Possible C3 Questions From Past Papers P1-P3: F (X) X+LN 2 X 4

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The document discusses past exam questions from C3 pure math papers between 2001-2004, covering a range of mathematical topics like functions, derivatives, logarithms, trigonometry etc.

The questions cover topics like functions, derivatives, logarithms, trigonometry, equations etc. and involve skills like simplifying, proving, sketching graphs, solving etc.

Mathematical topics covered include functions, derivatives, logarithms, trigonometry, equations, inequalities etc.

Possible C3 questions from past papers P1—P3

Source of the original question is given in brackets, e.g. [P2 January 2001 Question 1]; a question which has been edited is
indicated with an asterisk, e.g. [P3 January 2003 Question 8*].

1. The function f, defined for x  ℝ, x > 0, is such that

f (x) = x – 2 +
2 x2 .

(a) Find the value of f (x) at x = 4. (3)

(b) Given that f(3) = 0, find f(x). (4)

(c) Prove that f is an increasing function. (3)

[P1 June 2001 Question 5]

x 2
2. The curve C has equation y=2 e +3 x +2. The point A with coordinates (0, 4) lies on C.
Find the equation of the tangent to C at A. (5)

[P2 June 2001 Question 1]

3. The root of the equation f(x) = 0, where

f (x )=x+ln 2 x−4

is to be estimated using the iterative formula

x n+1 =4−ln 2x n , with x 0 =2. 4 .

(a) Showing your values of x1, x2, x3,…, obtain the value, to 3 decimal places, of the root.

(b) By considering the change of sign of f(x) in a suitable interval, justify the accuracy of your
answer to part (a). (2)

[P2 June 2001 Question 2]

4. (i) Prove, by counter-example, that the statement

“ sec( A +B )≡sec A+sec B , for all A and B ”

is false. (2)

(ii) Prove that

tan θ+cotθ≡2 cosec 2θ , θ≠ ,n∈
2 ℤ. (5)

[P2 June 2001 Question 4]

5. The function f is given by

x 1
f :x↦ − , x >1 .
x −1 x +1

(a) Show that f(x) = ( x−1)( x+1) (3)

(b) Find the range of f. (2)

The function g is given by

x ↦ , x >0 .
g: x

(c) Solve gf(x) = 70. (4)

[P2 June 2001 Question 7]

0<α < .
6. (a) Express 2 cos  + 5 sin  in the form R cos (  ), where R > 0 and 2
Give the values of R and  to 3 significant figures. (3)

(b) Find the maximum and minimum values of 2 cos  + 5 sin  and the smallest possible
value of  for which the maximum occurs. (2)

The temperature T C, of an unheated building is modelled using the equation

πt πt
T = 15 +
2 cos ( )
+5 sin ( )
, 0≤t <24 ,

where t hours is the number of hours after 1200.

(c) Calculate the maximum temperature predicted by this model and the value of t when this
maximum occurs. (4)

(d) Calculate, to the nearest half hour, the times when the temperature is predicted to be
12 C. (6)

[P2 June 2001 Question 9]

7. The function f is defined by

f : x  2x – a, x ℝ,

where a is a positive constant.

(a) Sketch the graph of y = f(x), showing the coordinates of the points where the graph cuts
the axes. (2)

(b) On a separate diagram, sketch the graph of y = f(2x), showing the coordinates of the points
where the graph cuts the axes. (2)
(c) Given that a solution of the equation f(x) = 2 x is x = 4, find the two possible values of

[P2 January 2002 Question 3]

8. (a) Prove that

1−cos2 θ nπ
sin 2θ  tan  ,   2 , n  ℤ. (3)

(b) Solve, giving exact answers in terms of ,

2(1 – cos 2 ) = tan  , 0< <. (6)

[P2 January 2002 Question 6]

9. Figure 2


O B x

Figure 2 shows part of the curve C with equation y = f(x), where

f(x) = 0.5ex – x2.

The curve C cuts the y-axis at A and there is a minimum at the point B.

(a) Find an equation of the tangent to C at A. (4)

The x-coordinate of B is approximately 2.15. A more exact estimate is to be made of this

coordinate using iterations xn + 1 = ln g(xn).

(b) Show that a possible form for g(x) is g(x) = 4x. (3)

(c) Using xn + 1 = ln 4xn , with x0 = 2.15, calculate x1 , x2 and x3. Give the value of x3 to 4
decimal places. (2)

[P2 January 2002 Question 7]

2 6

10. f(x) = x−1 ( x−1)(2 x+1 ) , x > 1.

