G12 ABM Marketing Lesson 1 (Part 1)

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of Marke0ng
Lesson 1: Marke0ng Principles and
(part 1)

Presented by: Leonides B. Suing
Principles of Marke0ng
Marke&ng – crea&ng and capturing value
u Marke0ng is the process by which companies create value
for customers and build strong customer rela0onships in
order to capture value from customers in return.
Principles of Marke0ng
u To design a winning marke0ng strategy, the company must
first decide whom it will serve, market segmenta0on and
selec0ng and target marke0ng. Next, the company must
decide how it will differen0ate and posi0on itself in the
Principles of Marke0ng
Principles of Marke0ng
Defini&on of marke&ng and steps in marke&ng
u Marke0ng – (simple defini0on) – managing
valuable customer rela0onships.
Two goals of marke&ng:
(1) AKract new customers by greater value and
(2) Maintain and expand current customers by
providing sa0sfac0on.

Principles of Marke0ng
u N o w a d a y s m a r k e 0 n g
includes not only “telling
and selling”, but fulfilling
customer needs.
u Marke0ng is the “process
b y w h i c h c o m p a n i e s
create value for customers
and build strong customer
rela0onships in order to
c a p t u r e v a l u e f r o m
customers in return”.

Principles of Marke0ng
Understanding the marketplace and customer
There are five different core customer and
marketplace concepts:
1)  Customer needs, wants, and demands
2)  Market offerings
3)  Value and sa&sfac&on
4)  Exchanges
5)  Market
Principles of Marke0ng
•  The 3 C’s of marke&ng strategy are:
•  The Customer
•  The Company
•  The Compe0tors

Principles of Marke0ng
The strategic 3 C’s of Marke&ng is a strategic
triangle when integrated; a sustainable compe00ve
advantage can be achieved.
u Customers have different wants and needs.
u The company finds out these wants and offer products
and services.
u To fulfill customer wants and needs, the company
offers low cost and differen0ated products from its
u Similarly, compe0tors also try to offer a differen0ated
product to have a compe&&ve advantage.

Principles of Marke0ng
u The idea is that at the intersec0on of a company’s
strengths, a customer group’s needs and the
compe0tors’ offerings lay the opportunity.
Think of this example: If your company is fantas0c at
building custom soSware for insurance brokers:

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