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Asian Journal of Business Research Volume 8 Issue 1, 2018

ISSN 2463-4522 e-ISSN 1778-8933 DOI:10.14707/ajbr.180042

Revisiting Tradeoffs in Manufacturing Strategy: A Fuzzy Set

Approach for Developing a Typology of Competitive Priorities
Shaohan Cai (Alan)
Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


In this paper, we adapt and extend the core-peripheral perspective of typology proposed
by Fiss (2011), and propose a typology structure consisting of three conditions, namely,
necessary, core, and peripheral conditions. We develop a structured typology of
manufacturing strategy based on Miles and Snow (1978)’s typology of organizational
strategy and utilize the newly emerging FsQCA methodology to identify necessary, core,
and peripheral conditions in typology. The analysis of 434 Chinese manufacturers shows
that configurations of competitive priorities that are consistent with the Miles and Snow
(1978)’s typology can lead to excellent organizational outcomes.

Keywords: Fuzzy Set, Manufacturing Strategy, Competitive Priorities, Typology, Tradeoff

Publication Details: Received 28 Dec 2017; Revised 4 Feb 2018; Accepted 13 Apr 2018

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Manufacturing strategy is the pattern of manufacturing choices that a company makes,

which allows it to compete in the marketplace (Miller and Roth, 1994). In order to
achieve satisfactory performance, managers need to formulate a manufacturing strategy
by choosing between various competitive priorities, such as quality, cost, flexibility, and
delivery, etc. They need to emphasize some, but not all of the priorities (Rosenzweig and
Easton, 2010), based on their business strategies (e.g., Barnes, 2002; Skinner, 1969; Ward
and Duray, 2000). Given the foregoing, various manufacturing strategies exist.

To classify these manufacturing strategies, researchers have previously developed various

taxonomies of competitive priorities (e.g., Frohlich and Dixon, 2001; Kathuria, 2000;
Miller and Roth, 1994; Sum et al., 2004; Zhao et al., 2006). Despite their efforts, several
gaps exist in literature. First, these taxonomies differ greatly from each other. Their
generalizability is thus questionable. Second, since the taxonomies are empirically
derived, there is a lack of suitable explanations as to why a particular operations strategy
is effective or ineffective. Finally, within these taxonomies, all priorities as regarded as
equally important. This traditional approach, however, is problematic. A particular
manufacturing strategy may comprise priorities with differing levels of importance:
Some priorities are essential to the success of the strategy, while others are less important
(Fiss, 2011). To date, researchers have not distinguished such differences among the
priorities included in manufacturing strategies.

To address the aforementioned issues, we develop a theory-driven, structured typology of

competitive priorities in this study. We first extend the core-periphery perspective of
typology posited by Fiss (2011), and propose a typology structure consisting of three
types of conditions with different levels of importance in relation to organizational
outcomes, namely, necessary, core, and peripheral conditions. Next, based on Miles and
Snow (1978)’s classical typology of business strategy, we identify three manufacturing
strategies, namely prospector, analyzer, and defender. Each strategy consists of priorities
that constitute necessary, core, and peripheral conditions for organizational outcomes.
Finally, we empirically test the validity of our structured typology of competitive
priorities by employing a newly emerged technique known as fuzzy set qualitative
comparative analysis (FsQCA) (Ragin, 2000; 2008), which enables researchers to model
causal relationships in terms of set-theoretic relations (Fiss, 2011). In doing so, we
establish a direct linkage between manufacturing strategic types and organizational

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Literature Review

Miles And Snow (1978)’S Business Strategy Typology and Manufacturing Strategy

In this study, we adopt Miles and Snow (1978)’s classical typology of business strategies.
Miles and Snow (1978) classify businesses according to management's strategic
intentions and offer a framework on how various aspects of structure, processes, and
management style should fit together under each type of strategy (Walker and Ruekert,
1987). Since the current study focuses on firms’ intentions to pursue various competitive
priorities at the operational level, this typology could serve as a theoretical framework
linking operations strategy to business strategy.

Specifically, Miles and Snow (1978) propose three major strategic groups, referred to as
“prospector”, “analyzer”, and “defender”, in addition to a residual group labeled
“reactor”, which consists of firms that lack a coherent strategic-structure relationship.
Among the three groups, prospectors are typically growing organizations, which are
technically innovative and are seeking out new markets; defenders are established firms
focusing on maintaining a secure market share, which stay within a limited range of
products and emphasize resource efficiency and process improvement (Desarbo et al.,
2005; Fiss, 2011; Miles and Snow, 1978). Analyzer falls between the two extremes;
notably, they make fewer and slower product/market change than prospectors, and are
less committed to stability and efficiency than defenders (Hambrick, 1983; Miles and
Snow, 1978).

Importantly, Miles and Snow (1978)’s three types of business strategies differ
substantially in terms of their choices related to the market domain, engineering
technologies, and organizational structure, infrastructure, and policy processes (Conant et
al., 1990; Miles and Snow, 1978). In every market where a firm chooses to compete,
there is a set of market-based criteria for success, which demands differing emphases on
competitive priorities (Voss, 1986). As such, different business strategies require
different sets of manufacturing capabilities, and correspondingly, different manufacturing

A Structured Perspective of Typology

A typology consists of multiple ideal types, each of which represents a unique

combination of organizational attributes that are believed to determine the relevant
outcome(s) (Doty and Glick, 1994). Traditionally, researchers often implicitly assume
that the organizational attributes included in a typology are equally important. This
approach, however, is fundamentally problematic and may limit understanding of
relevance and importance of the attributes to desirable outcomes (Fiss, 2011). Fiss (2011)
thus proposes a core-periphery perspective of typology, with the core attributes being
essential, while the peripheral ones are less important and perhaps even expendable or
exchangeable. In this paper, we extend Fiss (2011)’s perspective, and propose a typology
structure consisting of three elements, namely, ‘necessary, core, and periphery’

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We will start with a simple, hypothetical example to illustrate the proposed typology
structure. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) required
business schools to recruit professors who are either academically qualified or
professionally qualified. Thus, there are two different groups of individuals who are
qualified for faculty jobs in AACSB accredited business schools. Assume that these
business schools always recruit professors in the supply chain management (SCM) area,
adhering to these rules:

1. A successful candidate must have obtained his/her final degree from an AACSB
accredited business school.
2. A successful academically qualified candidate must hold a doctoral degree in
SCM or related fields.
3. A successful professionally qualified candidate must hold a master degree in SCM
or related fields.
4. A successful professionally qualified candidate must have work experience related
to SCM.
5. A Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM) certificate from the
Institute for Supply Management is preferred for a professionally qualified
6. Work experience is preferred for an academically qualified candidate.

