Measuring The Effectiveness of Hospitality Curricula Perceived by Undergraduate Students and Their Preparedness"
Measuring The Effectiveness of Hospitality Curricula Perceived by Undergraduate Students and Their Preparedness"
Measuring The Effectiveness of Hospitality Curricula Perceived by Undergraduate Students and Their Preparedness"
Hospitality education has been a widely studied area and so is hospitality. And
curriculum assessment has been an important tool in measuring the effectiveness of the
curriculum to evaluate student learning and preparedness. It is often stressed that some
level of industry involvement is important in hospitality curriculum assessment as the
hospitality education is heavily linked to the industry. Due to that, this study sets to
measure the hospitality programs in regards to how well they contribute to students’
preparedness for their anticipated future hospitality career as students are participating
in learning as part of the curriculum and the faculty in delivering education to the student
and in developing the curricula to some extent.
1.1 Age;
1.2 Gender;
3. What particular area in generic skills do the students feel more and less prepared?
4. What particular area in Fundamental curriculum related skills do the students feel
more and less prepared?
This study will contribute to the existing hospitality education literature mainly in
the areas of curriculum review and development. Findings of this study would help
hospitality administrators revisit its curriculum to identify the dynamics and shortcomings
of their curriculum. Study such as these helps to analyze the strength and weaknesses
of a curriculum.
Overview of Methodology
This study will utilize quantitative research using descriptive survey method.
Descriptive survey method is used to obtain information concerning current status of the
phenomena to describe “what exists” with respect to variables or conditions in a
situation. In this study, a questionnaire will be used as a tool to gather data to measure
students’ preparedness for their future career through diverse skill sets both generic and
curriculum specific. Moreover, Descriptive analysis will be used to obtain overall mean
values and standard deviations of all variables used in the study. Multiple regression
analyses will be conducted to examine which skill sets were more influential to students’
overall preparedness. Also, t-tests will be used to identify whether there were any
differences in skill sets and perceptions by respondents’ demographic characteristics.
Generic Skills
To what extent do you feel prepared in ach of the following teamwork related skills?
To what extentdo you feel prepared in each of the following leadership skills?
To what extent do you feel prepared in each of the following interpersonal skills?
What is your level of overall satisfaction with learning in the hospitality program?
I am glad I am majoring
Reference List