(a) Prove that f(x) = 2 x+1 . (4)

(b) Find the range of f. (2)

(c) Find f 1(x). (3)

(d) Find the range of f 1(x). (1)

[P2 January 2002 Question 8]

11. Use the derivatives of sin x and cos x to prove that the derivative of tan x is sec2 x. (4)

[P3 January 2002 Question 2]

3 x−4
12. Express x +2x + x 2 −4 as a single fraction in its simplest form. (7)

[P2 June 2002 Question 2]

13. Figure 1

O k x

Figure 1 shows a sketch of the curve with equation y = f(x), where

f(x) = 10 + ln (3x)  2 ex , 0.1  x  3.3.

Given that f(k) = 0,

(a) show, by calculation, that 3.1 < k < 3.2. (2)

(b) Find f (x). (3)

The tangent to the graph at x = 1 intersects the y-axis at the point P.

(c) (i) Find an equation of this tangent.

(ii) Find the exact y-coordinate of P, giving your answer in the form a + ln b. (5)

[P2 June 2002 Question 6]

14. f(x) = x2  2x  3, x  ℝ, x  1.

(a) Find the range of f. (1)

(b) Write down the domain and range of f1. (2)

(c) Sketch the graph of f1, indicating clearly the coordinates of any point at which the graph
intersects the coordinate axes. (4)
Given that g(x) = x  4, x  ℝ,

(d) find an expression for gf(x). (2)

(e) Solve gf(x)= 8. (5)

[P2 June 2002 Question 8]

y +3 y+1
15. Express ( y +1)( y +2)  ( y +2)( y +3 ) as a single fraction in its simplest form.

[P2 November 2002 Question 1]

16. (a) Express 1.5 sin 2x + 2 cos 2x in the form R sin (2x + ), where R > 0 and 0 <  < 2
π ,
giving your values of R and  to 3 decimal places where appropriate. (4)

(b) Express 3 sin x cos x + 4 cos2 x in the form a cos 2x + b sin 2x + c, where a, b and c are
constants to be found. (2)

(c) Hence, using your answer to part (a), deduce the maximum value of
3 sin x cos x + 4 cos2 x. (2)

[P2 November 2002 Question 3]

17. The curve C with equation y = p + qex, where p and q are constants, passes through the point
(0, 2). At the point P(ln 2, p + 2q) on C, the gradient is 5.

(a) Find the value of p and the value of q. (5)

The normal to C at P crosses the x-axis at L and the y-axis at M.

(b) Show that the area of  OLM, where O is the origin, is approximately 53.8. (5)

[P2 November 2002 Question 5]

18. Figure 1

O x

Figure 1 shows a sketch of the curve with equation y = ex  1.

(a) Copy Fig. 1 and on the same axes sketch the graph of y = 2 x – 1. Show the
coordinates of the points where the graph meets the axes. (2)

The x-coordinate of the point of intersection of the graph is .

(b) Show that x =  is a root of the equation x + 2ex  3 = 0. (3)

(c) Show that 1 <  < 0. (2)

The iterative formula xn + 1 = ln[ 2 (3 – xn)] is used to solve the equation x + 2ex  3 = 0.

(d) Starting with x0 = 1, find the values of x1 and x2. (2)

(e) Show that, to 2 decimal places,  = 0.58. (2)

[P2 November 2002 Question 6]

3 x−1
19. The function f is defined by f: x ↦ x−3 , x  ℝ, x  3.

(a) Prove that f 1(x) = f(x) for all x  ℝ, x  3. (3)

(b) Hence find, in terms of k, ff(k), where x  3. (2)

Figure 3


2 1 O 2 x


Figure 3 shows a sketch of the one-one function g, defined over the domain 2  x  2.

(c) Find the value of fg(2). (3)

(d) Sketch the graph of the inverse function g1 and state its domain. (3)
The function h is defined by h: x ↦ 2g(x – 1).

(e) Sketch the graph of the function h and state its range. (3)

[P2 November 2002 Question 8]

x x+12
20. Express ( x+1 )( x+3 ) + x −9
as a single fraction in its simplest form. (6)

[P2 January 2003 Question 1]

21. (a) Sketch the graph of y = 2x + a, a > 0, showing the coordinates of the points where the
graph meets the coordinate axes. (2)
(b) On the same axes, sketch the graph of y = x . (1)
(c) Explain how your graphs show that there is only one solution of the equation

x2x + a  1 = 0. (1)

(d) Find, using algebra, the value of x for which x2x + 1  1 = 0. (3)

[P2 January 2003 Question 3]

22. The curve with equation y = ln 3x crosses the x-axis at the point P (p, 0).

(a) Sketch the graph of y = ln 3x, showing the exact value of p. (2)

The normal to the curve at the point Q, with x-coordinate q, passes through the origin.

