11.1.20 Sermon - Give Thanks No Matter What

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(Slide 1) Good morning Tri-Cities Church. Wasn’t that so good? Kellie Ladipo is an inspiration. What an
example of gratitude in the middle of a struggle! I particularly love that she is using her difficulties not
only to help with her own growth and healing, but that she is willing to share what she is learning to
encourage and motivate others towards gratitude.

Today, Kellie helps us kick off a month-long emphasis of (Slide 2) GIVING THANKS, NO MATTER WHAT.
The New International Readers Version of I Thessalonians 5:18 (Slide 3) is our theme verse for the
month of November:

(Slide 4) 18 Give thanks no matter what happens. God wants you to thank him because you believe in
Christ Jesus.

Let’s memorize that really quickly. Say it with me three times!

To quote Kellie from the video, 2020 has been a “doozy”! Our theme and scripture are in no way
meant to minimize the hardships that this year has brought. A study by the CDC (Slide 5) earlier this
year confirmed that during the pandemic, adults in the US have reported considerably elevated
adverse mental health conditions associated with COVID-19. There has been an increase in anxiety and
depression, increased substance use, and elevated suicidal ideation.

(Slide 6) The disappointments, mental weariness and heartbreaks of the pandemic, coupled with the
trials that life throws at us are just plain overwhelming. We’re already fearful, stressed, depressed…
and then a tree falls on our car during a storm, the doctor gives a devastating report, or the company
begins laying off, or the relationship begins crumbling apart. Overwhelming.

Now add to that an unstable economy, and a divided country. Racially we are divided. Class wise, we’re
divided. Culturally we’re divided. And we’re definitely divided politically. In 2020 fashion, we’re facing a
doozy of a presidential election. This election season has brought our divisions to an enormously high

This week a read a New York Times article (Slide 7) that described how many people, no matter their
political persuasion, are dreading the election, no matter the outcome. People are fearful that divisions
will continue, and that there is little hope unity. Some fear future violence no matter who wins. We live
in some very uncertain times. This series is called (Slide 8) “Give Thanks: No matter What.” How are
we supposed to be grateful in times of uncertainty?

By the way, I want to point out for anyone watching this sermon, that we are recording this on Sunday,
November 1st (before the election). Most of you may be watching and listening on November 8 th,
(after the election). I wanted to make that clear because what I’m going to say today applies no matter
what happens, no matter who wins…or even if we don’t have a clear winner by November 8 th!

So, having lived through the year we’ve lived through, and facing a week that’s sure to be drama-filled
at best, how can we GIVE THANKS NO MATTER WHAT? Well, since we’ve gathered here to study God’s
Word, why don’t we just look for some help there first. I Thessalonians 5:8 is good, but we need a little

more. Yes, we should be motivated with gratitude simply because we believe in and love Jesus. In the
video, Kellie Ladipo mentioned a great verse which should encourage us even more during these
anxious times. Let’s review it again. (Slide 9) Kellie quoted the New International Version of the Bible,
but let’s look at it from the New Living Translation. Philippians 4:6:

(Slide 10) 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and
thank him for all he has done.

Don’t worry about anything; Now it would be rough if the Apostle Paul left it right there, with just the
command not to be anxious. But thankfully, he follows it up with some ways this can be accomplished:
instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

I believe it’s important for us to soak this familiar verse in and understand that there’s a direct
correlation between not worrying about anything and praying about everything. It’s the remedy for
anxiety, really. And Paul is sure to add that our prayers are not to be made up of requests only but are
to be filled with thanksgiving as well. Prayer and thanksgiving. Church answers for sure. But what did
you expect? You’re at church! (Or at least you have church pulled up on your iPad!)

Paul then gives us an amazing promise for what will happen when we give what’s giving us anxiety over
to God and begin to thank Him instead. It’s fantastic. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but I want to
remind us all, it ONLY follows when thanksgiving is included in what we pray for.
...Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. (Slides 11-12) 7 THEN you will
experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts
and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

(Slide 13) Listen, I understand this is an important election. I know there are many things at stake that
you and I are both concerned about. I don’t think there’s a person here, on the left or right, who
disagrees with that. But as we passionately fight (and vote) for what we believe is right, God is calling
us to gratefully trust in Him, that He is at work behind the scenes…and that no matter what happens
on a local, national or global scale, we can have guaranteed inner peace! I don’t know about you, but I
need to hear that word right now!

