2019 2Q TPB PDF

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A Quarterly Newsletter of the Tourism Promotions Board Philippines JULY-DECEMBER 2019

The Sustainability of
Marketing for
in Bacolod
Tab le of Cont ent s
The Sustainability Of
- MICECON 2018:
Boracay Sweetened in Bacolod
Office of the Deputy Chief Operating Officer for
- Responsible Marketing - Christmas at Kidzania
Marketing and Promotions
for Sustainable Tourism - Community-based
Assistant Editor Tourism Awards
Marketing Communications PROMOTIONS Sustainable Community-
- Domestic Tourism based Tourism
Associate Editors
Re-energized Destinations In The
- Baguio’s Cool Creative Philippines
OIC - Domestic Promotions
Festival - The WTTC Report:
TERESITA D. LANDAN Tourism’s Contribution to
Domestic Promotions 10 INTERNATIONAL TOURISM the Philippine Economy
Central Information Unit - “IT’S MORE FUN” 20 EVENTS CALENDAR
Refreshed at ITB-Berlin
- Selling To Korea
HEADLINES is a quarterly newsletter - Pahiyas Festival at WTM
published by Asianmantra for the - Beach Holidays Still
Tourism Promotions Board (TPB)—an Popular at ATF
attached agency of the Department of Tourism

For inquiries regarding ad placement, you

may e-mail Mr. Miguel A. Lopez of Corporate
Planning and Business Development at

4th Floor, Legaspi Towers 300

Roxas Boulevard,
Manila Philippines 1004 COVER PHOTO:
Tel Nos: +63 2 5259318 to 27 BORACAY Re-Opening
Fax No: +63 2 5216165 / +63 2 5253314
page 4
Email: info@tpb.gov.ph
Website: www.tpb.gov.ph
Cover Story


he island of Boracay, the Philippines’ of funds provided by the private sector compliant DOT accredited hotels.
premier tourist destination, contributed for the continued rehabilitation of the Regulation of tourist arrivals and number
over 20% of the total income generated island. of persons allowed to stay in the island
by the tourism industry in 2017. are being closely monitored in line with
Some of the private sector partners in sustainable tourism efforts. Tourists
However, this contribution came at the “adopt-a-wetland” program are were advised to confirm reservations
a price: pollution marred the crystal- Energy Development Corporation for with DOT accredited hotels, to be
clear waters and wetlands of the island, wetland 2; San Miguel Corporation allowed entry into the island.
forcing Philippine President Rodrigo for wetland 3; Aboitiz Equity Ventures
Duterte to order a six-month closure for wetland 4; Boracay Tubi System To improve the livelihood of the local
and rehabilitation in April 2018. Inc. for wetland 6; and JG Summit community as part of sustainable
Petrochemical Corporation for wetland tourism efforts, the DOT is working with
The Boracay Inter-Agency Task 8. Only five out of nine wetlands in hotels and resorts in Boracay to stock
Force (BIATF), composed of different the island were found as the rest of their bathrooms with soaps crafted
government agencies, undertook the wetlands are still occupied by by the Boracay Ati Tribal Organization
rehabilitation and recovery activities in illegal settlers. Work in the wetlands (BATO) and has partnered with Technical
seven (7) key result areas during the includes cultivation of forests and reef Education and Skills Development
six-month closure: training, livelihood sanctuaries as well as conducting of Authority (TESDA). To offer free skills
and employment assistance; health livelihood activities for the locals. training for Boracay residents, the DOT
and sanitation; decongestion; easing has also launched the #MoreFunForever
traffic flow; enforcing rule of law in The BIARMG, spearheaded by the campaign, which includes not only
the island; engaging stakeholders in Department of Environment and Natural economic initiatives for the locals, but
a communications strategy; and the Resources (DENR), is vice- chaired by also visitor engagement to actively
crafting of a Boracay Action Plan. the Department of Interior and Local become more responsible for keeping
Government (DILG) and the Department Boracay clean.
With the reopening of a cleaner island of Tourism (DOT), with other crucial
in October 2018, the BIATF has become government agencies as members, At present, local government ordinances
the Boracay Inter-Agency Rehabilitation namely the DPWH, DOJ, TIEZA, DTI, prohibit activities on the beach areas,
Management Group (BIARMG), which DOLE, DSWD, PNP, the Province of like entry of motorcycles and tricycles,
is tasked with implementation of the Aklan, and the Municipality of Malay. eating, using of glass bottles on the
Boracay Action Plan or Phase 2 of beach, partying, mounting of umbrellas,
Boracay’s rehabilitation. The DOT has reported an 11% increase deckchairs and tables, building of
in tourist arrivals in Boracay for Holy sandcastles, and other activities that
The BIARMG plans to implement 233 Week 2019 over the same period could cause damage and pollution to the
projects worth P25.27 billion, with bulk in 2018. To-date, the DOT lists 347 white sand and blue waters of Boracay.


