Roll - No:43358 - Batch: BE-IT 11-S11
Roll - No:43358 - Batch: BE-IT 11-S11
Roll - No:43358 - Batch: BE-IT 11-S11
C:\Snort\bin>snort -w
snort: option requires an argument -- w
,,_ -*> Snort! <*-
o" )~ Version GRE (Build 140)
'''' By Martin Roesch & The Snort Team:
Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Copyright (C) 1998-2013 Sourcefire, Inc., et al.
Using PCRE version: 8.10 2010-06-25
Using ZLIB version: 1.2.11
USAGE: snort [-options] <filter options>
snort /SERVICE /INSTALL [-options] <filter options>
-A Set alert mode: fast, full, console, test or none (alert file alerts only)
-b Log packets in tcpdump format (much faster!)
-B <mask> Obfuscated IP addresses in alerts and packet dumps using CIDR mask
-c <rules> Use Rules File <rules>
-C Print out payloads with character data only (no hex)
-d Dump the Application Layer
-e Display the second layer header info
-E Log alert messages to NT Eventlog. (Win32 only)
-f Turn off fflush() calls after binary log writes
-F <bpf> Read BPF filters from file <bpf>
-G <0xid> Log Identifier (to uniquely id events for multiple snorts)
-h <hn> Set home network = <hn>
(for use with -l or -B, does NOT change $HOME_NET in IDS mode)
-H Make hash tables deterministic.
-i <if> Listen on interface <if>
-I Add Interface name to alert output
-k <mode> Checksum mode (all,noip,notcp,noudp,noicmp,none)
-K <mode> Logging mode (pcap[default],ascii,none)
-l <ld> Log to directory <ld>
-L <file> Log to this tcpdump file
-n <cnt> Exit after receiving <cnt> packets
-N Turn off logging (alerts still work)
-O Obfuscate the logged IP addresses
-p Disable promiscuous mode sniffing
-P <snap> Set explicit snaplen of packet (default: 1514)
-q Quiet. Don't show banner and status report
-r <tf> Read and process tcpdump file <tf>
-R <id> Include 'id' in snort_intf<id>.pid file name
-s Log alert messages to syslog
-S <n=v> Set rules file variable n equal to value v
-T Test and report on the current Snort configuration
-U Use UTC for timestamps
-v Be verbose
-V Show version number
-W Lists available interfaces. (Win32 only)
-X Dump the raw packet data starting at the link layer
-x Exit if Snort configuration problems occur
-y Include year in timestamp in the alert and log files
-Z <file> Set the performonitor preprocessor file path and name
-? Show this information
<Filter Options> are standard BPF options, as seen in TCPDump
Longname options and their corresponding single char version
--logid <0xid> Same as -G
--perfmon-file <file> Same as -Z
--pid-path <dir> Specify the directory for the Snort PID file
--snaplen <snap> Same as -P
--help Same as -?
--version Same as -V
--alert-before-pass Process alert, drop, sdrop, or reject before pass, default is pass before
alert, drop,... --treat-drop-as-alert Converts
drop, sdrop, and reject rules into alert rules during startup
--treat-drop-as-ignore Use drop, sdrop, and reject rules to ignore session traffic when not inline.
--process-all-events Process all queued events (drop, alert,...), default stops after 1st action
group --enable-inline-test Enable Inline-
Test Mode Operation
--dynamic-engine-lib <file> Load a dynamic detection engine
--dynamic-engine-lib-dir <path> Load all dynamic engines from directory
--dynamic-detection-lib <file> Load a dynamic rules library
--dynamic-detection-lib-dir <path> Load all dynamic rules libraries from directory
--dump-dynamic-rules <path> Creates stub rule files of all loaded rules libraries
--dynamic-preprocessor-lib <file> Load a dynamic preprocessor library
--dynamic-preprocessor-lib-dir <path> Load all dynamic preprocessor libraries from directory
--dynamic-output-lib <file> Load a dynamic output library
--dynamic-output-lib-dir <path> Load all dynamic output libraries from directory
--pcap-single <tf> Same as -r.
