim). YHVH
is considered in Scripture as the most sacred name of God. The theological term for this name of God
is the Tetragrammaton. When God began dealing with mankind, He revealed part of His nature that
Lucifer had never seen. Let’s look at what the rabbis understand about God as YHVH-Elohim.
The divine appellation Elohim, translated “God,” was understood to denote His aspect of
judgment and YHVH, translated “Lord,” His aspect of mercy (Gen. R. XXXIII.3), and the
combination of the two names in the verse, “These are the generations of the heaven and the
earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God (YHVH Elohim) made earth and
heaven” (Gen. ii. 4) is explained as follows: “It may be likened to a kind who had empty
vessels. The king said, ‘If I put hot water into them they will crack; if I put icy water into them
they will contract.’ What did the king do? He mixed the hot with the cold and poured the
mixture into the vessels, and they endured. Similarly said the Holy One, blessed is He, ‘If I
create the world only with the attribute of mercy, sin will multiply beyond all bounds; if I
created it only with the attribute of justice, how can the world last? Behold, I will create it with
both attributes; would that it might endure!’’ (Gen. R. XII. 15).
Indeed, it was only because the quality of mercy prevailed at Creation that the
human race was allowed to come into being.
In the creation of mankind, God balanced mercy and judgment together. This is very significant,
and it took Lucifer by surprise. Notice how the serpent in the garden referred to God:
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.
And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
(Genesis 3:1)
The serpent only addressed God as Elohim. There was no mention of YHVH by the serpent.
This is the part of God’s nature that was never revealed to Lucifer. No redemption of Lucifer or those
angels who fell with him is ever mentioned in the Word of God. The only thing reserved for them is
the judgment that flows from Elohim. It is very possible that Lucifer believed that once man sinned,
redemption would be impossible for him as well, and mankind would forever be under his control.
Now it is very easy to see Lucifer in the story of Genesis 3; he was the serpent that came to take
God’s family from Him. (We will look more into what he offered a little later.) But can we find Jesus
in Genesis 2 and 3? Let’s use our chart again to examine the most Holy Name of God: the
Yod = hand
Hey = behold, reveal, window
Vav = nail
Hey = behold, reveal, window
The first thing that we see in the mercy side of God is that He has a nailed hand! The Aleph-Tav
has now been revealed as YHVH! He is the same God that is revealed in the Old and New
Another way of saying the Tetragrammaton is “I AM.”
Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. (John 8:58)
Jesus is also the same God who was revealed to the earth in His First Coming and will be
revealed in His Second Coming. Not only are the two revealments encoded into God’s name as
YHVH, but they are also found in His combined name of YHVH-Elohim.
YHVH: In His First Coming, He did not come to judge the world (John 3:17) but to bring
salvation and mercy. Another way of expressing this would be to call Him “Messiah ben
Joseph” (“the Suffering Servant”).
Elohim: In His Second Coming, He comes to judge a world that has rejected Him and
His sacrifice as Messiah ben Joseph. He comes as “Messiah ben David” (“the Conquering
King”). Those who have not bowed before Him will be cut off and removed from the earth.
John understood this nature of God as revealed in YHVH-Elohim and saw both the Jesus he
knew in the Gospels and the Jesus who was revealed to him in the Revelation. All of that was told
from the very beginning!
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.
And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not
eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened,
and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (Genesis 3:1–5)
Now let’s spend a few minutes dissecting what the serpent was doing.
Questioning God’s Motives
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the
earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Genesis 1:28)
After blessing Adam and Eve, God began to speak words of empowerment over them. In the
original Hebrew, it is clear that God was speaking commands over Adam and Eve the same way He
had spoken them over creation to bring divine order to nullify Lucifer’s chaos. But the commands do
not stop there.
And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest
freely eat:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the
day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (Genesis 2:15–17)
The authority God had commanded into mankind is now more defined in chapter 2. Adam’s task
was to dress and keep the garden. Or, to put it another way, Adam was to work in the garden and
protect it (that is what “keep” means in Hebrew). Then, finally, God instructed Adam to never eat of
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, because doing so would produce death. So, Adam had
commandments before the Fall. Many are shocked to discover this truth. If Adam had been without
commandments in the garden, it would have been impossible for him to have sinned, because sin is
the violation of God’s commandments (1 John 3:4). God’s commandments were given to empower
Adam for blessing and authority. The serpent then questioned God’s motivation behind those very
commandments, insinuating that God was keeping something important away from mankind: godhood!
Questioning the Consequences of Violating God’s Commandments
The serpent moved from questioning the motives behind violating the commandments given to Adam
to questioning the consequences: “Ye shall not surely die!” Our enemy has become a master of half-
truths (required for any true conspiracy). In fact, two types of death were wrapped up in the violation
of God’s commandments:
Spiritual Death: Biblically, death simply means “separation.” It does not mean the
“blinking out of existence.” Spiritual death is separation from God, and it entered the spirits of
Adam and Eve the moment they sinned. At that moment, they lost fellowship with God and
godhood and become like Elohim. The darkened hearts of men have been hungering for this
knowledge and its promise ever since the garden. Those who labor in the army of darkness seek to
become like God, live forever, and evade the judgment of the Almighty. Gaining this knowledge and
its transformative power is at the very heart of the beginning of Babylon and all mystery religions on
earth! In fact, the mystery religions claim that their hero, Nimrod, achieved transformation into
something other than human and finally realized apotheosis.
Chapter Three
Conspiratorial History within the Bible
Part 2: Genesis 6
In the previous chapter, we discovered that there is a gold mine of information God encoded into the
stories presented in the Torah (especially in the book of Genesis) just waiting to be unearthed. The
sages of Israel have told us that it would take a faithful student of the Word a lifetime just to discover
most of the secrets God presented to us in Genesis 1–3. Over the years, several of my students have
attempted to develop an exhaustive study of the book of Genesis for their doctoral dissertations. As
they examined the original language of the Hebrew text and discovered such a treasure trove of
information, they concluded that their dissertations could only cover a fraction of what is available in
just the first chapter. Even then, many of their papers far surpassed the required standard length of a
doctoral dissertation. What God can say in one sentence can become a lifetime of study for any
serious student of the Word.
The perfect example of the power of one sentence from God is when Jesus made a seemingly
simple statement in Matthew 24:37:
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matthew 24:37)
Jesus was speaking of the last days. In the verse that preceded this statement, we find:
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
(Matthew 24:36)
Since we have been so deprived of our Hebraic heritage, most students of the Bible miss the
fact that Jesus had just used a Hebraic idiom that connected what He was sharing with the Feast of
Trumpets. The language He continued to use in verses 40–42 confirms this fact for those who use the
tools of hermeneutical research to understand the cultural setting in which Jesus taught. Although
the purpose of this chapter is not to teach on the importance of cultural idioms and their proper
use within our exegetical exercises to glean truth from the Word of God, I hope I have sparked
your interest enough to promote expansion of your hermeneutical toolbox. We need to realize that
Jesus did not minister in the streets of Detroit or the country hills of Kentucky. He spoke to a culture
that had a deep and enriched heritage cultivated by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and
nourished by a study of Torah. Biblical scholar Dr. John Garr makes this observation regarding our
habitual dismissal of the cultural setting in our interpretative processes:
The problem is that practically all societies and people groups have read their own concepts
and cultures into the Bible rather than drawing out of the Holy Scriptures the truths that have
always been there. The church’s approach to Holy Writ has been ignorant at best and
disingenuous at worst. When interpreting the Bible, Christians have engaged in eisegesis rather
than exegesis by injecting their preconceived notions into Scripture rather than extracting from
the text what it clearly says.
Texts without context have become pretexts for proof texts! The grammar of the
Scriptures (the Hebrew language of the first testament and the Hebrew thought underlying
the Greek language of the second testament) has been largely minimized if not downright
ignored. Likewise, the history and culture of the people through whom and to whom the
sacred texts were committed have been virtually ignored. Entire theologies have been
based upon a “criterion of dissimilarity” in which texts in the Apostolic Scriptures that
have clear connections with the Hebrew Scriptures have been dismissed by some
scholars as not being the authentic words of Jesus and the apostles but the work of
subsequent redactors. It is as though Jesus had to have been born and lived in a vacuum
and never influenced by his native language and culture. The very idea has given rise to a
Christianity that has been wretched from its theological and historical moorings and set
adrift in a maelstrom of nonbiblical—in far too many cases, anti-Biblical—traditions,
including postmodernism, consequentialism, secular humanism, and even demonic
If the cultural context within Scripture is so essential to the formation of the practics of our
faith, is it not equally paramount in our understanding of Bible prophecy? Such casual dismissals
caused prophecy teachers in the past century to declare anyone teaching that Israel would once again
become a nation as a promoter of heresy. When Israel became a nation overnight in 1948, it shook the
very foundations of many evangelical prophecy ministries worldwide. We need to learn from these
mistakes and incorporate a Hebraic understanding into our hermeneutical process.
I said all of that to make a point: When Jesus spoke of the “days of Noah,” it served as a
memory trigger to all of the hearers who could tap into over one thousand years of teaching regarding
every aspect of the Noah narrative. In the times of Jesus, there were not chapters and verses to
Scripture; these would not be added until the twelfth century by Stephen Langton with the introduction
of the Latin Vulgate Bible. The sages of Israel would use a word or phrase to take the hearers to the
portion of Scripture they were referring to. This is especially true with the Torah. Thus, as diligent
students of God’s Word, we must labor to hear with Hebraic ears and dig deep into Noah’s story to
properly ascertain all that Jesus was referring to.
7And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth;
both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I
have made them.
8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. (Genesis 6:1–8)
So many things seem to jump off the page as I approach these verses. Before I fully dive into the story
of Noah, I want to touch on a biblical conundrum for the Transhumanist Movement contained within
these passages of Holy Writ. In verse 3, God declares that He is going to limit the lifespan of man to
120 years. As we examine the text, we find as a mission of grace to mankind, Noah spent 120 years
preaching repentance and building the ark. It was only after the canopy over the earth was broken up
by God that the Flood came, and with it the dynamic changing of earth’s environment, which reduced
man’s lifespan. Prior to the Flood, according to biblical record, men would not even begin to have
children until they approached their eighties or older! Now God sets the time limit to a man’s life
based on the number of years that Noah preached of the coming destruction and the need for
repentance. (This also serves as a prophetic warning that there is a limit to how long God will extend
His grace toward men.) The more time sinful man had to live and learn, the deeper he would become
entrenched with the knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil. If given enough time, man’s insatiable
appetite for dark knowledge would transform earth into a literal hell that God could not tolerate.
Today, transhumanists are endeavoring to circumvent God’s restraints on our lifespan. From what
I have read in their literature, this is one of their primary goals. Seventy, eighty, or even one hundred
and twenty years are not enough for them. While they lament over global warming and the perils of
overpopulation, they seek to provide only a chosen few the opportunity to live hundreds of years, if
not obtain near immortality. With the exponential acceleration of knowledge in the last days and the
possibility of extending the life span of the Luciferian Elite, they may well have the time needed to
thwart God’s intervention in Genesis 6! You see, God shortening man’s lifespan to 120 years (and
then later to seventy to eighty) was not a judgment against humanity; it was an expression of His grace
toward all mankind.
Evil Imaginations
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of
the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5)
I want to examine verses 4 and 5 in a manner that is similar to a physician’s diagnostic procedure: He
would examine the presenting symptoms. Symptomology can be used in medicine and nutrition, and
even in examining the health of a civilization. If certain symptoms are present in a patient, it will
point toward the underlying disease that caused it. There is an intertwining aspect within the text of
the corrupt Sons of God (Bene Elohim), the development of hybrid offspring, and the explosive evil
within men’s hearts. This wickedness that manifested within mankind was declared as “great” by
God. In Hebrew, the word for “great” is rab (rab). This word means “abounding, strong, exceedingly,
and more numerous than.” When evil has become so strong that it abounds throughout humanity
and its perpetrators are more numerous than the righteous, it is a presenting sociological symptom of
interference by the fallen Bene Elohim. (More on this later in both this chapter and an upcoming
chapter dedicated to the “Communion with Darkness.”)
Dealing with the Fallen Angels in the Room
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of
traditional Hebraic view that these were angels and not men. Some would argue today that the sons of
God represented the descendants of Seth. Dr. Chuck Missler explains the origin of the Sethite theory:
The strange events recorded in Genesis 6 were understood by the ancient rabbinical sources, as
well as the Septuagint translators, as referring to fallen angels procreating weird hybrid
offspring with human women-known as the “Nephilim.” So it was also understood by the early
church fathers. These bizarre events are also echoed in the legends and myths of every ancient
culture upon the earth: the ancient Greeks, the Egyptians, the Hindus, the South Sea Islanders,
the American Indians, and virtually all the others.
However, many students of the Bible have been taught that this passage in Genesis
6actually refers to a failure to keep the “faithful” lines of Seth separate from the “worldly” line
of Cain. The idea has been advanced that after Cain killed Abel, the line of Seth remained
separate and faithful, but the line of Cain turned ungodly and rebellious. The “Sons of God” are
deemed to refer to leadership in the line of Seth; the “daughters of men” is deemed restricted to
the line of Cain. The resulting marriages ostensibly blurred an inferred separation between
them. (Why the resulting offspring are called the “Nephilim” remains without any clear
Since Jesus prophesied, “As the days of Noah were, so shall the coming of the Son of
Man be,” it becomes essential to understand what these days included.
Origin of the Sethite View
It was in the 5th Century A.D. that the “angel” interpretation of Genesis 6was
increasingly viewed as an embarrassment when attacked by critics. (Furthermore, the worship
of angels had begun within the church. Also, celibacy had also become an institution of the
church. The “angel” view of Genesis 6was feared as impacting these views.)
Celsus and Julian the Apostate used the traditional “angel” belief to attack
Christianity. Julius Africanus resorted to the Sethite interpretation as a more comfortable
ground. Cyril of Alexandria also repudiated the orthodox “angel” position with the “line
of Seth” interpretation. Augustine also embraced the Sethite theory and thus it prevailed
into the Middle Ages. It is still widely taught today among many churches who find the
literal “angel” view a bit disturbing. There are many outstanding Bible teachers who still
defend this view.
In my own personal research, I have concluded that Dr. Missler is correct. All of the sages of
Israel and the early Church fathers concluded that the “sons of God” referred to some category of
angel and not righteous men! It should also be noted that, in the rabbinical literature of today, these
sons of God are still interpreted as fallen angels as well. The only deviation from this interpretation
is within Catholic theology and the Protestant theology that was influenced by Rome. Any time a
biblical theory stops at Rome and does not continue on to Jerusalem, I am convinced that it produces
problems. Rome’s universal Church tends to amalgamate pagan traditions and concepts rather than
replacing them with biblical truth. It appears to me that the truth of fallen angels breeding with human
women did not fit well into other areas of their developing theology, thus an alternative view was
George H. Pember, in his classic work written in late 1800s, Earth’s Earliest Ages, came to the
same conclusion:
These words are often explained to signify nothing more than the intermarriage of the
descendants of Cain and Seth: but a careful examination of the passage will elicit a far deeper
When men, we are told, began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were
born unto them, the sons of God saw the daughters of men. Now by “men” in each case the
whole human race is evidently signified, the descendants of Cain and Seth alike. Hence the
the Old Testament, and is in each of these cases indisputably used of angelic beings.
To me, the concept of producing giants by the marriage of godly men with corrupt women is far-
fetched. If that were the case, we would have giants living among us today. It is obvious that
1. Sex was not Satan’s idea; it was God’s. God meant for it to deepen the covenant relationship
of marriage between a man and a woman. It was for pleasure, intimacy, and procreation.
2. Since God created sex, He also set boundaries for its proper use. These boundaries, as well
as all others declared within the Word of God, were established because of God’s love for us. The
act of sex is more than just a physical union. Mankind was created in the image of God; this is
exemplified in our tripartite design. Sex brings all three aspects of our being into play, so our spirits,
souls, and bodies are affected. Sexual union outside of the boundaries established by God can open
the doors of Hell to the lives of those individuals and within society as a whole.
It is interesting to note that all of the angels revealed in the Bible are presented as male. (I am
concerned about some of today’s ministers reportedly having visitations from female angels. This
does not fit the biblical norm, and I believe deception is involved.) Their stories seem to deviate
from the creation of mankind. God desired a helpmeet for Adam and created Eve from Adam’s own
flesh. This action not only gave Adam a companion, wife, and friend, but it enabled him to procreate.
This ability corresponds with God’s command for the two to “be fruitful and multiply.” No such
command was ever given to the angels. It would seem that they were all created as males, and God
never intended for them to procreate. So we see, in Genesis 6, why both the concepts of sex and
procreation were such an overwhelming temptation for them. This understanding allows us to
correlate within our thinking: (1) Genesis 6; (2) the men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanting to have sex
with the angels; and (3) what Jesus said about angels in Matthew 22:30.
For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of
God in heaven. (Matthew 22:30)
The subject of these verses in Matthew is marriage and procreation. It is not that the angels
(presented as male) cannot have sex; rather, it is not in the plan of God for them to enter marriage or
to procreate. This might have been the sin that caused them to lose their first estate (Jude 6). In the
same way, after the resurrection, there will be no need for the glorified saints to procreate.
I. D. E. Thomas, in his now-classic book on Genesis 6 entitled, The Omega Conspiracy, shared
a quote from renowned theologian, Francis A. Schaeffer, regarding his belief that Genesis 6 revealed
that the Bene Elohim were indeed angels and not descendants of Seth:
More and more we are finding that mythology in general though greatly contorted very often has
some historic base. And the interesting thing is that one myth which occurs over and over again
in many parts of the world is that somewhere a long time ago supernatural beings had sexual
intercourse with natural women and produced a special breed of people.
The Palladium Is Level 9
Briefing Note
The Sodom and Gomorrah Story
There is more to the story than just the homosexual desires of the men in the city; you
have to understand occult practices to comprehend it. Dr. Bill Schnoebelen of One
Accord Ministries has shared in his video, Exposing the Illuminati from Within,
his account of his promotion within the occult. To be accepted into the lower
branches of the Illuminati, he was required to marry a fallen angel. In the ceremony,
there was a requirement of drinking each other’s blood, which is forbidden in
Scripture, and the ceremony was concluded with the consummation of the marriage.
In the thirteen levels of Masonic hierarchy revealed in the pyramid on the back of the
US dollar, there is a level between memberships in the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)
and the Illuminati: This level is known as the Palladium. (Entrance in the Palladium
is where this marriage/sexual union with a fallen angel takes place. The combination
of drinking blood and sexual union greatly expanded one’s occult powers. In my own
research, I found other references to this practice within advanced levels of the
occult. The Sodom and Gomorrah story was about more than just homosexuality; it
tells the tale of those individuals who were seeking to increase the power of evil
within their lives through union with the angels who came to visit Lot.)
It is not specifically revealed in Scripture whether the Watchers fell away from God at the time
of the fall of Lucifer or during the Genesis 6 account of the sin of mating with human females, but their
falling away was alluded to twice in the New Testament:
For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God:
but the woman is the glory of the man.
For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man.
Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.
The Greek word used for power here is exousia (ex-oo-see’-ah), which speaks of authority.
When a woman comes under the authority of her husband as a part of covenant relationship, it closes
the door of temptation (or possibly access) by angelic beings.
Briefing Note
Male Covering
In our own congregational ministry, we have dealt with individuals who had obvious
connections to the occult. Several unmarried women who attended our congregation
voiced their desire to have a pastoral covering. Through the process of research and
observation, we concluded that they were using the spiritual covering as protection
from retaliation of demonic spirits sent from others involved in the occult as they
practiced their devilish arts. Pastors are called to protect sheep, not to protect
wolves in sheep’s clothing. I have received reports from pastors (who extended such
coverings) of how these demonic forces would attack them. Once the covering was
renounced, the attacks would stop. Please let this serve as a warning to pastors who
find themselves in similar situations.
And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in
everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. (Jude 1:6)
Jude tells us that certain angels did not keep their “first estate,” but they left it for something
else. He was connecting this, I believe, with Genesis 6. The sensual pleasures of sex and the power
shares a possible reason it was never officially accepted as canon by the Jewish community at large:
Although evidently widely known during the development of the Hebrew Bible canon, 1 Enoch
was excluded from both the formal canon of the Tanakh and the typical canon of
the Septuagint and therefore, also the writings known today as the Deuterocanon. One possible
reason for Jewish rejection of the book might be the textual nature of several early sections of
the book that make use of material from the Torah; for example, 1 En 1 is
a midrash of Deuteronomy 33.
There are several aspects of the Book of Enoch that I find interesting:
place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there
for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgment he
shall be cast into the fire.” (1 Enoch 10:4–6)
It is interesting that the scapegoat of Leviticus 16 is connected to Azazel, and its fate is similar
to his own.
And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the LORD, and the other lot for the
scapegoat. (Leviticus 16:8)
And when he hath made an end of reconciling the holy place, and the tabernacle of the
congregation, and the altar, he shall bring the live goat:
And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him
all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting
them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the
And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited: and
he shall let go the goat in the wilderness. (Leviticus 16:20–22)
The Hebrew word in Leviticus 16:8 for “scapegoat” is azazel (az-aw-zale’).
There was a possible trade agreement going on between the Watchers and mankind: the trading
of women for knowledge and technology. In exchange for access to human women, the Watchers
began teaching mankind knowledge drawn from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that
polluted their minds. According to the Book of Enoch, that is exactly what Azazel did:
And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made
known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments,
and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all
colouring tinctures.
And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were
led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. (1 Enoch 8:1–2)
Thou seest what Azazel hath done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed
the eternal secrets which were (preserved) in heaven, which men were striving to learn. (1
of all is that they feel no concern for their proper dignity but prostitute to others without a
qualm the flower of their bodies; nor do they consider this a disgraceful thing to do, but
rather when anyone of them is thus approached and refuses the favor offered him, this
they consider an act of dishonor.
Quayle goes on to share the connection of the Watchers and the practice of bestiality:
While such a possibility is almost too repulsive to imagine, the bestiality of Sodom and
Gomorra and the linkage of these two cities to the practices of the fallen angels elsewhere in
the Bible suggest such hideous acts might be considered a possibility.
Interestingly, a Canaanite tablet contains several verses claiming that such matings took
From all the research I have completed over the past several decades, I have found a weaving
of the sexual practices of the Watchers and Nephilim with the practice of many forms of ritual magic.
One such practice combines homosexuality and pedophilia; it is known as Transyuggothian Magic.
This horrific practice allows the male sorcerer to access other dimensions or galaxies to commune
with supposed older and stronger entities than the God of the Bible through sex with young boys.
Through this commune, spiritual, occult power is drawn through the young boy to empower the
sorcerer. This defilement also serves as sexual vampirism, in which the sorcerer draws the life force
of the young boy to extend his own life—a vain attempt to achieve immortality. Dr. Bill Schnoebelen
reveals in his video series, Exposing the Illuminati from Within, that this was a common practice
with Aleister Crowley (one of the most well-known sorcerers and Freemasons of the past century)
and members of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), and that it is also the royal secret of the 32nd
degree of Freemasonry (the certificate of the 32nd degree declares that the Freemason holds the
secret, but none are told what it actually is—a common practice in occult circles).
The list of connections between deviate sexual practices/lifestyles and the occult could easily
become a book in itself. The link between the two is real and is manifested in many levels, from
combining forces to change societal norms to ritualistic magic forbidden by Scripture. There is a
correlation between the new sexual revolution being forced upon us worldwide today, the waning of
the influence of Christianity in the Northern Hemisphere, and the expansion of all occult groups
within our society. Truly, the days of Noah are unfolding before our very eyes.
Then the Book of Enoch goes on to tell us that the Watchers began revealing eternal secrets that
were preserved in Heaven, and that men were striving to learn them. Today, all esoteric societies are
striving to once again discover and use these eternal secrets to enslave mankind and to return to the
“old glory days” before Almighty God intervened! Rediscovering Atlantis is a theme that permeates
occult literature to include the influential writings of H. P. Blavatsky, Sir Francis Bacon, and Masonic
philosopher, Manly P. Hall, just to name a few. This desire was embedded within the Thule Society
that groomed Adolf Hitler and was the goal of the Third Reich. The story of Atlantis, in which super
humans lived and ultimate knowledge had been obtained, was destroyed by a catastrophic flood.
Perhaps Atlantis (or some variation of its name within occult lore) was a city inhabited by the
Watchers and their children, the Nephilim. This legendary city might have served as the center of
culture, power, and learning of the forbidden arts in the pre-antediluvian world. It would appear that
the Luciferian Elite are striving to recreate their City of Gold.
We need to reevaluate our perspective of the times of Noah. This was not a time when
barbarians wandered around in small groups that lacked any type of civilization. In fact, it was quite
the opposite. Again, I refer to the research of George H. Pember. He provides the following
observations regarding the Antediluvian Age:
1. Cain had taught them to settle in communities, and build cities; and the sons of Lamech—
speedily followed, no doubt, by many others—had introduced the mechanical and fine arts, and
had devised unlawful means of evading the labour imposed by the curse.
2.And yet so great had been their intellectual power that the famous library of Agane,
founded at the time by Sargon I, was stocked with books “which were either translated from
Accadian originally, or else based on Accadian texts, and filled with technical words which
belonged to the old language.”
3. We have evidence that in very early times there were well-known libraries at Erech,
Ur, Cutha, and Larsa, to which observatories and universities were attached.
If, then, we give but their fair weight to these considerations, we seem compelled
to admit that the antediluvians may have attained a perfection in civilization and high
culture that has scarcely yet been recovered, much as we pride ourselves upon our own
This exchange of women for advanced (forbidden) knowledge, technology, and civil
advancement is not limited to the Antediluvian Age. This same theme of women producing offspring
of the gods and the people receiving advanced information and technology is seen throughout the
ancient world. Even many of the cultures of ancient Mesa America, to include both the Aztec and
Mayan civilizations, are filled with such stories. It should be noted that both of their cultures
possessed advanced knowledge that was impossible with their level of technology. Before Nazi
Germany exploded on the scene with a progressive society that boasted of fluoridated water,
complete gun control, a robust economy, and a desire to bring humanity to a new level of perfection
through what they termed as the “Aryan Race,” they were obsessed with reconnecting to the old gods
and practicing something called transchanneling. Transchanneling was similar to the work of a
medium who would speak with the dead, except their mediums would communicate with aliens (or
beings from another dimension). The established communion with these otherworldly beings
provided the technological superiority that Nazi Germany had at the beginning of World War II—from
rockets to the first jet fighters. We also need to ask ourselves: Were all of the experiments conducted
by Nazi scientists in the horrors of the concentration camps ideas of their own making, or were they
inspired by the entities they were in communion with? Remember, the knowledge they gained was
considered so valuable that the nations that conquered Germany divided up the scientists to tap into
that vast, cutting-edge research. In our own country, under Operation Paperclip, scores of Nazi
scientists were secretly brought to our nation. Many of these individuals were instrumental in the
founding of US institutions that are in the forefront of influence in our society today: from the CIA to
Briefing Note
Nazi Aryan Race Connected to Nephilim
In Russ Dizdar’s video entitled, The Black Awakening: The Rise of the Satanic
Supersoldier, he discusses how the mind-controlled victims of the Black
Awakening Programming have German-speaking Nazi alter-personalities that believe
the “Aryan Race” is the return to a pure Nephilim bloodline. These personalities are
convinced that they are a superior breed of humans and are the super army of the
Luciferian Elite.
I also find it interesting that there were UFO sightings during World War II. Our fighter pilots
called them “Foo Fighters.” Wikipedia provides the following information on this phenomenon:
The term foo fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II to describe
various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both
U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron, the term was also commonly used to mean any UFO
sighting from that period. Formally reported from November 1944 onwards, witnesses
often assumed that the foo fighters were secret weapons employed by the enemy.
Did the pagan rituals practiced by the SS of Nazi Germany open portals into outer darkness and
allow the very Watchers that God had cast out in the times of Noah to enter back into the earth? New
revelations have come to light in the eye-opening documentary entitled Blood Sacrifice—Cleansing
the Soil for the Aryan Antichrist by Cutting Edge Studios. The researchers of this documentary found
eyewitnesses of Nazi movements right before the end of World War II. Trucks were loaded with the
ashes of all those killed in the concentration camps (both Jews and Gentiles) to be used in occult
rituals throughout Europe. The purpose of the rituals was to cleanse the land of the effects of
Christianity and to rededicate it back to the old gods. (Christianity has been in decline in Europe ever
After World War II, the United States began to experience numerous UFO sightings. At first, the
military was concerned that these sightings were new secret weapons from the Soviet Union or
another enemy. After the alleged Roswell crash, the attitude of the US government and the military
changed drastically. They moved from worrying about secret weapons to actively discrediting their
reality. From that point on, two things began to happen in the US: 1) Citizens were abducted and had
sexual reproductive experiments conducted on them; and 2) technological advancement exploded
within our nation. Has America been exchanging access to our citizens for advanced knowledge since
the end of WWII? Let’s address this from the symptomological standpoint regarding the influence of
the Watchers.
1. Has there been a great acceleration of knowledge that surpasses that of previous generations?
2. Has there been a refining of civilization and technology with a corresponding level of
unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which
were of old, men of renown.(Genesis 6:4)
An important word I want to look at in this Scripture is “giants.” In Hebrew, the word is nephiyl (nef-
eel’), and it means “giants, the Nephilim.”
The New American Commentary provides the following insights regarding the usage of the
term “Nephilim.”
“Nephilim” is a transliteration of the Hebrew, not a translation, which indicates a group or
class. It is commonly related to nāpal, meaning “to fall”; thus the Nephilim are considered “the
Fallen Ones.” If so, does this refer to their expulsion from heaven, their death as “fallen” in
battle, or to their moral degeneracy? Another proposal is the related noun nēpel, meaning
“miscarriage” (Job 3:16; Ps 58:8 [9]; Eccl 6:3), suggesting that they were unusual in
appearance since they were born by miscarriage. The terms “fallen” and “warriors” occur
repeatedly in Ezekiel’s oracles against the nations (Ezek 32:20–27) whose armies fall in battle;
this may have alluded to 6:1–4.Ezekiel’s use of “fallen,” however, is likely a sound play on the
Delitzsch, nevertheless, together with Hofmann, prefers to explain it as the fallen, namely, from
heaven, because begotten by heavenly beings. Here from to falt, would he make to fall from,
and from this again, to fall from heaven; then this is made to mean begotten of heavenly
beings! The sense, cadentes, defectores, apostatœ (see Gesenius), would be more near the
truth. “There were giants” ()ָהיוּ, not, there became giants, which would have required ַו ִּיְהיוּfor its
expression (see Keil). These giants, or powerful men, are already in near cotemporaneity with
the transgression of these mesalliances (in those very same days), and this warrants the
conclusion of Luther, that these powerful men were doers of violent deeds. (Emphasis
Finally, Gesenius’ Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures adds another
piece to our exegetical puzzle.
ָנִפיל only in pl. ְנִפיִליםm. giants, Gen. 6:4; Nu. 13:33.So all the ancient versions (Chald. ִנְפָלאthe
giant in the sky, i.e. the constellation Orion, plur. the greater constellations). The etymology of
this word is uncertain. Some have compared ﻧَِﺒﯿُﻞ, ُﻧَِﺒﯿﻠَﺔ, which Gigg. and Cast. Render, great, large
in body; but this is incorrect; for it means, excellent, noble, skilful. I prefer with the Hebrew
interpreters and Aqu. (ἐπιπίπτοντες) falling on, attacking, so that ָנִפילis of intransitive
signification. Those who used to interpret the passage in Genesis of the fall of the angels, were
accustomed to render נפיליםfallers, rebels, apostates.
From these three highly respected Christian references, we can deduce the following:
· The Nephilim were the offspring of angels (most likely a specific class of angels
described in 1 Enoch as Watchers).
· The term “Nephilim” would seem to indicate a new classification or group of beings,
separate for the normal human population.
The Nephilim possessed no godly characteristics. They were rebels against anything godly,
representing those fallen from heaven, and were complete apostates (there was no hope for
redemption). Violence and an insatiable appetite for every sinful practice were fully embodied within
their nature.
These creatures were so unnatural that the women’s bodies would reject them, and they would
miscarry these abominations. The unearthly strength of these creatures was manifested in their ability
to survive the miscarriages and continue to grow into adulthood.
again in many parts of the world is that somewhere a long time ago supernatural beings had
sexual intercourse with natural women and produced a special breed of people.
Mythology is replete with stories of men who were half god or demigod, such as the legendary
Hercules. We also find stories of beings that were half man and half animal that possibly fit the
narrative of “Baal and the Heifer” referred to by Stephen Quayle from the ancient Canaanite tablet.
Such legends seem to be derived from nothing more than the imaginations of primitive men, until
recently when Russia announced that it discovered the ancient remains of a satyr in an archeological
dig. It should be noted that both Christian researchers Stephen Quayle and Dr. L.A. Marzulli have
discovered a planned, massive cover-up of such findings by the world’s Elite, to include the
Smithsonian Institute here in the US. While the Elite promote evolution in our schools (something they
do not believe in themselves) and herald the benefits of the grand transhumanist endeavor to transform
mankind into Human 2.0, they are actively hiding the evidence that this transformation has already
Remember Gesenius’ rendering of the Hebrew word “Nephilim” as “apostate”? There was no
redemption possible for the Nephilim, only destruction and divine judgment. The Word also tells us in
Isaiah 26:14:
They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise: therefore hast thou
visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish.
Finis Dake, in his Annotated Reference Bible, shares from his research that this verse indeed
refers to the Nephilim:
Giants Have No Resurrection
Hebrew: rapha’ (HSN-<H7496>), translated dead (Isa. 26:19; 14:9; Job 26:5; Ps. 88:10–11;
Prov. 2:18; 9:18; 21:16); deceased (Isa. 26:14); giants (Dt. 2:11,20; 3:11,13; Josh. 12:4; 13:12;
15:8; 17:15; 18:16; 2Sam. 21:16–22; 1Chr. 20:4–8); and Rephaim (Isa. 17:5; Gen. 14:5; 15:20;
2Sam. 5:18,22; 23:13; 1Chr. 11:15; 14:9). In the eight places where it is translated dead and
deceased it should have been retained as a proper name—Rephaim, as follows:
1. Rephaim under waters.
2. Shall the Rephaim arise and praise You? (Ps. 88:10–11)
3. Her paths unto the Rephaim. (Prov. 2:18)
4. The Rephaim are there. (Prov. 9:18).
5. Congregation to the Rephaim. (Prov. 21:16)
6. It stirreth up the Rephaim for you. (Isa. 14:9)
visited and destroyed them (Isa 26:14). This plainly teaches that the giants or Rephaim
have no resurrection like the dead of Israel referred to in Isa 26:19. They were the
offspring of fallen angels, not ordinary men who do have a resurrection.
Regarding Genesis 6, I believe that the original intent of the kingdom of darkness was to
accomplish two goals:
1. To so contaminate the human genome that there would be no pure human bloodline left for
Messiah (the Seed of the women) to be born from. Note: Genesis 6:9 refers to Noah being “perfect in
his generations,” annotating him and his family as still being completely Human 1.0.
2. To replace the image of God within mankind with the image of the Beast. This would
render mankind unredeemable. Although the image of God is marred within sinful man, it still
provides a conscience. The conscience not only recognizes sin but the need for repentance. If that
image could be replaced with another one (i.e., the image of the Beast), there would be no recognition
of sin, and repentance would be impossible. This is possibly why there is no hope for those who
receive the mark of the Beast and worship his image in the book of Revelation. (See my chapter
entitled, “A New Theory on the Image of the Beast and the New Conscience,” in the book, Blood on
the Altar: The Coming War between Christian vs. Christian, Defender Publishing.)
The end game of the Elite is to completely remove the image of God from mankind through the
so-called science of transhumanism. Through Watcher-inspired technology, they are endeavoring to
bypass the modification that Almighty God accomplished genetically within mankind (and
animalkind) at the Flood to enable the cross-species hybridization once again. Their idea of a utopian
society is a return to Atlantis. In this new Atlantis, humans and the God of the Bible would no longer
be welcomed. Only those with genetically altered bodies and enlightened souls that have become
Nietzsche’s New Man (beyond good and evil) would be welcomed there. Their idea of Utopia is
nothing more than Lucifer’s promise of Hell on earth. No wonder the Word of God provides this end-
time promise to the Remnant:
And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's
sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days. (Mark 13:20)
In the next chapter, we will examine the continuation of this biblical conspiracy against God
and mankind in the stories of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel.
Aliens and Fallen Angels: the Sexual Corruption of the Human Race by Stephen
Fallen angels taught men the use of magical incantations that would force demons to obey man.
After the flood Ham the son of Noah unhappily discovered this and taught it to his sons. This
became ingrained into the Egyptians, Persians, and Babylonians. Ham died shortly after the fall
of the Tower of Babel. Nimrod, called Ninus by the Greeks, was handed this knowledge and by
it caused men to go away from the worship of God and go into diverse and erratic superstitions
and they began to be governed by the signs in the stars and motions of the planets.
(Recognitions of Clement 4.26–29)
Nimrod turned the government into a tyranny and set up twelve idols of wood named after the
twelve months of the year, each representing a sign of the Zodiac. He commanded everyone to
worship each idol in its proper month. (Jasher 9:8–10; Ancient Post-Flood History—Ken
Johnson, ThD)
And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan.
And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtecha:
and the sons of Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan. And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a
mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said,
Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. (Genesis 10:6–9)
As stated in the previous chapter, Noah and his family were selected by God to be saved from
the Flood on the ark because they remained genetically pure (or still fully human). Unfortunately, the
purity did not extend to all of their minds as well. Resting within the safety of the ark lay the seeds of
the arcane knowledge given by the Watchers of Genesis 6. Ham became a sleeper agent of darkness,
if you will, infected with the forbidden knowledge that resulted in the severe judgment of God upon
humanity. Within the mind and heart of Ham were the foundational concepts upon which Babylon and
Egypt were built (and upon which the kingdom of the Antichrist is being built today).
We find in Genesis 9:20–23 that the seeds of the Watchers already began to sprout within the
heart of Ham.
And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:
And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.
And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren
And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and
went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were
backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. (Genesis 9:20–23)
There is much speculation as to the actual sin of Ham contained in these verses. Was this sin the
great dishonor and disrespect that Ham had shown to Noah? Alternatively, was it possible that he had
sexually violated Noah in some way? Over the centuries, Christian theologians and rabbinical
scholars have debated these issues. The New American Commentary dives into the subject and
provides a sensible conclusion:
What was Ham’s sin? Why did Noah invoke curses against Canaan instead of the culprit, Ham
([Genesis 9]:25)? The meaning of the phrase “saw his father’s nakedness” has been variously
interpreted. Both Jewish and Christian interpretation speculated that Ham’s deed was a sexual
offense since the same language is found in the Pentateuch describing sexual transgressions.
Further support was garnered from v. 25, which refers to what Ham “had done to him.” Many
suppose that the original story contained the sordid details but that they were excised for
reasons of propriety when later placed in the Torah. Castration was thought to have been the
crime by some Jewish and Christian interpreters, and others argued for a homosexual act.
Jewish midrash explained that physical abuse by Ham answered why the curse was directed
against Canaan; this act prevented Noah from having a fourth son, and thus Canaan as Ham’s
fourth son should suffer (Gen. Rab. 36.7). This may have been fueled by the absence of any
notice that additional children were born to Noah, since all the other patriarchs are said to have
had “other sons and daughters” (5:3–32; 11:10–25). This lack of reference to other children,
however, may be due to the author’s desire to parallel the Sethite and Shemite lines, which both
end with three sons (5:32; 11:26).
Concerning a homosexual desire or act, there is no indication that a sexual indiscretion
occurred when Ham viewed his father or that Ham desired his father in an illicit way. Levitical
language for the homosexual act is “to lie with a male,” which we do not find here. “Saw”…is
the common term for observing and does not convey necessarily the idea of sexual lust; the term
can be used in this way (cf. 6:2; 34:2), but such meaning must be derived from the context and
not the term by itself. On the contrary, the expressions “to see…nakedness” (Lev 20:17) and “to
uncover…nakedness” are used of heterosexual actions, not homosexual encounters. The
expression in our passage is not a figurative statement since the two sons actually cover up the
exposed nakedness of their father, who was in a drunken stupor in the tent. This is reinforced by
the description “their faces were turned.” If in fact some lecherous deed occurred inside the
tent, it is inexplicable why the covering of their father is in juxtaposition to Ham’s act. On other
occasions Genesis is straightforward in its description of sexual misconduct (e.g., 19:5, 30–35;
34:2). There is no reason to assume that homosexuality or, for that matter, heterosexual
misconduct would be described euphemistically by the author.
Ham’s reproach was not in seeing his father unclothed, though this was a shameful
thing (cp. Hab 2:15), but in his outspoken delight at his father’s disgraceful condition.
The penalty against Ham’s son may be thought too severe for mere sibling gossip, but this
misconduct (e.g., Exod 32:25). It is not surprising then that the euphemism “nakedness”
was used for the shameful travesty of incest. Ham ridiculed the “old man’s” downfall. In
the ancient world insulting one’s parents was a serious matter that warranted the extreme
penalty of death. Mosaic legislation reflected this sentiment. This patriarchal incident
illustrated the abrogation of the Fifth Commandment, “Honor your father and mother.” To
do so means divine retaliation, for the crime is not against parent alone but is viewed as
contempt for God’s hierarchical order in creation. Shem and Japheth, unlike Ham, treated
Noah with proper respect. They refused to take advantage of him despite his vulnerable
The book of James warns us about wisdom that does not come from God. This dark wisdom
produces specific effects within the souls of men.
This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.
For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. (James
I believe that the dark wisdom of the Watchers was brewing within the mind of Ham. The result
was that he became arrogant, boastful, and disrespectful (just to name a few). Instead of showing
honor to his father and covering his nakedness, he mocked his father and made sure this disgrace was
brought to everyone’s attention. Once Noah realized what had happened, he uttered a curse that
flowed through Ham to his son Canaan. The rabbis of old have debated why this curse was directed
upon Canaan and not Cush. Some have concluded that he was an active participant in the disgrace and
held the tent open for all to see. This, of course, would be mere speculation as the Scriptures are
silent regarding it.
And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. (Genesis
In the sad history of slavery in Great Britain and the United States, there were individuals who
justified its practice by quoting Genesis 9:25. However, this misinterpretation does not bode well in
the light of historical facts. Finis Dake provides us with a quick summary of the descendants of Ham
and where they settled:
The Sons of Ham
1.Cush (Gen. 10:6–12; 1Chr. 1:8–10; Isa. 11:11), progenitor of various Ethiopian tribes
that settled south of Egypt and also overran Arabia, Babylonia, and India.
2. Mizraim (Gen. 10:6, 13–14; 1Chr. 1:8–11), progenitor of various Egyptian tribes.
Mizraim means “double.” Tribes of the double Egypt (upper and lower Egypt), called the land
of Ham, came from him (Ps. 78:51; 105:23–27; 106:22). The Philistines also came from
Mizraim (Gen. 10:14).
3.Phut (Gen. 10:6; Ezek. 27:10), progenitor of the Libyans and other tribes in northern
Africa (Ezek. 27:10; 30:5; 38:5; Jer. 46:9; Nah. 3:9).
4.Canaan (Gen. 10:6,15–19; 9:18–27; 1Chr. 1:8–13), progenitor of peoples that
settled mainly in Palestine, Arabia, Tyre, Sidon, and other parts of the land promised to
Abraham. These nations are often mentioned in connection with Israel (Gen. 10:15–19;
15:18–21; Dt. 7:1–3; Josh. 12).
Since Canaan’s descendants stayed primarily in the Middle East, there was no validity to their
claim that this referred to the Africans sold into slavery. What we do find is that Ham’s children
became major problems for God’s people throughout history, both in ancient times and today.
