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On Chondrules and Chondritic Structure in Meteorites

Author(s): George P. Merrill

Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
Vol. 6, No. 8 (Aug. 15, 1920), pp. 449-472
Published by: National Academy of Sciences
Stable URL:
Accessed: 29-04-2018 14:38 UTC

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Volume 6 AUGUST 15, 1920 Number 8





Communicated by J. M. Clarke, May 12, 1920

The term "chondrit," from the Greek xov6por, a grain, was first used,
so far as I am aware, by Gustav Rose2 to designate a class of stony meteor-
ites characterized by the occurrence of small granules or "kugeln." "Sie
ist durch kleine Kugeln ausgezeichnet die aus einem noch nicht bestimmten
Magnesia-Silicate bestehen, und in einem fein kornigen Gemenge einge-
mengt sind," etc. The word, with the addition of the terminal e, as
Chondrite, has been very generally adopted, with its original meaning,
by English and American writers. Unfortunately, as it would seem,
further modification of the word as chondros, chondrule, chondrus, or
chondrum has been introduced, at first apparently synonymous in meaning
with kugel as used by Rose though it is to be noted that he did not define
the word quite as clearly as might be desired. He wrote: " * ** in
Bruche erscheinen sie theils uneben, theils fasrig, im letzern Fall jedoch
stets nur sehr feinfaserig, indessen doch immer bestimmt erkennbar
fasrig, besonders unter der Lupe * * nie radial, sondern immer excen-
trisch fasrig." No further reference is made to those of "uneben Bruche"
and one is left only to surmise that they may have been of a granular or
porphyritic rather than fibrous structure. The fact that Rose's work was
written before the day of thin sections doubtless accounts for the unde-
termined character of the magnesian silicate.
Tschermak in his Mikroskopische Beschaffenheit (1885) was little more
explicit in his use of terms than was Rose. He wrote: "Kugelchen und
iiberhaupt rundliche Korper, welche bald aus einem einzigen krystallin-
dividuum, bald aus mehreren bestehen, 6fters auch aus verschiedenen
Gemengtheilen zusammengestzt sind, bilden das Gestein fast allein (Borku
oder sie lagern unverletzt, 6fters auch zersplittert in einer lockeren bi
festen Tuffmasse." Elsewhere he includes all the rounded forms under

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the term chondren, though in his plate legends a

nates both as Kugelchen, thus using the two term
A perusal of the literature shows that by Englis
the terms chondrule, chondrus, chondrum or ch
for some years been applied to the rounded and o
a considerable range in mineral composition and
ternal structure, thus making the terms synony
gelchen as used by Tschermak above. Of later
in the generally adopted scheme of classification,
position to use the term kugel in a descriptive adj
chondrit, under which name are included stones
(or chondri) having a radiate structure-the sphe
American writers. There has thus apparently
many a confilsion which, as it seems to the wri
least responsible for the diverse views expressed
of these peculiar bodies. In other words, there ha
nize or discriminate between the kugelchen with
often irregular polysomatic forms with the "une
The present paper, then, represents an attempt on
to make this discrimination and to show how far
apply to the various forms presented.

At the outset and for the purpose of making clear what is to

it will be well to figure and describe a few characteristic forms of t
vidual chondrules. This notwithstanding the previous most
and comprehensive work of Tschermak and Cohen.5
Mineralogically, the chondrules, using the word in its bro
most comprehensive sense, in nearly all meteorites are composed
of the minerals olivine or pyroxene, the latter in either orthorh
monoclinic forms, or both. Some are largely of an undifferenti
Feldspars occur but rarely except in the form known as maske
In addition are occasional enclosures of metal or metallic sulphid
mite or other minor constituents. The metallic iron sometimes occurs
in rounded chondrite-like blebs, though it is doubtful if this should
referred to under that name. Structurally, the chondrules in the sam
meteorite may vary from densely cryptocrystalline, almost amorph
to those that are part glassy and porphyritic or even holocrystalline.
I. Glassy, Cryptocrystalline and Radiated Forms.-In figures 1 and 2
are shown examples of cryptocrystalline forms from the stones
Barratta, Australia, and Cullison, Kansas. That of figure 1 is of a pecu
brownish translucency and very dense, resembling the "felsitic" struct
of the early petrologist. In the Cullison stone, figure 2, the chondru
also of a brownish color, are not completely isotropic but between cro
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Voi,. 6, I920 PETROLOGY: G. P. MERRILL 451

nicols break up into several illy defined are

sweeps faintly and irregularly as the stage
to be a partially devitrified glass in a condit

FIG. 1i

sudden cooling. Chondrules of this type and those next to be de

more nearly resemble the spherulites of the terrestrial rocks t
others which have come under my notice. Their outlines are
as sharply demarked from the matrix in which they are embedd

FIG. 2

the spherulites in the rhyolitic obsidians of the Yellows


Chondrules of the radiating type are shown in figures 3, 4 and 5, from

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meteorites of Elm Creek, Hessle, and Parnallee

is enstatite6 and the outline of the spherule as
it had been turned on a lathe. In the Elm Cree

FIG. 3

evidently began at one point on the surface of the spher

inward throughout, but the cooling proceeded too rapidly
tion of an optically perfect crystal. In the Hessle sto
were evidently several initial points of crystallization.

