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Oracle® Linux Virtualization Manager

Release Notes Guide Release 4.3.6

November 2020
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Table of Contents
Preface .............................................................................................................................................. v
About this document ......................................................................................................................... vii
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2 What's New .................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Requirements and Scalability Limits ................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Engine Host Requirements ................................................................................................... 5
3.2 KVM Host Requirements ...................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Firewall Requirements .......................................................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Engine Host Firewall Requirements ............................................................................ 7
3.3.2 Remote Component Firewall Requirements ................................................................. 8
3.3.3 KVM Host Firewall Requirements ............................................................................... 9
3.4 Storage Requirements ........................................................................................................ 10
3.5 Scalability Limits ................................................................................................................. 10
3.6 Guest Operating System Requirements ............................................................................... 11
4 Technology Preview ...................................................................................................................... 13
5 Deprecated Features ..................................................................................................................... 15
6 Known Issues ............................................................................................................................... 17
6.1 Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Issues .......................................................................... 17
6.2 Global Configuration Issues ................................................................................................ 18
6.3 Compute Issues ................................................................................................................. 20
6.4 Network Issues ................................................................................................................... 25
6.5 Storage Issues ................................................................................................................... 30
6.6 Virtual Machine Issues ........................................................................................................ 32
7 Feedback and Support .................................................................................................................. 39

The Oracle® Linux Virtualization Manager documentation provides information on installing and configuring
a virtualization environment that you can use to manage compute, network and storage resources.

This document is intended for both new and existing users of Oracle® Linux Virtualization Manager. It is
assumed that readers are familiar with virtualization and have a general understanding of Windows and
UNIX platforms.

Documentation Location
The documentation for this product is available at:

The following text conventions are used in this document:

• boldface: Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms
defined in text or the glossary.

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• monospace: Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text
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About this document
This document is part of the documentation set for Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, which is available

This documentation set comprises:

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Release Notes Guide

This document provides a summary of the new features, changes, fixed bugs, and known issues in the
Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager. It contains last-minute information, which may not be included in
the main body of documentation.

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Architecture and Planning Guide

This document provides an architectural overview of Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager,

prerequisites, and planning information for your environment.

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Getting Started Guide

This document explains how to install, configure and get started with the Oracle Linux Virtualization
Manager. There is an example scenario that covers some of the basic procedures for setting up the
environment, such as, adding hosts and storage, creating virtual machines, configuring networks,
working with templates, and backup and restore tasks. In addition, there is information on upgrading
your engine and hosts as well as deploying a self-hosted configuration.

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Administration Guide

This document provides common administrative tasks for Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager. In
addition, you will find information on setting up users and groups, configuring high-availability, memory
and CPUs, configuring and using event notifications, configuring vCPUs and virtual memory.

In addition to the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager documentation, you can also refer to the upstream

• oVirt Documentation

• oVirt 4.3.6 Release Notes

Document generated on: 2020-11-05 (revision: 930)

Chapter 1 Introduction
Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager is a complete solution for managing the compute, network and storage
resources and the virtual machines, in enterprise-class virtualization environments.

Oracle Linux is the operating system on which Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager is installed. Oracle
Linux Virtualization Manager is free to download and includes all patches and updates, under the same
licensing restrictions as Oracle Linux.

The packages needed to install the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager are available from the Oracle
Linux yum server at, and from the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) at

This release is based on the oVirt 4.3.6 release. This document is in addition to the upstream oVirt 4.3.6
Release Notes.

In addition to the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager documentation, see oVirt Documentation.

Chapter 2 What's New
The following new features are included with Release 4.3.6 of Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager.

• Self-hosted engine deployment

In Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, a self-hosted engine is a virtualized environment where the
engine runs inside a virtual machine on the hosts in the environment. The virtual machine for the engine
is created as part of the host configuration process. And, the engine is installed and configured in parallel
to the host configuration. For additional information, see Self-Hosted Engine Deployment in the Oracle
Linux Virtualization Manager: Getting Started Guide.

• Gluster 6 integration

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager has been integrated with Gluster 6, an open source scale-out
distributed file system, to provide a hyperconverged solution where both compute and storage are
provided from the same hosts. Gluster volumes residing on the hosts are used as storage domains in the
Manager to store the virtual machine images. Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager is run as a self-hosted
engine within a virtual machine on these hosts. For additional information, see Deploying GlusterFS
Storage in the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Getting Started Guide.

For more information on Gluster 6, see

• Additional guest operating systems

• Oracle® Linux 8

• RedHat® Enterprise Linux 8

• CentOS 8

• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5

• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1

• Microsoft Windows Server 2019

For more information, see Chapter 3, Requirements and Scalability Limits.

• Virt-v2v utility

The virt-v2v utility converts virtual machines from other hypervisors, including their disk images and
metadata, for use with Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager and Oracle Linux KVM. The virt-v2v utility
converts Oracle Linux, RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS and Windows virtual machines running on
Oracle VM and imports them for use in Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager.

For more information on the virt-v2v utility, see

Chapter 3 Requirements and Scalability Limits

Table of Contents
3.1 Engine Host Requirements ........................................................................................................... 5
3.2 KVM Host Requirements .............................................................................................................. 6
3.3 Firewall Requirements .................................................................................................................. 7
3.3.1 Engine Host Firewall Requirements .................................................................................... 7
3.3.2 Remote Component Firewall Requirements ........................................................................ 8
3.3.3 KVM Host Firewall Requirements ....................................................................................... 9
3.4 Storage Requirements ................................................................................................................ 10
3.5 Scalability Limits ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.6 Guest Operating System Requirements ....................................................................................... 11

The following sections provide detailed requirements for a Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Release
4.3.6 environment as well as the scalability limitations.

3.1 Engine Host Requirements

The following are the system requirements for the host system where you want to install Oracle Linux
Virtualization Manager.

• Oracle Linux 7 Update 7 (or later) with Minimal Install selected as the base environment for the
• Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 5 Update 1 (or later) or Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release

The following table identifies the specific system hardware requirements for the host system where you
want to install Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager.
Table 3.1
Resource Minimum Recommended
CPU 64-bit dual-core CPU 64-bit quad core or greater
Memory 4 GB of available system RAM 16 GB or greater of
system RAM

If Data
is installed
and if memory
is being
by existing
using the
of system

KVM Host Requirements

Resource Minimum Recommended

Hard disk 25 GB local writable hard disk 50 GB or greater of local
writable hard disk
Network interface One network interface card (NIC) with Two or more NICs with
bandwidth of at least 1 Gbps bandwidth of at least 1

For information about x86-based servers that are certified for Oracle Linux with UEK, see the Hardware
Certification List for Oracle Linux and Virtualization.

For more details about system requirements and known issues with installation, see:

• Oracle® Linux 7: Release Notes for Oracle Linux 7.

• Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Documentation.

• Oracle® Linux 7: Installation Guide.


Oracle does not support Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager on systems where
the ol7_preview, ol7_developer, ol7_developer_kvm_utils, or
ol7_developer_EPEL repositories are enabled, or where software from these
repositories is currently installed on the systems where the Manager will run.
Even if you follow the instructions in this document, you may render your platform
unsupported if these repositories or channels are enabled or software from these
channels or repositories is installed on your system.

3.2 KVM Host Requirements

The following are the minimum system requirements for Oracle Linux KVM hosts.

• Oracle Linux operating system

Select Minimal Install as the base environment for the installation.


For detailed information on the supported Oracle Linux version, see the Oracle®
Linux: KVM User's Guide.
• Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 5 Update 1 (or later) or Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release
6, depending on the Oracle Linux version.
• 64-bit dual-core CPU
Recommended: Multiple CPUs

The CPUs must support either the Intel VT-x or the AMD AMD-V hardware virtualization extensions and
the extensions must be enabled in the host's BIOS. The CPUs must also support the No eXecute flag
• 2 GB RAM
Maximum Tested: 6 TB

The amount of RAM required varies depending on guest operating system requirements, guest
application requirements, and guest memory activity and usage.
• 1 network interface card (NIC) with bandwidth of at least 1 Gbps
Recommended: 2 or more NICs with bandwidth of at least 1 Gbps

Firewall Requirements

Multiple NICs are recommended so that NICs can be dedicated for network intensive activities, such as
virtual machine migration.
• 60 GB of locally accessibly, writable disk space dedicated to Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager,
allocated as follows:

Allocation Size
/ (root) 30 GB
/boot 1 GB
/var 29 GB

For information about x86-based servers that are certified for Oracle Linux with UEK, see the Hardware
Certification List for Oracle Linux and Virtualization.