COO Directives



Focus on people’s /EdZ^d


for Sustainable Tourism

ĂŶĚŽƵƌ hE/YhEd/KE>^^d^͘

The Tourism Promotions Board (TPB) our unique Filipino culture that
has anchored their 2019 marketing supports creative economy and STRATEGIC MARKETING DIRECTIONS
programs on strategies and promotional local artisans.
activities that support the balance
between income and employment • “Product Enhancement” aims to
generation,with conservation of local provide experiential activities to HIGH EXTENDED OPTIMAL
culture and ecosystems. tourists allowing them to interact SPEND STAY EXPERIENCE
with local communities and partake
In line with the National Tourism in an authentic cultural immersion
Development Plan’s thrust and with the
Department of Tourism’s overarching
theme of sustainable and responsible
of each destination.

• “One Country One Team

1 2 3
tourism, TPB Chief Operating Officer Approach” will include coordination
(COO) Marie Venus Tan announced with other agencies on bringing
that the TPB will pursue the following local Philippine crafts and products
strategies for 2019 that will translate to the international arena.
to various international and domestic
marketing initiatives: • “Going Beyond Geographical
Boundaries” means exploring ACTION PLAN
• “Strengthening MICE” will entail non- traditional travel fairs with high
going after the big international attendance of global influencers.
association conferences D/ZE/E'
like World Travel and • “Cross Branding” will involve
Tourism Council, World in-store retail tie-ups with global dŽďƌŝŶŐďĂĐŬ
Tourism Organization,
UNESCO Creative City,
iMap Websolutions, and
brands, which have promoted the
Philippines or aspects of Philippine
culture, like Oris, Hertz, Christian
“premiere M.I.C.E
destination” in Asia
&hdhZsEd^ 4
South by Southwest Music Louboutin, Jewelmer, etc. ĂƉŝƚĂůŝnjĞŽŶ
Film Interactive, as well as ǁŽƌůĚĞǀĞŶƚƐ
organizing local events like • “Business Development” aims

“Philippines 500” an activity that to entice foreign film producers to
connects the country to the use the Philippines as location for DZ<d/E'
celebration of the Quincentennial their films or series, as well as air or
Circumnavigation of the World
and invite Spanish-speaking
countries to visit the Philippines.
stream Filipino teleseryes in ASEAN
markets like Malaysia, Indonesia,
and Thailand.
ĚǀĞƌƚŝƐĞ ƚŽ Ăůů ŵĂƌŬĞƚƐ
>Kd/KE 1
• “Soft power” Tangible cultural Aside from booth participation in the ,ĞĂǀLJ ŽŶůŝŶĞ ĚŝŐŝƚĂů ƉůĂƚĨŽƌŵƐ ĚƌŝǀĞŶƐƚƌĂƚĞŐŝĞƐ
representations of the Philippines usual travel fairs, the TPB will also
that lead to niche marketing organize consumer promotions in malls
will allow tourists to experience in Korea, Japan, and China.
Domestic Tourism Promotions