FIG. 4

grade imperceptibly into such as are shown in figure 5,

ating bars have unmistakably the crystallographic prop
II. Half Glassy, Barred and Porphyritic Forms.--Porph
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characteristic of both olivine and enstatite chond

forms, such as are shown in figures 6 and 7, ar
wholly, to monosomatic forms composed of olivi

FIG. 5

Beaver Creek stone, the white portions are olivine whic

practically as a single unit; the black portions are glas
noted that the outlines, though sharp are not smooth as in t
above, but have projecting particles extending out into the

FIG. 6

that this border portion often contains enclosures. In fig

Hendersonville stone, the bars are bent and curved and do not all ex-
tinguish simultaneously, as the stage is revolved, the dark cloud sweeping
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over it irregularly, indicating a condition of

the border is not sharply demarked from the
possible to state if a certain crystal particle b

FIG. 7

other. It should be noted that this stone is a crys

chondrite. According to Tschermak, in chondrules
olivine bars are sometimes interlaminated with plagi
Dhurmsala stone). ,'In the porphyritic form shown in

FIG. 8

Tennasilm stone, the granular ground abuts sharply ag

glass of the chondrule with only on one side a manifeste
penetrate into and beyond the border. It is to be noted th
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phenocrysts within the chondrule and nea

sharply as though the sphere, originally m
reduced by abrasion. This will be referred

FIG. 9

III. Holocrystalline Chondrules.-As would naturally be

porphyritic forms, through a reduction of the proportiona
pass gradually into those which are almost or quite ho
polysomatic as shown in figures 9 and 10 from the Barr

FIG. 10

stones respectively. Of peculiar interest are those of the

twinned pyroxene (fig. 10). For some unexplained reas
grade into the half glassy porphyritic forms, the entire
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ing of the closely crowded pyroxenes with comp

interstitial glass. In figure 11, from the Parn
noted the crystals are in some instances slightly
axes lying approximately parallel with the circu

FIG. 11

which forms the border of the section. The appearance is

drules had been molded by external forces after the crys
but while yet in a more or less plastic condition. Again,
crystals abut sharply against the border and are cut off a

FIG. 12

in the half glassy, porphyritic forms mentioned above,

figures 10 and 11. Occasional forms are met with whi
appearance of fragments, slightly rounded, of holocryst
rocks, which as noted later, I believe them to be.
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IV. Secondary Borders about Chondrules.-A

of the chondrule is the narrow border or rind about the circumference.
These borders as a rule, are of lighter color than the interior, o
more pellucid nature, though it may be including portions of th
characteristic of the matrix in which they are embedded. T
shown in the olivine chondrule, figure 12. This border has
ance at once suggestive of the secondary intergrowth or enlarge
seen in feldspars and other minerals of terrestrial rocks. The
tions sometimes, though not always, have the same optical ori
as the interior. I am not certain if this border is of a like nature to that
described by Tschermak about some of the chondrules of the Grosna
stone and which he considered of secondary origin. In some insta

FIG. 13

the chondrules are surrounded by an irregular border o

V. Double or Compound Chondrules.-Occasional forms are met with
in which a large crystal of olivine or pyroxene is inclosed by a border of
finer crystals of the same mineral but suggestive of a later generation.
More common are forms such as are shown in figure 13. The crystals
are of enstatite but the larger one is filled with minute cavities which are
lacking in the smaller forms. Of greater interest is the occasional oc-
currence of a chondrule within the mass of a second or'larger form, as
figured by Tschermak, on plate 8, figure 1, of his Beschaffenheit. I will
refer to this also, later.
The descriptions thus far given are of the most perfectly formed and
outlined chondrules only. The broken, angular and, in some cases, dis-
torted radiate enstatite forms are plainly mechanical derivatives, and while
they have a bearing upon the origin of the masses in which they occur,
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they can, except as noted below, have little be

the origin of the chondrules themselves. They a
for the present.

