Chapter 2. Evaluation of Management Thought
Chapter 2. Evaluation of Management Thought
Chapter 2. Evaluation of Management Thought
Henry L. Gantt
Gant refined the production control and cost control techniques. Gant refined
the production control and cost control techniques. Gant invent a technique of
scheduling work which is also called Gantt chart. He was the first theorist to
suggest management to pay attention to service rather than profits.
Harington Emerson
Emerson not only focuses on efficiency and productivity of work but, on the
overall objectives, cost accounting and the function of staff department.
According to Henry Fayol discipline means sincerity about the work and
enterprise, carrying out orders and instructions of superiors and to have faith
in the policies and programmes of the business enterprise, in other sense,
discipline in terms of obedience and respect to superior. However, Fayol does
not advocate warning, fines, suspension and dismissals of worker for
maintaining discipline. These punishments are rarely awarded. A well-
disciplined working force is essential for improving the quality and quantity
of production.
Unity of Command
A subordinate should take order from only one boss and should be responsible
and accountable to him. Further he claimed that if the unit of command is
violated, authority is undermined, disciplined in danger, order disturbed and
stability threatened. The violation of this principle will face some serious
consequences. In this way, the principle of unity of command provides the
enterprise disciplined, stable and orderly existence. It creates harmonious
relationship between supervisors and subordinates, congenial atmosphere of
work. It is one of the Fayol’s important essential principle of management.
Unity of Direction
Fayol advocates “One head one plan” which means that group efforts on a
particular plan be led and directed by a single person. This enables effective
coordination of individual efforts and energy. This fulfils the principles of
unity of command and brings uniformity in the work of same nature. In this
way the principle of direction create dedication to purpose and loyalty. It
emphasizes the attainment of common goal under one head.
Scalar chain
The scalar chain is a chain of supervisors from the highest to the lowest rank.
It should be short – circuited. An employee should feel the necessity to
contact his superior through the scalar chain. The authority and responsibility
is communicated through this scalar chain. Fayol defines scalar chain as “the
chain of superiors ranging from the ultimate authority to the lowest rank.” The
flow of information between management and workers is a must. Business
opportunities must be immediately avoided of. So we must make direct
contact with the concerned employee. Business problems need immediately
solution. So we cannot always depend on the established scalar chain. It
requires that direct contact should be established.
According to Fayol there should be proper, systematic and orderly
arrangement of physical and social factors such as land, raw materials, tools
and equipments and employees respectively. As per view, there should be
safe, appropriate and specific place for every article and every place to be
used effectively for a particular activity and commodity. In other words,
principles that every piece of land and every article should be used properly,
economically and in the best possible way. Selection and appointment of the
most suitable person to every job. There should be specific place for everyone
and everyone should have specific place. This principle also stresses scientific
selection and appointment of employees scientific selection and appointment
of employees on every job.
The principle of equity should be followed and applicable at every level of
management. There should not be any discrimination as regards caste, sex and
religion. An effective management always accords sympathetic and human
treatment. The management should be kind, honest and impartial with the
employees. In other words, kindness and justice should be exercised by
management in dealing with their subordinates. This will create loyalty and
devotion among the employees. Thus works should be treated as part of every
Stability of use of personnel
Principle of stability is linked with long tenure of personnel in the
organization. It is always in the interest of the organization that its trusted,
experienced and trained employees do not leave the organization. Stability of
job creates a sense of belongingness among workers who with this feeling are
encouraged to improve the quality and quantity of work.
Under this principle, the successful management provides an opportunity to its
employees to suggest their new ideas, experiences and more convenient
methods of work. To ensure success, plans should be well formulated before
they are implemented.
Hierarchy of offices
Each office should be controlled and supervised by a higher ranking office.
However, lower offices should maintain a right to appeal decisions made
higher in the hierarchy.
Rational-legal authority
A bureaucracy is founded on rational – legal authority. This type of authority
rests on the belief in the “legality” of formal rules and hierarchies, and in the
right of those elevated in the hierarchy to possess authority and issues
commands. Authority is given to officials based on their skills, position and
authority placed formally in each position.
Chaster Barnad: Barnad argued that people join organization to satisfy some
of their personal objectives. Organization should therefore, satisfy such
personal goals, of employees, while pursuing organizational goals. An
organization can sustain and survive only when it strikes a balance between
their personal and organizational goals.
Douglas McGregor invented this theory also known as “hard guy and soft gut”
approaches of managing people in the organization. It states that, people’s
commitment to work in organization is influenced by assumptions managers
make about people. One set of assumption is called theory X, which describes
employees with relatively negative view. And another set of assumption is
called theory Y, which describe employees positively.