--pcap-file <file> file that contains a list of pcaps to read - read mode is implied.
--pcap-list "<list>" a space separated list of pcaps to read - read mode is implied.
--pcap-loop <count> this option will read the pcaps specified on command line continuously.
for <count> times. A value of 0 will read until Snort is terminated.
--pcap-reset if reading multiple pcaps, reset snort to post-configuration state before
reading next pcap. --pcap-show print a
line saying what pcap is currently being read.
--exit-check <count> Signal termination after <count> callbacks from DAQ_Acquire(), showing
the time it takes from
signaling until DAQ_Stop() is called.
--conf-error-out Same as -x
--enable-mpls-multicast Allow multicast MPLS
--enable-mpls-overlapping-ip Handle overlapping IPs within MPLS clouds
--max-mpls-labelchain-len Specify the max MPLS label chain
--mpls-payload-type Specify the protocol (ipv4, ipv6, ethernet) that is encapsulated by MPLS
--require-rule-sid Require that all snort rules have SID specified.
--daq <type> Select packet acquisition module (default is pcap).
--daq-mode <mode> Select the DAQ operating mode.
--daq-var <name=value> Specify extra DAQ configuration variable.
--daq-dir <dir> Tell snort where to find desired DAQ.
--daq-list[=<dir>] List packet acquisition modules available in dir. Default is static modules
only. --dirty-pig Don't flush packets
and release memory on shutdown.
--cs-dir <dir> Directory to use for control socket.
--ha-peer Activate live high-availability state sharing with peer.
--ha-out <file> Write high-availability events to this file.
--ha-in <file> Read high-availability events from this file on startup (warm-start).
--suppress-config-log Suppress configuration information output.
C:\Snort\bin>snort -i 4 -c c:\Snort\etc\snort.conf -T
Running in Test mode
--== Initializing Snort ==--
Initializing Output Plugins!
Initializing Preprocessors!
Initializing Plug-ins!
Parsing Rules file "c:\Snort\etc\snort.conf"
PortVar 'HTTP_PORTS' defined : [ 80:81 311 383 591 593 901 1220 1414 1741 1830 2301 2381 2809
3037 3128 3702 4343 4848 5250 6988 7000:7001 7144:7145 7510 7777 7779 8000 8008 8014 8028
8080 8085 8088 8090 8118 8123 8180:8181 8243 8280 8300 8800 8888 8899 9000 9060 9080
9090:9091 9443 9999 11371 34443:34444 41080 50002 55555 ]
PortVar 'SHELLCODE_PORTS' defined : [ 0:79 81:65535 ]
PortVar 'ORACLE_PORTS' defined : [ 1024:65535 ]
PortVar 'SSH_PORTS' defined : [ 22 ]
PortVar 'FTP_PORTS' defined : [ 21 2100 3535 ]
PortVar 'SIP_PORTS' defined : [ 5060:5061 5600 ]
PortVar 'FILE_DATA_PORTS' defined : [ 80:81 110 143 311 383 591 593 901 1220 1414 1741 1830
2301 2381 2809 3037 3128 3702 4343 4848 5250 6988 7000:7001 7144:7145 7510 7777 7779 8000
8008 8014 8028 8080 8085 8088 8090 8118 8123 8180:8181 8243 8280 8300 8800 8888 8899 9000
9060 9080 9090:9091 9443 9999 11371 34443:34444 41080 50002 55555 ]
PortVar 'GTP_PORTS' defined : [ 2123 2152 3386 ]
Search-Method = AC-Full-Q
Split Any/Any group = enabled
Search-Method-Optimizations = enabled
Maximum pattern length = 20
Tagged Packet Limit: 256
Loading dynamic engine c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicengine\sf_engine.dll... done
Loading all dynamic preprocessor libs from c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor...