I. Theories of Origin.-In this review it will perhaps not

to go back much beyond the time of the introduction of t
and thin sections into the study of rock structures since o
that was accurate could be told of them by the naked eye a
A brief glance at the literature is sufficient to suggest th
opinions expressed have been based upon examinations of
number of occurrences which quite failed to yield the info
sary for building satisfactory hypotheses or conclusions.
Reichenbach, as early as 18607 wrote, "Aus allerdem wir
die Einschlusse in den Meteoriten, als die Triimmer und die ges
Knollen und Kugeln darin, keine einfach nachen Bestanth
nichte anderes sind als auch wie die Meteoriten. Meteoriten nur von
anderer Anordung ein und derselben naturn Bestandtheile "
"Es sind also die Einschlusse theils kleine meteoriten, theils Tr
meteoriten von hohenen Alter als diejenigen meteoriten es sin
sie eingeschlossen vorkommen; es sind altere kleinere meteoriten
ern grossern meteoriten." In brief, and in plain English, he b
particle as now found to represent a minute but independen
derived from the breaking up of some older preexisting sto
included as a constituent part of one new formed.
In discussing the microscopic structure of meteoric stones,
in 1864, wrote,8 "It would, therefore, appear that, after the
the meteorites was melted, a considerable portion was broke
small fragments subsequently collected together, and more or
idated by mechanical and chemical action. * * * Apparently
ing up occurred in some cases when the melted matter had be
talline, but in others the form of the particles lead me to con
was broken up into detached globules while still melted. Thi
have been the origin of some of the round grains met with in
for they occasionally still contain a considerable amount of g
crystals which have been found in it are arranged in groups radia
one or more points on the external surface in such a manner a
that they were developed after the fragments had acquired t
spheroidal shape." In continuation of this same idea in 18
wrote: "As is well known, glassy particles are sometimes give
terrestrial volcanoes, but on entering the atmosphere they are im
solidified and remain as mere fibres, like Pele's hair, or as more or less
irregular laminae, like pumice dust. The nearest approach to the globule
in meteorites is met with in some artificial products. By directing a
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strong blast of hot air or steam into melted g

into spray, and usually gives rise to pear-
a long, hair-like tail, which is formed beca
cold to retain the slag in a state of perfect
are of the chief product. I have never obs
teorites. The formation of such alone coul
the spray were blown into an atmosphere h
fusion, so that the glass might remain flu
The retention of a true vitreous condition
would depend on both the chemical compo
and its permanent retention would in any c
glassy globule were afterwards kept for a
somewhat under that of fusion. The combination of all these conditions
may very well be looked upon as unusual, and we may thus explain
grains containing the glass are comparatively very rare; but though
they point out what was the origin of many others. In by far the gr
number of cases the general basis has been completely divitrified, and
larger crystals are surrounded by a fine-grained stony mass. Other g
occur with a fan-shaped arrangement of crystalline needles, which
uncautious, non-microscopical observer might confound with sim
concretions. They have, however, a structure entirely different from
concretions met with in terrestrial rocks, as for example that of o
grains. In them we often see a well-marked nucleus, on which radia
crystals have been deposited equally on all sides, and the external for
manifestly due to the growth of these crystals. On the contrary
grains in meteorites now under consideration have an external form
independent of the crystals which do not radiate from the centre, but fr
one or more places on the surface. They have, indeed, a structure a
lutely identical with that of some artificial blowpipe beads which bec
crystalline on cooling. With a little care these can be made to cryst
from one point, and then the crystals shoot out from that point in a
shaped bundle, until the whole bead is altered. In this case we cle
see that the form of the bead was due to fusion, and existed prior to
formation of the crystals. The general structure of both of these an
previously described spherical grains also show that their rounded s
was not due to mechanical wearing. Moreover, melted globules with w
defined outline could not be formed in a mass of rock pressing against th
on all sides, and I, therefore, argue that some at least of the constitu
particles of meteorites were originally detached glassy globules, like d
of fiery rain." In this Sorby would appear to have had reference only
kugels with radiate, internal structure.
Tschermak, who together with Haidinger, was one of the first to p
nounce on the tuff-like character of the chondritic meteorites, announced
in 187410 the opinion that the individual chondrules (kugelchen) were but
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rock particles which became simply roun

such as might exist in the throat of a te
hier nur das Eine, dass Ich die Chondrit
Kugelchen derselben fur solche Gesteinsp
ihrer Zahigkeit bei Zerreiben des Gestei
sondern, abgerundet wurden." And again in 187511, "Man kann sich
allenfalls vorstellen das die Steinmassen, welche der Zerreibung ausgesitz
weren, ziemlich weich gewesen sein und wiirde sich dadurch der Vors-
tellung Daubrees nahern, welcher an ein Gestein denkt welches in einer
Gas masse wirbelnd erstarrte; doch is es sicher, das die Kugelchen das
Resultat einer Zerreibung sind." In both of these quoted expressions
Tschermak seems to have had in mind only the granular and porphyritic
polysomatic forms, and the fragmental "kugelchen."
Three years later"2 after a consideration of the depressions and excres-
cences occurring in and on the chondrules of the Tieschitz meteorite,
he came to a partial agreement with Sorby conceiving that "Die Kiigelchen
sind nach wie vor wegen der tuffartigen Beschaffenheit der Meteorsteine
als Resultate volcanischer Eruptionen und Explosionen anzusehen, aber
ihre Form diirfte doch eher von einem plastischen Zustande, als von der
Zerreibung starrer Partikel abzuleiten sein." And again, after another
four yearsl3 he announced, "Ich hatte * * * zu der Ansicht gefuhrt
wurde, dass die Kiigelchen der chondrite als erstarrte Tropfen anzusehen
sind, wahrend die aus Splittern bestehende Grundmasse nach wie vor als
vulkanischer Detritus zu betrachten waren."
Daubree14 seems also to have held the opinion that the majority of ch
drules were simply debris particles rounded by attrition. "J'ai mo
he wrote, "que la structure globulare telle qu'elle se presente dans c
types * * * a ete imitee artificiallement, et s'explique par une s
granulation, aperee au moment ou la substance se solidifie. M
plu souvent, les globules des meteorites parraissent etre des simples
arrondis par frattiment."
F. Rinnel1 by means of a simple electric device was able to fuse th
cate constituents of meteorites and by abrupt alterations of the str
of the current produce a "spratzen" of the melt resulting in the pr
tion from the crucible of small drops which quickly cooled in the fo
"kugels." To some such action he would ascribe the formation o
teoric chondrules. Later, by the aid of an oxygen blast and a Linne
burner he was able to produce enstatite beads evidently in ever
comparable with meteoric chondrules.16 These it will be observ
really synthetic demonstrations of the possible correctness of Sor
views. Berwerth in 190117 announced his conviction that the chondritic
stones were tuffs more or less completely metamorphosed by heat, a
seemed to regard the individual chondrules as portions of the melt t
cooled in globular form. Borgstrom18 in his description of the Hvitt
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1 2 3 4