Do not install any third-party watchdogs on your Oracle Linux KVM hosts, as they
can interfere with the watchdog daemon provided by VDSM.

Do not install any other applications on the Oracle Linux KVM hosts as they may
interfere with the operation of the KVM hypervisor.

For more details about system requirements and known issues with installation, see:

• Oracle® Linux 7: Release Notes for Oracle Linux 7.

• Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Documentation.

• Oracle® Linux 7: Installation Guide.

3.3 Firewall Requirements

Before you install and configure the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager engine or any KVM hosts ensure
you review the following firewall requirements.


Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager requires IPv6 to remain enabled on the

computer or virtual machine where you are running the Manager. Do not disable
IPv6 on the Manager machine, even if your systems do not use it.

3.3.1 Engine Host Firewall Requirements

When you run the engine-setup command to configure Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, you
can have the Setup program automatically configure the firewall ports on the host. Use the following
information if you want to manually configure firewalls.

The following ports are the default ports. The Setup program enables you to choose different ports for
some of the configuration options, see Engine Configuration Options in the Oracle Linux Virtualization
Manager: Getting Started Guide.
Table 3.2 Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Host Firewall Requirements
Port Protocol Source Destination Purpose
Not ICMP Oracle Linux KVM Manager host (Optional) Diagnostics
applicable hosts

Remote Component Firewall Requirements

Port Protocol Source Destination Purpose

22 TCP External systems Manager host (Optional) SSH access to the Manager host
for administration and maintenance
80 TCP Administration Portal Manager host HTTP access to the Manager

VM Portal clients

Oracle Linux KVM


REST API clients

443 TCP Administration Portal Manager host HTTPS access to the Manager

VM Portal clients

Oracle Linux KVM


REST API clients

2222 TCP Clients Manager host SSH access to virtual machine serial
5432 TCP,UDP Manager host Manager host (Optional) Connections to PostgreSQL
database server
Data Warehouse
Service Only required if the Engine database or
the Data Warehouse database run on the
External systems Manager host
6100 TCP Administration Portal Manager host (Optional) WebSocket proxy access to the
clients noVNC or HTML 5 virtual machine consoles

VM Portal clients Only required if the WebSocket proxy runs on

the Manager host
7410 UDP Oracle Linux KVM Manager host (Optional) Kdump notifications
Only required if Kdump is enabled
54323 TCP Administration Portal Manager host (Optional) Image I/O Proxy access to upload
clients images

Only required if the Image I/O Proxy runs on

the Manager host

3.3.2 Remote Component Firewall Requirements

Some Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager components can run on separate remote hosts. Use the
following information to configure the firewall on these hosts.
Table 3.3 Remote Component Firewall Requirements
Port Protocol Source Destination Purpose
5432 TCP,UDP Manager host PostgreSQL database Connections to PostgreSQL database server

KVM Host Firewall Requirements

Port Protocol Source Destination Purpose

Data Warehouse Required if the Engine database or the Data
Service Warehouse database run on a remote host

External systems
6100 TCP Administration Portal WebSocket proxy WebSocket proxy access to the noVNC or
clients host HTML 5 virtual machine consoles

VM Portal clients Required if the WebSocket proxy runs on a

remote host

3.3.3 KVM Host Firewall Requirements

When you add an Oracle Linux KVM host to Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, the existing firewall
configuration on the host is overwritten and the required firewall ports are configured automatically.

To disable automatic firewall configuration when adding a KVM host, clear the Automatically configure
host firewall check box under Advanced Parameters. Then use the following information to manually
configure the firewall.

Table 3.4 Oracle Linux KVM Host Firewall Requirements

Port Protocol Source Destination Purpose

22 TCP Manager host KVM hosts (Optional) SSH access to KVM hosts
111 TCP NFS storage server KVM hosts (Optional) NFS connections

Only required if you use NFS storage

161 UDP KVM hosts Manager host (Optional) Simple network management
protocol (SNMP)

Only required if you want to send SNMP traps

to external SNMP managers
2223 TCP Manager host KVM hosts SSH access to virtual machine serial
5900 to TCP Administration Portal KVM hosts Access to virtual machine consoles using
6923 clients VNC or RDP protocols

VM Portal clients
5989 TCP,UDP Common Information KVM hosts (Optional) CIMOM connections
Model Object
Manager (CIMOM) Only required if you use CIMOM to monitor
virtual machines running on the host
6081 UDP KVM hosts KVM hosts (Optional) Open Virtual Network (OVN)

Only required if the OVN network provider is

9090 TCP Manager host KVM hosts (Optional) Cockpit connections

Client machines
16514 TCP KVM hosts KVM hosts Virtual machine migration using libvirt

Storage Requirements

Port Protocol Source Destination Purpose

49152 to TCP KVM hosts KVM hosts Automated and manual virtual machine
49216 migration and fencing using VDSM
54321 TCP Manager host KVM hosts VDSM communication with the Oracle Linux
Virtualization Manager and other KVM hosts
KVM hosts
54322 TCP Manager host KVM hosts (Optional) Communication with the Image I/O
Proxy to upload images
Image I/O Proxy host
Only required if the Image I/O Proxy runs on
the Manager host or a separate host

3.4 Storage Requirements

Before you can create virtual machines, you must provision and attach storage to a data center. You
can use Network File System (NFS), Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI), Fibre Channel
Protocol (FCP), or Gluster storage. You can also configure local storage attached directly to hosts.

Storage devices in Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager are referred to as data domains, which are used
to store virtual hard disks, snapshots, ISO files, and templates. Every data center must have at least one
data domain. Data domains cannot be shared between data centers.

3.5 Scalability Limits

The following table shows the limits for the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager host, Oracle Linux KVM
hosts, networks, virtual machines and storage.
Table 3.5 Manager Host Limits
Component Maximum
Servers managed by one engine 128
VLANs managed by one engine 1024
Concurrently running virtual machines 5000

Table 3.6 Oracle Linux KVM Host Limits

Component Maximum
Physical CPUs (cores) 384
Memory 6 TB
Concurrently running virtual machines on a single 600, depending on the performance of the host

Table 3.7 Virtual Machine Limits

Component Maximum
Virtual CPUs 256
Virtual RAM 2 TB

Table 3.8 Storage Limits

Component Maximum
Domains 50

Guest Operating System Requirements

Component Maximum
Hosts per domain Unlimited
Logical volumes per block domain 1500
LUNs per block-based storage device 300
Disk size 500 TiB (limited to 8 TiB by default)

3.6 Guest Operating System Requirements

There are several guest operating systems you can use to configure a KVM host for use with Oracle Linux
Virtualization Manager.

For detailed information on the supported guest operating systems, see the Oracle® Linux: KVM User's

Chapter 4 Technology Preview
The following features of Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager are currently still under development, but are
made available for testing and evaluation purposes:

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager

• Automate configuring of Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager using the Ansible roles provided in the
ovirt-ansible-roles package.

• Data warehouse service and history database and engine database installation or migration to a
separate host.

• Full sampling scale for data warehouse.

• Dashboard migration to a separate host.

• Additional functionality to the Admin Portal through custom user interface plugins.

• External providers that provide external resources to Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager.

• The ovirt-engine-rename command (the oVirt Engine Rename Tool) changes the fully qualified
DNS name of Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager.

• The engine-config command (the Engine Configuration Tool) changes to global configuration
settings for Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager.

• USB Filter Editor used to create the usbfilter.txt policy file for filtering USB devices on Windows
client devices.

• Quotas and service level agreements to control access to resources.

• Custom hooks to extend the functionality of the host agent (VDSM).

Configuring additional internal local user domains for Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager.

• External directory server apart from Active Directory and OpenLDAP Standard Schema (options 3 and 9
when you use the ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap-setup command).