Domestic Tourism BAGUIO’S ENTACOOL 2018

Living up to its reputation as a “Creative
City” Awardee of the UNESCO and
The Tourism Promotions Board (TPB), thru its Domestic Promotions
a member of the UNESCO Creative
Department, initiated two regional travel fairs in 2018 to enable tourism
Cities Network, Baguio City hosted
businesses to tap into the huge Philippine domestic travel market. The
the ENTACool 2018 Baguio Creative
two regional travel fairs were held in Davao on 16-18 August 2018 and in
Festival last 10-18 November 2018.
Bacolod on 25-28 October 2018.
The eight-day creative festival on arts
DAVAO Aside from selling local tour packages holidays, adventure / sports tourism, and crafts featured demonstrations of
The Davao Travel Fair, the second to the consumer public, the travel cultural tours and ecotours were also
local crafts and folk arts such as silver
regional travel fair organized by the fair featured a gender sensitivity and generated.
TPB, attracted a crowd of 20,000 tourism forum, offered games and making and weaving in culture hubs all
visitors plus 48 sellers from Luzon and prizes to the public, and recreated BACOLOD over the city; the “Talastasan Series on
Visayas who showcased booths and the Kadayawan Street Parade for the The Bacolod Regional Travel Fair, held Art and Creativity”, an eight day seminar
table-top exhibits and 21 buyers from participating sellers and buyers. in October 2018, attracted 44 sellers on local culture and artistic heritage
Mindanao who participated in business- from Luzon and the Visayas, and 21
of Baguio held at the University of the
to-business meetings. Sellers reported that the top queried buyers from Mindanao. Co-sponsored
destinations were Palawan and Cebu/ by the City of Bacolod, the event, which Philippines (UP) Baguio, a fashion show
Bohol. Good business leads for beach was patterned after Davao’s, coincided Opening of the ENTACool. 2018 Baguio Creatives Festival at Forest Bathing – with showcasing local weavers; visits to art
with the city’s Masskara Festival where presidents from different tourism associations and other stakeholders. museums and galleries featuring works
TPB participated with a float featuring
of local artists; and the inauguration
travel fair mascots, “Biya-hera” and
“Biya-hero.” of a new tourist activity called “Forest
The fair’s buyers and sellers experienced
firsthand Bacolod’s travel offerrings A project of the DOT Cordillera
including a tour at Bongbong’s
Autonomous Region (CAR) and the TPB
Pasalubong Center to create a local
delicacy called piaya and a trip to Domestic Promotions Department, with
the JKN Fruit Farm to pick fruits like the support of UP Baguio, ENTACool
lanzones and rambutan. 2018 Baguio Creative Festival is a step
towards the integration of crafts and
Feedback from the sellers indicated
that Palawan and Boracay topped products into a destination’s sustainable
the preferred domestic destinations tourism economy. The festival likewise
of Bacolod visitors and activities strengthened Baguio’s position as a
like beach holidays, cultural tours center of creativity, being only the 6th
and ecotourism were the most
ASEAN city to be allowed membership
into the prestigious UNESCO Creative
Both the Davao and Bacolod Cities Network.
regional travel fairs aimed to
increase the volume of domestic The TPB announces the availability of new regional brochures, based on the regional ENTACool 2018 Baguio Creative
travelers and tourism expenditure classification of the National Tourism Development Plan (NTDP) 2016-2022. Produced by
by offering a variety of new domestic the Domestic Promotions Department of the TPB, with technical assistance from the DOT Festival not only unified the creative
tour packages that would entice regional offices, the sleek new regional brochures provide an overview of what attractions sector of the Cordilleras, but also
Filipino tourists to travel locally. await tourists in each of the twenty NTDP regions, as well as the activities possible, popular provided another reason for domestic
products for shopping, and local gastronomical delights. tourists to rediscover Baguio.


International Tourism Promotions


The launch of the refreshed “It’s More Fun in the Philippines” During the event, the Philippines displayed a 253 square The Philippine coffee experience area offered a newly roasted Cordillera
brand campaign of the DOT was the highlight of this year’s meter booth designed by the award-winning Filipino coffee beans, served by coffee scientists from La Union, to entice trade visitors
Philippine participation at the Internationale Tourismus Borse designer, Kenneth Cobonpue. The booth was composed of to visit the Philippine booth.
(ITB) held in Berlin, Germany last 6-10 March 2019. four individual stands, which represented the sea, mountain,
city, and ethnic highlands. The image of the sea was evoked
DOT Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat also showed a video by LED screens showing Palawan and a long “beach”
of Boracay before and after the rehabilitation to showcase space, while the city feel was done with trees, a coffee
Philippine government initiatives towards sustainable tourism. bar, and meeting places dotted with Cobonpue’s Yoda
The launch featured a video presentation with memes in chairs and Chiquita stools. An area showcasing the
German using photographs of various destinations in the different kinds of weaves from Luzon, Visayas, and
Philippines to illustrate how the German market can join in the Mindanao was provided for, with live demonstrations
refreshed “It’s More Fun” campaign. (continue reading page 12)

