CFAS Chapter 1 The Accountancy Profession
CFAS Chapter 1 The Accountancy Profession
CFAS Chapter 1 The Accountancy Profession
Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards - helps an entity to plan and control operations
- maintains records, produce financial reports, prepare budgets, controlling and
CHAPTER 1 allocating resources, determines taxes to be paid
The Accountancy Profession
3. Government Accounting - custody and administrating government funds in these
branches of the government:
ACCOUNTING IS... a. Bureau of Internal Revenue
Accounting is a service activity. It’s function is to provide quantitative information b. Securities and Exchange Commission
primarily financial in nature, about economic entities that is intended to be made c. Department of Budget and Management
useful in making economic decisions. d. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
- (Accounting Standards Council, 1983) e. Commission on Audit
Accounting is an information system that measures, processes, and communicates 4. Academe - sa pag-aaral ng accounting
financial information about an economic entity.
- (Accounting Standards Board, 1978) Continuing Professional Development (RA 10912) - improvement ng mga
Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, and communicating economic - it helps CPAs to learn more in advance holistically and enhances technical skills and
information to permit informed judgement by users of the information. competence to prepare one for a lifelong practice and learning
- (American Accounting Association, 1970) CPD Credit Units - or credit hours required for renewal of CPA license (15
CPD units), for BOA Accreditation, (120 CPD Units = 30 for Technical
Accounting is an art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant Competence + 5 for Professional Skills + 5 for Professional Values, Ethics and
manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are in part at least, of a Attitudes + 80 flexible units)
financial character, and interpreting the results thereof. Exemption from CPD - pag 65 years old, exempted from license renewal pero
- (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1953) hindi for accreditation of public practice
Accounting as an Information System (From ASB Definition) PHILIPPINE INTERPRETATIONS COMMITTEE (August 2006)
- the key product of IS is the SET OF FS or Financial Reports (tells both the financial - para siyang nagiging fallback for those events na hindi nakalagay sa PFRS
performance and position of the entity)
Overall Objective - provide quantitative information that is useful in making - formed with the goal of having uniformity for accounting principles
economic decisions Objectives:
- essence of accounting is DECISION-USEFULNESS 1. To formulate and publish in the public interest accounting standards
“AN ACCOUNTANT’S PRIMARY TASK IS TO SUPPLY FINANCIAL INFO TO 2. To work generally for the improvement and harmonization of regulations
THE ACCOUNTANCY PROFESSION IASC, publishes IFRS but still adopts standards from the IASC that is now called as
- R.A. 9298 “Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004” IAS.
- Dapat BSA Graduate bago mag-take ng boards by the BOA
* Board Of Accountancy - authorized by law para mag-implement ng rules and
regulations regarding accountancy in the Philippines
- Computer-based boards made every May and October annually