M-7000 Address Mapping (Base 1)
M-7000 Address Mapping (Base 1)
M-7000 Address Mapping (Base 1)
Address Description Attribute
00001 ~ Digital output R/W
00065 ~ Digital input latch high R/W
00073 ~ Digital output latch high R/W
00097~ Digital input latch low R/W
00105 ~ Digital output latch low R/W
00129 ~ Digital output safe value R/W
00193 ~ Digital output power-on value R/W
00257 Communication protocol R/W
0: DCON, 1:Modbus RTU
00259 Filter settings, 0: 60 Hz rejection, 1: 50 Hz R/W
00260 Host Watchdog mode R/W
0: The same as I-7000 series module
1: AO and DO commands can be used to clear the
Host Watchdog timeout status
00261 Enables or disables the Host Watchdog R/W
0: disabled, 1: enabled
00262 Enables or disables the alarm function R/W
0: disabled, 1: enabled
00263 Alarm mode R/W
0: momentary, 1: latch
00264 Clear DI/O latch, write 1 to clear W
00265 Clear all DI counters, write 1 to clear W
00269 Modbus data format R/W
0: hexadecimal
1: engineering
00270 Host Watchdog timeout status. Write 1 to clear the R/W
Host Watchdog timeout status
00271 AI filter format R/W
0: normal, 1: fast
00272 Write 1 to load the factory calibration parameters W
00273 Reset status R
0: not the first the status has been read after being
powered on
1. The max number of analog output registers written in a command is 11.
2. The command of loading factory calibration parameters takes about 3 seconds.
The next command should be sent after 3 seconds.
1. The max number of analog output registers written in a command is 11.
2. The command of loading factory calibration parameters takes about 3 seconds.
The next command should be sent after 3 seconds.
Analog Outputs
Type Range Data Format Minimum Maximum
0 0 mA ~ +20 mA Engineering 0 +20000
Hexadecimal 0000h FFFFh
1 +4 mA ~+20 mA Engineering +4000 +20000
Hexadecimal 0000h FFFFh
2 0V ~ +10 V Engineering 0 +10000
Hexadecimal 0000h FFFFh
3 +/-10 V Engineering -10000 +10000
Hexadecimal 8000h 7FFFh
4 0 V ~ +5 V Engineering 0 +5000
Hexadecimal 0000h FFFFh
5 +/-5 V Engineering -5000 +5000
Hexadecimal 8000h 7FFFh
The command to load the factory calibration parameters (00272) takes about 3
seconds to be processed. Subsequent commands should not be sent before this
time has elapsed.