The facade of the Philippine

main stand where co-exhibitors
(private exhibitors) conducted business-
to-business sessions during the ITB trade
days. It featured a wall of LED screens
with a moving image of Palawan to show
the sea while the tan carpet represented
beach sand. Overhead were cloud lamps
and a roof bearing small wood and A live demonstration of Philippine weavers and their works of art: from Luzon is Irene Bimuyag, a weaver
metal houses on stilts with lights that from Kalinga (left photo); the Visayas representative is Mercy Apatin, a Buri banig maker (middle photo); and
were programmed to change color such from Mindanao is Myrna Ampatin, a T’boli weaver.
as reddish-orange or yellow, warm white
light during daytime and blue in the


International Tourism Promotions

(from page 10)

of Philippine loom weaving from organizations were represented by a
Kalinga, buri banig weaving from the contingent of 56 people this year.
Visayas, and T’Boli handweaving from
Mindanao. The TPB and the DOT Frankfurt Office
also worked with media organizations,
As crowd-drawers for the Philippine like the International Media
booth, samples of Philippine cuisine, Marketplace, FVW Travel
like adlai, laing, adobo, kinilaw, Magazine, TTG-ITB How
etc., were served during the fair, Daily, and Travel Weekly
accompanied by short talks explaining Asia, to gain wider
the Filipino dishes available for tasting. publicity exposure for the
Coffee from the Cordilleras, Negros Philippines at the 2019
Occidental, and Davao, paired with ITB.
coconut milk as cappuccinos and with
chocolate from Davao as mochas, were The 2019 ITB
also a big favorite among the visitors to was visited by
the Philippine booth at the ITB. 113,500 guests and
participated by 10,000
Philippine participation at the 2019 exhibitors from 181
ITB was organized by the TPB with the countries, making it
DOT head office and the DOT Frankfurt still the world’s leading
Office. Twenty (20) Philippine tourism travel trade show. Secretary Puyat delivered her opening
remarks followed by a video presentation
featuring memes in German and photos of
various Philippine destinations.

International launching of the refreshed

Department of Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat, It’s More Fun in the Philippines campaign An awarded musical theatre Percussionist group from
along with COO Marie Venus Q. Tan, Margarita Patricia Valdes, at The Reed Berlin and film actress, Joanna Ampil Bacolod, Gruppo Tribale
PDOT-Frankfurt Office Tourism Director, led the Philippine
delegation which was composed of 10 tour operators, nine
hotels/resorts plus the Philippine Retirement Authority.
Apl.de.ap of the multiple Grammy-award
winning pop group Black Eyed Peas


International Tourism Promotions


KOREA Still Popular at ATF
Beach holidays were still the most sought after Philippine
product by international buyers from the sixteen (16) private
Bay Metropolitan Authority, Plantation Bay Resort and Spa,
Marsman Drysdale Travel Inc., Movenpick Resort & Spa
The 2018 Philippine Business sector sellers from the Philippines who participated at the Boracay, Uni-Orient Travel, Inc., Ang’s Tour, Inc., Philippine
Mission to Seoul, Korea, organized ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2019, held last 14-18 January Airlines, and government officials from the DOT and TPB.
by the TPB with the DOT, took 2019 in Ha Long, Vietnam.
place in November 2018 with the The yearly gathering was graced by tourism leaders from the
participation of forty (40) members Business to Business Meetings The Philippine seller delegates, who met their contacts 10 ASEAN countries, who held their own tourism meetings
of the Philippine tourism private at the official appointment sessions of the ATF and at the and conference, with discussions centered on the theme
sector. Philippine booth, confirmed that after beach holidays, “Power of One”.
conference/convention and diving were the two other