S 6 7

8 9 10

II 12 13


Fig. i.-Cluster of smooth chondrules out of Allegan stone.

Fig. 2.---One of the same chondrules broken and showing radial structure.
Fig. 3.-Cluster of rough chondrules out of Allegan stone.
Fig. 4.-Thin section of one of same.
Fig. 5.-Cluster of smooth chondrules out of Bjurb6le stone.
Figs. 6 and 7.-Thin sections of same.
Fig. 8.-Cluster of rough chondrules out of Bjurbole stone.
Figs. 9 and ro.-Thin sections of same.
Figs. Is-r3.-Chondrule-like bodies from Bessemer convertor, Sparrow Point
Steel Works.

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stone (1903) (a crystalline chondrite)

always so firmly intergrown with the
to determine where the one leaves o
instances, the enstatites of a chondrul
with which they are intergrown. As n
line chondrite; this might suggest eithe
in situ or a case of secondary enlargem
stone, a grey chondrite, however, he
represents a structure of cooling and c
and as their structure shows an intima
chondrule it must be supposed that eac
was a separate unit. Because chondrules
have a different structure, they must

FIG. 14

physical conditions. Since such a variety of conditions c

isted in the narrow space in which the different structu
with, the chondrules must have accumulated after solidification." Such
a condition is well shown in figure 14, from the stone of Cedar, Texas.
Meunier20 basing an opinion apparently upon the theoretic work of M.
Faye suggests the probability of the chondrules resulting from the sudden
condensation of a cyclonic vapor. "I1 parait difficile de ne pas admettre
que les chondres sont aux roches de precipitation gazeuse ce que les dra-
gees de Carlsbad et le fer en grains sont aux roches de precipitant aqueus
* * Conformement a la terminologie dont font usage les paleontologistes
a propos du vent fossiles du soleil fossile, de la pluie fossile, on serait
tente de les qualifier de cyclones photospherique fossiles." This is con-
ceivable, to the present writer, only in the case of radiate enstatite or mono-
somatic forms.
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Brezina, to whom is so largely due the building

,collection at Vienna, concludes a review2l of the sub
"Durch die vorangefuhrten Beobachtungen k6nne
schauugsweisen als beseigtig betrachteh werden,
mit Bestimmtheit die Meteoriten als gest6rge fib
ungen in einem einzigen gemengten magma b
stand includes both the ground mass and its chon
Hussak, basing an opinion on experimental work by
:suggests that chondritic meteorites, like that of
talline chondrite), originate through the long co
meteoric stones in a nickel-iron-rich magma, an
true volcanic ejectamenta, "Ich mochte demnach
ultrabasische Eruptivgesteine vergleichen und di
wie der Trfimmerstrutur und der schwarzen Ade
Eirnwirkung vor der Ejektion ansehen. Daher
gange in Siderite und die Deutlichen Korrosion
grossen Olivinkristallen der Pallasite."
C. Klein, in 1906,23 evidently basing an opinio
chondrules in the works of Hahn and Tschermak, affirmed that
there occur many ideally perfect forms that lack the eccentric radi
structure, but are "radial strahlig," from a centre, equally in all dire
.and are true spherulites. Those not having this perfection of stru
are considered fragments. It may be well to note before going fur
that Klein apparently stands alone in holding these views though t
may be correct for certain forms.
Wahl24 would explain the formation of the chondrule as due to the
ing of a silicate melt in a heated atmosphere, the resultant drop cry
lizing from the surface inward. "Die Entstehung der Chondren
.sich also ganz allemein als durch Zerstiubung von Silikatschmelz f
innerhalb einer heissen Atmosphare und Kristallization der hierdur
enstandenen Tropfen von aussen nach innen zu erklaren." This
would seem to refer only to the cryptocrystalline, radiating enstatit
the barred and monosomatic olivine chondrules.
Finally, in 1913, Fermor,25 of the Indian Survey, suggested that
*chondrules are remelted garnets.
In my preliminary considerations of this subject, I felt that in ord
arrive at a solution of the problem it would be necessary to begin wi
study of the crystalline chondrites, since in case the chondrules we
-spherulites, it would be here that they would be found in their prim
~condition of development. A study of all the thin sections of stones
longing to this group, now in the Museum collections has, however, broug
.about a change of view since in none of them do I find chondrules develo
in the variety and perfection of forms existing in those meteorites w
are plainly tuffaceous. This fact and others to be mentioned later h
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'VoL. 6, 1920 PETROLOGY: G. P. MERRILL 463