• Users log in automatically to the Administration Portal or VM Portal using the credentials obtained from a
Kerberos or LDAP server (single sign-on).

• moVirt Android client for the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager.

• Data center or cluster with compatibility version 4.2 or previous.

• CPU quality of service (QoS) entries to control the amount processing capability virtual machines can
access on hosts.

• Trusted compute pools to deploy virtual machines on clusters that use Intel Trusted Execution
Technology (Intel TXT).

• Existing Gluster storage cluster.

• GPU passthrough that attaches host GPUs directly to virtual machines.


• Host network interfaces configured to use ethtool or Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) custom

• PCI network cards attached directly to virtual machines (PCI passthrough or SR-IOV).

• Network bonds that use bond modes 0 (round-robin policy), 2 (XOR policy), 3 (broadcast policy), and 5
(adaptive transmit load balancing policy).

• Host quality of service entries that to control the bandwidth a logical network uses on a physical

• Virtual machine quality of service entries to control to the input/output of VNICs.

• External network providers, including the Open Virtual network (OVN) provider.

• Network security groups provided by the OpenStack Neutron service.

• Networks and interfaces managed with the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS).

• Wipe after delete functionality to zero out used blocks in virtual disks.

• Storage quality of service (QoS) entries to control the maximum throughput and I/O operations for virtual
disks in a storage domain.

• Disk profiles to define the maximum throughput and I/O for virtual disks in a storage domain.

Virtual Machines (Guests)

• Seal and automate the initialization of Windows guests using sysprep.

• Automatic installs of guest additions in Windows guests using the Application Provisioning Tool (APT).

• User log in automatically to virtual machines using their Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager credentials
(single sign-on).

• User log in automatically to virtual machines using the credentials obtained from a Kerberos or LDAP
server (single sign-on).

• Host devices directly attached to virtual machines, including SCSI devices such as disks, PCI devices
such as NICs and GPUs, and USB devices such as webcams (passthrough or SR-IOV).

• Virtual machine authentication using smart cards on client devices (smart card authentication).

• Multiple displays with virtual machines.

• Remote access to USB devices on Windows client devices using the usbdk driver (USB redirection).

• Virtual NUMA nodes configured on virtual machines and pinned them to NUMA nodes on a physical

• SAP monitoring in virtual machines enabled through the Administration Portal.

Chapter 5 Deprecated Features
The following features are marked as deprecated in the upstream release and may be removed in a future

• Log Collector Analyzer Tool. The Log Collector Analyzer Tool (ovirt-log-collector-
analyzer) is a command-line tool that analyzes and reports on the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager

• Export Storage Domains. Export domains are temporary storage repositories that are used to copy
and move images between data centers and Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager environments. Use
data domains instead.

• ISO Storage Domains. ISO domains store ISO files which you can attach to virtual machines and
use to install and boot operating systems and applications. Use data domains instead.

• ISO Uploader Tool. The ISO Uploader Tool (engine-iso-uploader) is a command-line tool for
uploading ISO images to an ISO storage domain. Use the Administration Portal or the REST API to
upload ISO images to data domains instead.

• ovirt-shell Command Line Interface. The ovirt-shell command line interface has not been
updated to support any new features added to the upstream release since version 4.0. For automation
purposes, either use the REST API or another tool such as Ansible.

• USB Clerk. USB Clerk is a service that is able to install and uninstall USB drivers in Windows virtual
machines. Use the usbdk driver instead.

• FAILED_QUERIES_NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENTS Variable. In the event notifications configuration

file (/usr/share/ovirt-engine/services/ovirt-engine-notifier/ovirt-engine-
notifier.conf), the FAILED_QUERIES_NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENTS variable is deprecated. Use
the FILTER variable instead.

Chapter 6 Known Issues

Table of Contents
6.1 Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Issues .................................................................................. 17
6.2 Global Configuration Issues ........................................................................................................ 18
6.3 Compute Issues ......................................................................................................................... 20
6.4 Network Issues ........................................................................................................................... 25
6.5 Storage Issues ........................................................................................................................... 30
6.6 Virtual Machine Issues ................................................................................................................ 32

In addition to the known issues for Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Release 4.3.6 listed here, you
should also check the following documents:

• The upstream oVirt 4.3.6 Release Notes.

• Oracle® Linux 7: Release Notes for Oracle Linux 7

• Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel: Release Notes for Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 5

6.1 Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Issues

Unable to Log in to Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Using the Host IP
If you access Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager using the host IP address, you see the following
message and you are not able to log in:
The FQDN used to access the system is not a valid engine FQDN.
You must access the system using the engine FQDN or one of the engine alternate FQDNs.

Solution: Only use the fully qualified domain name to access Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager. Proper
hostname resolution must be in place.

Bug: 29062264

The Log Collector Tool Is Not Available on the Engine Host

The log collector tool (ovirt-log-collector) is not installed on the Manager host when you install
Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager. You must install it separately.

Solution: Install the log collector tool on the Manager host:

# yum install ovirt-log-collector

Bug: 29167472

Setup Scripts for Active Domain Restrict Users to Verify for Root AD Forest
and Not a Specific Subdomain
When attempting to configure authentication using the ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap
extension, you can add only the forest domain for authentication. When attempting to use the subdomain,
you see the following warning and error messages:
[ INFO ] Resolving Global Catalog SRV record for subdomain1.mydomain.domain.local

Active Directory Profile Missing After Restoring the Engine

[WARNING] Cannot resolve Global Catalog SRV record for subdomain1.mydomain.domain.local.

Please check you have entered correct Active Directory forest name and check that forest
is resolvable by your system DNS servers
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment customization': Active Directory forest is
not resolvable, please make sure you've entered correct forest name. If for some reason you
can't use forest and you need some special configuration instead, please refer to examples
directory provided by ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap package.

Solution: Issue also occurs in the upstream oVirt release. There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29182338

Active Directory Profile Missing After Restoring the Engine

When restoring from a backup to a fresh installation of the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, the Active
Directory profile is missing.

Solution: Perform the following steps:

1. Reinstall the ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap-setup package:

# yum install ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap-setup

2. Restart the Manager.

# service ovirt-engine restart

3. Add the IP address of the Active Directory to the /etc/host and /etc/resolve.conf files,

Bug: 29410228

Removed Storage Domains Are Still Shown in the Dashboard

After you remove a storage domain, it is still shown in the Dashboard.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29494264

Unable to Set up a Connection to an OpenLDAP Directory

When you use ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap extension to set up a connection to an
OpenLDAP server (option 9 - OpenLDAP Standard Schema), the setup fails because you are unable to
authenticate to the directory server.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior. Issue also occurs in the upstream oVirt release.

Bug: 29525988

6.2 Global Configuration Issues

• Virtual Machine Started on KVM Host Whose Virtual Machine Count Exceeds the HighVirtual
MachineCount Property Set for an Evenly_Distributed Scheduling Policy

• Virtual Machine Can Be Started on a KVM Host Whose CPU Utilization Exceeds the HighUtilization
Property Set for an Evenly_Distributed Scheduling Policy

• CPU Load Not Evenly Load Balanced for an Evenly_Distributed Scheduling Policy

Virtual Machine Started on KVM Host Whose Virtual Machine Count Exceeds the
HighVirtual MachineCount Property Set for an Evenly_Distributed Scheduling Policy

• Power_Saving Scheduling Policy Not Shutting Down Any of the KVM Hosts in a Cluster with CPU
Utilization Less Than 20%

• Virtual Machine Not Migrating After Exceeding the MaxFreeMemoryForOverUtilized Property Value for a
Power_Savings Scheduling Policy

• MinFreeMemoryForUnderUtilized Property Not Working for Evenly_Distributed and Power_Savings

Scheduling Policies

• MacPoolAdmin Role Is Available Only for System-Level Users

Virtual Machine Started on KVM Host Whose Virtual Machine Count Exceeds
the HighVirtual MachineCount Property Set for an Evenly_Distributed
Scheduling Policy
A virtual machine started on a KVM host whose virtual machine count exceeded the number of virtual
machines set in the HighVMCount property for an Evenly_Distributed scheduling policy. Based on the
scheduling policy configured in this scenario, load balancing should have been triggered and this virtual
machine should have started on another KVM host in the cluster.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29168788

