Philippines - Job Order (Saudi)
Philippines - Job Order (Saudi)
Philippines - Job Order (Saudi)
Mr. Nasser S. Mustafa
Labor Attaché
POLO-Al Khobar
Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Dear Sir,
This is to seek your approval to allow my authorize Representative Mr. (Name of Company
Representative) with Iqama No. ____________ to process the verification of contract both new
and additional job orders. He is also task to process all documents in Philippines embassy in Riyadh
that are in connection with our recruitment requirements.
I would appreciate whatever help you may extend to Mr. (Name of Company Representative) in
order to approve and finalize our request.
Thank you
Name of Authorized Signatory
Authorized Signatory
أمر عمل/رسالة طلب
(Name of the Philippine Recruitment Agency) ________________________
)(اسم وكالة التوظيف الفيليبينية
Unit 421-424 One Oasis Hub B Ortigas Extension, 1600, Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines
Please arrange to recruit on our behalf the following workers under the terms condition stated below:
Category Quantity Basic Monthly Salary
Working Hours: Maximum of Eight (8) hours a day and Six (6) days a week/ As per the contract
client policy
Other terms and conditions are according to the approved employment contract and as per Saudi توفرها المجموعة:السكن والتنقل
Labor Law.
توفره المجموعة:العالج الطبي
. توفره المجموعة أو تمنح عالوة قدرها رياالً في الشهر:الطعام
Authorized Signatory :
_ توفرها المجموعة:)تذاكر السفر(ذهاب وعودة
) شهور3( ال تزيد على ثالثة: االختبار/فترة التجربة
:المفوض بالتوقيع
(NAME OF AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY) ______________________ :االسم
Special Power of Attorney توكيل شرعي خاص
1. To represent our company before and any 1. لتمثيل شركتنا أمام جميع المكاتب والجهات الحكومية الخاصة في
and all government and private offices / الفلبين.
agencies in the Philippines;
2. To enter into any and all contracts with any 2. إبرام جميع أنواع العقود مع أي شخص أو هيئة أو مؤسسة أو جهة
person, corporation, institution or entity in an كشريك في األمور المتعلقة باستقدام وتوظيف وتعيين، أو شركة
joint venture or as partner in the recruitment, المتعاقدين للعمل في الخارج.
hiring and placement of Filipino contract
workers for overseas employment;
3. To sign, authenticate and deliver all 3. للتوقيع على جميع المستندات الالزمة الستكمال أية معامالت تتعلق
documents necessary to complete any بما في ذلك، بهذا االستقدام والتوظيف وتوثيق المستندات وتسليمها
transaction related to such recruitment and اتخاذ جميع اإلجراءات الضرورية لتسهيل سفر العمالة التي تم التعاقد
hiring including making the necessary steps to معها.
facilitate the departure of the recruited
4. To bring suit, defend and enter into 4. له حق في إقامة الدعوى والدفاع وإبرام الصلح باسمنا ونيابة عنا
compromises in name and stead in the في المنازعات المرفوعة لصالح أو ضمن شركتنا في جميع األمور
litigations brought for or against us (or our المتعلقة باستقدام المتعاقدين.
الفلبينيين لشركتناB
company) in all matters involving the
employment of Filipino contracts workers or
myself (our company)
5. To assume jointly and Severally with the 5. ،يتحمل بالتضامن أو فرديًا مع شركتنا أي مسؤولية قد تطرأ بشا
undersigned (My company) any liability that استقدام العمالة أو بشأن تنفيذ عقد العمل والشروط واألحكام األخرى
may arise in connection with workers الموضحة بالتفصيل في العقد االتفاقي المرفق والذي قد تم إبرامه سابقًا
recruitment and/or implementation of the .
employment contract and other terms and
conditions of the appointment as defined and
spelled out in the attached agreement which
have previously executed.
HEREBY GRANTING unto my) said بعاليه كافة الصالحياتB يمنح بموجب هذا فإننا نمنح ممثلنا المذكور
representative full power and authority to والتفويض له بقيام نيابة عنا على تنفيذ واستكمال كافة األعمال المتعلقة
execute or perform whatsoever requisite or باستقدام العمالة حسب المتبع وبطريقة قانونية من خالل الوكالة
proper to be done in about the premises as الممنوحة له تماما كما لو كنا متواجدين صفة شخصية ونؤكد مواقفنا
fully to all intends and purposes as I might or الصريحة على أي عمل قانوني يقوم به وكيلنا أو من ينوب عنه
could lawfully do if personally present, with بخصوص هذه الوكالة.
power substitution and revocation and hereby
ratifying and confirming all my said legal
representative or his substitute shall be lawfully
do or cause to be done under and by virtue of
these presents.