(b) Show that x = q is a solution of the equation x2 + ln 3x = 0. 4)

1 − x2
(c) Show that the equation in part (b) can be rearranged in the form x = 3 . (2)
1 − xn 1
(d) Use the iteration formula xn + 1 = 3 , with x0 = 3 , to find x1, x2, x3 and x4. Hence
write down, to 3 decimal places, an approximation for q. (3)

[P2 January 2003 Question 6]

23. (a) Express sin x + 3 cos x in the form R sin (x + ), where R > 0 and 0 <  < 90.
(b) Show that the equation sec x + 3 cosec x = 4 can be written in the form
sin x + 3 cos x = 2 sin 2x. (3)

(c) Deduce from parts (a) and (b) that sec x + 3 cosec x = 4 can be written in the form
sin 2x – sin (x + 60) = 0. (1)

[P2 January 2003 Question 7*]

24. Figure 3

(0, c)

O (d, 0) x

Figure 3 shows a sketch of the curve with equation y = f(x), x  0. The curve meets the
coordinate axes at the points (0, c) and (d, 0).

In separate diagrams sketch the curve with equation

(a) y = f1(x), (2)

(b) y = 3f(2x). (3)

Indicate clearly on each sketch the coordinates, in terms of c or d, of any point where the
curve meets the coordinate axes.

Given that f is defined by

f : x  3(2x )  1, x  ℝ, x  0,

(c) state
(i) the value of c,
(ii) the range of f. (3)

(d) Find the value of d, giving your answer to 3 decimal places. (3)

The function g is defined by

g : x  log2 x, x  ℝ, x  1.

(e) Find fg(x), giving your answer in its simplest form. (3)

[P2 January 2003 Question 8

x 2 + 4 x +3
25. (a) Simplify x 2+ x . (2)

(b) Find the value of x for which log2 (x2 + 4x + 3) – log2 (x2 + x) = 4. (4)

[P2 June 2003 Question 1]

26. The functions f and g are defined by

f: x ↦ x2 – 2x + 3, x  ℝ, 0  x  4,

g: x ↦ x2 + 1, where  is a constant, x  ℝ.

(a) Find the range of f. (3)

(b) Given that gf(2) = 16, find the value of . (3)

[P2 June 2003 Question 2]

27. Figure 1

B( 3 , 1)

1 O A(2, 0) 3 x

Figure 1 shows a sketch of the curve with equation y = f(x), 1  x  3. The curve touches
the x- axis at the origin O, crosses the x-axis at the point A(2, 0) and has a maximum at the
point B( 3 , 1).

In separate diagrams, show a sketch of the curve with equation

(a) y = f(x + 1), (3)

(b) y = f(x), (3)

(c) y = f(x), (4)

marking on each sketch the coordinates of points at which the curve

(i) has a turning point,

(ii) meets the x-axis.

[P2 June 2003 Question 4]

28. (a) Sketch, on the same set of axes, the graphs of

y = 2 – ex and y = x. (3)

[It is not necessary to find the coordinates of any points of intersection with the axes.]

Given that f(x) = ex + x – 2, x  0,

(b) explain how your graphs show that the equation f(x) = 0 has only one solution,

(c) show that the solution of f(x) = 0 lies between x = 3 and x = 4. (2)
−x n
The iterative formula xn + 1 = (2 – e )2 is used to solve the equation f(x) = 0.

(d) Taking x0 = 4, write down the values of x1, x2, x3 and x4, and hence find an approximation
to the solution of f(x) = 0, giving your answer to 3 decimal places. (4)

[P2 June 2003 Question 5]

28a. (i) Given that cos(x + 30) = 3 cos(x – 30), prove that tan x =  2 .

1−cos2 θ
(ii) (a) Prove that sin 2θ  tan  .
(b) Verify that  = 180 is a solution of the equation sin 2 = 2 – 2 cos 2.
(c) Using the result in part (a), or otherwise, find the other two solutions, 0 <  < 360,
of the equation using sin 2 = 2 – 2 cos 2.

[P2 June 2003 Question 8]

29. (a) Express as a fraction in its simplest form

2 13
x−3 x 2 + 4 x−21 . (3)

(b) Hence solve

2 13
+ =1
x−3 x 2 + 4 x−21 . (3)

[P2 November 2003 Question 1]

30. Prove that

1−tan 2 θ
≡cos 2 θ
1+ tan 2 θ . (4)

[P2 November 2003 Question 5*]

31. The functions f and g are defined by

f: x ↦  x – a  + a, x  ℝ,

g: x ↦ 4x + a, x  ℝ.

where a is a positive constant.