Virtual Machine Can Be Started on a KVM Host Whose CPU Utilization

Exceeds the HighUtilization Property Set for an Evenly_Distributed
Scheduling Policy
In a 3-host cluster where only one host is active (the other two hosts are in Maintenance mode), 5 virtual
machines are created by importing OVA files. An Evenly_Distributed scheduling policy is configured with
the HighUtlilization property set to 50. When the CPU utilization exceed 50% on the KVM host and a
virtual machine is started, the virtual machine should fail to startup; however, the virtual machine is starting
up on the KVM host in this scenario.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29171712

CPU Load Not Evenly Load Balanced for an Evenly_Distributed Scheduling

In a 3-host cluster where an Evenly_Distributed scheduling policy is configured with the HighUtlilization
property set to 50 and the CPUOverCommitDuration set to 1, CPU load did not evenly distribute across
the KVM hosts in the cluster. In this scenario, virtual machines did not migrate that should have been
migrated due to load balancing based on the configured scheduling policy.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29172270

Power_Saving Scheduling Policy Not Shutting Down Any of the KVM Hosts in
a Cluster with CPU Utilization Less Than 20%
In a cluster with 3 running KVM hosts and with 4 running virtual machines, a Power_Savings scheduling
policy is configured with the EnableAutomaticHostPowerManagement property set to true when the

Virtual Machine Not Migrating After Exceeding the MaxFreeMemoryForOverUtilized
Property Value for a Power_Savings Scheduling Policy

CPU and memory is found to be low on the KVM hosts. After this policy is set, the KVM hosts are not being
shutdown and the virtual machines are not being migrated, even though the CPU utilization is less than
20%. Given the configured Power_Savings scheduling policy for this scenario, some of the hosts should
have been shutdown.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29418541

Virtual Machine Not Migrating After Exceeding the

MaxFreeMemoryForOverUtilized Property Value for a Power_Savings
Scheduling Policy
A virtual machine is observed not migrating to another KVM host in a cluster that has enough free memory
when the virtual machine exceeds the value set for the MaxFreeMemoryForOverUtilized property of a
Power_Savings scheduling policy.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29419399

MinFreeMemoryForUnderUtilized Property Not Working for Evenly_Distributed

and Power_Savings Scheduling Policies
In a cluster with 3 active hosts where there are 4 running virtual machines (3 virtual machines running on
one of the hosts and 1 virtual machine running on another one of the hosts), an Evenly_Distributed policy
is configured with a value set for the MinFreeMemoryForUnderUtilized property. The virtual machines in
this environment then exceed the MinFreeMemoryForUnderUtilized property value set for the policy, but
neither the KVM hosts are shutdown nor are the virtual machines migrated in this scenario.

The policy is then changed to a Power_Savings scheduling policy and the

MinFreeMemoryForUnderUtilized property is changed to the same value as previously set for the
Evenly_Distributed scheduling policy, and again it is observed that neither the KVM hosts are shutdown
nor the virtual machines are migrated when this property value is exceeded.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29425062

MacPoolAdmin Role Is Available Only for System-Level Users

Although the MacPoolAdmin role can be assigned to users of different levels (for example, System, Data
Center, Cluster, and so on), only users who are given this role at the System level are actually able to
perform MacPoolAdmin tasks on the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, such as creating, editing, or
deleting MAC address pools.

Solution: If a user requires MacPoolAdmin privileges, ensure that the user is assigned the
MacPoolAdmin role at the System level on the Manager.

Bug: 29534106

6.3 Compute Issues

• KVM Host Under the Control of a Engine Host Can Be Accidentally Added to Another Manager Host
Without Validation of Its Current State

KVM Host Under the Control of a Engine Host Can Be Accidentally
Added to Another Manager Host Without Validation of Its Current State

• Duplicate KVM Host Cannot Be Moved into Maintenance Mode After Host Addition Fails

• SSH Connection Hangs When Adding a New KVM Host with Firewalld Disabled to the Engine

• Bridge Is Not Cleaned When Undeploying and Removing a KVM Host

• Creating a New Cluster in a Non-Default Data Center Without a Management Network Causes Dialog
Box to Hang and Generates Uncaught Exception in UI Log

• Incomplete Error Message Stopping a KVM Host

• Host Console Indicates KVM Host Is Registered on the Engine Host After Its Removal

• Removing a Stolen, Defunct, Nonresponsive, or Destroyed KVM Host

KVM Host Under the Control of a Engine Host Can Be Accidentally Added to
Another Manager Host Without Validation of Its Current State
When an KVM host is already deployed on a Manager host, you can add this KVM host to another
Manager host, causing this Manager host to take the KVM host away from the original owning Manager
host. Adding a KVM host that is already under the control of a Manager host is highly not recommended,
but it can be done by accident. In this event, the KVM host that resides on the original owning Manager
host changes to a status of Nonreponsive and all virtual machines running on it change to a status of
Unknown. When you attempt to put the nonresponsive host into Maintenance mode, the following error
message is generated:
Error while executing action: Cannot switch Host to Maintenance mode.
Host still has running VMs on it and is in Non Responsive state.

Solution: For information about the workaround for this issue, refer to the related issue Removing a
Stolen, Defunct, Nonresponsive, or Destroyed KVM Host .

Bug: 29127349

Duplicate KVM Host Cannot Be Moved into Maintenance Mode After Host
Addition Fails
If you add a KVM host that is running virtual machines to the Manager host and you attempt to add the
same KVM host using a different host name (either IP address or FQDN), the Manager host fails to add
this KVM host. When you try moving the failed KVM host into Maintenance mode to remove it from the
Manager, it causes the KVM host to be stuck in Preparing for Maintenance mode.

Solution: Migrate all virtual machines that are UP on the running KVM host to a different KVM host in
the cluster. Doing that changes the status on the failed KVM host to Maintenance mode. You can them
remove the KVM host.

Bug: 29127707

SSH Connection Hangs When Adding a New KVM Host with Firewalld
Disabled to the Engine
SSH Connection hangs when adding a new KVM host with firewalld disabled to the Manager.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior. The SSH connection is eventually restored after some

Bridge Is Not Cleaned When Undeploying and Removing a KVM Host

Bug: 29135914

Bridge Is Not Cleaned When Undeploying and Removing a KVM Host

After a KVM host is undeployed and removed from the Manager host, the previous bridges are not cleaned
on the KVM host.

Solution: Networking resources should be manually removed or cleaned after removing the KVM host
from the Manager host, and the default management network, ovirtmgmt, should not be modified.

A tool is available upstream that you can use to remove the networks that are configured by VDSM from a
KVM host. For more information, refer to

Bug: 29167000

Creating a New Cluster in a Non-Default Data Center Without a Management

Network Causes Dialog Box to Hang and Generates Uncaught Exception in UI
The steps to reproduce this issue are as follows:

1. Create a new data center with the default settings.

2. Click Configure Later when prompted on the Data Center - Guide Me dialog box.

3. Create a new cluster by adding the cluster to the new data center, giving the cluster a new name but
leaving the Management Network blank.

4. Click OK.


By default, the Manager adds the ovirtmgmt management network as the

Management Network. This field can only be left blank if this management
network has been removed and no other management networks have been
created. This issue occurs only if the Management Network field is left blank.

The dialog box then hangs, but there are no error messages that are generated in the engine.log
file; however, an uncaught exception is generated in the ui.log file.

After this issue is encountered, each time the new data center is clicked, a UI exception is generated.

It is also observed that the new data center could be removed, even though the new cluster and a host
in this data center still reside on this Manager.

Solution: If you encounter this issue, there are two possible workarounds:

• Close the dialog box, delete the data center, and create a new data center. Creating a new data center
brings back the ovirtmgmt management network.


• Close the dialog box, create a new network in this data center, and when creating the new cluster, select
this new network as the management network.

