Marine Gas Turbine: Performance
Marine Gas Turbine: Performance
Marine Gas Turbine: Performance
30 MW
Marine Gas Turbine
GE’s 30 MW marine gas turbine is based on the industry
standard-setting 25 MW marine gas turbine. Its main
features are increased power (20%) compared to the 25
MW unit, the same high availability and reliability, and an
even higher efficiency (lower SFC). As in the case of GE’s
25 MW gas turbine, the 30 MW unit’s simple modular
design provides for easy maintenance with its split Performance
compressor casing, in-place blade and vane Output 40,500 shp (30,200 kW)
replacement, in-place hot section maintenance and SFC .354 lb/shp-hr (215 g/kW-hr)
external fuel nozzles.
Heat rate 6,522 Btu/shp-hr
Comparing the Design of the 30 MW to the 25 MW 8,746 Btu/kWs-hr
Marine Gas Turbine
9,227 kJ/kWs-hr
The primary difference between the two gas turbines is
the addition of one stage of compressor blades forward Exhaust gas flow 189 lb/sec (85.9 kg/sec)
of the 25 MW’s first stage blading which results in Exhaust gas temperature 965°F (518°C)
approximately a 20% airflow increase at full power. This Power turbine speed 3600 rpm
“zero” stage is a wide-chord, single-piece bladed disk or Average performance, 60 Hertz, 59°F (15°C), sea level, 60% relative
blisk. The 30 MW stage one blades have been redesigned humidity, no inlet/exhaust losses
without mid-span dampers. The 30 MW 17-stage
Max Power vs. Ambient Temperature
compressor has an increased pressure ratio to 23.1:1 losses: inlet/exhaust 4/6 inches (10/15 centimeters) water
from 18:1 of the 25 MW marine gas turbine.
Aft of the 30 MW gas turbine compressor is the fully
annular combustor with externally mounted fuel nozzles;
a two-stage air-cooled high-pressure turbine which
drives the compressor and the accessory-drive gearbox;
and a six-stage aerodynamically coupled, low-pressure
power turbine which is driven by the gas generator’s high
energy exhaust gas flow. The increase in power
warranted several design changes in the existing 25 MW
power turbine. The overall flow function was increased
11% to account for the higher airflow. Stage 1 and Stage
6 blades are optimized for aerodynamic efficiency to
keep the power turbine at its previously high level of
efficiency. The power turbine rotor has been
strengthened for the higher torque and potential energy
of the 30 MW marine gas turbine. Pre-wired, pre-piped
and factory-tested for easy installation, the 30 MW
module weighs just 48,090 pounds (21,859 kilograms). It
requires only 338 x 108 x 120 cubic inches of ship space
(28.2 x 9 x 10 feet) (7.16 x 2.74 x 3.05 meters). The inlet
duct flow area is 57 square feet (5.35 square meters) and 30 MW Marine
the exhaust flow area is 36 square feet (3.3 square Gas Turbine Module
Base plate width 123 in (3.12 m)
Base plate length 566 in (14.38 m)
Enclosure height 157 in (3.98 m)
Base plate weight 208,000 lb (94,545 kg)
Duct flow areas Inlet 57 ft2 (5.3 m2)
Exhaust 36 ft2 (3.3 m2)
* Exact dimensions, weight and performance vary with the specific
generator selected.
Output 29,000 kW
Heat rate 8,856 Btu/kW-hr
Thermal efficiency 38%
Average performance, 60 Hertz, 59°F (15°C), sea level, 60% relative
humidity, 4 inches (10 centimeters) water inlet loss, 6 inches (15 30 MW Marine Gas Turbine-
centimeters) water exhaust loss Generator Set
AE-69214A (04-14)
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