Among these rules, rule No.1, obtaining final degree from an AACSB accredited business
school, is a must-have for all candidates, regardless of which group they belong to. Thus,
it is a necessary condition for an individual to be recruited. More formally, we define a
necessary condition in a typology as a condition required for all ideal types to achieve a
desirable outcome. Rule No. 2, holding a Ph.D in SCM is a must-have for academically
qualified candidates; Rules No. 3 and 4, holding a Master degree and having work
experience, are must-have for professionally qualified candidates. These are thus core
conditions for their respective groups. More formally, we define a core condition in a
typology as a condition that is required for members in one particular ideal type to
achieve a desirable outcome. The combination of core conditions defines the membership
of an ideal type, as all members in this group share the same core conditions. Finally, rule
No. 5, holding a CPSM certificate, could increase the chances for a professionally
qualified candidate to be recruited; rule No. 6, having work experience, could increase
the chances for an academically qualified candidate to be recruited. However, a candidate
without these conditions will not be disqualified and can still compete in their respective
groups. These are peripheral conditions for the two groups. More formally, we define a
peripheral condition in a typology as a condition that can facilitate desirable outcomes
for a particular ideal type, but does not define the membership of the ideal type. The
structure of this hypothetical typology is shown in Table 1.

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Table 1: A Hypothetical Typology of SCM Professor Recruitment

Academically qualified Professionally qualified candidate
Necessary condition Final degree from an AACSB accredited business school.
Core conditions A doctoral degree on SCM or A master degree on SCM or related
related fields. fields.
Work experience related to SCM
Peripheral conditions work experience related to SCM A Certified Professional in Supply
Management (CPSM) certificate
from Institute for Supply

Developing a Structured Typology of Competitive Priorities

Researchers generally agree that competitive priorities pertaining to four major types of
capabilities, such as costs, quality, delivery, and flexibility, constitute the basic
components of a manufacturing strategy (Frohlich and Dixon, 2001; Miller and Roth,
1994; Rosenzweig and Easton, 2010; Ward et al., 1995; Zhao et al., 2006). Consistent
with this view, we include the following competitive priorities in our typology: costs,
quality, delivery, broad product line, as well as volume and design flexibility. Among
them, the last three priorities are often regarded as sub-dimensions of flexibility (Frohlich
and Dixon, 2001). However, they are related to different strategic problems. Specifically,
broad product line at the operational level is determined by a firm’s definition of
product-market domain; design flexibility is required if a firm’s business strategy is to
aggressively seek new market opportunities rather than cautiously stay within its existing
domains; and a firm may develop volume flexibility in response to environment
uncertainty and fluctuation of demands. With this in mind, we discuss the three sub-
dimensions of flexibility separately.

In the following sections, we will identify the competitive priorities that constitute
necessary, core, and peripheral conditions for the three ideal types to achieve desirable
performance outcomes. We define the necessary and core condition based on Miles and
Snow’s theory, as well as prior literature on manufacturing strategies. The remaining
priorities, with their presence or absence not stipulated by theory, should constitute
peripheral conditions for the outcomes. The rationale is that, while these priorities are not
essential for firms to pursue a particular strategy, development of capabilities related to
these priorities should generally enhance a firm’s competitiveness in the marketplace.

In this paper, the primary organizational outcomes of interest are sales growth and
profitability, which have been widely tested as outcomes in studies on Miles and Snow
typology (e.g., Desarbo et al., 2005; Hambrick, 1983; Moore, 2005; Parnell and Wright,
1993; Smith et al., 1989), as well as in studies on manufacturing strategies (e.g.,
Amoako-Gyampah and Acquaah, 2008; Sum et al., 2004; Ward and Duray, 2000; Zhao et
al., 2006). An illustration of the proposed typology is presented in Table 2.

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Table 2: Necessary and Core Conditions

for Proposed Manufacturing Strategy Typology
Prospector Defender Analyzer
Quality N N N
Delivery P C C
Cost efficiency ~C C C
Volume flexibility C ~C P
Design flexibility C P P
Broad product line P ~C C
Note: N- necessary condition; C-core condition; P-peripheral condition; ~absence of the condition.

Quality as a Necessary Condition

Among all competitive priorities, quality is unique in that it has been widely regarded as
essential to business outcomes by several groups of researchers; further, its importance
across strategic groups is supported by strong empirical evidence. First, researchers have
commonly showed that a precondition of all lasting improvement in manufacturing
capabilities is the improvement in quality performance (e.g., Amoako-Gyampah and
Meredith, 2007; Avella et al., 2010; Hallgren et al., 2011; Noble, 1995; Rosenzweig and
Roth, 2004; Roth, 1996). These findings imply that quality is a necessary condition for
the development of other capabilities, and eventually, a necessary condition for
satisfactory business outcomes.

Similarly, another group of researchers have argued that quality should be regarded as a
qualifying criterion, such that a company must meet the requirement of quality for a
customer to even consider the company as a possible source of supply (Hallgren et al.,
2011; Hill and Hill, 2009; Hörte and Ylinenpää, 1997). If the firm does not meet the
necessary quality standards, it will lose the order and most likely also potential future
orders (Hörte and Ylinenpää, 1997). As such, quality is required for firms to enter or
remain in the market, and it also corresponds to the basic needs of customers (Hallgren et
al., 2011).