From a mystery religion point of view, we can examine how the Watchers’ seeds of
barely footnoted individual within the Word of God. Cush was a leading influence in both the
formation of Babylon and in the construction of the Tower of Babel. As we begin to investigate Cush
historically, it is obvious that the seeds of the Watchers had taken root and begun to spring forth.
Alexander Hislop, in his classic work The Two Babylons, sheds light on both the activities of Cush
and the various names he bore within ancient history:
Now, assuming that Ninus is Nimrod, the way in which that assumption explains what is
otherwise inexplicable in the statements of ancient history greatly confirms the truth of that
assumption itself. Ninus is said to have been the son of Belus or Bel, and Bel is said to have
been the founder of Babylon. If Ninus was in reality the first king of Babylon, how could Belus
or Bel, his father, be said to be the founder of it? Both might very well be, as will appear if we
consider who was Bel, and what we can trace of his doings. If Ninus was Nimrod, who was the
historical Bel? He must have been Cush; for “Cush begat Nimrod” (Gen[esis] 10:8); and Cush
is generally represented as having been a ringleader in the great apostacy. But again, Cush,
as the son of Ham, was Her-mes or Mercury; for Hermes is just an Egyptian synonym for the
“son of Ham.”
Gregory attributes to Cush what was said more generally to have befallen his son; but his
statement shows the belief in his day, which is amply confirmed from other sources, that Cush
had a preeminent share in leading mankind away from the true worship of God. The
composition of Her-mes is, first, from “Her,” which, in Chaldee, is synonymous with Ham, or
Khem, “the burnt one.” As “her” also, like Ham, signified “The hot or burning one,” this name
formed a foundation for covertly identifying Ham with the “Sun,” and so deifying the great
patriarch, after whose name the land of Egypt was called, in connection with the sun. Khem, or
Ham, in his own name was openly worshipped in later ages in the land of Ham; but this would
have been too daring at first. By means of “Her,” the synonym, however, the way was paved for
this. “Her” is the name of Horus, who is identified with the sun, which shows the real
etymology of the name to be from the verb to which I have traced it. Then, secondly, “Mes,” is
from Mesheh (or, without the last radical, which is omissible), Mesh, “to draw forth.” In
Egyptian, we have Ms in the sense of “to bring forth”, which is evidently a different form of the
same word. In the passive sense, also, we find Ms used. The radical meaning of Mesheh in
Stockii Lexicon, is given in Latin “Extraxit,” and our English word “extraction,” as applied to
birth or descent, shows a connection between the generic meaning of this word and birth. This
derivation will be found to explain the meaning of the names of the Egyptian kings, Ramesses
and Thothmes, the former evidently being “the son of Ra,” or the sun; the latter in like manner,
being “the son of Thoth.” For the very same reason Her-mes is the “Son of Her, or Ham,” the
burnt one—that is, Cush.
Now, Hermes was the great original prophet of idolatry; for he was recognised by
the pagans as the author of their religious rites, and the interpreter of the gods. The
distinguished Gesenius identifies him with the Babylonian Nebo, as the prophetic god;
and a statement of Hyginus shows that he was known as the grand agent in that
movement which produced the division of tongues. His words are these: “For many
ages men lived under the government of Jove [evidently not the Roman Jupiter, but the
Jehovah of the Hebrews], without cities and without laws, and all speaking one language.
But after that Mercury interpreted the speeches of men (whence an interpreter is called
Hermeneutes), the same individual distributed the nations. Then discord began.”
(Emphasis added)
So Cush was known by many names throughout history and pagan mythology: Cush, Bel,
Hermes, Mercury, and Nebo. Later on in The Two Babylons, Hislop links Cush to both Janus and to
the releasing of chaos at the Tower of Babel as “Confounder.”
It must have been in the sense of Bel the “Confounder.” And to this meaning of the name of the
Babylonian Bel, there is a very distinct allusion in Jeremiah 1:2, where it is said “Bel is
confounded,” that is, “The Confounder is brought to confusion.” That Cush was known to
Pagan antiquity under the very character of Bel, “The Confounder,” a statement of Ovid very
clearly proves. The statement to which I refer is that in which Janus “the god of gods,” from
whom all the other gods had their origin, is made to say of himself: “The ancients…called me
Janus was so called in the most ancient hymns of the Salii. Now, first this
decisively shows that Chaos was known not merely as a state of confusion, but as
the “god of Confusion.” But, secondly, who that is at all acquainted with the laws of
Chaldaic pronunciation, does not know that Chaos is just one of the established forms of
the name of Chus or Cush? Then, look at the symbol of Janus, whom “the ancients called
Chaos,” and it will be seen how exactly it tallies with the doings of Cush, when he is
identified with Bel, “The Confounder.” That symbol is a club; and the name of “a club” in
Chaldee comes from the very word which signifies “to break in pieces, or scatter
abroad.” (Emphasis added)
It would seem that Cush claimed the prophetic ability to channel the instructions and will of the
now-banished Watchers to humanity (this will be important later on in our study of the Illuminati). His
dark prophetic wisdom was the catalyst for both the establishment of Babylon and the building of the
Tower of Babel.
I believe it is also interesting to note that Cush was called “the god of Confusion.” This may
give further insight into Paul’s statement: “For God is not the author of confusion” (1Corinthians
14:33). Remember, both epistles to the Corinthians were written to a highly paganized population, in
which a portion of the Gentiles had recently found Messiah. With all of the problems that Paul had to
contend with, it seemed many of their members had one foot in biblical Christianity and the other foot
solidly planted in the paganism of their fathers. In their pagan training, many times the influence of
their gods produced chaos, as it did within the mythology of Janus—the god of gods. This would
explain why Paul labored so hard in both of his epistles to separate, within their thinking, the
concepts of the God of Abraham with the pantheon of pagan deities they were accustomed to.
descendants of Cush.” In fact, the Anderson-Forbes Phrase Marker Analysis of the Hebrew
Bible translates this as “Kushites” instead of “Ethiopians.”
A Commentary: Critical, Experimental, and Practical on the Old and New Testaments shares
insights into this prophetic word against the sons of Cush.
Whatever the reason for choosing Cush and whatever the process by which the oracle achieved
this position in the book, Zephaniah made a strong statement about the day of the Lord as he
used the oracle. The day of the Lord has a “three-fold ‘no-escape’: no escape for any people,
no escape from the wages of sin, no escape from divine confrontation.”
I believe this signifies that when Jesus returns as Messiah ben David (the Conquering King), all
of the esoteric knowledge that the Watchers provided this bloodline will not save them from God’s
Elite or the evangelists of transhumanism, will save them. The “threefold” judgment of the trice Holy
God will be poured upon their heads until they are no more.
Finally, we have an idea now of where Nimrod obtained the knowledge he used to enslave
men, to cofound Babylon, to become its first worldwide king, and to develop a religious system
designed to draw men away from the One True God. His father was a prophet of darkness and an
interpreter for the old gods. Nimrod was raised to be an elitist—one illuminated with the forbidden
knowledge that was promised by Lucifer in the garden and taught to mankind by fallen angels in
Genesis 6. This proverbial apple did not fall far from the family tree. In fact, what he did eclipsed all
of their occult endeavors.
2. Mizraim
Mizraim is identified as the founder of the nation of Egypt. In Hebrew, “Mizraim” is translated as
“Egypt.” All of the occult knowledge Egypt possessed stemmed from what Mizraim and his family
brought to that area as they settled there. While Cush was busy working with Nimrod in the founding
of Babylon, Ham was working with Mizraim in the development of Egypt. In A Commentary:
Critical, Experimental, and Practical on the Old and New Testaments by Jamieson, Fausset, and
Brown we find:
Sons of Ham—emigrated southward, and their settlements were: Cush in Arabia, Canaan in the
country known by his name, and Mizraim in Egypt, Upper and Lower. It is generally thought
that his father accompanied him and personally superintended the formation of the
settlement, whence Egypt was called "the land of Ham" [Ps 105:23, 27; Ps 106:22].
(Emphasis added)
3. Put
In researching Put, I was underwhelmed by the data I was able to retrieve. He is not mentioned by
either the name “Put” or “Phut” in The Two Babylons. I was, however, able to find several references
to him; the first was in Baker’s Encyclopedia of the Bible:
Ancient nation, descended from a man of the same name. It is commonly identified as Libya,
although it has been argued that it was the Punt of Egyptian records, somewhere along the
northeast coast of Africa, perhaps Somalia. Its association with Egypt, Cush, and Canaan and
the usage of the name in the Old Testament make the Libyan location probable. In the Old
Testament the Libyan people are called Lubim, a name which always appears in the plural.
And the second was in Easton’s Bible Dictionary:
Put, Phut—(1.) One of the sons of Ham (Gen. 10:6).
(2.) A land or people from among whom came a portion of the mercenary troops of
Egypt, Jer. 46:9 (A.V., “Libyans,” but correctly, R.V., “Put”); Ezek. 27:10; 30:5 (A.V.,
“Libya;” R.V., “Put”); 38:5; Nahum 3:9.
It would seem that Put and his descendants aligned themselves with Egypt and simply
son. He became the ancestor of the people later called the Canaanites (Gen. 10:15–19).
For the impropriety of Ham’s seeing the “nakedness” of Noah (Gen. 9:22–24),
Noah cursed Canaan to be the “lowest of slaves” (Gen. 9:25) to his brothers. This curse,
which applies more to his descendants than to Canaan himself, does not imply the slavery
of a particular race (as some have held); rather, it suggests the inferior position of the
Canaanites before the Conquest relative to the important role played by their neighbors,
the Egyptians and the inhabitants of Mesopotamia.
Canaan, like Put, is not mentioned by name in The Two Babylons, which would imply that he,
too, was not mythologized into the pagan/occult belief systems of the mystery religions. Canaan’s
descendants did establish a civilization within the Promised Land, which God called Joshua and the
children of Israel to displace. Israel’s failure to completely eradicate the land of their influence
proved to become a stumbling block for them spiritually. Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Canaanite culture remained to make both positive and negative impacts on the life of
God’s Covenant People.
What segments of the Canaanite culture remained? The answer is: their gods and their religious
practices. The New Bible Dictionary details the gods of the Canaanites.
The Canaanites had an extensive pantheon, headed by El. More prominent in practice were
Baal (lord’), i.e. Hadad the storm-god, and Dagon, with temples in Ugarit and elsewhere. The
goddesses Asherah, Astarte (Ashtaroth) and Anath—like Baal—had multi-coloured
personalities and violent characters; they were goddesses of sex and war. Kothar-and-Hasis
was artificer-god (cf. Vulcan), and other and lesser deities abounded.
The worship of Dagon, Baal, and Astarte/Ashtaroth (the Queen of Heaven) continually
infiltrated the cultural/religious beliefs of the Israelites. Almighty God warned them in Deuteronomy
When the LORD thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to
possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed
from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations
Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which
he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt
in the fire to their gods.
What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor
diminish from it. (Emphasis added)
In all fairness, it should be noted that we cannot stand in history and fault the Israelites of old
too harshly for adopting the pagan practices and celebrations of the Canaanites or any of the other
pagan cultures that surrounded them. Many of these pagan practices were enfolded into the
practices and theologies of the Roman Catholic (Universal) Church. A good portion of these
practices were originally rejected by the founders of the Protestant Movement; but with the passing of
time, they were slowly adopted once again into many Protestant churches. In our generation, we need
to ask ourselves: Am I still being influenced by the descendants of Ham, and has the leaven of their
defiance before God infiltrated the practice of my own faith and service to God? To answer this
question, you must do your own personal homework. Examine all of your traditions. Do they originate
in the Bible or do they come from extrabiblical sources? If our traditions cannot be found in the Word
of God and traced back to the faithful worship of God found in both the Old and New Testaments, we
will need to renounce such practices and return to biblicity to prepare for the prophetic days ahead.
Another Link with the Sons of Ham
In our studies, we have been examining the establishment and flow of the doctrines given to mankind
through the Watchers. We have called this occult stream “Mystery Babylon.” After the Flood, giants
began to appear on the earth again. What is interesting is that giants began to be born primarily
through Ham’s line. Nephilim researcher Rob Skiba has provided a very plausible theory to the
reappearance of the Nephilim in his book, Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return of the
Nephilim. The Word tells us that Noah was pure in his generations (100-percent human DNA). Most
researchers believe that Noah’s wife was genetically pure, as well as their three sons: Shem, Ham,
and Japheth. Before the wives of Noah’s sons were mentioned, the Bible informs us that:
The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had
It is quite possible that the wives of Noah’s sons carried the DNA of the Nephilim within them.
Many of the descendants of Ham and Japheth were born as Nephilim. Skiba goes on to postulate that
the reason Noah cursed Canaan instead of Ham was that he saw characteristics of the Nephilim in his
Therefore, from the very foundations of the mystery religions, there has been a connection with
the Nephilim. Whenever you add Nephilim influence (or even artifacts) to what the mystery religions
teach, the darkest of black magic is released.
An Examination of Nimrod
Before I dive into what I have discovered about Nimrod, I want to share some of the basic
information regarding the first king of Babylon that you will find in most Bible commentaries. For this
task, I will refer to The Pentateuch by James E. Smith.
The text furnishes scant information concerning Nimrod. He was a descendant of Cush, a
Hamite. The Biblical record thus agrees with data from the ancient history of Mesopotamia
which furnish evidence that the region was first ruled by a non-Shemitic people. Nimrod began
to be (i.e., set out to be) a mighty one (gibbor) in the land (10:8). The term tyrant captures the
intention of the original. Nimrod’s very name is an encapsulation of his lifestyle. His name
means, “Let us revolt.” He must have been a ruthless ruler who was opposed to all existing
Nimrod was especially noted as “a mighty hunter before Yahweh” (10:9). One of the
royal responsibilities of kings in ancient times was to keep the wild animal population thinned
out so that citizens would not be threatened. The text may refer to this function. The documents,
however, also speak of ancient kings hunting the men of a city, capturing them, and carrying
them off into slavery. Perhaps Nimrod hunted men. He did this “before (liphne) Yahweh,” i.e.,
in opposition to Yahweh. The Septuagint rendered, “a mighty hunter against the Lord.”
Nimrod was an empire builder. He started his rise to power in Shinar, in the lower
Mesopotamian river valley. He gradually extended his influence over (or possibly built)
Babel, Erech, Accad and Calneh. Nimrod eventually expanded his influence into Assyria
where he built Nineveh, Rehoboth, Calah and the great city of Resen (10:10–12).
To this basic understanding we can now add the perspective I have already shared regarding the
knowledge of the Watchers that was embedded into Ham’s family line. With this information, you can
now have a better understanding of the family tree from which Nimrod sprang. He was not a strange
spiritual anomaly within his family. He was the personification of all their hopes and dreams.
And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the
mighty hunter before the LORD.(Genesis 10:8–9)
These two little lines of text within Holy Writ reveal a conspiracy that would change the world
for the worse. The knowledge of the Watchers found its zenith in Nimrod. What he did and who he
became would change the course of history and turn the hearts of men away from God. So powerful
was its influence that it will continue through the currents of time until it abruptly halts at the return of
Nimrod, the original character who later was mythologized as the god Apollo prophesied by
the apostle Paul in the New Testament (and by the occult elite on the Great Seal of the United
States) as the ancient spirit that will return to earth to rule the novus ordo seclorum.
The story of Nimrod in the book of Genesis may illustrate how this could happen through
genetic engineering or a retrovirus of demonic design that integrates with a host’s genome and
rewrites the living specimen’s DNA, thus making it a “fit extension” or host for infection by the
entity. Note what Genesis 10:8 says about Nimrod:
And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
Three sections in this unprecedented verse indicate something very peculiar
happened to Nimrod. First, note where the text says, “he began to be.” In Hebrew, this is
chalal, which means “to become profaned, defiled, polluted, or desecrated ritually,
sexually or genetically.” Second, this verse tells us exactly what Nimrod began to be as
he changed genetically—“a mighty one” (gibbowr, gibborim), one of the offspring of
Nephilim. As Annette Yoshiko Reed says in the Cambridge University book, Fallen
Angels and the History of Judaism and Christianity, “The Nephilim of Genesis 6:4 are
always…grouped together with the gibborim as the progeny of the Watchers and human
women.”And the third part of this text says the change to Nimrod started while he was on
“earth.” Therefore, in modern language, this text could accurately be translated to say:
“And Nimrod began to change genetically, becoming a gibborim, the offspring of
watchers on earth.”
Bible commentator Adam Clarke seems to agree with Dr. Horn’s conclusions by quoting the
Syraic Targum regarding Nimrod: “The Syriac calls him a warlike giant.”
Then Clarke continues to share about Nimrod and the building of the Tower of Babel and its
connection to giants:
On this point Bochart observes that these things are taken from the Chaldeans, who preserve
many remains of ancient facts; and though they often add circumstances, yet they are, in general,
in some sort dependent on the text. 1. They say Babel was built by the giants, because Nimrod,
one of the builders, is called in the Hebrew text גבורgibbor, a mighty man; or, as the
Septuagint, γιγας, a giant. 2. These giants, they say, sprang from the earth, because, in Genesis
10:11, it is said, He went, מןהארץההואmin haarets hahiv, out of that earth; but this is rather
spoken of Asshur, who was another of the Babel builders. 3. These giants are said to have
waged war with the gods, because it is said of Nimrod, Genesis 10:9, He was a mighty hunter
before the Lord; or, as others have rendered it, a warrior and a rebel against the Lord. See
Jarchi in loco. 4. These giants are said to have raised a tower up to heaven, as if they had
intended to have ascended thither.
Nimrod achieved something that only the Watchers of old had accomplished, yet he took it to a
whole new level. In fact, no one has been able to reproduce this highly revered occult achievement.
This cutting-edge breakthrough of Nimrod has been the goal of all secret societies, alchemists,
wizards, sorcerers, warlocks, and Illuminati elite throughout the millennia. You see, he was a fully
grown man who was able to become a gibborim (another type of Nephilim)—he was not born that
way. It would appear that Nimrod took the arcane knowledge of his family line and pushed it beyond
what the Watchers themselves could do: He was able to alter his DNA and become a Nephilim. This
transmogrification must have thrilled the kingdom of darkness. The fallen angels of Genesis 6
required the use of women in their genetic breeding program. Nimrod accomplished this alchemical
that most within the occult are bisexual (for use in ritual magic), I believe this is a prophetic clue
linking the coming man of sin with Nimrod. This powerful working of dark magic and esoteric
wisdom will be reproduced one more time in human history. The coming transmogrification of a man
will invite Lucifer himself to come and coinhabit this enhanced man-god. He will become the
reincarnation of Nimrod—the Antichrist!
Babylonian and Egyptian mysticism are still the leading spiritual forces within the winding
currents of the mystery religions today. Egyptian Sex Magic, a product of Egyptian mysticism, is
prominent in the teachings of Aleister Crowley, as well as the Ordo Templi Orientis and the Golden
Dawn. It is also interwoven in the esoteric teachings of Freemasonry. In his internationally acclaimed
book, Apollyon Rising 2012, Dr. Tom Horn reveals the Lost Symbol of Freemasonry:
Unrecognized by the vast majority of peoples around the world is the greatest conspiracy of all
time, sitting right out in the open in Washington DC and at the Vatican. It is an ancient, magical,
talismanic diagram—the Lost Symbol—which waits its final use by the hidden, occult hand
guiding the Secret Destiny of America.
It would seem that the Lost Symbol was designed utilizing ancient Watcher knowledge, handed
down through the line of Ham, and was embedded in the occult religious practices of Egypt. Could
the Lost Symbol be a Watcher-inspired spiritual/technological device designed to replicate the
transformation of Nimrod? Will it one day produce a new man-god: Gibborim/Nephilim(Osiris made
flesh)? The truth is that the physical occult symbols/devices have been in place for centuries, and
practitioners of the occult have been going through the prescribed rituals with absolute devotion. Yet,
through all of the centuries of faithful rehearsals, the equal to Nimrod has yet to be reproduced.
Perhaps the realization of the next Nimrod will require intervention by the Watchers through a stargate
(or dimensional portal) into our reality. On the other hand, maybe the last piece of the god-maker
puzzle is still just waiting to be discovered in one of the world’s pyramids or ziggurats.
The Elite of the world are working behind the scenes with secret government agencies around
the globe and the Transhumanist Movement community to unlock the secrets of Nimrod.
Lost Symbol at Nation’s Capitol
Lost Symbol at the Vatican
Dr. Horn continues detailing the mystic meaning of these ancient symbols of Babylon’s mystery
Undoubtedly the vast majority of people, when looking at Washington, DC, and at the Vatican,
never comprehend how these cities constitute one of the greatest open conspiracies of all time.
There, reproduced in all their glory and right before the world’s eyes, is an ancient talismanic
diagram based on the history and cult of Isis, Osiris, and Horus, including the magical utilities
meant to generate the deity’s return. The primeval concept—especially that of sacred Domes
facing Obelisks—was designed in antiquity for the express purpose of regeneration,
resurrection, and apotheosis, for deity incarnation from the underworld to earth’s surface
through union of the respective figures—the Dome (ancient structural representation of the
womb of Isis) and the Obelisk (ancient representation of the erect male phallus of Osiris). This
layout, as modeled in antiquity, exists today on the grandest scale at the heart of the capital of
the most powerful government on earth—the United States—as well as in the heart of the most
politically influential church on earth—the Vatican. Given this fact and the pattern provided by
the apostle Paul and the Apocalypse of John (the book of Revelation) that the end times would
culminate in a marriage between political (Antichrist) and religious (False Prophet) authorities
at the return of Osiris/Apollo, it behooves open-minded researchers to carefully consider this
prophecy in stone, as it defines the spiritual energy that is knowingly or unknowingly being
invoked at both locations with potential ramifications for Petrus Romanus, the year 2012, and
beyond. The US Capital has been called the “Mirror Vatican” due to the strikingly similar
layout and design of its primary buildings and streets. This is no accident. In fact, America’s
forefathers first named the capital city “Rome.” But the parallelism between Washington and the
Vatican is most clearly illustrated by the Capitol building and Dome facing the Obelisk known
as the Washington Monument, and at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican by a similar Dome
facing a familiar Obelisk—both of which were, according to their own official records,
fashioned after the Roman Pantheon, the circular Domed Rotunda “dedicated to all pagan
gods.” This layout—a Domed temple facing an Obelisk—is an ancient, alchemical blueprint
that holds significant esoteric meaning.
(Author’s note: For more information on this and related topics, I encourage you to read Dr.
Horn’s updated version of his book entitled Zenith 2016: The Revised and Expanded Edition of
Apollyon Rising 2012. This book is a must for any serious student of Bible prophecy.)
Nimrod also possessed the strength, cunning, and cruelty of the children of the Watchers before
the Flood. This change within him supercharged his despotic desires. What were some of those
despotic desires? Finis Dake provides some of the answers.
Nimrod comes from the Hebrew marad (HSN-<H4775>), “to rebel.” It points to some violent
and open rebellion against God. Nimrod began to be a mighty one in the earth by bold and
daring deeds. His rebellion is associated with the beginning of his kingdom and suggests
that his hunting and mighty deeds were related primarily to hunting men by tyranny and
force. He lorded it over others, hunting and destroying all who opposed him in his despotic
rule over people. This is the meaning understood by Josephus and writers of the Targums.
Josephus says that Nimrod persuaded people to ascribe their happiness to him rather than
God. He became a great leader, taught people to centralize, and defied God to send another
flood. It is said that Nimrod hunted down wild beasts also, which were killing many people,
and taught people to build walls around cities for protection against them.
The term “mighty hunter” (Gen. 10:9) could refer to a hunter of animals or of men
to enslave them. Nimrod was a hunter of both human beings and animals. The Hebrew
(Gen. 6:4), and of other wicked men (Ps. 52:1–3; 120:4; Isa. 5:22; Jer. 9:23). It could
refer to Nimrod as a tyrant and oppressive despot. He established the first kingdom
and the first universal false religion opposing God since the flood of Noah…. This
was done “before the Lord,” that is, openly: in the presence of God with all defiance.
That is why God, when He came down to see Babel, took action to counteract the
rebellion of Nimrod (Gen. 11:1–9). (Emphasis added)
Nimrod possessed both a demonic intelligence and a supernatural strength that enabled him to
enslave people through tyranny and force. He demanded that everyone ascribe their happiness to him
and him alone. He became the first ruler of the known world (the first New World Order) and
established the first one-world religion. Nimrod is the perfect type and shadow in the Old Testament
of the Antichrist. The Antichrist will be unstoppable as a warrior, his cruelty will know no bounds,
he will enslave the world as the new leader of the New World Order, and he will establish a one-
world religion to draw all men away from the True God and Creator of mankind. No other figure in
history or the Bible, not even the pharaohs of Egypt, comes close to personifying the Antichrist the
way that Nimrod did.
A. W. Pink agrees with this analysis of Nimrod and Babylon. In his classic work on the
Antichrist, he writes:
In the first place, as Nimrod—the founder of Babel, that is, the Tower of Babylon—a savage
tyrant and cruel oppressor of men, was the first person who declared open war against God; so
it is meet that there should arise from the selfsame Babylon, the last and most atrocious
persecutor of the saints—the Antichrist. Moreover, seeing that Nebuchadnezzar and Antiochus
Epiphanes—two monsters who bore down upon the people of God with an overwhelming
power of destruction, and who were the antichrists of the old Testament and remarkable types
of the Antichrist which is to come; seeing, I say, that these monarchs reigned in Babylon, it is
fitting that the true Antichrist of the New Testament should arise from the same Babylon.
Besides, no place can be pointed out more meet for the nativity of Antichrist than
Babylon, for it is the City of the Devil—always diametrically opposed to Jerusalem,
which is deemed the City of God; the former city, that is, Babylon, being the mother and
disseminator of every kind of confusion, idolatry, impiety—a vast sink of every foul
pollution, crime, and iniquity—the first city in the world which cut itself off from the
worship of the true God—which reared the city of universal vice,—which perpetually
(according to the record of Holy Writ) carries on the mystery of iniquity, and bears
imprinted on her brow the inscription of blasphemy against the name of God. The
consummation, therefore, of impiety, which is to have its recapitulation in Antichrist,
could not break forth from a more fitting place than Babylon.
Needless to say, Nimrod set the standard for ruthlessness. In fact, his exploits were greater than
all other despots in history combined. Even the practice of crucifixion did not originate in Rome; it
other side of Nimrod. He was able to inspire men to come under his leadership. He was genius in
military tactics; he was a consummate politician; he developed cities, honed an entire civilization,
and birthed a religion that is still spreading like a cancer in the world today. Nimrod’s spiritual
influence was so great that families would willingly offer their children on the fiery altars of Molech.
Nimrod would be the perfect world leader for today. He would wear a Giorgio Armani suit,
have a disarming smile, possess the personality perfect for TV, have a physique like that of the Greek
gods, and have a wisdom drawn from the deepest well of the ascended masters of the New Age
throughout time. His words would drop like honey from his perfect, genetically altered lips, and his
transhuman-enhanced blue eyes would seem to look straight into your soul. He would be able to
mesmerize the masses into following him without question, and he would engineer a society that
reflects his true personality: the perfect blending of sophistication and savagery. High culture and
blood would run through all the streets of the cities and nations that he would build and rule. Safety,
security, health, pleasure, and prosperity would be extended to those who gave unquestioned loyalty.
This is also a perfect description of the Antichrist—truly, the reincarnation of Nimrod.
Nimrod’s Aspirations
As I began to research the Babylon that Nimrod labored to build, something began to dawn upon my
soul: Nimrod was the first to attempt to rebuild Atlantis. He possessed a portion of the knowledge
of the ancient Watchers; he was able to transmogrify himself into a gibborim; and he began to build
cities that rivaled many of our own today! Here are some facts I discovered in my research of the
Babylon of Nimrod.
difficult to convey an adequate conception, without entering into details foreign to our purpose.
But some idea of it may be formed from its extent, which according to the lowest
computation, covered no less than one hundred square miles, or about five times the size of
London; while the highest computation would make it cover two hundred square miles, or ten
times the extent of London! Such was the world-city, the first “beginning” of which at least
Nimrod had founded. No wonder that the worldly pride of that age should have wished to make
such a place the world-capital of a world-empire, whose tower “may reach unto heaven!
(Emphasis added)
—Alfred Edersheim
The Walls to Keep Wild Animals and Perhaps Flood Waters Out
Babylonia and Assyria, once the granaries of Asia, the garden spots of that continent, enjoying a
great civilization, are now in desolation and mostly unproductive deserts. The predictions of
Isaiah and Jeremiah have been fulfilled. The judgments predicted to come upon Babylon were
also fulfilled long ago. [“How utterly improbable it must have sounded to the contemporaries of
Isaiah and Jeremiah, that the great Babylon, this oldest metropolis Of the world, founded by
Nimrod, planned to be a city on the Euphrates much larger than Paris of today, surrounded by
walls four hundred feet high, on the top of which four chariots, each drawn by four horses,
could be driven side by side; in the center a large, magnificent park an hour’s walk in
circumference, watered by machinery; in it the king's twelve palaces, surrounding the great
temple of the sun-god with its six hundred-foot tower and its gigantic golden statue—should be
converted into a heap of ruins in the midst of a desert! Who today would have any faith in a
similar prophecy against Berlin or London or Paris or New York?” (Prof. Bettex.)]
—Arno C. Gaebelein
203 bricks, and the height (of a brick) was the third of one; its height amounted to 5,433 cubit
and 2 palms, and (the extent of one wall was) thirteen stades (and of the other thirty stades).
[Note: 5,433 cubits is 8,150 feet.]
—Book of Jubilees 10:21
It is almost impossible to wrap our minds around what Nimrod was building in Babel—the
capital of Babylon. Alfred Edersheim states that the size of the city was one hundred to two hundred
square miles. Arno C. Gaebelein describes twelve palaces, watering systems, a six hundred-foot-tall
temple of the sun god that was surrounded by a four hundred-foot-tall wall that was so large the
Babylonians could have chariot races on it. Was Nimrod attempting to recapture the splendor of the
lost Watcher/Nephilim city? I believe he was. He was building the first New Atlantis that would
reestablish the secrets of the Watchers embedded within a mystery religious system to turn men away
from the Living God. And just in case God loosed judgment by a flood against his endeavors, he
surrounded the entire one hundred- to two hundred-square-mile city (either ten miles times ten miles
or twenty miles times twenty miles) with a wall large enough to hold back significant flood waters.
Just in case the walls did not hold, the people could escape into the Tower of Babel that was 8,150
feet high.
All of these heights regarding Babel are significant. The only structure to survive the Flood of
Noah was the Great Pyramid of Giza. Its construction predates the Flood by 235 years. The height of
the Great Pyramid is 455 feet. The walls around Babel were just 55 feet short of its height. But the
Tower, whether you go by the height of 600 feet as stated by Gaebelein or the 8,150 feet as recorded
in the Book of Jubilees, it would have provided an additional refuge if the walls failed to hold back
men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence upon his power. He also
said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that
he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! and that he would avenge
himself on God for destroying their forefathers!
Nimrod’s Religion
He was mighty in hunting (or in prey) and in sin before God, for he was a hunter of the children
of men in their languages; and he said unto them, Depart from the religion of Shem, and cleave
to the institutes of Nimrod.
government on the face of the whole earth at this hour which does not embody and exhibit more
of the spirit of Nimrod than of the spirit, commandments, and inculcations of God. All the kings
of the earth, and all the governments under heaven, have more or less joined in the uncleanness
of that same old Babylonian Harlot who had defiled every spot and nook of the whole inhabited
world, notwithstanding that God from the beginning set His seal of wrath upon it.
—E. W. Bullinger
It would take an entire book to cover extensively all of the aspects of the cradle of all pagan
religions. As Dake shared regarding Nimrod, his task was to draw men away from God. The concepts
within the religion and practices (institutions) Nimrod developed are still bringing darkness into the
world today. I would first like to highlight some of the practices that plague our world that were part
of Nimrod’s mystery religion.
Human Sacrifice—All of the most powerful occult practices require human sacrifice to gain or
release spiritual power. One of the purposes of the shedding of blood by the occult is for the
formation of dimensional portals or stargates (as coined by Dr. Tom Horn) into other realities or
universes. (Note: Although human blood is not required for opening all portals, it will open the
largest and most stable ones.) There are several occult holidays that require human sacrifice. Here is
a quick overview of the occult’s yearly festivals:
1. Winter Solstice – Thirteen weeks; Minor sabbath
a.December 21—Yule
sacrifice nights
d.February 14—Valentine’s Day
2. Spring Equinox—Thirteen weeks; Minor sabbath, but does require human sacrifice
a.March 21–22—Goddess Ostara (Note: Easter is the first Sunday after the first new moon
Briefing Note
New Insights Regarding Human Sacrifice by Occult
We have discovered that deaths through disease, accidents, and even war can count
spiritually as a human sacrifice as long as they were initiated by the occultist
through either spell, incantation, or sabotage. If the Holy Spirit brings such events
to your attention, pleading the Blood of Jesus over the shed blood and death will
neutralize any occult powers gained through these events.
Child Sacrifice—The horrid practice of child sacrifice for the gaining of prosperity and
sensual pleasure is connected with the worship of Molech. When you understand the concepts behind
the worship of this Babylonian god, you realize we have turned the wombs of women worldwide into
altars of worship for this bloodthirsty demonic entity. Our future generations are offered up for sexual
pleasure for the masses and prosperity for the Elite. Each drop of bloodshed in abortion clinics
slowly falls upon satanic scales to open doors into outer darkness under its weight. When these doors
are opened wide enough, the exiled Watchers will return (so we can return to a time similar to that of
Apotheosis—This is the ability to become a god. Nimrod became a demigod or Nephilim
without killing himself in the process. In Freemasonry and Egyptian mythology, apotheosis only
occurred after death, thus illustrating their pale accomplishments compared to him. Once Nimrod
returns as the Antichrist, he will promise the Elite the final step in reincarnation: transcendence. They
will step off the reincarnation cycle into apotheosis—godhood.
Ascension—This is passing from this physical plane to become a spiritual god or ascended
master. In Babylonian mythology, after Nimrod’s death, he ascended to become the sun god.
Reincarnation—After his death, Nimrod ascended to become the sun god, but later was
this ideology justifies human sacrifice within the minds of the Illuminati. When an individual becomes
a human sacrifice, he (or she) becomes a part of Lucifer’s plan. This ensures that he will be promoted
to a more enlightened state in his next life. It is just another version of “for the greater good”
justification that has been claimed by dictators and despots throughout time.
Incestuous Relationships—In Babylon, Nimrod married Semiramis, his mother. Even when
Nimrod supposedly returned as Tammuz, he remained her consort (lover). Not only was Semiramis
the “Mother of God” twice over, but she was the continued lover of both. In the Egyptian version,
Osiris (Nimrod) married Isis (his sister). It is interesting to note that Friedrich Nietzsche wrote
extensively about the übermensch, or superman, which was beyond the concepts of good and evil
(which inspired Hitler). He had a hatred for the God of the Bible; this hatred stemmed from his
burning desire for his own sister to become his sexual mate. The society of his time drew its moral
compass from the Word of God, and he could never realize his own carnal desires. In the highest
ranks of the Elite, incestuous sexual relationships are used to create greater spiritual power and
Pedophilia—Semiramis began her love affair with Nimrod while he was yet a baby. The origin
of the cute flying baby with bow and arrow known as Cupid originated with the infant Nimrod. His
sexual energies were so great that his own mother desired him, even while he was still feeding upon
her breasts. Pedophilia is still an important aspect of occult sexual magic today. I have already shared
about the use of Transyuggothian Magic (chapter 3). This practice was a vital part of the magical
disciplines of Aleister Crowley, who became the herald of the “age of the fascinating child” (i.e.,
sexual fascination with children), which he proclaimed would replace Christianity. It has been
reported that Crowley performed magical workings in Cairo, Egypt, and New York City and loosed
the spirit behind this new age of pedophilia. It should be noted that an explosion of pedophilia
occurred in New York after that time and spread across the United States from there. In many of the
Middle Eastern cultures, pedophilia is also practiced. I have personally heard reports from some of
my students that served in the military in Afghanistan that young boys are used for sexual pleasure,
while women are used for having children by the men in that country.
Another symbol of Nimrod is the heart symbol we use today. This heart shape did not originate
with the shape of the human heart; rather, its design came from the silhouette of a woman’s backside
while she is bent over. In other words, there was not a woman he could not seduce.
Bestiality—I have already shared from an ancient Canaanite tablet how a Watcher had
intercourse with an ox and produced something similar to a Minotaur. Within occultism, this practice
of sex with animals is both a way to honor the ancient gods and to achieve spiritual power. I have
found several references to this practice in ancient Babylon and Egypt.
Bestiality in Babylon: Archaeological findings demonstrate that bestiality was practiced in
Babylonia, the ancient Empire in Mesopotamia, which prospered in the third millennium BC. In
his famous code of Hammurabi, King Hammurabi (1955–1913 BC) proclaimed death for any
person engaging in bestiality. At other times, according to Waine, during the spring fertility rites
of Babylon, dogs and other animals were used for maintaining a constant orgy condition for
seven days and nights.
Bestiality in Egypt: The ancient Egyptians worshiped Gods with animal shapes almost
exclusively in the predynastic period before about 3000 BC. Animal-human sexual contacts are
occasionally portrayed on the tombs, and bestiality was recorded in Egyptian hieroglyphics as
far back as 3000 BC. Several kings and queens had a reputation of engaging in bestiality. Most
famous was Cleopatra, who was said to have had a box filled with bees which she had placed
domesticated animal, while the women resorted to dogs. Sexual contact with apes was
further reported for both men and women, and, most interestingly, the Egyptians are
reported to have mastered the art of sexual congress with the crocodile. This was
accomplished by turning the creature onto its back, rendering it incapable of resisting
penetration. This form of copulation was believed to bring prosperity and restore the
potency of men. The Egyptians were also known to engage in worshipful bestiality with
the Apis bull in Memphis, Egypt and with goats at the Temple of Mendes. The goats were
further used as a cure for nymphomaniacs.
From secular humanism to Freemasonry to every pagan religion, these concepts have been
woven into their religious/philosophical DNA and have tacitly influenced their thoughts and actions.
Now you understand why the occult seeks to do things behind closed doors and requires
initiation into their orders with terrifying oaths to keep their secrets. It is not only for the knowledge
of how to build nations, sway populations to their will, and garner wealth and power; it is to hide
from the general public these practices that create the spiritual empowerment for their endeavors.
and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men
And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this
they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to
Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one
another's speech.
So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they
left off to build the city.
Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the
language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the
face of all the earth.(Genesis 11:1–9)
In writing this portion of chapter 4, I really struggled with what aspects of the Tower of Babel story to
examine. I could easily dive into the rich minutia contained within this story and miss the main points
that we need to explore. So, before I examine this unfinished conspiracy, let’s look at some basic
information regarding the Tower of Babel.
1. The gathering: Nimrod gathered the people together in direct defiance to God’s instruction
for Noah to replenish the earth. Men working together also served as a mechanism to build a society
in which men need not walk with the Creator to survive and thrive. They developed reliance upon one
another (secular system) and developed gods most likely based upon the legend of the Watchers and
the Nephilim.
2. The construction: This tower/altar was made of bricks (more on this shortly) and sealed
with bitumen. Bitumen is asphalt in its natural state. This substance would have made the tower
waterproof. Again, this reinforces the concept that they were preparing themselves to withstand
judgment. Satan, “the god of this world,” building on the corrupt flesh of man (his pride) and
his worldly ambitions, was the spirit behind the Tower of Babel. Wenham says, “Throughout
Scripture Babylon is seen as the embodiment of human pride and godlessness that must attract
the judgment of almighty God.”It is also the symbol of the rejection of the true God and the
creation of god systems which are created by men to meet their own selfish wants.
(Emphasis added)
So the tower served as an occult symbol of the rejection of the Creator and the establishment of
a god system that catered to the sinful/carnal desires of fallen man.
5. The power of being one: The people had a singular focus of building a civilization that
would draw men from the Creator. God said that the people had one language, and they were
completely unified in their Babylonian work. Because of their unity, God said that they could
accomplish anything they envisioned.
within the occult world that demanded the completion of the original work.
Most biblical commentators believe that the Tower of Babel was in the shape of a ziggurat.
The abrupt intervention by Almighty God would also suggest that the structure was never completed.
When you look at the shape of a ziggurat and that of the unfinished pyramid on the back of the US
dollar bill, you will notice that they are very similar (especially since Nimrod did not complete the
This shape is also known as a trapezoid. The trapezoid is a specific geometric shape used
within the occult to attract both demonic energy and demons themselves. You will find this shape in
old-style homes that were similar in design to the one used in the 1960s TV show, The Munsters, as it
was associated with haunted houses. Another name for the trapezoid is the frustum. I believe this
second term associated with this shape illustrates the frustration of all those associated with Babylon,
because their great work remains unfinished. It is also interesting to note that the Masonic altar is
trapezoidal in shape. Like all things within a Masonic temple, this could be a hidden identification to
the work they are all laboring to accomplish.
Part of biblical conspiratorial history is that the spirit of Babylon is still laboring behind the
scenes today to complete the work started by Nimrod at the Tower of Babel.
This Elite desire to finish what Nimrod started is seen in the poster developed for the European
Union (EU) announcing its formation. This poster is filled will occult significance.
1. The Tower of Babel chosen as a symbol for unifying Europe:—Isn’t it interesting that the
leaders of the European Union chose the only symbol within human history that caused intervention by
God Himself? Not only is the symbol used, but the leaders declare that they have overcome the
judgment of God (confusion of the languages) by providing one voice for the people of many tongues!
2. Eleven Baphomets (upside-down stars): First, the star is a symbol of Nimrod. Within the
occult belief system and use of symbols, the star is used for many purposes. In the Dictionary of
Mysticism, we find that the star “is considered by occultists to be the most potent means of conjuring
spirits. When a single point of the star points upward, it is regarded as the sign of good and a means
to conjure benevolent spirits; when the single point points down and a pair of points are on top, it is a
sign of evil and is used to conjure powers of evil.”
So the EU poster is announcing a working of dark magic for evil. The numbers eleven, twenty-
two, and thirty-three are important in Masonic endeavors. The number eleven announces the
beginning of the work, the number twenty-two then adds action to the undertaking, and the number
thirty-three declares its completion. This poster was announcing the beginning of a work of dark
magic to complete the unfinished Tower of Nimrod.
3. The People in the Poster: Notice the people in the poster. (If you cannot see them well, you
can simply do an Internet search for “EU Tower of Babel Poster” to get a better look.) The people are
brick shaped. This is the declaration that the end-time Tower of Babel will not be made from physical
bricks, but from people who have been conformed to the Babylonian mindset.
Briefing Note
About Bricks
While the Tower of Babel was made of bricks, their use for an altar to God is
forbidden in Scripture (Deuteronomy 27:5). God requires uncut stones for His altar
because it represents the body of Christ and the power of our sanctified uniqueness in
its construction. Nimrod and the spirit of Babylon demand conformity, uniformity,
and interchangeability. With this in mind, you can now better understand many of
the current political winds within the Progressive and Socialistic Movements
worldwide—from wealth redistribution to removing the distinction of the sexes toward
a unisex philosophy. We must all conform and be interchangeable, so we can serve
as bricks in the new Tower of Babel that the Illuminati Elite are building.
The symbolism of the Tower of Babel did not just stop with the poster announcing its formation.
The Bible says that it was further arranged for the people to make for themselves “a name,”—a
Sem, token, sign, banner, ensign, or mark of confederation, fellowship, and organized unity, as
an undivided people, lest they should become dispersed over the earth into separate societies.