led me to regard the larger part if not all chon

tuffaceous and owing their more or less crysta
'exists, to heat and pressure in a nonoxidizing or
'The study of the origin of the chondritic mete
the study of the chondrules themselves as foun
tracing of them back through the crystalline
holocrystalline types.
Disregarding the fragmental, angular and mor
forms concerning the fracturing and secondary
be no doubt, and confining ourselves to those
termined have the form and structure assumed at the time of their formation
and are of a more nearly perfect spherical, oval or "kugelchen" shape, the
study in thin section brings out very clearly two important fundamenta
distinctions. 1st. The most perfectly spherical and oval forms, sharply
'differentiated from the matrix, are those showing a cryptocrystalline o
radiating internal structure, and are mineralogically of pyroxene (en-
statite or bronzite). These forms often show excrescences or saucer-
'shaped depressions, as through shrinkage or interference during solidi-
fication. 2nd. Those of a polysomatic nature, composed of phenocrysts
'of olivine or pyroxene in. a more or less glassy base, or of an almost holo-
crystalline aggregate of one or more minerals, are of irregular outline,
-have more the appearance of fragments and never show the saucer-shaped
depressions and excrescences. Further than this, it becomes very quickly
'evident that a theory of origin which will account for the first, must fail
in the case of the second. It is not possible for instance, that a chondrule
of phenocrysts in a glass base like that shown in figure 8, should
have originated under the same conditions and in the same manner as
that in figure 3.
It is possible to conceive of a basic magma containing the necessary
-constituents for the formation of olivine or enstatite to be in a sufficiently
liquid condition to cause, or allow it, when thrown into a hot or thin at-
-mosphere, to take the form of spherical drops which on cooling will become
glassy or crystalline, according to conditions. Should the drop begin
cooling on one point of its surface, the crystals might radiate from this
point outward, or rather inward with reference to the chondrule, giving
-rise to the radiated form like those of the Elm Creek and Parnallee stones
(figs. 3 and 5). In case the cooling began at several points on the
-surface, the interior of the chondrule would be broken into areas each of
-which represents an independent crystallization, as shown in figure 15.
It would thus be fairly easy to account for the monosomatic glassy, crypto-
'crystalline and radiate forms26 (Kugels), and even the barred forms so
characteristic of olivine chondrules in the stones of Hendersonville and
The porphyritic polysomatic forms composed of phenocrysts of pyroxene
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or olivine in a glass base like those of Tenn

(Monroe) offer, as it seems to me, insuperable
theory of origin and I am unable to agree wit

FIG. 15

thought, lucid and satisfactory explanation. It is obv

that such could have originated from the cooling from t
of a molten drop. 'Even in the hot air of Dr. Wahl's ima

FIG. 16

tallization must almost certainly have begun at the surf

inward giving rise to an exterior crust or border as in
seems almost too self-evident to need mention. One must consider such
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(i. e., the porphyritic forms) in the light of k

of terrestrial rocks, and as due to the grad
considerable proportions to the point of cry
followed by an abrupt refrigeration result
glassy base. This crystallization and final c
place after the drop or chondrule took on it
doubtful, also, if a melt which had cooled suff
of the phenocrysts would be sufficiently fl
the spherical drops under any probable c
arating out of the crystals would leave a m
the original, but it would still require an a
bring about a formation of the pellets as su
It is questionable further if conditions
bring about a practically instantaneous, or
throughout the entire chondrule. If cooling
matter in which were floating the phenoc
almost for a certainty, be occasional indica
the outer surface manifested by the formation
tioned, or conditions of strain or, possibly,
tion. Such I do not find, the glass being un
and apparently in composition from centre
drule as it appears in the section. The same holds true of
chondrules which are nearly or quite holocrystalline, like those of tw
pyroxene figured27 by Tschermak from the Renazzo stone, or those
the Cullison, Kansas, stone described by myself.28 In these cases o
to consider a much more uniform and gradual reduction of temper
such as would give the crystallographic forces full opportunity to pe
their task. But were the material in the form of an isolated drop,
the forces given sufficient time the exterior form of the aggrega
scarcely be conceived as smoothly spherical, but must have been irr
with numerous projecting angles such as are frequently to be s
spherical concretions of pyrite and marcasite. Such forms I do not
though I have sought for them diligently. In forms like figures 8, 9 and
it is, I think, self-evident that the original surface has been re
by attrition, and whatever character it may have had has been
This same probability of reduction in size is suggested by the twin
pyroxene chondrules in the Parnallee stone. It is obvious that such
not have resulted from the cooling and crystallization of a molten
unless it were one of considerable greater magnitude. The occa
curved-enwrapping character of the outer crystals (fig. 11) can
be accounted for on the supposition of Tschermak and Daubree, alr
noted, that the material was somewhat soft and plastic.
It is notable further, so far as my own observation goes and so
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I can learn from the descriptions given by other w

saucer-shaped depressions (fig. 4, p. 452 and fig. 5,
formed at the time of solidification are limited
and radiated enstatite types. They are never fou
porphyritic and holocrystalline forms although th
eral composition. The cause of this cannot the
seem fair to assume that it was fundamental and d
quite different conditions.