Bug: 29385759

Incomplete Error Message Stopping a KVM Host

Incomplete Error Message Stopping a KVM Host

This issue is seen with a KVM host whose Status is Unassigned. The steps to reproduce the issue are
as follows:

1. Go to Compute and then click Hosts.

2. On the Hosts pane, click Management and from the drop-down list select Stop.

The following incomplete Operation Canceled error message is generated:

Error while executing action

Although this error message is incomplete, it is accurate; however, the message does not provide a

Solution: The Status of the KVM host must be UP before you can stop the KVM host. Try setting the KVM
host to Maintenance mode and then stopping it. If this does not work, you must log in to the KVM host,
resolve the issue, and bring it back up.

Bug: 29298704

Host Console Indicates KVM Host Is Registered on the Engine Host After Its
The Host Console indicates that an KVM host is still registered on the Manager host after it has been
removed from the Manager host. This issue is observed in the following scenario.

1. Remove the KVM host by using the Manager as follows:

a. On the Hosts pane, put the KVM host in Maintenance mode by clicking Management and then
selecting Maintenance from the drop-down list.

b. Click Installation and then select Reinstall from the drop-down list.

c. Click Hosted Engine and then select Undeploy from the drop-down list.

d. Click OK.

e. Then set the KVM host to Maintenance mode again and click Remove to open the Remove
Host(s) confirmation window and click OK.

2. Open the Host Console.

3. Go to Virtualization and then click Hosted Engine.

The Host Engine Setup screen indicates that the system is already registered to the removed KVM

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29444179

Removing a Stolen, Defunct, Nonresponsive, or Destroyed KVM Host

A KVM host that is under the control of a Manager host can be taken over by another Manager host. See
also KVM Host Under the Control of a Engine Host Can Be Accidentally Added to Another Manager Host
Without Validation of Its Current State.

Removing a Stolen, Defunct, Nonresponsive, or Destroyed KVM Host

For example, a KVM host that is already in use by a Manager host can be added as a New Host by a
different Manager host. In this scenario, the original Manager is unable to communicate with its KVM host.
Because the KVM host has a running a virtual machine, attempts to put the host into Maintenance mode
are rejected with the following error message:
Host still has running VMs on it, and is Non responsive state

Solution: There are two available methods for handling this situation:

• Method to resolve the issue of a host being taken over by another Manager host.

• Method to remove a KVM host that has become permanently nonfunctional.

Method to Resolve the Issue of a Host Being Taking Over by Another Engine Host
When the new Manager host takes over the KVM host, the following symptoms are observed:

• On the original owning Manager host, the KVM host shows a status of Connecting and the virtual
machines show up as running.

• On the new Manager host, copies of the virtual machines show up as external_vm-name and they are

Perform the following steps:

1. Power off the KVM host.

After powering off the KVM host, the following events occur:

• The KVM host eventually goes into a status of NonResponsive on both Manager hosts .

• The virtual machines go into a status of Unknown on both Manager hosts.

• The following events are triggered for this KVM host on both Manager hosts: Handling non
responsive Host host-name.

2. Wait for these events to fail.

On both Manager hosts, perform the following steps:

1. Click More Actions and select Confirm Host has been Rebooted from the drop-down list.

2. Select the Confirm Operation checkbox and click OK.

This action causes the virtual machines to be marked as Down on the Managers and the host to
display a value of 0 under the Virtual Machines column. The virtual machines may now be migrated
by the old manager to another host if that is permitted by the Migration Mode settings of the virtual

3. Set the KVM host to Maintenance mode.

Then, on the new Manager host, perform the following steps:

1. Remove the virtual machine copies.

2. Remove the KVM host.

When the KVM host comes back up, SSH to it and remove all authorized keys.
# rm /root/.ssh/authorized_keys*

Network Issues

Then, on the original owning Manager host, reinstall the KVM host using password authentication (for


If the installation fails on the setup due to network issues causing the KVM host to
go into a NonResponsive status on the Manager host, set the KVM host back to
Maintenance mode and reinstall it with an SSH key.

Method to Remove a KVM Host That Has Become Permanently Nonfunctional

Assuming the Manager host shows the KVM host status as Nonresponsive, the following symptoms are

• The virtual machines that were running on the KVM host show a status of Unknown.

• The following events are generated on the Manager host for this KVM host:
Handling non responsive Host host-name

These events eventually fail.

Perform the following steps:

1. Click More Actions and select Confirm Host has been Rebooted from the drop-down list.

2. Select the Confirm Operation checkbox and click OK.

This action causes the virtual machines to be shutdown and the host to display a value of 0 under the
Virtual Machines column.

3. Set the KVM host to Maintenance mode.

4. Remove the KVM host.

For more information about these methods, refer to Doc ID 2540819.1 in the Oracle Support Knowledge

Bug: 29685904

6.4 Network Issues

• MAC Address Displayed on the Engine for the Non-Primary Subordinate Port of a Bond Not
Synchronized With KVM Host

• Engine Does Not Update the IP Address of a Virtual Machine When Switching the Virtual Machine
Network for a Running Virtual Machine

• Default Route Still Set to Yes After Default Route Role Is Removed from Connected Network

• Exception Generated When VLAN Network Is Added with Interface Name Longer Than 15 Characters

• Adding KVM Host Connected to VLAN Network Fails When VLAN Network Is Not Configured on
Management Network

• Network Synchronization Fails but Is Reported as Succeeding

• KVM Host Becomes Non-Operational When a Bondport Connected to Virtual Machine Network Changed
from an Unsupported Mode to a Supported Mode

MAC Address Displayed on the Engine for the Non-Primary
Subordinate Port of a Bond Not Synchronized With KVM Host

• Engine Does Not Check Connectivity When Removing an Interface

• Network Scale Limitation When Adding Networks to a KVM Host

• Network Label Failure Generates Illegal Network Parameters Error When Performing Other Network
Operations on the KVM Host

• Cannot Modify a VNIC in a Running Virtual Machine if an MTU Value is Set

• VM Network Bridge Name Does Not Match VM Network Name

MAC Address Displayed on the Engine for the Non-Primary Subordinate Port
of a Bond Not Synchronized With KVM Host
After a bond is created on an KVM host with 2 subordinate ports, the MAC address of the non-primary
subordinate port is changed to be the same as the primary subordinate port on the KVM host, but the
Manager continues to display the previous MAC address of the subordinate port.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29049447

Engine Does Not Update the IP Address of a Virtual Machine When Switching
the Virtual Machine Network for a Running Virtual Machine
In a scenario where a virtual machine is running with one VNIC interface connected to a VM network, it is
observed that the Manager allows the user to change the VNIC interface for the running virtual machine
to a different VM network. This action causes the virtual machine to lose its VM network and to become
inaccessible (that is, its IP address is no longer pingable). The Manager, however, still displays its old IP
address and does not generate any error messages.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29060999

Default Route Still Set to Yes After Default Route Role Is Removed from
Connected Network
Changing the default route on a network that is attached to a host and that has virtual machines connected
to that network is illegal and is rejected by VDSM. The Manager host gets notified about the request failure
and logs the error, but the Manager is unaware of the failure; that is, the Manage Networks pane shows
that default route change was successful.

Solution: When you modify the network configuration, make sure the interface configuration accurately
reflects the most recent changes.

Bug: 29133844

Exception Generated When VLAN Network Is Added with Interface Name

Longer Than 15 Characters
Adding an VLAN interface whose interface exceeded 15 characters generates the following failure

Adding KVM Host Connected to VLAN Network Fails When
VLAN Network Is Not Configured on Management Network

VDSErrorException: Failed to HostSetupNetworksVDS, error = Internal JSON-RPC error:

{'reason': '[Errno 8] Input data out of range'}, code = -32603

The VLAN ID ranges from 0 to 4096, which is a maximum of four characters and the total interface name
has a limit of 15 characters. This is a Linux kernel limitation. The maximum interface name length is
defined by the kernel headers and is a global limit, affecting all applications.

Solution: Limit interface names to 15 characters (including periods and VLAN IDs).

Bug: 29221397

Adding KVM Host Connected to VLAN Network Fails When VLAN Network Is
Not Configured on Management Network
Adding a KVM host that is connected to a VLAN network fails when the ovirtmgmt management network
is not configured on the VLAN network.

Solution: All servers that are part of a single cluster must be on the same VLAN management network.

