Internship - I: Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (M.S.)

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Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (M.S.

Internship - I

Internship is a mandatory and non-credit course. It is mandatory for all admitted students to undergo Internship
during the degree course. The course Internship – I shall be of THREE weeks duration during summer vacation
after Semester - IV. Following are the intended objectives of internship training:
 Will expose Technical students to the industrial environment, which cannot be simulated in the
classroom and hence creating competent professionals for the industry.
 Provide possible opportunities to learn, understand and sharpen the real time technical / managerial
skills required at the job.
 Exposure to the current technological developments relevant to the subject area of training.
 Experience gained from the ‘Industrial Internship’ will be used in classroom discussions.
 Create conditions conducive to quest for knowledge and its applicability on the job.

Students shall choose to undergo Internship / Innovation / Entrepreneurship related activities for Internship.
Students shall choose either to work on innovation or entrepreneurial activities resulting in start-up or undergo
internship with industry/ NGO’s/ Government organizations / Micro / Small / Medium enterprises / academic
institutions / research institutions. In case student want to pursue their family business and don’t want to
undergo internship, a declaration by a parent may be submitted directly to the Department Head / TPO.

During the last year of FOUR year Bachelor of Engineering course the student should take project work, as
specified in the curriculum, based on the knowledge acquired by the student during the degree course and
during Internship. The project work provides an opportunity to build a system based on area where the student
likes to acquire specialized skills. The work may also be on specified task or project assigned to the student during

The internship activities and list of sub-activities for Internship – I are as under.

 Inter/ Intra Institutional Activities:

o Training with higher Institutions such as IITs, NITs, University Departments, Recognized
Research Labs etc.
o Soft skill training organized by Training and Placement Cell of the respective institutions
o Online certification courses by SWAYAM, NPTEL, QEEE etc.
o Learning at Departmental Lab/Tinkering Lab/ Institutional workshop
o Working for consultancy/ research project within the institutes
o Training on Software (As per the need of respective branch)
o Field Survey / Case Study
 Internship:
o Internship with Industry/Govt. / NGO/ PSU/ Any Micro/ Small/ Medium enterprise/ academic
institutions / research institutions
o Online Internship

Faculty Mentor/Supervisors have to play active roles during the internship and minimum 20 students are to be
supervised by each faculty mentor or as per the departmental strength. Mentor shall be responsible for selection
of Internship activities by the student under his/her supervision and shall avoid repetition of activities by the
student. The college / Institute shall facilitate internship for the students.

Syllabus for Second Year Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) w.e.f. 2019 – 20

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Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (M.S.)

Every student is required to prepare a file for Internship – I containing documentary proofs (daily training diary,
comprehensive report and completion certificate) of the activities done by him/her. The students should record
in the daily training diary the day to day account of the observations, impressions, information gathered and
suggestions given, if any. It should contain the sketches & drawings related to the observations made by the
students. The daily training diary should include Date, Time of Arrival, Time of Departure, Main points of the
day. The daily training diary should be signed after every day by the supervisor/ in charge of the section where
the student has been working.

After completion of Internship, the student should prepare a comprehensive report to indicate what he / she has
observed and learnt in the training period. The report should include Internship Objectives (in measurable
terms), Internship Activities, and Internship Outcome.

The completion certificate should be signed by the supervisor / in charge of the section where the student has
been working with performance remark as Satisfactory / Good / Excellent.

The evaluation of Internship – I shall be in Semester – V. The evaluation shall be done by expert committee
constituted by the concerned department including Department Head/ TPO/ faculty mentor or guide. It should
be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

 Regularity in maintenance of the diary.

 Adequacy & quality of information recorded.
 Originality.
 Adequacy and purposeful write-up.
 Practical applications, relationships with basic theory and concepts taught in the course.
 Skill / knowledge acquired

Hence the satisfactory completion of Internship – I shall be submitted to the university at the end of Semester -
VIII of FOUR year Bachelor of Engineering course. Only after successfully completion of Internship- I (during
summer vacation after Semester – IV) and Internship- II (during summer vacation after Semester – VI),
Internship should be printed in the final year mark sheet as COMPLETED.

Syllabus for Second Year Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) w.e.f. 2019 – 20

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