Loading dynamic preprocessor library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_dce2.dll... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_dnp3.dll... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_dns.dll... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_ftptelnet.dll...
done Loading dynamic preprocessor
library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_gtp.dll... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_imap.dll... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_modbus.dll...
done Loading dynamic preprocessor
library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_pop.dll... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_reputation.dll...
done Loading dynamic preprocessor
library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_sdf.dll... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_sip.dll... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_smtp.dll... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_ssh.dll... done
Loading dynamic preprocessor library c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor\sf_ssl.dll... done
Finished Loading all dynamic preprocessor libs from c:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor
Log directory = c:\Snort\log
Frag3 global config:
Max frags: 65536
Fragment memory cap: 4194304 bytes
Frag3 engine config:
Bound Address: default
Target-based policy: WINDOWS
Fragment timeout: 180 seconds
Fragment min_ttl: 1
Fragment Anomalies: Alert
Overlap Limit: 10
Min fragment Length: 100
Max Expected Streams: 768
Stream global config:
Track TCP sessions: ACTIVE
Max TCP sessions: 262144
TCP cache pruning timeout: 30 seconds
TCP cache nominal timeout: 3600 seconds
Memcap (for reassembly packet storage): 8388608
Track UDP sessions: ACTIVE
Max UDP sessions: 131072
UDP cache pruning timeout: 30 seconds
UDP cache nominal timeout: 180 seconds
Track ICMP sessions: INACTIVE
Track IP sessions: INACTIVE
Log info if session memory consumption exceeds 1048576
Send up to 2 active responses
Wait at least 5 seconds between responses
Protocol Aware Flushing: ACTIVE
Maximum Flush Point: 16000
Stream TCP Policy config:
Bound Address: default
Reassembly Policy: WINDOWS
Timeout: 180 seconds
Limit on TCP Overlaps: 10
Maximum number of bytes to queue per session: 1048576
Maximum number of segs to queue per session: 2621
Require 3-Way Handshake: YES
3-Way Handshake Timeout: 180
Detect Anomalies: YES
Reassembly Ports:
21 client (Footprint)
22 client (Footprint)
23 client (Footprint)
25 client (Footprint)
42 client (Footprint)
53 client (Footprint)
79 client (Footprint)
80 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
81 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
109 client (Footprint)
110 client (Footprint)
111 client (Footprint)
113 client (Footprint)
119 client (Footprint)
135 client (Footprint)
136 client (Footprint)
137 client (Footprint)
139 client (Footprint)
143 client (Footprint)
161 client (Footprint)
additional ports configured but not printed.
Stream UDP Policy config:
Timeout: 180 seconds
HttpInspect Config:
Detect Proxy Usage: NO
IIS Unicode Map Filename: c:\Snort\etc\
IIS Unicode Map Codepage: 1252
Memcap used for logging URI and Hostname: 150994944
Max Gzip Memory: 838860
Max Gzip Sessions: 2016
Gzip Compress Depth: 65535
Gzip Decompress Depth: 65535
Normalize Random Nulls in Text: NO