Department of Labor Employment إدارة التوظيف والعمل
Philippine Overseas Employment مكتب العمالة الفلبينية بما وراء البحار
Standard employment contract عقد التوظيف لذي المهارة المختلفة
For various skills
This employment contract is executed and يتم:
& إبرام عقد التوظيف هذا بين كل من
entered into by between
AND وكذلك
B. Employee :________________________ 3- العامل:
Civil Status :_________________________ * رقم الجواز:
Passport No. :________________________ تاريخ ومكان اإلصدار:
Date & Place of Issue:__________________ * الفلبين: العنوان
Address: Philippines:__________________
10. Free emergency medical and dental . خدمات الطوارئ الطبية وخدمات طب األسنان يتضمنه بما في ذلك الطب -10
services and facilities including medicine.
As per the company/employer medical
11. Workmen's compensation benefits for ، للعمال استحقاق التعويض عن خدمة توصيل مرض أو وفاة أو إصابات -11
Service connected illness or injuries or death وفقًا للقوانين ذات الصلة في المملكة العربية السعودية في حالة وفاة
in accordance with the pertinent laws of the الشخصية ترسل إلىB فإن جثته وأمتعتهم، الموظف خالل بنود هذا االتفاق
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia الفلبين على نفقة صاحب العمل
12. In the event of death of the Employee وفي حالة عدم التمكن من إعادة الجثة فإنه بإمكان أخذ الموافقة مسبقة من -12
during the terms of this agreement, his القنصلية الفلبينية من/ أقارب الموظف (العامل) أو من قبل السفارة الفلبينية
remain and personal belongings shall be . حيث أقرب موقع العمل
repatriated to the Philippines at the
expenses of the employer. In case the
repatriation of remains is not possible, the
same may be disposed of upon prior
approval of the employee's next kin and/or
by the Philippine Embassy/ Consulate
nearest the jobsite.
13. The employer shall assist the employee in يقوم صاحب العمل مساعدة الموظف في تحويل نسبة من راتبه عن طريق -13
remitting a percentage of his salary through . القنوات المصرفية المناسبة أو غيرها مع الوسائل التي يجيزها القانون
the proper banking channel or other means
authorized by law.
14. Termination : Neither party may يجوز ألي طرف أن يلغي العقد من طرف واحد بسبب بحجة/ إنهاء العقد -14
unilaterally cancel the contract except for . عادلة وصالحة
legal, just and valid cause(s) : اإلنهاء من جانب صاحب العمل )(أ
(A). A. Termination by the employer-The employer يجوز لصاحب العمل إلى إنهاء هذا العقد على أساس واقع من إغالق أو توقف
may terminate this contract on ground of closure أو وجود الخسائر من خالل الخدمة أن صاحب العمل بكتب.. أو بسبب/ المؤسسة
or cessation of the establishment/ undertaking إشعار خطي للموظف قبل شهر على األقل.
or due to retrenchment or prevent losses, by فصل يعادل راتب شهر واحد فالي هذه/ من التاريخ المقصود أو سداد راتب إنهاء
serving a written notice to the employee at least وكما يجوز.. الحالة يتحمل صاحب العمل مصروفات ترحيل الموظف إلى الفلبين
one (1) month Before the intended date thereof عصيان.2 . سوء تصرف العامل.1 : لصاحب العمل إنهاء العقد لألسباب التالية
or payment of i separation/ termination pay أو إهماله لوجباته الرسمية نحو الغياب المستمر وعدم.3 . العامل من أوامر الكفيل
equivalent none (1) month إطاعة العامل ألوامره الذي يكشف إسرار المؤسسة انتهاك العامل العادات العربية ا
salary The employer shall bear the repatriation لسعودية أو مخالفته لشروط والبنود هذا العقد وفي هذه الحالة يتحمل العامل مسئولية
expense!. of the employee The employee m4y عودته إلى بلده.
also terminate this conical on the fallowing
causes: Serious misconduct willful disobedience
disobedient of employer's lawful order, habitual
neglect of duties, absenteeism, insubordination,
revealing secrets of establishment, when
employee violates customs of Saudi Arabia
and/or terms of this agreement. The employee
shall shoulder the expenses.