Additional empirical evidence can be found in the studies on manufacturing strategy

taxonomies. Close examination of their findings shows that quality dimensions generally
receive high emphasis across different strategic groups (Frohlich and Dixon, 2001;
Kathuria, 2000; Miller and Roth, 1994; Zhao et al., 2006). Similarly, Conant et al. (1990)
show that firms falling into the three strategic groups of the Miles and Snow typology all
preferentially emphasize quality. These findings indicate that quality is essential for
different business and manufacturing strategies.

Therefore, based on the aforementioned theoretical models and empirical findings, we

maintain that quality is a necessary condition for achieving satisfactory organizational
performance, across different strategic groups.

H1a: An emphasis on the competitive priority of quality is a necessary condition for

a firm to achieve high sales growth.

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H1b: An emphasis on the competitive priority of quality is a necessary condition for

a firm to achieve high profitability.

Prospector Manufacturing Strategy

The prospectors usually compete by anticipating new product or marketplace

opportunities and through technological innovation (Desarbo et al., 2005). In order to
succeed, prospectors need to develop new technologies, products, and markets rapidly
(Conant et al., 1990). Prospectors greatly emphasize flexibilities (Miles and Snow, 1978).
Strength in product R&D and product engineering are essential for firms in this strategic
group (Hambrick, 1983; Walker et al., 2003). Under these conditions, design flexibility, is
required (Conant et al., 1990). Specifically, R&D departments need to focus on
developing new products for both existing and new marketplaces. Their technological
systems must be designed to avoid long-term commitments to a single type of
technological process, and design flexibility is the basis that facilitates new product
development (Oltra and Flor, 2010). Furthermore, volume flexibility is also required,
since prospectors often face an uncertain market (Desarbo et al., 2005), where customer
demands may greatly fluctuate. They may also need to dramatically increase the volume
of production if a new market opportunity is identified, and decrease the volume if they
decide to withdraw from a market.

On the other hand, prospectors generally do not emphasize cost efficiency. They need to
expend a substantial amount of resources on R&D, in order to achieve satisfactory
outcomes (Walker et al., 2003). They also attempt to avoid committing to a single
technological process, thereby leaving all their options open when faced with new market
opportunities (Oltra and Flor, 2010). Thus, they need to utilize more general-purpose
equipment, rather than specialized ones, which would allow them maximum flexibility in
terms of producing different products. Such equipment, however, is inevitably less cost
efficient, compared to specialized equipment (Jelinek and Burstein, 1982). Furthermore,
they need to engage a considerable portion of their core technology in production of
prototypes, as well as in development of diverse technologies and skills of their technical
personnel (Conant et al., 1990; Oltra and Flor, 2010). This also increases their costs. In
sum, prospectors need to maintain maximum flexibility in terms of product design and
production, which often results in high cost (Miles and Snow, 1978). An emphasis on
cost efficiency is, thus, inconsistent with the prospector strategy.

The remaining priorities, such as delivery and broad product line, constitute peripheral
conditions, inasmuch as development of capabilities related to these priorities should
further enhance prospectors’ competitiveness. Thus, it is hypothesized that:

H2: There is a group of firms whose manufacturing strategies are consistent with
the profile of prospectors such that the emphasis on competitive priorities of
(a) volume flexibility,
(b) design flexibility, as well as absence of emphasis on
(c) cost efficiency, are core conditions for them to achieve high sales growth,
while emphasis on competitive priorities of

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(d) delivery and

(e) broad product line are peripheral conditions for them to achieve high sales

H3: There is a group of firms whose manufacturing strategies are consistent with
the profile of prospectors such that the emphasis on competitive priorities of
(a) volume flexibility,
(b) design flexibility, as well as absence of emphasis on
(c) cost efficiency, are core conditions for them to achieve high profitability,
while emphasis on competitive priorities of
(d) delivery and
(e) broad product line are peripheral conditions for them to achieve high

Defender Manufacturing Strategy

Unlike prospectors, the defenders do not emphasize new product or market development.
They tend to offer a more limited range of products or services, and try to protect their
domains by offering higher quality, superior service, and lower prices (Desarbo et al.,
2005; Hambrick, 1983). Thus, their operational functions focus on only a few core
technologies (Conant et al., 1990), and do not intend to develop and maintain broad
product line. The defenders’ primary goal is to serve a stable market that absorbs the
organizations’ output on a continuous and high volume flow (Oltra and Flor, 2010).
There is little need for defenders to develop volume flexibility. Emphasis on the volume
flexibility in this case, may become a waste of organizational resources.

In contrast, defenders tend to use their resources very efficiently, and they place great
emphasis on improving even further their potential for efficiency (Hambrick, 1983). For
operations functions, the efficiency could be achieved by pursuing two priorities, such as
cost efficiency and delivery. Specifically, defenders heavily devote themselves to the
engineering task, focusing more on resource efficiency and process improvements that
cut operations costs (Desarbo et al., 2005; Hambrick, 1983). In addition to cost efficiency,
delivery is also essential. Speedy delivery not only reduces inventories, but also shortens
internal product transport time, whereas reliable delivery eliminates the need for repeat
consignments (Avella et al., 2011). Furthermore, emphasis on delivery is consistent with
the goal of defenders to offer superior service (Desarbo et al., 2005; Hambrick, 1983).
Empirically, it is found that defenders should place more emphasis on cost efficiency and
delivery in order to achieve satisfactory performance (Oltra and Flor, 2010). These two
priorities thus constitute core conditions for defenders to achieve high performance.

