Enamel and Dentin Bonding System: Done By: Supervised By

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Enamel and Dentin Bonding System

DONE BY: ‫صديق عماد طالب‬

SUPERVISED BY: ‫محمد وائل‬.‫د‬
The basic concepts of adhesion
The American Society for Testing and Materials (speciication D907) deines
adhesion as “the state in which two surfaces are held together by interfacial
forces which may consist of valence forces or interlock- ing forces or both.”
four different mechanisms of adhesion have been described

1. Mechanical adhesion—interlocking of the adhesive with irregularities in the

surface of the substrate, or adherend

2. Adsorption adhesion—chemical bonding between the adhesive and the

adherend; the forces involved may be primary (ionic and covalent) or
secondary (hydrogen bonds, dipole interaction, or van der Waals) valence

3. Difusion adhesion—interlocking between mobile molecules, such as the

adhesion of two polymers through difusion of polymer chain ends across an

4. Electrostatic adhesion—an electrical double layer at the interface of a metal

with a polymer that is part of the total bonding mechanism

Factors that affecting the adhesion to tooth tissue

These include the physicochemical properties of the adherend and the
adhesive; the structural properties of the adherend, which is heterogeneous;
the formation of surface contaminants during cavity preparation; the
development of external stresses that counteract the process of bonding and
their compensation mechanisms; and the mechanism of transmission and
distribution of applied loads through the bonded joint. Furthermore, the oral
environment, which is subject to moisture, physical stresses, changes in
temperature and pH, dietary components, and chewing habits, considerably
influences adhesive interactions between materials and tooth tissues.

The fundamental principle of adhesion to tooth tissues

The fundamental principle of adhesion to tooth substrate is based upon an
exchange process by which inorganic tooth material is exchanged for
synthetic resin. 272 This process involves two phases. One phase consists of
removal of calcium phosphates, by which microporosities are exposed in both
enamel and dentin surfaces. The other, so-called hybridization phase involves
infiltration and subsequent in situ polymerization of resin within the created
surface microporosities. This results in micromechanical interlocking that is
primarily based upon mechanisms of diffusion. While micromechanical
interlocking is believed to be a prerequisite to achieve good bonding within
clinical circumstances.

Enamel bonding
Enamel, the hardest tissue in the human body consists of 95 percent
mineralized inorganic substance, hydroxyapatite arranged in a dense
crystalline structure and a small amount of protein and water. To bond to
enamel, it is very important to focus on the mineral component
(hydroxyapatite) of enamel.Various concentrations of phosphoric acid have
been used to etch enamel. Most current phosphoric acid gels have
concentrations of 30% to 40%, with 37% being the most common, although
some studies using lower concentrations have reported similar adhesion
values.42-45 An etching time of 60 seconds originally was recommended for
permanent enamel using 30% to 40% phosphoric acid. Although one study
concluded that shorter etch times resulted in lower bond strengths, other
studies using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that a 15-second
etch resulted in a surface roughness similar to that provided by a 60-second
etch.46-49 Other in vitro studies have shown similar bond strengths and
leakage for etching times of 15 and 60 seconds.

Several changes have taken place regarding the acid etching of enamel
surfaces. These include:

• Development of phosphoric acid gels: Gels provide the clinician a greater

control and precision in the placement of etching agents. Earlier most gel
etchants used to contain silica as a thickening agent. But recently available
gels employ polymeric thickening agents which have better wetting abilities
and rinse-off more easily than silica containing gels.

• Percentage of etchants used: Currently used etchants employ the

concentrations of phosphoric acid that ranges from 10 to 50 percent. Studies
have shown no difference in etching of enamel using higher or lower
concentrations of acid. Use of lower concentrations of phosphoric acid and
reduced etching time has shown to give an adequate etch of the enamel while
avoiding excessive demineralization of the dentin. Abbreviations commonly
used for resin chemical.

• Decrease in the acid application time: The standard treatment protocol for
the etching of enamel has been application of 37 percent phosphoric acid for
60 seconds. But studies show that enamel should not be etched for more than
15 to 20 seconds. If enamel is etched for more than the required time, deeper
etch of the enamel surface occurs. Since a bonding agent has a high
viscosity, the surface tension effect of the agent would not allow full
penetration of the etched enamel. This will result in a ‘dead space’ beyond the
bonded area. When enamel bends, or the weak resin based bond breaks off,
the dead space becomes exposed to oral fluids which has lower surface
tension and thus penetrates the dead space. This may result in secondary
caries or discoloration of the margins.

