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Matoshri College of Engineering & Research Center, Nashik

Numerical Methods & Computer Programming

Test no. 2

Name: __________________________ Div: _________ Roll No.:_____

Interpolation 4. Find the missing value from the following

1. The process of computing y corresponding to
x where x  xn is called as x 2 4 6 8 10
y 5.6 8.6 13.9 ? 35.6

A. Interpolation
B. Extrapolation A. 55.22
C. Curve fitting B. 22.55
D. None of these C. 52.25
D. 52.52
2. Choice of particular interpolation formula
Difference operator
A. Firstly upon position of xr and the on spacing
5. In finite difference E 1 
between x-values
B. Only upon position of xr
A. 1 
only spacing between x-values
D. Firstly upon spacing between x-values and B. 1 
then position of xr C.  1
D.  1
3. The process of computing y corresponding to
x where x  xn is called as
6. The relation between  and E is
A. Interpolation
B. Extrapolation A.   1  E 1
C. Curve fitting
D. None of these B.   1 E

C.   1  E 1

D.   1 E

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7. The product  is given as 11. The relation between the shift operator
product E and second order forward
difference operator 2 is
A.   E 1  E

B.   E  E 1 A. 2  (1  E )

C.   E  E 1 B. 2  ( E  1)

1 C. 2  ( E 2  1)
D.   [ E  E 1 ]
D. 2  1  2E  E 2
8. The product E. is given as
12. If the 5th and higher order difference of a
A. E 1 function vanish, then the function
represents a polynomial of degree ____
B. 1
C. 0 A. N
D. None of these B. 4
C. 5
9. The product E is given as D. 8

A. E2  E
13. In case of forward differences, first order
B. E difference is given by,
C. 0
A. f ( xi 1 )  f ( xi )
D. None of these
B. yi 1  yi
10. The product E 1 is given as C. f ( xi  h)  f ( xi )

D. All of these
A. E 1  E 2
B. 1
14. Which of the following is the correct
C. 0
expression for 
D. None of these
A.   E1/ 2  E 1/ 2
B.   E1/ 2  E 1/ 2
C.   E 1/ 2  E 1/ 2
D. None of these

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15. Complete the difference table for given 18. From following data 3 y =?
x y y 2 y 3 y x 20 25 30 35 40 45
y 12 15 20 27 39 52
1 1
1.5 0.666 c A. 0
b d
B. 4
2 0.5 0.066
-0.1 C. 0.4
2.5 0.4
D. 0.8
A. a = -0.334 , b =-0.166 , c = -0.5 , d = 0.56

B. a = 0.334 , b =0.166 , c = 0.5 , d = -0.56 19. The n1 y order difference in n number
entries is ________.
C. a = 0.334 , b =0.177 , c = 0.5 , d = -0.56

D. a = 0.334 , b =0.177 , c = 0.5 , d = 0.50 A. Infinity

B. Constant
16. The third order divided difference for the C. Zero
following data is?
D. None of these
x 3 7 9 10
y 168 120 72 63

A. 39 20. All even order central difference have ____

B. 1
C.  48 A. Integer

D. 0 B. Even digits
C. Fractional
17. From following data  2 y and  2 y D. None of these
0 0

considering x0  35
x 20 25 30 35 40 45 21. If n+1 data points are specified, then the nth
y 12 15 20 27 39 52 order difference is

A. 0 and 2 A. zero
B. 2 and 5 B. constant
C. 1 and -7 C. Always negative
D. 5 and -7 D. Always positive

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22. In finite difference   26. In case of forward differences, nth order

difference is given by
A. E 1
A. n yi  n1 yi1  n1 yi
B. E 1
C. E 2 1 B. n1 yi  n yi1  n yi
D. 1  E 1 C. n yi  n1 yi  n1 yi1

D. n1 yi  n yi  n yi1
23. Which of the following is correct value of
 1
27. The value of y is to be calculated at x and it
A. E 1 lies at the center of table, then ______
B. 0 interpolation method is preferred if data of xi
is equally spaced.
C. E
D. 1 A. Newton Backward interpolation
B. Stirling’s formula
24. Which of the following is correct value of C. Newton forward interpolation
 2 y3   2 y 2  D. Newton divided interpolation

A.  3 y2

B.  3 y3
C.  4 y2

D. None of these

25. In forward difference, 2 y 


A. y2  2 y1  y0

B. y2  2 y1  y0

C. y2  2 y1  y0

D. y2  2 y1  y0

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Newton’s Forward Difference method 31. Use Newton’s forward interpolation

formula to calculate value of f(47)
28. From the following data, find the value of
f(x) at x = 5 x y y 2 y
45 0.7071
x y y 2 y 3 y
4 1
50 0.7660 -5.7 X 10-3
6 3 3 0.0532
5 0 55 0.8192
8 8 3
8 A. 0.7095
10 16
B. 0.7313
A. 1.652
C. 0.7347
B. 1.625
D. 0.7584
C. 1.265
D. 1.562
Newton’s Backward Difference method

