EN-Employment & Labour Law in Angola
EN-Employment & Labour Law in Angola
EN-Employment & Labour Law in Angola
Country snapshot
Key considerations Which issues would you most highlight to someone new to your
country? Angola is one of the main oil producers in sub-Saharan Africa. When the
civil war ended in 2002, the national economy grew very quickly, driven mainly by
the development of the oil and gas and mining industries. However, the Angolan
economy has become much more diversified, and as a result the recent decrease in the
international crude oil price has not interfered with the country’s economic growth.
The country’s public institutions can generally deal with all issues. The labour
authorities are particularly active in enforcing the complex administrative and
reporting duties established by national employment laws.
What do you consider unique to those doing business in your country? Angola has
numerous regulations governing all aspects of the employment relationship.
The most relevant regulation is the ‘Angolanisation’ principle, or the 70/30 rule.
Under this principle, at least 70% of the workforce at a company that employs more
than five workers must be Angolan nationals and only 30% may be foreign non-
resident (ie, expatriate) individuals.
The new General Labour Law (7/15), which comes into force on September 15 2015,
uses the concept of micro, small, medium and large companies to differentiate the
legal rules applicable to various aspects of the employment relationship.
Is there any general advice you would give in the employment area? Angolan
employment law offers excellent protection to employees. Termination is subject to
strict rules and an employee can be dismissed based only on either serious
infringement by the employee or an objective and economic reason that is not the
fault of the employer and renders it impossible for the employment relationship to
continue. Thus, employment litigation is common, as employees enjoy a broad set of
Emerging issues/hot topics/proposals for reform Are there any noteworthy proposals
for reform in your jurisdiction? The new General Labour Law (7/15) was recently
enacted, repealing the former General Labour Law (2/00). The new law comes into
force on September 15 2015 and sets out substantially different rules regarding the
key aspects of the employment relationship.
What are the emerging trends in employment law in your jurisdiction? The General
Labour Law uses the concept of micro, small, medium and large companies to
differentiate the legal rules applicable to various aspects of the employment
relationship. The law states that micro, small and medium companies are subject to
more flexible work rules and more efficient and cost-effective work standards. For
example, micro, small and medium companies may enter into fixed-term employment
contracts with a maximum duration of 10 years, unlike large companies, which can
enter into contracts of up to five years only.
The new law is also designed to reduce certain labour costs (eg, overtime premiums)
and compensation in case of termination.
Country specific laws What laws and regulations govern the employment
relationship? At present, the General Labour Law (2/00) is the main statute that
governs all aspects of the employment relationship. On September 15 2015 it will be
replaced by the new General Labour Law (7/15). There is also other derivative
legislation on various lateral aspects of the employment relationship.
Decree 5/95;
the Regulations on the Exercise of Professional Activities by Foreign Non-resident
Employees (Decree 6/01);
the Visa Law (2/07); and
the Visa Law Regulations (Presidential Decree 108/11).
Collective labour law is governed by the following statutes:
Under Article 1154 of the Civil Code, a ‘services agreement’ is the “agreement
whereby one of the parties undertakes to make available the result of his/her
intellectual or manual work, with or without pay”.
Are any terms implied into employment contracts? Yes. For example, employment
contracts for an unlimited term are always subject to an implied probation period of
60 days.
Are mandatory arbitration/dispute resolution agreements enforceable? Under the
General Labour Law (2/00), all labour disputes fall under the sole jurisdiction of the
provincial labour courts. Any agreements providing for alternative means of dispute
resolution are invalid and unenforceable.
Once the new General Labour Law (7/15) comes into force on September 15 2015,
agreements to arbitrate will be valid and enforceable. However, all arbitration
proceedings will be subject to the procedural rules set out by the law. Conciliation and
mediation proceedings will also be possible before the General Inspectorate of Labour
Services and the Public Attorney’s Office.
Foreign workers Is a distinction drawn between local and foreign workers? Yes.
National and foreign resident employees (ie, foreign citizens holding a residency
permit) are subject to the same rules on recruitment, hiring and termination as set out
by the General Labour Law (2/00). Foreign non-resident employees (ie, foreign
citizens holding a work visa) may be hired only on a fixed-term basis (ranging from
three to 36 months) and are subject to recruitment and hiring requirements, plus
specific immigration restrictions.