Composed of 33 resorts and tourism products that the buyers inquired about from The TPB organized the 270 square meter-Philippine booth
hotels, four airlines and three tour Philippine sellers. A total of 388 contacts were reportedly participation at the ATF 2019 and hosted a late night Philippine
operators, the Philippine private made by the Philippine government and private sector function, featuring Philippine entertainers, on 17 January
sector sellers met with more than sellers at the event. 2019 for the ASEAN government meeting delegates, buyers,
200 Korean travel agents that The colorful “kipings” of the Pahiyas a Filipino flair bartender; servings of and selected media. This has been the 38th consecutive year
offered adventure travel, general Festival attracted visitors to the Filipino delicacies and ice cream; and The ATF 2019 Philippine delegation, headed by the DOT that the Philippines has participated at the ATF as a member
leisure/holiday vacation tours, Philippine booth at the 39th World traditional dance performances by the Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat, was composed of of the ASEAN region.
culture & heritage tours, incentive Travel Market (WTM) in London last group “Lahing Kayumanggi”. A MICE Bluewater Resorts, Seda Hotels, Canvas Boutique Hotel,
travel, and cruise during the 5-7 November 2018. presentation on the Philippines for Adventure International Tours, Inc., Okada Manila, Pan Brunei Darussalam will host the ATF in 2020 with the theme
business meetings. The sessions invited buyers was also held at the Pacific Travel Corporation, Best Western Ivywall Hotel, “Together Towards a Next Generation of Travel” and is
provided the Philippine delegation The 370 square meter stand of the booth to increase business leads for Waterfront Hotels and Casino, Flyeast Philippines, Subic expected to attract some 1,600 participants.
with the opportunity to renew ties Philippines featured the provincial the Philippine delegation.
with their partners in the Korean destinations of Bacolod, Banaue, Bicol,
travel industry, as well as apprise Bohol, Cebu, Palawan, and Siargao. Visitors to the Philippine booth gave
them of new Philippine products positive feedback on the closure of
and local industry developments. Seventeen (17) Philippine tourism Boracay, as a sign of the country’s
companies, dealing with the United efforts towards sustainable tourism.
Now on its 10th year of Kingdom and Europe, transacted
implementation, this year’s sales business at the booth during the day, The WTM reported almost 89,000
mission had “Christmas in the while the afternoons were filled with a visitors over the 3-day period of the
Philippines“ as a theme, and Mabuhay Cocktail Reception, featuring travel mart.
showcased Philippine fiesta cuisine
by award-winning Filipino Chef
Claude Tayag during the reception for
the Korean travel agents and Media
members. The new digital marketing
tool, “Augmented Reality” was
introduced and Filipino musicians
serenaded the Korean guests at
the Philippine dinner. Philippine
Ambassador to Korea, H.E. Raul
Hernandez, delivered the Welcome
Remarks for the evening, while the
Korea World Travel Fair Chairman,
Mr. Jung Mok Shin, gave the Opening

The Philippine Pavilion featuring the Pahiyas Festival.

MICECON 2018: Sweetened in Bacolod MICECON 2018 Plenary Session at the SMX Convention Center
MICECON! It’s happening!
I’m on track, ahead in everything
Travel, tourism, all I need to know
The best minds in the business:
Bacolod SINCE 2010, we’ve been on a quest
A Night of Magic and MICEtery, the A journey shared with the very best
And now before the year comes to an end
themed farewell dinner hosted by TPB at We set our course…
The Ruins, capped off MICECON 2018 in Because once again: IT’S HAPPENING!!!
the City of Smiles
Meetings. Incentives Travel. Conventions
Exhibitions and Events.
The Philippines’ own MICECon
The most exciting Conference!

