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Contemporary, City
Author(s): Ayşin Sev and Bahar Başarır
Source: CTBUH Journal , 2015, No. 3 (2015), pp. 32-37
Published by: Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat
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Ayçin Sev, Associate Professor Introduction unfortunate that many recently erected
Bahar Ba$arir, Research Assistant
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University high-rise buildings, especially in the Bosporus
Faculty of Architecture, Building Technology Dept.
Behind the ambition to build tall is the region, are not in harmony with the silhouette
34427 Istanbul, Turkey
t: +90 212 2521600 symbolic and iconic value of the tower, which of Istanbul. Even though they are some
e: distance from the historic core, some of the
is closely related to the wealth and power of nations. A high-rise building is without a high-rise buildings negatively impact the
doubt a significant symbol of a city. Although historical silhouette due to the special
Ay$in Sev topographic character of the city. This paper
it may cause problems in the urban context,
Dr. Ay§in Sev received her bachelor's degree in
architecture in 1994, her MSc in 1997, and PhD developing cities compete with each other on discusses the impacts of high-rise buildings
in 2001 from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University.
the global stage to have the tallest and most on the built heritage and historical skyline of
She lectures at the university on buildings and
sustainable architecture. Her PhD thesis, The iconic high-rise buildings in the world. Acting the city, and presents how the historical
Analysis of Tall Buildings in Turkey and Abroad from
as symbols of economic activity, high-rise silhouette of Istanbul has changed overtime.
Architectural Points of View, was a success for students
and professionals throughout the country. She wrote are often seen as beacons of Additionally, the conditions that have led to
her first book on tall buildings with her supervisor in
economic and political power (Kostoff 2001). the construction of high-rise buildings in the
2000 and a second book on sustainable architecture
in 2009. Her latest book is entitled Innovations in Tall They also have the capacity to capture public region, and their effect on city inhabitants and
Building Design and Technology. Her research focuses
imagination (Höweler 2003). No matter what infrastructure are described.
on the history and construction technology oftall
buildings and sustainable high-rises. their functions are, they cannot be ignored
(Abel 2003). The introduction of a new,
Bahar Ba$arir
Bahar Ba§arir is a PhD student in the Construction large-scale building into a city is an Istanbul's Unique Context
Sciences Program of Istanbul Technical University.
intervention within the existing urban
She received her bachelor's degree in Architecture
and MSc degree in the Building Technology context, one which alters the preexisting Istanbul, located in the northwest ofTurkey
Program of Architecture from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts urban conditions. within the Marmara region, is a highly
University. She worked at AtelierT Architecture on
the design team of high-rise housing complexes and developed city with a Mediterranean climate.
hotel projects. She is currently a Research Assistant in
Having a traditional skyline, Istanbul's The geography of the city is hilly, with several
the Building Technology Department of Architecture
Faculty, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. Her character has been strongly impacted by the high peaks. The Bosporus Strait, which
research areas include high-rise buildings, façade connects the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea,
erection of high-rise buildings in the past few
construction, energy-efficient retrofits, sustainable
architecture and construction. decades, whether these have been built in the divides the city into the European and
historic core or not (see Figure 1 ). It is Anatolian (Asian) sides, making Istanbul the
the present
1980s, military influence time, despite the fact
in the
Turkish government never had examples of mon
the symbolic power with the exception o
of the city.
buildings for
Architectural competitions (Caglar & Uludag 1 995).