(Compare Jer. 13:11; 33:9; Ezek. 39:13; Zeph. 3:20.) Against God they had determined to
hold together, and they wished to have a badge, standard, something by which they could
be known, and in which they could all glory and rejoice as the centre and crown of their
unity. That Sem, or Sema, was to be a mark of consolidated greatness, a loftiness and pride to
them; that is, in the language of the time, a Sema-Rama. Thus we have the name of the mythic
Semiramis, the Dove-Goddess, which was the ensign of all the Assyrian princes, and which
figures so largely as Ashtaroth, Astarte, the heavenly Aphrodite, and Venus. Semiramis is said
to have been the wife of Nimrod; so that the Sem, or token, of the Nimrodic confederation was
probably the image of his wife, with a dove upon her head, with wings spread like the horns
of the new moon. This, in the language of the time, would be called Sema-Rama, because the
great Sem, name, or token, of the combination against being scattered abroad. The symbol of
such a name or confederation would naturally and almost necessarily take the place of a god,
and become the holy mother, the great heavenly protectress, the giver of greatness and
prosperity to those rallying under it. (Emphasis added)
Over time, this symbol for Semiramis was reduced to the horn-shaped crescent moon. In
occultism, the crescent moon always represents Semiramis or the goddess, and the star represents
Nimrod or the hunter god. The crescent moon is also connected to the religion of Islam and its use of
the name “Allah.” Biblical researchers in Australia have found the following in their research of the
origins of the moon god known as Allah:
According to Middle East scholar E.M. Wherry, whose translation of the Koran is still used
today, in pre-Islamic times Allah-worship, as well as the worship of Baal, were both astral
religions in that they involved the worship of the sun, the moon, and the stars
In ancient Arabia, the sun-god was viewed as a female goddess and the moon as the male god.
As has been pointed out by many scholars as Alfred Guilluame, the Moon god was called by
various names, one of which was Allah.
The name Allah was used as the personal name of the Moon god, in addition to the other
titles that could be given to him.
Allah, the Moon god, was married to the sun goddess. Together they produced three
goddesses who were called “the daughters of Allah.” These three goddesses were called Al-
Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat.
The daughters of Allah, along with Allah and the sun goddess were viewed as
“high” gods. That is, they were viewed as being at the top of the pantheon of Arabian
Today in America, Christians are being told that Allah is simply the Arabic name for the God of
the Bible, but, when examined properly, these claims are clearly false. I believe that Islam (with its
explosive growth worldwide) is a part of the end-game plans of the Elite to complete Nimrod’s
unfinished work.
A Prophecy Established in Europe’s Name
Europe draws its name from the mythological story of the seduction of Europa by the Greek god Zeus.
Wikipedia provides an overview of this story:
The mythographers tell that Zeus was enamored of Europa and decided to seduce or ravish her,
the two being near-equivalent in Greek myth. He transformed himself into a tame white bull and
mixed in with her father's herds. While Europa and her helpers were gathering flowers, she saw
the bull, caressed his flanks, and eventually got onto his back. Zeus took that opportunity and
ran to the sea and swam, with her on his back, to the island of Crete. He then revealed his true
identity, and Europa became the first queen of Crete. Zeus gave her a necklace made
by Hephaestus and three additional gifts: Talos, Laelaps and a javelin that never missed. Zeus
later re-created the shape of the white bull in the stars, which is now known as the
constellation Taurus. Some readers interpret as manifestations of this same bull the Cretan
beast that was encountered by Heracles, the Marathonian Bull slain by Theseus (and that
fathered the Minotaur). Roman mythology adopted the tale of the Raptus, also known as “The
Abduction of Europa” and “The Seduction of Europa,” substituting the god Jupiter for Zeus.
There are many versions of this myth. In some, Zeus raped Europa and she gave birth to this
union while still in the water. I found it interesting that, in most renditions of this myth, the horns on
the bull formed a crescent moon very similar to the bulls of Egyptian mythology. Could the Elite and
their guiding spirits be planning to bring down Western civilization in Europe through the religion
whose sign is the crescent moon? Can the same thing be planned for America?
It is very possible that Nebuchadnezzar was a descendant of Nimrod—a direct line to the
family business of Ham. He was also the high priest of the mystery religion in Babylon and its king.
(The same was true for the emperors of Rome.) He had full access to the knowledge passed on to
mankind through the Watchers.
With the reconstruction of Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, the capital city became one of the
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. During his reign, he was used by Almighty God to bring
judgment on Judea for refusing to honor God by observing the seventh-year Sabbath rest for the land.
The southern nation of the divided kingdom missed seventy Sabbath years, and God exiled it to
Babylon for exactly seventy years.
While Daniel was exiled in Babylon, the king had a dream but could not remember it. He
demanded that his wise men tell him both the dream and the interpretation. Here is Daniel’s
This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king.
Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power,
and strength, and glory.
And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the
heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head
of gold.
And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of
brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.
And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and
subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the
kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou
sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be
the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall
never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in
pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands,
and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great
God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is
certain, and the interpretation thereof sure. (Daniel 2:36–45)
The picture here is generally the way Protestant theologians have interpreted this vision with
the alignment of history:
Nebuchadnezzar built his empire upon the esoteric knowledge (or knowledge of the Watchers)
that resided on the ark with Ham and his family line. Alfred Edersheim alluded to the fact that he was
a descendant of Nimrod. So, it was not just the flowing of various kingdoms throughout human history,
but the historical stream of the doctrines of the Watchers that empowered the development of those
physical kingdoms.
Historically, our Protestant theologians and ministers have interpreted the “Revised Roman
Empire” as an expression of the end-time ascension of the Roman Catholic Church, with the Pope as
the Antichrist. My personal research library is filled with classic works, from Charles Spurgeon to B.
Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast. He took the unique position of studying the last-
days teachings of Islam. He approached his study with integrity and wanted it to accurately represent
the full body of teaching within this religion. From a Christian point of view, it was shocking. If you
take the book of Revelation and turn it upside down, you would have the Islamic theology of the end
Islam is looking for the Mahdi to come and bring the world under the banner of Islam and
Sharia law. This Mahdi will appear after a great conflict that threatens to set the world on fire
(perhaps World War III). But the Mahdi will not come alone. Richardson shares:
The Unholy Partnership of the Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus
Likewise, in the Islamic narrative of the last days, we do not find a lone character coming to
rescue the world, instead we find a team. We find both the Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus. And,
as in the case of the Antichrist and the False Prophet, we find that one clearly fills a supporting
role while the other leads. While the Mahdi is clearly described as “the vice regent (caliph) of
Allah,” Jesus is described as one who will “espouse the cause of the Mahdi” and “follow him.”
The partnership between the Mahdi and Jesus is one of a leader and his subordinate. And as we
have already seen, and will continue to see, the partnership of the Mahdi and Jesus is indeed an
unholy partnership—particularly if you are not a Muslim and have no intention of becoming
one. If this is the case, then you are marked for death—plain and simple.
The Luciferian Elite are positioning Islam to become the next favored religion to influence the
world. I believe they are convinced that they can contain and control Islam the same way they have
historically controlled much of Christianity. But Daniel tells us that it does not work out so well.
I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom
there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes
like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. (Daniel 7:8)
When you connect this to Revelation 13, you realize that the horns of Daniel 7 are the ten horns
with crowns or ten kings. In my own personal study, I have come to believe that these represent the
presiding leaders/kings the Elite have set up over the ten financial regions on our planet. As Doc
Marquis has said many times, “They are looking for the final great despot king” to bring them the final
information for ascension off the reincarnation wheel into godhood. They will be betrayed by the very
one to whom they have lent their financial and occult powers. Three of them will be utterly destroyed
by the Antichrist/Mahdi, and the rest will fall in line with his plans.
In the next few years, we could see the fusion of the Roman Catholic Church and Islam. The
mythology of Europa may play out before our very eyes. The crescent-moon-horned bull (Islam) will
either seduce or rape Europa (formerly under Catholic control) to give birth to something new: The
Revised Roman Empire with a horrific version of Islam-Christianity, with the Pope (who is the regent
of Christ, according to Catholic doctrine) serving as a False Prophet and new herald of Islam who
will perform miracles like those found in the Gospels. He will team with the Islamic messiah (the
Mahdi) to bring the entire world under the banner of Islam. Those who refuse will be beheaded.
Somehow in this mix, the Nephilim will return as an expression of power within this blending
of Islam and apostate Christianity. The Mahdi himself will be the return of Nimrod to fulfill his work
at the Tower of Babel. He will be the transhumanists’ dream and the biblical Christians’ nightmare.
So we end up with two legs of iron representing two streams of esoteric wisdom that began
with Nimrod, reached a certain zenith with Nebuchadnezzar, and will resurface as the power behind
the Revised Roman Empire. Each foot is mingled with the clay of Nephilim influence and each foot
has five toes—a false grace that leads to damnation rather than salvation. (Note: The total of ten toes
can also represent the ten regions into which the Elite have divided the world.)
Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the
LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. (Psalm 2:1–3)
With all that we have covered in the last three chapters, I hope you can better understand the first
three verses of Psalms 2. The heathen and the kings counsel were established in Babel, the original
capital of Babylon. While they reach for the knowledge the serpent promised in the garden, they seek
to break asunder (or destroy) the commandments of God and the salvation that can only come through
His Anointed One. As the work continues through the efforts of the Luciferian Elite today, the attacks
the knowledge of godhood. This work flows through the currents of history. Its polluted stream runs
from Babylon to the pharaohs of Egypt, to the emperors of Rome, to the kings of Europe, and even to
the presidents of the United States. For the work to build progressively within society, it must control
every facet of civilization: from finances to politics to religion. Nothing must be overlooked.
Frank Herbert had insights on how the Elite operate and encoded this belief in his sci-fi novel,
Dune. Several times throughout the novel, when the plans for the emperor and some leaders of
the noble houses are revealed, he refers to them as “plans within plans within plans.” I think the
apostle Paul provides the same insight regarding Lucifer:
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
(Ephesians 6:10–11)
Paul uses the Greek word methodeia (μεθοδεία;meth-od-i’-ah),which can be defined as “cunning
arts, deceit, craft, and trickery.” The Theological Lexicon of the New Testament expands on this
basic definition:
This noun is unknown in Greek before Eph 4:14; 6:11. It is derived from the verb methodeuō,
“follow closely,” then “pursue by devious means,” hence “capture, trick, seduce.” The noun
methodos is also used in both positive and negative senses. In the papyri, methodeia does not
appear before AD 421, and it is always used in the administrative and financial sense of
“method” of collecting taxes. But in Eph 4:14, it refers to the shrewdness (panourgia) of the
false teachers, whose “devices” lead people into error (planē), and in Eph 6:11 it has to do
with the devil’s ambushes or ensnaring maneuvers. So this methodeia can be defined as the
well-thought-out, methodical art of leading astray, what we would call
“machinations.” (Emphasis added)
We could also add to this definition the term “stratagems.”
Therefore, the wiles of the devil are defined as methodically planned and implemented
machinations or stratagems to first lead astray and then entrap the world. In other words, “plans
within plans within plans.”
The Luciferian Elite’s system of occult philosophy consists of many layers (similar to an onion)
within the organization, within its planning, and even within the meaning and purposes behind its
beliefs. Grand Commander Albert Pike shares this truth regarding the Masonic Lodges:
Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its
secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and use false explanations and
misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal
the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.
I have referred to this onion analogy many times with my students over the years. Its outer layer
is pure white, but as you peel off each of the layers, they gradually become darker. The center is
completely black and is pure evil; only a few individuals know the complete plan.
You may ask: Why do the Elite use such secrecy and hidden levels? I think we find the answer
in the demise of Nimrod. In the traditional history of Nimrod, his uncle Shem had gathered just men to
kill Nimrod for his war against Almighty God. It is said that Shem cut Nimrod into pieces (similar to
the death and killing of Osiris) and sent pieces of his body to the major cities of Babylon as a warning
not to follow his idolatry. Alexander Hislop continues this narrative in his book, The Two Babylons:
Now when Shem had so powerfully wrought upon the minds of men as to induce them to make a
terrible example of the great Apostate, and when that Apostate’s dismembered limbs were sent
to the chief cities, where no doubt his system had been established, it will be readily perceived
that, in these circumstances, if idolatry was to continue—if, above all, it was to take a step in
advance, it was indispensable that it should operate in secret. The terror of an execution,
inflicted on one so mighty as Nimrod, made it needful that, for some time to come at least, the
extreme of caution should be used. In these circumstances, then, began, there can hardly be a
doubt, that system of “Mystery,” which, having Babylon for its centre, has spread over the
world. In these Mysteries, under the seal of secrecy and the sanction of an oath, and by means
of all the fertile resources of magic, men were gradually led back to all the idolatry that had
been publicly suppressed, while new features were added to that idolatry that made it still
more blasphemous than before. (Emphasis added)
As horrific as circumstances were under the leadership of Nimrod in Babylon, I cannot imagine
how new features were added that were even more blasphemous. But I believe that, historically,
Reverend Hislop is correct.
long as everyone had clearance and a need to know. Once the men and women left that room, the
information could not be discussed for any reason—not even with each other. When they left the
room, the project and information ceased to exist. This is the way the Game of Thrones is played and
how secrets are kept. For many in government and the military (as well as the occult), few have the
big picture. They are only provided the piece of the puzzle they are required to implement.
The Devil in the Details
The enemy loves complicated things—“plans within plans within plans.” In his plan’s complexity,
only a demonically charged mind can make sense of it, while the average person is left clueless. But
thank God for the Holy Spirit, who can shed light on Lucifer’s tactics and empower the believer to
step beyond those traps. This is why the apostle Paul calls for believers to be strong in the LORD and
the power of His might before he reveals the devil’s wiles.
Here is a mind map that includes some of the layers of control Lucifer has built upon this
planet. (Notice multiple overlapping on the various plans of the Elite.)
The “Three Babylons” (financial, political, and religious) serve as the main structure that
oversees all other aspects of the Elite machinery for absolute control of mankind.
The Three-Cord Approach to Nimrod’s Work
He was mighty in hunting (or in prey) and in sin before God, for he was a hunter of the children
of men in their languages; and he said unto them, Depart from the religion of Shem, and cleave
to the institutes of Nimrod.
invented within Babylon and then embedded into the Greco-Roman mindset. Western civilization (to
include most of the Church’s worldview) is based on the Greco-Roman mindset that first flowed from
Babylon, and it was as much a part of the statue in Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s vision
as the kingdoms were.
The Greco-Roman mindset divides all aspects of our lives and compartmentalizes (or
separates) them, never allowing them to bleed over and affect another part or section. In fact, the
unconstitutional concept of the separation of church and state (which is interpreted as “there is no
room for religious practice in public life”) is drawn from this pagan mindset. This philosophical
divide exists within all Western civilization, and it is not an American phenomenon.
When this concept is brought into Christian practices, it creates a philosophical barrier
between God in our religious life and that of our personal and business life. When God is excluded
from the other areas of our lives, by default, Babylon exerts the influence that only God should have
in the life of a believer.
The Hebraic mindset is a model of life built upon the stories and teachings of the Torah in the
Old Testament. This model was taught by God to Abraham, Moses, and the prophets. Instead of the
various aspects of our lives being divided into compartments that do not influence the others, the
Hebrews viewed them as ingredients to be blended together and harmonized with God and His
The religion of Shem was later expressed in the call of Abraham.
And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto
him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.
And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee
God called Abram out of Babylon to walk with Him, much the same way that the Holy Spirit
calls us to salvation through the preaching of the gospel. To see verse 1 of Genesis 17 through
Hebraic eyes (so we can understand our calling, too), we will need to examine the original Hebrew
“Almighty God”: God reveals an aspect of Himself in the name He shares with Abraham: El
Shaddai. Dake provides some insights into this powerful name.
[Almighty God] Hebrew: ’El (HSN-<H410>) Shaddai (HSN-<H7706>), Almighty God. It is
found 218 times. ’El (HSN-<H410>) signifies “Strong One” and Shaddai (HSN-<H7706>),
“the Breasted One.” This pictures God as the Strong-Nourisher, Strength-Giver, Satisfier, and
All-Bountiful, the Supplier of the needs of His people. Its first occurrence here reveals God as
the Fruitful-One who was to multiply Abraham abundantly; the Life-Giver who was to restore
life to Abraham and Sarah who were as good as dead where offspring was concerned. Through
Him, they would have future offspring as the dust (Gen. 13:16), stars (Gen. 15:5), and sand in
number (Gen. 22:17).
We need to understand how important it was for Abram to realize, at that time, that God was
going to be his complete source of strength and the bountiful supplier in his life. God had called him
to leave Babylon spiritually, financially, and in every other area. God was calling him to leave behind
the “Institutes of Nimrod” to walk in something completely new and different.
“Walk Before Me”: This phrase is derived from one Hebrew word: Halak (haw-lak’), which
means “to walk, to depart, to live.” There are two important things here to note: (1) God was
restoring something Adam lost in the garden—he walked with God in the cool of the evening; and (2)
this walking with God would include departing from Babylon into something greater in God and His
kingdom (we must walk away from something before we can walk into something new).
“Be Thou Perfect”: In English, this part of the promise of God sounds almost frightening. Our
American ears hear it as “you better straighten up and fly right!” However, the Hebrew phrase means
something completely different. This phrase comes from the Hebrew word tamiym (taw-meem’),
which is a powerful promise. Tamiym means, “to be complete, entire, whole, unimpaired, having
integrity, to be according to truth, and to be healthful.” The first time I saw this I thought, “WOW
Lord, sign me up!” Then the Holy Spirit reminded me that every believer already has this calling and
promise. This is why the apostle Paul used the example of Abraham so many times in teaching
salvation to Gentiles. Like Abraham, we have a shared calling to hear the voice of God instructing us
to depart from Babylon and walk with Him. This calling happens at the point of salvation. After we
are born again, we must depart from the Babylonian system and learn to walk with God in a new and
entirely different kingdom. As we mature in our walk with Him, He begins the process of making us
“complete, entire, whole, unimpaired, having integrity, to be according to truth, and to be healthful.” If
we are not experiencing that, we have either not left Babylon or we have not been taught how to walk
with God. When I see what God tells the Church in the book of Revelation, I have come to believe
that both are true.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not
partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
(Revelation 18:4–5)
It would appear that the influence of Babylon so permeates society in the last days that God
must warn His people to come out of it before He judges it. It is my prayer that this “Kingdom
Intelligence Briefing” will serve as both a call to “come out” and an eye salve to clear your vision for
differentiation between God’s kingdom and Babylon.
dependence upon those systems of control (system vs. relationship). I believe there are three basic
facets of Babylon or, as many prophecy teachers have designated, the “Three Babylons.”
In the last days, God will judge these three interlocking Babylons (or Babylonian systems).
They are:
· Financial Babylon
· Political Babylon
· Religious Babylon
Express. Doc Marquis points out in his video series, The Secrets of the Illuminati, that all the nations
involved in the War on Terror or those that are part of the Arab Spring (i.e., Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya,
Syria, etc.) refused to become a part of the international, centralized banking system of the Rothschild
dynasty. The turmoil within those nations is designed to change the governmental regimes to ones that
will be more compliant to the control of their finances by Financial Babylon (with the side benefit of
inflating the price of oil, another control mechanism). Usually, the first part of nation building that the
US assists with, after the change in regimes, is the establishment of a centralized banking system.
I also believe that Financial Babylon is the most powerful of the three. Finances build political
parties, fuel elections, sway politicians’ votes, control who gains media coverage, and even control
which ministries move into prominence and whose messages are suppressed (although the Internet is
currently giving voice to many faithful ministries today). This influence is so pervasive in the United
States that, in a study published by Princeton University, researchers declared that our nation was no
longer a democracy: it is now an oligarchy. Wikipedia defines an oligarchy as follows:
Oligarchy (from Greek ὀλιγαρχία (oligarkhía); from ὀλίγος (olígos), meaning “few”, and
ἄρχω (arkho), meaning “to rule or to command”)is a form of power structure in
which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people could be
distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, or military control. Such
states are often controlled by a few prominent families who typically pass their influence from
one generation to the next, but inheritance is not a necessary condition for the application of this
How has America moved from a democracy to an oligarchy? The answer is: Through the riches
and control of Financial Babylon. Without the proper financial backing, few candidates have any
chance of winning elections.
This control of finances has answered so many questions for me, even beyond politics.
· Why are there no real differences in our political choices when it comes time to
vote? Not only is there little difference anymore in the philosophical beliefs of the
candidates, but the same agendas continue to move forward regardless of which
party is in control. The only variation is the speed in which they are accomplished.
· Why has education been on a downward spiral over the past hundred or so years in
the US? Secularization has transformed education from training students how to
obtain knowledge and use critical thinking to indoctrinating them to serve in the
New Babylon, as dumbed-down bricks in Nimrod’s wall. This was achieved
with questionable doctrines and practices explode on the scene and become the
new standard? Financial Babylon initially funds them, while Religious Babylon
trains them to sway the masses through media and Christianized mysticism (more
on this later in our study).
The list can go on and on. When you open your eyes to the reality of the influence of the
threefold cord of Babylon, you see it in every aspect of our lives, from politics to the supermarket to
your local church!
Babylon always uses riches to entrap and to control. God’s blessings are outside the control
and influence of Babylon. The only way to gain God’s blessings is to walk out of Babylon (to depart)
and to start walking with Him in all areas of your life so He can make you whole.
necessary vice. When government works, it is small and provides some basic safeguards. This is true
in a nation all the way down to the local church. When Babylon infects any type of governmental
structure, it begins to grow like a cancer that swallows up everything around it. One of the telltale
signs of any political system infected by Babylon is revealed in the following statement about
Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the
grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded
them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy, but to believe that
it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the
government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring
them into a constant dependence on his power.
When government insists that true happiness (source of supply and well-being) can only come
through its hands (i.e., socialism or communism) and it begins to oppress anyone or anything that does
not align with its agenda, then you are dealing with the influence of Political Babylon.
There are only two real positions in life: dependence upon the Babylonian system or
dependence upon the kingdom of God. Over the past few decades, it has appeared that many
ministries and believers have prospered by standing with one foot in both kingdoms—straddling the
fence. In the days ahead, the servants of Nimrod will spring their trap and all of these compromising
ministries will be confronted by the proverbial fence post.
In the history of America over the past hundred years or so, we have seen the ebbs and flows of
Political Babylon. As the influence of the Church increased, the power of Political Babylon
decreased. When the salt nature of the Church decreased within society, the influence of Political
Babylon increased. Today, Financial and Religious Babylon have teamed up against the Church at
large. They have created a pseudo-spiritual system that makes us think we are walking with God and
making huge impacts upon society. All the while (or in reality), the influence of Political Babylon
grows within our culture and true spiritual holiness is lost within the Church.
Religious Babylon: To understand Religious Babylon, we need to understand several things. At
the time of Shem and Nimrod, there were only two religions on the planet. The religion of Shem was
to walk with the God of Creation, submit completely to Him, and walk in His ways (i.e., follow His
commandments). The Institutes (religion) of Nimrod were exactly the opposite. Nimrod opposed all
of the commandments of God (lawlessness) and set up a demonically inspired program of walking
within a system rather than walking with God. When the languages were confused at the Tower of
Babel, the people scattered and the names changed, but the concepts of the Institutes of Nimrod stayed
the same.
When Abraham was called out of Babylon (contained within his bloodline), a departure from
the Institutes of Nimrod occurred. Abraham and his descendants walked with God and learned His
ways (commandments). Eventually, the children of Israel found themselves in bondage as slaves in
Egypt—another version of Babylon.
When Moses brought the Hebrews out of Egypt by God’s grace and they became a nation, Israel
stood within history as the only religion that was the antithesis to the religion of Nimrod. All other
religions on the planet were some variation of what started in Babylon. In fact, if you go to the
Intertestamental Period during which Antiochus IV Epiphanes entered Jerusalem, erected a statue of
Apollo, sacrificed a hog on the altar of God, and established the Institutes of Nimrod over Judea,
these practices would have worked perfectly in any other nation. All other nations were based on the
same concepts; they would just change the names of their gods. Within Judea, such things were an
abomination. Antiochus found himself hunting down and killing all of the faithful who refused to bow
to his demands. (I am sure he was not prepared for such resistance.) Eventually, the Maccabees rose
up and drove him out of Judea three years to the day from when he started his war on the ways of
God. (By the way, this war began on December 25, 168 BC—the birthday of the sun god of Babylon.
He was driven out on December 25, 165 BC. This is the reason Christmas and Hanukkah overlap
many years.)
After the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, Christianity began as a new branch of
Judaism: Christ’s followers were known as the Nazarenes. Jews and Christians stood together in
unity against the Institutes of Nimrod. Rome began its persecution of the Jews in both the first revolt
in AD 70 that resulted in the destruction of the Temple and the second revolt in AD 132. That resulted
in the complete destruction of Jerusalem; all Jews were forbidden to even travel through the area.
With this persecution, Gentile believers began separating themselves from their Jewish counterparts.
There was also a great deal of animosity against both Jewish and Gentile believers, because they
would not fight in the second revolt. At the beginning of the second revolt, Rabbi Akiva declared
Simon bar Kakhba the Messiah. Because of this action, believers in Jesus felt that if they fought, they
would be endorsing Simon as Messiah and would be denying Jesus.
This drift away from our Hebraic heritage continued over the next several centuries. Church
leaders such as Origin declared that God gave Greek philosophy to lead Gentiles to Jesus, while the
Torah was solely for the purpose of leading Jews to Jesus. (Note: in Origin’s history with the church,
he was declared a heretic many times.) This separation of Gentile believers from their Hebraic
Therefore, this irregularity must be corrected, in order that we may no more have
any thing in common with those parricides and the murderers of our Lord…. no single
point in common with the perjury of the Jews.
Constantine’s goal was to create a catholic (universal) religion based upon the power of Rome
and its stream of the mystery religion. Following the occult “onion” principle, the outer wrap was a
veneer of Christianity, but within, it was completely the Institutes of Nimrod. Therefore, the Feasts of
the LORD (which are all about Messiah) and the commandments of God had to be replaced with new
universally understood pagan holidays and new catholic commandments.
We now stand in a period of human history in which the religions that are various versions of
the Institutes of Nimrod are beginning to realign. Exactly how that will play out is yet to be seen—
although, I must add, they will surely be seen very shortly. The only ones who resemble the faith of
Shem, Abraham, Moses, and Paul are the Remnant—those who have purged themselves of the
influence of the Great Whore and are walking in the power of covenant with Almighty God.
This is why we must be faithful Bereans and carefully examine our ways. We must cleanse
ourselves from the leaven of Babylon and adhere to a pure faith that is based on the completed work
of Jesus and the Word of God. To quote the Reformers of old, our cry must be sola Scriptura (“only
I believe this prophetic cry is being renewed by the Holy Spirit again in our generation. With
the level of spiritual warfare in the last days, we cannot fight against something we are still plugged
into and depend upon. We must separate the clean from the unclean in our lives, from sinful acts and
attitudes to polluted ways of living. The apostle Paul reminds us about this dynamic relationship with
the trice Holy God of Creation:
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness
with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living
God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they
shall be my people.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not
the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the
We need the Holy Spirit to dwell in us fully; we need Almighty God to walk among us in the
days ahead. In fact, we’re talking survival here. Survival supplies and dehydrated food will only take
you so far. It is the manifested presence and leadership of God in your life that will tip the balance in
your favor! Please understand that Paul was writing to believers in these verses, and he wasn’t
merely referring to marriage. This Jewish rabbi named Paul, who was from the School of Hillel and
trained by the famous rabbi, Gamaliel, was discussing how important it was for these formerly pagan
Gentile believers to completely leave the Institutes of Nimrod behind and to walk completely with the
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Notice the affirmation of Abraham’s call in verse 17: “Come out
from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean.” Notice that I did not
include “thing” in this quote. In the KJV, the word “thing” is in italics. This means that it did not occur
in the original Greek text. (In 1611, these dedicated and faithful translators were not well versed in
their Hebraic heritage.) When the apostle Paul used the term “unclean,” he was using a Torah term
that included everything the commandments of God declared as “unclean”—from items to practices.
He expected his readers to open up their Bibles (which at that time only included Genesis through
Malachi), study what God said was unclean, and separate it from their lives. In theological terms, we
would call that “sanctification” (both a lost truth and a lost art these days within the body of Christ).
Over the years, I have found that when I write out explicitly all of the Institutes of Nimrod and
its concepts for believers, the first thing they do is get upset…with me. It is not my fault that so much
of what we do and accept, as common practices, did not originate in the Word of God; but the truth is
that the carnal nature loves Babylon and most everything associated with it. Satan has done a great
job of Christianizing his concepts over the centuries, turning them into big warm fuzzies and wrapping
them in a big red bow. It takes two things for you to overcome: (1) sensitivity to the convicting power
of the Holy Spirit, and (2) honest research. Some of my students, who were originally so upset with
me for pointing these things out, eventually became the greatest advocates for biblical holiness—once
they did their own research. (Although a good number spent many days arguing with themselves over
their conclusions.) Never accept anything at face value. The enemy of our soul has become adept at
deceiving righteous men into accepting unrighteous practices. Research extensively, dig deep, and do
not go for the easiest answer, what is popular, or the path of least resistance. Be like Jacob, who
dared to wrestle with God over his pending confrontation with Esau. It was during the action of
wrestling that Jacob’s walk changed and he became Israel. There is a transformational wrestling
match waiting for you; it will free you from the influence of Babylon and prepare you to become a
world overcomer as we witness firsthand the unfolding of end-time prophecy.
Chapter Six
The Unfinished Work of Nimrod
Part 2: Communion with Darkness
Now, Hermes was the great original prophet of idolatry; for he was recognised by the pagans
as the author of their religious rites, and the interpreter of the gods. The distinguished
Gesenius identifies him with the Babylonian Nebo, as the prophetic god; and a statement of
Hyginus shows that he was known as the grand agent in that movement which produced
the division of tongues. His words are these: “For many ages men lived under the government
of Jove [evidently not the Roman Jupiter, but the Jehovah of the Hebrews], without cities and
without laws, and all speaking one language. But after that Mercury interpreted the speeches of
men (whence an interpreter is called Hermeneutes), the same individual distributed the nations.
Then discord began.” (Emphasis added)
As you recall from chapter 4, the above statement from The Two Babylons regards Cush, the father of
Nimrod. One of the foundational elements of the establishment, as well as the continuation, of
Babylon was communion with dark spirits—whether these spirits were fallen angels or chief
demonic entities. In this chapter, we will define these spirits and examine their fellowship with the
Elite, which empower all of their endeavors with dark, satanic energies.
Fallen Angels
1. Lucifer
The first scriptural reference regarding Lucifer that we will be looking at is in Ezekiel 28:
Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus
saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
(Ezekiel 28:11—12)
Ezekiel 28 is vital to understanding who Lucifer is and what he can do. Regarding these verses
in Ezekiel, many have argued that they are not really about Lucifer at all; they believe these verses
only pertain to the king of Tyrus. First, there are elements within these Scriptures that cannot be
applied to a human being. There is no possibility that this king visited Eden (verse 13), dwelt on the
holy mountain of God, or walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire (verse 14). I would
suggest that the king of Tyrus was an individual whom Lucifer was mentoring/utilizing at the time this
prophecy was given by Ezekiel. Also within Bible prophecy, there is a law of interpretation called
the Law of Double Reference. Finis Dake provides us with a solid working definition of the
hermeneutical law:
Here we have the first occurrence of the law of double reference (cp. Isa. 14:12–14; Ezek.
28:11–17; Mt. 16:22–23; Mk. 5:7–16; Lk. 4:33–35, 41). In these and many other passages a
visible creature is addressed, but certain statements also refer to an invisible person using the
visible creature as a tool. Thus, two persons are involved in the same passage. The principle of
interpretation in such passages is to associate only such statements with each individual as
could refer to him. The statements of Gen. 3:14 could apply only to the serpent and not to Satan.
The first part of Gen. 3:15 could apply to both the seed of the serpent and Satan. The last part of
Gen. 3:15 could only refer to Satan and Christ. A simple example of this law is the case of
Christ addressing Peter as Satan. When Peter declared that he would never permit anyone to
crucify his Lord on the cross, Christ rebuked him saying, “Get thee behind Me, Satan” (Mt.
16:22–23). Both Satan and Peter were addressed in the same statement, and both were involved
in the rebuke. Peter, for the moment, was unknowingly being used as a tool of Satan in an effort
to keep Christ from going to the cross. Satan was the primary one addressed, and so it is in
Gen. 3:15. A literal serpent is addressed, but the primary reference is to Satan. We have other
examples in Isa. 14:12–14 and Ezek. 28:11–17 where the kings of Babylon and Tyre are
addressed, but the statements mainly apply to Satan—the invisible king of Babylon and Tyre.
There are some statements in these passages which could not possibly refer to an earthly man.
Therefore, we can clearly see that the Law of Double Reference is in operation in Ezekiel 28.
Now let’s examine what the prophet reveals regarding Lucifer.
In this particular set of verses, the Amplified Bible (AMP) paints a clearer picture from the
Hebrew of what the prophet had in mind when he said, “Thou sealest up the sum.”
Son of man, take up a lamentation over the king of Tyre and say to him, Thus says the Lord God:
You are the full measure and pattern of exactness [giving the finishing touch to all that
constitutes completeness], full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. (Ezekiel 28:12, AMP, emphasis
In the statement “sealest up the sum,” two Hebrew words are used. “Sealest up” comes from the
Hebrew word chatham (khaw-tham’), which means “to seal, to seal up, to fasten up by sealing.”
The second Hebrew word translated as “full of wisdom” is chakmah (khok-maw’), which provides
powerful insights into the abilities of Lucifer and the level of spiritual warfare he can release. Here is
what this Hebrew word means:
The skill of war
The gift of administration
Full understanding of religious affairs [i.e., operating in the spirit realm and how spirituality
can affect individuals]
A basic understanding of each of these subjects would have made Lucifer a formidable foe.
However, the Holy Spirit reveals that he has far more than that: Lucifer seals up the sum of perfection
in each area! The average human being would have no chance of standing against such an opponent
unless he was in covenant with Almighty God! In addition to being in covenant, we must also mature
in that covenant and develop a proficiency in the spiritual disciplines of our Christian walk. The
flippant and lackadaisical attitudes displayed in various portions of the body of Christ regarding
spiritual warfare must stop. Immature believers focus on the moment while the enemy can plan over
generations. He is patient and absolutely unforgiving. He will take your verbal, powerless tirades
now, slowly implement a planned attack to get you spiritually off track over time, and then destroy
you years down the road. For this reason, we must return to the Word of God, be led continually by
the Holy Spirit, and discipline ourselves to walk in biblical holiness. The mature walk of a believer
will defuse any plot the enemy can orchestrate against you. Obedience is truly better than sacrifice!
Ezekiel’s description of Lucifer indicates that Lucifer possessed angelic perfection.
Nevertheless, we need to remember that his perfection cannot come close to that of Almighty God.
The phrase in Ezekiel is “perfect in beauty.” Again, regarding angels, there was none more beautiful
(and I have already explained the mystery revealed on the Ark of the Covenant, concerning Lucifer
and his pride).
The Word tells us that Lucifer can also appear as an “angel of light.” Those to whom he reveals
himself can be dazzled with a blinding brilliance. This dazzling first occurred in Heaven, when he
was able to convince one-third of the angels to rebel against God with him (Revelation 12:3–4). Then
his twisted logic, half-truths, and promise of illumination caused the Fall of mankind in the garden.
This bedazzlement occurred again in the life of Cush, who became the prophet for Lucifer, and then
this “dazzle effect” embedded itself into the esoteric streams that flow from Babylon. Everyone
seduced by the mystery religions seems to resemble a deer caught in the headlights of an approaching
eighteen-wheel truck! Listen to how Grand Commander Albert Pike refers to Lucifer in Morals and
Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness.
Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! It is he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable
blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls. Doubt it not! For traditions are full of Divine Revelation
and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed. Plato and Philo also were
Those initiated into Freemasonry appear before a trapezoid-shaped altar (representing the
unfinished work of Nimrod) and ask the god of the Lodge for light. Albert Pike has identified this god
as Lucifer, the “light-bearer.” Those caught up within that light believe this knowledge has created a
supernatural superiority within them. At the beginning degrees of Freemasonry, this attitude will
manifest itself more on an unconscious level. As the Mason develops a true expertise in his craft
(only a select few really do, even at the higher degrees), this attitude moves into a more conscious
level displayed in all areas of their lives. This would explain the arrogance seen in many political,
public, and international figures—especially when they are caught off guard or believe the camera or
mic is not on.
As I was researching to gain understanding of what happens within the minds of those who are
mesmerized by the dazzling light of Lucifer, I found the testimony of Dr. Bill Schnoebelen—in his
book, Lucifer Dethroned—very informative. He shares a pivotal, mystical experience he refers to as
the “Cathedral of Pain.” During this experience, he appeared before Lucifer. Here is an excerpt from
his book:
The room into which I entered was a kind of temple, perhaps as large as a good-sized church.
There was nowhere to sit, and only a trapezoid-shaped altar on a raised platform in the center.
The altar itself was made of concrete—rough concrete. It had twisted steel girders projecting
from it at all angles, and it was evidently stained with blood. One such girder reared up from
behind it to form a rude, upside-down cross. Behind the altar was a raised throne which looked
much larger than life. The throne was black, absolutely smooth, and unoccupied. I somehow felt
relieved that it was unoccupied. However, it was the only thing about the room which was
reassuring. My distinguished guide turned to me and gestured expansively at the room, rather
like an orchestra conductor. He said, quite without fanfare: “Welcome to the Cathedral of Pain.”
With those words, darkly brilliant lights came on silently behind the walls of the huge place and
I was so startled by what I saw that I nearly [retched]. The walls, which had appeared to be
inward leaning smooth black stone, were starkly revealed to be clear glass holding back a
transparent green fluid. Floating within the fluid were dozens, if not hundreds of naked human
bodies! They were all dead, most with expressions of exquisite terror etched in a rictus on their
frozen faces. Many of them were mutilated in manners which sickened even me. For the most
part, this grotesque aquarium-like display consisted of young people. All but a few seemed
barely adult, and there was a poignantly large number of infants and toddlers floating among the
rest. It was like they were preserved, floating in formaldehyde or some other God-forsaken
substance, like a butterfly collection from hell. This ghoulish diorama glared out at me from all
but one of the sides of what I now perceived to be a nine-sided room. Nine is one of the most
highly prized numbers among Satanists, for it is the only number which reduces into itself,
always. Only the wall behind the throne was still black stone. “These are the Master’s
children,” proclaimed my guide, a strange kind of pride in his voice. “Are they not beautiful?”
“You have tasted of the illumination of our Master, the Light-Bearer, and have been
found worthy to receive the Light,” my guide told me. “Do you surrender yourself to the
Light?” My head felt as if it was buzzing, and yet I felt oddly placid and relaxed. I
managed to say, “Yes” and the chanting grew louder. Abruptly, the being on the throne
arose. I was astonished at how tall he was. He effortlessly straddled the large altar like
an adult might tower over a tricycle. He reached out his left hand and placed it on my
forehead. I had to shut my eyes for the light which glared forth. It seemed my eyeballs
were turning to molten steel. My forehead was about to explode. I felt a claw tear into my
brow, right between but slightly above my eyebrows and insert itself into my brain like a
white-hot poker. I tried to scream, but could not. My entire body felt like it was going to
burst from being filled with roaring, flaming hot light. Another claw touched me, and I
felt a stinging pain. Then both hands withdrew. A voice spoke, the same voice I had heard
booming from within me on numerous ritual occasions. “Now, you are mine forever.” The
entire vast chamber suddenly rumbled with a hundred voices chanting: “Glory and Love
for Lucifer! Hatred! Hatred! Hatred! to God accursed! accursed! accursed!” It felt as if
the talon was burning into my very mind. My body shook on the altar with the power of
the chanting. I felt like a fish on the end of a hook being hauled out of the water by my
very brain. I screamed in pain, but it came out: “Glory and Love for Lucifer! Hatred!
Hatred! Hatred! to God accursed! accursed! accursed!” A deafening thunderclap shook
the cathedral. I was swept off the altar at incredible speed and carried into the awful wall
of corpses. For a second I thought I was going to be placed among them, and I finally
managed a scream. But before the scream was finished, I was through the wall and
traveling on what seemed to be a lightning bolt crashing through clouds and hurtling
toward the earth.
It is at that moment that what Schnoebelen identifies as a “meta-mind” was released into his
consciousness. He began to think differently. This difference manifested its influence the most when
he would cast spells as a sorcerer. It was as if this meta-mind within him would become almost
machine-like. He would be able to speak in twilight languages fluently, and would be able to speak
them backwards, to add more spiritual power in spell casting. The part of his testimony that stood out
to me the most was how he began to view the humans around him: They became like mere insects to
him (a common theme of Nephilim and despots). To those illuminated by Lucifer, all unenlightened
humanity is viewed as insects, and those insects must be controlled on planet earth. In science, one
would have no problems with experimenting on, splicing the DNA of, or exterminating vast
populations of insects (or in the luciferian mindset, an inferior subspecies of humans). This also
explains the mentality of the scientists within the Third Reich in Nazi Germany. All the experiments in
the concentration camps were conducted on the insects of humanity for the good of those who
contained the illumination to transcend into the new supermen (übermensch). Because these Nazi
scientists were embedded within the secret programs throughout the Allied nations, so was this
dangerous mindset. The Elite have used the secret projects of world powers today to turn the entire
planet into a concentration camp of sorts, with a multitude of ongoing experiments to advance their
overall plan to complete Nimrod’s work.
Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy
mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the
dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of
Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his
ability to properly apply energy. (Emphasis added)
Therefore, not everything that is supernatural is of God. Not every anointing is from God. In
addition, not every spiritual manifestation is from God. All things must be diligently compared to the
Bible. If it is not clearly defined as a manifestation of God’s Spirit in the Bible, then it is not of God.
If you cannot see Jesus, Paul, or the apostles doing it in the Word, then it should not be done today. If
it does not bear the fruit of true deliverance and moving into biblical holiness, it is not of God. We
need to stop worrying about drawing a crowd, as if we are a part of some spiritual circus, and get
back to the real preaching/teaching of the Word and true biblical ministry.
Years ago, my wife and I went to a large, international, charismatic conference that included
leaders from all over the world. It was at a time in my life when I really needed a touch from God.
(My wife, Mary, knew this too and made sure I was right down front for most of the meetings.) During
the conference, I also attended several seminars for educators. I was completely disappointed. The
presenters all spoke of this new move of God, but could not give any answers relevant to education
(much less on how this move applied to our Christian walk). When the time came for one of the
leaders of this new move of God to speak, I sensed in my spirit that something was wrong. I noticed
that a national leader (a man I have great respect for) got up and left the auditorium the moment this
man was introduced. (Having been on many platforms in my life, I took notice of this action.) So there
I was, sitting in front, and I began to pray under my breath, “Lord, I want everything that You have for
me, but I also stand in my authority in Jesus and bind up anything from the enemy.” The moment I
prayed this, the energy in the room began to wane. The speaker noticed the change but continued his
sermon. From that moment on, he began to stare directly at me. Those stares were not stares of love,
either; they were death stares. It became obvious that he had a real problem with me, but he went on
with his sermon. His staring became so intense that people began to move away from me, as if I
would explode into flames at any moment. The good news is that I did not burst into flames, and the
false anointing of this man did not affect me. However, I did learn a valuable lesson that day: Those
in the occult were actively taking over portions of the Charismatic Movement, and many of the old
guards of leadership were completely unaware of it. In fact, Russ Dizdar revealed, in his lectures on
the Black Awakening, that there was a charismatic minister who was actually a “chosen one” with
satanic and Nazi alter personalities. May God help us and give us true spiritual discernment!
The apostle Paul encourages believers to “prove all things; hold fast that which is good”(1
Thessalonians 5:21).