Integrating two events

By PACEOS, and by MITE Philippines
The four-day conference was spearheaded by TPB Chief Operating In Subic, in Cebu
Officer Marie Venus Q. Tan (center) and Bacolod City Mayor Evelio MICECON 2018 Speakers, Delegates, In Davao, then in Clark!
“Bing” Leonardia (third from left). Others in photo are (L-R) Bacolod City Performers and Secretariat Group photo Manila now Bacolod
Councilor Em Ang, DOT Region VI Director Helen J. Catalbas, Bacolod during the Closing Ceremonies of the City Vice Mayor Ed Familiaran, City The best from ‘round the globe
City Administrator John Orola, DOT Assistant Secretary Roberto Alabado MICECON 2018 at the SMX Convention Councilor Cindy Rojas, City Councilor Networking and connections
III and DOT Policy Formulation and International Cooperation Division Center, Bacolod City Em Ang, City Mayor Bing Leonardia, TPB A priceless treasure trove!
Chief Alex Macatuno. COO Marie Venus Q. Tan, DOT Asec. Robby
Alabado III and City Administrator John O. YES, WE COME FROM ALL OVER
The conference delegates tried their hand at conducting an Orolla during the Mardi Gras sa MICEKara, BUT FROM THIS DAY ON, WE MOVE AS
orchestra as Maestro MICE Conductors during the Coffee Break on a Mardi Gras-themed hosted dinner at the ONE!
Conference Day 1 New Government Center Grounds Following... OUR ROADMAP!

The well-attended MICECON! It’s happening!

MICECON Breakout MICECON Delegates with the 3D Letters We’re on track, ahead in everything
#MICECON2018 Travel, tourism, all we need to know
Session on We are All in With the roadmap in our hands,
Sales: Success Strategies MICECON HERE WE GO!
for Selling Ideas / Products
/ Services / You with Ms. And in twelve years we will get there
Susan Sarfati, CEO of High Coz MICECON once again
Performance Strategies at Vintage Negros, the Province of Negros Brings you the finest Speakers…
MICECON 2018 Speakers and Moderators / Facilitators with TPB Resorts Negrense Occidental’s hosted themed dinner, was And the ROADMAP we present!
COO Marie Venus Q. Tan (center) attended by MICECON 2018 Speakers, DOT
Officials, The Province of Negros Occidental MICECON! It’s happening!
Awarding of winners of the best dressed Officials, the City of Bacolod Officials and We’re on track, ahead in everything
delegates (based on the daily themes) for MICECON delegates. Travel, tourism, all we need to know
the two-day conference with DOT Assistant With the roadmap in our hands,
Secretary Howard Lance Uyking (far left) MICECON HERE WE GO!
and MICECON2018 Conference Convenor MICECON HERE WE GO!
Ms. Teresita de Luna-Landan (far right).