Advertising What are the requirements relating to advertising positions? All jobs must
be advertised under non-discriminatory terms. The advertisement should set out the
basic terms and conditions for recruitment and hiring – for example, the type of
employment contract, the workplace and the work schedule (ie, full time or part time).
All job offers must be referred to the employment centre with jurisdiction over the
employer’s location.
If the job offer is included in the process of hiring a foreign non-resident, the offer
must also be referred to the competent employment centre and advertised in the
media. In this case, it is essential that the offer make a detailed description of the
required and applicable skills, educational and professional qualifications and
certifications, in order to demonstrate to the employment centre that no Angolan
nationals were suitable for the job, in case the employer fails to appoint someone.
Background checks What can employers do with regard to background checks and
inquiries in relation to the following:
(a) Criminal records? The employer may request the employee to present a copy of
his or her up-to-date criminal record if the position requires the employee’s record to
be pre-screened.
(b) Medical history? Employers are required to request employees to present copies of
their vaccination cards to confirm compliance with the national vaccination
In general, testing for HIV and AIDS and related medical history is not allowed. If
permitted, it must be based on exceptional reasons of public safety in relation to the
specific job and be authorised previously and supervised by the labour and medical
(c) Drug screening? In general, drug screening is allowed in the context of pre-
employment and regular medical examinations. Invasive testing (eg, blood tests) is
subject to particular requirements.
(d) Credit checks? An employer may ask employees to declare their credit status
during the recruitment process and on a regular basis for positions which require a
positive credit status. In general, credit checks with third-party authorities, banks and
other credit institutions are not allowed, as this is considered to be privileged and
confidential personal information.
(f) Social media? An employer may look into employees’ social media use if the
employees agree, in line with the Angolan data protection laws and the site rules.
(g) Other? Other background checks and enquiries must be based on the need of the
employer to confirm an employee’s suitability for the job. The employer must adhere
to non-discriminatory principles and ensure that the employee’s personal information
is processed under the applicable data protection laws.
Wages and working time
Pay Is there a national minimum wage and, if so, what is it? Yes. The national
minimum wage is set according to industry sector. Presidential Decree 144/14 (June 9
2013) established the following values for the national minimum wage:
to nine hours a day when the work is intermittent or requires the mere presence of the
employee, and the employer concentrates the working week in five consecutive days;
to 10 hours a day when the work is intermittent or requires the mere presence of the
employee and the employer adopts shift, modular or variable working hours, or where
a recovery timetable applies; and
to 12 hours a day for rotational work timetables of up to four weeks of consecutive
work followed by an equal period of rest.
Working hours exceeding these limits are deemed to be overtime.
Hours and overtime What are the requirements for meal and rest breaks? Under the
General Labour Law (2/00), all employees are entitled to a break of between one and
two hours on each working day, so that they do not work for more than five
consecutive hours. On the employer’s request, the General Inspectorate of Labour
may authorise the daily break to be reduced to 30 minutes for operational reasons. The
daily break may also be removed in exceptional circumstances (assessed on a case-by-
case basis), on prior consultation with the employees’ representative body and
authorisation of the General Inspectorate of Labour.
Pursuant to the new General Labour Law (7/15), as of September 15 2015 employees
will be entitled to a break of between 45 and 90 minutes each working day.
How should overtime be calculated? The General Labour Law (2/00) provides that
work performed outside the normal daily work period – whether before or after the
working day, during rest or meal breaks or on the weekly non-working days – is
deemed to be overtime. Further, the following limits apply to overtime:
Overtime carried out on Sundays and public holidays entitles employees to the
What exemptions are there from overtime? Under the General Labour Law (2/00), all
personnel at all levels are eligible for overtime. An employee may be partially
excluded from overtime only under the exemption from a fixed work schedule. The
exemption from a fixed work schedule applies only to the following employees:
When an employee starts a new job, the holiday allowance for the first year of
employment corresponds to two working days for each month of work, with a
minimum of six working days, which matures on July 1 for employees hired in the
first semester and on January 1 of the following year for employees hired in the
second semester. Under the new General Labour Law (7/15), the right to holiday in
the year of starting work matures on January 1 of the following year and holiday can
be taken only once the employee has worked for six months.
What are the rules applicable to final pay and deductions from wages? The salaries
paid to employees in Angola are subject to two legal deductions: income-related tax
(IRT) and social security contributions.
The IRT rates are progressive depending on the salary amount, with the highest rate
being 17%.
