0610 m16 Ms 62 PDF
0610 m16 Ms 62 PDF
0610 m16 Ms 62 PDF
0610/62 Paper 6 (Alternative to Practical), maximum raw mark 40
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the March 2016 series for most Cambridge IGCSE®
and Cambridge International A and AS Level components.
(b) 1 one table with ruled lines for at least 6 rows and 3 columns ; R units in any data cell / m for min
2 a column / row, with header: time / min ; R if colour and letter not both a ‘header’
3 two, columns / rows headings as, colour / observation, W / C ;
4 correct completion of information into table ; [4]
(e) yes :
C stayed blue-black for longer / slower colour change ; ORA
no :
there is not a large enough range of temperatures ; [max 1]
(f) (i) drop / dropping pipettes, are imprecise / volume of amylase may I miscounting (of drops)
vary ;
shaking can, cause spillage / inconsistent mixing ; [max 1]
experiment was done only repeat entire experiment (at A errors and improvements 2 and 3 if not already
once ; least 3 times in total) to awarded in 1(f)
calculate an average ;
shaking, can cause spillage / (magnetic) stirrer / glass rod
inconsistent mixing ; bung / flask to swirl;
drops / dropping pipettes, are use syringe / burette /
imprecise / volume of amylase graduated pipette / measuring
may not be the same ; cylinder ;
(long) intervals between test, more often / every
testing / AW ; A reaction minute / 30 seconds;
finishes between points
colour changes are colour chart / standards /
subjective ; A endpoint hard control with no starch /
to judge colorimeter ;
trying to do, W and C do W and C separately /
simultaneously ; second person to do second
tube ;
(water) temperature insulate beakers / use
changes ; (thermostatically controlled)
water-bath ;
AVP ; e.g. contents in pipette AVP ; e.g. use clean pipettes
might contaminate spotting each time
[max 2]
[Total: 24]
(ii) line drawn from 6 bubbles to trend line, and then to the distance ecf for wrong trend line in 2(a)(i)
axis ;
correct reading from their graph ; [2] R if wrong units
(iii) 1 at higher light (intensity) rate of oxygen production is higher ; A faster photosynthesis for higher rate of oxygen
ora produced.
2 at shorter distance from lamp rate of oxygen production is
higher ; ora
3 comparative data quote with units stated at least once ;
4 idea that there is a non-linear relationship / not (directly)
proportional ; [max 2]
(iv) prevents (lamp) heating up, plant / water ; I maintain / control, temperature
A stops temperature rise / water absorbs
heat / lamp releases heat
[1] I cooling
(b) (i) O – clear outline ; O – R any cell detail drawn / feathering / shading /
S – size larger than Fig. 2.2 ; drawn with a compass
D – detail (3 or 4 layers shown) S – R if smaller than 8 cm diameter
proportions must be: thin → thick → medium
moving inwards ; [3]
(ii) L – stele labelled and label line touches or enters the stele [1]
[Total: 16]