ļļļļļļļļļļļj government buildings were high-rise buildings er
3 Sapphire Tower 2010 261 Residential period
organized. However, in the new commercial dis
in the
second ha If of thethe Yapi
1980s, Kredi Plaza, which consist
5 Maslak Spine Tower 2014 202 Mixed-use was under the influence
blocks of
of the
22, 23, and 24 stories; th
neo-liberal economic system,
Spring Giz Plaza, the 25-story Nov
7 Anthill Residence 2 2011 195 Residential
with its attendant social and
Business Centre, the 1 8-story Swi
physical affects. Tall Istanbul Princess Hotel.
were then introduced into the
9 Renaissance Tower 2014 186 Office
silhouette of historic urban
By the 1 990s, architects began se
areas, which have new
forms of high-rise architectu
retained or
Table 2. List of the 10 tallest buildings completed their character
under up in
the mantle
construction to
of Postmodernism. No
Istanbul. Source: The Skyscraper Center 2015. forms began to appear in the city
applying one particular style, des
on environmental, emotional, hist
cultural backgrounds, as well as
not-so-well-defined aesthetic attri
66At the beginning of the 1980s, military
same era, monumentality and sy
developments, incorporating residential and of these buildings have residential functions, special topographic character, which
retail functions in a single tower. Such projects whereas 21 % are mixed-use; the rest have enhances its skyline (Sev 2000b). The late 20th
were driven by citizen demand for luxury office and hotel functions. The tallest and the early 2 1st century saw an escalation in
living spaces near the workplaces of the completed building in Istanbul and Turkey is the number of high-rise buildings and drove
developing central business districts, such as the Sapphire Tower, which has 55 floors and is rapid changes in the skyline of the city.
Maslak, Kozyatagi, and Atasehir. 261 meters high, and was completed in 201 0. Although not located in the historic district of
The Selenium Twins (2010), Metro City the city, these high-rises all had an impact on
Kozyatagi and Atasehir are relatively new Millennium (2000), Sisli Elite Residence (2000), the skyline, and dramatically changed the
business districts on the Asian side of the city, Maslak Spine Tower (2014), Varyap Meridian silhouette of the Bosporus, partly due to the
which developed after the 1 990s as the city's Residence A Block (201 2), and Renaissance topography of the city, which served to
economic fortunes increased. In Table 2, ten of Tower (2014) are some of the most notable and accentuate their height (see Figure 1 0). A
the tallest buildings in Istanbul are listed. iconic high-rise buildings in Istanbul completed residential development, the Onalti Dokuz
According to the Council on Tall Buildings and in the last decade (see Figures 3-9). complex with 37-, 32-, and 27-story residential
Urban Habitat (CTBUH) database (The towers, built near the Marmara coast in the
Skyscraper Center 201 5), there are currently 43 Effects of high-rise buildings on the city Zeytinburnu district is a well-known example
high-rise buildings taller than 1 50 meters in Istanbul, being the leader in high-rise building of this condition (see Figure 1 1).The Onalti
Istanbul, 33 of which are completed and 10 of construction in Turkey, is already a significant Dokuz complex, rising behind the minarets of
which are under construction. Fifty-six percent historic and traditional city. It is blessed with a the Süleymaniye Mosque, damaged the
Figure 1 0. Panoramic view of Istanbul's historic peninsula from the confluence of the Bosphorus and the Sea of Marmara. © Ben Morlok.
driver of
Figure 1 1 .View of Onalti Dokuz complex behind the minarets of the Süleymaniye Mosque. Source: Avrupa Gazzette.