Serious insult by the employer or his . تعرضه لإلهانة من صاحب العمل أو من ينوب عنه -
representative; ارتكاب صاحب العمل أو من ينوب عنه جريمة أو إساءة ومخالفة صاحب -
Inhuman and unbearable treatment العمل أو من ينوب عنه أحكام وشروط هذا العقد وفي هذه الحالة يتحمل
accorded the employee by the employer or . صاحب العمل مصروفات وترحيل الموظف إلى الفلبيين
his representative;
All claims and complaints relative to the وفي حالة.. يشمل تسوية كافة المطالبات والشكاوى المتعلقة بالتوظيف والالئحة
employment contract of the employee shall be طعن الموظف في قرار صاحب العمل يتم حل المشكلة وديًا بمشاركة الملحق العمالي
settled in accordance with Company policies, أو أي ممثل من قرب سفارة أو القنصلية الفلبين لموقع الوظيفة وفي حالة فشل
rules and regulations. In case the employee التسوية الودية يحال النزاع إلى الجهة المختصة في المملكة العربية السعودية أو في
matter shall be settled amicably with the الفلبين إذا سمحت األنظمة أنظمة المملكة العربية السعودية وذلك حسب اختيار
participation of the labor attaché or any الطرف المشتكي..
authorized representative of the Philippine
Embassy/Consulate nearest the site of
employment. In case the amicable settlement
fails, the matter shall be submitted to the
Philippines if permissible by Laws of Saudi
Arabia or in the Philippines if permissible by
Laws of Saudi Arabia at the option of the
complaining party.
16. The employee shall observe employer's المؤسسة ويلتزم بالنظام المملكة/ على العامل مراعاة نظام ولوائح الشركة -16
company rules and abide by the pertinent laws . العربية السعودية كذلك احترام العادة وتقاليد المملكة العربية السعودية
of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and respect its
Customs and traditions.
17. In the event or accidents, fortuitous events, في حالة الحوادث الطارئة أو أعمال عنف أو إرهابية وفي حاالت أخرى -17
or acts of violence or terrorism and other similar مشابهة والتي تتسبب في عدم تواصل أو إيقاف الموظف من أداء واجباته
circumstances causing the discontinuance or في المنطقة خارج في حدود المملكة العربية السعودية فإنه يشترط على
non-performance of his duties in the area كامل.. صاحب العمل أن يدفع للموظف تعويضًا يعادل راتب اساسي
outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the وتحمله أيضًا تكاليف ترحيله إلى الفلبين وذلك إضافة لجميع رواتبه
employee shall be entitled to indemnity pay . ومستحقاته األخرى
equivalent to one month's basic salary, cost of
repatriation to the point of hire, in addition to all
accrued wages and other benefits.
أن الكفيل يتحمل مسئولية رسوم اإلقامة – تاشيرة العودة والخروج المذكورة .1
هـ25/7/1415 : ) المؤرخ8( رقم: ) من القرار الملكي3( كما في المادة
1. The employer shall pay the employee's IQAMA .
(Residence/Work permit), exit and reentry visa
fees and such other fees defined in article 3 of the
Royal Decree No.: M8 Dated:25/7/1415H.
في حالة إسناد وظيفة أخرى للعامل يجب أن ال يكون هناك نقصان في .2
الراتب بل يجب أن تكون هناك زيادة مماثلة في األجر إذا كانت الوظيفة
2. In case of re-assignment to another position there
. الجديدة أعلى في التصنيف
should be no reduction in salary but with a
corresponding increase in rate if new position is of
higher classification.
Based up on performance of the employee/
subject to client perusal. يجب أن يكون هناك تأمين ضد الحوادث يشتمل السائقين الفلبينيين وتأمين .3
. شامل على السيارات التي يقودونها وعلى الطرف الثاني
I, (Name of Authorized Signatory), wish to convey the following designated contingency plan
related to the recruitment of the Filipino worker who shall be employed on a renewable two (2) years /
1 year contract under the sponsorship of (Company Name)
This plan covers remedial measures that should apply in the event of any contingency plan
(Natural Calamity, Men made Disaster/War.) in the course of any impending contingency we shall
strive our best to repatriate the employee to their point of origin at the soonest possible time via safe
course of travel.
If repatriation measure is not possible as prompted by the prevailing circumstances that may occur, I
shall provide continuous support to the employee like food medical, clothing’s and safe shelter and
constant communication with the update of their living conditions.
I shall provide a personal accident insurance to the reputable insurance company in the kingdom of
Saudi Arabia in favor of the employee that will cover benefits for their beneficiaries during their
AND BY VIRTUE OF THIS LETTER, we pledge to give the employee a reasonable and justified
treatment for their wellbeing in accordance with the job contract.