Finally, while design flexibility is not essential to the success of defenders, emphasis on
this priority could potentially enhance their competitiveness. Historically, if a firm
focuses on cost efficiency, its production process should be designed to handle mass
production with low product variety. In this case, it is costly to modify a production line
for new products, thus the firm should not frequently introduce new products and/or
change product design. Design flexibility should not be emphasized. However, modern

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engineering technologies, such as Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT), and

modern management techniques, such as Toyota Production System (TPS), could enable
firms to achieve speedy new product introduction and/or design change, without much
sacrifice of productivity (Adler et al., 1999; Gerwin, 1993). Thus, it is possible for
defenders to also emphasize and develop capability of design flexibility to gain
competitive advantages. It could constitute a peripheral condition for defender’s

H4: There is a group of firms whose manufacturing strategies are consistent with
the profile of defenders such that the emphasis on competitive priorities of
(a) cost efficiency,
(b) delivery, as well as absence of emphasis on
(c) broad product line and
(d) volume flexibility, are core conditions for them to achieve high sales
growth, while emphasis on competitive priorities of
(e) design flexibility is a peripheral condition for them to achieve high sales

H5: There is a group of firms whose manufacturing strategies are consistent with
the profile of defenders such that the emphasis on competitive priorities of
(a) cost efficiency,
(b) delivery, as well as absence of emphasis on
(c) broad product line and
(d) volume flexibility, are core conditions for them to achieve high
profitability, while emphasis on competitive priorities of
(e) design flexibility is a peripheral condition for them to achieve high

Analyzer Manufacturing Strategy

Miles and Snow (1978)’s theory suggests a continuum in which the prospector and the
defender are endpoints and the analyzer is the midpoint (Doty et al., 1993; Hambrick,
1983). Analyzers engage in two types of product-market domains, with one being
relatively stable and another relatively dynamic. They operate routinely and efficiently in
a relatively stable market, while watching competitors closely for new ideas in the
relatively dynamic market and are ready to produce new products if they appear to be
promising (Zajac and Shortell, 1989). Analyzers should thus exhibit some characteristics
similar to both prospectors and defenders (Doty et al., 1993). In their relatively stable
market segments, analyzers should act like defenders, focusing on efficiency. In their
relatively dynamic market segments, they are more likely to follow a second-but-better
strategy (Desarbo et al., 2005). Specifically, they enter markets later than the prospectors,
with more cost-effective or value oriented products or service offerings (Conant et al.,
1990). Accordingly, we maintain that operations functions in an analyzer organization
should emphasize the capability of developing and maintaining a broad product line,
since they are continuously seeking new marketplaces and are acting as calculated
followers to prospectors. They are also pursuing efficiency, since they not only need to

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compete on efficiency in stable markets, and but also intend to offer a “cost-effective or
value-oriented product or service” in dynamic markets where they are “second-in”. As
such, their operations function should emphasize both cost-efficiency and delivery, as in
the case of defenders. These three priorities constitute core conditions for analyzers to
achieve high performance.

On the other hand, volume and design flexibility might help them to compete in the
marketplace, but they are not as critical as aforementioned priorities. The analyzers
develop new products or enter new markets only after the products/markets have been
proved viable. As such, they may face a relatively stable market demand, compared to
those firms entering the market first. This reduces the importance of volume flexibility.
The design of the new products may have been at least partially defined. Thus, analyzers
can update the product line without incurring the prospector’s extensive research and
development expenses (Oltra and Flor, 2010), which reduce the importance of design
flexibility. Oltra and Flor (2010) show empirically that volume and design flexibility are
not as important for analyzers as for prospectors. Thus, they should constitute peripheral
conditions, but not core conditions for analyzers to succeed.

H6: There is a group of firms whose manufacturing strategies are consistent with
the profile of analyzers such that the emphasis on competitive priorities of
(a) cost efficiency,
(b) delivery, and
(c) broad product line are core conditions for them to achieve high sales
growth, while emphasis on
(d) volume and
(e) design flexibility are peripheral conditions for them to achieve high sales

H7: There is a group of firms whose manufacturing strategies are consistent with
the profile of analyzers such that the emphasis on competitive priorities of
(a) cost efficiency,
(b) delivery, and
(c) broad product line are core conditions for them to achieve high
profitability, while emphasis on
(d) volume and
(e) design flexibility are peripheral conditions for them to achieve high

Research Method

Data collection

We investigate our research hypotheses in the context of Chinese manufacturing firms.

Our sampling frame consists of 143,000 Chinese companies, each with annual revenues
of more than 5 million RMB (Chinese currency). The target companies were randomly
selected from 29 Chinese provinces, using a stratified probability proportional to sizes

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method, which ensures sample representativeness in terms of revenues, industries, and

ownership. Budget constraints limited the number of target firms to 620. In each firm, a
manager or senior executive familiar with manufacturing served as the key informant;
these informants were first contacted by telephone to solicit their cooperation. After the
questionnaires had been mailed, we repeatedly called the respondents to remind them to
complete and return the questionnaires. With a final response rate of 70%, we obtained
questionnaires from 434 firms that represent a range of industries in the manufacturing
sector, including electronics and other electrical equipment and components (12.2%),
industrial and commercial machinery (12.5%), primary metals and fabricated metal
products (except machinery and equipment) (9.7%), chemicals and allied products
(10.4%), food and beverage products (10.8%), rubber and miscellaneous plastics products
(2.1%), apparel (2.8%), textile (3.9%), paper (2.1%), tobacco (2.8%), medical products
(5.5%), and others (25.2%). Among them, 19% employed a work force of fewer than 200
employees, 16% had 200–500, 34% employed 500–2000, and 30% had more than 2000
employees. Regarding ownership, 35% of the companies were state-owned enterprises
(SOEs), and 65% were non-SOEs.

Measurement Development

We adopted the measures of competitive priorities from Miller and Roth (1994) and Zhao
et al. (2006). We partially adapted the items used to measure business costs, competitive
intensity, and labor shortages from Ward et al. (1996). We developed items measuring
the performance, such as sales growth and profitability, specifically for this study.
Following Zhao et al. (2004), the performance outcomes are measured on nine-point
Likert scales, which can provide more variance (Zhao et al., 2004). The questionnaire
items appear in Appendix.

