Activity 2 G16 - Sacramento, Rommel
Activity 2 G16 - Sacramento, Rommel
Activity 2 G16 - Sacramento, Rommel
3. Even with the emergence of technological breakthroughs, will the CLASSICAL MODEL by
Ricardo and Malthus remain true notwithstanding the criticisms posed against it? Why and why
The classical perspectives on economic growth was a central feature of the work
of the classical economists. Despite the speculations, they must be regarded as the main
precursors of modern growth theory. Specifically, they were confronted with the facts of
economic and social changes taking place in contemporary English society as well as in
previous historical periods. With this classical model it is timely and relevant in the
growth and development of the economy. In particular, Ricardo's and Malthus' different
views on the role of consumption expenditure in promoting growth depend on
“acceptance” of Ricardo while on refusal of Malthus on the law of markets and on
Ricardo's exclusion (Malthus' inclusion) of a non-commodity option such as leisure from
the range of available consumption alternatives. Classical economists assume that the
most important factor in a product's price is its cost of production. It can still
notwithstanding the criticisms against it and it would be of great help on the emergence
of technological breakthroughs. Still the human resources and powers are need. A
technology cannot replace humans in the industry. Therefore, it still applies.
4. Are Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Civilization indices of human development? Why and why
Emerging technology is already part of the civilization and human development.
Are the technologies that surround us tools that we can identify, grasp and consciously
use to improve our lives? Or are they more than that: powerful objects and enablers that
influence our perception of the world, change our behavior and affect what it means to be
human. Technologies are emerging and affecting our lives in ways that indicate we are at
the beginning of a Fourth Industrial Revolution, a new era that builds and extends the
impact of digitization in new and unanticipated ways. It is therefore worthwhile taking
some time to consider exactly what kind of shifts we are experiencing and how we might,
collectively and individually, ensure that it creates benefits for the many, rather than the
few. The Fourth Industrial Revolution can be described as the advent of “cyber-physical
systems” involving entirely new capabilities for people and machines. While these
capabilities are reliant on the technologies and infrastructure of the Third Industrial
Revolution, the Fourth Industrial Revolution represents entirely new ways in which
technology becomes embedded within societies and even our human bodies. Examples
include genome editing, new forms of machine intelligence, breakthrough materials and
approaches to governance that rely on cryptographic methods such as the blockchain.
Thus, this is the trend now and if we look on the context. Indeed, these indices human
development because it is already part of the growth and development.