Server profile: All
Ports (PAF): 80 81 311 383 591 593 901 1220 1414 1741 1830 2301 2381 2809 3037 3128 3702 4343
4848 5250 6988 7000 7001 7144 7145 7510 7777 7779 8000 8008 8014 8028 8080 8085 8088 8090
8118 8123 8180 8181 8243 8280 8300 8800 8888 8899 9000 9060 9080 9090 9091 9443 9999 11371
34443 34444 41080 50002 55555
Server Flow Depth: 0
Client Flow Depth: 0
Max Chunk Length: 500000
Small Chunk Length Evasion: chunk size <= 10, threshold >= 5 times
Max Header Field Length: 750
Max Number Header Fields: 100
Max Number of WhiteSpaces allowed with header folding: 200
Inspect Pipeline Requests: YES
URI Discovery Strict Mode: NO
Allow Proxy Usage: NO
Disable Alerting: NO
Oversize Dir Length: 500
Only inspect URI: NO
Normalize HTTP Headers: NO
Inspect HTTP Cookies: YES
Inspect HTTP Responses: YES
Extract Gzip from responses: YES
Decompress response files:
Unlimited decompression of gzip data from responses: YES
Normalize Javascripts in HTTP Responses: YES
Max Number of WhiteSpaces allowed with Javascript Obfuscation in HTTP responses: 200
Normalize HTTP Cookies: NO
Enable XFF and True Client IP: NO
Log HTTP URI data: NO
Log HTTP Hostname data: NO
Extended ASCII code support in URI: NO
Ascii: YES alert: NO
Double Decoding: YES alert: NO
%U Encoding: YES alert: YES
Bare Byte: YES alert: NO
UTF 8: YES alert: NO
IIS Unicode: YES alert: NO
Multiple Slash: YES alert: NO
IIS Backslash: YES alert: NO
Directory Traversal: YES alert: NO
Web Root Traversal: YES alert: NO
Apache WhiteSpace: YES alert: NO
IIS Delimiter: YES alert: NO
Non-RFC Compliant Characters: 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07
Whitespace Characters: 0x09 0x0b 0x0c 0x0d
Legacy mode: NO
rpc_decode arguments:
Ports to decode RPC on: 111 32770 32771 32772 32773 32774 32775 32776 32777 32778 32779
alert_fragments: INACTIVE
alert_large_fragments: INACTIVE
alert_incomplete: INACTIVE
alert_multiple_requests: INACTIVE
Portscan Detection Config:
Detect Protocols: TCP UDP ICMP IP
Detect Scan Type: portscan portsweep decoy_portscan distributed_portscan
Sensitivity Level: Low
Memcap (in bytes): 10000000
Number of Nodes: 22371
FTPTelnet Config:
Inspection Type: stateful
Check for Encrypted Traffic: YES alert: NO
Continue to check encrypted data: YES
Ports: 23
Are You There Threshold: 20
Normalize: YES
Detect Anomalies: YES
FTP Server: default
Ports (PAF): 21 2100 3535
Check for Telnet Cmds: YES alert: YES
Ignore Telnet Cmd Operations: YES alert: YES
Ignore open data channels: NO
FTP Client: default
Check for Bounce Attacks: YES alert: YES
Check for Telnet Cmds: YES alert: YES
Ignore Telnet Cmd Operations: YES alert: YES
Max Response Length: 256
SMTP Config:
Ports: 25 465 587 691
Inspection Type: Stateful
Ignore Data: No
Ignore TLS Data: No
Ignore SMTP Alerts: No
Max Command Line Length: 512
Max auth Command Line Length: 1000
Max Specific Command Line Length:
ATRN:255 AUTH:246 BDAT:255 DATA:246 DEBUG:255
EHLO:500 EMAL:255 ESAM:255 ESND:255 ESOM:255
ETRN:246 EVFY:255 EXPN:255 HELO:500 HELP:500
IDENT:255 MAIL:260 NOOP:255 ONEX:246 QUEU:246
QUIT:246 RCPT:300 RSET:246 SAML:246 SEND:246
SIZE:255 STARTTLS:246 SOML:246 TICK:246 TIME:246
TURN:246 TURNME:246 VERB:246 VRFY:255 X-EXPS:246
XADR:246 XAUTH:246 XCIR:246 XEXCH50:246 XGEN:246
Max Header Line Length: 1000
Max Response Line Length: 512
X-Link2State Alert: Yes
Drop on X-Link2State Alert: No
Alert on commands: None