By the way, I must say how much it thrills me that we are a church that is not only diverse in race, age
and economics, but that we are also politically diverse. We are living into the prayer that Jesus prayed
in John 17:21 (Slides 14-15) - that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.
May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

At the beginning of this year, Andy Stanley, the pastor of the Northpoint Churches, preached a great
sermon series called (Slide 16) TALKING POINTS: THE PERFECT BLEND OF POLITICS & RELIGION. And it’s
so good, I want to encourage all of you to Google it and watch it. It will be worth your time, especially
this week as we face next Tuesday and beyond. In this series, Andy speaks to what it means to be in a
church with differing political views, and how we can still be one, still love, learn from and listen to one
another. One of the most important things he says in the series that I didn’t want us to miss is this:

(Slides 17-19) “The issue Christians need to wrestle to the ground is not which party to be a part of; the
issue that every Jesus follower has to wrestle to the ground is this: are we willing to put our faith filter
ahead of our political filter? We do the world a huge disfavor when we wrap our political ideologies
with the teachings of Jesus.” (Andy Stanley)

(Slide 20) Are we willing to put our faith filter ahead of our political filter? That’s an important question
I want us all to wrestle with next week and during the coming year, no matter who wins next Tuesday.

Ya’ll know I quote Tony Evans just about every sermon I preach, and he had some incredible things to
say about this after the 2014 election: (Slides 21-25) “However you voted, whether democrat of
republican, or write in independent, God doesn’t ride the backs of Donkey’s or Elephants. However you
voted, you are bound to (live) like a kingdom man or kingdom woman, for the advancement of the
kingdom of God. So, our job is to demonstrate what it looks like when people of God represent the King.
Not the president, the King. In how we act, react, talk. When you see some of the things people are
saying, some of the attitude being displayed and then attach God’s name to it…it’s a contradiction!”
(Tony Evans)

That’s good, isn’t it. So, all of that being said, I want to give you: (Slide 26) THREE BIG REASONS WE

First, next Tuesday, no matter if we have President Joe, President Donald, or President Kanye, (Slide
doesn’t win, you still trust that God is sovereign, He is good, and He’s got your back! God is in charge!

(Slide 28) Voting is important, and we should all definitely exercise our right if we haven’t done so
already…vote your conscience…vote for who you believe best represents what is right and good. But
did you know, you don’t have the final say in who wins the election? And did you know, neither does
the American public. Did you know the scriptures say GOD does?!? And it’s not in the Old Testament,
either! This is New Testament bible! Don’t believe me? (Slide 29) Look at Romans 13:1 - (Slide 30-31) 1
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God
has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Let me repeat that: for there
is no authority except that which the electoral college has established…. for there is no authority except
that voting democracy has established. No. You heard it right the first time: for there is no authority
except that which God has established.

(Slide 32) And I Peter 2:13-14 digs a little deeper into why God establishes human authority: (Slides 33-
37) 13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the
supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to
commend those who do right. You see, there are times that God uses a human government to bless,
and other times to motivate us into doing what is right. Now let me be clear; God is not evil, nor does
he make people do evil things, including leaders. But, just as Pharaoh’s hardened heart served to move
God’s people out of Egypt in the Old Testament, God can and will use human authority, both good and
bad, to guide and goad us towards Himself. Let’s keep reading that I Peter passage, verses 15-17: 15 For
it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 16 Live as free

people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. 17 Show proper respect
to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.