(a) On the same diagram, sketch the graphs of f and g, showing clearly the coordinates of
any points at which your graphs meet the axes. (5)

(b) Use algebra to find, in terms of a, the coordinates of the point at which the graphs of
f and g intersect. (3)

(c) Find an expression for fg(x). (2)

(d) Solve, for x in terms of a, the equation

fg(x) = 3a. (3)

[P2 November 2003 Question 7]

32. The curve C has equation y = f(x), where

f(x) = 3 ln x + x , x > 0.

The point P is a stationary point on C.

(a) Calculate the x-coordinate of P. (4)

(b) Show that the y-coordinate of P may be expressed in the form k – k ln k, where k is a
constant to be found. (2)

The point Q on C has x-coordinate 1.

(c) Find an equation for the normal to C at Q. (4)

The normal to C at Q meets C again at the point R.

(d) Show that the x-coordinate of R

(i) satisfies the equation 6 ln x + x + x – 3 = 0,

(ii) lies between 0.13 and 0.14. (4)

[P2 November 2003 Question 8]

33. The function f is given by f : x ↦ 2 + x +2 , x  ℝ, x  –2.

(a) Express 2 + x +2 as a single fraction. (1)

(b) Find an expression for f –1(x). (3)

(c) Write down the domain of f –1. (1)

[P2 January 2004 Question 1]

34. The function f is even and has domain ℝ. For x  0, f(x) = x2 – 4ax, where a is a positive

(a) In the space below, sketch the curve with equation y = f(x), showing the coordinates of
all the points at which the curve meets the axes. (3)

(b) Find, in terms of a, the value of f(2a) and the value of f(–2a). (2)

Given that a = 3,

(c) use algebra to find the values of x for which f(x) = 45. (4)

[P2 January 2004 Question 4]

35. Given that y = loga x, x > 0, where a is a positive constant,

(a) (i) express x in terms of a and y, (1)

(ii) deduce that ln x = y ln a. (1)

dy 1
(b) Show that dx = x ln a . (2)

The curve C has equation y = log10 x, x > 0. The point A on C has x-coordinate 10. Using the
result in part (b),

(c) find an equation for the tangent to C at A. (4)

The tangent to C at A crosses the x-axis at the point B.

(d) Find the exact x-coordinate of B. (2)

[P2 January 2004 Question 5]

36. (i) (a) Express (12 cos  – 5 sin ) in the form R cos ( + ), where R > 0 and
0 <  < 90.

(b) Hence solve the equation

12 cos  – 5 sin  = 4,

for 0 <  < 90, giving your answer to 1 decimal place. (3)

(ii) Solve

8 cot  – 3 tan  = 2,

for 0 <  < 90, giving your answer to 1 decimal place. (5)

[P2 January 2004 Question 8]

37. Express as a single fraction in its simplest form

x 2 − 8 x + 15 2 x 2 + 6x
x2 − 9  ( x − 5) .

[P2 June 2004 Question 1]

38. (i) Given that sin x = 5 , use an appropriate double angle formula to find the exact value
of sec 2x.
(ii) Prove that

cot 2x + cosec 2x  cot x,

( x ≠ nπ2 , n ∈ Z) .

[P2 June 2004 Question 2]

39. f(x) = x3 + x2  4x  1.

The equation f(x) = 0 has only one positive root, .

(a) Show that f(x) = 0 can be rearranged as

4x +1
x= √( x+1 ) , x  1.

4 xn + 1

The iterative formula xn + 1 = √( xn + 1 ) is used to find an approximation to .

(b) Taking x1 = 1, find, to 2 decimal places, the values of x2, x3 and x4.
(c) By choosing values of x in a suitable interval, prove that  = 1.70, correct to 2 decimal

4 xn + 1

(d) Write down a value of x1 for which the iteration formula xn + 1 =

produce a valid value for x2.
√( xn + 1 ) does not

Justify your answer.


[P2 June 2004 Question 5]

40. f(x) = x + 5 , x  ℝ.
(a) Find f (x).

The curve C, with equation y = f(x), crosses the y-axis at the point A.

(b) Find an equation for the tangent to C at A.

(c) Complete the table, giving the values of √( x+
5 ) to 2 decimal places.

x 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

0.45 0.91
√( x+
5 ) (2)

[P2 June 2004 Question 7*]

41. The function f is given by

f: x ↦ ln (3x  6), x  ℝ, x > 2.

(a) Find f1(x).

(b) Write down the domain of f1 and the range of f1.
(c) Find, to 3 significant figures, the value of x for which f(x) = 3.

The function g is given by

g: x ↦ ln 3x  6, x  ℝ, x  2.

(d) Sketch the graph of y = g(x).

(e) Find the exact coordinates of all the points at which the graph of y = g(x) meets the
coordinate axes.