Alert on unknown commands: No
SMTP Memcap: 838860
MIME Max Mem: 838860
Base64 Decoding: Enabled
Base64 Decoding Depth: Unlimited
Quoted-Printable Decoding: Enabled
Quoted-Printable Decoding Depth: Unlimited
Unix-to-Unix Decoding: Enabled
Unix-to-Unix Decoding Depth: Unlimited
Non-Encoded MIME attachment Extraction: Enabled
Non-Encoded MIME attachment Extraction Depth: Unlimited
Log Attachment filename: Enabled
Log MAIL FROM Address: Enabled
Log RCPT TO Addresses: Enabled
Log Email Headers: Enabled
Email Hdrs Log Depth: 1464
SSH config:
Autodetection: ENABLED
Challenge-Response Overflow Alert: ENABLED
Server Version String Overflow Alert: ENABLED
Protocol Mismatch Alert: ENABLED
Bad Message Direction Alert: DISABLED
Bad Payload Size Alert: DISABLED
Unrecognized Version Alert: DISABLED
Max Encrypted Packets: 20
Max Server Version String Length: 100
MaxClientBytes: 19600 (Default)
DCE/RPC 2 Preprocessor Configuration
Global Configuration
DCE/RPC Defragmentation: Enabled
Memcap: 102400 KB
Events: co
SMB Fingerprint policy: Disabled
Server Default Configuration
Policy: WinXP
Detect ports (PAF)
SMB: 139 445
TCP: 135
UDP: 135
RPC over HTTP server: 593
RPC over HTTP proxy: None
Autodetect ports (PAF)
SMB: None
TCP: 1025-65535
UDP: 1025-65535
RPC over HTTP server: 1025-65535
RPC over HTTP proxy: None
Invalid SMB shares: C$ D$ ADMIN$
Maximum SMB command chaining: 3 commands
SMB file inspection: Disabled
DNS config:
DNS Client rdata txt Overflow Alert: ACTIVE
Obsolete DNS RR Types Alert: INACTIVE
Experimental DNS RR Types Alert: INACTIVE
Ports: 53
SSLPP config:
Encrypted packets: not inspected
443 465 563 636 989
992 993 994 995 7801
7802 7900 7901 7902 7903
7904 7905 7906 7907 7908
7909 7910 7911 7912 7913
7914 7915 7916 7917 7918
7919 7920
Server side data is trusted
Maximum SSL Heartbeat length: 0
Sensitive Data preprocessor config:
Global Alert Threshold: 25
Masked Output: DISABLED
SIP config:
Max number of sessions: 40000
Max number of dialogs in a session: 4 (Default)
Ignore media channel: DISABLED
Max URI length: 512
Max Call ID length: 80
Max Request name length: 20 (Default)
Max From length: 256 (Default)
Max To length: 256 (Default)
Max Via length: 1024 (Default)
Max Contact length: 512
Max Content length: 2048
5060 5061 5600
invite cancel ack bye register options refer subscribe update join info message notify benotify do
qauth sprack publish service unsubscribe prack IMAP Config:
Ports: 143
IMAP Memcap: 838860
MIME Max Mem: 838860
Base64 Decoding: Enabled
Base64 Decoding Depth: Unlimited
Quoted-Printable Decoding: Enabled
Quoted-Printable Decoding Depth: Unlimited
Unix-to-Unix Decoding: Enabled
Unix-to-Unix Decoding Depth: Unlimited
Non-Encoded MIME attachment Extraction: Enabled
Non-Encoded MIME attachment Extraction Depth: Unlimited
POP Config:
Ports: 110
POP Memcap: 838860
MIME Max Mem: 838860
Base64 Decoding: Enabled
Base64 Decoding Depth: Unlimited
Quoted-Printable Decoding: Enabled
Quoted-Printable Decoding Depth: Unlimited
Unix-to-Unix Decoding: Enabled
Unix-to-Unix Decoding Depth: Unlimited
Non-Encoded MIME attachment Extraction: Enabled
Non-Encoded MIME attachment Extraction Depth: Unlimited
Modbus config:
DNP3 config:
Memcap: 262144
Check Link-Layer CRCs: ENABLED
Reputation config:
WARNING: Can't find any whitelist/blacklist entries. Reputation Preprocessor disabled.
Initializing rule chains...
