30187hiyoshi India - List of Test Parameters

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(Accredited with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 by NABL)

GSTIN: 33AACCH5865K1ZC CIN: U73100TN2011FTC078693


S.No. Test Parameters Unit Test Method

1 pH --- IS 3025 (Part 11) - 1983, Electrometric
2 Electrical Conductivity (EC) µS/cm IS 3025 (Part 14) - 2013
3 Temperature oC IS 3025 (Part 9) - 1984
4 Turbidity NTU IS 3025 (Part 10) - 1984
5 Total Solids (TS) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 15) - 1984
6 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 2540 D
7 Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 2540 D
8 Total Suspended Volatile Solids (MLVSS) mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 2540 E
9 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 16) - 1984
10 Inorganic Solids mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 2540 E
11 Settleable Solids mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 2540 F
12 Non-Volatile Residue mg/L IS 1069:1993, Annex A-2
13 Suspended Matter mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 2540 D

14 Oil and Grease mg/L IS 3025 (Part 39) - 1991, Partition

15 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 58) - 2006

16 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) at 27oC mg/L IS 3025 (Part 44) - 1993
for 3 Days
17 Dissolved Oxygen (as O2) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 38) - 1989, Azide
18 Oxygen absorbed in 4 hours mg/L IS 3025 (Part 63) - 2007
19 Oxidizable Matter Qualitative IS 1069:1993, Annex A-3
20 Colour Retention of KMnO4 at 27oC 1 - 60 mins IS 1070:1992

21 To neutralize 100 ml sample of water using mL IS 3025 (Part 22) - 1986

phenolphthalein indicator with 0.02N NaOH
22 To neutralize 100 ml sample of water using mL IS 3025 (Part 23) - 1986
mixed indicator with 0.02N H2SO4
23 Total Alkalinity (as CaCO3) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 23) - 1986
24 Carbonate Alkalinity (as CaCO3) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 51) - 2001
25 Bicarbonate Alkalinity (as CaCO3) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 51) - 2001
26 Phenolphthalein Alkalinity (as CaCO3) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 23) - 1986
S.No. Test Parameters Unit Test Method
27 Methyl Orange Alkalinity (as CaCO3) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 23) - 1986, Indicator method
28 Hydroxide Alkalinity (as CaCO3) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 51) - 2001
29 Caustic Alkalinity (as CaCO3) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 23) - 1986
30 Chloride (as Cl) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 32) - 1988, Argentometric
31 Free Residual Chlorine (as Cl2) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 26) - 1986, Iodometric
32 Total Hardness (as CaCO3) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 21) - 2009
33 Calcium Hardness (as CaCO3) mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 3500 Ca B
34 Magnesium Hardness (as CaCO3) mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 3500 Mg B
35 Calcium (as Ca) mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 3500 Ca B
36 Magnesium (as Mg) mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 3500 Mg B
37 Sulphate (as SO4) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 24) - 1986, Turbidity
38 Sulphide (as S) mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 4500 S2- F
39 Free Ammonia (as NH3) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 34) - 1988, Macro-Kjeldahl
followed by Nesslerization
40 Nitrate Nitrogen (as NO3) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 34) - 1988, Chromotropic acid
41 Nitrite Nitrogen (as NO2) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 34) - 1988, NED Dihydrochloride
42 Ammoniacal Nitrogen (as NH3-N) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 34) - 1988, Macro-Kjeldahl
followed by Nesslerization
43 Organic Nitrogen (as Norg) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 34) - 1988, Macro-Kjeldahl
followed by Nesslerization
44 Kjeldahl Nitrogen (as N) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 34) - 1988, Macro-Kjeldahl
followed by Nesslerization
45 Total Phosphorus (as P) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 31) - 1988, Stannous Chloride
46 Dissolved Phosphorus (as P) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 31) - 1988, Stannous Chloride
47 Silica (as SiO2) mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 4500 SiO2 C
48 Iron (as Fe) mg/L IS 3025 (Part 53) - 2003, 1,10 Phenanthroline
49 Fluoride (as F) mg/L APHA (23rd Edition) 2017 - 4500 F- D
50 Hydrazine (as N2H4) mg/L IS 3550:1965

List of Test Parameters are not covered under our NABL scope for Water and Wastewater

1 Mineral Oil mg/L Lab Developed Method

2 Jar Test --- Lab Developed Method

3 Aeration Water Microorganisms --- Lab Developed Method

observation using Microscope
Note: IS - Indian Standards; APHA - American Public Health Association; µS/cm - microsiemens/centimeter; mL - millilitres;
oC - degree Celsius; mL/g - millilitres/gram; mg/L - milligrams/litre; NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit;

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