Perform the following steps:

1. Go to Network and then click Networks.

2. Select the ovirtmgmt network under the Name column.

3. Click Edit.

4. Select the Enable VLAN tagging checkbox and enter the VLAN tag ID in the text entry field.

Make sure that the VLAN tag ID is the same as the VLAN ID set on the host interface to be connected
to the ovirtmgmt management network.

5. Go to Compute and then click Hosts.

6. Click New.

7. On the Hosts pane, click on the KVM host.

8. Click on the Network Interfaces tab.

9. Click Setup Host Networks and add the ovirtmgmt management network to the appropriate

Bug: 29245869

Network Synchronization Fails but Is Reported as Succeeding

After creating a VLAN network with a MTU value and adding the network to a host interface, the network
is not synchronized because the host retains the default MTU value of 1500. When clicking Sync All
Networks, the Manager reports the following message, indicating that the network synchronization is
Finished Synchronizing networks on host

The network, however, is still not synchronized.

Solution: Try clicking Sync All Networks again.

KVM Host Becomes Non-Operational When a Bondport Connected to Virtual
Machine Network Changed from an Unsupported Mode to a Supported Mode

Bug: 29311422

KVM Host Becomes Non-Operational When a Bondport Connected to Virtual

Machine Network Changed from an Unsupported Mode to a Supported Mode
When a bondport is created with a mode that is not supported for a VM network, the network can be
connected to a non-VM network successfully; however, if the non-VM network is changed to VM network,
the network becomes out of sync. Furthermore, if the user follows the instructions provided in the error
message to fix the network issue, the KVM host becomes non-operational. This issue is caused by the
network change (non-VM to VM network) combined with the bond mode change.


No issues occur when performing these actions in reverse; that is, changing a VM
network to a non-VM network and then changing the bond mode accordingly.

The steps to reproduce this issue are as follows:

1. Create a non-VM network and connect the network to a bondport mode in 0, 5, or 6.

2. Change the network mode to a VM Network by editing the network in the Manager and selecting the
VM Network checkbox.

This action causes the network to become out of sync.

3. Click Sync All Networks.

The following error is generated: Network nameis attached to bond number. VM networks
cannot be attached to bonds in mode 0, 5 or 6.

4. Change the bond mode to a mode available for a VM network (1, 2, or 4) and click OK.

After the network setup window closes, the Sync All Network button appears again, indicating that the
network is out of sync, and the host becomes non-operational.

Solution: You can click Sync All Networks again to bring the KVM host up. Alternatively, to bring the
KVM host up, you can put this KVM host in Maintenance mode and activate it after the network is back in

Bug: 29312752

Engine Does Not Check Connectivity When Removing an Interface

When you connect a host interface to a network, the Manager validates their connectivity before
establishing the connection. However, when removing an interface, the Manager does not check their
connectivity. This behavior is observed in a network configuration where the management network is
already connected to a bondport with 3 or more subordinate ports and only 1 of the ports is in UP state and
is able to communicate with the management network.

In this situation, when you attempt to remove the UP port (primary port) in the Setup Host Networks
dialog box, the Manager generates the following Operation Canceled error message:
Error while executing action HostSetupNetworks: Could not connect to peer host

This error message, which is generated during the removal of the subordinate port, is referring to the new
connection that cannot be established, even though the removal of the primary port has already occurred.

Network Scale Limitation When Adding Networks to a KVM Host

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior. In this situation, you need to make sure the remaining
communication between the bondport and the management network are not interrupted after the
subordinate port is removed, otherwise the host loses connection with the Manager and becomes non-

Bug: 29338703

Network Scale Limitation When Adding Networks to a KVM Host

In an Oracle Linux environment you can add approximately 389 networks to a KVM host, after which
network communication timeout errors start appearing in the Manager log file and no further networks can
be added to the host.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29383782

Network Label Failure Generates Illegal Network Parameters Error When

Performing Other Network Operations on the KVM Host
In a scenario where two VLANs are erroneously created with duplicate VLAN numbers, a warning in the
form of an orange exclamation mark appears as expected in the Manager next to the duplicate VLAN on
the Setup Host dialog box with the following error message:
Cannot have networks with duplicate vlan id on same interface.

After this network configuration error, attempting to perform other network operations on the KVM host
generates the following Operation Canceled error message:
Error while executing action HostSetupNetworks: Illegal Network parameters

Solution: You must resolve the network label failure before other network operations can be performed.

Bug: 29424399

Cannot Modify a VNIC in a Running Virtual Machine if an MTU Value is Set

If a virtual machine is running, editing a VNIC that has an MTU value set fails with the following message:
Error while executing action Edit VM Interface properties: General Exception

The following message is displayed in the /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log file:

libvirtError: Operation not supported: cannot modify MTU

Solution: Shut down the virtual machine before editing the VNIC. A known issue in the upstream oVirt

Bug: 29456945

VM Network Bridge Name Does Not Match VM Network Name

When you create a new VM network, VDSM creates a bridge named after the VM network and its
associated configuration file (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-vm_network) on the
Oracle Linux KVM hosts.

Storage Issues

If the VM network name is longer than 15 characters, or it contains special characters or a

space character, VDSM generates a name for the bridge and the configuration file in the format
"onXXXXXXXXXXXXX" where XXXXXXXXXXXXX is the first 13 hexadecimal characters extracted from the
UUID of the network.

This is a Linux kernel limitation, bridge names must be 15 characters or less, and must not contain any
special characters.

Solution: Limit VM network names to 15 characters and avoid any special characters.

Bug: 29409851

6.5 Storage Issues

• Using the Change CD Option When Changing to an ISO Attached to Block-Based Storage Domain Fails

• Storage Must be on the Same Subnet as the KVM Hosts

• Decreasing the Storage Size Used in Storage Domains Is Not Recommended

• Manager Not Updating the Size of an iSCSI-Based Virtual Disk After ZFS Storage Resized

• Virtual Machine Templates Can Be Imported with MAC Addresses Not in Range for the MAC Address

• Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Does Not Prevent Adding a Direct LUN Disk Being Used by an
Active Storage Domain

• Microsoft Windows 8 (and Later) Virtual Machines Disabling Third-Party Mini-Port Drivers

• Manager Does Not Prevent Attaching VirtIO-SCSI Disks to OL6U10_X86 Virtual Machines

Using the Change CD Option When Changing to an ISO Attached to Block-

Based Storage Domain Fails
If you try to use the Change CD option for a CD/DVD-ROM attached to a virtual machine coming from a
block-based storage domain like iSCSI or fiber channel, you get the following error:
Error while executing action Change CD: Drive Image file could not be found.

Solution: This is an upstream bug, however, you do have two workaround options:

• Change an ISO with a virtual machine booted using either a local storage domain or an NFS storage

• Stop the virtual machine before changing the ISO or mount the ISO on the virtual machine.

Bug: 31598688

Storage Must be on the Same Subnet as the KVM Hosts

In order to avoid issues with routing, a storage must be located on the same subnet as the Oracle Linux
KVM hosts that will use the storage.

Bug: 29220930

Decreasing the Storage Size Used in Storage Domains Is Not Recommended

Decreasing the Storage Size Used in Storage Domains Is Not Recommended

Although the size of NFS Ext 3 and 4 filesystems can be decreased and Block Storage (iSCSI and Fibre
Channel) provides the capability to decrease storage size by resizing the underlying LUN, decreasing
the storage size that is used for a storage domain is potentially a dangerous operation and is highly not

Solution: Do not decrease the storage size used in storage domains in your virtualization environment.

Bug: 29285337

Manager Not Updating the Size of an iSCSI-Based Virtual Disk After ZFS
Storage Resized
The Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager is not updating the size of an iSCSI-based virtual disk after the
ZFS storage is resized. This issue is seen after creating an LUN, attaching the virtual disk to a running
virtual machine, resizing the LUN, and restarting VDSM. After the refreshing the Disks pane, the iSCSI-
based virtual disk size does not update accordingly. However, when checking the iSCSI disk on the SPM
host, the size of the disk is correctly updated.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29370809

Virtual Machine Templates Can Be Imported with MAC Addresses Not in

Range for the MAC Address Pool
virtual machine templates can be imported with MAC addresses that are out of range for the MAC address

Solution: If there is a MAC address range restriction for your virtualization environment, the workaround
is to manually change the MAC address to an address within the range of the MAC address pool before
starting the virtual machine.