29. In Newton’s forward interpolation formula 32. From the following data, find the value of
u f(x) at x = 5

x  x0 x y y 2 y 3 y
h 0 648
x  xn 28
B. 2 704 -1
x0  x 25 0
C. 3 729 -1
xn  x
D. 6 792
A. 781.256
30. From the following data, find the value of B. 781.625
f(x) at x = 2.1
C. 781.526
x y 2 y
2 4 D. None of these
2.2 4.84 0.08
2.4 5.76 33. In Newton’s Backward interpolation
formula u 
A. 4.41
x  x0
B. 4.4 A.
C. 4.423 x  xn
D. 4.587 h

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x0  x 38. Bessel’s central difference Interpolation

C. formula involves
xn  x A. Odd difference below the central line.
B. Even difference on the central line.
C. Odd difference on the central line.
Central Difference method
D. Even difference below the central line.
34. All odd order central difference have ____
39. From following data find f(0.27) taking x0 =
A. Integer 0.2, using Stirling’s formula (Apply
formula only up to second order difference)
B. Even digits
x y y 2 y 3 y
C. Fractional
0.1 1.005
D. None of these 0.015

0.2 1.020 0.01

36. In the central difference table, y3 / 2 0.025 0.001

0.3 1.045 0.011

A. y2  y1 0.036

B. y3  y2 0.4 1.081

C. y2  y3

D. y1  y2 A. 1.006449
B. 1.0086
37. The value of y is to be calculated at x and it C. 1.0089
lies at the center of table, then ____
interpolation method is preferred if data f xi D. 1.08987
is equally spaced.

A. Newton backward interpolation 40. Sterling’s central difference Interpolation

formula involves
B. Newton forward interpolation
A. Odd difference below the central line.
C. Newton divided interpolation
B. Even difference on the central line.
D. Stirling’s formula
C. Odd difference on the central line.
D. Even difference below the central line.

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Lagrange’s interpolation formula Numerical differentiation

41. Find the f(1.015) value from the following 43. Find the dy at x  1.5 if
data dx

x 1 1.1 x y y 2 y 3 y 4 y
y 1 1.04881 1.5 3.375
2 7 3.000
A. 1.0456 6.625 0.75
B. 1.0344 2.5 13.625 3.375 0
10.375 0.75
C. 1.0244 3 24.000 4.5
D. 1.0144 14.875
3.5 38.875
42. Find the f(2) from the following data

x 0 1 3 A. 4.57
y 0 0.8414 0.1411
B. 4.75
C. 4.65
A. 0.7889
D. 4.56
B. 0.1492
C. 0.8884
D. 0.9844
44. Find the dy at x  500 if the value of
y0  0.0198 , 2 y0  0.0004 , 3 y0  0.0001 ,
4 y0  0.0002 , 5 y0  0.0003 and h  10

A. 0.2014
B. 0.002014
C. 0.003014
D. 0.03014

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45. 2
47. d2y
Find the d y2 at x  1 if
dx To compute at x  x0 , which formula
dx 2
is used
x y y 2 y 3 y 4 y
1 0.5000
-0.0476 1  2 11 4 
 yn   yn  12  yn  ....
1.1 0.4524 0.0050 A.
-0.0426 -0.0005
1.2 0.4098 0.0045 0.0002
-0.0381 -0.0003 1  2 11 4 
 yn   yn  12  yn  ....
1.3 0.3717 0.0042 h2
1.4 0.4056
1  2 11 4 
 y0   y0  12  y0  ....
A. 1.289 h2

B. 0.358
1  2 11 4 
 y0   y0  12  y0  ....
C. 1.258 D.
D. None of these

46. 2
Find the d y2 at x  1.5 if 48. Use Newton’s forward interpolation to
dx calculate the value of 1.1

x y y 2 y 3 y x y y 2 y
1.5 3.375 1 0.3679
3.625 -0.0814
2 7 3 1.25 0.2865 0.018
6.625 0.75 -0.0634
2.5 13.625 3.375 1.5 0.2231
10.375 0.75
3 24 4.5
14.875 0.75
A. 0.35789
3.5 38.875 5.25 B. 0.35985
4 59 C. 0.35598
D. 0.35895

A. 3.72
B. 3.75
C. 3.77
D. 3.55

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49. dy
To compute at x  x0 , which formula
is used

1 1 1 1 
A. y n   2 y n   3 y n   4 y n  ...
h 2 3 4 

1 1 1 1 
B. y n   2 y n   3 y n   4 y n  ....
h 2 3 4 

1 1 1 1 
C. y n   2 y n   3 y n   4 y n  ....
h 2 3 4 

1 1 1 1 
D.  y 0  2 y 0  3 y 0  4 y0  ....
h 2 3 4 

50. dy
To compute at x  xn , which formula
is used

1 1 1 1 
A.  y 0  2 y 0  3 y 0  4 y0  ....
h 2 3 4 

1 1 1 1 
B.  y 0  2 y 0  3 y 0  4 y 0  ....
h 2 3 4 

1 1 1 1 
C.  y 0  2 y 0  3 y 0  4 y 0  ....
h 2 3 4 

1 1 1 1 
D. y n   2 y n   3 y n   4 y n  ....
h 2 3 4 

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Numerical Methods & Computer Programming

Test No. 2

Name: __________________________ Div: _______ Roll No.: ______

Write Answers here Option Option Option Option Option

1 11 21 31 41

2 12 22 32 42

3 13 23 33 43

4 14 24 34 44

5 15 25 35 45

6 16 26 36 46

7 17 27 37 47

8 18 28 38 48

9 19 29 39 49

10 20 30 40 50

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