The Bacolod Girl’s Home Foundation

at the factories of Merzci Pasalubong and
Bong-Bong’s Piaya and Barquillos

Masskara Festival Dancers from

Barangay Pahanocoy of Bacolod and
MICECON 2018 First-Time Attendees Session. MICECON newbies with Ms. Teresita de Luna-Landan, Officer-in-Charge of the MICE Department, MICECON 2018 Speakers and Delegates at the Special Gruppo Tribale during the MICECON
and Ms. Jing Lagandaon, Chairman of the Philippines Association of Convention/ Exhibition Organizers and Suppliers, Inc. (PACEOS). Pre-Conference Tour and CSR Activity with representatives 2018 Opening Ceremonies at the SMX
from the Holy Infant Nursery Foundation Convention Center Bacolod
Corporate News
THE Tourism’s
CHRISTMAS AT KIDZANIA to the Philippine Economy
The World Travel & Tourism Council on the economy due to its “multiplier the country) and is expected to increase
The Tourism Promotions Board (TPB) under its Turismo Pamasko sa mga Bata, an annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (WTTC) study “Travel & Tourism effect.” The industry’s total contribution to 8.280 million jobs in 2018. By 2028,
Project, sponsored 30 children from Autism Society Philippines (ASP) and brought them to Kidzania Manila last 17 December Economic Impact 2018 Philippines” includes indirect effects of tourism to The tourism industry is expected to
2018. reported the direct contribution of the food and goods supply industries, support 10.540 million jobs as total
the tourism industry to the Philippine employment, infrastructure investments, employment contribution on a growth
The program, which started in 2014, involved bringing children with challenging circumstances to a chosen place to experience economy in 2017 to be PHP1,377.7 and other government spending (roads, rate of 2.4% rate per annum over a ten-
the joys and the cheers of the Christmas season. billion (USD$27.3 billion) or 8.7% of security, sanitation services, etc). year period.
total GDP for said year. This is expected
to increase by 6.2% to PHP1,463.6 The WTTC estimated the total In terms of revenue as a dollar earner
billion in 2018. The direct contribution is contribution of the tourism industry in for the country, visitor receipts from the
expected to grow by 5.7% per annum 2017 to PHP3,347.6 billion, or 21.1% tourism industry amounted to PHP379.7
between 2018 to 2028, to PHP2,547.8 of GDP and is expected to grow by billion in 2017, a figure equivalent to 8.0
billion by 2028, equivalent to 9.1% of 5.9% to PHP3,546.2 billion in 2018. % of total exports for the said year. By
total GDP by 2028. It is forecasted to rise by 5.8% per 2018, this is expected to grow by 3.4%
annum to PHP6,240.6 billion by 2028, and the country is projected to attract
The direct contribution of travel contributing about 22.4% to the GDP. 6,745,000 international tourist arrivals.
and tourism to the GDP reflects the
spending on tourism within the country In terms of employment, the tourism By 2028, international tourist arrivals
by residents and visitors for business industry directly generated 2.348 are forecasted to reach 10.650 million
and leisure travel purposes, as well as million jobs in 2017 or 5.8% of total generating a total expenditure of
government spending directly linked employment. This figure is expected PHP665 billion, or an increase in visitor
to tourism services. It is calculated to grow by 6.6% in 2018, producing receipts of 5.4% per annum between
to be consistent with the economic 2.503 million jobs. By 2028, the WTTC 2018 to 2028.
activity generated by the different calculates jobs directly generated by
sectors of tourism, such as airlines, the tourism industry to rise to 3.220 Capital investment-wise, the tourism
hotels, airports, travel agencies, and million at a growth rate of 2.6% per industry attracted PHP95.1 billion in
other leisure or recreation facilities and annum between 2018 to 2028. 2017. This is expected to grow by 4.5%
services. in 2018 and become 5.2% per annum
Overall, total employment benefits of the between 2018 to 2028, resulting in a
But, the WTTC recognizes that the tourism industry was 7.796 million jobs capital investment figure of PHP 164.5
tourism industry has a wider impact in 2017 (19.2% of total employment in billion by 2028.

Recognition Of Sustainable Community-Based

Tourism Destination In The Philippines
The Tourism Promotions Board (TPB) is encouraging showcase developed unique tourism products of the country;
community-based tourism stakeholders to think green with inspire tourism stakeholders to share sustainable tourism
the launch of TPB’s “Sustainable Community-Based Tourism” best practices; and attract investors for the development of
(SCBT) Recognition Program. designated green tourism areas and attractions. ECONOMIC IMPACT 2018

In line with TPB’s direction of “Green Marketing Approach in The SCBT recognized destinations must have the following
Tourism”, the SCBT aims to identify the best sustainable tourism elements of tourism: ecotourism; cultural tourism; adventure
sites and attractions in the country; recognize sustainability tourism; and farm tourism.
efforts and achievements of LGU’s, NGO’s, and the private
sector; elicit commitment of the tourism industry stakeholders The best sustainable tourism sites will be recognized during
in implementing sustainable tourism-related initiatives; the Philippine Travel Exchange in October.


