Management Science Preface

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Management Science (MS) has been the core subject for all branches
of engineering at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK) for a long
time. Management is an ever-growing field. It has been attracting many engineering

students, since engineers with a management background are in demand all over.

Management science (MS) is the broad interdisciplinary study of

problem solving and decision making in human organizations, with strong links to
economics, business, engineering, and other sciences. It uses various scientific research-
based principles, strategies, and analytical methods including mathematical modeling,
statistics and numerical algorithms to improve an organization's ability to enact rational and
meaningful management decisions by arriving at optimal or near optimal solutions to
complex decision problems. In short, management sciences help businesses to achieve
goals using various scientific methods.

The field was initially an outgrowth of applied mathematics, where

early challenges were problems relating to the optimization of systems which could be
modeled linearly, i.e., determining the optima (maximum value of profit, assembly line
performance, crop yield, bandwidth, etc. or minimum of loss, risk, costs, etc.) of some
objective function. Today, management science encompasses any organizational activity for
which the problem can be structured as a functional system so as to obtain a solution set
with identifiable characteristics.

Content and Coverage:

This course file includes

1. Objectives of the Management Science.

2. Syllabus copy
3. Lesson plan
4. Conceptual plan
5. Time table(Individual)
6. Student Enrollment List
7. Lecture Notes (for 6 units)
8. Question Bank
9. Assignment Questions
10. Previous End Exam Question papers
11. Internal Examination Review
 Internal Exam question paper
 Key
 Scheme of evolution
12. Marks Lists( Assignment/First Mid/Second Mid/Consolidated Mid)
13. Attendance register

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