Why is it that the occult can have such an influence on something that was originally started by
God? I have come to believe that part of the answer lies in our disenfranchisement from our Hebraic
heritage and our theological jaundice to the Torah. The Torah was given to a people who were slaves
in bondage in Egypt for four hundred years (another division of the mystery religions). Encoded
within the stories and commandments of the Torah are both instructions and an anointing to separate
the working of Nimrod from the things of God. Without the foundation of the Torah, nearly anything
from Satan’s camp can be accepted—if it is given the proper PR spin and produces a crowd or a
bigger offering! No wonder Constantine wanted to separate Christianity from the Torah and anything
remotely Jewish! I love what A. W. Tozer said regarding the Word: “The Word of God well
understood and religiously obeyed is the shortest route to spiritual perfection. Nothing less than a
whole Bible can make a whole Christian.”
lose that ability when he fell. In fact, we find him in the book of Job appearing before the throne of
God. He is also referred to in the New Testament as a prosecuting attorney who accuses the
saints before God’s throne (Revelation 12:10). He will continue to appear before the throne of God
until the time is reached in which God keeps His promise in Ezekiel 28:16: “therefore, I will cast
thee as profane out of the mountain of God.” I believe this will happen during the Tribulation period.
Lucifer will realize that he has a short time left to complete his plans and will go forth with great
So many times Christians expect the presence of God to drive out the enemy, but the Word tells
us that God gave us the authority to bind him and cast him out. We must always stand firmly in that
authority to confront the enemy when he rears his ugly head. This is the role God has assigned to us,
not to His Spirit or His angels. Now, God’s angels and His Spirit will back us up with power and
assistance when we faithfully execute our authority on the earth. We must also learn to live and stand
sanctified (or free) from the enemy’s influence. Only then can we properly exercise kingdom authority
over him.
If Lucifer covered the manifested presence of God in Heaven itself, it is logical that he would
seek to cover God’s presence on the earth, both in the lives of believers and in our services. The
understanding of the anointing that Lucifer has and his ability to cover the presence of God has led me
to understand a phenomenon I’ve witnessed many times in the body of Christ. Have you ever seen a
preacher minister under the anointing of the Holy Spirit when a change occurs and something takes
over for a few moments or rides on the top of his ministerial anointing? I have even seen men and
women begin to give a true prophetic word, but a deviation causes the prophetic word to veer off
course. In the past, I have always attributed this to immaturity or a fleshly moment. However, the
information I’ve gleaned over the past couple of decades regarding spiritual warfare, coupled with
the realization that there was a negative spiritual flow with these abrupt changes, finally helped me
understand this phenomenon. I use the phrase, “the doublestream,” to describe this mystery. A double
stream occurs when there are bondages within the life of the individual or areas in his or her life that
he or she refuses to submit to Almighty God. These violations of kingdom laws provide a legal right
for the enemy to piggyback his anointing on top of the anointing of the Holy Spirit within the
individual’s life. Once you become aware of this possibility and understand how the occult works,
you can sense the ebbs and flows at times in services and on Christian TV.
This is why personal holiness is paramount in the life of ministers today. As the enemy declares
from pulpits that grace is a license to sin, the Holy Spirit is reaffirming His call to return to true
biblical holiness. The kingdom of darkness operates according to spiritual law, just like the kingdom
of God. Repentance, deliverance, and the sanctifying influence of both the Word and the Holy Spirit
systematically nullify the legal rights Satan uses to affect our lives and ministries, thereby breaking
his power to form a canopy of his perverted anointing and maintaining a pure stream of God’s
anointing. It is time that we stop playing church and become a mature army for the Living God!
the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.(Isaiah 14:12–15,
emphasis added)
Why does the Holy Spirit go to all the trouble to divide the five statements of “I will” regarding
Lucifer’s fall? Repetition is important in the Bible, and multiple occurrences of text have meanings.
Biblically, five is the number of grace. Lucifer used his anointing to create a self-centered false grace
in an attempt to ascend into godhood. He imitated God by attempting to speak his desires into
existence. Lucifer did not become like the Most High God, but this false grace did produce a
perverted power.
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in
thee. (Ezekiel 28:15)
The Bible identifies that perverted power as “iniquity.” This new perverted power was so
great that it caused angels to fall. Iniquity (and the pride that flows from it) is still the major weapon
in Lucifer’s arsenal in his fight against mankind. With that in mind, it is time to examine the
theological definition of “iniquity.”
The word used most often in the Old Testament for iniquity is avon (aw-vone’), which is used
230 times. Avon means “perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or punishment of iniquity.” The
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament provides a more detailed picture on Lucifer’s new
Cognates to Hebrew ʿāwâ include Arabic ʿawaya“to bend,”“to twist” and/or gawaya “to
deviate from the way”…and Biblical Aramaic ʿawaya “offense, iniquity” (Daniel 4:24).
Its main derivative is the masculine noun ʿāwōn (occurring 231 times against the verb
found 17 times), an abstract nominal pattern with the ān>ôn ending…. BDB conjecture two
roots: ʿāwâ I “bend”“twist” related to Arabic ʿawaya and ʿāwâ II “to commit iniquity” a
denominative from ʿāwōn which in turn is related to Arabic ǵawaya. But KB [L. Koehler and
W. Baumgartner] and GB [W. Gesenius and F. Buhl] with more probability see only one
Hebrew root related either to ʿawaya “alone” (so KB) or to both roots (so GB). For
nontheological uses: “I am bent over” (Niphal) (Psalm 38:7); “the LORD lays the earth
waste, devastates it; and he ruins (Piel) it” (Isaiah 24:1). From this primary notion it
derives the sense “to distort, to make crooked, to pervert”: “He has made my paths
crooked (Piel)” (Lament. 3:9); “I have…perverted (Hiphil) what is right” (Job 33:27); “a
man of perverse (Niphal) heart will be despised” (Proverbs 12:8). When the distortion
pertains to law it means “to sin, to infract, to commit a perversion/iniquity.”
This twisting or bending became associated with lawlessness. In the New Testament, the Greek
word used is anomia (an-om-ee’-ah), which means “to be without law, to have contempt toward the
law, and to violate the law.” This product of Lucifer has been a consistent empowering theme of
the mystery religions from Babylon to Constantine, to even modern preaching in churches today.
God’s law does several things:
· Reveals sin
summarized in the Law of Thelema: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the
law, love under will.”
This occult law sounds like a lot of the hyper-grace preaching today, doesn’t it? This statement
embodies both the nature of Lucifer and the Antichrist: to replace God’s Law with “I will” and then
call it “love.”
Everything within Lucifer’s kingdom of darkness and his mystery religions will bear this
anointing toward iniquity and hatred for God’s law. The apostle Paul had the opposite opinion toward
the Torah:
Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. (Romans 7:12)
For we know that the law is spiritual. (Romans 7:14a)
The saints of God, during the Reformation, had the utmost respect for the commandments of
God. It is only recently, in historical terms, that elements of the Protestant Church have developed
such a negative view of God’s law. I believe this negative view grew right along with the influence of
the mystery religions. Today, the Church is less holy and less powerful than it was a hundred years
ago, and it is filled with far too much showmanship. Carefully crafted sound bites wrapped in the
proper emotional garments have become the new doctrines of the carnally religious of today.
2. Fallen Angels
Christians many times confuse fallen angels with demons. Theologically, they are two separate
classes of beings. Angels were created by God to serve Him. When Lucifer fell, one-third (33.3
percent) of the angels fell with him. I believe the number thirty-three is important within Freemasonry,
because it reveals the unseen army that empowers their work: the angels who fell with Lucifer.
Paul reveals in his writing to the Ephesians that these fallen angels have levels of power and
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against
powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in
high places. (Ephesians 6:10–12)
These were not new offices of power in which these angels operated. Originally, God created
these positions (except for rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness) to operate within His
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and
invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were
created by him, and for him. (Colossians 1:15–16)
When these beings fell, along with Lucifer, the perverting and twisting anointing of iniquity
affected them and their positions of power.
Paul uses the Greek word epouranois (ep-oo-ran’-ee-os) for “high places.”Epouranois is
defined as “existing in heaven, the heavenly regions, heaven itself, the lower heavens.”
As with all kingdoms, there are levels of authority, governors of territories or regions, and so
on. These beings operate within a region of the lower heavens. Although I want to save our
discussion of the reality of a multiverse (as revealed within Scripture) for a later time, I do want to
out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.(2
Corinthians 12:2, emphasis added)
Although the Kabbalah (this Jewish book contains many of the concepts within the mystery
religions and is esteemed by Freemasons and the occult) teaches that there are seven Heavens, the
Word of God only refers to three. Each is contained within its own dimensional reality but can affect
lower subrealities. I believe it looks something like this:
Third Heaven—This is the home of Almighty God.
Second Heaven—This is a dimensional reality between God’s dwelling and our
universe. Angels—both God’s angels and fallen angels—work to assist in the governing of
nations and people from within this region. Occultists have referred to this as the “astral
First Heaven—This is our universe.
The Second Heaven is alluded to in the book of Daniel, when an angel was delayed in bringing
a message to Daniel:
And, behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands.
And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak
unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word
unto me, I stood trembling.
Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart
to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for
thy words.
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days:
but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with
The prince of the kingdom of Persia was a fallen angel who ruled over and empowered the
kingdom of Persia.
A Modern Guide to Demons and Fallen Angels provides powerful insights into roles of certain
angels in the affairs of nations:
Dr. Michael S. Heiser has argued that the Greek translation of Deuteronomy 32:8 sheds some
added light on this arrangement, in his paper “Deuteronomy 32:8 and the Sons of God”; his work is
If the Greek is correct, then what we are looking at is a specific event and time, in
which God divided the nations of mankind according to the number of the angels of God.
This is specified to have occurred when God divided all mankind. When did God divide
all mankind? God divided mankind right after the tower of Babel incident, which was not
long after the Flood.
Deuteronomy hints at the fact that the nations were divided under the leadership of angels and
that men were driven to worship them instead of God.
And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the
stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which
the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. (Deuteronomy 4:19,
emphasis added)
Dr. Heiser has postulated that the angels in Deuteronomy 4:19 and 32:8–9 were a part of a
divine council and that God will eventually judge them for leading men away from God and
Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.
They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations
of the earth are out of course.
I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O God, judge the
earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations. (Psalms 82:1–8)
Psalm 82 has long been a nuisance for Jewish and Christian interpreters. As Morgenstern noted
in his lengthy study of the psalm, “Although its text is in almost perfect condition and better far
than the text of the vast majority of the Psalms, scarcely any psalm seems to have troubled
interpreters more or to have experienced a wider range of interpretation and a more disturbing
uncertainty and lack of finality than Psalm 82.” Morgenstern is correct, but as I will suggest in
this paper, the reason for the confusion stems from several defects in our own thinking and
methods, not the clarity of the text. For the ancient orthodox Israelite, there was no conundrum.
To begin, the very first verse assaults our theological sensitivities:
The first occurrence of אלהיםis correctly translated “God” obviously to be taken as singular for
reasons of grammatical subject-verb agreement ()ָבִּ֥צנ. The second אלהיםis equally obvious as a
plural since it is the object of the preposition ()ֶב ֶ ֶ֖רְְׁקּב. One cannot be in the midst of one (and for
anyone thinking of the Trinity here, as we will see, that presumption in this verse leads to
heretical theology no one in this room would embrace). The grammar and syntax are crystal
clear. The God of Israel is, in Psalm 82, presiding over a group—a council (—)ַתֲּדףof אלהים.
The plurality point is also echoed in verses 6–7 where the אלהיםsuffer the loss of their
Men cannot be threatened with loss of their immortality, but angels can. When will this happen?
We will get into that topic as we wind up our teaching on completing the unfinished work of Nimrod.
The point I am trying to make is that angels do not desire to inhabit human bodies. The spiritual
bodies God gave them work perfectly fine, and they can manifest their presence in the earth without
the need of a human host. In fact, on many occasions in the Word of God, angels take human form.
The angels of Psalms 82 assist in the governance of nations from the Second Heaven. For those
who have aligned themselves with Lucifer, these angels prefer to be the puppet masters who pull the
strings that sway nations. We must never underestimate the intelligence or power of these supernatural
beings. Today, modern spiritual warfare is littered with destroyed ministries and lives of those who
arrogantly assaulted principalities and powers without a direct assignment from the throne of God.
We have failed to understand the difference between a demon and a fallen angel. Although this truth is
contained within most systematical theologies, its application is rarely transferred into spiritual
warfare practices. (We will address the proper model of spiritual warfare against principalities in
chapters 10–12 on “Preparing the Remnant.”)
3. Demons
There are distinct differences between demons and angels. Demons desire human hosts to
experience carnal pleasures and manifest their influence on our dimensional plane. Although the Word
of God is silent regarding their origin, a biblically endorsed book explains their origin: the Book of
First, we find a specific class of angels the Book of Enoch calls “Watchers,” who came to earth
and had children with the daughters of men. (Note: this corresponds to Genesis 6 in the Bible.)
And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto
summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and
bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.(1 Enoch 6:1–6)
And the Lord said unto Michael: “Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united
themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness.
“And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of
their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till
the day of their judgment and of their consummation, till the judgment that is forever and
ever is consummated.”(1 Enoch 10:11–12)
The judgment of God for their actions was swift. First, God caused the Watchers to be bound,
then He required them to watch as the Nephilim (or giants) went to war with one another until they
killed each other off. The imprisonment of the Watchers was for seventy generations (that means they
would be released at a future date).
Pure-blooded, first-generation Nephilim can only be created through the mating of the Watcher
class of angels with human women. Other types of Nephilim were created after the imprisonment of
the Watchers through the blending of the DNA of various species. Rob Skiba has done an outstanding
job of creating a synchronization of Genesis with the Apocrypha books of Enoch, Jasher, and
Jubilees, as well as the mythologies of the ancient world. Skiba’s timeline has connected the event of
the original Nephilim killing each other with the clash of the Titans that occurred in Greek mythology.
Enoch goes on to describe what happened to the spirits of the Nephilim after they died.
And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits
upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling.
Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men and from
the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin; they shall be evil spirits on earth, and
evil spirits shall they be called.
[As for the spirits of heaven, in heaven shall be their dwelling, but as for the spirits of the
earth which were born upon the earth, on the earth shall be their dwelling.] And the spirits of
the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and
cause trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst, and cause offences.
And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women,
because they have proceeded from them.(1 Enoch 15:7–10)
Demons are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. These spirits long to have physical bodies
again and have insatiable appetites for the things of the flesh (from food to sex and everything in
between). Although they require a host body, they have absolute hatred for their human host and
Almighty God. This hatred drives them to destroy the very host bodies they are using to manifest
themselves. They know there will be a time when God will judge them, and they will be cast into the
Lake of Fire. This is why demons always seemed to ask Jesus if He was going to judge them before
their appointed time.
Like their angelic fathers, demons (Nephilim spirits) have levels of authority and power. I
believe the ground-troop Nephilim spirits are what most deliverance ministers confront in ministry.
These are lesser demonic forces (or, to borrow a military term, the enlisted and noncommissioned
officers). The generals within the Nephilim spirits prefer to commune with the Elite and to empower
The City is the international banking district within the township of London. Referred to simply
as “The City,” it has its own Lord Mayor and its own police force (at near-military strength). In my
research, I discovered that whenever the Queen of England visits The City, she must have permission
from the Lord Mayor; she also must walk several steps behind him (showing her position is
subordinate to his). The patron spirits or guardians, if you will, of The City are Gog and Magog. We
London carry images of Gog and Magog (depicted as giants) in a traditional procession in
the Lord Mayor’s Show. According to the tradition, the giants Gog and Magog are
guardians of the City of London, and images of them have been carried in the Lord Mayor’s
Show since the days of King Henry V. The Lord Mayor’s procession takes place each year on
the second Saturday of November. (Emphasis added)
The City pays homage to these Nephilim spirits every November. Here is a photo from its 2011
Do members of the House of Rothschild commune with these guardian spirits, and do these
spirits aid them in building and protecting their financial empire? With what I know about luciferian
practices, I believe so. These particular disembodied Nephilim spirits prefer to commune with the
Elite to build a financial empire to finance the continued work of Nimrod in the earth today. We even
find their influence after Lucifer is released from the bottomless pit at the end of the millennial reign:
And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog
and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints
about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured
them.(Revelation 20:7–9)
Those who have come out of the Illuminati, such as Doc Marquis, claim the Rothschilds are the
most powerful family within the thirteen bloodlines that comprise the ruling class. Their alliance with
Gog and Magog could be a key to their overwhelming power and wealth.
Metaphysicians who do not rely solely on the Bible for authority often agree that powerful non-
human energies, including evil ones, can emanate from symbols and, once released, take on a
mind of their own. Writing about the Masonic involvement in the French Revolution, Gary
Lachman makes an extraordinary and important observation about immaterial destructive forces
—which had unseen plans of their own—released as a result of occult politics:
Cazotte himself was aware of the dangerous energies unleashed by the Revolution.…
Although Cazotte didn’t use the term, he would no doubt have agreed that, whatever
started it, the Revolution soon took on a life of its own, coming under the power of an egregore,
Greek for “watcher,” a kind of immaterial entity that is created by and presides over a human
activity or collective. According to the anonymous author of the fascinating Meditations on the
Tarot, there are no “good” egregores, only “negative” ones.…
True or not, egregores can nevertheless be “engendered by the collective will and
imagination of nations.” As Joscelyn Godwin points out, “an egregore is augmented by
human belief, ritual and especially by sacrifice. If it is sufficiently nourished by such
energies, the egregore can take on a life of its own and appear to be an independent,
personal divinity, with a limited power on behalf of its devotees and an unlimited
appetite for their future devotion.” If, as some esotericists believe, human conflicts are
the result of spiritual forces for spiritual ends, and these forces are not all “good,” then
collective catastrophes like the French Revolution take on a different significance.
I believe this type of manifestation happens when the minds of the people are influenced by
occult power and become one—not only with each other, but with the demonic forces at work. This
demonic power will take men and women to some very dark places, places where they would have
never considered going before. Since those in esoteric circles believe such energy can be released
from symbols, the egregore may be a precursor to the dark force that will possess those who receive
the mark of the Beast.
ancient malevolent spirits has been quintessential. These spiritual agents of darkness and chaos have
been mentoring generations of the Elite throughout the millennia. Through their counsel and energies,
wars have been waged, kingdoms conquered or built, and thirteen bloodlines have become so
powerful that they rule the entire world.
Preparation for the Return of the Watchers
I have noticed an explosion in technology, an accelerated corruption of mankind, and an
unprecedented movement away from the things of God since the turn of the twentieth century. I believe
the Watchers of the Prediluvian Age have returned.
And the Lord said unto Michael: “Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united
themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness.
“And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of
their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth,
till the day of their judgment and of their consummation, till the judgment that is for ever
and ever is consummated.”(1 Enoch 10:11–12, emphasis added)
The Book of Enoch tells us that this special class of angel was bound for seventy generations.
After making my own calculations, I determined that their release would have occurred around AD
1900. To verify my estimate of the time of their release, I contacted Nephilim researcher Rob Skiba.
Here is a section of his email reply to my request:
Assuming this timeline is correct, I believe the Watchers were judged, bound, and buried by
about 3000 BC. Assuming the lesser number of 70 years for a generation according to Psalm
90:10, we end up with a 4,900-year prison sentence. Of course, 4,900 years from 3000 BC
brings us to the end of the 19th Century/beginning of the 20th. In my mind, this helps explain the
MASSIVE increase in technology and transportation in a VERY short period of time. I'm
speculating of course, but it seems to make sense that the Watchers may have been/are being
released. When you look at what they taught men in the book of Enoch, it fits well with our
current advancements.
This time frame is important. Although the body of Christ is still arguing about whether the
information contained in the apocryphal books of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees should even be
considered, the Elite take the information they provide very seriously. When I began researching the
occult back in the 1990s, I noticed that these books were esteemed in many esoteric libraries.
Therefore, the Elite have been waiting all of these millennia for the seventy generations to be
completed. Preparations had to be made for the arrival of the Watchers. The groundwork was laid by
the Darwin family in the mid 1880s.
Charles Darwin published his book, Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection or
Preservation of Races in the Struggle for Life (I always prefer to include the entire title of his book,
as it reveals his own prejudice), in 1859. Around the same period, Sir Francis Galton was pioneering
eugenics. Similar to the family line of Ham, Darwin and Galton were half cousins. They shared the
same grandfather, Erasmus Darwin. Some researchers believe the concept of evolution did not
originate with Charles Darwin, but with Erasmus. I believe the concept of evolution was formulated
by the Luciferian Elite and promoted through the mentoring of the Darwin family. This connection can
be illustrated by the fact that the Darwins, Galtons, and several other families (to include H. G.
Wells) began to marry only within that group (a selective inner breeding program), similar to how the
thirteen bloodlines intermarry. Unfortunately, for this new group, the selective breeding program only
produced inferior results.
During Dr. Tom Horn’s first prophecy conference in Branson, Missouri, I was able to spend
some time chatting with Doc Marquis. Doc was gracious and took time out of his busy schedule for
our extended conversation. During that conversation, he explained that the Illuminati believe in the
occult version of reincarnation. They introduced evolution as a smoke screen to pull men away from
God. I agree with his summary, and I have also concluded that more is involved.
Evolution and eugenics were the foundational concepts that would lead humanity back into the
Genesis 6 experiments of blending species to create a hybrid Nephilim army.
Evolution and eugenics worked dynamically together to accomplish several things:
· Pull men away from God and the Bible and toward a paradigm suitable for both
the Watchers and the return of Nimrod
· Prepare the groundwork for the grand luciferian experiment in Nazi Germany
· Prepare the world for transhumanism and the corruption of the human genome
We need to realize that America embraced eugenics well before Germany did. In fact, the
concepts were taken into Germany from both Great Britain and the United States. Hitler just
accelerated the advancement of eugenics to its ultimate conclusion with religious zeal: selective
breeding, eliminating the inferior genetics, and conducting experiments to find new ways of helping
evolution are in its next quantum leap. After World War II, the atrocities committed by the Nazis were
brought to light. Eugenics was covertly brought into all other branches of science under various
names; the eugenics centers were closed down only to be opened later under their new name,
“Planned Parenthood,” and the repackaged science was eventually called the Genome Project.
This was all for the purpose of preparing the world for the return of the Watchers. I am
convinced that their return commenced around the start of the twentieth century. Within the first forty
years of the new century, mankind had already suffered through two world wars. Then, there was the
advancement of technology in Germany. Was Germany, like the civilizations in the Prediluvian Age,
trading access to their people for advanced knowledge? There is evidence that this was the case.
Hitler was a product of the Thule Society. As I shared in chapter 2, Hitler’s mentor was
Dietrich Eckart, a prominent member of this occult secret society. Both the Thule and Vril societies
had a profound influence on Hitler and the Third Reich. Trance channeling was a common practice
among both groups; it was their version of communing with the old gods, ascended masters, and yes,
even powerful beings from another dimension. I believe the Nazis were communing with both
principalities and Watchers. These spirits began providing advanced technology to Nazi scientists.
One of the reasons Nazi Germany hosted the Olympics in 1936 in Berlin was to showcase their
superior technology and advanced genetics. Nazi Germany also entered World War II with superior
technology, from the V rockets to the first jet fighters.
Little did Germany know that it was never meant to win World War II. Long before World Wars
I and II, the Illuminati planned out both wars. A researcher at the University of Virginia provides the
following insights regarding the Illuminati:
In the 1780s, the Bavarian Government found out about the Illuminati’s subversive activities,
forcing the Illuminati to disband and go underground. For the next few decades, the Illuminati
operated under various names and guises, still in active pursuit of their ultimate goal.
According to the Illuminati, the Napoleonic Wars were a direct result of Illuminati intervention,
and were intended to weaken the governments of Europe. One of the results of these wars was
the “Congress of Vienna”, supposedly brought about by the Illuminati who there attempted to
form a one world government in the form of a “League of Nations.”However, Russia held out
and the league of nations was not formed, causing great animosity towards the Russian
government on the part of the Illuminati.
Their short-term plan foiled, the Illuminati adopted a different strategy. The Illuminati say
that they achieved control over the European economy through the International Bankers and
directed the composition of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto and its anti-thesis written by
Karl Ritter in order to use the differences between the two ideologies to enable them to “divide
larger and larger members of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed
and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other.”
Under new leadership by an American general named Albert Pike, the Illuminati worked
out a blueprint for three world wars throughout the 20th century that would lead to a one world
government by the end of the 20th century. According to the Illuminati, the First World War was
fought to destroy Czarism in Russia (the Illuminati had held a grudge against the Czarist regime
since Russia had thwarted its plans for a one world government after the Napoleonic Wars) and
to establish Russia as a stronghold of Communism.
Likewise, the Illuminati claim that the Second World War pitted the Fascists against
the “political Zionists” so as to build up International Communism until it equaled in
strength that of the United Christendom. According to Illuminati plans, the Third World
War, which is to be fought between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem
world, will drain the international community to the extent that they will have no choice
but to form a one world government.
This information agrees with the information presented in the documentary from Antiquities
Research, Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill.
Germany was never meant to win World War II. Several things were to be accomplished:
· To get the attention of world powers and show the technology that the Watchers
could bestow
· To see how quickly a nation or people would surrender their belief in the God of
the Bible for something they perceived as superior.
· To establish a medium in which the influence and technology of the Watchers could
Operation Paperclip in the United States and similar operations by other Allied nations ensured
that the top Nazi scientists and superspies were brought into those nations. In the US, you can trace the
foundation of the Central Intelligence Agency and NASA to those brought over under Operation
Paperclip. Untold off-book black projects in the US were the continued experiments or programs of
Nazi Germany. We did not just receive the technology; we received an embedded philosophy that was
drawn from the Watchers. Shortly after WWII, Roswell may have been the first contact with the
Watchers in the United States.
It was after America was infected with the Watcher virus (if you will) that prayer was taken out
of school, abortion became legal, a sexual/occult revolution occurred, the fairy tale regarding the
constitutional separation of church and state was introduced, our schools became battle zones, and the
church slowly became spiritually comatose. Similar things have happened within every nation that
accepted the Nazi specialists. This is not a coincidence; it was a planned, occult work that spanned
several hundred years.
Since World War II, America became the technological giant on the earth. However, this was to
create a desire within the other nations for communion with the Watchers. Today, Russia and China
have supercomputers, space programs, advanced weaponry, and (as recently revealed on a Hagmann
and Hagmann report [June 2014] with Stephen Quayle and Henry Gruver) new energy weapons that
can circumvent the technology of our military.
All of these plans and accomplishments of the Elite happened because of their absolute
devotion to their sacred, esoteric texts and communion with these spirits of darkness. I am speaking of
a devotion that changed every aspect of their lives: from basic paradigms to lifelong goals. They will
dedicate their fortunes and future generations to accomplish the plans of those they are in communion
Further Evidence of the Return of the Watchers
Many ancient names are associated with the Illuminati; here are just a few:
One of the more recent additions to the Illuminati’s ranks is the Rockefellers.
John D. Rockefeller made his fortune in the oil industry in the late 1800s. As his wealth and
influence began to grow, he got the attention of the Elite. The Rothschilds bought interest in the
Rockefeller empire here in the US, and a new partnership was forged. Both families began working
together toward a New World Order. Here is a statement from John Rockefeller’s memoirs:
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United
States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others
around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one
world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
In our discussion, I want to concentrate on the guiding force for the Rockefeller family that
allowed them to build such wealth and enabled the alignment with the Rothschild dynasty. I believe
the Rockefellers gave us a clue in front of their center in New York City: Prometheus.
Prometheus was judged by the gods for both making men more god-like and giving them fire
from the gods. His punishment involved him being taken to the Caucasus Mountains and being chained
there with unbreakable, adamanite chains. There he was tormented day and night by a giant eagle
tearing at his liver.
The story of Prometheus comes closer to that of the Watchers than the Nephilim. The Watchers
were bound with unbreakable chains and tormented by watching their children kill each other in the
war of the Titans. Prometheus gave the fire of the gods to mankind. Within the occult, this fire is not
thought of as a physical fire. It refers to forbidden knowledge. Former president George W. Bush
referred to this fire in his second inaugural speech:
Today, I also speak anew to my fellow citizens:
From all of you, I have asked patience in the hard task of securing America, which
you have granted in good measure. Our country has accepted obligations that are difficult
to fulfill, and would be dishonorable to abandon. Yet because we have acted in the great
liberating tradition of this nation, tens of millions have achieved their freedom. And as
hope kindles hope, millions more will find it. By our efforts, we have lit a fire as well—
a fire in the minds of men. It warms those who feel its power, it burns those who fight
its progress, and one day this untamed fire of freedom will reach the darkest corners of
our world.
I believe our president was announcing to the world that the fire of the Watchers had returned
and was flowing from the United States into other parts of the world.
Therefore, I believe, the alliance between the houses of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers was
more than just about creating and managing wealth. The Rockefellers had proven on the world stage
that they were in communion with a Watcher. This communion not only created their wealth but their
desire for a New World Order.
The Rockefellers, the Federal Reserve, and a Nephilim Altar
A believer named Tim Bence has spent a number of years on a specific assignment from God: tearing
down Canaanite/Nephilim altars around the world. He has done this, at the direction of the Holy
Spirit, throughout the Middle East and in Germany. In an episode of Revolutionary Radio with Rob
Skiba, Tim shares an extraordinary journey here in the US. This is a summary of his discussion on the
After returning from a three-month trip in the Middle East, God instructed Bence not to drive
home from New York, but to drive to Jekyll Island in Georgia. He really wanted to drive home and
see his family, but God assured him that there was an important reason for this trip. So, Bence called
and made reservations with the hotel on the island, and began his journey there.
God supernaturally set up the lodging and a meeting with the curator of the museum on the
island. Through his conversation with the curator, Bence discovered some interesting facts:
· A tribe of Indians called the Timucuas lived on the island. Skeletal remains of
these Indians indicated that they were Nephilim (they were between eight and eight
and a half feet tall).
· These Indians practiced child sacrifice over a stone altar that was exactly like the
time. The Watcher identified as Prometheus may have been among the first to be released. In fact, it
would appear that the final four Watchers will not be released until midway through the Tribulation
And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which
is before God,
Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in
In the New Testament, the identity of the god Apollo, repeat-coded in the Great Seal of the
United States as the Masonic “messiah” who returns to rule the earth, is the same spirit—
verified by the same name—that will inhabit the political leader of the end-times New World
Order. According to key Bible prophecies, the Antichrist will be the progeny or incarnation of
the ancient spirit, Apollo. Second Thessalonians 2:3 warns: “Let no man deceive you by any
means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be
revealed, the son of perdition [Apoleia; Apollyon, Apollo].” Numerous scholarly and classical
works identify “Apollyon” as the god “Apollo”—the Greek deity “of death and pestilence,”
and Webster’s Dictionary points out that “Apollyon” was a common variant of “Apollo”
throughout history. An example of this is found in the classical play by the ancient Greek
playwright Aeschylus, The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, in which Cassandra repeats more than
once, “Apollo, thou destroyer, O Apollo, Lord of fair streets, Apollyon to me.” Accordingly,
the name Apollo turns up in ancient literature with the verb apollymi or apollyo (“destroy”),
and scholars including W. R. F. Browning believe apostle Paul may have identified the god
Apollo as the “spirit of Antichrist” operating behind the persecuting Roman emperor, Domitian,
who wanted to be recognized as “Apollo incarnate” in his day. Such identifying of Apollo with
despots and “the spirit of Antichrist” is consistent even in modern history. For instance, note
“Apollo” (Antichrist) is another name for Nimrod. With Nimrod commanding an army of
Nephilim, the last four remaining Watchers are released from their captivity. The timing of all of this
is divinely strategic. Remember what the Book of Enoch tells us regarding the Watchers:
And the Lord said unto Michael: “Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united
themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness.
“And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of
their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till
the day of their judgment and of their consummation, till the judgment that is forever
and ever is consummated.” (1 Enoch 10:11–12, emphasis added)
This also corresponds with Jude 1:6:
And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in
everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
The last of the Watchers are released during the sixth trumpet in the book of Revelation. When
the seventh trumpet sounds, the process of God judging the earth begins, and God’s seven bowls of
perfected wrath are poured out. The wrath of God does not begin until all of the Watchers have been
freed to receive their part of this judgment.
We seldom pray, much less know how to commune with God. We use grace as an excuse for our
immaturity and lack of responsibility before God instead of as a spiritual force to work out our
salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). Church services are no longer places where we
are to be confronted with spiritual reality and the gospel; they are now places where we go to be
entertained and presented psychobabble/New Age jargon to feel better about ourselves. No spiritual
depth, no real, life-transforming power flows from the cross of Christ, and biblical illiteracy is at an
all-time high! Today, the Church is NOT “Rapture ready” (regardless of which eschatological
position you take). For the most part, the modern Church is wearing Babylonian garments and has
forsaken the kingdom’s robes of righteousness. We must awaken from spiritual slumber and change!
It is time to bring our spiritual “A” game. We need to get out of entertainment mode and get
back to the basic spiritual disciplines of an authentic biblical faith. We need to turn off the TV more
often (to include much of Christian TV that has been infected with Babylon) and learn spiritual
devotion again, because it leads to a sanctified life filled with the power of God.
In chapters 10 through 12, we will examine in detail how the Remnant can prepare for the days
ahead! Now, let’s examine how the Elite have captured mankind in chapter 7.
Chapter Seven
The Unfinished Work of Nimrod—Part 3: The Capturing of Mankind
The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their
freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In
this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at
which these changes cannot be reversed.
—Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Briefing Note
Cursory Examination of Principles and Organizations
For the purpose of this briefing, I am only providing a cursory examination of the
principles and organizations and highlighting how they apply to completing
Nimrod’s unfinished work. Entire books have been written on each principle or
organization by other gifted authors.
When God intervened at the Tower of Babel, He interrupted Nimrod’s plan of hunting and enslaving
all of mankind and turning every single person on the planet against God. Since that time, those within
the mystery religions have been honing their crafts toward this ultimate goal. In this chapter, we will
examine several of the principles they utilize in their endeavors and the systems they have put into
place to implement their overall plan.
The Five-Staged Principle of Adam Weishaupt
Adam Weishaupt was the professor of canon law at the Jesuit-operated university at Ingolstadt. A
number of researchers believe Weishaupt was not the one who originated the idea of the Illuminati;
rather, he was hired by the house of Rothschild to unite various esoteric ideas into a perfected
formula. Weishaupt drew from the deep wells of occult esotericism embodied within the bloodlines
and blended it with the precepts that were honed to perfection within the Jesuit order.
Weishaupt’s perfected concept became known as the “Law of Fives,” in which he took the
concept of fives to a whole new level. It appears that he was obsessed with a universal application of
this number.
He started with only five members in his inner circle of the Illuminati—which formed a
pentagram. He either borrowed the concept of the “star chamber” from the Elite or he may have
formed the very first one.
He had five goals for the Illuminati:
1.Abolition of monarchies and all ordered governments
2.Abolition of private property and inheritances
3.Abolition of patriotism and nationalism
4.Abolition of family life and the institution of marriage, and the establishment of communal
education of children
5.Abolition of all religion
He blended five esoteric concepts:
1. Islamic mysticism
2. Jesuit mind-control techniques
3. Luciferianism
4. Freemasonry concepts of eternal life
5. Mind expansion through hallucinogenic drugs
He believed that history repeated itself in a cycle of five stages. If you could take control
of those stages, you could redirect the outcome. These stages are:
Stage 1—Chaos
Stage 2—Discord
Stage 3—Confusion
Stage 4—Bureaucracy
Stage 5—Aftermath
I have wondered, during my research regarding Weishaupt’s obsession with the Law of Fives, if
it was not an advanced occult principle at work to create a more stable conduit that would tap into the
false grace Lucifer created when he fell. Every aspect of occult endeavors in the world functions
through some aspect of that perverted anointing. When you examine the historical movements of the
mystery religions, their advancement appears to have accelerated in strength, depth, and global power
since Weishaupt formulated the amalgamation of the various branches into one focused plan.
With these principles in hand, Adam established the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. By 1777, he
joined the Masonic Lodge Theodor zum guten Rath in Munich. From there, his principles were
embedded into Masonic philosophy and were the main force behind the French Revolution. Our
peace sign today is an eighteenth-century Illuminati symbol that represents the fulfillment of Adam
Weishaupt’s satanic Law of Fives.
Another individual in human history who made the hand sign for the Law of Fives popular was
Winston Churchill. Here’s a statement he made between the two world wars:
From the days of Sparticus, Wieskhopf, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemberg, and Emma
Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite
recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every
subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary
personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the
Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that
enormous empire. [Note: Churchill is referring to how the Elite toppled the czars in
Russia and worked to establish a communistic nation.]
However, in 1929, Churchill’s attitude changed dramatically regarding the Elite. It was not by
accident that he was standing inside the New York Stock Exchange on Black Thursday, October 29,
1929, when the US Stock Market crashed. There are historical researchers who believe he was led
there by the elite to be shown the power they possessed over the finances of the world. (The Elite
were not hurt by the crash of 1929; in fact, many expanded their wealth greatly during the Great
Depression.) The evening of the crash, Churchill was guest of honor at a bizarre “celebration”
attended to by more than forty “bankers and master plungers” of Wall Street at the Fifth Avenue
mansion of Bernard Baruch. With this show of raw power, Churchill’s attitude began to change.
With all this in mind, it is little wonder that Churchill chose the hand sign of the Law of Fives as the
sign of victory during World War II. It was his public signal indicating that he understood their plans
and would submit to them.
The Law of Fives was later embedded into pop culture through a cult known as
“Discordianism.” An article from the Virginia Commonwealth University tells how this cult began:
Kerry Thornley and Greg Hill met at high school in East Whittier, California in 1956. They, and
their friends Bob Newport and Bill Stephens were enthusiastic fans of Mad magazine, science
fiction, radical politics, and philosophy. In 1957, the friends were drinking in a twenty-four
hour bowling alley where they allegedly had a vision of a chimpanzee that showed them the
Sacred Chao, a symbol similar to the yin-yang, with pentagon in one half, and an apple
captioned Kallisti (“most beautiful”) in the other half. The Sacred Chao is a symbol of Eris, the
Goddess of Chaos (Discordia in Latin). Five nights later Eris herself appeared to Thornley and
Therefore, within the movement, the goddess of chaos (Eris) provided mankind with the “apple
of discord” to begin the process of the Law of Fives being played out in human history.
Discordianism represented an amalgamation of the biblical story of the Fall of man in the garden with
Weishaupt’s Law of Fives.
You might ask, “Is this Law of Fives working in our country today?” Just look at what has
happened in America over the past few decades. Bureaucracy (Stage 4)has gotten out of control. In an
article, Representative Ron Paul details how, on the first day of January 2012, forty thousand new
laws were officially placed on the books. It would seem that our current leaders have a god
complex. With Washington micromanaging every aspect of our lives, they have us dancing on the
precipice of a total collapse—morally, financially, and spiritually.
The only wild card that can derail the current luciferian cycle of organized chaos toward a New
face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin,
and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
The Word does not tell us that the Elite conspirators must repent and pray. God instructs the
body of Christ to do so. If we can wake up from the Babylonian spell of slumber that the Elite have
cast upon us and return to true spiritual/biblical disciplines, we can prevent their plans from coming
to pass. I was surprised at the testimony of Chaplain Lindsay Williams, in which he conveys how the
Elite confessed to him that if Americans (especially Christians) would just wake up, it would either
delay or stop their plans. It is time that we do just that! (More on this in the “Preparing the Remnant”
What exactly is the Hegelian Dialectic? Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a 19th century
German philosopher who devised a particular dialectic, or, method of argument for resolving
disagreements. His method of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments is a
system of thought process is still use to this day.
To put it simply, the basis of Hegelianism dictates that the human mind can’t understand
anything unless it can be split into two polar opposites. Good/Evil, Right/Wrong, Left/Right.
For example when people are talking about 2 political parties, Labor or Liberal, what
they’re actually referring to, without realizing it, is the thesis and the antithesis based off the
Hegelian Dialectic. The only real debate that occurs is just the minor differences between those
two parties. Nothing is said or done about the issues that neither left or right is discussing. This
unwittingly fall victim to it all too often and sadly if we don’t stop, we will continue to lose our
free will and liberties. It has been widely used by our governments and corporations around the
world. You could say that in terms of controlling the masses, and society in general, its
deployment has been an effective tool in keeping humanity in check.
Almost all major events in history employ the Hegelian Dialectic of:
Problem—manufacture a crisis or take advantage of one already in place in order to get
the desired Reaction of public outcry whereby the public demands a Solution which has been
predetermined from the beginning.
A classic example is 9/11.
Only when you break the left/right paradigm and come to the realization that the
invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and the whole fake, and not to mention
contradictory, war on terror was the desired outcome for the neo-conservatives within
the Bush administration and the whole military industrial complex. They in fact stated in
their own white papers the need for another catastrophic and catalyzing event like a “new
Pearl Harbour.”
When you understand the hypothesis of the Hegelian Dialectic, you begin seeing it in virtually
Liberal vs. conservative
Communism vs. capitalism
Us vs. them (whites vs. blacks, nationals vs. foreigners, the list can go on and on)
Crisis vs. solution by Washington (Remember when Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel
suggested that they should never let a good crisis go to waste? Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton also made the same statement later on as well. )
In each situation, we see the Hegelian Dialectic at work: Simply create (or wait for) a problem
(thesis), offer a solution (antithesis), and move society where you really wanted it in the first place,
where it normally would have refused to go (synthesis).
It seems Shakespeare was correct when he penned: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men
and women merely players.”
If you have viewed the outstanding documentary DVD, Secret Mysteries of America’s
Beginnings—Volume 1: The New Atlantis, you would know that William Shakespeare was a pen
name for Sir Francis Bacon and a guild of esoteric writers who transformed the English language in
their day. Within the works of Shakespeare, they embedded many occult practices and beliefs. It
seems Mystery Babylon hides many of its workings in plain sight.
Now, when I watch the evening news, I no longer view it through the mental lens of information
and events. I see the world as a stage and events as pieces upon the global chessboard. This allows
me to look past the events to see the possible strategies of the Elite and enables me to become more
effective as a watchman within the ministry to which God has called me.
I have found that the only way to step outside the wake of the continual tsunami of agendas
inflicted upon society today is to stop, pray, and follow God’s leading. You may end up looking like
the odd duck in society, but they are the ones being herded to the slaughter. Paul’s admonishment not
to conform to the world is more powerful today than when he first penned it in the book of Romans.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living
sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your
mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
(Romans 12:1–2)
Congressman Verifies the Hegelian Dialectic as a Global Work
If you will recall in the last chapter, I shared how the Rockefeller and Rothschild dynasties combined
to work toward a New World Order. Congressman Larry P. McDonald observed the Hegelian
Dialectic in motion between communism and capitalism.
The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining
super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control…. Do I mean
conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations
old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent. (Emphasis added)
McDonald made this statement in 1976. He was later killed by the Soviets when they shot down
the Korean Airlines 747 on which he was a passenger.
We have now examined the basic philosophical mechanisms the Elite are using to herd us
toward a One World Order. Now let us examine their troops on the ground.
The origin of Freemasonry, according to Masonic scholars, seems to focus on two theories:
I have been asked over the years which theory is correct. I have come to believe that both are
correct. The seeds of Freemasonry were planted in Babylon, watered by Egypt, and nurtured over the
millennia by the mystery religions. The progression of its infection upon mankind went from Babylon
to Egypt to Greece to Rome. Constantine’s brilliant political and occult move was to encase the
mystery religions in a veneer of pseudo Christianity. (This same concept was adopted by Freemasons
in America, who clothed their esoteric work in a cloak of Protestant Christianity.) Prophecy
researcher Walter J. Veith has hypothesized in his video on The Secret behind Secret Societies
that with the Reformation came a moving away from the mystery religions established within the
Catholic Church and a move toward a pure biblical faith. The Jesuit Order’s countermove was to
establish Freemasonry to reestablish the mystery religions in the Protestant Movement. If this is the
case, Jesuit Professor Adam Weishaupt was either a course correction or the second phase of the
plan. It would seem to even the casual observer that they were very successful. I have been amazed at
how many fundamental, evangelical ministers are Masons today. As a minister of the gospel, I would
have a problem with any organization that uses primarily Egyptian symbols for its organization.