Bug: 29449334

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Does Not Prevent Adding a Direct LUN
Disk Being Used by an Active Storage Domain
The Manager prevents creating a storage data domain on LUNs that are being used by direct LUN disks.
The Manager, however, does not prevent adding a direct LUN disk that is being used by an active storage

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior. If you attempt to add a direct LUN disk that is being
used by an active storage domain, the Manager prompts you to approve the operation with the following
warning message: This message might be unrecoverable and destructive!

Bug: 29465439

Microsoft Windows 8 (and Later) Virtual Machines Disabling Third-Party Mini-

Port Drivers
Microsoft Windows 8 (and later) virtual machines are disabling third-party mini-port drivers.

Manager Does Not Prevent Attaching VirtIO-SCSI Disks to OL6U10_X86 Virtual Machines

Solution:To bring back the third-party mini-port drivers, perform the following steps:

1. Start a virtual machine using the IDE interface.

2. Open the console for the virtual machine.

3. Open the Command Prompt in the Microsoft Windows virtual machine and set the machine to boot in
Safe Mode.
> bcdedit /set {current} safeboot minimal

4. Shutdown the virtual machine.

5. Change the storage type.

The virtual machine now starts normally.

6. Reset the bcdedit setting to boot the virtual machine in Normal Mode.
> bcdedit /deletvalue {current} safeboot

7. Reboot the virtual machine.

Bug: 29472477

Manager Does Not Prevent Attaching VirtIO-SCSI Disks to OL6U10_X86 Virtual

Manager does not prevent attaching VirtIO-SCSI disks to OL6U10_X86 virtual machines. The VirtIO-
SCSI option in the Manager should be disabled for OL6U10_X86 virtual machines in the Virtual Machine:
Resource Allocation Settings.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior. Do not attach VirtIO-SCSI disks to OL6U10_X86
virtual machines.

Bug: 29499061

6.6 Virtual Machine Issues

• Virtual Machine Does Not Boot with Allow Privileged SCSI I/O Option Enabled

• Virtual Machines Not Migrated As Expected Through Virtual Machine Affinity and Host Affinity Rules Set
to Active and Enforcing

• Cannot Start or Edit Virtual Machine Imported from OVA with More Than Three Disks

• Changing Watchdog Actions on a Running Virtual Machine Requires a Virtual Machine Restart for New
Attribute to Take Effect

• Guest Agent Hooks Do Not Work If a Migration Policy Is Set to Legacy

• Importing Several OVA Files Resulted in Only One Virtual Machine Being Imported

• High-Availability Virtual Machines Fail to Restart After Restarting KVM Host

• Migration Mode Greyed Out When Setting Pinning-to-Host Setting for a Virtual Machine

• Cannot Assign Virtual Machine from a Virtual Machine Pool: Manager Claims That the Virtual Machine Is
Attached When It Is Not

Virtual Machine Does Not Boot with Allow Privileged SCSI I/O Option Enabled

• Manager Does Not Generate a Warning Message to Prevent OVA Export from a Virtual Machine Whose
Guest OS Is Installed on a Direct LUN Disk

• Manager Allows OVA Export from a Virtual Machine Whose Guest OS Is Installed on a Direct LUN Disk

• Manager Does Not Prevent Virtual Machine Shutdown When Creating a Snapshot

• Engine Exception When Unplugging a NIC Connected to a Virtual Machine Network on a Running Virtual

• Highly Available Virtual Machine Not Started on Other Host When Source Host Dies Unexpectedly

• VNC Console Session for a Running Virtual Machine Closes During Virtual Machine Migration

• Migrate VM Dialog Box Cannot Be Closed While a Virtual Machine Is Being Started

• Unable to Perform CPU Hot Unplug with Default Machine Type (pc-i440fx-2.6) for Oracle Linux Virtual

• VM Portal Displays Error for User With Super User Permission When VM in Pool is Running

• Cannot Import OVA Files That Contain More Than 1 Virtual Machine

• Graphics Protocol Set to None When Using virt-v2v Upload

Virtual Machine Does Not Boot with Allow Privileged SCSI I/O Option Enabled
If you have configured a virtual machine on Oracle Linux 7.7 with a physical LUN and the Allow Privileged
SCSI I/O option enabled, the virtual machine does not boot and reports an error:
libvirtError: Requested operation is not valid: unpriv_sgio is not supported
by this kernel

Solution: Do not use the Allow Privileged SCSI I/O option if your virtual machine has access to a physical

Bug: 31021044

Virtual Machines Not Migrated As Expected Through Virtual Machine Affinity

and Host Affinity Rules Set to Active and Enforcing
In a 2-host cluster where 4 virtual machines are running on one of the hosts, a Vm Affinity Rule and
a Host Affinity Rule are set on the Manager to Active and Enforcing. These rules, however, are not
applied correctly because the virtual machines defined in the affinity group should have migrated to the
other host; instead, the other KVM host is filtered out in this scenario.

Solution: Enabling the VM Affinity Rule or the Host Affinity Rule Enforcing option imposes strict limits on
whether virtual machines can start or be migrated. With VM Affinity Rule Enforcing enabled (shown as
Hard in the list of Affinity Groups), the system does not migrate a virtual machine to a host different from
where the other virtual machines in its affinity group are running, even if attempting to satisfy a Host Affinity
Rule that only permits the virtual machines to run on a host other than where they are presently running.

The workaround for both VM and Host affinity rules is to not enable enforcing unless all scenarios including
migration scenarios are understood. The rules are not disabled if you do not select the Enforcing option;
it changes the enforcement from Hard to Soft, permitting the system to temporarily break the rule as
adjustments in virtual machine placement are made.

Bug: 29190112

Cannot Start or Edit Virtual Machine Imported from OVA with More Than Three Disks

Cannot Start or Edit Virtual Machine Imported from OVA with More Than Three
When a Microsoft Windows virtual machine is imported from an OVA with more than 3 disks, the virtual
machine cannot be started or edited.

Solution: If you want to import a Microsoft Windows virtual machine from an OVA with more than 3 disks,
the workaround is to set the disks to inactive after the import and before you reboot. Then, change the
disk connection protocol from IDE to virtio-scsi.

Bug: 30776581

Changing Watchdog Actions on a Running Virtual Machine Requires a Virtual

Machine Restart for New Attribute to Take Effect
After enabling a watchdog device and setting the watchdog action attribute to reset, the virtual machine
is restarted. Changing the watchdog action to a different attribute, such as poweroff, causes the
Pending Virtual Machine Changes window to open with the following message:
Changes that require Virtual Machine restart: watchdog. The VM is then restarted.

The issue is that even though watchdog action is changed to poweroff, the attribute value did not take
effect immediately. The virtual machine must first be restarted before the new attribute takes effect.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior. If a watchdog action is changed on a running virtual
machine, you must restart the virtual machine for the attribute changes to take effect.

Bug: 29213956

Guest Agent Hooks Do Not Work If a Migration Policy Is Set to Legacy

The guest agent hooks do not work for migration policies that are set to Legacy.

Solution:This behavior is expected, as the guest hooks are enabled depending on the migration policy that
is configured, and the guest agent hook mechanism is disabled for migration policies set to Legacy. To
use guest agent hooks, you must use one of the other available migration policy types.

Bug: 29261746

Importing Several OVA Files Resulted in Only One Virtual Machine Being
When importing virtual machines, multiple OVA files can be selected, but only one virtual machine is
actually imported. If there is a limitation, the Manager should block attempts to import multiple OVA files.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29373795

High-Availability Virtual Machines Fail to Restart After Restarting KVM Host

High-availability virtual machines fail to restart after the KVM host is restarted on the Manager.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior. The KVM host eventually starts up several minutes

Migration Mode Greyed Out When Setting Pinning-to-Host Setting for a Virtual Machine

Bug: 29393228

Migration Mode Greyed Out When Setting Pinning-to-Host Setting for a Virtual
This issue is observed in a 2-host cluster. The steps to reproduce the issue are as follows:

1. Edit a virtual machine by selecting the Highly Available checkbox on the High Availability tab, and
click OK.

2. Edit the virtual machine and update the pinning-to-host settings by selecting Specific Hosts and
adding the two hosts from the drop-down list on the Host tab, and click OK.