[P2 June 2004 Question 8]

Qn Old Specification Reference C1/C2/C3 Specification Reference
1. [P1 June 2001 Question 5] 6.2 Algebraic differentiation of x , where p is 4.2 Differentiation of xn, [and related sums
rational. and differences].

7.3 Integration of xp, where p is rational, 5.2 Integration of xn.

p  1.

6.3 Second order derivatives. Increasing and 6.1 Increasing and decreasing functions
decreasing functions.

1.2 Definition of a function. Domain and 1.2 Definition of a function. Domain and
range of functions. Composition of range of functions. Composition of
functions. Inverse functions. functions. Inverse functions [and
their graphs].
2. [P2 June 2001 Question 1] 6.2 Applications of differentiation to tangents 4.3 Applications of differentiation to
and normals to a curve. [gradients,] tangents and normals.

6.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x and their sums 4.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x [sin x, cos x,
and differences. tan x] and their sums and differences.
3. [P2 June 2001 Question 2] 8.2 Approximate solutions of equations using 5.2 Approximate solutions of equations
simple iterative methods using simple iterative methods,
[including recurrence relations of the
form xn + 1 = f(xn)].
4. [P2 June 2001 Question 4] 4.3 Knowledge and use of formulae for 2.3 Knowledge and use of double angle
sin (A  B), cos (A  B) and tan (A  B); formulae for sin (A  B), cos (A  B)
of double angle formulae and and tan (A  B); and of expressions
of expressions for a cos  + b sin  in the for a cos  + b sin  in the equivalent
equivalent forms of r cos (  ) or forms of r cos (  ) or r sin (  )
r sin (  ).
5. [P2 June 2001 Question 7] 2.1 Definition of a function. Domain and 1.2 Definition of a function. Domain and
range of functions. Composition of range of functions. Composition of
functions. Inverse functions. functions. Inverse functions [and
their graphs].
6. [P2 June 2001 Question 9] 4.3 Knowledge and use of formulae for 2.3 Knowledge and use of double angle
sin (A  B), cos (A  B) and tan (A  B); formulae for sin (A  B), cos (A  B)
of double angle formulae and and tan (A  B); and of expressions
of expressions for a cos  + b sin  in the for a cos  + b sin  in the equivalent
equivalent forms of r cos (  ) or forms of r cos (  ) or r sin (  )
r sin (  )
7. [P2 January 2002 2.5 Knowledge of the effect of simple 1.11 Knowledge of the effect of simple
Question 3] transformations on the graph of transformations on the graph of
y = f(x) as represented by y = f(x) as represented by y = af(x),
y = af(x), y = f(x) + a, y = f(x + a), y = y = f(x) + a, y = f(x + a), y = f(ax).
f(ax) and combinations of these

2.3 The modulus function. 1.3 The modulus function.

8. [P2 January 2002 4.3 Knowledge and use of formulae for 2.3 Knowledge and use of double angle
Question 6] sin (A  B), cos (A  B) and tan (A  B); formulae for sin (A  B), cos (A  B)
of double angle formulae and and tan (A  B); and of expressions
of expressions for a cos  + b sin  in the for a cos  + b sin  in the equivalent
equivalent forms of r cos (  ) or forms of r cos (  ) or r sin (  )
r sin (  ).

Qn Old Specification Reference C1/C2/C3 Specification Reference
9. [P2 January 2002 4.3 Applications of differentiation to
Question 7] [gradients,] tangents and normals.

6.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x and their sums 4.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x [sin x, cos x,
and differences. tan x] and their sums and differences.

8.2 Approximate solutions of equations using 5.2 Approximate solutions of equations

simple iterative methods. using simple iterative methods,
[including recurrence relations of the
form xn + 1 = f(xn)].
10. [P2 January 2002 2.1 Definition of a function. Domain and 1.2 Definition of a function. Domain and
Question 8] range of functions. Composition of range of functions. Composition of
functions. Inverse functions. functions. Inverse functions [and
their graphs].
11. [P3 January 2002 4.1 Differentiation of sin x, tan x and their 4.1 Differentiation of [ex, ln x],sin x, tan
Question 2] sums and differences, products and x and their sums and differences,
quotients. products and quotients.
12. [P2 June 2002 Question 2] 1.1 Simplification of rational expressions 1.1 Simplification of rational expressions
including factorising and cancelling including factorising and cancelling
13. [P2 June 2002 Question 6] 6.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x and their sums 4.3 Applications of differentiation to
and differences. [gradients,] tangents and normals.

4.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x [sin x, cos x,

tan x] and their sums and differences.