the rule
iconic panorama of the historic silhouette of minarets. The measures to protect the city's (AKP) cur
the Mosque when viewed from the Bosporus. skyline could also include demolishing existing an urban
Turkey's top administrative court has upheld a buildings where necessary. News 20
ruling imposing the destruction of the importan
complex, but the ruling has not yet been A management plan is currently being construc
implemented (Hurriyet Daily News 2014). prepared, which is intended to address traffic economi
and transport, urban regeneration and tourism migratio
Finding a balance between change and management in the city, and provide a proper change i
preservation is a delicate issue in historic cities. framework for ensuring that construction and Business
UNESCO has already warned the Turkish infrastructure projects respect the outstanding the size o
government in the last decade about the universal value of Istanbul. will incr
effect of large-scale projects on the historical US$48.4 b
silhouette of its cities. The peninsula is at risk On the other hand, demand from abroad is one average a
of being eliminated from the World Heritage of the important reasons for the growth of period 2
List unless Turkey leaps into action to preserve contemporary high-rise buildings in the city 6% (Sak 2
the silhouette of Istanbul. (see Figure 12). Although Istanbul has some high-rise
serious challenges, including some Renaissan
In the current situation, Istanbul's policy neighborhoods choked with traffic and are inves
stance toward its skyline consists mainly of pollution, and the city's infrastructure struggles enterpris
restrictions, but without much elaboration on to keep up with its population growth. supporte
what is desirable. The president of the Turkish Luxury-home buyers are attracted by importan
Republic, RecepTayyip Erdoģan, has given comparatively affordable prices, and are thus developm
orders to relevant ministries to preserve pouring into the city from the Middle East and
Istanbul's historic skyline, and has issued Europe. In the Sapphire Tower, approximately Many of
instructions to the Istanbul municipalities to 40% of the residents are from overseas, populatio
come up with plans to preserve the historic attracted by the views and amenities of the economi
skyline, even as new high-rise buildings loom building. According to the latest Knight Frank in Istanb
behind the city's centuries-old mosques and global house price index, the average price of increase
land valu
behind t
Sapphire Tower^»
261 m as well as
Maslak Spine construc
202 m IS Bankasi developi
r Tower s°yak emergenc
181m Levent199 Tower Torun Polat Tower
^ 17^° 169m
Tower Residence istanbloom
the city,
system a
From th
JUii iui r Tower ^ 181m Levent199 17^° A Tower 169m s°yak à 169m Tower Torun Polat Residence Tower istanbloom 150m inhabitan
gated com
Figure 1 2. Contemporary
responses of 300 inhabitants to a 2007 survey, to extend research beyond physical and
SEV, A. 2000a. "Typology for the Aesthetics and Top Design
80% think traditional architecture is more engineering concerns to consider livability. of Tall Buildings." Gazi University Journal of Science.V ol. 22,
unique, culturally more representative and The impact of high-rise buildings on the built No. 4: 371-81.
economically more supportive of the city; environment and on the citizenry must be
SEV, A. 2000b. "Impact ofTall Buildings on a City's Skyline
28% of the respondents do not wish to live in considered with equal emphasis. ■ with a Special Reference to Istanbul." In Proceedings of the
high-rise buildings, while 22% said they were Second International Conference on Decision Making in
Urban and Civil Engineering. Lyon, November 20-22:
likely to live in tall buildings (Unlu et al. 2007). Unless otherwise noted, all photography credits
in this poperare to the authors.
THE SKYSCRAPER CENTER. 201 5. "Istanbul, Turkey." Accessed
on July 22, 201 5.
The Paradox of High-Rises
Metropolises in developing nations, such as ABEL, C. 2003. Sky High: Vertical Architecture. London: Royal TEKELI, D. 2010. "The Story of Istanbul's Modernization."
Academy of Arts. Architectural Design. Vol. 80 (1 ): 32-39.
Istanbul, have been faced with rapid increases
in high-rise and iconic building construction BATUR, A. 1 996. Dünya Kenti Istanbul. Istanbul - World City. TIMETURK. 201 3. "Istanbul ¡çin Silüet Bari§i." Accessed on
since the dawn of the 21 stcentury. Although Istanbul: The Economic and Social History Foundation of February 21 , 201 5. http://www.ti metu
Turkey. tr/201 3/04/23/istanbul-icin-siluet-barisi.html#.
commercial buildings defined the skyline of
the city until the end of the 1 990s, residential BLOOMFIELD, R. 2014. "Buying a Luxury Home in Booming
and mixed-use construction gained Istanbul." Accessed February 8, 2015. TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE. 2015."Temel Istatistikler"
in the knowledge that these buildings are Meanings through History. London: Thames and Hudson.