Chapter 31: The Nurse in The Schools Test Bank: Multiple Choice
Chapter 31: The Nurse in The Schools Test Bank: Multiple Choice
Chapter 31: The Nurse in The Schools Test Bank: Multiple Choice
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a. Case manager
b. Consultant
c. Counselor
d. Health educator
The school nurse is the person best able to provide health information to school
administrators, teachers, and parent-teacher groups. As a consultant, the school nurse
can provide professional information about proposed changes in the school
environment and their effect on the health of the children. The nurse also can
recommend changes in the schools policies or ask community organizations to help
make the childrens schools healthier places.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: p. 570
4. At the annual community health fair, the school health nurse displays a science
booth that examines the hazards of ineffective hand washing. Which of the following
best describes the nurses role in this scenario?
a. Consultant
b. Community outreach
c. Counselor
d. Researcher
When participating in community outreach, nurses reach out to residents in the
community. One common way this occurs is when nurses are involved in activities
such as community health fairs or festivals in the schools.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: p. 570
5. Which of the following best explains why school nurses are involved in helping
teachers with the task of teaching children how to practice problem solving,
communication, and other life skills?
a. Teacher shortages have required nurses to be increasingly involved in teaching life skills.
Because so many nurses want to be employed in schools, this responsibility was assumed
b. increase employment opportunities.
c. States are requiring nurses to screen and to teach life skills.
Nurses have been enlisted in this role to help reduce risk factors for future health problem
d. school children.
School health nurses were originally involved in this capacity in 1987 after the CDC
began funding schools for HIV-prevention education programs. This program was so
successful that it was expanded to include programs to teach children prevention of
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other chronic illnesses caused in part by risk factors such as poor diet, lack of
exercise, and smoking. The schools are actively involved in helping the children
practice problem solving, communication, and other life skills so that they can reduce
their risk factors for health problems.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension) REF: p. 571
6. Which of the following best describes services that are offered at a school-based
health center?
a. Employee care at a discounted cost at the school
b. Care to others in the community
c. Sex education, birth control, family planning, and care throughout pregnancy
d. Referral and networking with other health care services in the community
School-based health centers give care not only to students but also to other persons in
the community. They may provide social services, daycare, job training, and
educational counseling in addition to the medical and nursing care, mental health
counseling, and dental care seen in smaller school-based centers.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension) REF: p. 571
7. The school health nurse has enlisted the assistance of high school role models in the
areas of sports and scholarship to provide an antidrug presentation to their peers.
Which of the following levels of prevention is being implemented?
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. Both primary and secondary
Primary prevention interventions by the school nurse include educating children and
adolescents about the effects of drugs. In preventing use, students are taught by the
school nurse to stay away from drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, crack, heroin, and
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: p. 572
8. Which of the following best describes the primary reason that school health nurses
spend so much time on educational programs that teach children the importance of
water and fire safety, using a seatbelt in the car, and wearing a helmet when biking or
a. Because children wont know if someone doesnt tell them
b. Because injuries are the leading cause of death in children and most injuries are preventab
c. Because it is a dangerous world and someone has to warn children about the dangers
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d. Because teaching is easy and more fun than passing out bandages and documenting care
The school nurse, as the trusted person at school, is able to quickly give information
to help prevent injuries from occurring, since most injuries are preventable. Injuries
are the leading cause of death in children and teenagers.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension) REF: p. 573
9. A nurse would like to implement a primary prevention effort to decrease the leading
cause of death among children and teenagers. Which of the following actions would
the nurse most likely take?
a. Educate students about injury prevention measures
b. Provide free condoms to sexually active students
c. Screen for signs and symptoms of cancer
d. Invite a guest speaker to talk about living with HIV
Injuries are the leading cause of death in children and teenagers; therefore, prevention
measures should focus on injury prevention. Because the question asks for primary
prevention efforts, the intervention must occur before injury. Common interventions
by the school nurse include educational programs reminding children to use their
seatbelts or bicycle helmets to prevent injuries. Other classes can be on crossing the
street, water safety, and fire safety.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: p. 573
10. The school nurse has arranged for volunteers to help check each childs hearing and
vision. Any child that the volunteers feel did not pass will be sent to the nurse for
follow-up. The nurse will then send a note to the parents that a physician should be
seen. Which of the following levels of prevention is being implemented?
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. Both primary and secondary
Because secondary prevention involves caring for children when they need health
care, this is the largest responsibility for the school nurse. This includes caring for ill
or injured students and school employees. It also involves screening and assessing
children and referral to appropriate health agencies or providers.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: p. 574
11. Which of the following would be the best way for the school nurse to fulfill his or
her responsibilities in an emergency situation?
a. Tell all staff to call 911 if the nurse is not in the building.
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promised the friend that the information would never be shared. Which of the
following actions should be taken by the nurse?
a. Ask the student if abuse has occurred.
b. Call in the named student and ask him to remove his shirt.
c. Discuss the conversation with the students parents.
d. Notify the legal authorities.
When the nurse identifies a child who may be abused or who receives information
from someone else that a child may have been abused, the nurse must contact the
appropriate legal authorities and the schools principal. Asking the student about the
abuse will not always elicit a truthful answer, because children will protect their
parents. A confidential file should be made about the incident; however, the nurse
should let the government authorities, usually the state or county child protection
department, look into the suspected case. In all cases, the child should be protected
from harm, and those who have no right to know that child abuse or neglect is
suspected should not be given any information.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: p. 576
15. A school nurse suggests to teachers that they have a session on coping strategies
and stress management techniques. The nurse also sets up a peer counseling program.