8.1 Location of the roots of f(x) = 0 by 5.1

considering changes of sign of f(x) in an Location of the roots of f(x) = 0 by
interval of x in which f(x) is continuous. considering changes of sign of f(x) in
an interval of x in which f(x) is
14. [P2 June 2002 Question 8] 2.1 Definition of a function. Domain and 1.2 Definition of a function. Domain and
range of functions. Composition of range of functions. Composition of
functions. Inverse functions functions. Inverse functions [and their

2.2 Graphs of functions and their inverses. 1.9 Graphs of functions; Sketching curves
Sketching curves defined by simple defined by simple equations.

1.1 Simplification of rational expressions 1.1 Simplification of rational expressions

including factorising and cancelling. including factorising and cancelling.
15. [P2 November 2002 1.1 Simplification of rational expressions 1.1 Simplification of rational expressions
Question 1] including factorising and cancelling. including factorising and cancelling.
16. [P2 November 2002 4.3 Knowledge and use of formulae for 2.3 Knowledge and use of double angle
Question 3] sin (A  B), cos (A  B) and tan (A  B); formulae for sin (A  B), cos (A  B)
of double angle formulae and and tan (A  B); and of expressions
of expressions for a cos  + b sin  in the for a cos  + b sin  in the equivalent
equivalent forms of r cos (  ) or forms of r cos (  ) or r sin (  )
r sin (  )

17. [P2 November 2002 4.3 Applications of differentiation to

Question 5] [gradients,] tangents and normals.

5.2 The function ln x and its graph 3.2 The function ln x and its graph

6.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x and their sums 4.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x [sin x, cos x,
and differences. tan x] and their sums and differences.

Qn Old Specification Reference C1/C2/C3 Specification Reference
18. [P2 November 2002 2.3 The modulus function. 1.3 The modulus function.
Question 6]
5.1 The function ex and its graph 3.1 The function ex and its graph

8.1 Location of the roots of f(x) = 0 by 5.1 Location of the roots of f(x) = 0 by
considering changes of sign of f(x) in an considering changes of sign of f(x) in
interval of x in which f(x) is continuous. an interval of x in which f(x) is

8.2 Approximate solutions of equations using 5.2 Approximate solutions of equations

simple iterative methods. using simple iterative methods,
[including recurrence relations of the
form xn + 1 = f(xn)].
19. [P2 November 2002 2.2 Graphs of functions and their inverses. 1.9 Graphs of functions; Sketching
Question 8] Sketching curves defined by simple curves defined by simple equations.

2.1 Definition of a function. Domain and 1.2 Definition of a function. Domain and
range of functions. Composition of range of functions. Composition of
functions. Inverse functions. functions. Inverse functions [and
their graphs].
20. [P2 January 2003 1.1 Simplification of rational expressions 1.1 Simplification of rational expressions
Question 1] including factorising and cancelling. including factorising and cancelling.
21. [P2 January 2003 2.2 Graphs of functions and their inverses. 1.9 Graphs of functions; Sketching
Question 3] Sketching curves defined by simple curves defined by simple equations.

2.3 The modulus function. 1.3 The modulus function.

2.4 Geometric interpretation of algebraic 1.10 Geometric interpretation of algebraic

solution of equations. Use of intersection solution of equations. Use of
points of graphs of functions to solve intersection points of graphs of
equations. functions to solve equations.
22. [P2 January 2003 4.3 Applications of differentiation to
Question 6] [gradients,] tangents and normals.

5.2 The function ln x and its graph 3.2 The function ln x and its graph

6.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x and their sums 4.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x [sin x, cos x,
and differences. tan x] and their sums and differences.

8.2 Approximate solutions of equations using 5.2 Approximate solutions of equations

simple iterative methods using simple iterative methods,
[including recurrence relations of the
form xn + 1 = f(xn)].
23. [P2 January 2003 4.1 Knowledge of secant, cosecant and 2.1 Knowledge of secant, cosecant and
Question 7] cotangent and of arcsin, arccos and arctan. cotangent and of arcsin, arccos and
Their relationships to sine, cosine and arctan. Their relationships to sine,
tangent. Understanding of their graphs cosine and tangent. Understanding of
and appropriate restricted domains. their graphs and appropriate restricted

4.3 Knowledge and use of formulae for 2.3 Knowledge and use of double angle
sin (A  B), cos (A  B) and tan (A  B); formulae for sin (A  B), cos (A  B)
of double angle formulae and and tan (A  B); and of expressions
of expressions for a cos  + b sin  in the for a cos  + b sin  in the equivalent
equivalent forms of r cos (  ) or forms of r cos (  ) or r sin (  )
r sin (  ).

Qn Old Specification Reference C1/C2/C3 Specification Reference
24. [P2 January 2003 2.2 Graphs of functions and their inverses. 1.9 Graphs of functions; sketching curves
Question 8] Sketching curves defined by simple defined by simple equations.