The adequacy of these multi-item scales in capturing their constructs is also assessed
using a confirmatory model. The confirmatory model is tested on the full dataset by using
the EQS 6.1 program (Bentler, 1995). The goodness-of-fit indices suggest an excellent fit
for this model: the Chi-square value with 80 degree of freedom is 194 (P=0.00; ratio of
chi-square to the degrees of freedom= 2.4), NFI=0.91, NNFI=0.92, CFI=0.94, IFI=0.94,
SRMR=0.04, and RMSEA =0.06. As shown in the Appendix, all the items have a large,
significant loading on their designated constructs. To evaluate the convergent validity, we
compute average variance extracted (AVE) for each of the constructs. As presented in the
Appendix, all the AVEs exceed the recommended minimum level of 0.5, indicating the
convergent validity of the constructs (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). To test discriminant
validity of the constructs, we compare the amount of shared variance of any two
constructs with the AVEs of the constructs. The result of this test shows that the AVE of
each construct is larger than the shared variances between all pairs of factors in the
model, indicating a satisfactory level of discriminant validity (Fornell and Larcker, 1981).
Additionally, we calculated composite reliability to check the consistency and reliability
for the multi-item scales. All the composite reliability values exceed 0.6 (see Appendix),
adequate for an exploratory study such as the current one (Nunnally, 1978).

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Our scales exhibit nomological and theoretical validity, because they reflect an extensive
review of manufacturing strategy literature (e.g., Miller and Roth, 1994; Safizadeh et al.,
2000; Ward et al., 1995; Zhao et al., 2006). Evidence of criterion-related validity, or the
extent to which a construct is related to other theoretically connected constructs (Schwab,
1980), emerges from our analysis that links manufacturing strategy to performance. The
stratified probability proportional to sizes method ensures cross-sample consistency, such
that the findings are representative of the population (Badri et al., 2000; Ward et al.,

Table 3 presents the means, standard deviations, and correlations of the constructs
measured by Likert-type scales.


Data Analysis and Results

Following Fiss (2011), we employ a new analytical technique, Fuzzy set Qualitative
Comparative Analysis (FsQCA) to identify the manufacturing strategies leading to high
organizational performance. FsQCA was originally designed for qualitative research with
small to medium sample sizes, but was recently adapted by a number of researchers to
analyze a large dataset for theory development and validation (Cooper and Glaesser,
2011; Fiss, 2007; Woodside, 2013). It examines the effects of various configurations of
antecedents, rather than the individual antecedents, on the outcomes (Schneider et al.,
2010). By doing so, it is able to identify alternative configurations of sufficient conditions
and thus enables the testing of equifinality (Fiss, 2007; Ragin, 2008). For each
configuration, it also identifies necessary, core, and peripheral conditions among the
included antecedents (Fiss, 2011; Ragin, 2008).

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Table 3: Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations


Quality (QA) 4.40 0.59 1 .549** .338** .337** .386** .380** .361** .361** .234** .309**

Delivery (DL) 4.17 0.73 .549** 1 .460** .407** .449** .375** .348** .348** .259** .358**

Cost efficiency (CE) 4.21 0.70 .338** .460** 1 .439** .428** .358** .259** .259** .130** .164**

Volume flexibility (VF) 4.22 0.78 .337** .407** .439** 1 .624** .487** .238** .238** .181** .228**

Design flexibility (DF) 3.95 0.74 .386** .449** .428** .624** 1 .652** .285** .285** .290** .329**

Broad product line (BP) 3.62 1.01 .380** .375** .358** .487** .652** 1 .341** .341** .267** .310**

Uncertainty (UC) 4.14 0.54 .361** .348** .259** .238** .285** .341** 1 1.000** .220** .293**

Munificence(MU) 4.14 0.54 .361** .348** .259** .238** .285** .341** 1.000** 1 .220** .293**

Profitability (PR) 7.08 2.05 .234** .259** .130** .181** .290** .267** .220** .220** 1 .728**

Sales growth (SG) 7.67 1.72 .309** .358** .164** .228** .329** .310** .293** .293** .728** 1
* p < .05. ** p < .01. *** p < .001.

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Calibration of the Data

FsQCA calibrates variables as fuzzy set scores ranging from 0 to 1, reflecting their
degrees of membership within predefined sets. A crossover anchor (often around 0.5)
needs to be established for a qualitative distinction between the “in” and “out” parameters
of a set. In this study, performance indicators are measured by 9-point Likert-type scales,
while other dimensions are measured by 5-point Likert-type scales. For constructs using
multi-item scales, mean scores of the scale items are first calculated as the construct
score. Following Fiss (2007), we code the membership as “full in” for the construct score
of 9 for performance, and 5 for other dimensions. We code the membership as “full out”
for the construct score of 1. The midpoint scores (3 for 5-point Likert-type scales and 5
for 9-point Likert-type scales) theoretically correspond to the crossover anchor “neither in
nor out”. However, setting them as the anchors will result in the cases with midpoint
scores (fuzzy set score of 0.5) being dropped from the FsQCA analysis. Thus, we set the
crossover anchor at the score of 3.1 for 5-point Likert-type scales and 5.1 for 9-point
Likert-type scales. This assures that no case will be dropped and it does not affect the
analysis results (Fiss, 2007). Based on the aforementioned criteria, we transform the raw
scores into membership scores, ranging from 0 to 1, using the direct method of
calibration provided by FsQCA software (Ragin, 2008).

Fsqca Analysis Procedure

As suggested by Ragin (2008), we run two two-step FsQCA analyses to test our
hypotheses, with sales growth and profitability as the outcomes, respectively. The
competitive priorities are entered as antecedents in the analyses. To test the viability of
the manufacturing strategies across different business environments, we also include two
major dimensions of environment as antecedents, such as munificence and uncertainty.
Uncertainty refers to unpredictable changes in the environment, while munificence refers
to extent of slack or scarcity of resources in an environment (Dess and Beard, 1984;
Lawless and Finch, 1989; Ward et al., 1995). Specifically, for the dimension of
munificence, we include three elements widely studied in prior studies on manufacturing
strategies (Amoako-Gyampah, 2003; Amoako-Gyampah and Boye, 2001; Badri et al.,
2000; Ward et al., 1995), such as business costs, labor shortage, and competitive
intensity. For the dimension of uncertainty, we include elements such as uncertainty in
the product market, that in the supply market, and that in terms of overall operations
costs. Arguably, if a strategy is only viable in a particular environment, the environmental
forces will become core conditions for the firms in the strategic group to succeed. In
other words, this strategy and this particular environment, together, constitute a set of
core conditions leading to firms’ success.