Social security contributions are shared between the employer (8%) and the employee
(3%), amounting to a total contribution of 11%. Employers pay their contributions by
applying the 8% rate on top of employees’ base salaries and the remaining relevant
allowances, and must deduct employees’ 3% contribution from their monthly
remuneration and remit the total contribution to the Social Security National Institute
by the 10th day of the following month. Expatriate employees need not pay Angolan
social security contributions if they can prove to the local social security authority that
they are covered by the system of their home country.
Record keeping What payroll and payment records must be maintained? Employers
must keep records of the payroll list or the relevant payslips. Tax and social security
payment forms must also be kept on file.
(a) Age? The minimum working age is 14 years. The General Labour Law (2/00)
provides that an employer may enter into an employment relationship with a minor
aged between 14 and 18, provided that authorisation is obtained from the parent, legal
guardian, person or institution in charge of the minor or, in their absence, from the
General Inspectorate of Labour or other appropriate entity.
(c) Disability? Employees who are disabled (with reduced working capacity) enjoy
additional protection regarding:
(e) Sexual orientation? Angolan law sets down the general principle of equality of
rights between employees regardless of their sexual orientation and therefore prohibits
discrimination based on sexual orientation.
(f) Religion? Angolan law sets down the general principle of equality of rights
between employees regardless of their religion and therefore prohibits discrimination
based on religion.
(g) Medical? Angolan law sets down the general principle of equality of rights
between employees regardless of medical conditions and therefore prohibits
discrimination based on medical conditions.
(h) Other? In regard to employees with HIV/AIDS, the employer must implement
specific regulations. It must set up education and awareness programmes on
HIV/AIDS involving the families of employees and trainees. Further, employers
conduct HIV tests at the workplace (except when requested by the employee) as a
prerequisite for hiring;
discriminate against HIV-positive employees in the workplace; or
use HIV-positive status as a factor in dismissals or promotions.
Family and medical leave What is the position in relation to family and medical
leave? Under the General Labour Law (2/00), employees are entitled to be absent
from work due to illness, without limitation, provided that such absence is
documented and justified by means of a medical certificate.
Regarding family leave, employees are entitled to three days of leave a month (up to a
maximum of 12 working days a year) to provide urgent assistance to members of the
employee’s household, spouse, parents, grandparents, children over 10 years of age or
relatives of the same lineal degree.
Valid absences from work due to illness or family assistance cannot affect the
employee’s position or be deducted from the employee’s annual holiday allowance.
Under the new General Labour Law (7/15), in medium and large companies the base
salary of employees on medical leave will be fully paid by the employer for the first
two months of absence. From the third month to the 12th month of absence, the
employer must pay the employee 50% of the base salary until the relevant social
protection entity takes over.
To what extent can employers regulate off-duty conduct? Employers may regulate off-
duty conduct to the extent that it has a detrimental impact on the employment
Are there rules protecting social media passwords in the employment context and/or
on employer monitoring of employee social media accounts? No rules specifically
address the protection of employees’ social media passwords or the monitoring of
employees’ social media accounts. Nevertheless, general principles such as the
constitutional right to privacy, dignity and integrity do not allow the employer to
intrude into employees’ social media accounts without authorisation. The employee’s
consent may be deemed null and void in the context of an employment relationship.
Intellectual Property Who owns IP rights created by employees during the course of
their employment? The law provides for a coexisting set of rights over intellectual
creations protected by copyright:
moral rights (ie, the right of paternity and the right to be mentioned on the work),
which according to the law belong in a permanent and inalienable way to the natural
person who created the work; and
economic rights (ie, the right to market and exploit a work and use it in any way),
which may be transferred, in whole or in part, by means of an agreement between the
author and any third parties.
Copyright belongs to the employer only to the extent that this does not comprise
moral rights, as these remain with the author (ie, the employee).
In relation to industrial property rights (ie, patents, utility models and industrial
designs), the right to apply for a patent for an invention made under a contract belongs
to the employer. However:
the application to register the patent must be filed in Angola;
the employer must file a declaration supporting its right; and
the inventor/employee must be identified on the patent registration form.
The right to apply for a patent for an invention created in the course of an
employment contract belongs exclusively to the employee if the invention was
developed with the employee’s own equipment, materials or means.