Events Calendar
Email: alberto_gadia@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 247
ASIA DIVE EXPO (ADEX) BEIJING 12-14 July 2019 Hannah Yabyabin
New China International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China Email: hannah_sarmiento@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: 63 2 525-9318 loc 233
SOUTH COTABATO Email: alberto_gadia@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 272
Email: alberto_gadia@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 247
PHILIPPINE LEISURE AND MICE BUSINESS MISSION 13-16 August 2019 Leisure: Reimark Mendoza
TO MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE Kuala Lumpur, Penang Malaysia and Singapore Email: reimark_mendoza@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 290
James A. Sy
Email: james_sy@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 290
Natashia Blanquisco
Email: natashia_blanquisco@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 225
Jasmin Parra
Email: jas_parra@tpb.gov.ph
Monica Sta. Ana
Email: monica_staana@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 290
MARKETING EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR @ CEBU 19-23 August 2019 Rona Jean N. Olaivar
Email: rona_olaivar@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 247
5TH REGIONAL TRAVEL FAIR 22-25 August 2019 Michelle S. Alcantara
Cagayan de Oro City Email: michelle_alcantara@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 242
PHILIPPINE TRAVEL MART 30 August - 01 September Nicole Evangelista
SMX Convention Center, Pasay City Email: nicole_evangelista@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 242
BUSAN INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL FAIR 05-08 September 2019 Andy Pagaduan
BEXCO, Busan, Korea Email: andy_pagaduan@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 525-9318 loc 233
MODE TOUR TRAVEL MART 05-08 September 2019 Anjella Calzado
Seoul, Korea Email: anjella_calzado@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +63 2 525-9318 loc 233
IMEX AMERICA 10-12 September 2019 Charisse Fajardo-Lacson
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Email: charisse_fajardo@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc. 223
Mary Ann Caramat
Email: maryann_caramat@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc. 222
CHINA-ASEAN EXPO (CAEXPO) 12-15 September 2019 Gemma S. Isic
Nanning, China Email: gemma_isic@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc. 290
Chengdu, Chongqing and Shanghai, China Email: gemma_isic@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: 5259318 loc. 290
PATA TRAVEL MART 18-20 September 2019 Monina Valdez
Astana, Kazakhstan Email:monina_valdez@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 290
Alace Delas Alas
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 290
England, Wales, Scotland Email: neri_cruz@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 287
IT & CMA 24-26 September 2019 Jasmin Parra
Bangkok, Thailand Email: jas_parra@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc. 228
Sherdoll Bayona
Email: sherdoll_bayona@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc. 222
Grace La Rosa
Email: grace_larosa@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc. 237
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane,Perth, Australia Email: micaela_ochoa@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc. 290
LUXPERIENCE 07-10 October 2019 Micaela B. Ochoa
Sydney, Australia Email: micaela_ochoa@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +63 2 5259318 to 27 loc 290 / 5257320
ITB ASIA 16-18 October 2019 Monica Sta. Ana
Sands Expo and Convention Centre Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Email: monica_staana@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 290
PHILIPPINE TRAVEL EXCHANGE 19-28 October 2019 / TBA James A. Sy
Email: james_sy@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +6325259318 loc 290
Trixia Medina
Email: trixia_medina@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632529318 loc 290
Tianjin, Hebei and Zhengzhou, China Email: hannah_sarmiento@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc. 233
MICECONNECT 2019 21-23 October 2019 Sherdoll Bayona
Venue TBA Email: sherdoll_bayona@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 222
Charisse Fajardo-Lacson
Email: charisse_fajardo@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 223
MARKETING EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR @ BUTUAN 21-25 October 2019 Rona Jean N. Olaivar
Email: rona_olaivar@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 247
TOURISM EXPO JAPAN (JATA) 24-27 October 2019 Leanne Madrilejos
INTEX, Osaka Japan Email: leanne_madrilejos@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 525-9318 loc 233
DIVE BIRMINGHAM 26-27 October 2019 Nerissa Cruz
Birmingham, England, United Kingdom Email: neri_cruz@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 287
WORLD TRAVEL MARKET 04-06 November 2019 Nerissa Cruz
London, England United Kingdom Email: neri_cruz@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc 287
DIVING EQUIPMENT AND MARKETING ASSOCIATION (DEMA) SHOW 13-16 November 2019 Orlando, Florida, USA Wendy A. Fajardo
Email: wendy_fajardo@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc. 234
IBTM WORLD 19-21 November 2019 Teresita De Luna-Landan
Barcelona, Spain Email: baby_landan@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc. 242
Natashia Blanquisco
Email: natashia_blanquisco@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc. 225
DIVING RESORT TRAVEL (DRT) EXPO HONG KONG 13-15 December 2019 Alace Delas Alas
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong patricia_delasalas@tpb.gov.ph
Tel: +632 5259318 loc. 290

For more information, visit our website: www.tpb.gov.ph

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