At the first step of analysis, we conduct a necessary condition test for the two outcomes.
FsQCA evaluates “necessity” of a condition based on the extent to which the instances of
the outcome constitute a subset of the instances of the antecedent (Ragin, 2000; 2008).
Specifically, consistency scores are calculated by using FsQCA software (Ragin, 2000).
A consistency score of 0.9 or above indicates that an antecedent is a necessary condition.
Nevertheless, a necessary condition could be a trivial one if it occurs in all cases,

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independent of the presence of an outcome. To measure the degree to which an

antecedent is trivial, we calculate coverage score. A coverage score close to 0 indicates
that an antecedent is trivial (Schneider et al., 2010), and is not essential to the outcomes.

At step two, we exclude the individual antecedents deemed necessary at step one from
further analysis. The remaining antecedents are analyzed to determine whether they form
alternative configurations leading to the outcomes (Ragin, 2008). For each outcome,
FsQCA software constructs a truth table with 2k rows, representing all the possible
combinations of causal conditions (k is the number of antecedents) (Ragin, 2008). Each
sample case is then assigned to one of the combinations, based on its membership scores
on each of the antecedents. A key task at this step is to establish a number-of-case
threshold based on nature of the study (Ragin, 2008). If there are more cases belonging to
the combination than the threshold number, the combination is regarded as a relevant
configuration in the analysis. The remaining combinations are regarded as remainders.
For the current study, we set this threshold at 5.

Next, we calculate the consistency score for the relevant configurations (Ragin, 2008).
The consistency score threshold is set at 0.9, consistent with prior studies (e.g., Cheng et
al., 2013; Schneider et al., 2010). Furthermore, as suggested by Rubinson (2013), we also
set a consistency proportion threshold of 0.9. This threshold specifies the minimum ratio
of “consistent cases to all cases” required to classify a configuration as one that meets the
requirement of sufficiency. In sum, a configuration is coded 1, indicating its sufficiency
(i.e., it “almost always” leads to the outcome), if (a) the number of cases belonging to this
configuration is more than 5; (b) overall consistency score is at least 0.9; and (3) at least
90% of the cases in the configuration are consistent with sufficiency (consistency
proportion >= 0.9).

Finally, we run FsQCA software to yield solutions (Ragin, 2008). The program produces
three solutions for each analysis: a complex solution, a parsimonious solution, and an
intermediary solution by using counterfactual analysis. Essentially, the conditions
appearing in parsimonious solutions could be regarded as core conditions, while those
appearing in intermediate solutions, but not in parsimonious solutions, could be regarded
as peripheral ones (Fiss, 2011).

In this paper, we report both intermediate and parsimonious solutions. We also report two
types of coverage at this step: (1) raw/solution coverages, which measure the extent to
which configurations identified by the analysis account for the outcome; and (2) unique
coverage, which refers to the proportion of memberships in the outcome, and is solely
determined by a particular configuration (Ragin, 2008).

Analysis Results

As shown in Table 4, emphasis on quality is found to be a necessary condition for both

sales growth and profitability, supporting H1 a and b. Additionally, emphasis on delivery
is found to be a necessary condition for profitability. The final FsQCA analysis results are
presented in Table 5, which presents necessary, core, and peripheral conditions for the

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configurations of competitive priorities leading to high sales growth and profitability. All
the raw and solution coverage values are above 0.1(10%), indicating that the
configurations explain a large portion of their designated outcomes. Five solutions
emerge as configurations leading to sales growth. Among them, configuration 1 is
generally consistent with the profile of prospector manufacturing strategy. Its core
conditions include emphasis on volume and design flexibility, as well as absence of
emphasis on cost efficiency. Thus, H2a-c are supported. Delivery turns out to be the
peripheral condition, supporting H2d. Absence of emphasis on broad product line turns
out to be a core condition, rejecting H2e.

Table 4: Necessarity Test

Sales growth Profitability
Quality 0.94*1(0.912) 0.94*(0.84)
Delivery 0.89 (0.92) 0.90* (0.86)
Cost efficiency 0.88 (0.91) 0.89 (0.84)
Volume flexibility 0.88(0.91) 0.89(0.84)
Design flexibility 0.85(0.93) 0.86 (0.88)
Broad product line 0.74(0.94) 0.76(0.89)
Note: *: pass the consistency threshold; 1 = Consistency; 2 = Coverage

Table 5: Fsqca Analysis Results-Necessary, Core, and Peripheral Conditions

Outcome: sales growth Outcome: profitability
Configurations 1 2 3a 3b 4 5 6
Quality N N N N N N N
Delivery P P ~C ~C C N N
Cost efficiency ~C C C C C ~C C
Volume flexibility C ~C ~P P P P ~C
Design flexibility C C ~P P P P C
Broad product line ~C ~P ~C ~C C C

Uncertainty ~P ~P ~P ~P ~P ~P
Munificence P P P P P P P

Consistency 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.95

Raw coverage 0.18 0.18 0.14 0.18 0.66 0.21 0.21
Unique coverage 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.44 0.05 0.05
Overall solution 0.96 0.94
Overall solution 0.69 0.27
Note: N- necessary condition; C-core condition; P-peripheral condition; ~absence of the condition.

Configuration 2 resembles the profile of defender manufacturing strategy. Cost efficiency

is a core condition in this configuration, consistent with H4a. Delivery is a peripheral
condition, partially supporting H4b. Absence of emphasis on broad product line turns out
to be a peripheral condition, partially supporting H4c. Absence of emphasis on volume
flexibility is a core condition, consistent with H4d. Emphasis on design flexibility is a
core condition, partially supporting H4e. Configuration 3a is also similar to defender,

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with core conditions such as emphasis on cost efficiency, as well as absence of emphasis
on broad product line. This is consistent with H4 a and c. Additionally, absence of
emphasis on volume flexibility is a peripheral condition in this configuration, offering
partial support to H4d. However, absence of emphasis on delivery becomes a core
condition for this strategy, contradicting H4b. Absence of design flexibility turns out to
be a peripheral condition, contradicting H4e.