I do not believe I need to convince those who would read my book that Freemasonry is esoteric
and part of the mystery religions. The cursory readings of Albert Pike or Manly P. Hall (or even just
the names of their works) would convince any open-minded believer. However, I will say this for any
member of the Blue Lodge that might stumble upon this work: The oath and ceremony you went
through to enter the Lodge is word for word and step for step the same ritual used to become a witch
within any coven. (So which came first, the coven or the Lodge?) Again, the words of the
apostle Paul are more relevant today than when he wrote them long ago:
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness
with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living
God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they
shall be my people.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not
the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the
Lord Almighty.(2 Corinthians 6:14–18, emphasis added)
The Scope of Freemasonry
We need to understand that Freemasonry literally covers the globe. As the influence of America began
to swell internationally, Freemasonry spread throughout the world in its wake. It is interesting to note
that Skull and Bones (an elite Masonic organization) member George W. Bush went to war against
33rd-degree Freemason and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-trained operative Osama bin Laden.
This has led many to believe that America was behind the attack on 9/11/01. I believe their
scope of vision is too small. Every bit of information I have uncovered, to include the reoccurrence of
the number eleven (which is very significant in both Masonic and esoteric workings) points to the fact
that it was the work of the Luciferian Elite. The tragedy of 9/11 was simply one piece to a much
larger puzzle to facilitate a New World Order (and not, as many have postulated, to move America
toward neoconservatism).
Masonic Lodges worldwide are the recruiting grounds for the Elite in search of new ground
troops. Freemasons who have the temperament and belief system for the luciferian work are shuffled
off to the side and then brought into separate circles of influence within the Masonic system. The
average members of the Lodge labor within their communities and become the outer layer of
protection for the occult core. Those members become part of local churches, civic organizations,
businesses, and political parties. Whether or not they realize it, they are indeed connected to those
within the darker circles of Freemasonry, with a stronger cord than the tow that was originally placed
around their necks. I have mentored aspirants of the gospel ministry now for more than thirty years,
and I have counseled students regarding the stifling of revival in their ministries by certain members
of the board or congregation: Most of the time, those individuals were Freemasons. I remember a
particular case in the early 1990s: God began moving in the ministry of one of our students. During a
vacation Bible school, he saw nearly seventy children accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior within a
two-week period. Any Christian would have been overjoyed by such an event. Within less than a
week after this event, he was fired from his position as pastor. He later discovered that most of board
members were Masons and active members of the local Lodge. Needless to say, he was dismayed and
The definitive work on the Skull and Bones is the book America’s Secret Establishment: An
Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Anthony C. Sutton. I would also like to mention that
my colleagues at Defender Publishing, Terry Cook and Dr. Thomas Horn, provided a noteworthy
summary of the Order in their book, Beast Tech. It is not my desire to replicate their fine work. I
would prefer to examine the Order through the lens of a Christian educator and focus on the
unfinished work of Nimrod.
The Order was founded in 1833 at Yale University by General William Huntington Russell and
Alphonso Taft. The Order is known by several names: Brotherhood of Death, Skull and Bones,
Bones, the Order, and Chapter 322. The Order is a chapter of a German secret society that is linked
directly to the Illuminati. This secret society is dominated by several old-line American Elite families
as well as new wealth that has existed from 1833 to the present day.
Whitney Family
Stimson Family
Perkins Family
Taft Family
Wadsworth Family
Gilman Family
Payne Family
Davison Family
Pillsbury Family
Sloane Family
Weyerhaeuser Family
Harriman Family
Rockefeller Family
Lord Family
Bundy Family
Phelps Family
Each year, fifteen new members are accepted into the Order from the group of junior-year
students at Yale University. I believe the number of candidates is important, and it shows a
philosophical link to the Illuminati: There are three groups of five candidates. Weishaupt’s Law of
Fives seems to govern the activities of the Order. Members of Elite families seem to be guaranteed
membership. Other exceptional students at Yale can be offered membership if their particular skill set
and education would prove beneficial to the plans of the Order.
The power and reach of the Order is tremendous. Sutton writes:
Above all, the Order is powerful, unbelievably powerful. If the reader will persist and examine
the evidence to be presented—which is overwhelming—there is no doubt his view of the world
will suddenly come sharply into focus, with almost frightening clarity.
After researching the Order, I have concluded that it is a more powerful and extremely
exclusive Masonic Lodge reserved for the American Elite. If the local Masonic Lodges are for the
gathering and indoctrination of the ground troops, then the Order is the Illuminati’s war college here
in the United States. (Its sister institution is Oxford University, which we will look at shortly.) It is in
the Order that the high-ranking officers of the Elite’s army are prepared for various assignments
worldwide. At the beginning of his book, Sutton places a quote from a Yale student in 1873:
We offer no objections to their existing clan. No one disputes with them this right, we question
but the plan on which they act, —that only he who wears upon his breast their emblem, he for
every post shall be considered best.
Even in 1873, a degree from Yale was not enough for the most powerful posts in the United
States. Skull and Bones members were given strategic positions in every field: government, financing,
foreign affairs, religion, and the corporate world. Their members became chiefs who established
policies in literally every aspect of American life. Sutton declares that “the Order has penetrated or
been the dominant influence in sufficient policy, research, and opinion making organizations that it
determines the basic direction of American society” (emphasis added).
One of the ways the Order gains control over various groups or movements is to ensure that the
FIRST president, chairman, or main leader is a member. It is the first leader of any organization
who sets the foundational agenda and philosophy maintained throughout its lifecycle. Having the
highest level of leadership in these organizations also allows freedom to embed other members into
key positions. Since this networking and embedding of members have been going on since the 1830s,
it is easy to see how the Order controls nearly every aspect of our society.
This penetration of the Order includes all Protestant denominations. Sutton writes:
About 2 percent of the Order is in the Church (all Protestant denominations), although this
percentage has declined in recent years. A key penetration is the Union Theological Seminary,
affiliated with Columbia University in New York. This Seminary, a past subject of investigation
for Communist infiltration, has close links to the Order.
Is it any wonder why Protestant denominations have been slowly moving away from true
biblical standards in both beliefs and moral standards over the past hundred years? The Order has
actively been working in the background to produce this backslidden state!
The Order’s Involvement in Education
Sutton goes into great detail about how the Order perverted education in America. Although not an
Order member, American psychologist G. Stanley Hall was the agent of choice for the Order to use to
infect the education of our children.
Hall was a student at Union Theological Seminary and was highly influenced by Henry B.
Smith. This is where his indoctrination and training appears to have begun. After graduation, Smith
was financially broke, but was encouraged by Smith to go to Europe to study experimental
psychology under Wilhelm Wundt. Another member of the Order contributed one thousand dollars to
help finance his trip. (In those days, this was a very large sum of money.)
While in Europe, Hall studied under Wilhelm Wundt at the University of Leipzig. At the time,
he was also highly influenced by the philosophies of Hegel (think Hegelian Dialectic). His training in
Europe lasted about twelve years.
Upon returning home, Smith was again flat broke. This financial setback did not last long, as the
Order had plans for him. One day, the president of Harvard showed up, out of the blue, at his home
and invited him to lecture at Harvard on education. Then, in 1881, to his surprise, Johns Hopkins
University offered him the Chair of Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy (Education). We also find
that Smith was not the only one being groomed by the Order. Sutton provides the following chart of
where students of Wundt were placed and the number of doctoral graduates their efforts generated.
Just imagine the impact that 1,331 experts at the doctoral level with training specifically
tailored to the agenda of the Elite can have upon the American educational system.
All were trained with concepts that originated at the University of Leipzig. Why is this so
important? Wilhelm Wundt was a pioneer in psychological conditioning. We are all familiar with Ivan
Pavlov and his experimental conditioning of a dog to salivate when a bell rang. Pavlov was a
student of Wundt. These men and their doctoral graduates brought conditional training into the
elementary and secondary educational systems in the United States. Our children are no longer taught;
they are trained and conditioned to respond to the stimuli provided by the Order. In the eyes of the
Order, there is little difference in the average American citizen and the dogs Pavlov trained to
respond to his cues. Thanks to the Order, education in America today pales in comparison to that of
the 1890s! Now we are conditioned to vote their candidates into office, work in their corporations,
and purchase their goods. Don’t think, don’t connect the dots; just respond to the stimuli they provide
in the media. It would appear that all of the testing advertising does in marketing research groups is
merely to find the right “trigger” to gain the planned, conditioned response they want.
Perhaps one of the reasons that home schooling is frowned upon today is not because home-
schooled children are academically inferior (in fact, the opposite is true), but because they lack the
psychological conditioning provided within the structured educational system the Elite built in the
early twentieth century. (We must also remember that one of the goals of Weishaupt was the communal
education of children.) Is it possible that the home-schooled children present a threat to the system of
psychological conditioning in education and, thus, to the overall plans for our nation? If one would
take time to listen to the Progressive rants against home schoolers, one would think they were an
actual plague upon society! Yet colleges and universities are beginning to realize that home-schooled
children are far better prepared for the rigors of postsecondary learning. The Elite’s response was
Common Core, which: (1) changes the educational structure so that home-schooled children will not
meet the academic requirements of postsecondary education unless Common Core programming is
added to their curriculum; and (2) further enhances the psychological conditioning of the next
generation to become even more compliant to the stimuli provided by the Elite.
The Order’s Work Does Not Stop There
In additional chapters of Sutton’s book, we find documentation that the Soviet Union was the creation
of the Order. That’s right: Communism with a capital “C.”The Order is also linked to the financing of
the Nazis—the National Socialist Party in Germany. If you do your homework, Karl Marx’s
Communist Manifesto is nothing more than a reworded version of Weishaupt’s work and the
Illuminati document, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion! The Order is not involved in
building up America or even in hedging up American interests. The Order is about moving the world
into the New World Order that Weishaupt envisioned for the Illuminati!
With World War I, the Order removed the czars of Russia and replaced them with communism.
With World War II, they weakened Europe (and the Church in Europe), and moved it toward
socialism. (Now you know why our leaders in the US continually compare what we should be doing
to Europe, from health/medicine to law. They are using Europe as a justification for converting
America into a socialistic state.) World War III has been planned to be between Israel and Islam; the
synthesis will cause the world to abandon all other religions and embrace luciferianism.
So, is America moving toward communism? Nikita Khrushchev, the former general secretary of
the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, bragged that we would.
We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can
assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one
opposed to his effort to protect conservative media after they imposed rules on the publisher of
Rep. Paul Ryan's new book, opening the door to future book regulations—or even a ban.
“By failing to affirm this publisher’s constitutional right, statutory right, to disseminate a
political book free from FEC conditions and regulations, we have effectively asserted
regulatory jurisdiction over a book publisher,” warned Chairman Lee E. Goodman, one of three
Republicans on the six-person FEC.
“That failure reveals a festering legal uncertainty and chill for the free press rights
of books and book publishers to publish and disseminate political books free from
government regulation,” he added.
Is it just me, or do political speeches and news headlines seem to be more appropriate in
Russia than America lately? Unless Americans (and especially Christians) wake up and take action,
the Elite will have America spelled as “Amerika!”
With all of that said, I don’t think communism is the end goal of the Illuminati or of the Order.
Communism creates dependence upon the state, enables the state to own everything (to include its
citizens), and removes God from the collective consciousness of that society. These three things must
be accomplished in order to create a luciferian New World Order. So, communism is just step B to
get us to step C—luciferianism!
The Round Table movement, founded in 1909, was an association of organizations promoting
closer union between Britain and its self-governing colonies. The movement began at a
conference at Plas Newydd, Lord Anglesey’s estate in Wales, over the weekend of 4–6
September. The framework of the organization was devised by Lionel Curtis, but the overall
idea was due to Lord Milner. Former South Africa administrator Philip Kerr became secretary
to the organization.
top, the position of “General of the Society”—a position modelled on the General of the Jesuits
—to be occupied by Rhodes, with Stead and Lord Rothschild as his designated successors; an
executive committee called the “Junta of Three,” comprising Stead, Milner and Reginald Baliol
Brett (Lord Esher); then a “Circle of Initiates,” consisting of a number of notables
including Cardinal Manning, Lord Arthur Balfour, Lord Albert Grey and Sir Harry Johnston;
and outside of this was the “Association of Helpers,” the broad mass of the Society. One of the
puzzles surrounding this meeting is whether the “Society of the Elect” actually came into
being. Carroll Quigley claims in Tragedy and Hope (1966) that Rhodes’s “Society of the
Elect” was not only “formally established” in 1891, although its first inception existed several
years prior (1889), but that its “outer circle” known as the “Association of Helpers” was “later
In several of his wills, Rhodes left money for the continuation of the project. However, in
his later wills, Rhodes abandoned the idea and instead concentrated on what became
the Rhodes scholarships, which enabled American, German and English scholars to study for
free at Oxford University.
Similar Organizations
Lionel Curtis founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in June 1920. A
year later its sister organization, the Council on Foreign Relations, was formed in
America. One of the founders of the sister organization was another member of the Round
Table groups, Walter Lippmann.
Cecil Rhodes belonged to one of the thirteen bloodlines and was a Luciferian Elite. He was
also a graduate of Oxford University. Oxford is the European university of choice for the Elite
families in preparing the next generation for their work. Rhodes developed his fortune through raping
the resources of Southern Africa, in particular, diamonds. He created the De Beers Diamond
consortium (or perhaps a better word would be “cartel”) and used his wealth to advance the plans of
the Elite.
What the information in Wikipedia gets wrong is that Rhodes did not abandon his concept of
creating Round Table/think tank groups for the development of the Scholarship Program. Rather, the
work on the prototype for the think tanks was completed. Lionel Curtis and others within the Elite
would go to work replicating his Round Table/think tank concept worldwide. Now, Rhodes’ task was
to create a scholarship fund that would bring the best and the brightest into the Elite’s fold by
initiating them at Oxford University through the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship Program. He required
well-educated postgraduate initiates to fill the ranks of the newly developing Round Tables
Today, his Round-Table effort spans the entire globe.
These think tanks now develop policies that virtually control every segment of the globe. One
of the primary purposes of the United Nations was to become the enforcement agency for the new
policies. Most Americans would be surprised to learn that treaties can usurp the Constitution in the
United States. UN treaties are being used to bring the agenda of the Elite to nations, whose own
constitutions or charters would normally prevent the implementation of their plans. (This means the
Second Amendment does not necessarily need to be overturned by our government. All they will need
to do is ratify a treaty from the United Nations to bring complete gun control to our nation.)
Evidence of More Round Tables
While listening to a newly released briefing by Chaplain Lindsay Williams, some of the information
he provided proved very enlightening. There are now Asians among the Elite, and the Asian Round
Tables seem to be at odds with the European/American ones.
The plan of the Elite for the past two hundred years was to eventually collapse America, after
which the occult core would jettison its Protestant Christian outer cloak. Then America would
become the phoenix rising from the ashes as a gleaming pagan super society. The delays in their plans
over the past decade are because the Asian Elite are no longer in love with that plan. They
would prefer a permanent transfer of power and wealth to Asia, thus stifling the overall plan. If it
were not for this conflict, the United States dollar would have been worthless after 2009.
I believe this conflict was caused by the grace of God. In America, we need more time to wake
up the slumbering saints, equip them for the spiritual battle, and prepare them for the struggle ahead. If
the body of Christ would awaken from slumber and move into maturity, instead of Christianity being
jettisoned, we could see the occult core banished from our shores and lodged in Europe, where they
prophetically belong!
What course of action would the Elite need to take to control information within a nation that
had embraced the concept of freedom of the press? The answer is: Buy and control the press. In 1917,
Congressman Oscar Callaway entered into the congressional record the fact that JP Morgan had hired
twelve top news managers to first determine the most influential news agencies in America and then
to calculate how many of them would need to be purchased to control the general policy of the daily
news. The men informed JP Morgan that only twenty-five agencies would be required to basically
control the flow of information that was reported to the American people. An agreement was reached;
the policy of the papers was bought, and an editor was placed at each paper to ensure that all
published information was in keeping with the new policy. Shortly after the purchase, a front group
was formed by Morgan, Warburg, and Rockefeller to define the new policy and, thus, control the
news in the United States. From that time on, the control of our news information was entwined
with the Rhodes think tank known as the Council on Foreign Relations. Here are the top twenty
media corporations in the US according to All but two of the following are
members of the Council on Foreign Relations (numbers 18 and 19 are not).
1. Time Warner Inc.
2.Walt Disney Co. (ABC)
3.Viacom Inc.
4.News Corp.
5.CBS Corp.
6.Cox Enterprises
7.NBC Universal
8.Gannett Co., Inc.
9.Clear Channel Communications Inc.
10. Advance Publications Inc.
11. Tribune Co.
12. McGraw-Hill Cos.
13. Hearst Corp.
These news agencies control the flow of information in this country. Each answers to the Elite
regarding news policy, what news items are covered, the correct agenda slant to embed within the
reports, what information should be suppressed, which candidates for political office should be given
air time, and even what items are to be added as distractions to keep the American people away from
what is really going on.
When I travel outside the United States, the main complaint I hear about America is how
controlled our news media is. Citizens in Europe and Canada have expressed to me in detail their
amazement about just how controlled our news is and how the media works so hard to keep
new legislation, as well as resurrecting the “Fairness Doctrine,” which is not fair at all. So far, the
Fairness Doctrine has not been successfully reintroduced, and Congress has failed to redefine who
can receive protection as “the press.” Let’s pray they never succeed!
The Elite’s Control: Beyond the News
Did you know that a small, select group of writers controls everything from the scripts in movies and
your favorite TV shows…all the way to the dialogues by your favorite late-night television show
host? A few years ago, the Writers Guild of America went on strike. The only program with fresh
scripts was the evening news. Production of movies, TV shows, and, yes, even late-night TV stopped.
That year, several new TV shows died—not because they were flops, but because no one wanted to
watch the same four or five shows over and over again. By the time the strike was over, several
shows were cancelled and even a few movies in production died in its wake.
I am not complaining because the new shows that I really liked were cancelled (although two
were); I am pointing out the power of one small group of writers. These writers have the ability to
incorporate concepts into the storylines that the original authors did not include. The Elite have turned
entertainment in America into a tool used by social engineers. They have slowly taken us from
believing that Leave it to Beaver depicted the typical American family to accepting Roseanne as
portraying the norm. Those in Hollywood have become social alchemists who have transmuted the
very foundational collective consciousness of our society. Just like the hand-picked news editors of
JP Morgan and associates, they set the policy of what we will watch and where we will go ethically,
emotionally, and spiritually as a nation. We will examine in more detail in the upcoming chapter on
mind control just how TV is used to transform society and our very belief systems.
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen,
and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye
be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her
works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. (Revelation 18:1–6, emphasis
God is calling every believer to unplug from the Illuminati’s matrix of control so that He can
judge it. Regardless of your eschatological position on the returning of Christ (pre-Tribulation, mid-
Tribulation, or post-Tribulation), being completely disconnected from Babylon is the only way to be
ready for His return. Jesus is not coming back for a bride, wearing Babylonian garments, that is in
service to Baal. He is coming back for a victorious bride that has overcome the influence and control
of the Luciferian Elite and is wearing garments of true biblical holiness. May the process of waking
up, cleaning up, and growing up begin this very hour!
Chapter Eight
The Unfinished Work of Nimrod—Part 4: Mind Control
And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall
bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon,
that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their
merchandise any more:
The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen,
and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all
manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,
And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and
fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and
souls of men. (Revelation 18:9–13, emphasis added)
Babylon has always sought to control and own the souls of men. In ancient times, Nimrod used giants,
fear, intimidation, and governmental power to enslave the populations of the world. Through the
millennia, the only one of Nimrod’s original weapons of control that was lost was the giants (although
transhumanism may soon restore this key tool). Today, government oppression, fear, and intimidation
are not enough. Mankind has tasted freedom occasionally in its history. That desire for freedom has
caused a multitude to press through their fears to demand more and to fight against such draconian
What we will discover in this chapter is that a multitude of new weapons of control has been
devised since the turn of the twentieth century, coinciding with the return of the Watchers. Most
researchers of the Tower of Babel estimate that less than one million individuals were alive when
God confused the languages. The truth is, with nearly seven and a half billion people living on the
planet today, the Elite require a whole new arsenal to bring the level of control needed for the return
of Nimrod.
Of course, the Elite leave nothing to chance. They will not trust fulfilling the unfinished work of
Nimrod to a single strategy. Why use one strong rope when ten thousand smaller ones would prove
more effective in both capturing the souls of men and keeping them captive?
After the turn of the twentieth century and two world wars, we saw the development of the
military-industrial complex. This new amalgamation of private industrial and governmental interests
provided new weapons to overcome Nazi Germany’s threats to liberty worldwide. The complex
continued to grow through the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam—as well as the threat of the Soviet
Union. The Elite saw to the exponential growth of this newly formed complex. Today, it is the
military-industrial-agricultural-chemical-pharmaceutical-medical complex. It has grown to the place
that it has become like a stage-four cancer within humanity. The very mechanism that was used to
ensure liberty is now being used by the Elite to exterminate it!
The corporations that genetically modify our foods and fill them with chemicals (that slowly
poison our bodies) are the same corporations that rake in billions to produce medicines and operate
medical facilities to treat our diseases. Members of their boards serve and control the governmental
agencies that were established to protect us from them! While they create future generations of new
customers for their medical centers, there is much more at work.
The organic food movement began to really pick up steam with the personal involvement of the
royal family of England. While they dine on only the best organic foods and are treated by skillful
naturopaths, the Elite sell us on the need for genetically modified organism (GMO) foods and create
new illnesses that require more advanced pharmaceutical compounds.
The truth is that the same witch’s brew they use—both to make us ill and to treat our illnesses—
is dumbing us down and making us more susceptible to forms of mind control. However, mind control
extends far beyond the foods we eat, the fluoridated water we drink, and the never-ending supply of
pills (pharmakeia—Revelation 9:21) we swallow every day.
and the perfecting of the ultimate spy/weapon, I want to preface this subject with a confession. I
originally thought these topics were fantasy and the result of urban legend. However, beginning
around 1995, my family and I had our world (and our worldview) turned upside down.
My wonderful wife, Mary, had suffered quietly from depression most of her life. She would
experience pressure on the back of her head any time she tried to read the Word of God. This was
perplexing for her, because she loved God and knew that depression should not be a part of a
Christian’s life. She had prayed every prayer she could think of, but the depression remained. Then,
one day, she cried out to God in desperation and declared that He was Almighty, begging Him to
change her because her children and husband deserved better. At first, nothing happened. Then, in
early 1994, she woke up, and everything had changed. The depression was gone; even the colors
around her had more depth and appeared to be brighter. She began an eight-month journey of
devouring the Word of God and getting lost in His awesome presence.
During this time, Mary grew in the Lord, and her understanding of the Word deepened every
day. During that time, someone we respected with a prophetic gift told Mary, “God has changed your
bloodline.” We later realized just how right this man of God was.
After eight months of getting deep into the Word and enjoying God’s presence and His voice,
the depression returned. Mary was dismayed. After a time of deep personal struggle, she determined
that she was going to hear from God and get an answer. She wrapped herself up in a blanket, sat out
on the back patio on our picnic bench, and refused to move until she heard from God. Here is her
testimony of what happened next:
I once more cried out to God, “Well, God, I have to know what happened to me—please show
me!”I was determined to stay out in the cold until I broke through and heard from Heaven. God
spoke very clearly to me. He said that I had demons oppressing me. He told me to bind the
demons and that He would show me how to make them leave. My first thought was, “Christians
can’t have demons, so this can’t be God talking to me.”I pressed in harder and heard the same
thing. God told me that He had taught me His Word, and I now had the faith to fight. I did
exactly what God told me. I said, “I bind you in the name of Jesus.”The minute I said that, I felt
like I was hit in the back of the head with a hammer. I ran inside and told my husband, so he
could pray for me. My journey to freedom had begun.
This event, when Mary struggled with the demonic forces that flowed upon her bloodline,
proved to be pivotal for our ministry; God wanted to open our eyes to the reality of the world around
us. Someone said that Mary’s great grandmother had been involved in witchcraft. Mary asked God to
forgive the sin of witchcraft in her family line. When God temporarily changed her bloodline, it
separated her from the demonic forces that sought to stifle her growth and freedom as a believer.
After those eight months of training by the Holy Spirit, Mary was ready to clean house spiritually.
The prayers of my wife were not only bringing her healing and restoration, but they were, no
doubt, affecting the occult community. Through a long analytical process, we concluded that my wife,
along with other citizens in the area surrounding Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, was a victim of mind-
control programming. It also became apparent that some individuals were very concerned about her
restoration and emerging memories. Needless to say, I went to bed one night believing I lived in
Mayberry and woke up the next morning in Amityville!
It did not take me long to realize that I was dealing with situations I could never have imagined.
My position with Biblical Life College and Seminary allowed me access to noted experts in both
psychology and deprogramming. I cannot tell you how many hours I spent on the phone describing
events or sharing strange phrases that came out of the victims’ mouths. What shocked me most were
not the strange utterances from those we were praying with, but the fact that the experts could stop me
in the middle of a sentence and finish the statement for me. The individuals I was consulting were
always kind enough to provide lists of books I needed to research. I certainly kept Amazon busy
during those months when I was ordering all the books I needed. I would usually research after we
saw or heard something unusual in the town or in our church services. Every time, I would find what
we saw or heard confirmed in one of the books. I concluded that either these testimonies of occult
activity were true or these individuals had read all of these books and formulated some elaborate
plan to take advantage of our ministry and waste our time. It had to be one or the other. The torment I
witnessed in the people we were praying with, the changes in physical characteristics, and the
personalities that weren’t concerned about their children at all; they just wanted another notch on their
occult belt for taking down another ministry. My wife stated that this was just the preparation phase of
her learning how to properly assess those who come for help and, more specifically, how to
determine whether they had a sincere desire to follow God.
We were told that we lived in an area of Missouri the occult community called the “Crystal
Cauldron.” A geographic cauldron is unique, and there are only a few that we know of across the
United States. There are many occult groups whose basic philosophies cause them to be at odds with
one another. An example would be how the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)/neo-Nazi groups are at odds with
the Wiccans. (The KKK’s philosophy includes hatred for gays/bisexuals, while bisexuality is part of
the Wiccan practice.) Yet within a cauldron, all work together to complete certain assignments
provided by an overseeing council. All the various factions, controlled by a council, create the
“witch’s brew” within the cauldron. From various reports concerning occult activity, we were able to
determine that the council is in St. Louis, Missouri. When describing the cauldron in an email to noted
researcher Cris Putnam, the first thing he asked was, “Is there a military base within the cauldron?”
Fort Leonard Wood is positioned in the center of it. This confirmed my belief that official government
mind-control experiments were conducted at the fort, under the leadership of the CIA. Part of the
protocol of the projects was to use local occult members for the work of recruiting subjects from the
area. After the revelations of MKUltra (one of the many CIA mind-control experiments) were made
public by a congregational investigation, the official experiments stopped. However, these
technologies were still in the hands of the occult community, which continued to use them to build
their own power base and create the cauldron. Although some of this is speculation on my part, it
does fall in line with the facts we discovered and seems to be the most plausible hypothesis.
It is not my desire to recount all the situations we walked through, but I feel burdened by the
Holy Spirit to share some of the important facts I discovered in my research.
1. Mind-control techniques have been around for a long time. The Elite used the Nazis
during World War II to advance the techniques. After WWII, the United States, the Soviet Union, and
children and adults were available for experimentation. We’ve heard about the inhumane
medical experiments performed on concentration camp prisoners, but no word was ever
mentioned by the media and the TV documentaries of the mind control experiments. That was
not to be divulged to the American public. Mind control technologies can be broadly divided
into two subsets: trauma-based or electronic-based.
The first phase of government mind control development grew out of the old occult
techniques which required the victim to be exposed to massive psychological and physical
trauma, usually beginning in infancy, in order to cause the psyche to shatter into a thousand alter
personalities which can then be separately programmed to perform any function (or job) that the
programmer wishes to “install.” Each alter personality created is separate and distinct from the
front personality. The “front personality” is unaware of the existence or activities of the alter
personalities. Alter personalities can be brought to the surface by programmers or handlers
using special codes, usually stored in a laptop computer. The victim of mind control can also be
affected by specific sounds, words, or actions known as triggers.
The second phase of mind control development was refined at an underground base
below Fort Hero on Montauk, Long Island (New York) and is referred to as the Montauk
Project. The earliest adolescent victims of Montauk style programming, so called Montauk
Boys, were programmed using trauma-based techniques, but that method was eventually
abandoned in favor of an all-electronic induction process which could be “installed” in a
matter of days (or even hours) instead of the many years that it took to complete trauma-based
Dr. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz notoriety was the principle developer of the trauma-
based Monarch Project and the CIA’s MKUltra mind control programs. Mengele and
approximately 5,000 other high-ranking Nazis were secretly moved into the United States and
South America in the aftermath of World War II in an Operation designated Paperclip. The
Nazis continued their work in developing mind control and rocketry technologies in secret
underground military bases. The only thing we were told about was the rocketry work with
former Nazi star celebrities like Warner Von Braun. The killers, torturers, and mutilators of
innocent human beings were kept discretely out of sight, but busy in U.S. underground military
facilities which gradually became home to thousands upon thousands of kidnapped American
children snatched off the streets (about one million per year) and placed into iron bar cages
stacked from floor to ceiling as part of the “training.” These children would be used to further
refine and perfect Mengele’s mind control technologies. Certain selected children (at least the
ones who survived the “training”) would become future mind controlled slaves who could be
used for thousands of different jobs ranging anywhere from sexual slavery to assassinations. A
substantial portion of these children, who were considered expendable, were intentionally
slaughtered in front of (and by) the other children in order to traumatize the selected trainee into
total compliance and submission.
Mind Control “Programmed” Individuals
The lone gunman that we hear about in assassinations, assassination attempts,
school shootings, etc., are mind controlled individuals who had been “programmed” to
carry out those missions. Ted Bundy, the “Son of Sam” serial killer David Berkowitz,
Oswald, Timothy McVeigh, the Columbine shooters, Chapman, Sirhan Sirhan, etc. were
mind controlled individuals who were programmed to perform these killings. Tens of
thousands of young teenage boys were kidnapped and forced into the mind control
training program called The Montauk Project starting around 1976. Al Bielek, under mind
control, was involved in many areas of the secret Montauk Project. After slowly
recovering his memories beginning in the late 1980s, he came to realize that there were at
least 250,000 mind controlled “Montauk Boys” produced at 25 different facilities similar
to the underground base at Montauk, Long Island. Many of these boys were to become
“sleepers” who are individuals who were programmed to go into action at a later date
when properly “triggered” to engage in some sort of destructive or disruptive conduct.
Other Montauk Boys were woven into the fabric of mainstream American life as
Adachi’s research is similar to that of Alex Constantine, Colin A. Ross, MD, Jim Keith, and
many others.
Researcher and author Jim Keith shares on the involvement of the Tavistock Institute with mind
At its core, Tavistock consists of Freemasonic British intelligence agents collaborating with the
hydra heads of world psychiatry to achieve two goals:
(1) A one world order where the nation state has been abolished and a single totalitarian
control center established.
(2) The simultaneous psychological control of the world or, using their term,
“societry.”Even the official literature of Tavistock is candid in admitting its broad world mind
control orientation.
In 1932 German psychologist Kurt Lewin, one of the creators of the American OSS
intelligence network, precursor to the CIA—took over the steering of Tavistock from
Reese. Lewin was an early proponent of the use of trauma for reprograming both
individuals and societies, his modus operandi possibly more than merely an analog of
the Freemasonic dictum “Ordo Ab Chaos,” meaning, “order out of chaos.”
Before I go on, let me share something with you. When Ken Adachi spoke of scores of children
stacked in steel cages, it was hard for my mind to believe such a thing. Yet we have spoken with
survivors who have described these cages to us. In my attempt to research for the purpose of
dismissing their memories as distorted, I found verification of the information from the reports of
other survivors as well as from government contractors who shared these truths as they approached
death. We need to remember that the same people who brought us the concentration camps in Nazi
Germany were used in America to develop this technology during the Cold War. Adachi also said that
trauma-based programming was “abandoned in favor of an all-electronic induction.” I have suspected
this for some time. Evidence coming from other researchers has confirmed my fear: Welcome to the
electronic age of mind control. This also explains why some victims of mind control have all the
programming markers, but none of the memories. The trauma-based methodology has been replaced
with an all-electronic induction method.
This arms race, of sorts, to perfect mind control really launched into high gear after the Korean
War (although it had existed since the end of WWII). Many of our men who were prisoners of war
(POWs) returned with completely altered personalities. The Chinese had conducted mind-control
experiments on American POWs. These experiments were known as the Chinese Manchurian
Candidate Program.
In 1954, there was an exchange of POWs between the United States and China dubbed “Big
Switch.” Mind-control researcher Colin A. Ross, MD, shares some interesting facts about the
Manchurian Candidate Program:
It appears that American psychiatrists including or known to Robert Lifton, Louis Jolyon West
and Margaret Singer must have been knowledgeable about the Chinese Manchurian Candidate
program by 1953.
According to my definition, the Manchurian Candidate is an experimentally created
dissociative identify disorder that meets the following four criteria:
Created deliberately
A new identity is implanted
Amnesia barriers are created
Used in simulated or actual operations
The Elite used the Chinese program to ignite research by the US and Russia in a cold-war arms
race for the perfect superspy: a spy who did not know he was a spy! Therefore, the military-industrial
complex went to work (and activated their Nazi scientists) under the direction of the CIA to create the
ultimate human weapon for the ongoing cold war.
Briefing Note
The Manchurian Candidate
The fact that our soldiers were returning from the war in Korea with altered
personalities inspired the 1962 movie, The Manchurian Candidate, with Frank
Sinatra. In this movie, a victim of mind control was used in an attempt to assassinate
a candidate for public office. Interestingly, after the assassination of John F.
Kennedy, the film was banned in the US for several decades. Now we have the remake
of The Manchurian Candidate with Denzel Washington, Conspiracy Theory with Mel
Gibson, and Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse TV series. Today, if someone brings up mind
control, he is told, “You saw that on TV. It’s all in your head!”
in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in
1973.The program engaged in many illegal activities; in particular it used unwitting U.S. and
Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy.
MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain
functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other
chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as
various forms of torture.
The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions,
including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical
companies. The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although
sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA's involvement. As
the Supreme Court later noted, MKULTRA was:
“concerned with ‘the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological
materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior.’ The
program consisted of some 149 subprojects which the Agency contracted out to various
universities, research foundations, and similar institutions. At least 80 institutions and 185
private researchers participated. Because the Agency funded MKUltra indirectly, many of the
participating individuals were unaware that they were dealing with the Agency.”
Project MKUltra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee of
the U.S. Congress, and a Gerald Ford commission to investigate CIA activities within the
United States. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard
Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller
Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the
relatively small number of documents that survived Helms’ destruction order.
In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of 20,000
documents relating to project MKUltra, which led to Senate hearings later that same year.
In July 2001 some surviving information regarding MKUltra was officially declassified.
Notice that, in public records, forty-four colleges and universities were used just in this one
program. The departments of psychology and psychiatry worked with the CIA in the development of
mind control. MKUltra was not the only program. Here are a few others:
Project Often
Not all used trauma. Some used drugs and hypnosis. In fact, LSD was created by the CIA for
use in these programs.
As with many of the experiments of that era, military bases with surrounding rural areas were
used. The CIA employed psychologists who served as the leaders in the research, but others were
needed for the groundwork and the selection of candidates for the programs. Therefore, the CIA
sought out perpetrators of incest and pedophilia to assist in the selection of participants (victims) as
well as members of the occult. The purpose of this was twofold: (1) Their victims were already
predisposed for purposeful splitting of their minds and would be more compliant to receive
programming; and (2) The perpetrators would be more apt to keep their mouths shut about the ongoing
black (covert) projects.
Briefing Note
CIA and the False Memory Foundation
Many of the founding members from the academic community of the False Memory
Foundation were formerly experts hired by the CIA for the MKUltra and the
Monarch Projects. What a brilliant move; these experts would be highly
motivated to actively cover their own official activities in these projects. Although
there may be cases of false memories implanted by overzealous counselors/ministers,
I suspect these cases are rarer than we want to admit. In fact, some cases could have
been a planned setup to entrap unwitting counselors and provide a mechanism for
denial of the abuse in the programs. The majority of the cases I have reviewed
appear to be genuine.
3. Most of these projects have been “officially” mothballed. Once projects such as MKUltra
and others were brought to light in America, a congressional investigation was launched. As with any
intelligence agency, protocols were in place to destroy the records if the programs were
compromised. Sadly, less than 10 percent of the real documentation made it to Congress, but it was
enough to officially shut them down.
There have been reports in the intelligence community that, since 1975, the CIA has used
independent contractors for the development of new technologies. This allows it to have plausible
deniability regarding ongoing projects.
This perfected science is now used by the Elite to create the super-soldier army discovered by
Russ Dizdar and outlined in his book, The Black Awakening. We had witnessed the mind-controlled
soldiers in their black uniforms in my wife’s hometown, but we were unaware of the significance of
the uniforms until we read The Black Awakening.
How many are affected by this kind of programming? Dizdar presents some older numbers from
By 1992, Dr. Holly Hector who worked in the psych ward at Centennial Hospital in Denver
stated that there is an estimated 2.4 million victims of “multiple personality disorder.” Going
beyond that Dr. Collin Ross in his original first edition “PROJECT BLUEBIRD: the purposeful
creation of multiple personalities” agrees with an assessment that there may be 10 million
victims of this form of mind and life control.
How Does the Program Work?
To be most effective, the splitting of the mind and the programming must start at a young age. Within
occult families, the primary caregiver is the one who abuses the child to create a fragment within his
or her personality. This can be repeated many times to create as many subpersonalities as needed to
meet their objectives. Some personalities are used to govern the internal system (gatekeepers); others
are used for specific tasks. Code words, specific tones or sounds, and gestures are used to trigger the
switching of the personality to the desired one or to kick in a specific program with a preset mission
or action encoded into it. Certain personalities will be highly trained witches, while others are
programmed to be anything from a sexual slave (or seducer) to an assassin. I have found that the front
personality most of the world sees can be nothing more than a shell to hide what lies behind. The
farther back you go into their subpersonalities, the more intelligent and powerful they become. It has
been reported that those ministering to them can suffer from nosebleeds, instant migraine headaches,
and worse; while the front personality is crying out for help, the trained witch in the back is actively
attacking the minister. My wife and I can testify to the almost-instant migraines, and my wife
experienced many nosebleeds. We eventually learned to pray and guard ourselves from such attacks.
We also discovered something interesting: While Russ Dizdar saw members of the Black Awakening
receive supernatural power to run away (even through walls) when too much “real” progress was
made, several of the individuals we were praying with would instantly fall into a deep sleep the
moment we began getting too close to the truth. This could happen standing up or sitting down; the
position really didn’t matter.
Many of the trigger phrases used within the Monarch Project were taken from movies such as
The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, and many others. When we see scenes or phrases
being used repeatedly in national advertising or the evening news, we recognize that a nationwide
trigger is being implemented, possibly calling victims to action or for reprogramming.
Through the years, Mary was able to gain an understanding of the mind-control programming
through her own personal healing and by watching and praying for other victims. She has always
believed that Almighty God will prepare a place of safety and restoration, and we are prayerfully
downright ancient! I believe the official government testing has been over for years. For those within
the Black Awakening and other segments, the process is self-replicating; it is repeated within the
families with each new generation. This was part of the premise of the Monarch Project—that the
basic encoding could be embedded within DNA and passed on to the next generation. I am not sure
just how much can be passed on genetically, as far as programming is concerned. However, the
propensity for the personality to split is passed on. Then the process begins anew with the next
generation. Additional technology or techniques can up upgraded within the family system.
splitting of the mind to create separate personalities. When man fell in the garden, God capped off
many of the abilities Adam had. Although neuroscientists would tell us that we use 100 percent of our
brain throughout the average day (i.e., no sections of the brain are permanently dormant), we do
not use its full potential. Within your brain, there is enough power and potential for several hundred
lifetimes. The human brain is still the reigning champion as the most advanced computer known to
man. (We are still waiting for those working within quantum computing to develop a system that
surpasses mankind. When that happens, even the Elite’s own experts predict it could be detrimental to
the human race.) It has been reported that with increased capacity comes increased power. There has
been an overlapping theme of increased psychic abilities among advanced subjects within these
experiments: Astral projection, telepathy, telekinesis, and other abilities have been reported. Many
Christian researchers have considered this a part of the occult personalities simply filled with
demonic power, and this may be true to a certain extent. However, I have come to believe the Elite
are actively working to overcome everything God did as a part of His judgment against mankind—
from the lost psychic abilities to gaining eternal life without God.
worldwide. These individuals are vital in the intelligence network of the Elite, as well as being super
soldiers for the Black Awakening. What about the remaining estimated 7.2 billion people on planet
earth? How do you control the rest of them? We will look at some of the technologies being used
today. You will be surprised to find that some of them are in your own home!
Television—More Than Just Entertainment!
It is an interesting coincidence that, at the same time we had covert agencies working on mind control,
America went from a nation that listened to radio to watching hours of TV. We need to understand that
watching TV affects how our minds operate. According to the Applied Neuro Technologies website,
Studies have shown that watching television induces low alpha waves in the human
brain. Alpha waves are brainwaves between 8 to 12 HZ. and are commonly associated with
relaxed meditative states as well as brain states associated with suggestibility.
While Alpha waves achieved through meditation are beneficial (they promote relaxation
and insight), too much time spent in the low Alpha wave state caused by TV can cause
unfocussed daydreaming and inability to concentrate. Researchers have said that watching
television is similar to staring at a blank wall for several hours.
We all like to watch TV from time to time, and this is not meant to suggest that people
should never watch TV again. However, it is only fair that people understand what happens to
the brain each time it is exposed to television.
In an experiment in 1969, Herbert Krugman monitored a person through many trials and
found that in less than one minute of television viewing, the person’s brainwaves switched from
Beta waves—brainwaves associated with active, logical thought—to primarily Alpha waves.
When the subject stopped watching television and began reading a magazine, the brainwaves
reverted to Beta waves.
Research indicates that most parts of the brain, including parts responsible for logical
thought, tune out during television viewing. The impact of television viewing on one person’s
brain state is obviously not enough to conclude that the same consequences apply to everyone,
but research has repeatedly shown that watching television produces brainwaves in the low
Alpha range.
Advertisers have known about this for a long time and they know how to take
advantage of this passive, suggestible, brain state of the TV viewer. There is no need for
an advertiser to use subliminal messages. The brain is already in a receptive state, ready
to absorb suggestions, within just a few seconds of the television being turned on. All
advertisers have to do is flash a brand across the screen, and then attempt to make the
viewer associate the product with something positive. (Emphasis added)
There are a couple of points I want you to notice in this quote from Applied Neuro
· You are placed in an “alpha” state—so you are more susceptible to suggestion.
· The logical/analytical side of your brain is switched off.
In other words, you are susceptible to suggestion on an emotional level that bypasses the
analytical side of your mind. WOW!
