India Officers' Letters
India Officers' Letters
India Officers' Letters
By Abhishek Bhuwalka
Sometime in 2010, I chanced upon a few Officers ’covers on Stanley Gibbons’ online shop.
The description of those covers mentioned that there existed a concessionary rate of 6a8p
via Marseilles instead of the normal rate of 8a8p and that it was valid for a very short while
from 1 April 1868 to 31 December 1869. Being the greenhorn that I was, I wondered how
Stanley Gibbons knew these dates so precisely! More importantly, these short-lived letters
intrigued me. Even after having collected them for some time now, I did not know how
interesting they could be until I started looking into them for preparing an online ‘short ’
presentation for the 8th ISC Zoom meeting on 15 August 2020. This article is a result of those
Privileged (Note 1) postage rates have been often
given to soldiers and officers of the military forces
from time to time. In the United Kingdom, soldiers
and seamen as well as non-commissioned officers
were first given access to a concessional rate of
postage of 1d per single letter (Note 2) in 1795. (Note
3) This privilege was extended to the same category
of persons employed by the East India Company in
1815. (Note 4) Officers i.e., commissioned and
warrant officers, enjoyed such privileges, though at a
rate higher than the 1d one, during the Crimean War
and they were abolished once the war ended in 1856.
(Note 5) However, seamen and soldiers including
those in the service of the East India Company
continued to enjoy the 1d rate. (Note 6) This article
aims to cover the privileged rates applicable to
officers (but not soldiers) for sending and receiving
mails from and to United Kingdom.
On second glance, this was not really a concession as it was made out to be since steam
postage from and to the United Kingdom and most of its colonies was already at 6d. Further,
this facility was available to officers “serving on board any of Her Majesty’s Ships on a Foreign
or Colonial Station”. (Note 8) However, to secure this privilege, such letters were to be sent
in bags made up on board the ship and only British stamps could be used for prepayment of
such letters. (Note 9) Hence Martin & Blair (Note 10) (pg. 19) point out that even if the mails
were sent from an Indian port, they cannot be construed to be ‘Indian’. Most curiously, this
privilege was not extended to officers associated with the army. This had to wait for a
Eligible Classes
At first only commissioned officers in the army actually employed in Her Majesty's service
were entitled to this facility; military officers in civil employ (Note 14) as well as officers on
leave could not. Commissioned officers could be serving in a regiment, corps, or detachment
or could belong to a department within the army. A few months later, in May 1868, (Note 15)
the British government added superintending and first-class schoolmasters (Note 16) to list.
This was duly notified by the Indian post office on 5 August; the notification included warrant
officers. (Note 17)
Letters could be addressed only to or received from the United Kingdom at the
concessionary rates.
For letters posted in India, the letter
needed to be: (Figure 3)
Weight Scale
Since 1 June 1863, rates via Marseilles, from/to India to/from the United Kingdom were on
the ½ oz scale rather than the ¼ oz one.
“All letters which shall be sent by the post under the regulations of this
Warrant shall be subject, in addition to the rates hereby fixed, to the
payment of any foreign postage which shall be chargeable thereon”.
In the absence of any documentation on this subject, one can only speculate that it may have
been a combination of two issues that allowed this anomaly. First, both the local and the
Bombay foreign post offices may have inadvertently missed the fact that foreign postage
was payable in addition to the 4a rate. Secondly, as we have seen, new postage rates could
not be implemented by the Indian PO from 1 March and they had suggested to the London
PO not to fine underpaid letters from India arriving in UK in March; this may have caused the
two letters that I have seen (Figure 7 and Note 21) (both arriving that month) to escape
postage due markings at the British end.
It may be added here that Jane and Michael Moubray (Note 22) are of the opinion:
“It seems that the Indian Post Office was prepared to subsidise the latter
route (i.e., the Marseilles one), for letters have been seen from India to
England addressed via Marseilles and stamped at 4a (=6d)”
This is unlikely. As we shall see later (see Note 33), the Indian post office likely did not bear
the subsidy and that it was entirely borne by the British post office.
Weight Progression
While the Treasury Warrant dated 27 September 1867 has the weight progression at 1 oz
beyond the first oz for all letters to and from East Indies, Australia, and New Zealand (places
Figure 8:
Insufficiently paid
Letter from
(17.10.1868) to UK
via Marseilles
stamped 6a rather
than the privileged
rate of 6a8p.