Configuration 3b shares the same core conditions with configuration 3a. Thus, it is also
consistent with H4a and c, and contradicts H4b. However, volume and design flexibility
turn out to be peripheral conditions in this configuration, while absence of these two
priorities are peripheral conditions in 3a. This contradicts H4d (absence of volume
flexibility is a core condition), but is consistent with H4e (design flexibility is a
peripheral condition). In sum, the configurations 2, 3a, and 3b all resemble defender
manufacturing strategies to some extent, but do not perfectly meet the profile of this ideal
type. They could be regarded as different variations of this strategy. Finally,
configuration 4 is consistent with the profile of analyzer manufacturing strategy, with
core conditions such as emphasis on cost efficiency, delivery, and broad product line, as
well as peripheral conditions of emphasis on volume and design flexibility. Thus, H6 a-e
are supported.

As for the outcome of profitability, FsQCA analysis produces two configurations.

Configuration 5 is consistent with the profile of prospector manufacturing strategy.
Absence of cost efficiency is a core condition, consistent with H3c. Emphasis on volume
and design flexibility are peripheral conditions, partially supporting H3a and b. As
mentioned, emphasis on delivery is a necessary condition, partially supporting H3d.
Emphasis on broad product line is a core condition, partially supporting H3e.
Configuration 6 is consistent with the profile of defender. Emphasis on cost efficiency is
a core condition, supporting H5a. Emphasis on delivery is a necessary condition,
partially supporting H5b. Emphasis on broad product line does not affect profitability,
contradicting H5c. Absence of emphasis on volume flexibility is a core condition,
supporting H5d. Emphasis on design flexibility is a core condition, partially supporting
H5e. The analysis does not yield a configuration resembling analyzer, rejecting H7a-e.

Finally, munificence and stability (lack of uncertainty) turn out to be peripheral

conditions, but not core conditions, in the configurations produced by the two FsQCA
analyses, except for configuration 4, in which uncertainty does not affect sales growth at
all. Thus, none of the strategic types identified is environment-specific.


In this study, we utilize FsQCA to identify configurations of competitive priorities

leading to two organizational outcomes, namely, sales growth and profitability. FsQCA
analysis yields five configurations for sales growth and two for profitability. We first
discuss the two sets of configurations, and then their implication for managers

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Manufacturing Strategies Leading to Sales Growth

For sales growth, while configurations 1 and 4 fit the profiles of prospectors and analyzer
respectively, configurations 2, 3a, and 3b represent three different alternatives of
defender manufacturing strategy. These findings, however, are consistent with Walker
and Ruekert (1987)’s classification of low cost and differentiated defenders. Based on
both Miles and Snow’s typology and Porter (1985)’s typology of cost leadership and
differentiation, Walker and Ruekert (1987) argue that there exist two types of defender
strategies. Both of them attempt to maintain their position in mature markets. However,
to achieve this goal, one group strongly emphasizes low costs (low cost defender), while
the other focuses on offering unique product and excellent service (differentiated

Our configuration 3a fits the profile of low cost defender. It is the most conservative
strategy. Emphasis on cost efficiency, as well as lack of emphasis on delivery and broad
product lines, constitute core condition. Lack of emphasis on volume and design
flexibility constitute peripheral conditions. Configuration 3b shares the same core
conditions as configuration 3a. However, emphasis on the two types of flexibility turns
out to be peripheral conditions in configuration 3b, indicating that firms in this strategic
group could develop either volume or design flexibility, or both of them, to enhance
performance (if neither type of flexibility is emphasized, it would retrogress to
configuration 3a) Thus, configuration 3b reflects a manufacturing strategy supporting a
differentiated defender strategy at the organizational level.

On the other hand, configuration 2 reflects another type of differentiated defender

strategy. As core conditions, firms in this group emphasize cost efficiency but not volume
flexibility, which is consistent with the profile of classic mass manufacturers. Yet,
emphasis on design flexibility is another core condition, indicating that this strategic
group tends to maintain their competitiveness by quickly catering to changing customer
needs. Furthermore, delivery is a peripheral condition in this configuration, indicating
that offering excellent delivery service could further enhance their competitiveness. Firms
in this strategic group may engage in mass customization, which utilizes modern
engineering techniques to customize products for customers without sacrificing
economies of scale (Duray et al., 2000; Pine et al., 1995).

Manufacturing Strategies Leading to Sales Growth

Unlike in the strategies leading to sales growth, delivery turns out to be a necessary
condition in the strategies leading to profitability. A possible explanation is that, a firm’s
sales growth often comes from new customers, who experience the firm’s delivery after
their orders are placed. As such, while a firm’s reputation on delivery might attract new
customers, this priority is not as important in facilitating sales growth as in retaining
existing customers. The existing customers have experienced the firm’s delivery in their
previous orders, and may become reluctant to place orders again if the experience was
unsatisfactory. Since existing customers may contribute to a major portion of a firm’s
profit, delivery becomes essential (a necessary condition) to the firm’s profitability.

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Our analysis shows that only two manufacturing strategic groups, defender and
prospector, lead to high profitability. Analyzer manufacturing strategy, however, does not
emerge in the FsQCA analysis. As mentioned, analyzers operate in both stable and
dynamic market segments. They share the characteristics of defender in the stable
markets, and those of prospectors in the dynamic markets (Conant et al., 1990; Desarbo et
al., 2005). Their operation functions thus need to develop and maintain capabilities
geared specifically to the two distinct types of markets. However, maintaining two types
of operation capabilities could be relatively costly and reduce firms’ profitability. This
result is consistent with Fiss (2011)’s finding that analyzer organizational strategy cannot
achieve extremely high performance in terms of returns on investment (ROI).