In the TV programs and movies that only a select group of writers develop, they have the ability
to introduce new information that bypasses your ability to analyze or think through. The Writers Guild
of America is serving as the modern-day, esoteric guild of Sir Francis Bacon. Their guiding hand
continually works to embed new concepts through the medium of television and movies directly into
the emotional side of your mind. This is how they have reengineered society to include much of the
body of Christ. They are programming us emotionally to violate God’s Word and to leave godliness
behind. This is why so many Christians are questioning what the Word of God has to say about
marriage, sexuality, and a host of other topics, based on their emotions. I have found that you cannot
talk logically through these issues with them either. Bible-believing Christians will respond to logical
questioning of their unbiblical beliefs with emotions of anger, mistrust, outrage, and even hatred.
These unsuspecting Christians had no idea that their favorite shows and movies were reprogramming
them to reject what the Bible clearly says is true.
Noted health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola has stated that “TV is one of the most powerful
brainwashing devices there is.” Instead of our minds being washed with the water of the Word,
the Elite have psychotronically washed our minds with the sewer water of Babylon.
With this understanding of how TV and movies can affect us comes the question: What can we
First, limit what you watch. The TV does not have to be on all the time. Watch a show or two,
turn it off, and read the Bible or a book. Reading switches you back into the analytical portion of your
brain. When you do watch TV, you should do two things:
· Plead the blood of Jesus between you and the TV screen.
· Keep the mindset of analyzing what you are watching; don’t allow yourself to go
into “I’m being entertained” mode.
These simple steps will change your TV and movie watching forever. You would be surprised
at how many lies and half-truths you will begin to catch that you never noticed before. A few times, I
have startled my wife when, all of a sudden, I would yell out, “That’s wrong!” at the TV. By speaking
my objection aloud, I was embedding in my unconscious mind the idea that the information I just
heard was wrong and that I needed to reject it.
The apostle Paul warns us to “prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (1 Thessalonians
5:21). The Greek word used for “prove” is dokimazo (dok-im-ad’-zo), which means “to test,
examine, prove, scrutinize—to see whether a thing is genuine or not.” When we allow our
minds to descend into entertainment mode, we bypass our ability to carry out Paul’s admonishment.
By the way, entertainment is defined as “amusement or diversion provided especially by
performers.” When you dig a little deeper, you find that the archaic (or original) definition of
amuse is “to divert the attention of so as to deceive.” In a culture addicted to entertainment, we
realize we’re actually addicted to the Elite diverting our attention so that they can continually deceive
Programming Beyond the TV and Movie Screen
The Soviet Union’s Woodpecker Grid
During the Cold War, both the United States and the Soviet Union were experimenting with both the
use of extremely low-frequency (ELF) radio waves and microwaves to affect the human mind.
Scientist and researcher Dr. Nick Begich shares about a leap forward in 1975 by the Soviet Union:
The Soviets took their technologies a huge jump forward by 1975. It was that year they began
using seven giant radio transmitters to pulse ELF waves in the 3.26 to 17.54 megaHertz range.
These waves were pulsed at 6 and 11 Hertz—key brain wave rhythms—and became known to
ham radio operators as the “woodpecker” signal. The Soviet story, like the HAARP story,
indicated that these were used for communication with submarines, but many believe that the
negative side effects were intentional. These “side effects” have been speculated to have
caused communications interference; power failures; mood alterations over significant areas,
affecting a large percentage of the population; and weather modifications which have had a
devastating effect on food production since the 1970’s.
ELF: Just the Tip of the Iceberg
This was just one of the many technologies being developed by both countries. Dr. Begich continues:
By the early 1970’s, within certain military and academic circles, it became clear that human
behavior could be modified by the use of subtle energetic manipulations. By 2006, the state of
the technology had been perfected to the point where emotions, thoughts, memory and thinking
could be manipulated by external means.
Stop for a moment and consider the impact of what this means—the idea that human
thinking can be disrupted or manipulated in a way that can’t be resisted. The ability to
impact thinking in this way comes through, according to a leading Russian scientist, Dr.
Igor Smirnov, “as if it were a commandment from God, it cannot be resisted.” Think
about this for a moment. What else could be a greater violation of our own personhood?
These new systems do not pierce the tissue—they violate the very essence of who we are
—they violate the internal and private aspects of who we are as individuals. The idea
that some external force can now disrupt not only our emotional states, but our health as
well, should not come as such a great surprise. What is surprising is the volume of
evidence now available to use that documents that these technologies are here now.
Our government confirmed Dr. Begich’s statements. In an article released by the United States
War College, “The Mind Has No Firewalls,” we find:
A recent Russian military article offered a slightly different slant to the problem, declaring that
“humanity stands on the brink of a psychotronic war” with mind and body as the focus. That
article discussed Russian and international attempts to control the pschyo-physical condition of
man and his decision-making processes by the use of VHF-generators, “noiseless cassettes”
and other technologies.
The Russian Computer Virus 666
Dr. Begich shares several other technologies in his research. One of the more interesting is a Russian
According to Solntsev, at least one computer virus has been created which will affect a
person’s psyche—“Russian Virus 666.” This virus appears in every 25th frame of a computer’s
visual display where a mix of color, pulse and patterns are reported to put the computer
operators into a trance. The subconscious perception of the display can be used to induce a
heart attack or to subtly manage or change a computer operator’s perception. The same system
could be used in any television or visual broadcast.
What is frightening is when we realize just how far such a technology could have evolved since
that time. From the televisions in nearly every room of our homes to the computers and tablets we use
every day to the smart phones we carry with us everywhere with a near addiction, the implications of
the Russian Virus 666 is indeed alarming! An interesting note: During the season of my wife’s
healing as a victim of mind control, she watched very little TV; what little she did watch was teaching
on the Word of God and the evening news.
The Use of Infrasound
I want to revisit, for a moment, the information I shared in the best-selling collaborative book by Dr.
In the video entitled, “Weapons of the New World Order,” Dr. Nick Begich (also author of
“Angels Don't Play This HAARP; Advances in Tesla Technology”) shares the fact that there are
already European Parliament regulations banning the use of non-lethal weapons that would use
ELF (extremely low frequency) similar to 7.83 hertz to project thoughts into the minds of an
approaching army. He demonstrated this technology before a subcommittee of the European
Parliament investigating non-lethal ELF weapons with a few simple pieces of equipment he
picked up at Radio Shack. In his demonstration before the subcommittee, Dr. Begich’s voice
transmitted through the homemade infrasound device that he had constructed and resonated in
the body of a volunteer. The volunteer was able to clearly hear his voice without the use of his
auditory senses.
Advancements in infrasound have come a long way since Dr. Begich’s demonstration to the
European Parliament. In a 1999 BBC TV Canada show called, Undercurrents, Dr. Begich was
discussing infrasound and how it could produce the irresistible “voice of God.” One of the other
researchers shared how the technology has been developed to the place that it could be broadcast
over television and radio! I believe we could add notebook computers, tablets, and smart
phones to the researcher’s statement as well.
great deal of speculation as to the cause of this disorder; some believe it is genetics while others
Beyond childhood disorders, ADD has now become a part of our collective consciousness. We
have been programmed by our television shows to believe that most problems are solved in thirty to
sixty minutes, while earth-threatening events can take up to three hours in the average action movie.
The vital news of the day has been reduced to a carefully crafted summary that can be covered in two
minutes or less. Truths are no longer truths, and lies are no longer lies; what matters is how you spin
your truth or lie to create the perfect sound bite to move the masses.
The hyperstimulation of the mind through TV, movies, and video games that is delivered through
a host of mediums (from flat-panel, high-definition TVs to the latest smartphones) has reduced our
attention span to merely eight seconds. The very electronic marvels that promised to make our
lives better have preconditioned our minds for deception.
Contemplation and reflection have always been considered essential not only in our overall
wellbeing, but in our ability to think critically through the major issues of life and as a society. Yet, in
a recent series of experiments at the University of Virginia and Harvard University, the researchers
had both men and women sit quietly in a room for fifteen to twenty minutes. They were also given a
device that could administer a low-level electric shock. The studies provided an amazing discovery.
Here is an excerpt from the report:
In the most dramatic finding from the research, participants were left alone in the room with a
button, which administered a mild electric shock to them.
Of the 18 men in the study, 12 gave themselves at least one shock over a 15-minute
“thinking period.”
One unusually bored man pressed the button 190 times, although this was not typical.
Of the 24 women in the study, 6 gave themselves at least one shock.
The much higher rate amongst men is likely down to greater sensation-seeking
amongst males.
What is striking is that simply being alone with their own thoughts for 15 minutes was
apparently so aversive that it drove many participants to self-administer an electric shock that
they had earlier said they would pay to avoid.
In Western society, we have been so conditioned by the Elite that we cannot even spend fifteen
minutes alone with our own thoughts. If that is the case, how can we examine the critical issues before
us or even spend the time in quiet prayer long enough to still our minds to hear the voice of God? In
fact, the Bible tells us that stillness is a prerequisite to getting to know God:
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the
earth. (Psalms 46:10)
“Be still” in Hebrew is the word rapheh(raw-faw’), which means to “relax, refrain, withdraw,
and to be quiet.” It is in the quiet times of meditation on the Word and in prayer that we tune our
minds to God’s kingdom, His purposes, and His voice.
Part of the unfinished work of Nimrod was to precondition the masses not to think, but only to
respond to stimuli. In the twenty-first century, extensive or lengthy propaganda is no longer necessary
to deceive most of our population. All that is needed is the correctly phrased sound bite that elicits
the proper, preprogrammed, emotional response. It would seem that Hitler understood the process the
Elite would use. Just read several of Hitler’s better-known quotes:
· “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven
as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.”
· “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
· “It is not truth that matters, but victory.”
· “Great liars are also great magicians.”
· “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
It would seem that Hitler was reading from the political and social engineering playbooks being
used today by the Elite. Maybe he was not just reading their playbooks; Nazi Germany was an
experimental laboratory for the Elite to refine their methodology for mass control. Today, knowledge
gained from every corner of Nazi science is utilized to its fullest extent to bring humanity under
luciferian control.
Now you know why there are not extended discussions of key political positions or detailed
analysis of proposed laws. Such activities would reveal hidden agendas. Today, we are simply
bombarded with the proper sound bites countless times a day. In the end, it is the one with the best
sound bite and the most money to saturate the airwaves who wins. This is Orwellian mind control at
its finest!
two places: providing the information that will convince you that this is real and the burden of the
Holy Spirit to move on to solutions the body of Christ needs now. This burden by the Holy Spirit has
never weighed so heavily upon me as it does today.
To be truthful, you can go to and quickly build an entire library on the reality of
mind control written by scholars whose expertise in and knowledge of these technologies far surpass
mine. What we have learned (and what I want to share so badly) is how to overcome them!
It was just a few days ago when I had emailed Dr. Horn at Defender Publishing to inform him
that this chapter could easily be a hundred pages or more in length. Since then, the Holy Spirit has
changed my mind. If I am going to write a chapter that long, I want it to be about how to overcome
what the Elite have accomplished! Heaven is not finished with the body of Christ; we have much to
undo and much to relearn. Heaven is waiting to empower us for the challenges ahead! At this very
moment, the fire of the Holy Spirit is burning within me to get to some kingdom solutions, but we will
have to endure one more chapter before we begin empowering the Remnant for the unfolding of end-
time prophecy!
Chapter Nine
The Unfinished Work of Nimrod
Part 5: Dimensional Portals, Transhumanism, and Armageddon
We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of
sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all the people and to lift us up out of the economic
morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man, and whether he be God or devil, we
will receive him.
—Paul-Henri Spaak, first president of the United Nations
No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship
Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.
—David Spangler, director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
Over the past century, the Elite have been influencing key world leaders and initiating them into
luciferianism. From the United Nations to the Bohemian Grove, the signature of paganism and
luciferianism can be clearly seen.
So, in the middle of the room we see a symbol of how, daily, the light of the skies gives
life to the earth on which we stand, a symbol to many of us of how the light of the spirit gives
life to matter.
But the stone in the middle of the room has more to tell us. We may see it as an altar,
empty not because there is no God, not because it is an altar to an unknown god, but because it
is dedicated to the God whom man worships under many names and in many forms.
The stone in the middle of the room reminds us also of the firm and permanent in a world
of movement and change. The block of iron ore has the weight and solidity of the everlasting. It
is a reminder of that cornerstone of endurance and faith on which all human endeavour must be
The material of the stone leads our thoughts to the necessity for choice between
destruction and construction, between war and peace. Of iron man has forged his swords, of
iron he has also made his ploughshares. Of iron he has constructed tanks, but of iron he has
likewise built homes for man. The block of iron ore is part of the wealth we have inherited on
this earth of ours. How are we to use it?
The shaft of light strikes the stone in a room of utter simplicity. There are no other
symbols, there is nothing to distract our attention or to break in on the stillness within
ourselves. When our eyes travel from these symbols to the front wall, they meet a simple
pattern opening up the room to the harmony, freedom and balance of space.
There is an ancient saying that the sense of a vessel is not in its shell but in the
void. So it is with this room. It is for those who come here to fill the void with what they
find in their center of stillness.
Notice that the United Nation’s desire is to fulfill a Messianic promise of turning swords into
plowshares—only without Jesus! However, there is a clue to the origin and purpose of this room that
any Freemason (or member of any esoteric society) would recognize. The symbol is the room itself; it
is trapezoid in shape. The room serves as a Masonic altar and represents the unfinished work of
Nimrod. World leaders go there to meditate on how they can serve in the ongoing Masonic work of
put together the final pieces of the occult puzzle. These final pieces are necessary to complete the
work, and the Elite are pouring billions of dollars into research through the various nations they
control around the world.
We may have a significant clue as to what Nimrod had in mind, when he constructed the Tower
of Babel, and why the Elite have pooled the resources of the planet to continue his work. That clue is
found in a book in the Apocrypha, the Book of Jasher:
And they all went before the king, and they told the king these words, and the king agreed with
them in this affair, and he did so.
And all the families assembled consisting of about six hundred thousand men, and they
went to seek an extensive piece of ground to build the city and the tower, and they sought in the
whole earth and they found none like one valley at the east of the land of Shinar, about two
days’ walk, and they journeyed there and they dwelt there.
And they began to make bricks and burn fires to build the city and the tower that they had
imagined to complete.
And the building of the tower was unto them a transgression and a sin, and they began to
build it, and whilst they were building against the Lord God of heaven, they imagined in their
hearts to war against him and to ascend into heaven.
And all these people and all the families divided themselves in three parts; the first said
We will ascend into heaven and fight against him; the second said, We will ascend to heaven
and place our own gods there and serve them; and the third part said, We will ascend to heaven
and smite him with bows and spears; and God knew all their works and all their evil thoughts,
and he saw the city and the tower which they were building.
And when they were building they built themselves a great city and a very high and strong
tower; and on account of its height the mortar and bricks did not reach the builders in their
ascent to it, until those who went up had completed a full year, and after that, they reached to the
builders and gave them the mortar and the bricks; thus was it done daily.
And behold these ascended and others descended the whole day; and if a brick
should fall from their hands and get broken, they would all weep over it, and if a man fell
and died, none of them would look at him.(Jasher 9:22–28, emphasis added)
in the Word of God—in Joshua 10:13 and 1 Samuel 1:18. This is not to say the writings of the Book
of Jasher (or any of the books of the Apocrypha) are inspired. I am simply pointing out that our
inspired Scriptures recognize the validity of the history contained within the book and, therefore,
should be considered in our research.
The Book of Jasher seems to indicate that Nimrod aspired to become much more than just a
hunter “before the Lord.” Nimrod aspired to become a hunter of the Lord! This concept can be seen in
both the Book of Jasher and in the esoteric concepts of apotheosis and ascension. The mystery
religions seek to transcend into godhood; they seek to displace Almighty God with themselves. No
wonder God intervened!
The Book of Jasher also shows God’s contempt for the tower itself:
And they ceased building the city and the tower; therefore he called that place Babel, for there
the Lord confounded the Language of the whole earth; behold it was at the east of the land of
And as to the tower which the sons of men built, the earth opened its mouth and
swallowed up one third part thereof, and a fire also descended from heaven and burned another
third, and the other third is left to this day, and it is of that part which was aloft, and its
circumference is three days’ walk.
And many of the sons of men died in that tower, a people without number. (Jasher
Could the Elite’s final attempt lead to even a greater response from Almighty God—the final
battle in Armageddon?
One could also ask, “If Nimrod wanted more height, why did he build his tower in the middle
of a plain, rather than on the top of a great mountain?” The answer may be found in the theory that
many physicists have regarding the multiverse and the reality of dimensional portals.
Welcome to the Multiverse
When science fiction writer H. G. Wells proclaimed in 1895 in his story, “The Door in the Wall,” that
there were portals or doors to others worlds, universes, or dimensions, was he revealing a secret the
mystery religions have known since Nimrod? Some researchers believe that Wells was both an
Illuminatist and a Freemason. Although we can possibility connect his involvement with the Illuminati
through his work entitled The New World Order (as well as how the Elite have followed many of his
suggestions in the book), there is little evidence that he was a Freemason. However, like many
of the science fiction writers of his era, he possibly received inspiration for many of his stories
through the esoteric teachings of one of the many mystery religion groups throughout Europe.
(Freemasonry is just one of many such groups.)
Today, with the concepts of Superstring Theory, M Theory, and many others, physicists are
beginning to realize that our universe many be one of many, each contained within in its own
dimensional bubble.
In an article entitled, “Multiverse Controversy Heats Up over Gravitational Waves,” Clara
Moskowitz shares in March of 2014:
The multiverse is one of the most divisive topics in physics, and it just became more so. The
major announcement last week of evidence for primordial ripples in spacetime has bolstered a
cosmological theory called inflation, and with it, some say, the idea that our universe is one of
many universes floating like bubbles in a glass of champagne. Critics of the multiverse
hypothesis claim that the idea is untestable—barely even science. But with evidence for
inflation theory building up, the multiverse debate is coming to a head.
The big news last week came from the Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic
Polarization 2 (BICEP2) experiment at the South Pole, which saw imprints in the cosmic
microwave background—the oldest light in the universe, dating from shortly after the big bang
—that appear to have been caused by gravitational waves rippling through the fabric of
spacetime in the early universe. The finding was heralded as a huge breakthrough, although
physicists say confirmation from other experiments will be needed to corroborate the results.
If verified, these gravitational waves would be direct evidence for the theory of inflation,
which suggests the universe expanded exponentially in the first fraction of a nanosecond after it
was born. If inflation occurred, it would explain many features of our universe, such as the fact
that it appears to be fairly smooth, with matter spread evenly in all directions (early inflation
would have stretched out any irregularities in the universe).
Inflation might also mean that what we consider the universe—the expanse of everything
we could see with the most perfect telescopes—is just one small corner of space, a pocket
where inflation stopped and allowed matter to condense, galaxies and stars to form, and life to
evolve. Elsewhere, beyond the observable universe, spacetime may still be inflating, with other
“bubble” universes forming whenever inflation stops in one location.
This picture is called eternal inflation. “Most inflationary models, almost all,
predict that inflation should become eternal,” says Alan Guth, a theoretical physicist at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), who first predicted inflation in 1980.
The concept of other dimensional realities or other bubble universes has been known to the
occult for millennia.
1. Noted occultist Dr. John Dee was able to open a portal to another dimension and
commune with what he believed was an angel. This communion resulted is his formation
of Enochian Magic. This form of magic is now studied by any serious occultist today.
2. Satanist supreme, Aleister Crowley, opened a portal in which he released a being from
another dimension known as Aiwass, which claimed to be a messenger of Horus. Aiwass then
dictated the work that became known as The Book of Law. This book is extremely anti-
Christian, and this spirit announced to Crowley that the end of Christianity was near and that mankind
would be entering into a new age called “The Age of the Fascinating Child.” This new age would
release an age-old secret held by Freemasonry and many other mystery religions—a system to gain
eternal life through sexual vampirism of children…in other words, an age of homosexual pedophilia
to extend one’s life and to enhance one’s occult powers.
3. Between January and March of 1946, occultists Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, and
Marjorie Cameron conducted the Babylonian Working. This ritual was essentially designed to
manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called Babalon. Parsons
and Hubbard were not as adept in opening dimensional portals as their mentor, Aleister Crowley,
was. They accidently ripped the portal wide open. The men never shared what they saw, but it
terrified them. Hubbard abandoned such occult workings after that event and went on to create
Scientology. Parsons continued with his research as a rocket scientist, but later died in a horrific
accident at Jack Parsons Laboratories in June of 1952. It is an interesting fact that the Roswell
incident happened the following year, 1947. UFO sightings in the US and around the world have
become much more commonplace since then. It leaves many researchers to speculate the connection
of Roswell with the Babylonian Working of Hubbard and Parsons.
In researching dimensional portals, I came across a reference by Perry Stone in his book, Secrets
from Beyond the Grave:
The Bermuda Triangle is one of two places on the earth where a magnetic compass does point
toward true north. Normally it points toward magnetic north. The difference between the two is
known as compass variation. The amount of variation changes by as much as twenty degrees as
one circumnavigates the earth. If this compass variation or error is not compensated for, a
navigator could find himself far off course and in deep trouble. Strange, glowing white water
and green fog have been spotted there from satellites. The Bermuda Triangle has a deep trench
the Investigation of the Unexplained in Columbia, New Jersey, claims to have discovered
twelve electromagnetic vibrations around the world, called by some the “Ten Vile
[Strong] Vortices.” In 1972, Sanderson wrote an article in Saga Magazine calling his
discovery ‘‘The Twelve Devil’s Graveyards Around the World.” Sanderson had
researched the areas around the world where ships and planes had allegedly disappeared
and discovered ten regions of the world, spaced equally apart, that experienced these
strange phenomena.
Perry’s brief description regarding the Vile (Strong) Vortices piqued my interest, and I began
conducting my own research. Although Sanderson originally believed there were twelve of these
vortices around the world, other researchers have concluded that there are only ten. The vortices
appear to come in pairs and are similar to magnetic poles in that the corresponding vortices will
appear on the exact opposite side of the planet. A well-known example would be the Bermuda
Triangle. Few realize that the Bermuda Triangle has a twin portal known as the Devil’s Triangle on
the opposite side of the planet, near Japan.
I was also surprised to discover that every single portal is in the shape of a triangle or pyramid.
Researchers have discovered that “if the earth is mapped out as an icosahedrons
(or dodecahedron) grid, these are all equidistant geometric points (vortices) of intersecting
(ley) lines.” Ley lines have always been important to the occult. They are defined by Wikipedia
as “hypothetical alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments
and megaliths. Their existence was suggested in 1921 by the amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins,
whose book The Old Straight Track brought the alignments to the attention of the wider public.”
In the mystery religions, such ley lines are considered sources of power and are very important
to their work. In the documentary entitled Riddles in Stone, Chris Pinto points out that the original
thirteen colonies in the United States and Washington, DC, are constructed on a ley line that leads
directly to Stonehenge in Great Britain.
Could the intersecting of certain ley lines, along with variances in the magnetic fields on our
planet, provide a catalyst for the opening of dimensional portals, whether into Heaven or to the lower
dimensions of Sheol—or worse?
Science Beginning to Catch Up With Mystery Religions
is a mere representation of another universe, a shadow of the realm where real events take
While physicists argue about whether there are parallel universes with an untold number of
earths with many versions of you, the Bible clarifies the matter. There are many realities, but each is
unique and is a subset of the parent reality—we call that parent reality “Heaven,” or “eternity.”
God’s Concept of a Multiverse
As I shared earlier, the Word of God speaks of three Heavens. However, we find within Holy Writ
1. Hell. What is commonly translated in the English language as “Hell” is the Hebrew word,
Sheol (sheh-ole’). Sheol contains more than just a place of torment. In fact, it has two compartments,
according to Jesus, with an impassible gulf between them. Jesus tells of Sheol in his teaching on
Lazarus and the rich man.
There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared
And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may
dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and
likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which
would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's
For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place
of torment.
Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will
And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be
persuaded, though one rose from the dead. (Luke 16:19–31)
Notice that these Scriptures don’t say this teaching was a parable. Since Jesus included the
name of Lazarus, He was sharing an event rather than a parable. One side of Sheol was a place of
torment and the other was the “Bosom of Abraham.” In the Bosom of Abraham, those who died before
Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross were waiting in that paradise for its fulfillment. When Jesus
resurrected, He emptied Abraham’s Bosom and took that great cloud of witnesses with Him to
Heaven as the first-fruits offering.
There are still more realities the Word speaks of.
2. Outer Darkness. The term “outer darkness” is only used three times in the Word of God; all
are in the Gospel of Matthew—Matthew 8:12; 22:13; and 25:30. Finis Dake, in his Annotated
Reference Bible, connects outer darkness with Hell in Matthew 13:42:
[Furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth] Another description of eternal
hell, not the grave (Mt. 13:42,50; Rev. 9:2). Wailing, here and in Mt. 13:50; weeping in Mt.
8:12; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Lk. 13:28; and gnashing of teeth in all these passages picture bitter
remorse and pain.
It seems Dake connects the “gnashing of teeth” in Hell with outer darkness. The Preacher’s
Sermon and Outline Bible provides additional information regarding this outer darkness:
There will be outer darkness: a region, a place, a habitation, a home of pitch black that forbids
any sight whatsoever. A place without light, without gleam or hope of any light whatsoever. It is
a place of utter darkness in which one lives completely incapacitated, helpless, and hopeless. It
is far away from the splendor and glory and brightness of God's presence. It is being cast into
the gloom and blackness of the outer world. It is misery, the misery of a lost soul.
It seems to me that the rich man in Jesus’ story was not in outer darkness, since no sight was
available there at all. The rich man could see Lazarus clearly in Abraham’s Bosom. Therefore, it
have also come to believe that these separate realities can reside in the same physical space. This is
why traveling to distant places is not necessary to access these realities; it only requires a
dimensional portal.
This may explain why UFO researcher Jacques Vallée has come to a similar conclusion
regarding UFOs; he believes they are actually interdimensional incursions:
The interdimensional hypothesis (IDH or IH), is an idea advanced by Ufologists such
as Jacques Vallée that says unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related events involve
visitations from other “realities” or “dimensions” that coexist separately alongside our own. It
is an alternative to the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH). IDH also holds that UFOs are a
modern manifestation of a phenomenon that has occurred throughout recorded human history,
which in prior ages were ascribed to mythological or supernatural creatures.
In the following excerpt, Dr. Tom Horn discusses the possible connection of pilots of UFOs and
Later in Operation Trojan Horse, Keel spoke of the intangible nature of the aliens and their craft
as “transmogrifications tailoring themselves to our ability to understand.” Dr. John Mack not
only made the same conclusion—that the UFOnauts illustrate behavior resembling historical
demons—but that the intangible nature of such is illustrated in how ETs traverse dimensional
gateways, portals, and stargates, such as we have focused on in this study.
The Theory of the Multiverse/Life after Death
Notice what an article entitled “Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves to Another Universe
Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the
Universe is a book written by the scientist Dr. Robert Lanza. The book has stirred up the
Internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last
forever. Lanza who was voted the 3rd most important scientist alive by the NY Times, has no
doubts that this is possible.
Beyond time and space
Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and scientific director of Advanced Cell
Technology Company. Before he has been known for his extensive research which dealt
with stem cells, he was also famous for several successful experiments on cloning endangered
animal species.
But not so long ago, the scientist became involved with physics, quantum mechanics and
astrophysics. This explosive mixture has given birth to the new theory of biocentrism, which the
professor has been preaching ever since. Biocentrism teaches that life and consciousness are
fundamental to the universe. It is consciousness that creates the material universe, not the other
way around.
Lanza points to the structure of the universe itself, and that the laws, forces, and constants
of the universe appear to be fine-tuned for life, implying intelligence existed prior to matter. He
also claims that space and time are not objects or things, but rather tools of our animal
understanding. Lanza says that we carry space and time around with us “like turtles with
shells.” meaning that when the shell comes off (space and time), we still exist.
The theory implies that death of consciousness simply does not exist. It only exists as a
thought because people identify themselves with their body. They believe that the body is going
to perish, sooner or later, thinking their consciousness will disappear too. If the body generates
consciousness, then consciousness dies when the body dies. But if the body receives
consciousness in the same way that a cable box receives satellite signals, then of course
consciousness does not end at the death of the physical vehicle. In fact, consciousness exists
outside of constraints of time and space. It is able to be anywhere: in the human body and
outside of it. In other words, it is non-local in the same sense that quantum objects are non-
Lanza also believes that multiple universes can exist simultaneously. In one universe, the
body can be dead. And in another it continues to exist, absorbing consciousness which migrated
into this universe. This means that a dead person while traveling through the same tunnel ends
up not in hell or in heaven, but in a similar world he or she once inhabited, but this time alive.
And so on, infinitely. It’s almost like a cosmic Russian doll afterlife effect.
Lanza unknowingly validated what the Bible has said all along: The real you is your spirit/soul.
Our physical body is nothing more than an “earth suit” to allow us to function in the First Heaven (our
universe). At death, we either ascend to a greater reality (Heaven) or a lower reality (Hell). Lanza’s
secular mindset has restricted him from acknowledging (or recognizing) this truth and has our
consciousness traveling to alternate realities.
Back to Nimrod
Is it possible that the Tower of Babel was more than just a tower? Was the tower built in a place
where there was a dimensional portal to allow “the gods” to land on earth? Dr. Tom Horn shares this
possibility in his book, Nephilim Stargates:
Scientist Stan Deyo has done analysis of a Tower of Babel Stele with speculation about
whether the original Tower of Babel was actually designed to facilitate reaching “the heavens”
as indicated in the comments above. Was it a building whose top was high enough to allow
higher-dimensional beings to descend slowly while discharging voltage directly into the lower
energy density universe? Deyo notes the uppermost portion of the stele may show a ‘bright’ or
burning circular area, while the edges of the tower layers themselves are smooth like a high
voltage insulator, as if for dissipating electricity. Stan emphasizes the analysis is inconclusive
at this time, but it is interesting, given that beings who descended from heaven were typically
accompanied by fire or lightning (electrical discharge ?), while beings that ASCEND from
lower energy densities (regions) tend to cool the atmosphere, such as in the classic ‘ghost’
entering a room. Ancient artwork that may support this theory is widespread throughout ancient
times including depictions of gods accompanied by fire.
Perhaps Nimrod was diligently laboring to create more than just an interdimensional landing
pad; it is quite possible that he was building an ancient interdimensional portal generator. It is quite
possible that the wrath of God fell upon the tower because mankind was “of one mind” to create a
mechanism to storm Heaven itself! Now, mind you, they had no better chance of winning than did
Lucifer with one-third of the angels. However, their very audacity required an answer from Heaven.
Enter the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
There has been both excitement and dread among the scientific community regarding the experiments
at the CERN Hadron Collider in Switzerland. While parts of the scientific community are wanting to
find the “god particle,” others are fearful of either creating a tear in the very fabric of spacetime or a
black hole that could destroy the planet.
Since then, CERN has powered up its collider several times and has conducted experiments.
The scientific community has been both fascinated with the data gathered and has collectively exhaled
with a sigh of relief. However, there is more to the story. These experiments were conducted with
only a small fraction of the power the collider can generate. Were the past experiments merely a
“knocking on the door” of creating a dimensional portal? Perhaps we have several clues at CERN
itself. The first is its logo.
The CERN Hadron Collider has encoded within it the Illuminati signature of “666.” In the
minds of many biblical researchers, the logo itself connects the collider with the coming Beast
system. Some have speculated that the logo was only meant to resemble synchrotron particle
accelerators. Yet it is concerning to me that synchrotron particle accelerators create a 666
pattern. It is a common practice within esoteric societies to hide the truth in plain sight and to
misinform the uninitiated as to the symbolism’s true meaning.
Then, there is the idol of Shiva outside of CERN. Here is a description of Shiva from
The main iconographical attributes of Shiva are the third eye on his forehead, the
snake Vasuki around his neck, the crescent moon adorning, the holy river Ganga flowing from
his matted hair, the trishula as his weapon and the damaru as his instrument.
Isn’t it a little unnerving that the scientists at CERN, who have essentially declared that they do
not believe in the God of the Bible as Creator, chose to place an idol outside of their facility that
represents a being that follows after Brahma the creator and destroy worlds? Shiva, according to
as the ethics of developing and using such technologies. They speculate that human beings may
eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as
to merit the label “posthuman.”
The Lifeboat Foundation provides a quick overview of transhumanism:
Transhumanists advocate the improvement of human capacities through advanced technology.
Not just technology as in gadgets you get from Best Buy, but technology in the grander sense of
strategies for eliminating disease, providing cheap but high-quality products to the world’s
poorest, improving quality of life and social interconnectedness, and so on. Technology we
don’t notice because it’s blended in with the fabric of the world, but would immediately take
note of its absence if it became unavailable. (Ever tried to travel to another country on foot?)
Technology needn’t be expensive—indeed, if a technology is truly effective it will pay for itself
many times over.
Transhumanists tend to take a longer-than-average view of technological progress,
looking not just five or ten years into the future but twenty years, thirty years, and beyond. We
realize that the longer you look forward, the more uncertain the predictions get, but one thing is
quite certain: if a technology is physically possible and obviously useful, human (or
transhuman!) ingenuity will see to it that it gets built eventually.
As we gain ever greater control over the atomic structure of matter, our
technological goals become increasingly ambitious, and their payoffs more and more
generous. Sometimes new technologies even make us happier in a long-lasting way: the
Internet would be a prime example. In the following list, I take a look at what I consider
the top ten transhumanist technologies.
Transhumanists paint themselves as futurists and, possibly, the ultimate benefactors for all
humankind. They seek to cure all diseases, greatly improve our intelligence, and prolong our lives.
Yet, when you peel back the carefully crafted public relations hype, you discover so much more.
One of the terms circulating to accurately describe the work of transhumanism is GRINS. Here
We need to realize that transhumanists are not satisfied with the creation of man from the hand
of God. They use the luciferian deception of evolution as a foundation to build upon. The
transhumanists seek to assist the evolutionary process by rewriting our genetic code, using computers
to enhance our minds, using nanotech and synthetic DNA to modify our bodies, and even utilizing
cyberspace to expand the reach of our spirits. Elaine Graham at the Oxford University Press writes in
the abstract of her paper, “Nietzsche Gets a Modem: Transhumanism and the Technological Sublime,”
the following:
Graham reveals in her abstract that transhumanism is a technoscience religion. Notice that she
addresses the belief that cyberspace is actually some type of sacred space. It is very possible that
transhumanism will eventually become the one-world religion: man transcending the limitations
placed on him by the Creator and becoming a god. Although transhumanists promise to provide the
fulfillment of the serpent’s promise in Genesis 3, they will eventually reconstruct the genetic mutation
of Genesis 6!
I shared the dangers of tampering with the human genome in my chapter in Blood on the Altar:
educator, I have attempted to read every systematic theology book ever written in English. As I
recently viewed several videos by a seasoned man of God named R.T. Kendall on YouTube, I
noticed that he had printed the lectures he conducted as pastor of Westminster Chapel. I was so
blessed by the videos that I decided to read through them for a refresher. These lectures are
called “Understanding Theology.”As I read, I came upon this quote: “The conscience is what is
left of the image of God in us, incapable of saving us and yet leaving us without excuse”
(emphasis added).
Even in sinful man, the image of God remains (though marred) and is manifested as his
conscience. I read the sentence through about ten times and leaned back in my chair as it impacted my
spirit and mind.
· DNA holds incredible volumes of information that we can only begin to understand.
· DNA has an antenna array to pick up planetary or cosmic vibrations.
· The 7.83-hertz frequency resonance is essential for life. If the resonance changed, it
would affect how man thinks and acts.
· The conscience is the image of God within (although marred by the Fall).This image is
alive and speaks—our conscience tells us when we have done something wrong.
· The image of God within is restored through the new birth. The conscience of man
becomes revitalized, and we slowly learn to hear God’s voice with clarity.
What If?
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should
both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark
in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or
the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is
the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(Revelation 13:15–18)
Notice the sequence in which Revelation reveals Lucifer’s plan.
The False Prophet has power to give life to the image of the Beast. Is he able to mimic the
Holy Spirit and erase the image of God within man and replace it with the image of the Beast
(possibly a resequencing of man’s DNA to form a new and superior species)?Man would have no
more conscience. It would be impossible to respond to the gospel and repent. These men and women
would be unredeemable.
Worship of the image of the Beast. How do we worship God? We pray to Him. We respond
to the leading of His Spirit. We give reverence to His Word. Maybe the worship of the Beast here is
that those who receive the mark only listen to the Beast. They are hardwired to only respond to his
word and his voice. Worship used in Revelation 13:15 in the Greek is προσκυνέω (proskuneo),
which means “to give reverence, to bow the head down to the ground in homage.” In other
words, it denotes complete submission to the newly created image of the Beast within: spirit, soul,
and body.
Those who do not worship the image are killed. Darwin would be proud. We are taught in his
book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured
Races in the Struggle for Life, that as mankind evolved into homo sapiens, the new species rose up
and killed out the old. This has been drilled into the minds of our children in our school systems for
several generations. According to Darwin’s rationale, the new, improved homo perfectus would rise
up to wipe out the old, inferior race (similar to the logic the Nazis used during World War II).This
they continually foretell their plans via the scripts. The CW broadcasts a show that has aired for two
seasons now, Beauty and the Beast. Vincent, the main character, is a victim of genetic alterations to
produce a super soldier in a secret program fashioned for the government.(It is very interesting to
note that the genetic coding came from a beast that was on the earth thousands of years ago—i.e.,
Nephilim.)When Vincent goes into “beast mode,” there are distinct changes in his body—particularly
in his forehead and hands. The writers of this show have thought through how changing the genetic
code would alter one’s appearance—except in our case in the future, there would be no on-and-off
switch. The appearance (and the soul) would be forever changed.
Number of the Beast—666.Lucifer has now completed the promise he made to Adam and Eve
in the garden…with a twist. They are now recreated in the image of Lucifer rather than in the image of
God. Six is biblically the number of man. Man is now complete spirit, soul, and body without God
and appears to be the next evolutionary step for mankind. This superman is now only tuned into the
resonance of Lucifer himself.
As transhumanists seek to rewrite the human genome to assist or accelerate evolution so that
man can enter into a techno-godhood, they may very well erase the image of God that resides within
mankind. I believe their work to overcome death will be directly connected to the eradication of
God’s image within man’s DNA.
Wikipedia’s post regarding transhumanism provides the following history:
According to Nick Bostrom, transcendentalist impulses have been expressed at least as far back
as in the quest for immortality in the Epic of Gilgamesh, as well as historical quests for
the Fountain of Youth, Elixir of Life, and other efforts to stave off aging and death.
The ultimate goal of transhumanism can be expressed (I believe) in this two premises:
1. To become immortal.
2. To become Nietzshe’s Übermensch that has moved beyond good and evil.
The Elite would seem to be using the Transhumanist Movement to overcome death, so they
would never be answerable to God. To be honest, that is a very dangerous combination: no sense of
right and wrong and no fear of death. Imagine for a moment having a Hitler, Mussolini, or some other
despot who could never be killed! Welcome to the last days.
Therefore, posthumanity or “Human 2.0” will be augmented with greater intelligence in
immortal and super-powered bodies and will be linked directly into their sacred space (cyberspace).
The Elite’s intent is not to make all of humanity into pseudo gods; they are building a new breed of
mind-controlled Nephilim to become Nimrod’s ultimate army.
I am not saying this is the goal of the transhumanists themselves, no more than it is the ultimate
goal of many of the scientists at the CERN Hadron Collider to create multidimensional portals.
Similar to the many black science projects that our own government has conducted in the past, various
aspects can be compartmentalized to maintain secrecy. Only a select few have all of the information
and the power to put it all together, when the time is right.
Plato, Transhumanism, and the Antichrist’s Strange Army
In the book of Revelation, we have several glimpses of various groups that follow the Antichrist. To
understand all that we are seeing in the book of Revelation, we need to understand how the Elite
plans to divide up the inhabitants of the earth. I believe the document they are using as a blueprint is
Plato’s Republic.
In this book, Plato postulates his version of the perfect society. Here is my synopsis of his book.
This society is comprised of three groups of people:
1. The benevolent Elite, who are filled with great wisdom on how to govern this
ultimate republic
2. The citizens/worker drones, who labor to produce what the Elite decree is necessary
for this republic
3. The military/police force, which keeps the citizens in line and under the control of the
Here is my hypothesis on how Plato’s Republic ties into what is being accomplished in
transhumanism and how it works into the book of Revelation. (Remember, we are all still seeing
“through a glass darkly.”)
The Elite: The Elite will enhance their minds and bodies to include achieving immortality.
They will become like demigods (or posthumans).
The workers: The Elite will provide some of these benefits to regular members of society to
overcome the cost of illness and, therefore, overcome periodic reduction in production of what they
need. There will be sufficient modification to the DNA of the workers to remove the image of God
within (i.e., mark of the Beast), thereby removing all concepts of right and wrong. The standard
worker will not be able to afford the gift of immorality, but will have to settle for an extended life
span, which will be extremely disease resistant. Some form of mind control or hive mind will most
likely be included in the enhancements.
The military force: The Elite’s enforcers will be given more powerful bodies with greater life
spans than the worker class and will have a perfected version of unbreakable mind control/hive mind
installed. These military forces will be nearly impossible to kill, but will meet their end at the Valley
of Armageddon.
When I place this understanding with the book of Revelation, it all makes sense. All three
classes have received the mark of the Beast and have had their DNA changed. All of the human race
(except for the Remnant) will have the image of God removed and are beyond salvation. With
elements of mind control installed within both the worker class and the military class, the world
becomes “of one mind,” just like in the story of the Tower of Babel. The Elite will finally overcome
God’s intervention at the Tower of Babel and can unify the entire planet toward completing the
unfinished work of Nimrod.
It also answers some problematic situations I see in Revelation:
One class of citizens is tormented in Revelation 9 by a transgenic horde. Death seems to flee
from them, and they cannot die. They may also be the same segment of society that is thrown alive into
the Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:20). In a sense, this is poetic justice. The Elite have worked for
centuries to recreate the Genesis 6 experiment. It is fitting that they are hunted down and tormented by
similar creatures that may have been the product of the original experiment!
Not all who receive the mark are immortal. Later, in Revelation 9, four angels are loosed (most
likely Watchers) who either bring their own two-hundred-million-member army with them, or they
take command of the transgenic army that was released earlier in the chapter. This army slays one-
third of the population on the planet.
Then we find in Revelation 17:8:
The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go
into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in
the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is
not, and yet is.
It is clear from this Scripture that the one who ascended out of the pit is the Antichrist/Nimrod.
Then you have a class of citizens whose names were never written in the Book of Life from the
foundation of the world. Let us first examine what Dake says about the Book of Life in his Annotated
Reference Bible:
This is the first mention of the book of God in which the names of the righteous are written. It is
referred to in Scripture under various terms: “Thy book” and “My book” (Ex. 32:32–33); “the
book of the living” (Ps. 69:28); “the book” (Dan. 12:1); “the book of life” (Php. 4:3; Rev. 3:5;
13:8; 17:8; 20:11–15; 22:18–19); and “the Lamb’s book of life” (Rev. 21:27). Just because
“book of life” does not appear in all of these passages does not mean the reference in any one
instance is to something else. Just as we have several names for the Bible—“the holy
scriptures” (Rom. 1:2; 2Tim. 3:15); “the oracles of God” (Rom. 3:2; Heb. 5:12; 1Pet. 4:11);
“the law and the prophets” (Lk. 24:25–44); “the word of God” (Mk. 7:13; Rom. 10:17; Heb.
4:12); “the sword of the Spirit” (Eph. 6:17); and others—so we have several names for the
book of life.
Here God confirmed Moses’ belief that names can and will be blotted out of the
book of life when men incur the eternal death penalty (Ex. 32:33). The psalmist predicted
it in the case of Judas (Ps. 69:20–28). Christ warned of it regarding all who would not
overcome sin (Rev. 3:5; 22:18–19). This—God’s word, not man’s—is definite, not
doubtful; it is universal and eternal in application, not local and limited.