After doing completing these steps, the Migration Mode drop-down list is greyed out. This option
should be available in this scenario.

Solution: Try changing the pinning-to-host option to Any Host in Cluster and then change the setting
back to Specific Hosts again.

Bug: 29374044

Cannot Assign Virtual Machine from a Virtual Machine Pool: Manager Claims
That the Virtual Machine Is Attached When It Is Not
After creating a virtual machine pool with 10 virtual machines, setting the Maximum number of VMs per
user field to 10, and granting permissions to a user, the user correctly attaches some virtual machines.
Later the user tries to attach more virtual machines, but the Manager generates the following error,
indicating that virtual machines are already attached when they are not:
Cannot attach VM to VM-Pool. VM-Pool is already attached to a User.
Cannot allocate and run VM from VM-Pool. There are no available VMs in the VM-Pool.

Solution: A known issue in the upstream oVirt release. There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29379502

Manager Does Not Generate a Warning Message to Prevent OVA Export from
a Virtual Machine Whose Guest OS Is Installed on a Direct LUN Disk
The Manager does not generate an warning message that prevents OVA export from a virtual machine
whose guest OS is installed on a direct LUN disk.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29432214

Manager Allows OVA Export from a Virtual Machine Whose Guest OS Is

Installed on a Direct LUN Disk
The Manager allows OVA export from a virtual machine whose guest OS is installed on a direct LUN
disk. The Manager should prevent attempts to export an OVA from a virtual machine whose guest OS is
installed on a direct LUN disk image.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Manager Does Not Prevent Virtual Machine Shutdown When Creating a Snapshot

Bug: 29432323

Manager Does Not Prevent Virtual Machine Shutdown When Creating a

The Manager does not prevent a virtual machine from being shutdown when creating a snapshot, thereby
causing the snapshot to hang. In this situation, the virtual machine cannot be started or removed and the
creation of the snapshot cannon be stopped.

When inspecting the Manager log, the follow message is seen repeatedly:
[7363ae20-1f20-451c-8318-215f122fcc15] Command 'CreateSnapshotForVm' (id:
'b50fee33-204b-4fc0-a8e6-d40c7f58d485') waiting on child command id:
'3c843771-8b8f-4c07-9230-822bd2892481' type:'AddDisk' to complete
2019-03-08 03:55:22,992Z INFO

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29457750

Engine Exception When Unplugging a NIC Connected to a Virtual Machine

Network on a Running Virtual Machine
Unplugging a NIC that is connected to a VM network on a running virtual machine may fail on the Manager
with the following Operation Canceled message:
Error while executing action Edit VM Interface properties: Failed to deactivate
VM Network Interface.

When inspecting the Manager log, you may see the following EngineException:
EngineException: org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.VDSErrorException:
VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to HotUnplugNicVDS, error =
Timeout detaching <Interface name=vnet3, type=bridge, mac=00:21:f6:00:04:6b
at 0x7f6d30377868>, code = 50 (Failed with error DEACTIVATE_NIC_FAILED and
code 50)

Solution: Try unplugging the NIC again.

Bug: 29460927

Highly Available Virtual Machine Not Started on Other Host When Source Host
Dies Unexpectedly
Highly available virtual machines are not started on the other host when the source host is powered off or
dies unexpectedly.

Solution: If a host that has running highly available virtual machines is powered off or dies unexpectedly
and the virtual machines do not have additional split-brain prevention mechanisms in place (such as
Sanlock, VM leases, or VM resume), you may be required to use the Confirm 'Host has been Rebooted'
option from the More Actions drop-down list on the Hosts pane before the Manager allows the highly
available virtual machines on the host to be restarted on the other host.

Bug: 29491043

VNC Console Session for a Running Virtual Machine Closes During Virtual Machine Migration

VNC Console Session for a Running Virtual Machine Closes During Virtual
Machine Migration
If you have an VNC console open for an active virtual machine during virtual machine migration, the
session closes. This behavior occurs when using either the native client or noVNC.

Solution: There is no workaround for this behavior.

Bug: 29491251

Migrate VM Dialog Box Cannot Be Closed While a Virtual Machine Is Being

The Migrate VM dialog box cannot be closed while a virtual machine is being started in the Manager.

Solution: Refresh the browser page.

Bug: 29498386

Unable to Perform CPU Hot Unplug with Default Machine Type (pc-i440fx-2.6)
for Oracle Linux Virtual Machine
The CPU hot unplug feature on the Manager is not working with the default emulated machine type for
Oracle Linux virtual machines (pc-i440fx-2.6).

Solution: To enable CPU hot unplug feature for a particular Oracle Linux virtual machine, you must
perform the following steps:

1. Shutdown the virtual machine.

2. Change the Custom Emulated Machine to pc-i440fx-2.7 by performing the following steps in the
Administration Portal:

a. Go to Compute and click Virtual Machines.

b. Select the Oracle Linux virtual machine and click Edit Virtual Machine.

c. Click the System tab on the sidebar.

d. Click Advanced Parameters to expand the menu.

e. On the Custom Emulated Machine drop-down menu, select pc-i440fx-2.7.

f. Click OK to save your changes.

3. Restart the virtual machine.

Bug: 29517731

VM Portal Displays Error for User With Super User Permission When VM in
Pool is Running
If a user with SuperUser permission logs into the VM Portal and a VM in a Pool is in a running state, the
VM Portal displays an error message "Sorry, VM Portal is currently having some issues."

Cannot Import OVA Files That Contain More Than 1 Virtual Machine

Solution: For users who require access to the VM Portal, create a new user who does not have
SuperUser permission and log into the VM Portal as that new user.

Bug: 30770232

Cannot Import OVA Files That Contain More Than 1 Virtual Machine
If an Open Virtualization Appliance file contains more than one virtual machine, then the virtual machines in
the file cannot be imported. The import begins and appears to import the first virtual machine, but then the
import fails and no virtual machine are installed successfully.

Solution: Restrict Open Virtualization Appliance files to one virtual machine.

Bug: 30771759

Graphics Protocol Set to None When Using virt-v2v Upload

When using virt-v2v -o ovirt-upload, the graphics protocol is set to None and the Console button is grayed

Solution: The workaround is to click on the Edit button and then close the pop-up by clicking on OK,
which sets the value to VNC.

Bug: 30807213

Chapter 7 Feedback and Support
Support for the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager is available to customers with an Oracle Linux Premier
Support subscription. Refer to the Oracle® Linux 7: Licensing Information User Manual for information
about Oracle Linux support levels.

Providing Feedback and Support

If you need to report an issue and have an Oracle Linux Premier support subscription, you should open a
case with Oracle Support at

If you are reporting an issue, please provide the following information where applicable:

• Description of the problem, including the situation where the problem occurs, and its impact on your

• Machine type, operating system release, browser type and version, locale and product release, including
any patches you have applied, and other software that might be affecting the problem.

• Detailed steps on the method you have used, to reproduce the problem.

• Any error logs or core dumps.

Obtaining the Log Files

The Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager provides the log collector tool to collect relevant logs from across
the virtualization environment when requesting support. When submitting a Service Request (SR), please
include the archive file that is generated by the log collector tool. This information can be used by Oracle
Support to analyze and diagnose issues with the Manager.

To use the log collector tool to generate an archive file for Oracle Support, perform the following steps:

1. Install the log collector tool:

# yum install ovirt-log-collector

2. Perform the log collection on the Manager host:

# ovirt-log-collector

To use the log collector tool, you are required to log in as the root user and provide the administration
credentials for the Manager.

The ovirt-log-collector -h command displays usage information, including a list of all valid
options for the ovirt-log-collector command.

When the ovirt-log-collector command is run without specifying any additional parameters,
its default behavior is to collect all logs from the Manager and its attached hosts. This command also
collect database logs unless this collection is excluded using the --no-postgresql command option.

After the log collector tools performs the log collection, the collected logs are placed in an archive file
under the /tmp/logcollector directory. The log collector tool automatically assigns a name to the
archive file.


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