Just in case you think Peter wrote this in some sort of vacuum, let me point out that the emperor at
the time of this writing was Nero. (Slide 38) Remember from history class? His infamous reign is
usually associated with tyranny, extravagance and debauchery. He killed his mother off just five years
into his reign. Many Romans believed that Nero instigated the Great Fire of Rome to clear the way for
his planned palace complex. Then he began to capture Christians as scapegoats for the fire and crucify
them, burn them alive, or throw them to wild beasts. Yeah, that guy. (Slide 39)

Whatchutalkinbout Peter? Honor the emperor? What in the world does he mean by this? Honor a
homicidal maniac? Well, I believe the rest of scripture helps us understand. Live at peace, and good
citizens when possible. Respect positions of authority. However, notice what Peter says right before
“honor the emperor”—“fear God.” THAT must always come first. And when they disagree, civil
disobedience is in order. We see this throughout the book of Acts. The rulers were always treated with
respect, but when it came down to the choice of obeying them or obeying God, GOD always won out.

Secondly, no matter what happens next Tuesday, or in the days after, (Slide 40) WE CAN BE THANKFUL

Pastor RJ Davis said, (Slides 41-42) “Through all the politics and the policies, through all the attacks and
the pressure, there is nothing that can stand in the way of the church, the universal body of Christ, or
keep it from moving forward and advancing the Kingdom of God.” Jesus said that HIS church would
overcome even the gates of hell!!! I am glad to be a part of that church, because I believe the church is
the best thing this world has going for it. So, no matter the outcome of this election, the church will
remain and will be a stabilizing force in world.

(Slide 43) Paul wrote this to his disciple Timothy: (I Timothy 2:2)
(Slide 44-45) 1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving (there’s that
word again) be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful
and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

(Slide 46) The early church understood the significance of impacting popular culture. It did so by setting
the example of morality and righteousness throughout every area of life. Even in the midst of suffering
and persecution, the church prevailed.

Maybe as a believer in Jesus the last few months you’ve felt a little like a political refugee; none of the
major parties completely represent you and who God is calling you to be. Don’t feel alone. In fact, we
should feel a little out of place. There’s a reason. Philippians 3 says (Slide 47) 20 …our citizenship is in

Theologian and Duke University Divinity professor Stanley Hauerwas wrote about the church’s friction
with any form of human government:

(Slides 48-52) “We are to be people of truth. The truth that makes us Christians means we are a people
who are not destined to be celebrated in any social order, whether it calls itself democratic or not. Do
not misunderstand! I am not suggesting that there are not better and worse forms of social and
political organization… But it is also the case that Christians are a people that believe what we believe
is true. Such a people cannot help from time to time coming into conflict with those regimes organized
on the assumption that there is no truth other than what "the people" say is the truth.”

(Slide 53) There will always be a tension with living the way of Christ and living as a citizen of any
nation. We just finished a great series on the beatitudes of Jesus. As we live them out, there are
certainly times we will have to speak out for justice and mercy.

There’s another great quote from the Andy Stanley series I mentioned earlier, talking about how the
politicians we vote for don’t always match up to who we know Christ is calling us to be. He said (Slide
54-56) “When forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, you still have to call out the evil…not for
our sake and not even for our party’s sake, [but] for the world’s sake. When forced to choose between
two imperfect candidates, two imperfect platforms, and imperfect planks within the platform, we have
to call out those imperfections.”

(Slide 57) I am thankful to be a part of the church, the church of Jesus Christ. I am thankful that Jesus
has assigned us the ministry of reconciliation – to call people to salvation, to be reconciled with God. I
am thankful that as a part of the church, we are his representatives. And although we mess that up
mightily sometimes, God still uses us as His hands and His feet in the world.

I am grateful to be part of the church that is called to be SALT and LIGHT. Salt that brings flavor, that
slows down decay…and light that exposes darkness and shows the path. I am full of gratitude to be a
part of what Hebrews 12 calls an “unshakable kingdom”…a kingdom that is upside down…where the
last are first, the poor are blessed, and the weak are strong; a kingdom not of this world.

I am thankful to be a part of the church where (Slide 58) “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither
slave nor free, nor is there male and female, (and may I add Democrat or Republican) for you are all
one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)

Church, you represent the King of kings. Yes, fight for your political position, but fight righteously and
truthfully and with love and kindness, not vitriol and hate. What a sad thing it would be for the church
to let political issues or a political party get in the way of its mission, because those parties will one day
be over. But Jesus will still be the King.