Every human ever born on this planet has his or her name written in the Book of Life. It was
always the desire of the Father that everyone would be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). When a human being
dies without Christ, God is forced to blot that person’s name out of the book. For me, the only logical
position is that these individuals were never human. It is very possible that part of the Antichrist’s
army will be created as some type of transgenic chimera, similar to what happened in Genesis 6 after
the Titans were destroyed in a civil war. The Book of Jasher shares how the second incursion of
Nephilim were created:
And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from
their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle
of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals
of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole
earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all
animals. (Jasher 4:18, emphasis added)
Stephen Quayle, in his book Xenogenesis: Changing Men into Monsters, details how DARPA
(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and many other agencies are working on the creation
of artificial wombs. Such artificial wombs are perfect for creating transgenic beings. Quayle writes:
Yet today there are those who seem intent on erasing this connection between mother and child,
severing a part of what it is to be human.
Worse, one can only speculate on how the lack of a real mother and instead being raised
in a vat somewhere alongside similar siblings with no human contact before birth would affect
a baby.
Would it be unfair to suggest such a person might lack some of the innate nurturing and
These artificial wombs would be perfect to develop a transgenic super soldier for the
Antichrist. You may think this is far-fetched, but those within the academic community are already
discussing the ability to create chimeras and the effects it could have on society. Notice the wording
in the Online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy discussion of created human/nonhuman chimeras
A chimera is an individual composed of cells with different embryonic origins. The successful
isolation of five human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines in 1998 increased scientists’ ability
cannot be definitively classified as either human or non-human will cause moral confusion that
will undermine valuable social and cultural practices. The Borderline-Personhood Argument
focuses on great apes and concludes that their borderline-personhood confers a high enough
degree of moral status to make most, if not all, chimeric research on them impermissible. The
Human Dignity Argument claims that it is an affront to human dignity to give an individual
“trapped” in the body of a non-human animal the capacities associated with human dignity.
Finally, the Moral Status Framework maintains that research in which a non-human animal’s
moral status is enhanced to that of a normal adult human is impermissible unless reasonable
assurances are in place that its new moral status will be respected, which is unlikely given the
motivations for chimeric research and the oversight likely to be provided. These arguments
provide different rationales for evaluating chimeric research and consequently differ in their
implications both for the range of chimeric research that is unethical as well as the way
chimeric research should be addressed in public policy.
Scientifically, it is not a matter of “if” human/nonhuman chimeras can be created in a
laboratory, but whether it is ethical to create them. If the truth were known (we have testimonies from
those coming out of the occult and contractors from secret government projects sharing about these
experiments before they died), human/nonhuman chimeras are no longer just a theory. The newest
members of Nimrod’s final army could very well be waiting in the wings.
of study as an educator and minister. To be honest, the more I learn, the more incredible my picture
becomes regarding it. I do not think either Steven Spielberg or George Lucas has the imagination to
accurately portray this event. I don’t think the sci-fi mind is big enough to wrap itself around it.
In the lead is Nimrod returned from the dead, and he is surrounded by his generals—man-made,
language, because this army no longer uses language; its members are literally of one mind. Their
desire is not only to wipe Israel off the planet, but they also intend to open a dimensional portal into
the Third Heaven to confront Almighty God. Such an army has never been gathered since the
beginning of time! God’s darling human race, the only class of beings to whom He ever offered a way
of redemption, has now been completely corrupted and stands against Him. Every fallen angel
(principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness) is there, along with the children, the Nephilim. Every
technological breakthrough humanity has ever developed is at the army’s disposal in this ultimate
showdown. This force believes this will be the mother of all wars and it could even affect eternity.
However, we find that this is one of the shortest wars in all of human history. Lucifer’s shock
and awe is nothing more than a firecracker!
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called
Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name
written, that no man knew, but he himself.
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine
linen, white and clean.
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and
he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath
of Almighty God.
And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND
And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the
fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the
great God;
That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men,
and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond,
both small and great.
And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to
make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before
him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that
worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which
sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
(Revelation 19:11–21, emphasis added)
Lucifer, in his arrogance, forgets whom he is warring against. Almighty God created all things
in every dimensional reality with a word. The Bible tells us:
Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all
things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right
hand of the Majesty on high. (Hebrews 1:3)
The God who upholds all things by the word of His power does not require His army to fight
for Him—neither angels nor saints. He rides into battle as Messiah ben David, the Conquering King.
In the time it takes for a word to be spoken from His lips, the entire luciferian army is destroyed. The
transgenic blood of that army flows four and a half feet deep over the entire two hundred miles of that
The truth is: In all of those thousands of years when the Elite had labored to complete the
unfinished work of Nimrod, they never stopped for a moment to consider that Jesus had some
unfinished business of His own. The One and Only, True Messiah has been waiting more than two
thousand years for the moment He will roll up His sleeves to begin the business of restoring the
kingdom. The Battle of Armageddon (with the casting of the Antichrist and the False Prophet—alive
—into the Lake of Fire) is nothing more than His taking out the trash. Now, He can establish the
unending kingdom as prophesied by Daniel so many millennia ago. Finally, the earth knows peace—
for one thousand years.
My hope is built on nothing less
And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the
people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.(Daniel 11:30–33,
emphasis added)
In the previous nine chapters, I have provided a basic “Kingdom Intelligence Briefing.” In those
pages, I painted in broad strokes the agenda and tactics the enemy is using to bring about the war
against God Nimrod envisioned at the Tower of Babel. Any of the many topics I touched upon could
have been expanded into an entire book. However, the purpose of an intelligence briefing is to assist
you in connecting the dots to see the overall plan of the enemy. God may lead you to study some of
these topics in greater detail. You may be used by God to connect more of the dots and help prepare
your family and the body of Christ for what the future holds as end-time prophecy unfolds before our
very eyes.
So many books today seem to point at what the enemy is doing without providing kingdom
solutions and empowerment for these trying times. In the following chapters, I want to empower you
to both widen and deepen your walk with God. The verse I quoted above says, “BUT the people that
do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits” (emphasis added). In my own personal Bible
study, I have found that two of the most powerful words in the Word of God are “but” and “therefore.”
In the midst of the rise of the Antichrist, the prophet Daniel throws in a “but” that provides hope for
the Remnant. The Hebrew word used by Daniel for “know” is yada (yaw-dah’), which means “to
know, to learn to know, to perceive, to discern, discriminate, distinguish, to have knowledge, and be
skillful in.” The second important word Daniel uses is “strong,” which is the Hebrew word
chazaq (khaw-zak’). Chazaq means “to strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become strong, be
courageous, be firm, grow firm, and to be resolute.” Within these two Hebrew words we see
the Altar: The Coming War Between Christian vs. Christian, provided a multiple witness to the
body of Christ to get serious about their relationship with Jesus and their daily walk! The only thing
that casual Christianity will produce in your life is absolute deception. The same is true for those
following a religious spirit rather than the Spirit of the Living God. BUT, God has promised us that
those who become skillful in the knowledge of God, and who can perceive and discern God’s voice
and actions, will become strong and accomplish great exploits! As the tide of the Antichrist rises
around the world, the Remnant is going to be strengthened, become courageous and bold, grow firm
and resolute, and will prevail! There is hope!
Historically, there have been many seeking revival who have issued a call to return to the book
of Acts Church. Unfortunately, they issued the call from within the paradigms of their own particular
denominational settings while failing to set the Church in the book of Acts back within its Hebraic
setting. I believe that as God reawakens the Church to its Hebraic heritage in a balanced manner, we
will find the missing pieces to our biblical puzzle that have frustrated us for so long.
yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.(Isaiah 46:9–10)
We need to understand that there is nothing the Elite or Lucifer can do to catch God off guard. We
serve the God who knows the end from the very beginning—even the ancient things that have not yet
come to fruition. We need to become a people of “the entire Word of God” once again. Using just 30
percent of your Bible in your walk and in spiritual warfare will prove ineffective when the enemy
brings 100 percent of his plan to your doorstep. Remember, A. W. Tozer said, “The Word of God well
understood and religiously obeyed is the shortest route to spiritual perfection. Nothing less than a
whole Bible can make a whole Christian.”
As we have already seen throughout this book, God encoded much of what the enemy was going
to do in the last days in the first five books of the Bible. Five is the biblical number for grace, and
God was giving us His grace in what He anointed Moses to write.
Returning to Biblicity
In chapter 2, I introduced you to many Hebraic concepts that are not widely known in today’s
churches. There is an untapped wealth of information in the Word of God; to be truthful, we need all
of it to become Daniel’s courageous and prevailing believers! I do not think that the harpazo (har-
pad’-zo), or being “caught up” in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, is a safety mechanism to extract the body
of Christ before we are decimated by the Antichrist and his transgenic army! We will leave this world
when our work is complete, and we will celebrate the Marriage Supper of the Lamb while the wrath
Jesus is coming back for a victorious Bride who has prepared her garments. In biblical types
and shadows, garments always represent one’s walk with God. The Bride of Christ’s garments will
not be tattered, stained, or torn through abuse, sin, and false doctrine. The Remnant must labor to
repair the damage Babylon has caused to our personal faith and our families, and we will once again
understand how to “work out our own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12).
Speaking of Types and Shadows
A wonderful mystery is contained within the original pattern of the tabernacle in the wilderness. This
pattern can serve as a universal pattern for many things in the kingdom of God. The writer of the book
of Hebrews tells us:
Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God
when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things
according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount. (Hebrews 8:5, emphasis added)
Years ago, I developed a course for Biblical Life College and Seminary entitled, “Priesthood
of the Believer: The Order of Melchizedek.” During my research for that course, God began to reveal
secrets about the pattern of the tabernacle. I want to address some of the concepts that the Holy Spirit
taught me as I was preparing to teach this subject to our students.
revelation is given to us based on how we approach them. Hebraically, part of the learning process is
discovering how to ask the right questions. The question I asked as I approached the tabernacle was,
“How does my Lord want to be served, since I am now His temple?” (1 Corinthians 3:17). With that
question, a revelation about the tabernacle began to form within my spirit.
Tabernacle in the Wilderness
As I studied the tabernacle in the wilderness, the Holy Spirit unveiled truths regarding Almighty God,
Outer Court
Brazen Altar (blood sacrifice)
Laver (ministry of the Word)
Holy Place
accept this truth and His sacrifice, we cannot enter God’s kingdom.
The Laver is used twice by the priests in their service in the Outer Court: once before offering
the sacrifice and once after their work is completed at the Brazen Altar. The water in the Laver
represents the Word of God. Before the sacrifice is made, we look into the Word and find that we are
sinners in need of redemption. The sin in our lives requires judgment, and that judgment is poured out
upon the sacrifice. After we receive the redemption made through the sacrifice, we return to the Laver
to wash our hands and our feet. As we look back into the Word of God, we discover “who” we have
become through the atoning work completed at the altar. We are recreated in Christ Jesus. From that
moment on, the Word transforms what we do with our hands and where we go with our feet.
Now we can enter the Holy Place. We receive illumination from the anointing and fire of the
Holy Spirit; we learn as we have fellowship at the Table of Shewbread; and we intercede at the Altar
of Incense. And then…by the blood of the Lamb, our High Priest takes us into the Holy of Holies, and
we become true worshippers. What splendor flows through us as we get lost in the manifested
presence of the Holy One of Israel! If you have never pressed through the veil, I encourage you to.
There is strength, wonder, and transformation waiting for you at the feet of God’s throne! If you can
ever get a believer there, he or she is never the same. Time can stand still, and the worries of this
world melt away. At the same time, weary souls receive a supernatural strength that empowers them
in the service to their King. We are going to need that renewing strength, for we are all called to be
strong and to do great exploits in this world shrouded in darkness.
God Represented in the Tabernacle
For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. (Ephesians 2:18)
The first ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict us of sin and draw us to Jesus. Once we are “in
Christ,” Jesus makes the way available to us to fellowship with the Father. The goal is to draw us into
the Holy of Holies to commune with our Heavenly Father.
The tabernacle is a perfect representation of the Godhead and His ministry to bring us before
His throne.
We Discover Ourselves in the Tabernacle
When we accept Messiah, our spirit is born again and Jesus places His throne within our spirit.
As we fellowship with Jesus and study His Word, the Holy Spirit brings understanding and
begins the renewing of our minds. Our bodies are made clean and useful to God, through “DOING”
His commandments.
We Discover the Practices of Our Faith in the Tabernacle
Our faith must move beyond where we are now. There is a progression to biblical sanctification.
Because I am now accepted “in the beloved” (Ephesians 1:6), I have access to the Father
(Ephesians 2:18).As the relationship grows with God, the Holy Spirit makes the Word of God come
alive in my life—from Genesis to Revelation. I bow my will to the Word of God and receive it with
meekness, which begins the process of saving my soul (James 1:21).The Greek word for “save” in
James 1:21 is sozo, which means to “save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction,
to make well, heal, and restore to health.” If we are honest with ourselves, our old ways of
thinking and doing are what get us into trouble after we enter the kingdom. As we learn of God’s ways
and make them our own, we become agents of change and restoration in our lives and in the lives of
those around us.
Finally, we begin doing with our lives and bodies what God says to do. Biblically, those
“doings” accomplished in our physical bodies are works of righteousness (or good works).The Bible
is very clear that:
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before
ordained that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2
Timothy 3:16–17)
In the life of the believer, the Word of God is here to correct us and to teach us how to walk in
the new righteousness we have obtained through Jesus. The word used by Paul in 2 Timothy 3:17 for
“perfect” is the Greek word artios (ar’-tee-os), which is defined as “fitted, complete, and
perfect.” Therefore, the Word of God fits us with the tools we need to be about our Father’s
business and to accomplish His works on the earth—as defined by the Word itself.
Good works were never about gaining salvation, whether it was within Judaism or biblical
Christianity. As I will examine a little later, the Pharisees from the School of Shammai basically
invented a concept of “salvation through circumcision” and were teaching this new concept to Gentile
believers. This was the reason the Jerusalem Council was convened in Acts 15 and the book of
Galatians was written.
Once your individual walk is right, your family can begin walking with God as a
microcommunity. Every husband is the priest and pastor of his home. Every wife is a nurturing
dynamo, with kingdom power to love, encourage, and train her children. As a family, the home
becomes a house of worship, a house of learning, and a house of fellowship. Without these three
aspects of the home fully established in the kingdom, Babylon can creep in, and then the home
becomes nothing more than a pit stop between events. God never intended for the home to be a pit
stop; rather, His desire is for it to be a garden of blessing, love, and nurturing.
With the individual and the home in place, the local congregation can become a place of
salvation, healing, restoration, learning, and worship. The modern Church can only be transformed
from Greek theater to Hebraic living in the kingdom by properly establishing both the personal and
family walks!
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things
which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of
The Greek word John uses for “servants” is doulos (doo’-los), which means “servant or
bondservant.” (This word also connects Acts 2 with Joel 3, which we will cover in the next
chapter.) The book of Revelation was not written for those left behind or to a world full of sinners; it
was written to the true servants of Messiah. I have called this book “the fifth Gospel” over the years.
The primary purpose of the book of Revelation is to reintroduce Jesus to the Church! Let me explain.
The first time Jesus came, the Messianic expectation was at an all-time high among the Jewish
people. They were expecting Messiah ben David, the Conquering King, to come and deliver them
from Rome and to reestablish a United Kingdom of Israel. This expectation was so burned into their
consciousness that His disciples even asked Him about it after the resurrection.
When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time
restore again the kingdom to Israel?(Acts 1:6)
The overemphasis on Messiah’s role as the Son of David blinded them to the reality that He
came the first time to save—not to condemn, judge or conquer.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him
might be saved. (John 3:17)
Their tunnel vision regarding Messiah ben David caused them to miss the coming of Messiah
ben Joseph, the Suffering Servant. The absolute insistence upon Messiah coming as the Conquering
King eventually caused Rabbi Akiva to declare Simon bar Kokhba the Messiah in AD 132. The
results of the “would be” Messiah ben David were a complete failure in the second Jewish revolt, the
total destruction of Jerusalem, and the separation of the true Messianic community from the Jewish
In the Church today, there is a great possibility that we have a similar tunnel vision of Jesus as
Messiah ben Joseph, even to the point of distorting who He really is—through such teachings as
“hyper-grace”—so that we, too, could miss the signs of His coming as the Conquering King.
Jesus is coming back—not to forgive, but to judge and to conquer. In His coming, He will
reveal Himself as Elohim (God) of the Old Testament. I have already shown you how the Aleph-
Tav/Elohim in Genesis 1 became the YHVH-Elohim of Genesis 2. The first time He came, He was
YHVH in the flesh—the Mercy of God. The second time He comes, He will be Elohim—the Justice
of God. If we are not careful, we could easily make the same mistake as the Jewish community of the
first century and reject what Jesus is doing in His Second Coming!
We covered much of this in chapter 2, but it is important to review for the sake of clarity.
Hyper-grace and misunderstanding of the proper purpose of the commandments of God can cause you
to become completely deceived!
The first epistle of John was written about a year after he finished the book of Revelation. I
believe the Apostle of Love spent many sleepless nights in prayer and study, desiring to prepare the
people of God for the unfolding of the vision he had witnessed regarding the things to come. John’s
heart desired to prepare God’s people, and I believe the first epistle of John was the answer to the
cry of his heart. In his short epistle, he reconnects the Church to its Hebraic heritage.
The First Epistle of John
I have always found it amusing that the Apostle of Love wrote the bluntest book in the Bible. In his
first epistle, he calls people “liars” five times! His epistles are the only books in the Bible that use
the term “Antichrist”: 1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3 and 2 John 1:7. He discusses the “commandments of
God” in a positive light seven times: 1 John 2:3, 2:4, 3:22, 3:24, 5:2, 5:3, and 2 John 1:6. He also
uses the word “commandment” ten times: 1 John 2:7 (3), 2:8, 3:23 (2), 4:21, and 2 John 1:4, 1:5, and
1:5. Needless to say, the apostle John was trying to make a point. His first letter is a powerful little
book written with the end-time saints in mind. I would like to spend some time in this chapter
examining the first epistle of John.
The Faithful Witness
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes,
which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
(For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto
you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us).(1 John 1:1–
John is the apostle who laid his head on the bosom of Messiah at the Last Supper and heard the
very heartbeat of Almighty God. From that day forward, he was consumed with letting the world
know who Jesus was. In his Gospel, the book of Revelation, and now in his first epistle, he declares
that Jesus is the Aleph-Tav of Genesis 1:1. John is emphatic about the fact that Jesus is the
incarnation of Almighty God, who came in the flesh and dwelt with man. This is an essential doctrine,
and he stresses the fact that the spirit of error and the Antichrist will attack this truth.
What Is True Fellowship?
That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with
us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. (1 John 1:3–4)
John moves from declaring “who” Jesus is to the subject of fellowship. He then stresses that the
gospel was preached to them so they could enter fellowship with the Father and the Son. Once
fellowship is established through the completed work of Christ at the cross, fellowship can then be
established with other believers. Those who are born again can sense other believers in their spirits
In my years of ministry, I have been in countries where the people do not speak English. I
remember a meeting in Germany that included Americans, Italians, and Germans. Few of those in
attendance spoke more than their own native language. Yet in those meetings, we knew who were
believers and who were not. It was not a matter of language; it was a matter of the kingdom of God
residing in someone else—and our hearts could sense it.
This is even an important aspect of spiritual warfare. In the fourth century, Constantine
announced to a world of weary saints that he had found the Messiah. At first, he offered all of the
right sound bites to back up his claims. However, it was not true. From that day forward, he began to
amalgamate Christian terminology into the mystery religions and used the power of his office to
enforce his agenda. The same tactic has been used by despotic leaders, including Hitler, in world
history ever since.
Hitler coming out of a Lutheran church in Germany, showing reverence with his hat in his hand.
A recent article on Raiders News Network promoting the book, Blood on the Altar, featured the
following photo and quote from Hitler:
We need to ask ourselves, “Are modern-day politicians following the example of Hitler to gain
We need to stop being moved by sound bites and appearances. We need to learn to be led by the
Spirit of God, and He will show us who belongs to the kingdom and who is just pretending.
apostolic witness is filled with joy when the lost are saved and brought into fellowship with both
God and the community of faith. The community of faith is overjoyed at the new converts and can
sense that each new member is a kindred spirit in the kingdom of God.
Later on in his epistle, John begins to point out the attitudes and teachings of those who pretend
to be in the kingdom, but are not truly of the community of faith. These pretenders have no real
fellowship with the gospel, the Father, or the kingdom. They move by the Spirit of error and are of the
Sin, Confession, Forgiveness, and the Power of the Blood of Christ
Einstein postulated that the only constant in the universe is the speed of light. We have since learned
that the speed of light has changed throughout human history. However, there is a true constant,
although physics has nothing to do with its reality. The absolute constant is the definition of sin. John
tells us:
Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. (1
John 3:4)
All those years after Jesus’ death and resurrection (and the writings of the apostle Paul), John
states that sin is the transgression of the law. The eternal Word of God provides an important
absolute: the definition of sin never changes. This is actually for our benefit. If the definition of sin
continuously changed, how could man ever identify sin and seek to avoid it? Because of God’s grace,
the definition of sin is a kingdom absolute.
John also shares that those who have come to know Jesus will not live a lifestyle that violates
God’s law.
And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.
Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither
John is emphatic concerning how a true believer’s lifestyle does not involve violating the law.
And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth
is not in him. (1 John 2:3–4)
There will be occasions in which a believer falls into sin by being tempted by the enemy, but a
true believer will seek a lifestyle of obedience to the Word of God. Praise be to the Father that the
blood of Jesus is available and can restore fellowship!
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from
all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. (1
John 1:8–10)
I love the way John penned this truth. Initially, when we sin, we are to run toward Jesus—not
away from Him. Then, if we honestly confess our sins to Him, He is faithful to forgive us and cleanse
us from ALL unrighteousness. John did not say, “You are forgiven when you feel like you are.”
Forgiveness is not based on feelings; feelings may take some time to catch up with spiritual reality. It
is based solely upon HIS FAITHFULNESS.
Continuously Remaining Under the Blood of Jesus
This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light,
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with
another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. (1 John 1:5–7)
As we constantly seek to walk in fellowship with Jesus and in the light of the kingdom, we can
walk in a constant covering of His blood to sanctify and empower us for service in His kingdom!
When we sin and do not immediately run to Jesus to confess and be cleansed, it brings that part
of our life out from under the sanctifying cover of His blood. This area can then become the enemy’s
access point into our lives. Dear saint of God, don’t ever allow that to happen. When you stumble, run
immediately to Jesus and close the door to the enemy of your soul!
The Spirit of Error/Antichrist Attacks Who Jesus Is
The Antichrist spirit will separate itself from the truth of the gospel:
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are
The more true believers press into God and begin walking in the kingdom, the harder it is for
the pretenders to remain in the fellowship. This is one of the reasons that true revival both adds to and
subtracts from the church: sinners are saved, and the pretenders usually cause a fuss and then leave.
The Antichrist spirit will cause many to refuse the truth of the gospel and align themselves with
the world:
They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.
We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us.
Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. (1 John 4:5–6)
Many today claim to be Christians, yet deny the divinity of Jesus, His virgin birth, His atoning
work on the cross, and His literal resurrection from the dead. These individuals flow with every
wind of doctrine of the Antichrist that blows across our culture and can even fill the largest stadiums
with like-minded crowds; we need to realize that these gatherings are comprised of those who will
only hear error, because they have rejected the truth.
The Antichrist spirit will cause ministers to deny the divinity of Christ:
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many
false prophets are gone out into the world.
Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come
in the flesh is of God:
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of
God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and
even now already is it in the world. (1 John 4:1–3)
The primary subject in these verses is not the Spirit, but a false prophet (or teacher). To fully
understand these verses, we must place them within their Hebraic context.
If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go
after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;
Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the
LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart
and with all your soul.
Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments,
and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him. (Deuteronomy 13:1–4)
A false prophet cannot exist without a spirit speaking to him and through him. In the Old
Testament, even if the prophet did miracles and accurately foretold the future, if he led them away
from God and His commandments, the people were not to listen. God would even allow the false
prophet within the Community of Faith to “prove” the people. The Hebrew word here for “prove” is
nacah (naw-saw’), which means to “test, prove, try, and to assay.” There will be times in all of
our lives when God will test us to see if we will stay true to His Word and cleave to Him or follow
the next spiritual fad that comes along that draws a crowd. This testing comes to ministers and
ministries just as much as it does to individual believers. How many ministers have we seen in the
last several decades abandon sound doctrine for something that would build bigger ministries and
larger crowds? How many believers have abandoned their small congregations that remained faithful
to attend some new thing that caught the attention of their flesh? How many have failed God’s
John now attributes this same premise to who Jesus is. He has already shared in his Gospel that
Jesus was the Creator of the world, and the world did not recognize him (John 1:10). He has stated in
the book of Revelation that Jesus is the God who will judge the whole earth as Messiah ben David,
the Conquering King. Finally, at the start of his epistle, he once again connects Jesus to the Aleph-Tav
and Elohim in Genesis 1:1. Why am I saying all of this? Because Christians will use this verse to test
spirits. They will ask a spirit manifesting, “Has Jesus Christ come in the flesh?” To be truthful, even
Hitler would have answered, “Yes!” It is a historical fact that there was a man named Jesus, whom
many called “the Messiah.” Placing the question back into the context of these verses, it was a testing
of the spirit behind the prophet. Was this man teaching that Jesus was Almighty God come in the
flesh? If not, he was teaching by an Antichrist spirit.
It was so important for John to convey the concept of who Jesus really was that the apostle
repeats himself in 2 John:
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the
flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we
Going back to Deuteronomy 13, this leads us to another theological quandary: If we present a
version of Jesus that has abandoned the ways of God and His commandments, have we not failed this
test, too? (I will bring balance to this question later in this chapter.)
John’s Teachings Concerning the Commandments
The Commandments Connected with Christian Conduct
And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not
in him.
But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we
that we are in him.
He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. (1
John 2:3–6)
I really don’t know how John could have been blunter. Some believers teach that the commandments
have been done away with, which is contrary to what Jesus declared in Matthew:
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise
pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men
so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach
In properly interpreting Matthew 5, we need to realize that the terms “destroy” and “fulfill” in
verse 17 are Jewish idioms. Therefore, these phrases have cultural meanings. Without an
understanding of these meanings, we can miss what is being said completely. Noted scholars Dr.
David Bivin and Dr. Roy Blizzard Jr. provide some clarity regarding these idioms in their book,
Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus: New Insights from a Hebraic Perspective:
Undoubtedly, in trying to understand this passage, everything hinges on the meaning of the
words “destroy” and “fulfill” in verse 17. What does Jesus mean by “destroy the Law” and
“fulfill the Law”?
“Destroy” and “fulfill” are technical terms used in rabbinic argumentation. When a rabbi
felt that a colleague had misinterpreted a passage of Scripture, he would say, “You are
destroying the Law!” Needless to say, in most cases his colleague strongly disagreed. What was
“destroying the Law” for one rabbi, was “fulfilling the Law” (correctly interpreting Scripture)
for another.
What we see in Matthew 5:17ff. is a rabbinic discussion. Someone has accused Jesus of
“destroying” the Law. Of course, neither Jesus nor his accuser would ever think of literally
destroying the Law. Furthermore, it would never enter the accuser’s mind to charge Jesus with
intent to abolish part or all of the Mosaic Law. What is being called into question is Jesus’
system of interpretation, the way he interprets Scripture.
When accused, Jesus strongly denies that his method of interpreting Scripture “destroys”
or weakens its meaning. He claims, on the contrary, to be more orthodox than his accuser. For
Jesus, a “light” commandment (“Do not bear hatred in your heart”) is as important as a “heavy”
commandment (“Do not murder”). And a disciple who breaks even a “light” commandment will
be considered “light” (have an inferior position) in Jesus’ movement (Matthew 5:19).
“Never imagine for a moment,” Jesus says, “that I intend to abrogate the Law by
misinterpreting it. My intent is not to weaken or negate the Law, but by properly
interpreting God’s written Word I aim to establish it, that is, make it even more lasting. I
would never invalidate the Law by effectively removing something from it through
misinterpretation. Heaven and earth would sooner disappear than something from the
Law. Not the smallest letter in the alphabet, the yod, nor even its decorative spur, will
ever disappear from the Law.”
John shares that Jesus is the perfect interpretation of the Law. Jesus lived a perfect life, which
means He kept the Law perfectly. He is now our example. John tells us in verse 6, “He that saith he
abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.” A “Jesus walk” properly interprets
and applies God’s commandments to daily living.
Another common explanation to avoid the commandments in the Old Testament is that Jesus
provided new laws for us to live. There is no mandate issued by Jesus or given in the New Testament
that would warrant that belief. It is true that there are more than a thousand commandments in the New
Testament. Few realize that they are in perfect harmony with the commandments given in the Old
Testament. They offer insights into how Jesus kept them and how His Spirit empowers us to live them.
Changing the definition of commandments for New Testament believers violates the
hermeneutical principle of “first mention.” Here is a summary of that principle:
The meaning of the Law of First Mention: The Law of First Mention may be said to be the
principle that requires one to go to that portion of the Scriptures where a doctrine is mentioned
for the first time and to study the first occurrence of the same in order to get the fundamental
In the Scriptures the growth and development of ideas and doctrine might be illustrated
by some simple word.
Throughout the history of a term it may have increased its meaning and undergone certain
changes, yet the basic, original, fundamental thought is seldom lost.
The fundamental concept usually controls or is dominant in coloring every shade of
idea expressed by a term in its current usage.
The influence of the mystery religions upon our theology has caused such a jaundice toward the
law of God. Without the law, we have no guiding principles to help us separate Babylon from the
kingdom of God. The law teaches us what sin is, what pagan practices are, what sexually deviant
behavior is, and what is clean and unclean. This is important for New Testament believers. The
apostle Paul instructs the New Testament Church:
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness
with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living
God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they
shall be my people.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not
Notice the word “thing” in verse 17 is in italics. (I love the honesty of the KJV Bible.) This
means the word was not in the original text. The word was added by the translators in their attempt to
clarify Paul’s statement. Anyone trained in Torah would have left the word “thing” out of the sentence.
“Unclean” is an entire category of items, practices, and beliefs. All of these are defined clearly in the
The goal is not to become culturally Jewish—nor is it about running around in kippahs (skull
caps) and prayer shawls. Our goal in Messiah is to become biblical—from Genesis to Revelation.
What God said is unclean will always be unclean. What He said is sin will always be sin. How He
said to walk with Him will always be the way of walking with Him. God is calling us to a level of
maturity in which we follow Jesus’ example of properly applying the commandments of God in
everyday life. John, again, stresses:
He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. (1 John 2:6)
Commandments, Answered Prayer, and Dwelling in Him
For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.
Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.
And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do
we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us. (1 John 3:20–24)
Did you know that when you got saved, you obeyed a commandment? Verse 23 tells us, “And
this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ.” We may have
never thought about it that way; but God does. You might reply with the Scripture:
8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9Not of works, lest any man should boast.10For we are his workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
(Ephesians 2:8–10)
Notice, I left verse 9 connected to verse 10, so that we would understand that Paul was not
doing away with works. Few have ever asked, “What does the phrase ‘not of works’ mean that Paul
was referring to?” We find the answer in the very first verse of Acts 15.
And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be
circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. (Acts 15:1)
This is what caused the stir and triggered the council in Jerusalem to send for the apostle Paul,
all of the other apostles, and the Pharisees in question.
As mentioned earlier in the book, there were two schools for the Pharisees during New
Testament times. The first was the School of Hillel, of which the apostle Paul was a graduate. The
motto of the School of Hillel was “the spirit of the law.” The second was the School of Shammai,
which the Pharisees that were causing all of the problems were from. The motto of the school of
God was doing with the Gentiles coming into faith. These rabbis remembered the atrocities
committed to their ancestors by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, when he annexed Judea during the
Intertestamental Period. Thousands of Jewish men and children were slaughtered and “cooked alive”
by this despot, simply because they were circumcised.
This horrid history caused them to miss what God was doing. They forgot that God called many
times to them to circumcise their hearts:
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked.
For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a
terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:
He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger,
in giving him food and raiment.(Deuteronomy 10:16–18)
Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, and take away the foreskins of your heart, ye men of Judah
and inhabitants of Jerusalem: lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn that none can quench it,
because of the evil of your doings. (Jeremiah 4:4)
Finally, Jeremiah not only saw a day in which God would circumcise the hearts of those that
trusted in Him, but also a time when He would write His Law upon their hearts.
Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of
Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by
the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an
husband unto them, saith the LORD:
But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those
days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts;
and will be their God, and they shall be my people.(Jeremiah 31:31–33)
(Note: Jeremiah 31 is where the early Church adopted the concept of the B’rit Hadasha or
“New Covenant.”)
Now read Paul’s rabbinical argument in the book of Romans:
For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy
spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. (Romans 2:25–29,
emphasis added)
Notice that keeping the law was not in question; the only practice in question was circumcision.
If an uncircumcised Gentile believer was keeping the law by the power of the resurrected Messiah
within his heart (Paul argues), should it not count for circumcision and him being accepted by the
Jewish community?
God is calling us to biblical balance and the proper application of His Word to our lives.
Enough said—now back to 1 John 3:20–24.
The Heart, Spiritual Reality, and Answered Prayer
John has been dealing with Christians falling into sin and the need for repentance. Now, he comes to
the concept of answered prayer. He comforts believers in that, after they confess their sins and their
hearts still condemn them, God is greater than their feelings. The reality of our forgiveness in Christ
is greater that the lingering effects of sin (and the enemy’s attempts to keep us in condemnation after
we have repented). Then, John adds something that should make our faith soar:
And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those
things that are pleasing in his sight. (1 John 3:22)
When we have been working to maintain our fellowship with the Father and to walk free of sin,
we should have confidence that our prayers are being heard and answered. Obedience causes our
hearts to soar in faith. Condemnation will cause our hearts to pull back from true faithful expectation.
God’s Commandments for the Sake of the Community of Faith
Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that
For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his
commandments are not grievous.(1 John 5:1–3)
John states that we should demonstrate both our love for God and for one another by keeping
God’s commandments. Over the years, I have seen so many situations arise within congregations that
caused hurt or damage, which never would have happened if that congregation had been more
commandment-conscious. The commandments of God teach us how to properly treat one another, how
to handle business dealings, and so much more.
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the
faith of Jesus. (Revelation 14:12)
The Greek word used for “patience” here is hupomone (hoop-om-on-ay’),which means
“steadfastness, constancy, endurance. In the N[ew] T[estament] the characteristic of a man who is not
swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and
In order for us to have steadfastness, constancy, and endurance in the face of persecution, God
informs us that we must have faith in Jesus and keep His commandments.
And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over
the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the
sea of glass, having the harps of God.
And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying,
Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King
of saints.
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all
nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.
(Revelation 15:2–4)
Between our misunderstanding of the teachings of Paul and the influence of the mystery
religions upon our theologies, we believe Moses and Jesus are opposed to one another. The truth is
that they form a two-part harmony for the same song of the kingdom. Together, they will be the song of
praise we will sing before the throne. Together, they are nitro and glycerin; they form an explosive
spiritual power that fuels the kingdom of God. Together, they can become the Antichrist’s worst
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may
enter in through the gates into the city. (Revelation 22:14)
This verse is referring to the New Jerusalem and those who can enter there. May this serve as
an eye-opening verse for the saints of God in the last days.
A Final Word
I want to give a final word in this chapter to make myself crystal clear to the reader: The purpose of
this chapter is not to serve as a call to make all Christians culturally Jewish. This chapter is to serve
as a clarion call for the body of Christ to thoroughly examine its doctrines and practices to make sure
they are based solely upon Scripture that flows from Genesis all the way to the book of Revelation.
The mystery religions take their work of infiltration and gradual corruption within the body of Christ
very seriously. They continually labored to pull Israel away from the One True God throughout the
Old Testament. They did not stop their endeavors with the completed work of Christ. Today from
pulpits, university lecterns, and even legislators’ podiums in our nation’s capital, the Elite’s attack
upon God’s commandments (and definition of sin) is at an all-time historic high. Anyone who
disagrees with their agenda is called a hatemonger.
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love
of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of
life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God
abideth for ever. (1 John 2:15–17)
Somewhere along the line, we have forgotten that to love God means that we need to hate sin,
unrighteousness, and the spirit of this world. Amos counsels us to:
Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you,
as ye have spoken.
Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that
the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.(Amos 5:14–15)
Therefore, we must be diligent to rediscover and maintain the faith that was once delivered to
the saints.
Chapter Eleven
Preparing the Remnant
Part 2: Joel, Acts, the Book of Revelation, and Spiritual Warfare
I have been preaching the Word of God since I was thirteen years old. Over those forty-one years, I
have both prepared and listened to myriad sermons. During the past few decades, I have noticed a
perplexing phenomenon within the body of Christ: There are concepts (or even sound bites) that can
be heralded from pulpits that will move the crowds to great excitement and releases of emotion that
tap into some unrealized psychological need or carnal desire. However, when we examine many of
the “truths” being proclaimed across the body of Christ, they lack any real scriptural legitimacy. In
other words, conducting some basic biblical research will quickly reveal that there is no scriptural
foundation for those beliefs. These unscriptural revelations may produce larger crowds and offerings,
but they weaken the spiritual lives of those caught within their circles. One of two possible scenarios
could have created this phenomenon:
· Somewhere along the line, we have unconsciously fallen into the same
occupational trap as the Levites in the book of Malachi: We are preaching what the
people WANT to hear instead of what Heaven says they NEED to hear.
· These unbiblical concepts were created as a part of the Shinar Directive to pull
the body of Christ away from sound doctrine. In today’s current climate within the
Church world, the minister who gathers the largest crowds becomes the new
prototype for Church growth. The end result is deception spreading like a cancer!
I remember a situation years ago that exemplifies this paradigm. I attended a church with a
pastor I absolutely loved. You could see the love of God flowing from him as well as his contagious
excitement about God’s Word. He was teaching on the life of Abraham, and I couldn’t tell which one
of us was enjoying it more. This dear brother has served as the perfect example of a teaching pastor
for me to this very day. I have to admit that, during his presentation, I mentally drew a circle around a
few statements to examine later. However, this is typical for me; perhaps it is an occupational hazard
of being a Christian educator. Whenever I listen to a message, my mind will categorize everything I
am hearing and cross-index it with established truth I have already learned. Later, the resulting study
will either allow me to expand my understanding of the Word or bring a realization that someone’s
could bring some clarity to the situation and assist him. He shared that one of the men he highly
respected in ministry had taught those truths to him. The three of us opened the Word of God to
examine the Scriptures in question, step by step. As we analyzed, the pastor began to realize that his
teaching was slightly out of alignment with the Word. It was nothing major—just obvious. When he
realized his mistake, he quickly apologized and then said, “That sure preached good though, didn’t
That situation has stuck with me over the years. I knew that wonderful pastor loved both God
and His Word with a passion I had rarely seen. Yet, in his passion, he had picked up something in his
preaching that was slightly off, because it just “preached better” that way. If this mature saint of God
could fall prey to that, I was certain I also could have done so over the years. One of the sermons that
just “preaches good” and gets the people excited, but does not line up with the Word, is the army
described in Joel chapter 2.
Joel’s Army
Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of
the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;
A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the
morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the
like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.
A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden
of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape
The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they
Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of
a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. (Joel 2:1–
Some ministers would say: “Come on, that just sounds good! The end-time saints are going to become
the Joel chapter 2 army. The devil isn’t going to know what hit him. This army is going to be so
powerful that it is unstoppable. Look in verse 8: the healing power of God is there. They get
wounded, pray for one another, are healed, and then they are right back in the battle. Oh, to be that
BUT, when you place these verses back into the chapter in the book of Joel and follow the
sequence of events, this army is not comprised of the people of God at all. We find the people of God
later on in chapter 2 being called to fasting and prayer, BECAUSE the army earlier listed in chapter
2 is approaching! This approaching army is only God’s army in the same sense that Nebuchadnezzar
was the servant of God (Jeremiah 27:6) in enacting judgment on Israel.
The army in Joel 2 is most likely the transgenic army that will be released in Revelation 9.
God’s people cannot be the approaching army and the people who are praying and fasting because of
the army’s approach at the same time. This army in Joel 2 has many of the attributes the Elite have
been laboring for so long to adapt from Genesis 6 in creating Nimrod’s super-soldier army for his
war against God.
· This army is unique throughout all time (2:2).
· Nothing escapes it (2:3).
become a part of the Antichrist’s transgenic, unstoppable army. In my youth, I fell in line with
whatever was going around in Christian circles that got results, and I preached it, too. Long ago, I
abandoned such practices, and I now prefer to retreat to my prayer closet so God can instruct me
about what to preach and teach. Just because a topic is popular and fiery does not mean that it is
biblically correct. It can just as easily be strange fire everyone is passing around and calling
We do not see the body of Christ until verse 12:
12Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting,
and with weeping, and with mourning:
13And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is
gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.
14Who knoweth if he will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind him; even a meat
offering and a drink offering unto the LORD your God?
15Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:
16Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children,
and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of
her closet.
17Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar,
and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that
the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is
Notice that, in verse 17, the prophet says part of the prayer is, “give not thine heritage to
reproach, that the heathen should rule over them.” The word for “heathen” in the Hebrew is gowy
(go’-ee). This word is usually translated as “Gentile” or “nation,” but it is also used to refer to the
descendants of Abraham on occasion. The interesting aspect of this word is that it can be used for “a
swarm of locusts.” This word connects the Joel 2 a directly to Revelation 9 again!
In Peter’s first sermon after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, he proclaims:
But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all
flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams:
And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit;
and they shall prophesy:
And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire,
and vapour of smoke:
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and
notable day of the Lord come:
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall
be saved.(Acts 2:16–21)
Nowhere in the book of Acts do we see the wonders in Heaven or earth that Peter refers to in
his sermon’s foundational Scripture. There was no great smoke recorded in Acts. The sun was not
darkened, nor was the moon turned to blood. What’s going on here? Did Peter use the wrong proof
text for his sermon, or are we missing something?
What we see in Acts 2 (and throughout the book of Acts) is an example of what God is going to
do when this transgenic Antichrist army shows up in the midst of His people. The Acts Church is a
And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given
power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.(Revelation 9:1–3, emphasis added)
Because God’s people respond to this scene with prayer, fasting, and repentance, the Holy
Spirit is poured out upon them just like He was in Acts 2 (although I believe in a greater measure).
Just as Joel stated that the people of God would pray that the locusts would not have dominion over
them, we see the answer to this prayer in Revelation 9—this chimeric army does not touch those who
are God’s, but it turns to torment the Elite to the place where they long for the very thing they thought
they had conquered—death. I call that poetic justice!
We see, when we properly combine Joel, Acts, and the book of Revelation, that the final
outpouring of the Holy Spirit will result in revival (to bring all of God’s people back into a proper
state of functioning in the kingdom and for the salvation of those who have not received the mark of
the Beast), with an elevated manifestation of spiritual gifts, divine protection, and divine judgment.
Now that is what I call revival! This time, God is going to do more than save sinners and shut down
13:12). The closer we get to a prophetic event, the clearer it can become. I believe that part of the
reason it becomes clearer is so we can begin to understand the advanced technologies being
developed by the Elite for the final showdown with God and His people in the Shinar Directive to
complete the unfinished work of Nimrod.
When Will the Lord Return?
The more I study prophecy, the more I am convinced that the premillennial return of Christ is the
correct eschatological position. Much of evangelical Christianity now holds to one of several
positions regarding His premillennial return.