5.5 The laws of logarithms. 5.2 The laws of logarithms.

5.6 The solution of equations of the form 5.3 The solution of equations of the form
ax = b. ax = b.

2.1 Definition of a function. Domain and 1.2 Definition of a function. Domain and
range of functions. Composition of range of functions. Composition of
functions. Inverse functions functions. Inverse functions.

2.5 Knowledge of the effect of simple 1.4 Combinations of the[se]

transformations on the graph of transformations.
y = f(x) as represented by
y = af(x), y = f(x) + a, y = f(x + a), y =
f(ax) and combinations of these
25. [P2 June 2003 Question 1] 5.5 The laws of logarithms. 5.2 The laws of logarithms

1.1 Simplification of rational expressions 1.1 Simplification of rational expressions

including factorising and cancelling. including factorising and cancelling
26. [P2 June 2003 Question 2] 2.1 Definition of a function. Domain and 1.2 Definition of a function. Domain and
range of functions. Composition of range of functions. Composition of
functions. Inverse functions. functions. Inverse functions [and
their graphs].
27. [P2 June 2003 Question 4] 2.3 The modulus function 1.3 The modulus function

2.5 Knowledge of the effect of simple 1.4 Combinations of the[se]

transformations on the graph of transformations
y = f(x) as represented by
y = af(x), y = f(x) + a, y = f(x + a), y =
f(ax) and combinations of these
28. [P2 June 2003 Question 5] 2.2 Graphs of functions and their inverses. 1.9 Graphs of functions; sketching curves
Sketching curves defined by simple defined by simple equations.

2.4 Geometric interpretation of algebraic 1.10 Geometric interpretation of algebraic

solution of equations. Use of intersection solution of equatons. Use of
points of graphs of functions to solve intersection points of graphs of
equations. functions to solve equations.

5.1 The function ex and its graph. 3.1 The function ex and its graph.

8.1 Location of the roots of f(x) = 0 by 5.1 Location of the roots of f(x) = 0 by
considering changes of sign of f(x) in an considering changes of sign of f(x) in
interval of x in which f(x) is continuous. an interval of x in which f(x) is

8.2 Approximate solutions of equations using 5.2 Approximate solutions of equations

simple iterative methods. using simple iterative methods,
[including recurrence relations of the
form xn + 1 = f(xn)].

Qn Old Specification Reference C1/C2/C3 Specification Reference
28a [P2 June 2003 Question 8] 4.1 Knowledge of secant, cosecant and 2.1 Knowledge of secant, cosecant and
cotangent and of arcsin, arccos and arctan. cotangent and of arcsin, arccos and
Their relationships to sine, cosine and arctan. Their relationships to sine,
tangent. Understanding of their graphs cosine and tangent. Understanding of
and appropriate restricted domains. their graphs and appropriate restricted

4.3 Knowledge and use of formulae for 2.3 Knowledge and use of double angle
sin (A  B), cos (A  B) and tan (A  B); formulae for sin (A  B), cos (A  B)
of double angle formulae and and tan (A  B); and of expressions
of expressions for a cos  + b sin  in the for a cos  + b sin  in the equivalent
equivalent forms of r cos (  ) or forms of r cos (  ) or r sin (  )
r sin (  ).
29. [P2 November 2003 1.1 Simplification of rational expressions 1.1 Simplification of rational expressions
Question 1] including factorising and cancelling including factorising and cancelling
30. [P2 November 2003 4.2 Knowledge and use of 1 + tan2 θ  sec2 θ, 2.2 Knowledge and use of
Question 5] 1 + cot2 θ  cosec2 θ. sec2  = 1 + tan2  and
cos θ cosec2  = 1 + cot2  .

cot   sin θ .

4.3 Knowledge and use of formulae for 2.3 Knowledge and use of double angle
sin (A  B), cos (A  B) and tan (A  B); formulae for sin (A  B), cos (A  B)
of double angle formulae and and tan (A  B); and of expressions
of expressions for a cos  + b sin  in the for a cos  + b sin  in the equivalent
equivalent forms of r cos (  ) or forms of r cos (  ) or r sin (  )
r sin (  ).
31. [P2 November 2003 2.4 Geometric interpretation of algebraic 1.10 Geometric interpretation of algebraic
Question 7] solution of equations. Use of intersection solution of equatons. Use of
points of graphs of functions to solve intersection points of graphs of
equations. functions to solve equations.