If both the employer and the employee have contributed to the invention equally,
unless agreed otherwise between the parties, they will both own the invention. In this
case the employer has the right to use/develop the invention and the employee has the
right to remuneration as agreed between the parties. However, the patent must be used
by the employer within one year of registration; otherwise, the employee will be
considered the sole owner of the patent.
Non-compete Are there any special rules on non-competes for particular classes of
employee? If the employee consents, it is possible to establish a non-compete
obligation for a period of up to three years following termination, provided that the
following requirements are met:
Procedures Are there specific laws on the procedures employers must follow with
regard to discipline and grievance procedures? Yes. Disciplinary procedures are
subject to the mandatory provisions set out in the General Labour Law (2/00) and new
General Labour Law (7/15). There are no specific laws regarding grievance
Industrial relations
Unions and layoffs Is your country (or a particular area) known to be heavily
unionised? Except in the oil and gas, mining and banking sectors, there is generally a
low degree of employee unionisation. However, in these sectors unions are very
What are the rules on trade union recognition? The Trade Union Law (21-C/92) sets
down no rules or procedures for union recognition by employers. As soon as a union
is incorporated and registered with the Ministry of Justice and has affiliated
employees, it may represent employees. The law sets out no minimum percentage of
employee representation.
What are the rules on collective bargaining? All employers and unions may enter into
collective bargaining agreements under the Law on the Right to Collective Bargaining
(20-A/92). Where there is no union representation, the employees may set up an ad
hoc commission aimed at negotiating and concluding a collective bargaining
agreement with the employer, subject to complex requirements.
If more than one union represents an employer’s employees, the unions must set up a
joint negotiation committee composed of representatives from each union in the same
proportion as the employees are represented.
The negotiation process for a collective bargaining agreement must be finalised within
90 days of the employer receiving the union/employees’ initial proposal. If this
process is unsuccessful, the Law on the Right to Collective Bargaining provides for
alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to resolve collective labour conflicts –
notably conciliation, mediation and arbitration. Unions/employees may call a strike if
the negotiations are deadlocked when the deadline for reaching an agreement passes.
A collective bargaining agreement requires all the parties to maintain social peace
while it is in force, rendering illegal any strike action or collective labour conflict
during that period. Once the effective period has elapsed, the agreement shall continue
to bind the parties until it is replaced by a new or amended collective bargaining
Redundancies What are the rules that govern redundancy procedures? Under both the
General Labour Law (2/00) and the new General Labour Law (7/15), redundancy
occurs when the employer faces economic, technological or structural circumstances
that give rise to an internal reorganisation or conversion or the reduction or closure of
activities, which makes it necessary to eliminate or significantly alter jobs. The law
provides for two main types of redundancy procedure: collective dismissal and
individual redundancy.
Are there particular rules for collective redundancies/mass layoffs? Under the General
Labour Law (2/00), if the redundancy process will affect five or more employees and
the termination of the employment contracts will occur within three months, the
employer may proceed with a collective dismissal. Under the new General Labour
Law (7/15), a collective dismissal can take place if the redundancy procedure covers
more than 20 employees. Otherwise, the more flexible individual redundancy rules
shall apply.
serve an initial redundancy notice on the union committee and the Ministry of Labour;
carry out a mandatory information and consultation process with all parties
concerned; and
serve a final collective termination notice on the employees.
The Ministry of Labour has supervisory powers over the process and the prerogative
to reject the collective dismissal process.
All cases of redundancy give the employee the right to a notice period of 30 days for
unskilled personnel and 60 days for skilled personnel (or payment of salary in lieu),
plus compensation of one month’s base salary per full year of service up to five years
of seniority and 50% of the monthly base salary per each additional year. Under the
new General Labour Law (7/15), micro, small and medium-sized companies may pay
reduced compensation to redundant employees.
conciliation before the Public Attorney’s Office with the competent provincial labour
mediation before the General Inspectorate of Labour; or
voluntary arbitration.
What is the procedure and typical timescale? As soon as the claim is filed with the
court by an employee, the employee and the employer are given notice to attend a
conciliation hearing with the purpose of reaching an agreement. If no agreement is
reached, the judicial phase begins. The timescale for completion of the procedure
varies on a case-by-case basis and also depends on the court´s workload. The average
timescale for a first-instance proceedings is two years.
Appeals What is the route for appeals? An appeal may be filed with the Court of
Appeals by either the employer or the employee in relation to an unfair dismissal
claim. A further appeal to the Supreme Court is possible, but is subject to complex