· Pre-Tribulation
· Mid-Tribulation
· Pre-Wrath
· Post-Tribulation
As a Christian educator, I have had students at Biblical Life College and Seminary come from a
variety of evangelical backgrounds who have researched and defended all four of these positions
with superb scholarship and convincing biblical arguments. The same can be said for the academic
community (although there have been occasions when I have discovered misquotes and intellectual
dishonesty to slant the information in the direction they were defending). The youngest of these
theories is the Pre-Wrath Theory, which developed after evangelicals began rediscovering their
Hebraic heritage (they used the Feasts of the LORD to assist in their investigations—Jesus fulfilled
the Spring Feasts at His First Coming; we are now in Shavuot [Pentecost]; and Jesus will fulfill the
Fall Feasts in His Second Coming). The second-youngest theory is the Pre-Tribulation Theory, which
dates back to around the early 1800s and the development of dispensationalism. The most ancient
seems to be the Post-Tribulation, premillennial return of the Lord.
In discussing the various positions with one of our professors, Dr. Bruce Booker related a story
regarding a class he took years ago under the late Dr. Walter Martin. In this class were students from
various positions on the premillennial return of Christ. (Note: At that time, the Pre-Wrath theory had
not yet been developed.) All the students in the class were hoping Dr. Martin would make a ruling on
the topic and settle the matter concerning which position was correct. Here is what Dr. Martin shared
with them, according to Dr. Booker: “I have learned to pray for Pre, and prepare for Post.”
I have always admired his honesty.
While we are fighting about things that are still, for the most part, relatively dark to us in end-
time prophecy, we have unknowingly ceased from seeking the face of God with all of our hearts. We
should be weeping and mourning over the state of the Church in America and the absolute
lukewarmness of most Christians (the only thing that seems to get them excited is messages that
appeal to their carnality). I have seen so many believers I thought were rock solid who are now
allowing public opinion to sway them, and they have begun doubting what God has clearly said in His
Word. I have listened to ministers, while they were sitting in my office or at conferences across the
country, who have told me they do not believe that the Ten Commandments are for today. I have then
watched as their families and ministries fell apart after making that confession. I have seen men who
were once on fire for God fall into grievous doctrinal error and die early. I have seen Christian
families slowly creep into darkness, until you could not tell them from the average sinner down the
road. If there was ever a time to meet with God between the porch and the altar in weeping, fasting,
and prayer, it is right now!
While I see in Scripture the reality of both revival and supernatural protection from God as the
transgenic army of the Antichrist approaches, my heart longs to see an outpouring of revival now! We
are not done yet! The body of Christ is in a mess, and the world is heading right into the arms of
darkness at neck-breaking speeds. We have not realized that while we stopped to argue about where
the finish line is, we stopped running the race. We must begin to prepare ourselves for both our
kingdom assignments and the enemy’s advancements in the days ahead.
Somehow, we have come to believe that having the correct timing of His return, within the
framework of being premillennial, is part of biblical orthodoxy. The truth is, in this area, practical
orthodoxy is both looking for His return and making sure that we are ready for it. When we realize
that Jesus is coming back as Messiah ben David, and that He is coming back for a perfected (or
mature) Bride, we begin the labor of putting away childish things; we start to get serious about our
personal spiritual development and learn how to function in the kingdom of God. From what I have
seen in the lives of most believers, we are more like children out on the playground during recess
than mature believers in advanced training in our Lord’s University of the Kingdom. Our paradigms
a specific order. If we have survival food stored up in our homes but have forgotten to store up God’s
truth in our hearts, our long-term food supplies will do us little good. We need a spiritual awakening
that fully engulfs our entire being—from lifestyle to our thoughts and every action.
Spiritual—We must get serious about our spiritual walk with God and bring ourselves in
line with our King and His kingdom. We all must invest the time and effort to develop ourselves
spiritually. Without this part of our lives being strengthened, we can easily fall prey to the
workings of both the Antichrist spirit and the Elite.
Mental—We must get back into the Word of God and allow it to rule our thinking,
emotions, and actions. We must also allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in us to make us
courageous and resolute in our stand for God. My personal goal is to follow the leading of
Daniel and to be resolute in my convictions and purposes in the kingdom.
Physical—We must prepare for some tough times ahead. This includes both working on
improving our health and storing supplies. Even if the Lord’s return is Pre-Tribulation, it
doesn’t mean we will not go through some difficult situations as that day approaches; natural
disasters can happen. The point is, do not be dependent upon the Babylonian system—be
independent from it. We must only be dependent upon God.
Note: I also think part of the physical preparation is investing in your own library. One day,
many of the books we have depended upon for strength, encouragement, or even research, may be
restricted. Make sure you obtain a good supply of Bibles, while they can still be legally purchased.
I would also suggest using good Bible software to aid in your personal study now. Many great
programs out there are cross-platform, meaning you can use them on computers running either the
Windows PC operating system or the Mac operating system. Two programs that fit this category are
WordSearch Bible and Logos Bible Software. For those on a budget, I would recommend the
Windows program eSword ( This program is donation-based and has many great
modules. You can also download an entire library into eSword from the website called Bible Support
( Although the interface is antiquated in eSword, it is still quite usable. (You
can also install eSword on Mac computers using the software, CrossOver.)
The point I am trying to make is that we all need to get serious about our knowledge of the
Word and our spiritual development. Do not let the Babylonian haze of the Elite place you into an
entertainment stupor. Wake up and get serious. God will lead and bless as you do!
I am not trying to promote fear, but I am promoting preparedness. When I served in the Army in
my youth, they drilled in us that the best way to avoid a fight was to be fully prepared for one.
General George S. Patton said shortly after World War II: “The more you sweat in peace, the less you
bleed in war.”
While I’m not speaking of a physical war, the same principle applies to spiritual growth and
warfare. We must open our eyes to the truth of the Laodicean state of the church in America. We must
also see that, as the political world aligns itself with darkness, it is first a spiritual reality and then a
political one. The only way darkness is overcome in this world is through the light of God shining
through His people as the fire of revival burns within their hearts! Things only get darker when the
light is unable to shine through. That’s why Jesus called us both the light of the world and the salt that
preserves it.
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is
thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth
light unto all that are in the house.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify
your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:13–16)
Other Concepts Regarding Spiritual Warfare
I have a couple of concepts that I promised to touch upon earlier in this book regarding spiritual
1. Salvation
deliverance ministry.
Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil
spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.
And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so.
And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?
And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and
prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. (Acts
You cannot be a member of the kingdom of darkness and fight against it at the same time. Only
those who are born again and members of the kingdom of God are in the proper position to fight
against the kingdom of darkness.
2. The blood of Jesus: The blood of Jesus is the most powerful substance in the universe. You
can have a life so filled with sin and shame that it is pitch black and so filthy that no one would
believe it could be redeemed. Yet, through repentance, the blood of Jesus can free and cleanse that
life and make it white as snow.
This probably seems basic to most believers. However, when things go south in warfare, a
soldier is always told to return to the basics. As John instructed in his first epistle, stay in fellowship
with God and with the blood that was shed for you. Do not participate in anything that takes you out
from under the protection of the blood of Christ. Learn how to walk in the blood covenant Jesus has
Name you use at the end of your prayers. It is His Name you use when you bind up the operations of
the enemy in someone’s life or even to cast out demons. It is the One whose Name you use when you
pray for a sick friend to be healed. If we want Heaven and Hell to have respect for our use of that
Name, we better have the deepest respect for it.
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring
forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my
name, he may give it you.(John 15:16)
Since we have been disenfranchised from our Hebraic heritage, we cannot connect the cultural
meaning to what Jesus said when He gave them His name to use in prayer in John 15:16. The name of
Jesus is not something you just add to the end of your prayers so Heaven (or Hell) must respond. It is
so much more.
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to
God and the Father by him. (Colossians 3:17)
Whenever you are given the use of someone’s name, you also accept the responsibility of
representing him in all of your dealings. Your conduct has to represent the one who sent you and
whose name you are using. Believe it or not, this concept is connected to the Aaronic Blessing and the
Ten Commandments.
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of
Israel, saying unto them,
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: 26The LORD lift up
his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.
God placed His Name upon Israel, and they became His representatives on the earth. They bore
His Name, walked in His ways and commandments, and were a testimony in a world filled with the
darkness that flowed from Babylon.
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him
guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (Exodus 10:7)
We have always interpreted the command in Exodus 20:7 to mean, “not to use God’s name as a
curse word.” While this is extremely important, much more is being said here.
I remember an old story I heard years ago. There was a good man who lived in a little
Midwestern town. It was in a time when men were taught that a man was only as good as his name.
Names carried weight, whether good or bad. This man came from a line of good men who always
sought to do the right thing. Now, he was facing a day that he had dreaded. His son was now of age
and longed to leave the Midwest for the bright lights of Chicago. This man took his son by the
shoulders, looked straight into his eyes, and said:
“Son, when you leave here, don’t forget who you are. Don’t forget the name that you are
carrying. What you do can affect that name and all who bear it!”
That father knew that if his son forgot who he was and began running with the wrong crowd, it
would affect the reputation of his family’s name, which he had guarded his whole life.
God was warning Israel, “I am placing My Name upon you, and it will create a blessing; but
don’t leave here and conduct yourselves in such a manner that brings reproach on My Name. I will
hold you responsible!”
There have been so many fleshly activities and false doctrines being perpetrated today in the
Name of Jesus that it would make Heaven weep (if that is a possibility). We have taken the most
precious Name in all of creation and used it to promote the very spirit and heart of Babylon and its
I want Heaven not only to recognize the Name of Jesus upon my lips, but His nature within my
heart and in my prayers. I want Hell to also recognize the Name of Jesus when I stand in my
authority in Christ, but I also want it to see His fire in my eyes and His righteousness upon my
heart! I must reverence, respect, and guard His Name and reputation on the earth!
4. Obedience: Jesus is our example of how to live our lives and to conduct spiritual warfare.
He did it all from a life of matured obedience to the Father.
We need to realize that we cannot play with the devil all week and then expect to be able to
effectively fight him on the weekends!
Never engage in spiritual warfare, if there are any areas of disobedience in your life. This is
why we see prayer and fasting so much in the book of Acts. I have always been amazed at just how
much members of the early Church prayed and fasted. It was almost as if they would pray and fast to
get ready to pray and fast. However, these men were very conscious of the life-and-death situations
that faced them around every corner. They knew obedience to God’s Spirit and His Word was
paramount in all things. The same holds true for us today, but most Christians are oblivious to that
fact. The veneer of civility within Western culture has put us to sleep spiritually. We need to be fully
awakened, before our society’s ultra-thin veneer is pierced by those who thrive on iniquity and
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)
It has become quite popular for ministries to conduct spiritual mapping expeditions to discover
what principalities and powers are over their geographic areas. I have personally read many of the
books and articles on spiritual mapping, and I walked away somewhat disappointed.
I found these writings on spiritual mapping very informative about how to determine what
principalities or powers were controlling an area, but severely lacking in biblical protocols for
conducting successful spiritual warfare against them. You cannot engage in warfare against a
principality or power the same way you would a demonic force. Demons are Nephilim spirits that
seek out physical bodies to manifest through. Principalities are very ancient and powerful fallen
angels that prefer to control regions like puppets on strings. It could be compared to using a little stick
to chase off the neighbor’s dog that strayed into your yard, and then using the same stick to poke a
grizzly bear that is asleep on your back patio. Too many have poked the bear and ended up on today’s
menu for the bear!
Now, I am not saying that the Name of Jesus is a little stick. I am only using this comparison for
the purpose of contrasting a small, two-pound dog to a ten-foot, 1,500-pound bear! The warfare is
completely different.
I have counseled many pastors and believers who used the incorrect protocols for engaging
principalities and powers. They had awakened ancient spiritual wickedness of untold power that
previously took little notice of them. They discovered that their warfare had backfired, and were not
prepared for the retaliation that followed. I have seen pastors die, congregations scatter, and churches
close down. All of this could have been avoided if proper protocols had been followed. What
seemed to be “good preaching” caused a whole lot of tragedy and broken lives.
When God gave authority to man in the garden, it was over His creation in the First Heaven.
When Jesus won back that authority by His victory over death, Hell, and the grave, it was over the
First Heaven. Nowhere in Holy Writ will we find the instructions on how to transverse into the
Second Heaven and engage in spiritual warfare with the fallen angels residing there.
When the apostle Paul speaks of “wrestling” with principalities and powers, he is discussing
the continual struggles we have because of their influence within in our reality. Paul never attempted
to go into the Second Heaven and dethrone the principality over the Roman Empire. Paul knew, from
the book of Daniel, that it takes angels to fight other angels; those warring angels can only be sent
principalities or powers over an area. This will reveal what schemes and devices are being used to
control and to maintain spiritual darkness in an area.
followed by intense study in the Word of God that will counter their incursion.
· Add fasting to your prayers. The story in Daniel seems to indicate that his fasting
was crucial in the battle being waged in the Second Heaven. It would be
appropriate to have a prolonged, declared fast—perhaps calling the saints of God
to stand with you and fast one or two days a week until the power is broken or you
receive a clear release from Heaven to end the fast.
· Use your influence to direct people toward God. Principalities increase in power
in an area because their influence gains a foothold and increases until it holds more
sway over the citizens of the region. The preaching of the gospel and the turning of
men’s hearts from sin to righteousness will begin to reduce their influence and
power. I believe when a substantial portion of the population is turned to God and
begins to walk in righteousness, the evil principality can be displaced by a godly
one. Although a detailed study in this area would be a volume within itself, we can
easily see the reality of it in the life of Israel. When they drove out the ungodly
inhabitants in the Promised Land and began living according to God’s ways, the
principalities that once ruled were displaced by God’s agents within the Second
Heaven. If Israel fell too deeply into sin, the displacement occurred again. This
time, the kingdom of darkness was placed back into the seat of power. This is why
revival and walking in godliness are so important. How we live our lives affects
more than just ourselves. It can affect those around us, and it can affect the
government within the Second Heaven!
· Teach and encourage fellow believers. Once we see men and women saved, we
must make disciples of them. The Great Commission includes teaching them to
walk in the ways of God. The stronger the body of Christ gets in an area, the
weaker an evil principality becomes!
After we have done all of these things, God can move upon a seasoned man or woman of God
to release a prophetic indictment against the local principality or power. Many in the body of Christ
have confused such events with regular spiritual warfare. In actuality, the warfare had already been
conducted successfully. Now Heaven was using a vessel of honor (1 Thessalonians 4:1–6) to speak
into the First Heaven what God had accomplished in the Second Heaven.
We must seek to walk in a continual state of revival. I am not talking about having meetings five
times a week in perpetuity. For the believer, revival is a state of spiritual alertness. He or she is
actively being a disciple of Jesus by praying, fasting, getting into the Word, sharing the gospel,
encouraging other believers, etc. The apostle Paul called for the saints to awake out of slumber in his
day, and I pray that this book is a similar call for the saints in ours!
And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our
Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy
city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.
Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the
bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.
For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be
redeemed without money. (Isaiah 52:1–3)
Chapter Twelve
Preparing the Remnant
Part 3: Covenant and Kingdom
Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the
Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. (Psalm 2:1–3)
We now begin our last chapter in The Shinar Directive. We have examined the reality of
conspiratorial history. Truly, the kings of the earth, both at the United Nations and in the international
banking cartel, have labored to complete the unfinished work of Nimrod that had its genesis in the
ancient plains of Shinar.
God speaks through the psalmist with uncanny accuracy. Today, these heathen of the earth are
raging. The Hebrew word used for “rage” is ragash (raw-gash’), which means not only “to be in a
tumult or commotion,” but to “to conspire, plot.” These ungodly conspirators have set
themselves against the God of Heaven and His Anointed One. They seek to break asunder and cast out
God’s ways, His commandments, His Covenant, and His plan for the redemption of mankind and
creation. They passionately hate the gospel and the Word of God.
The only way we can counter their rage-infused directive against God is to love God with a
matured (or perfected) love. Moses instructed Israel long ago:
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with
all thy might.
And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou
sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when
And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between
thine eyes.
And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
(Deuteronomy 6:4–9)
These verses are a part of a prayer called “the Shema.” These words have been prayed twice a
day by the Jewish people for millennia. The concepts embedded in the prayer are so powerful that
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (Matthew 22:34–
Notice the powerful statement by Jesus regarding these commandments: “On these two
commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” For everything else to work properly in the
kingdom of God, these two commandments must be in place. Isn’t that what John was expressing in
his first epistle?
Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that
begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.
By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his
For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments
are not grievous.
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that
overcometh the world, even our faith.
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of
God?(1 John 5:1–5, emphasis added)
The Elite have taken advantage of the error that the Pharisees from the School of Shammai
made in teaching Gentiles salvation through circumcision. These workers of absolute darkness have
convinced us that if we look at the commandments of God as part of our Christian lifestyle, we are
trying to “earn our salvation.” They have embedded a jaundice within our theologies and collective
consciousness to avoid God’s loving instruction known as the Torah.
At this point, we might ask ourselves, “Then what is the purpose of the Torah in the life of the
believer?” It is the same as it was for those that God redeemed thousands of years ago from Egypt.
Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a
sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.
And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house,
and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates:
That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which
the LORD sware unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon the earth.
For if ye shall diligently keep all these commandments which I command you, to do them,
to love the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, and to cleave unto him;
Then will the LORD drive out all these nations from before you, and ye shall possess
greater nations and mightier than yourselves.
Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours: from the
wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the uttermost sea
shall your coast be.
There shall no man be able to stand before you: for the LORD your God shall lay
the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that ye shall tread upon, as he hath
said unto you.(Deuteronomy 11:18–25, emphasis added)
The commandments are not a matter of “gaining” salvation; they are a part of spiritual warfare
for those who have been redeemed! The law of God reveals what belongs to Babylon and what
belongs to His kingdom (that which is clean and unclean or separating that which is righteous from
unrighteousness). As a believer begins to observe the commandments the way Jesus did, the spiritual
force of the kingdom that is released from his heart will begin driving back Babylon and establishing
divine order and blessing.
in the New Testament. It is all one book authored by one God. As the book of Revelation unfolds
before our very eyes, this wonderful, amazing God will show His wonders on the earth again.
We need to go back to the Word of God and allow it to become the ultimate reference book in
our lives—allow it to define sin, righteousness, conduct, and truth. We need to begin a fresh dialogue
about that old, old story of the power of the cross, the cleansing blood of Jesus, the need for personal
faith in Him, and how we are to walk with Him daily as a people. We need our elders to be filled
with God’s wisdom and to teach us the ways of God. We need to eliminate biblical illiteracy from our
midst, and we need to rediscover an ancient Hebraic truth: the highest form of worship is the study of
the Word!
I have a dear friend and colleague, Dr. Karl Coke. Karl has spent a great portion of his life
developing the Timothy Program. A vital part of this program is teaching Christians how to study the
Word of God and how to read (or at least have a working understanding) biblical Hebrew. He has
also reintroduced the body of Christ to the concept of Yeshiva (the Hebrew form of group study). I
have witnessed a large group of Christians gather with Bibles and reference books in hand for a full
day of study. Shortly after breakfast, a topic was chosen, and the study began. The research and
discussion were only brought to a halt for lunch and dinner. That evening, the need to end the study
was brought up by one of the elders. Complaining immediately erupted from some of the teenagers.
They were disappointed that the Yeshiva had to end! Multiple hours of Bible study and research were
not enough; they wanted more. Now, compare that to the average teenager today in a traditional
church setting, complaining that the pastor’s forty-five-minute sermon is too long. When we stop
explaining away the Word of God and start teaching believers how to study and live it, the dynamic
completely changes—the work of the Elite will begin to unravel, families will be strengthened, and
the next generation will become stronger in God than the previous one.
It is time to untangle ourselves from Nimrod’s web of deceit and iniquity! It is time to walk in
the kingdom the way Jesus did—the same way that He taught His disciples. You cannot separate Jesus
and His teachings from the Old Testament, for truly, He is the God of the Old Testament come in the
Something seems to be encoded within the psyche of man that compels him to place labels on
everything. We tend to resemble someone suffering from an out-of-control version of obsessive-
compulsive disorder, in which we are driven to place labels on everything within our world.
Although such a scene can be humorous in a television sitcom, such behavior places us at a great
disadvantage regarding the Shinar Directive. The Elite will use this natural tendency against us.
The use of labels functions well when we are identifying cans of food within our pantries or
seeking to specify which variety of cricket we have found in our backyard.(It is always aggravating to
find a can of food in our kitchen that has lost its label.)Yet, when we attempt to place labels on
something more complicated than a can of soup, labels completely fail in their general function and
can become tools of deception and control.
For well over a century, the Elite have endeavored to use this unconscious need for labeling
everything within mankind to their advantage. They have sought to expand the use of labeling to
absolutely everything, from people groups to concepts. In doing so, they have reduced the
conversation about most topics to a controllable sound bite. Then, they are the ones who can alter the
meaning of a label for their purposes and slowly transform society.
There are no detailed, truthful discussions about anything within our Western culture anymore.
If an honest discussion was allowed, facts and logic could then be addressed within the framework of
whatever the debate was about. This would unravel their Orwellian control of society. They have
created their labels within our culture as carefully orchestrated sound bites wrapped in
preprogrammed emotional responses to control all of us.
We are witnessing a relabeling of “sin” as “acceptable lifestyles” within our culture. This shift
in our society will soon move far beyond the biblical definition of family to include same-sex unions,
multiple-partner unions (bisexual polygamy), marriage to a consenting minor (pedophilia), and even
union with animals (bestiality).The primary mechanism used to facilitate this dynamic change is the
use of labels, and the secondary mechanism is the creation of an environment in which the definitions
can be in flux.
Another example of a label in flux is “evangelical.” Not long ago, “conservative evangelicals”
were held in high esteem; in fact, evangelicals were considered the backbone of our nation. Yet today,
that label is being used to represent just the opposite. On October 23, 2013, a revealing article was
posted to the Fox News site entitled, “Does Army Consider Christians and the Tea Party a Terror
Threat?”In this article, reporter Todd Sterns reveals:
Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical
Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier
donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military
It is amazing to me that, at a base where a Muslim officer committed a horrendous act of
terrorism, evangelical Christians are being “labeled” as the problem and not Muslims! However, to
control the use of labels and their ever-changing definitions, the Elite must also control all sides of
the conversation.
The only way to overcome this linguistic/psychological strategy of the enemy is to follow the
example of Abraham, who stepped outside of Babylon’s control. To do that, we must reevaluate our
use of labels and the definitions they carry. We must ask:
· “Who created the definition I am using for that label?”
· “Has the definition been changed and by whom?”
· “How is that label really being used by society?”
The apostle Paul admonishes us to “prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (1
Thessalonians 5:21). Although I have already shared this verse, I cannot stress it enough. We cannot
continue to allow the agents of the mystery religions to create the definitions of the labels (or terms)
we use in the body of Christ. It is time to remove their uninvited influence and begin returning to
God’s definitions of literally everything.
Before I continue, I want to address this issue of labels and definitions from a spiritual warfare
perspective. This short discussion will help those who are seeking to regain true biblical spirituality
in many areas of their lives. A label is nothing more than a few words strung together to describe an
object, person, belief, practice, event, etc. The origin of anything determines its spiritual power.
For instance, we can trace the origin of the family all the way back to the Garden of Eden. Marriage
was God’s idea. The Almighty created Eve to be the lifepartner of Adam. God did not create Bob, or
Bob and Eve, or Eve and Betty to serve as Adam’s helpmates. Within the concept of true marriage,
the very act can tap into the spiritual force of the kingdom of God to bring blessing. Even if someone
who does not know God enters this union with a good heart, blessings can flow.
Now, there are those in our world that want to redefine marriage. They are not using the Word
of God as the source for their definition. They are drawing from another kingdom and another spirit,
that of Babylon. Babylon was founded through the Watcher/Nephilim seeds carried in the family line
of Ham. Within Babylon, marriage can include all of the contradictions to God’s Word I have already
listed in its redefinition being presented today. So far, the only Babylonian concept of marriage I have
not included is incest (Nimrod married his mother).Although, there have been recent discussions
among the legal community that mild forms of incest should no longer be considered taboo.
Whenever someone enters these unbiblical types of “marriage,” another spiritual force is
released into his or her life and into society as a whole.
For the more tech savvy, I will express this truth by using the icons on your computer’s desktop
as an analogy. Anyone who has used a computer is familiar with the program icon. Let’s say that you
want to use Microsoft Word. You have the icon on your desktop and when you click on that icon, it
causes a chain reaction of preprogrammed code to begin. Soon Microsoft Word is ready for you to
use. You can change that icon and program name to read something else. What would happen if you
changed it to the name of your favorite video game and even exchanged the Word icon for the one
matching the game? Every time you click on the new icon, expecting your favorite video game to
begin, you would always end up in Microsoft Word. This is the reason Lucifer is known as the “god
of a thousand names.” He doesn’t care which name you call him, as long as you access him instead of
Jesus. He also doesn’t care how you relabel his practices, as long as you do them. You can give them
Christian-sounding names, but it doesn’t matter; Lucifer’s power is released every time they are
This is why we must PROVE all things. We cannot allow the world to relabel and redefine
everything, nor can we accept previous labels and definitions because they were used prior to our
involvement historically. Everything must go back to what God’s Word clearly says. We must move
beyond sound bites and relabeled concepts and study the original meanings. Then, we can separate
God’s kingdom from Babylon.
Sound Bites Are Not Answers
We need to move beyond labels and on to real discussions. Years ago, I conducted Wednesday
evening Yeshivas for some of our local men. We all enjoyed those evenings of researching the Word
of God with reference books and computers at our disposal. Most evenings, we went well past our
designated study times for the sheer joy of discovery, regarding some aspect of biblical truth.
Occasionally, we would have one of the men invite another Christian in the area to visit and
participate. The background of our visitors would be either Baptist or Pentecostal (which is typical
for this part of Missouri). As the study would begin, our visitors would respond to questions by
giving a label (a short, one- to four-word answer). Within their minds, this short sound bite was the
end of the discussion. To their amazement, the group would begin dissecting their sound bite by
thoroughly examining what the Word of God actually said. Many times, the examination of the Word
would cause their carefully crafted sound bite to fall completely apart. We all witnessed emotions
from our visitors that ranged from discomfort to downright dismay. One evening, as we examined one
of those sound bites, our visitor commented, “I feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I cannot
remember the last time I have felt that in church.” Unfortunately, that was the last time he ever
attended our Yeshiva.
This situation illustrates a truth: Our faith and the situations in life require more than sound
bites to address them. As we proclaim our sound bites, which pacify our flesh, Nimrod’s workers are
advancing their agenda of neutralizing the church and then marginalizing it within our society. We
must move beyond sound bites to conduct deep and honest discussions about our faith and what it
means to walk in the covenant established through the shed blood of Jesus.
Truth loves examination, while lies resist it at every turn. Careful examination brings each
subject into the light of day. The enemy’s lies are like the mythological vampires that burst into flames
when exposed to pure daylight.
This Generation Longs for More
The current generation is waking up to realize the complete failure of materialism, which had its
conception at the Tower of Babel. In an interview Glenn Beck conducted with Rabbi Daniel Lapin,
the two men discussed how the mortar used in building the tower was equivalent to materialism.
Yes now, in Hebrew, mortar is very related—same word really as the word materialism. And
you can actually even hear the similarity transfer into the English language. Mortar —M, T, R
are the key consonants. Material—matter—same word essentially.
And it’s very important because the lesson from ancient Jewish wisdom here is that
you can bond people and unify people with a sense of common spiritual purpose, but if
you’re going to eliminate the spiritual—if you're going to take God entirely out of the
picture—then you can unify people through materialism.
He then added:
What any tyrant knows is that you cannot enslave a people that believe in the boss. And so,
therefore, any tyranny will always begin to develop a hostility to traditional biblical faith, a
hostility to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, a hostility to biblical commitment of any kind
at all.
You always find that, whether it’s Cuba or the Soviet Union or anywhere else,
secularism becomes the religion of the day. In fact, I gave it a name—secular
fundamentalism, I think, is the religion of the day.
The good rabbi reveals a powerful truth here: Materialism is not about seeking happiness
through ownership of things, it is the religion of secular fundamentalism. This religion of materialism
· Man is just an animal.
· There is no creator.
Those who are part of this current generation are beginning to wake up with a sour taste in their
mouths and havoc in their lives from this false religion. Here is the crux of the matter: We can either
move past sound bites to real and lasting answers from God’s Word, or we will allow Islam to fill the
void materialism has left! We must move beyond sound bites to a faith that is practical, powerful, and
If we do not answer this call to a living and vibrant faith, based on true covenant with the God
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and established through the shed blood of Jesus, our legacy in Western
society will be that our materialism gave the world over to the return of the Son of Perdition! Let us
answer the call given in the book of Joel now and not wait for the transgenic army of the Antichrist.
There is no more time for games, only for revival surrounding those who will know their God and do
great exploits!
Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of
MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder): Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously
known as multiple personality disorder, is a mental disorder on the dissociative spectrum
characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or
dissociated personality states that alternately control a person’s behavior, and is accompanied by
memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
Terrance Moore, “Hating the Constitution 101: The Common Core on the Nation’s
Dave Bohon, “West Point Terrorism Study Targets ‘Far Right’ Conservatives,”
A. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of
History (Tucson, AX: Publius Press, 1985) 6.
Barry Goldwater, With No Apologies (New York: William Morrow, 1979) 293.
Curtis Dall, My Exploited Father-in-Law.(New York: Action Associates, 1970).
Source: Letter to George Washington, Snyder, October 24, 1798, Mount Vernon, in The
Writings of George Washington, vol. 20, p. 518.
Definition for the Hebrew word “Torah.” R. L. Harris, G. L. Archer and B. K. Watke,
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament.(Chicago: Moody Press, 1980) 404.
Ed. F. Vallowe, Biblical Mathematics: Keys to Scripture Numerics(Columbia, SC: Olive
Press, copyright date not available) 66–73.
A. T. Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament (Nashville, TN: Broadman Press,
1933), Romans 10:4.
There were two schools of thought for the Pharisees. The School of Shammai believed in
the letter of the Law. The School of Hillel believed in the spirit of the Law. Paul belonged to the
School of Hillel.
Rabbi Edward Lavi Nydle-B’nai Avraham, PaRDeS: The Four Levels of Torah
Interpretation for Beginners, PDF File accessed here:
“#H1961,” Strong’s Enhanced Lexicon, BibleWorks for Windows 7.0 (Norfolk, VA:
BibleWorks, 2006).
Ibid., “#H8414.”
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset, and David Brown, Commentary Critical and
Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, 1997) Genesis 1:2.
Strong’s, “#G225.”
Dake’s Study Notes, WORDSearch Bible Software Version 7 (Notes and charts copyright
1961, 1963, 1989, 1991 by Finis Jennings Dake).
Strong’s,“# H8508.”
Ibid., “# H2451.”
Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma,321.
Abraham Cohen, Everyman’s Talmud: The Major Teachings of the Rabbinic Sages(New
York: Schocken Books, 1949) 17.
Apotheosis—(from Greek ἀποθέωσις from ἀποθεοῦν, apotheoun “to deify”; in
Latin deificatio “making divine”; also called “divinization” and “deification”) is the glorification of
a subject to divine level.
Hermeneutical or hermeneutics: the study of the methodological principles of
interpretation (as of the Bible).
Idiom: a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area and that uses some of its own
George H. Pember, Earth’s Earliest Ages (Crane, MO: Defender, 2012)175–176.
I. D. E. Thomas, The Omega Conspiracy (Oklahoma City, OK: Hearthstone,1986) 107.
Graphic of the Masonic hierarchy was used with permission from Dr. Bill Schnoebelen
and was taken from his book, Masonry: Beyond the Light.
William Schnoebelen, Exposing the Illuminati from Within, DVD (Topeka, KS: Prophecy
Club). Note: Information included in both the 1998 and 2005 editions of the video.
Strong’s, “#H05799.”
Stephen Quayle, Aliens and Fallen Angels: The Sexual Corruption of the Human Race
(1997) 36.
Ibid., 86.
Ibid., 172.
Ibid., 173.
Ibid., 174.
This video interview with Russ Dizdar is available on YouTube:
I believe that males were also abducted so that research could be conducted to overcome
the physiological changes that occurred in both men and women after the Flood. It appears that not
only was our life span shortened, but the changes greatly hindered the creation of hybrid offspring.
This may also be part of the agenda of transhumanist research.
Strong’s,“# H05303.”
K. A. Mathews, “Genesis 1–11:26,” The New American Commentary, vol. 1A,
(Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1996) 336.
John Peter Lange et al., A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Genesis (Bellingham,
WA: Logos Bible Software, 2008) 286.
Wilhelm Gesenius and Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, Gesenius’ Hebrew and Chaldee
Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2003) 556.
.D. E. Thomas, The Omega Conspiracy, with endorsement by Francis A. Schaeffer on the
back cover (Oklahoma City, OK:Hearthstone1986).
Finis Jennings Dake, Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible: Containing the Old and New
Testaments of the Authorized or King James Version Text (Lawrenceville, GA: Dake Bible Sales,
1997) WORDsearch CROSS e-book, “Chapter 26.”
Ken Johnson, “Ancient Post-Flood History,” 2012-06-12 (, Kindle Edition)
Kindle location 1114–1126.
Mathews, “Genesis 1–11:26,” New American Commentary, 418–420.
Dake, Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, WORDsearch CROSS e-book, “Chapter 10.”
Mystery religion: Refers to the many initiatic pagan religions and secret societies that
sprang forth from ancient Babylon. These religious systems have many occult symbols and teachings
that have levels of interpretation in which only those that are considered to be “adepts” are privy to.
Until you reach the highest levels within their systems, the meanings of their symbols and teachings
are either lied about or obscured. In the Bible, it is referred to as “Mystery Babylon.”
Hislop, The Two Babylons, 18.
Ibid., 19.
In the KJV, “the author” is in italics. This means the phrase did not occur in the original
Greek, but was added for clarity by the translators. It could have read, “For God is not of confusion,”
which would have completely separated the God of Abraham from Cush or Janus “the god of gods” in
Babylon within the minds of his readers.
Complete Jewish Bible (Clarksville, MA: Jewish New Testament Publications, 1998).
Strong’s,“# H03569.”
Francis I. Andersen and A. Dean Forbes, The Hebrew Bible: Andersen-Forbes Phrase
Marker Analysis (V 0.90, Aug 09) (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009).
Kenneth L. Baker, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, vol. 20, The New American
Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999), 464.
Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset, David Brown, A Commentary: Critical, Experimental,
and Practical on the Old and New Testaments, (Toledo, OH: Jerome B. Names & Co., 1884),
WORDsearch CROSS e-book, “Chapter 10.”
Walter A. Elwell and Barry J. Beitzel, Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (Grand Rapids,
MI: Baker Book House, 1988) 1805.
M. G. Easton, Easton’s Bible Dictionary (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1893).
David Noel Freedman, Allen C. Myers, and Astrid B. Beck, “Canaan,” ed. David Noel
Freedman, Allen C. Myers, and Astrid B. Beck, Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (Grand Rapids,
MI: W.B. Eerdmans, 2000) 212–213.
Ronald F. Youngblood, F. F. Bruce, and R. K. Harrison, Thomas Nelson Publishers, eds.,
Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1995).
K. A. Kitchen, “C. Religion,” ed. D. R. W. Wood, et al., New Bible Dictionary (Leicester,
England; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1996) 164.
Practices: Concerning with action or practice, as opposed to one concerned with theory.
James E. Smith, The Pentateuch, 2nd ed., Old Testament Survey Series (Joplin, MO:
College Press, 1993) Genesis 10:8–12.
Thomas Horn, “Forbidden Gates,” Part 19,
Adam Clarke, Adam Clarke’s Commentary, (New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press,
1826) WORDsearch CROSS e-book, “Genesis.”
Thomas Horn, Zenith 2016: Did Something Begin in the Year 2012 That Will Reach Its
Apex in 2016? Kindle Edition (Crane, MO: Defender, 2013), Kindle Locations 5056–5075.
Dake, Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, “Chapter 10.”
Arthur W. Pink, The Antichrist (Swengel, PA: Bible Truth Depot, 1923) WORDsearch
CROSS e-book, 96–99.
Alfred Edersheim, Bible History Old Testament (London: Religious Tract Society, 1890)
Anthony L. Podberscek and Andrea Beetz, Bestiality and Zoophilia: Sexual Relations
with Animals (Google eBooks: Berg Publishing, 2005).
Elwell and Beitzel, Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, 362–363.
Edward F. Murphy, Handbook for Spiritual Warfare (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1996)
Frank Gaynor, ed., Dictionary of Mysticism (New York: Philosophical Library, 1953)
Joseph Seiss, The Apocalypse: A Series of Special Lectures on the Revelation of Jesus
Christ (New York: Charles C. Cook, 1901) WORDsearch CROSS e-book, 388.
Robert James Utley, How It All Began: Genesis 1–11, vol. Vol. 1A, Study Guide
gain the upper hand over the Elite by being transmuted into something else.
Strong’s “# G3180.”
Ceslas Spicq and James D. Ernest, Theological Lexicon of the New Testament (Peabody,
MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1994) 462.
Timothy Friberg, Barbara Friberg, and Neva F. Miller, Analytical Lexicon of the Greek
New Testament, Baker’s Greek New Testament Library (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2000) 256.
Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry, new and revised ed. (Richmond, VA: L. H. Jenkins, Inc., 1950) 104–5.
Hislop, The Two Babylons, 43.
Dake, Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible “Chapter 17.”
Strong’s “# H1980.”
Strong’s “# H8549.”
Martin Gilens, Benjamin Page, Testing Theories of American Politics:
Elites, Interest Groups, and Average
Title IV Funding, through the Guaranteed Student Loan Program, has the potential of
destroying virtually every Christian institution of higher learning who participates in its system. There
will eventually be a move to only allow student loans for politically correct degrees, subjects, and
institutions—for the good of the economy, of course! This will bankrupt all Title IV Christian
institutes overnight.
Flavius Josephus, The Works of Flavius Josephus, trans. William Whiston (Hartford,
CN: S. S. Scranton, 1905) WORDsearch CROSS e-book, 46.
For more information, I would highly recommend the book Yeshua: A Guide to the Real
Hislop, The Two Babylons, 18.
Dake, Dake’s Study Notes.
Strongs “#H2856.”
Strong’s “#H2451.”
Pike, Morals and Dogma, 321.
William Schnoebelen and Sharon Schnoebelen, Lucifer Dethroned (Chick Publications,
2009-08-18) Kindle Edition, 158–160).
Manly Hall, Lost Keys of Freemasonry,48.
A.W. Tozer, KJV Study Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Hendrickson Publishers).
“Accuser” in Revelation 12:10 is the Greek word kategoreo (κατηγορέω; kat-ay-gor-
eh’-o), which means “accuser before a judge: to make an accusation, of an extra-judicial accusation.”
Strong’s “#H05771.”
R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Bruce K. Waltke, eds., “1577: ָﬠָוה,” in Theological
Wordbook of the Old Testament, (Chicago: Moody Press, 1980), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, 650.
Strong’s “#G2032.”
Paradox Brown, A Modern Guide to Demons and Fallen Angels(2007–2013) chapter 3,
Michael Heiser, “Should the Plural Elohim of Psalms 82 Be Understood as Men or
Divine Beings?”
“The Apocrypha,” The Researchers Library, 4.
Ibid., 7.
Horn, Zenith 2016, Kindle Locations 1915–1929).
“History of the Illuminati,”
“The Rothschilds and Rockefellers Join Forces in Multi-Billion Dollar Deal,”
John D. Rockefeller, Memoirs of David Rockefeller, 405.
“President Bush’s Second Inaugural Address,” (emphasis added).
Horn, Zenith 2016, Kindle Locations 2267–2285.
“New World Order and Utopian Globalism,”
Schnoebelen, Exposing the Illuminati from Within.
[144] .
William Schnoebelen, Blood on the Doorposts (Chick Publications, 2010-06-18) Kindle
Edition, 145.
Winston Churchill stated this to the London Press in 1922; see
“World Religions and Spirituality: Discordianism,”
“The Hegelian Dialectic and Its Use in Controlling Modern Society,”
Walter J. Veith, The Secret Behind Secret Societies (Delta, Canada: Amazing
Ibid., 5.
Ibid., iii.
Ibid., 25.
Ibid., 27.
The Protocols is not a rabbinical Jewish document about taking over the world. Both
Freemasonry and the Luciferian Elite are trained in Kabbalah. In addition, after a courier was struck
by lightning and the Illuminati codes were broken, it produced unwelcomed focus on dismantling their
work. By writing the documents in Hebrew, if The Protocols were discovered, the Jewish people
would be blamed rather than the Illuminati. Remember, although the Rothschilds are Jewish, they
make up just one-thirteenth of the bloodlines.
Albert Pike and other Illuminati members planned all three world wars around the time
of the Civil War. Christian J. Pinto, Megiddo: The March to Armageddon, DVD (Mount Juliet, TN:
Adullam Films 2003).
Lindsay William, The Elite Speak, DVD (Topeka, KS: Prophecy Club).
“Who Owns the News?”
With the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,4th Edition (DSMIV),
MPD was renamed “Dissociative Identity Disorder” or DID.
Mary Lou Lake, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know, Expanded Ed.
(Marshfield, MO: Biblical Life Publishing, 65706, 2014) 12.
Ken Adachi, “Mind Control—The Ultimate Terror,”
Jim Keith, Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness (Lilburn, GA: IllumiNet
Press, 1999) 30–31.
Colin A. Ross, MD, Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by
Psychiatrists (Richardson, TX: Manitou Communications 2000) 24–25.
“Project MK Ultra,” Wikipedia,
Alexander Constantine, “The False Memory Hoax,” http://educate-
Russ Dizdar, “Satanic Super Soldiers: The Sinister Reality of Trauma-based Mind
“The Effects of TV on Your Brain,” Applied Neuro Technologies, .
Joseph Mercola, “How Television Affects Your Brain Chemistry—And That’s Not All!”
chemistry-and-that-s-not-all.aspx .
Merriam-Webster Dictionary,
Nick Begich, Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or
Tools for Peak Performance (Anchorage, AK: Earthpulse Press, 2006) 50.
Ibid., 29.
“The Mind Has No Firewalls,” U.S. War College, Parameters, (Spring 1998), 84–92.
Begich, Controlling the Human Mind, 33.
Nick Begich, Weapons of the New World Order, video (Topeka, KS: The Prophecy Club,
CBC TV Canada, Undercurrents 1998/99 Season, Program #612-2160-8C19 (February
7, 1999). (Special thanks to Dr. Begich for providing the citation.)
“ADHD,” Centers for Disease Control,
“Attention Span Statistics,”
“People Choose Electric Shocks Over Sitting Quietly for 15 Minutes and Thinking,”
“The Apocrypha,” The Researchers Library, Kindle Locations 3014–3015.
Ibid., Kindle Location 3029–3034.
Perry Stone, Secrets from Beyond the Grave (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2010)
Dake, Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, WORDsearch CROSS e-book, “Chapter 13.”
The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible—Matthew I (Chattanooga, TN: Leadership
Ministries Worldwide, 1991) WORDsearch CROSS e-book, “B. Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant:
Receiving and Rejecting Men, 8:5–13.”
Thomas Horn, Nephilim Stargates: The Year 2012 and the Return of the Watchers
(Crane, MO: Anomalos, 2013-11-13) Kindle Locations 2537–2540).
. “Scientists Claim That Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves to Another
Universe at Death,”
[224] .
Michael Anissimov, “Top Ten Transhumanists Technologies,”
R. T. Kendall, Understanding Theology, Vol. 1 (Ross-shire, Great Britain: Christian
Focus, 1996) 15.
Strong’s,“# G4352.”
Thomas Horn, Blood on the Altar: The Coming War Between Christian vs.
Ibid., “#G04982.”
Ibid., “#G0739.”
Ibid., “#101.”
Ibid., “#H05254.”
David Bivin, Roy Blizzard Jr., Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus: New
Insights from a Hebraic Perspective (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, 1983, 1984)
Strong’s,“# G5281.”
Ibid., “# H01471.”
Ibid., “#07283.”
“New World Order and Utopian Globalism,”