FIG. 17

Chondrule-like blebs of metallic iron in furnace slag showing, in some instances,

depressions similar to those of the enstatite chondrules in meteorites. The whit
ers mark some of the more prominent forms.

Concerning the origin of these depressions and indeed as bearing

the general subject of chondritic formation, it may be well to add
dentally that in a fragment of furnace slag received from Lawrence Cou
Tennessee (exact locality unknown), I find abundant beautifully spher
chondrules of metallic iron embedded in the glassy slag. These are
one to three mm. in diameter and often so densely crowded as to h
mutually interferred so that when separated there is left on one of
a concavity similar to that of the enstatite chondrules. Indeed the s
lation of exterior form is almost perfect (see fig. 17). If, howe
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one were to assume that the mode of formatio

same in the two cases it will apparently be ne
that the chondritic forms, the fused drops of
in such quantities before all were fully indura
allow those most firm to indent those still pl
rarity of the double or excrescent bearing form
might be suggested that the concavities were
one from another, after solidification. It should be added that I have
not yet found any evidence even suggesting that the enstatite kugels
radiate structure are basic segregations out of a more acid magma a
the metallic forms out of the slag, nor indeed, to indicate that they
from the disintegration of previously solidified magmas of any kind.
II. With these facts in mind it seemed advisable to study the isol
chondrule, freed from its matrix. For this purpose the loose textu
Allegan and Bjurbole stones, of pronounced tuffaceous type, afford
most excellent material, both in quality and quantity. From the
integrated Allegan stone there were picked out a considerable series o
rounded granules such as are ordinarily classed as chondrules. T
under a hand lens, it was found, could be readily divided into two cl
First, those of regular spherical or oval form with comparatively sm
though lusterless surfaces, usually with one or more depressions as in fig
1, pl. 1, and sometimes with deeper pittings. These were of a light g
color, in a few instances, but mainly dark, nearly black. When bro
such show a straight smooth fracture and distinct eccentric radial
ternal structure (fig. 2, pl. 1). Of a number of thin sections made n
showed a holocrystalline or porphyritic structure. Some were so fi
cryptocrystalline that it was only by analogy that they were determ
as pyroxenic. Others were distinctly eccentric radiating, the bars possessi
sufficient crystalline development to make it possible to determine
orthorhombic pyroxenic nature.
Second, the second series was composed of rounded and irregular g
ules with rougher surfaces, lacking the shell-like rind or casing of the fi
(Fig. 3, pl. 1). They were hard, undergoing no further disintegr
under ordinary friction, sometimes quite spherical, but grading into
lar fragments with angles blunted or rounded and with an uneven
ture. Sections of these showed a quite different structure from the
mentioned. Some were wholly crystalline, granular or of short radia
enstatites, while others were beautifully porphyritic consisting of o
or pyroxene in a glass base. The porphyritic marginal crystals show
plainly that the present form of the granule was due to mechanica
trition (fig. 4, pl. 1). These forms are undoubtedly the ones that in
thin section give the forms shown in figures 8, p. 454, and 10 on p.
There can be no question but what they owe their present form
dimensions to attrition as suggested by Tschermak, though whethe
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original forms were spheroidal or that of an or

there is no absolute means of determining. From
large number of cases, I am inclined to the be
altogether of fragmental origin, broken fragmen

From a lot of disintegrated Bjurbole material, generously furnished

by Dr. J. J. Sederholm, there were in like manner picked out the tw
series shown in figures 5 and 8, pl. 1. It will be noted here that there
greater contrast between the two forms than in the case of Allegan. Th
in figure 5 are typical blebs of fiery rain, smooth, with a rind-like coat
showing frequent depressions and more rarely excrescences. A lar
number of like forms were broken with a hammer and yielded smoot
cleavage-like fractures in part with a radiate structure. In thin sectio
all showed either a dense cryptocrystalline or radiate internal structu
(figs. 6 and 7).
The forms shown in figure 8 were, as in the case of Allegan also, less sym
metrically oval or spherical, rough exteriorly, never encrusted or show
depressions or excrescences.29 On breaking with a hammer some of the
yielded a smooth, straight, cleavage-like fracture and in the section showed
a radiate structure; others and the larger part showed an uneven fractu
and in the section were irregularly granular, glassy and porphyritic (fi
9 and 10).
I find a similar, though not always so plainly marked, distinction in t
chondrules separated out from the meteorites of Ochansk, San Emigd
and Soko Banjo. A further study of a large number of sections of cho
dritic stones fully confirms these observations. Stated in brief the co
ditions and conclusions are as follows:

(1) Only the chondrules of glass and cryptocrystalline or rad

enstatites (kugelchen) present the rounded or oval form with s
rind-like crust and surfaces, with often one or more saucer-like depres
or excrescences such as are consistent with a theory of origin as
drops of "fiery rain" (Sorby).
(2) Chondrules of a compound, holocrystalline nature, and t
porphyritic through the development of olivine or pyroxene phen
in a more or less glassy base are lacking in smooth exteriors and
often quite spherical in outline, are as a rule more or less irregul
in many instances show unmistakable evidences of an origin of
through mechanical attrition. These distinctions are well shown in f
3 and 5, and in the general view from a thin section of the stone
Cedar, Texas (p. 462).
Many of the irregular forms, it is true, are found to be of the ra
or cryptocrystalline enstatite. This is evident from an examinatio
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the thin sections and has also been found to be the case in some of the forms
freed from the matrix. They are plainly fragments of the encrusted fo
and need no explanation. In no case, however, have I found a part
and porphyritic or holocrystalline structure developed in a polyso
chondrule which does not suggest, from an examination of its ext
form, an origin as a rock fragment rather than a molten drop.
That all the forms described cannot be attributable to a common o
I consider self-evident, as already noted. The objections to an accep
of the "fiery rain," or "fused drop" hypothesis in accounting for
last forms may be concisely stated as follows:
(1) They are irregular in outline.
(2) They never show the smooth, rind-like surfaces so character
of the enstatite kugels.
(3) The outlines are not those of the original body from which they w
derived, but for the most part plainly due to abrasion.
(4) They show no gradations in crystallization from border to cen
(5) They never show the peculiar surface depressions so characte
of the enstatite radial and cryptocrystalline forms.
(6) In brief, their present structural peculiarities, both external
internal are entirely inconsistent with any conceivable theory of o
but that of detrital particles from solidified magmas.
It is perhaps questionable if such forms should be considered true
drules and perhaps the term pseudochondrule or chondroid had
be applied to them.30 The true chondrules are those of the spherul
or kugel type; others are rock fragments reduced to their present
through mechanical attrition.
As bearing still further upon the question attention may be calle
somewhat similar forms of known and artificial origin. In figures
13, pl. 1, are chondrule-like forms found among the iron furnace
at the Sparrow Point, Md., works of the Bethlehem Steel Co. Such
certainly strongly suggestive, in form, to meteoric chondrules tho
it is to be remarked that they are, interiorly, vesicular, almost pumi
Like forms I have found being blown from the Bessemer converter
the more energetic periods of operation. They formed true drops of
rain." In figure 12 is shown one of these imbedded in the scoriaceous
Qualitative tests show these to consist largely of silica and oxides of
a little lime, and included minute flecks of metallic iron.
In the above discussion, the fact has not been overlooked that very
of the glass and enstatite chondrules relegated above to the fiery r
hypothesis have likewise suffered abrasion through external agenci
This is plainly evident from the figures given and the multitude of
mental forms found in many chondritic stones. The encrusted form
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so large a number of chondrules of this type

such crust on the porphyritic and holocrysta
discussing are in themselves sufficient to enable
between the two.
The conclusions here reached are not quite so sweeping as those reac
by Merrick in his humorous poem on the changeable colors of the chamele
where he announces that "All are right, and all are wrong," but as i
so frequently the case it seems to show that two or more of the opin
advanced were essentially correct and their apparent differences du
failure to recognize all of the facts I have here presented, and that of
many varietal forms of chondrules not all may have a similar or
Before leaving this section of the subject, it may be well, however,
present reasons for the non-acceptance of certain of the views presen
and enumerated. It will be noted that the conclusions I have reached,
bear out for the varying types the ideas of both Sorby and Tsc
mak, those of the first mentioned supported by the experimental wo
Rinne. With the views of Borgstr6m and of Ramsay, so far as they
upon the subject in the papers quoted, I am in agreement. With tho
of Hussak, so far as relates to the production of chondritic structu
through the corrosive action of a nickel-iron-rich magma, I find no
firmation. Not only is there little evidence that such a magma w
corrode the silicates, but as in the case of meteorites of Brezina's R6c
group (Admire and Eagle Station) there is direct evidence that it w
not. Further than this, there is evidence that in my own opinion,
to show that the iron of meteorites is altogether secondary and due
reduction of some easily reducible compound like lawrencite, as I h
elsewhere frequently stated.3' The expressed conclusions of Berw
and Wahl are not sufficiently detailed to admit of close comparison o
than to say that they both seem applicable to the chondrules of th
crusted enstatite (kugel) type first mentioned, but not to the holoc
talline and porphyritic forms. With reference to Dufrenoy's compar
of this structure to perlitic,glass32 it can only be said that while at
thought it might seem applicable to the glassy and half glassy porphy
types, I find nothing whatever to sustain it and several facts which milit
against it. First there are in no instances indications of perlitic cra
and second, in the terrestrial perlites, so far as my own observ
goes, the cracks always pass around any existing phenocrysts, rather
through them as they must to have produced the forms shown in figure
It may be added that perlitic structure in terrestrial rocks is
garded as due to shrinkage and limited to acidic magmas contain
considerable quantity of moisture. The structure is quite unknown
rocks as basic as are the meteorites.
With reference to the spherulitic nature of the chondrules as adv
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by Klein, I can only say that I find no evi

exception, satisfactory to me, to bear out t
in the stone of Barratta, Australia, in one slid
bodies shown in figure 1, p. 451. These are a
detached from the matrix as any spherulit
true spherulite from one of the acid glass
strongly suggest their similar nature. Ind
find evidence to completely satisfy me tha
It is to be noted, however, that between c
each into several more or less well-defined
structure and over each of which the dark
the stage is revolved. They lack the defini
spherulites and never between crossed nicol
how much reliance can be placed upon this
to say. They are sufficiently distinct from
stone to suggest an entirely different minera
of material at my disposal is not sufficien
Liversidge,33 in his description, makes