(Slide 60) I stand with the writer of Romans in saying “…I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is
the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…” (Romans 1:16a)

Have you ever thought about what a terrible God the government makes? One blogger wrote it this

It’s so easy to look to the government to solve all of the problems in our world.
To eradicate poverty, racism, war and immorality,
To care for our needs,
To help us to prosper.
But let us not forget a most important truth from Scripture:
King Jesus alone establishes leaders and governments.
King Jesus alone brings peace, first in our hearts and then extended to others and to the world.
King Jesus alone cares for the needs of His people. 
King Jesus alone is the answer to the moral problems in our world. 
Let us not make an idol out of government.
Let us not look to government to do what only Jesus was meant to do.

(Slide 61) Be encouraged by Psalm 146. Listen to this! (Slides 62-65) 3 Do not put your trust in
princes, in human beings, who cannot save. 4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on
that very day their plans come to nothing. 5 Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose
hope is in the Lord their God. 6 He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—
he remains faithful forever.

Our hope is in Christ, not the president. Presidents come and go, but there’s only one King that stays
on the throne. And He alone can save. One more quote from Tony Evans: (Slide 66) “Jesus didn’t come
to take sides. He came to take over.”

Yes, we can and should put policies and plans into place that will make things better here, to protect
the vulnerable, to protect freedom, and to encourage equality under the law. (Slide 67) These are all
right and righteous pursuits. But we can’t legislate heart change. And God is ultimately concerned
about the hearts of people. There’s no policy or platform that can bring about the permanent change
that is needed…because the change that is needed is not simply a change of administration, not a
change of economic policies, military strategy or social agenda. The change that is needed is a
supernatural, spiritual change in the hearts of men and women. And that can only happen through the
power of the Holy Spirit and through the power of the Gospel.

The Gospel is for everybody. God so loved the rich, poor, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, democrat,
republican, libertarian, independent, old, young, beautiful, ugly people, that He sent His one and only
Son to die for their sins so that they might belong to His family, and live with Him forever. The Gospel
of Jesus alone has the power to transform hearts, to repair lives, and ultimately change the world.
Placing our trust in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation is genuinely the only sure vote we have.

Do you realize that most campaigns are won out of placing fear in the hearts of people? Fear that if the
“other folks” win, life as you know it will be over. We all fear loss of our way of life. Some fear it
because it has been taken from them before. Others fear it as the great unknown. But the message of
Jesus…and the gospel…is FEAR NOT. The scriptures say God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a

sound mind. We don’t have to live in fear, to be afraid anymore. Jesus is saying to your heart and to
mine, fear not. I am here.

So yes, I’m grateful this morning…and will be grateful next week, no matter how certain things are. I’m
grateful that God is God, the Church is the Church, and the Gospel is the Gospel.

I believe that when God sees our nation as divided as it is, full of so much hate between parties and
races, it breaks his heart. I also believe that God is all about healing and repairing what is sick and
broken. And with all my heart, I believe that God wants to start with His own people, the church. One
pastor said: God’s not going to skip the church house to fix the Whitehouse.

(Slide 68) II Chronicles 7:14 is a popular verse, and we like to hear it, especially the part about God
healing our land, but let’s focus very carefully on the first part: (Slides 69-70)
if my people, (MY people…church folks…the ones who are supposed to be ‘getting it right’…) who are
called by my name, will humble themselves (who here knows we could use a little more humility in our
public discourse, especially between Christians) and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked
ways, (not somebody else’s sin…MY people’s sin) then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their
sin and will heal their land.

It starts right here, right now with us. Let’s spend some time right now, in humble repentance, asking
God for what we need….to heal our land. Let’s spend some time THANKING Him for His blessings, on
us individually, as a church and as a nation.

I’ve asked my great friend Antonio Raven to come and offer a (Slide 71) prayer for our nation this
morning. If you are willing and if you are bodily able to do it, as a sign of humility and repentance will
you join me on your knees as we pray.

Leave slide 71 up during prayer.

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