2.5 Knowledge of the effect of simple 1.11 Knowledge of the effect of simple
transformations on the graph of transformations on the graph of y =
y = f(x) as represented by f(x) as represented by y = af(x), y =
y = af(x), y = f(x) + a, y = f(x + a), y = f(x) + a,
f(ax) and combinations of these y = f(x + a), y = f(ax).
1.4 Combinations of the[se]

2.1 Definition of a function. Domain and 1.2 Definition of a function. Domain and
range of functions. Composition of range of functions. Composition of
functions. Inverse functions. functions. Inverse functions

2.3 The modulus function 1.3 The modulus function.

32. [P2 November 2003 4.3 Applications of differentiation to
Question 8] [gradients,] tangents and normals.

5.5 The laws of logarithms 5.2 The laws of logarithms.

6.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x and their sums 4.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x [sin x, cos x,
and differences. tan x] and their sums and differences.

8.1 Location of the roots of f(x) = 0 by 5.1 Location of the roots of f(x) = 0 by
considering changes of sign of f(x) in an considering changes of sign of f(x) in
interval of x in which f(x) is continuous. an interval of x in which f(x) is

Qn Old Specification Reference C1/C2/C3 Specification Reference
33. [P2 January 2004 2.1 Definition of a function. Domain and 1.2 Definition of a function. Domain and
Question 1] range of functions. Composition of range of functions. Composition of
functions. Inverse functions. functions. Inverse functions [and
their graphs].
34. [P2 January 2004 2.2 Graphs of functions and their inverses. 1.9 Graphs of functions; sketching curves
Question 4] Sketching curves defined by simple defined by simple equations.

2.5 Knowledge of the effect of simple 1.11 Knowledge of the effect of simple
transformations on the graph of transformations on the graph of
y = f(x) as represented by y = f(x) as represented by y = af(x),
y = af(x), y = f(x) + a, y = f(x + a), y = y = f(x) + a, y = f(x + a), y = f(ax).
f(ax) and combinations of these

2.1 Definition of a function. Domain and 1.2 Definition of a function. Domain and
range of functions. Composition of range of functions. Composition of
functions. Inverse functions functions. Inverse functions [and
their graphs].
35. [P2 January 2004 4.3 Applications of differentiation to
Question 5] [gradients,] tangents and normals.

5.5 The laws of logarithms. 5.2 The laws of logarithms.

6.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x and their sums 4.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x [sin x, cos x,
and differences. tan x] and their sums and differences.
36. [P2 January 2004 4.3 Knowledge and use of formulae for 2.3 Knowledge and use of double angle
Question 8] sin (A  B), cos (A  B) and tan (A  B); formulae for sin (A  B), cos (A  B)
of double angle formulae and and tan (A  B); and of expressions
of expressions for a cos  + b sin  in the for a cos  + b sin  in the equivalent
equivalent forms of r cos (  ) or forms of r cos (  ) or r sin (  )
r sin (  ).
37. [P2 June 2004 Question 1] 1.1 Simplification of rational expressions 1.1 Simplification of rational expressions
including factorising and cancelling including factorising and cancelling
38. [P2 June 2004 Question 2] 4.1 Knowledge of secant, cosecant and 2.1 Knowledge of secant, cosecant and
cotangent and of arcsin, arccos and arctan. cotangent and of arcsin, arccos and
Their relationships to sine, cosine and arctan. Their relationships to sine,
tangent. Understanding of their graphs cosine and tangent. Understanding of
and appropriate restricted domains. their graphs and appropriate restricted

4.3 Knowledge and use of formulae for 2.3 Knowledge and use of double angle
sin (A  B), cos (A  B) and tan (A  B); formulae for sin (A  B), cos (A  B)
of double angle formulae and and tan (A  B); and of expressions
of expressions for a cos  + b sin  in the for a cos  + b sin  in the equivalent
equivalent forms of r cos (  ) or forms of r cos (  ) or r sin (  )
r sin (  ).
39. [P2 June 2004 Question 5] 8.2 Approximate solutions of equations using 5.2 Approximate solutions of equations
simple iterative methods. using simple iterative methods,
[including recurrence relations of the
form xn + 1 = f(xn)].
40. [P2 June 2004 Question 7] 5.5 The laws of logarithms 5.2 The laws of logarithms

6.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x and their sums 4.1 Differentiation of ex, ln x [sin x, cos x,
and differences. tan x] and their sums and differences.

Qn Old Specification Reference C1/C2/C3 Specification Reference
41. [P2 June 2004 Question 8] 2.2 Graphs of functions and their inverses. 1.9 Graphs of functions; sketching curves
Sketching curves defined by simple defined by simple equations.

2.1 Definition of a function. Domain and 1.2 Definition of a function. Domain and
range of functions. Composition of range of functions. Composition of
functions. Inverse functions. functions. Inverse functions and their

2.3 The modulus function. 1.3 The modulus function.


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