Community Development Intro
Community Development Intro
Community Development Intro
The group of particular people who are living in a particular territory, and have same social
activities and also have uniformly Problems, and psychologically attractive, ( )نفسیاتی کششand
Organization, called a community. This unity based upon territory system not upon religion and
race basis.
1. Through Experts: ()مسایل کا معلوم کرنا۔ درجہ بندی دینا۔ ترغیب دینا
2. through local leadership ()رہنمایی کرنے والے لوگوں کا انتخاب۔ ان کے ذریعے کام کرنا
3. through development process of imitation ( ایک مسلہ حل کرتے ہیں۔ اس کو مد نظر رکھ کر
)دوسرے مسایل کے حل کے لیے راستہ کھل جاتا ہے
2. Seriousness of problems ۔the first concerns small and easy selection ( سب سے پہلے چھوٹا
)اور اسان مسلہ کا انتخاب
3. Planning with scarce resources and human individuals ( قلیل وسائل اور انسانی افراد کے ساتھ
منصوبہ بندی
4. In Practical steps the gaining of help from government and philanthropists ( عملی اقدام میں
)حکومت اور مخیر حضرات سے مدد لینا
5. Efficient set of work ( )خوش اسلوبی سے کام شروع کرناto succeed successfully ( کامیابی سے
)ہمکنار کرناUsing transparent procedures ( )شفاف طریقہ استعمال کرناhelp of everyone without any
discrimination of Color, race and religion ( سب کی مدد کرنا،نسل اور دین،)بال تفریق رنگ
"Community development is a skilled process and part of its approach is the belief that
communities cannot be helped unless they themselves agree to this process.
The Community Development process is collective, but the experience of the process enhances
the integrity, skills, knowledge and experience, as well as equality of power, for each individual
who is involved.
Community Development is about developing the power, skills, knowledge and experience of
people as individuals and in groups, thus enabling them to undertake initiatives of their own to
combat social, economic, political and environmental problems, and enabling them to fully
participate in a truly democratic process.
Community Development should seek to develop structures which enable the active
involvement of people from disadvantaged groups, and in particular people from Black and
Minority Ethnic groups.
The profession of community development integrates knowledge from many disciplines with
community development theory, research, teaching and practice; these important and
interdependent functions are vital in both the private and public sectors.
Community development
The word 'Sociology' is derived from the Latin word 'Societus' meaning 'society and the Greek
word 'logos' meaning 'study or science'. Thus, the etymological) (اشتقاقmeaning of 'Sociology' is
the 'science of society'.
“Sociology is very simply the scientific study of social behavior and human groups. It focuses
on social relationships, how those relationships influence people’s behavior and how societies,
the sum total of those relationships develop and change.
Professor Giddings says, “Sociology is attempt to account for the origin, growth,
structure, and activities of societies by the operation of physical, vital and physical causes
working together in a process of evolution.
Applied Theoretical
Theoretical Sociology:
Theoretical sociology discuss with social phenomena, ( )سماجی مظاہرprinciples and concepts.
1. Group
2. Society
3. Social Work ﴾﴿ سماجی کام
4. Social Interaction ()سماجی تعلقات
5. Personality
6. Social Sanction ()معاشرتی منظوری یا قبولیت
7. Social Relationship
8. Crowd
9. Deviation ﴾ ﴿ انحراف
10. Public Opinion ﴾﴿ رائے عامہ
11. Socialization
12. Propaganda﴾( ﴿ پروپیگنڈاmisinformation) or (half truths)
Applied Sociology:
1. Applied Sociology is the practical shape of Theoretical sociology and Modern Science.
2. Theoretical sociology represents Diagnosis ( )تشخیصand Applied Sociology provides
3. Theoretical sociology is a fact and Applied Sociology is the solution of problems.
Theoretical sociology defines crime and Applied Sociology provides Solution prop