Spagyria Versus Alchemia
Spagyria Versus Alchemia
Spagyria Versus Alchemia
This separation as is expressed in the spagyrics process is a vital
part of the alchemical process and is a most important step that
needs to be taken in our work in order to achieve the desire
purification of our alchemical essentials.
The attunement and relationship between the matter worked on
and the operator becomes very strong. A sympathetic attunement
is achieved with one’s matter that sets off a certain resonance of
energies that are being manipulated and raised in vibrations.
Alchemy also does all that, that is, it purifies the matter worked
with and raises its energies. However it does something above
and beyond spagyrics and homeopathy. Alchemy accelerates the
evolution of matter. This is the essential difference. Alchemy
transforms and converts, it transmutes and accelerates the
evolution of being both physically and spiritually. Matter and
spirit go hand in hand.