With office address at (Business Address)
Tel. (Telephone Number)
The employer shall pay the legal representative the sum of U$$___(as per the agreement
contract)_________per selected workers as minimum mobilization fee [MMF] for the pre selection and
processing in accordance with the rules and regulations issued by the ministry of Labor &
Employment. Such payments shall not, in any manner, be leaved on the accepted applicants by either
the representative or the principal
2.2 A services fee of U$$__(as per the agreement contract)__________for per selected workers and
per rehired shall also be paid the representative.
3.1 The Employer shall solely be responsible for, and bear the expenses of securing of entry visa or
work permits of accepted workers and their ticketing including the payment of travel tax when it shall
upon payments of the coat request its legal representative to arrange for the travel of the worker
4.1 The recruit shall take up employment under the master employment contract [MEC] herein
attached as Annex 'B' under the wage as attached which form an integral part of this agreement,
which are subject to approval by the ministry Labor and Employment.
4.2 The case of renewal of employment Contract between the Employer and the same employee may
be settled to reasonable adjustment in salary and benefits in accordance with the company's pay scale
and practices.
5.1 Authority joint and solidarity liability of legal representative
The employer/foreign principal authorized the legal representative as it exclusive agent and sale
recruitment and hiring of Filipino workers for its overseas projects. By virtue of said authority the legal
representative is granted following power and obligations.
5.2 To enter into any and all contract with any person, corporation, institution or entity in a joint
venture or a partner in the recruitment hiring and placement of Filipino contract workers for
overseas Employment.
5.3 To sign, authenticates and deliver all documents necessary to complete any transactions related
to such recruitment and hiring and including making necessary steps to facilities the departure of
the recruited workers in accordance with in accordance with the labor code as amended and its
rules and regulations.
5.4 To bring suits, defend and enter into any compromise for and in behalf of the employer/principal
in litigation's involving the hiring and employment of Filipino contract
5.5 Workers for said principal assume jointly and solidarity with the foreign principal any liability
responsibility that may arise in connection with recruitment and hiring of workers including the full
implementation of the employment contract.
7.1The employer will exert all possible efforts to enhance the welfare and protect right of Filipino
worker hired this Agreement in accordance with laws of the Philippines his country of domicile
On expatriate employment and accordance further with the best possible treatment already extended
to the other workers at its work site.
7.2Except for reason caused by the fault of the employer, force or flight delay, the employment shall
transport the workers to the workers worksite within [30] days from the date of scheduled departure
as specified by the employer upon filing job requisition. Should the employer fail to do so for no valid
or justifiable reason, he shall pay the worker reasonable compensation as may be determined by the
appropriate authorities for every month or a fraction thereof delayed payment made under this
provision will be made to the worker through the employer's representative or the legal government
agency appropriate authorities. In this case the employer shall not be reimbursed the amount he paid
to his legal representative and processing fees.
7.3 In the case of death of employee, the employer shall bear the expenses for the repatriation of the
remains of employee and his personal properties to his relatives in the Philippines or if it repatriate is
not under certain circumstances the proper disposition thereof upon previous arrangements with the
workers next if kin or in the absence of the later, the nearest Philippines labor attached or embassy
consulate in all cases the employer shall be made available to him or beneficiaries within the shortest
time possible.
8.1 in case of disputes arising from the implementation of the employment contract between the
employer and the contract worker all effort shall be made to settle them amicably if necessary.
8.2 In case the amicable settlement fails, the matters shall be submitted competent or appropriate
body in the country of employment during the process of settlements or choice recrimination.
8.3 In case of disputes involving this recruitment agreement the parties thereof must attempt to
resolve them amicably. If the effort fails them to disputes shall be referred to international chamber.
9.1 This recruitment agreement shall be in effect for a minimum period of one [1] year from the date
appearing herein below unless sooner determined by the other party after [30] day's prior written
notice. In case the responsibilities of the parties shall be in the effects up to the completion of the last
employment contract signed with a recruited under this agreement must be recognized and terms and
conditions of the contract of employment strictly adhered to complied with. Unless either party so
notified the other of its termination this agreement shall automatically extended or renewed for
another year.
This agreement is written in both English and official language of the country of employment and both
copies shall be deemed binding on the parties.
This contract shall be the law between parties and shall be interposed in accordance with the laws of
the Philippines but no to the exclusions of and prejudice to the laws of the country of employment
international law covenant said practice.
In law witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 12 th day of June 2016 at Al Khobar, KSA.