10108 Snort rules read
9664 detection rules
153 decoder rules
291 preprocessor rules
10108 Option Chains linked into 308 Chain Headers
+-------------------[Rule Port Counts]---------------------------------------
| tcp udp icmp ip
| src 3739 21 0 0
| dst 5637 74 0 0
| any 638 2 1 0
| nc 452 0 0 0
| s+d 4 2 0 0
| memory-cap : 1048576 bytes
| memory-cap : 1048576 bytes
| none
| memory-cap : 1048576 bytes
| none
| none
Rule application order: pass->drop->sdrop->reject->alert->log
Verifying Preprocessor Configurations!
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'recordtype' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'itunes.serverinfo.request' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'WatchDog_Init_Connection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'PoweredKeylogger22_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.tga' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.met' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.xcf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.maki' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.mime' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'backdoor_biodox' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'afbreload' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.s3m' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.macho64le' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.xm' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'RemoteKeyLog.b.Info_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'trojan.linkbot_alr' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'imap.cram_md5' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'NETObserve_SMTP' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.smi' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'LanternKeylogger' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Clandestine_CTS1' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.wav' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.esignal' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'tvant.session' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.sis' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'RemoteKeyLog.b.Url_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'PoisonIvy_init' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.eot' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'BugsPrey_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.mid' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.ppsx' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.apk' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.mkv' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.visprj' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.session_setup_subcommand' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'trojan.nervos' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.junction' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.msproducer' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.motn' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'ibmdb2.accsec' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'HotmailHackerLogEdition5.0_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'tarantool' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'groupwise.request' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'hp_openview_coda' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'critx_flash' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'backdoor.darkstrat' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Winicabras_explorer' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.req.ascii' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.flac' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.session.negotiate' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'nfs_server_access_reply' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.job' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.eps' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'parite.init' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'ldap.bindsuccess' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.wri' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.pls' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.machole' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Nuclear' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'trojan.ircbot_fc' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'trojan.mentor' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.pmd' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'ntlm_authentication' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.gzip' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Bifrost_v1.2.1_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.plf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.hpj' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.tree.create.sql.query' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'hornet.2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'quicktime_agent' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.pif' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Bugs_InitConnection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'CobraUploader1.0_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.avi' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.bat' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.wmf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.dmg' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'malware.miniflame' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'malware.ircbotkkr.a' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'DarkMoon411_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.xbm' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.udf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.bimx' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'hawk.lgr' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'vnc.server.auth.types' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.trans2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.trans2.findfirst2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'blackhole.jar' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'kit.blackhole' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.m4a' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.blend.little.32' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.tar' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.machobe' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Sohoanywhere_Init' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.rtx' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Malware_Keylogger_InitConnection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'AM_Remote_Client' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'NetDemon_Msg' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.rmf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'tlsv1.0_handshake' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'hornet.4' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.r' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'ms.packager' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'tlsv1.2_handshake' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.sr3' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'malware.spybot' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.xfdl' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'ABSystemSpy_LogRetrieve' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.slk' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.realplayer.playlist' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.bzip' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.ht3' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'ActiveKeylogger392_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.wma' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.kvl' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'AdvancedSpy_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Theef210_Connectionwithpassword' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'AccessRemotePC_RPCdetection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'OptixPROv1.32Screencapture_detection2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.crx' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'dorkbot.ircinit' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'http.multimesh' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'backdoor.sereki' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.manifest' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'AccessRemotePC_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.cryptff' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.rtf.embed' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'netsenum' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.postscript' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.jnlp' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.vmd' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.wrf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.smi' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Tron_Initconnection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Messiah_EnableKeyloggerA' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.collada' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.aiff' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.mcl' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.lanman' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.autodesk_ma' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'SupervisorPlus_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'coma.1' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.xz' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'winspy_upload_client-to-server' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.maplet' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'PoisonIvy2.3.0_initDetection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'ABSystemSpy_Inforetrieve4' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.chm' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'BaiduToolbar_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'RemoteDesktopInspector_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.ram' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'trojan.zlob' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'asteriskmi' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'fatalwound_upload' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.rdp' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.k3g' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.p2g' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.qt' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.exploit_kit.jar' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'acunetix-scan' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'http.stat_code_407' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Theef210_Connectionwithnopassword' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Malware_ClassroomSpyPro_detection3' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'simplescada' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.tree.create.timbuktu' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'RemoteKeyLog.b.Keylogging_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'tlsv1.1_handshake' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.rt' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Fade_kl' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'BackOrifice2006_1.1.5_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.h3m' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.null_session' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'kindle.request' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.realplayer' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Radmin3.0_login_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.dir' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'ghost_keylogger_start' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.4xm' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'CA.response' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'CAFEiNi_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'winspy_conn_client-to-server' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.url' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.aop' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.gni' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'ms.webdav.propfind' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.123' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.bak' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'skype.login' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.jar.agent_helper' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.skp' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'w32.perflogger' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'styx_landing' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'KeyloggerPro_SMTP' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.rpt' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'tnftp' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'AdWare_Ejik.ec_Detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'foscam_ua' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'tls.deflate' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Radmin3.0_conn_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.ogg' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.wmp_playlist' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.trans2.mid65' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'DesktopDetective_InitConnection2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.gz' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.mppl' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.bcproj' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'backdoor.tongkeylogger' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'FraudLoad' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'sybase.tds.connection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.wps' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.hta' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'messenger' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'AOLAdmin1.1.connection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.exploit_kit.pdf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'SpyLanternKeylogger6_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.iso' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.bz2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.rss' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'RemoteKeyLog.b.Fun_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'BlueEye1.0b_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'qualcom.worldmail.ok' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.dbp' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.pictmov' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.pcx' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'netweird' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.exploit_kit.silverlight' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'OptixPROv1.32Upload_detection2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'imagesource.redefine' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.ani' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.csd' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'ComputerMonitor11_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'lmageshack.request' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.rp' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.psd' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'DigiWatcher232_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'email.pdf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.trans2.get_dfs_referral' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.xwd' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'FindNotGuardDog_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Yuri_1_2_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Only1RAT_Control' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'mysql.server_greeting' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'soliddb' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.fpx' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Genie1.7_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.jnt' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.cy3' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'HavRat_pcinfo2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.regf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.wmv' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'backdoor.agent.dcir' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.cdr' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'GirlFriend.1.35.connection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.query_sec_desc' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Dropper_Agent.rqg_Detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.oless.v4' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.maplet.bin' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.crammd5' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.siplog' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.vqf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'dce.net_share_enum_all.request' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'trojan.ircbrute_i' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'winspy_execute_client-to-server' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.wpd' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.pac' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'spyrat_bd' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.hhk' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.xml' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.fli' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.load' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.pkp' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.hlp' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'ssl_handshake' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Winicabras_getinfo' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'cve.2008-4265' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'oracle.connect' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smtp.contenttype.attachment' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.m4b' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'backdoor.Allaple' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.xul' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.wk' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.ivr' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.flc' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.pecompact' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'server.mdaemon' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.addin' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'veritas.vmd.connect' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'websocket' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'trojan.mirai' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.skm' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'vnetd.bpspsserver.connection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.rjs' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.iakerb' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.3dm' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.7zip' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.screnc' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.mswmm' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.eml' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.dxf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.lzh' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.3g2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'cyberSitter_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.xspf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'NetDemon_FileManager' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.webm' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'NetDemon_Init2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.vwr' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.engtesselate' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Theef210_TheefFTP' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.amf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.m4v' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.arj' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.trans2.mid66' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.rat' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.realmedia' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.neoteris' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.pptx' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'XZTOO_Getinfo' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.binhex' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.xpm' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.fon' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'pop3.stat' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.smil' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.winampskin' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'lizamoon.get.ur' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'hplogin' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.torrent' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Clogger_SendLogOut2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'foscam_ftp' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'PerfectKeylogger2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.mny' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.sln' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'sccp.callstate' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'http.dxstudio.clsid' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.autodesk_max' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.daz_ds' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.csv' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'OptixPROv1.32Download_detection2' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.m4p' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'glassfish_unauth_attempt' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'vnc.auth' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.mp3' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.usk' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.aom' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.cue' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.decmpfs' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.reg' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.qcp' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.pui' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.cov' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.mx4' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.jmx' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.ffmpeg' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'adzok.rat' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'NetDemon_OpenBrowser' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.m3u' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.drm.f4v' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.3gp' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.cur' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'critx_java' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.dws' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Bandook135_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'vnc.traffic' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'tivoli.backup' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.screensaver' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.cgm' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'smb.trans2.fileinfo' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.cell' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'systemsecurity2009' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'lp.controlfile' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'quagga.password.challenge' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'sharK_2.3.2_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.m4r' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.caff' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.vap' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'SpyBuddy_SMTP' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'synergy' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.plp' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.cyb' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'safari.dll' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'winspy_download_client-to-server' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.asx' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'Evilotus_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.macho64be' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.cnt' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'backdoor.y3krat_15.client.response' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'ipp.application' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'EmailSpyMonitor_detection' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key '' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.asf' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'zenworks_opcode' is set but not ever checked.
WARNING: flowbits key 'file.metalink' is set but not ever checked.
501 out of 1024 flowbits in use.
[ Port Based Pattern Matching Memory ]
+- [ Aho-Corasick Summary ] -------------------------------------
| Storage Format : Full-Q
| Finite Automaton : DFA
| Alphabet Size : 256 Chars
| Sizeof State : Variable (1,2,4 bytes)
| Instances : 213
| 1 byte states : 200
| 2 byte states : 12
| 4 byte states : 1
| Characters : 206737
| States : 165847
| Transitions : 31082373
| State Density : 73.2%
| Patterns : 9767
| Match States : 10091
| Memory (MB) : 119.78
| Patterns : 1.14
| Match Lists : 2.58
| 1 byte states : 1.12
| 2 byte states : 46.23
| 4 byte states : 68.35
[ Number of patterns truncated to 20 bytes: 550 ]
pcap DAQ configured to passive.
The DAQ version does not support reload.
Acquiring network traffic from "\Device\NPF_{C4F97A7C-48B4-4058-BB97-34BE7944CBF0}".
--== Initialization Complete ==--
,,_ -*> Snort! <*-
o" )~ Version GRE (Build 140)
'''' By Martin Roesch & The Snort Team:
Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Copyright (C) 1998-2013 Sourcefire, Inc., et al.
Using PCRE version: 8.10 2010-06-25
Using ZLIB version: 1.2.11
Rules Engine: SF_SNORT_DETECTION_ENGINE Version 3.1 <Build 1>
Preprocessor Object: SF_SSLPP Version 1.1 <Build 4>
Preprocessor Object: SF_SSH Version 1.1 <Build 3>
Preprocessor Object: SF_SMTP Version 1.1 <Build 9>
Preprocessor Object: SF_SIP Version 1.1 <Build 1>
Preprocessor Object: SF_SDF Version 1.1 <Build 1>
Preprocessor Object: SF_REPUTATION Version 1.1 <Build 1>
Preprocessor Object: SF_POP Version 1.0 <Build 1>
Preprocessor Object: SF_MODBUS Version 1.1 <Build 1>
Preprocessor Object: SF_IMAP Version 1.0 <Build 1>
Preprocessor Object: SF_GTP Version 1.1 <Build 1>
Preprocessor Object: SF_FTPTELNET Version 1.2 <Build 13>
Preprocessor Object: SF_DNS Version 1.1 <Build 4>
Preprocessor Object: SF_DNP3 Version 1.1 <Build 1>
Preprocessor Object: SF_DCERPC2 Version 1.0 <Build 3>
Snort successfully validated the configuration!
Snort exiting