Charged the
deficiency of 8p
(=1d) plus the fine
of 6d or a total of 7d
marked in black
manuscript as
postage due.
Courtesy: Martin
“…on what principle this privilege was granted…to many commercial and
professional men postage was as much a burden as it was to officers of the
army and navy.” (Note 31)
“…it became necessary for Her Majesty’s Government to look at the matter
in relation to the contracts for the packet service, and to the fact that the
postage charge very often fell upon the foreign dependencies where the
officers were serving. It seemed, therefore, a matter of doubtful expediency
that the Government should of their own motion grant a special exemption
to their own subjects which fell upon the foreign dependencies.”
While this may have been the case in other colonies, it is doubtful if the Indian post office
bore the cost of the privileged rate of 2a (=3d). (Note 33)
In Conclusion
The formation of the General Postal Union (later the Universal Postal Union) in 1874 resulted
in a reduction in postage rates amongst the participating countries. Further the great
Acknowledgements: I would like to thank Max Smith, Martin Hosselmann, Paul Allen, Colin
Tabeart, and John Copeland for their valuable inputs as also sharing images of documents, news
reports, and covers in their collection. Any feedback can be sent to my email id:
The words privileged and concessionary will be used interchangeably in this article.
With effect from 10 January 1840, a ‘single letter’ was later defined to mean one weighing ½ oz or less. Vide
Treasury Warrant dated 27 December 1839 published as Supplement to The London Gazette of Friday the 27th
of December on 28 December 1839.
Postage Act 1795 (35 George III c.53 dated 5 May 1795).
Postage Act 1815 (55 George III c.153 dated 11 July 1815).
Treasury Warrant dated 11 September 1856 published in The London Gazette of 16 September 1856.
British General Post Office Notice dated 13 September 1856.
Treasury Warrant dated 16 May 1857 published in The London Gazette of 19 May 1857.
British General Post Office Notice dated 8 September 1857.
British Postal Guide dated 1 July 1868.
Martin, D. R., and Colonel Neil Blair. Overseas Letter Postage from India 1854-1876. London: Robson Lowe
Ltd., 1975.
Treasury Warrant dated 27 September 1867 published in The London Gazette of 1 October 1867. The same
was included in a Financial Department notification no. 3357 dated 30 December 1867 and published in the
Gazette of India dated 4 January 1868.
Later, in a letter dated 26 May 1869 addressed to the Officiating Secretary in the Financial Department of
the Government of India urging for the abolition of this facility, the Director General of Post Office of India, A.
M. Monteath, argued that, “these treasury Warrants although professing to lay down the law for the levy of
postage in certain cases in India have no legal force in India, except in so far as their provisions are adopted
and promulgated by the Governor General in Council under Section 21 of the of the Indian Post Office Act.”
To support its view the Indian post office had also received a confirming opinion dated 13 January 1869 from
the Advocate General, T. H. Cowie. Published in Proceedings of the Financial Department, November 1869.
Logically a notice by the Indian post office should have been issued on the subject but it is not traceable; it is
quite likely that it was never issued.
Clarified as a measure of caution in Indian government’s Financial Department notification dated 30
December 1867 published in The Gazette of India of 4 January 1868. An Indian post office notification dated 5
August 1868 states that all military officers serving under the orders of the civil administration, for example
belonging to the survey, public works, education, telegraph, post office, police, jail, as well as secretaries to
the government, cantonment, magistrates, commissioners and deputy Commissioners, civil surgeons, and
chaplains (but not Presbyterian chaplains attached to some Highland Regiments in India), and not under the
orders of the Commander-in-Chief, are regarded as being in civil employ.
Treasury Warrant dated 1 May 1868 published in The London Gazette of 8 May 1868.
On the other hand, vide the aforementioned Treasury Warrant of May 1868, schoolmistresses in the army,
whether at home or abroad, could send and receive letters not weighing above ½ oz for only 1d! Clearly there
must have existed disparities in pay scales between schoolmasters and schoolmistresses that a much lower
rate (the same as soldiers and seamen) were applicable to the latter.
Notification dated 5 August 1868 issued by A. M. Monteath, Director General of the Indian Post Office.
Notification dated 12 January 1869 amending the 5 August 1868 notification.
Introduced in the notification dated 5 August 1868.