Finally with reference to Fermor's fused g

that in no case have garnets been proven to
and further, did the chondrules so origina
assumption that we should sometime and s
So far as my observation goes, no such case

1 Published by permission of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.

This paper is supplementary to the author's work on "Minor Constituents of
Meteorites" made under a Grant from the J. Lawrence Smith Fund of the Nati
Academy of Sciences (see Memoirs of the Academy, 14, 1916, pp. 1-29; 1919, p
1-15; and these PROCEEDINGS, March and June 1915, April 1918, and January
2 Geschreibung u. Eintheilung der Meteoriten, etc., Abhand. d. K. Akad. Wiss.
Berlin, 1863.
3 See Farrington, Meteorites, p. 200.
4 Or "globular," see Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 43, 1904 (238).
5 See particularly Die Mikroscopische Beschaffenheit der Meteoriten, and Meteoriten
kunde, respectively.
6 No attempt in these studies has been made to distinguish between enstatite and
the ferruginous variety bronzite.
7 Pogg. Ann., I I I, p. 384.
8 Proc. Royal Soc., June 1864.
9 Nature, London, April 5, 1877 (296).
10 Die Triimmerstructur d. meteoriten, etc., Sitz. k. Acad. Wiss., Wien, 70, 1874 (4
11 Ibid., 71, 1875.
12 Denk. Math. Natur. Classe kaiser. Akad Wiss, 39, 1878.
13 Sitz. k. k. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 95, 1882 (205).
14 Geologie Experimentale, 1879 (530).

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15 Neues Jahrbuch Min. Pet., 2, 1895 (229-246).

16 Ibid., -, 1897 (259-61).
17 Centralblatt Min., etc., No. 21, pp. 641-47.
18 Die Meteoriten von Hvittis u. Marjalatti, Helsingfo
19 Trans. Royal Astr. Soc., Canada, 1904.
20 C. R. Paris Acad. Sci., 96, 1883 (868).
21 Die Meteoriten in Sammlungen, etc., 1885.
22 N. Jahrb. Min., etc., I, 1884 (18-43). They immer
fels" for many hours in a slowly cooling melt of nephe
attacked and the outer portions, in close contact with t
the olivine granules becoming filled with embayment
colorless glass, all strongly suggestive of meteoric chond
23 Studien uber Meteoriten, p. 35.
24 Zs. Anorg. Chem., 69, 1910 (52-96).
25 Records Geol. Survey India, 43, 1913 (45).
26 Such forms may readily be artificially reproduced
fusible mineral like stibnite. Although unfortunately
may be plainly seen on a broken surface of the globul
27 Mikro. Beschaff, der Meteoriten, plate 15.
28 Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, 44, 1913 (326).
29 Borgstr6m and Ramsay in their description of t
Com. Geologique Finland) mention the irregularity in
in thin sections. They say, p. 18 under (6) Polysomat
eisen "Die Chondren dieser Art haben selten regelmassig runde Form." and again,
on p. 19 under (8) Chondren aus Glas mit wohlbegrenzten dicken Olivinen, "Sehr selten
besitzen die Chondren von Typus (8) regelmassige rundliche Begrenzung, sonder-
nerscheinen in den meisten Fallen mit Zufalligen eckigen oder buckligen Formen."
30 In figure 1, of plate 8, of his Mikroskopische Beschaffenheit, Tschermak shows a small
monosomatic chondrule inclosed in a larger porphyritic form of the same mineralogical
composition, from the stone of Dhurmsala. It is to be noted, however, that while
the smaller monosomatic form is evidently the direct product of a cooling molten magma,
it has no necessary connection with the ground in which it is embedded and there is
nothing in the appearance of the larger form, so far as can be judged from the figure,
to indicate that it is not merely a rounded fragment of some pre-existing chondritic
stone. This explanation will not, however, hold good for the double chondrule in the
Borkut stone shown in figure 2 of his plate 19. In the case of our figure 3, plate 3,
from the Okechobee stone there can be no question but that the chondrule is merely a
fragment inclosing a large enstatite.
31 I find no reason in the criticisms of Quirke (Economic Geology, 14, 1919 (621)) to
change my oft expressed views regarding the origin of the metallic iron through the
reduction of lawrencite or some other easily reducible compound. Chlorine is a gas
and in a dry atmosphere would readily escape of itself and without evident action on
the silicate constituents. If means were to be "provided" it would have to be for the
retention rather than for getting rid of this constituent.
32 C. R. Paris Acad. Sci., 13, 1841 (48).
33 Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc., New South Wales, 36, 1902.

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