The prospector strategy leading to high profitability (configuration 5) has a core

condition of emphasis on broad product lines. In contrast, the prospector manufacturing
strategy leading to high sales growth (configuration 1) consists of a core condition of
absence of emphasis on the same priority. We may label the former strategy as “broad
prospector”, since it operates in broad markets, while the latter one as “niche prospector”,
since it focuses on a narrow market segment. The “broad prospectors” engaging in
several market segments are often established firms, which may place more emphasis on
profitability than sales growth. Furthermore, with their operations in several market
segments, broad prospectors are more likely to obtain steady profit than niche
prospectors, which operate in a single market. As such, broad prospector strategy is more
likely to result in profitability.

On the other hand, the defender strategy leading to profitability (configuration 6) is

similar to one of the differentiated defender strategies for sales growth, i.e., configuration
2. Compared to other two defender strategies (configurations 3a and 3b), its simultaneous
emphasis on delivery and design flexibility is more likely to satisfy existing customers,
thereby enhancing profitability.

Implication for Managers

Our findings indicate that competitive priorities constitute different types of conditions
for outcomes in each strategic group. To achieve desirable outcomes, firms’ decision on
manufacturing strategies should be made based on the relative importance of the
priorities. No matter which business strategy they wish to adopt, firms need to first place
emphasis on the competitive priorities constituting necessary conditions. Next, firms
should pay attention to the core conditions, and then design their strategies
correspondingly. For example, it is difficult to implement a defender strategy without
cost efficiency. If a firm lacks capabilities related to cost efficiency, two options are
available: (1) it may adopt an alternative business strategy, which does not emphasize
cost efficiency; or (2) it may place emphasis on this priority and make efforts to improve
it. It can adopt modern manufacturing technologies to improve cost efficiency. Finally,
satisfying all the necessary, core, and peripheral conditions inherent in a specific
manufacturing strategy is desirable. However, in practice, some firms may lack sufficient
resources for their operations functions. In this case, they may trade off the peripheral

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conditions for the necessary and core conditions. By doing so, they can maintain the key
elements of their selected manufacturing strategy in order to support their corresponding
business strategy.

Our study also shows that business goals such as sales growth and profitability place
somewhat different requirements on operations functions, and demand different
configurations of competitive priorities. Therefore, when developing manufacturing
strategies, firms first need to consider whether to trade off various business goals. A firm
may select one particular business goal deemed most important, and, subsequently,
design a manufacturing strategy to best support that goal. For example, an emerging high-
tech firm may decide to adopt a prospector strategy and focus solely on sales growth. Its
manufacturing strategy thus should be optimized for this purpose. Alternatively, a firm
may decide to pursue several goals simultaneously. Tradeoffs thus should be made at the
manufacturing strategy level, if these goals demand different operational capabilities. For
example, if an analyzer wishes to pursue both sales growth and profitability, it may
devote more resources to the operations functions serving its stable market domain, and
less to those serving the dynamic domain. This enhances its capability of acting like a
defender to obtain profitability in a stable market, at the cost of its ability of acting like a
prospector to seek a new market domain for sales growth. Nevertheless, a possible
consequence of such a compromise is that the firm is likely to perform well, but not best,
in pursuing each of the goals.

Limitation and Future Research

Our study has some limitations which in turn provide directions for future research. First,
we have examined firms’ emphases on competitive priorities, not their actual capabilities.
Additional research should investigate both firms’ manufacturing strategies and their
actual capabilities, thereby testing whether firms can actually achieve satisfactory
performance, if they faithfully implement their manufacturing strategies.

Second, we collected all our data from China. Future researchers may further test the
typology in different countries to establish its stability. We anticipate that similar
strategic groups, consistent with the Miles and Snow typology, will be found. Yet, some
competitive priorities emphasized by these strategic groups, especially those constituting
peripheral conditions, may differ from our results, due to the unique characteristics of
these countries.


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Appendix I. Questionnaire Items

Please indicate the degree to which the following are your company’s major priorities, using a scale of 1 to
5, with 1 being "very unimportant" and 5 being "very important."

Quality (AVE=0.56, CR=0.84)1

Performance quality
Product durability
Conformance quality
Reduction of defective
(summed up and divided by 4)

Delivery (AVE=0.72, CR=0.84)

Delivery speed
Delivery dependability
(summed up and divided by 2)

Cost (AVE=0.53, CR=0.69)

Reduce production costs
Reduce inventory costs
(summed up and divided by 2)

Design flexibility (AVE=0.63, CR=0.77)

Ability to introduce new product
Ability to make rapid design change
(summed up and divided by 2)
Volume flexibility
Broad product line

Uncertainty (AVE=0.59, CR=0.88)

Please indicate the degree of uncertainty related to the following aspects in your business environment,
using a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "very unpredictable" and 5 being "always predictable". (reverse coded)

Demand for your products

Customers’ needs
Competitors’ actions
Supply of raw materials/parts
Operations costs
(summed up and divided by 5)


Please indicate the degree to which the following are major concerns to your company, using a scale of 1
to 5, with 1 being "very unimportant" and 5 being "very important."

Rising business costs

Lack of desirable labor
Competition in domestic markets
Competition in foreign markets
(summed up and divided by 4)

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Please select the response that best indicates how true each of the following statements is about your
company’s performance, compared with your major competitors, using a scale of 1 to 9, with 1 being
“strongly disagree" and 9 being "strongly agree".

Sales growth
Your company’s sales growth is excellent

Your company’s profitability is excellent

Note: 1. AVE= Average Variance Extracted, CR=Composite Reliability

1. The construct of munificence, which is measured using multi-item, formative scales, is
excluded from the confirmatory factor analysis. Thus, no AVE and CR are calculated. The
formative scales are taken as causes of the construct in question (Pedhazur and Schmelkin.
1991). These indicators need not be highly correlated (Pedhazur and Schmelkin., 1991). For
example, a firm facing intensive competition overseas does not necessarily face intensive
domestic competition, and vice versa. As such, we do not expect internal consistency for the
formative scales (Bollen and Lennox, 1991) and, hence, exclude them from the confirmatory
factor analysis.

Asian Journal of Business Research, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2018 62

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