Decision Table Examples: Medical Insurance: Example 1

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Decision Table Examples:

Medical Insurance
Example 1
No charges are reimbursed to the patient until the
deductible has been met. After the deductible has been
met, reimburse 50% for Doctor's Office visits or 80% for
Hospital visits.

There will be 4 rules. The first condition (Is the deductible met?) has two
possible outcomes, yes or no. The second condition (type of visit) has
two possible outcomes, Doctor's office visit (D) or Hospital visit (H).
Two times two is four.

Conditions 1 2 3 4
1. Deductible met? Y Y NN
2. Type of visit DHDH
1. Reimburse 50% X
2. Reimburse 80% X
3. No reimbursement X X

Example 2
No charges are reimbursed to the patient until the
deductible has been met. After the deductible has been
met, the amount to be reimbursed depends on whether
or not the doctor or hospital is a "Preferred Provider." For
preferred providers Doctor's office visits are reimbursed
at 65% and Hospital visits are reimbursed at 95%. For
other providers reimburse 50% for Doctor's Office visits
or 80% for Hospital visits.

There will be 8 rules. The first condition (Is the deductible met?) has two
possible outcomes, yes or no. The second condition (Is it a Preferred
Provider?) has two possible outcomes, yes or no. The third condition
(type of visit) has two possible outcomes, Doctor's office visit (D) or
Hospital visit (H). Two times two times two is 8.

Conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Deductible met? Y Y Y Y NNNN
2. Preferred Provider? Y Y N N Y Y N N
3. Type of visit DHDHDHDH
1. Reimburse 65% X
2. Reimburse 95% X
3. Reimburse 50% X
4. Reimburse 80% X
5. No reimbursement X X X X

Example 3
No charges are reimbursed to the patient until the
deductible has been met. Doctor's office visits are
reimbursed at 50%, Hospital visits are reimbursed at
80% and Lab visits are reimbursed at 70%.

There will be 6 rules. The first condition (Is the deductible met?) has two
possible outcomes, yes or no. The second condition (type of visit) has
three possible outcomes, Doctor's office visit (D) or Hospital visit (H) or
Lab visit (L). Two times three is 6.

Conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Deductible met? Y Y Y NNN
2. Type of visit DHL DHL
1. Reimburse 50% X
2. Reimburse 80% X
3. Reimburse 70% X
4. No reimbursement X X X

Example 4
No charges are reimbursed to the patient until the
deductible has been met. Hospital visits are reimbursed
at 80% and Lab visits are reimbursed at 70%. Doctor's
office visits are reimbursed at 90% for "Participating
Physicians" or 50% for others. The question of whether
the Doctor is a Particpating Physician is only applicable
for Doctor's office visits; it is not applicable for Hospital
visits or Lab work.

There will be 12 rules. The first condition (Is the deductible met?) has
two possible outcomes, yes or no. The second condition (type of visit)
has three possible outcomes, Doctor's office visit (D) or Hospital visit
(H) or Lab visit (L). There are two possible outcomes to the question of
whether in the case of a Doctor's Office visit the Doctor is a
Participating Physician, yes or no. Two times three times two is 12.

Conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Deductible met? Y Y Y Y Y Y NNNN N N

2. Type of visit DDHHL L DDHH L L

3. Participating Physician? Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N
1. Reimburse 50% X
2. Reimburse 70% X
3. Reimburse 80% X
4. Reimburse 90% X
5. No reimbursement X X X X
6. Impossible or N/A X X X X

Note that the "Y" under Participating Physican specifically

means that this event for which the patient wants
reimbursement was a Doctor's Office visit to a
Participating Physician; "N" would then mean that it was
not a Doctor's Office visit to a Participating Physician.

Notice that Hospital visits or Lab visits that are also

marked Yes for Participating Physician are listed as
Impossible. These conditions are mutually exclusive. By
definition a Hospital visit cannot be a Doctor's Office visit
to a Participating Physician. By definition a Lab visit
cannot be a Doctor's Office visit to a Participating

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