Assignment A - Lesson Plan Template: 1.practicing Skimming and Scanning Skills in Reading
Assignment A - Lesson Plan Template: 1.practicing Skimming and Scanning Skills in Reading
Assignment A - Lesson Plan Template: 1.practicing Skimming and Scanning Skills in Reading
Upper- Students will answer questions that require gist reading, scanning and intensive
intermediate (B2) reading. - Students will practise speaking in the final stage
Level of Class: Lesson Objectives:
Length of Lesson: 60 mins powerpoint,
Number of Students: 18
Stage Aim Timing
Teacher Activity Student Activity
Greet students. Tell them to sit in groups of 4. Tell students Students sit down and listen to
we're going to read a newspaper article. Project headline intro.
and pictures from newspaper article onto screen. Give
1. warmer instructions for grp work.
What is the newspaper article going to be about? 2. What is
the man's job? How many things in the second picture can
you name? Monitor as they work.
Stage Aim Timing Teacher Activity Student Activity