Etching: It is the process of increasing the surface reactivity by

demineralizing the superficial calcium layer and thus creating the enamel
tags. These tags are responsible for micromechanical bonding between tooth
and restorative resin.

Mechanism of etching
Type I Preferential demineralization of enamel prism core leaving the prism
peripheries intact. Here corresponding tags are cone shaped.

Type II There is preferential removal of interprismatic enamel leaving the

prism cores intact. The corresponding enamel tags are cup shaped.

Type III In this, the pattern is less distinct, including areas that resemble
type I and II patterns and areas which bear no resemblance to enamel prism.

Acid etching transforms the smooth enamel into an irregular surface and
increases its surface-free energy. When a fluid resin-based material is applied
to the irregular etched surface, the resin penetrates into the surface, aided by
capillary action. Monomers in the material polymerize, and the material
becomes interlocked with the enamel surface the formation of resin microtags
within the enamel surface is the fundamental mechanism of resin-enamel

Smear layer
When the tooth surface is altered by rotary and manual instrumentation during
cavity preparation, cutting debris is smeared over the enamel and dentin
surfaces, forming what is termed the smear layer. The smear layer has been
defined as “any debris, calcific in nature, produced by reduction or
instrumentation of dentin, enamel. The burnishing action of the cutting
instrument generates frictional heat and shear forces, so that the smear layer
becomes attached to the underlying surface in a manner that prevents it from
being rinsed off or scrubbed away.

Conditioning can be defined as any chemical alteration of the surface by acids
(or by a calcium chelator such as EDTA) with the objective of removing the
smear layer and simultaneously demineralizing the surface.

Dentine bonding
Adhesive materials can interact with dentin in different ways—mechanically,
chemically, or both. the importance of micromechanical bonding, similar to
what occurs in enamel bonding, has become accepted.60,67 Dentin adhesion
relies primarily on the penetration of adhesive monomers into the network of
collagen fibrils left exposed by acid etching. However, for adhesive materials
that do not require etching, such as glass ionomer cements and some
phosphate-based self-etch adhesives, chemical bonding between
polycarboxylic or phosphate monomers and hydroxyapatite has been shown
to be an important part of the bonding mechanism.

Factors affecting the strength of dentine bonding

Different quality of dentin including the number, diameter and size of dentinal
tubules in deep and superficial dentin. Dentin permeability is not uniform
throughout the tooth, it is more permeable in coronal dentin than root dentin.
There are differences within coronal dentin also. Since tubules are more
numerous and wider near the pulp, there is more fluid and less intertubular
dentin, this makes dentin bonding less effective in deeper dentin than
superficial dentin.

Amount of collagen: As dentin ages, there is an increase in mineralization,

the ratio of peritubular/intertubular dentin and a decrease in the number of
dentinal tubules which overall affects the adhesion quality of dentin.

Dentine bonding agent (mechanism of bonding)

The dentin adhesive molecule has a bifunctional structure:

M________ R________ X

Where M is the double bond of methacrylate which copolymerizes with

composite resin. R is the spacer which makes the molecule large. X is a
functional group for bonding which bonds to inorganic or organic portion of
dentin. Ideally a dentine bonding agent should have both hydrophilic and
hydrophobic ends. The hydrophilic end displaces the dentinal fluid, to wet the
surface. The hydro- phobic end bonds to the composite resin. Bonding to the
inorganic part of dentin involves ionic interaction among the negatively
charged group on X (for example, phosphates, amino acids and amino
alcohols, or dicarboxylates) and the positively charged calcium ions.
Commonly used bonding systems employ use of phosphates. Bonding to the
organic part of dentin involves inter- action with Amino (–NH), Hydroxyl (–
OH), Carboxylate (–COOH), Amide (–CONH) groups present in dentinal
collagen. Dentin bonding agents have isocyanates, aldehydes, carboxylic acid
anhydrides and carboxylic acid chlorides which extract hydrogen from the
above mentioned groups and bond chemically.

Scientific classification of bonding agent

Based on generations

� First generation bonding agent

� Second generation bonding agent

� Third generation bonding agent

� Fourth generation bonding agent

� Fifth generation bonding agent

� Sixth generation bonding agent

Seventh generation bonding agent.


1-Text Book of Operative System, chapter 16

2-Fundimentals of Operative Dentistry , chapter8

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