Which of the following is the school nurse most likely trying to prevent?
a. Adolescent suicides
b. Bullying
c. Obesity
d. Teenagers engaging in violence
Suicide is the third leading cause of death in teenagers. To reduce the incidence of
suicide in teenagers, the nurse can emphasize coping strategies and stress management
techniques and organize a peer assistance program to help teenagers cope with school
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: p. 577
16. A disaster has occurred in the community. Which of the following actions should
be taken by the school nurse?
a. Continue activities as much as possible as if nothing had happened
b. Continue to assess for shock and stress
c. Help teachers discuss the disaster with their class
d. Maintain school routines and activities
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After a disaster, the school nurse has many responsibilitiesfor instance, continuing to
assess the school community for the presence of shock and stress; encouraging parents
to minimize how much their children view the disaster coverage on TV; providing
grief counseling; continuing to communicate with the children, parents, and school
personnel; and following up with assessment of children for anxiety, depression,
regression, and posttraumatic stress disorder.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: pp. 577-578
17. Which of the following is the leading cause of children being absent from school
because of a chronic illness?
a. Allergies
b. Asthma
c. Diabetes
d. Upper respiratory infections
Asthma is the leading cause of children being absent from school because of a chronic
illness. URIs are an acute problem, not a chronic one.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Remember (Knowledge) REF: p. 578
18. A school nurse is demonstrating the use of a peak flow meter to help children with
chronic asthma recognize when they need to use a rescue inhaler. Which of the
following levels of prevention is being used by the nurse?
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. Both primary and secondary
Tertiary prevention includes caring for children with long-term health needs,
including asthma and disabling conditions. The nurse is teaching disease management
(i.e., when to use an inhaler).
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: p. 578
19. A school nurse has developed a special class for pregnant teens to teach them
everything from anticipated body changes to methods for managing common
pregnancy-associated problems. The classes also allow the nurse to be in close
frequent contact with the students to monitor their health status. Which of the
following levels of prevention is being used by the nurse?
a. Primary prevention
b. Secondary prevention
c. Tertiary prevention
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b. Let me get the parents consent, and then Ill get you the names.
c. Rumors are often inaccurate; let me follow up and see what happened and what needs to b
d. Why dont we coordinate a school-wide program on preventing accidents instead?
The school nurse is responsible for maintaining school health office policies,
including privacy and safety of health records. The nurse must follow the HIPAA
privacy rules while also ensuring the safety of children at school. When a rumor is
involved, it is always wise to check its accuracy. If a child was indeed hurt, the nurse
needs to make sure both children involved receive (or have already received)
appropriate care. The question about having a school-wide program may be
appropriate, but this behavior was apparently purposeful, not accidental.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: p. 569
23. The mother of a high school student newly diagnosed with a condition that will
require special health care services is concerned that the student will be required to be
home-schooled away from the friends he has developed. Which of the following
would be the most appropriate response by the school nurse?
Federal legislation requires that the school make provisions for those with various challen
a. your child will be able to remain in school as long as he is able.
I realize that this will be a difficult adjustment, but home-schooling has improved over re
b. decades and the Internet will allow your child to connect with friends.
Whether your child can remain in school will depend on state funding for those with disab
c. You might want to contact your congressman on this issue.
Your child may remain in school as long as he can manage the course requirements and d
d. flunk out.
Federal legislation specifies that children cannot be excluded from schools because of
a disability. The school must provide health services that each child needs. Legislation
further requires the school districts committee on the disabled to develop
individualized education plans (IEPs) for children.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: p. 563
24. A group of nursing students are scheduled to present a program on healthy hearts
to various community groups, with a daycare center being the first location. What of
the following advice should be given to them by their instructor?
a. Base the program on the audiences development and maturity.
b. Bring (borrow if necessary) a model of the heart to help explain its functioning.
c. Focus on entertaining the learners.
d. Have lots of handouts to reinforce the lesson.
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For younger learners, it is important to keep the lesson to no more than 10 minutes in
length; to use plenty of examples, pictures, and stuffed animals in the talk; and to
remember the developmental stage of the children when teaching them.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) REF: p. 573
1. Which of the following activities are included in the Centers for Disease Control
and Preventions school health program? (Select all that apply.)
a. Ensuring a healthy school environment
b. Assisting teachers with education related to health
c. Encouraging nutritious school meals
d. Giving immunizations to students, staff, teachers, and their families
ANS: A, B, C
The federal government, through the coordination of the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, developed a plan that school health programs should follow,
including health education, physical education, health services, nutrition services,
counseling, psychological and social services, healthy school environment, health
promotion for staff, and family/community involvement. Unfortunately schools
cannot afford to give immunizations to everyone who might want such a benefit.
Education in areas other than health is the responsibility of the teachers, not the nurse.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Remember (Knowledge) REF: pp. 570-571
2. Which of the following best explains why the federal government is beginning to
fund school-based health centers? (Select all that apply.)
These centers help young children avoid becoming addicted to drugs while still in elemen
a. school.
b. Attendance and learning are higher in schools with health clinics.
These centers help keep children in school longer by distributing birth control and thus av
c. pregnancies.
d. Many children have no other source of health care services.
The U.S. government began funding school-based health centers essentially because
many school children may not receive health care services otherwise. These are
family-centered, community-based clinics run within the schools. Certainly, avoiding
pregnancy and drug addiction are among the goals of school-based health centers, but
these are not reasons the government began funding them.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension) REF: p. 571
3. A new students parents had not yet submitted an immunization record, although the
nurse had sent a reminder home with the student twice. Which of the following
actions should be taken by the nurse to keep the child in school? (Select all that
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