How I Do It: CT Pulmonary Angiography: Conrad Wittram
How I Do It: CT Pulmonary Angiography: Conrad Wittram
How I Do It: CT Pulmonary Angiography: Conrad Wittram
CT Pulmonary Angiography
embolism have been available to the radiologist on CT, this noninvasive technique has produced
a paradigm shift that has raised the standard of care for patients with this disease.
ulmonary embolism is the third raphy have a sensitivity of 90% and specificity
TABLE 3: Empirical Timing Delay for CT Pulmonary Angiography After IV study [25], whereas in the study by Gosselin et
Administration of 370 mg I/mL al. [24], it was present in 37% of the study
Timing Delay (s) group. An interesting major difference between
16-MDCT 64-MDCT the studies, and a possible explanation of the
difference in frequency, is that the patients in
Normal-Size Large Patient Normal-Size Large Patient
Injection Patient (> 250 lb [113 kg]) Patient (> 250 lb [113 kg]) the study by Wittram and Yoo were instructed
to “take a breath in and hold it” before image
Amount injected (mL) 110 130 110 130
acquisition. The patients in the study by Gosse-
Rate of injection (mL/s)
lin et al. were instructed to have five respiratory
4 22 30 26 31 cycles of hyperventilation followed by a com-
3.5 26 34 30 35 mand of full inspiration 2 seconds before initial
3 32 40 36 42 images were obtained [24]. The hyperventila-
2.5 39 49 43 51
tion before inspiration and the breath-hold is
likely the exacerbating factor of this artifact.
2 50 61 53 63
Both studies used the same injection rate, but
Gosselin et al. used single-detector CT whereas
Wittram and Yoo used MDCT. However, the
To detect abnormalities with low differ- heart, the enhancement threshold might never number of detectors should not affect the ap-
ences in CT contrast, and to improve pulmo- be reached; this leaves the technologist uncer- pearance of this artifact.
nary embolism conspicuity, it is necessary to tain as to when to start image acquisition. The solution to transient interruption of con-
adjust the display window widths and levels Empiric scanning delay also has the advan- trast flow of the pulmonary arteries is to reduce
American Journal of Roentgenology 2007.188:1255-1261.
[17–19]. Also, the decision of the reviewer to tage of reducing operator error and motion arti- the volume of unopacified blood entering the
interpret a study as adequate or indeterminate facts by removing the added complexity of when right atrium from the inferior vena cava. Pres-
will be affected by the interplay of factors that to start the study based on a threshold value. To canning hyperventilation is likely the cause;
include the size of the suspected embolism, comprehensively evaluate for venous throm- with the implementation of faster scanners,
the anatomic level of the vessel being evalu- boembolic disease, patients need to receive a prescan hyperventilation should be dropped.
ated, and the amount of image noise. large contrast material bolus to evaluate the Because the venous return from the inferior
lower-limb veins [7]. Using an empiric scanning vena cava to the right atrium is exaggerated with
Timing of Bolus delay on 16- and 64-MDCT scanners, one aims
Several techniques are available for con- to be midscan at the peak of pulmonary artery
trast delivery on CT studies. A high injection enhancement; therefore, the start of the scanning
rate with a uniphase injection bolus of 4 mL/s is calculated to equal the injection time minus
of contrast material is preferred [20]; this al- half the scanning time. If the size of the IV access
lows a high intensity of contrast enhancement catheter does not allow 4 mL/s, then the delay
in the pulmonary arterial system. The injec- needs to increase, as illustrated in Table 3.
tion duration has an important influence in If an indeterminate scan occurs with stan-
optimizing contrast delivery in CT. dard delay due to poor enhancement, there is
Injection of contrast material can be consid- no extravasation of contrast material, and the
ered in two components: first pass and recircu- timing is appropriate, then poor venous flow
lation. The first-pass effect is optimized by the due to stenosis or obstruction may be a factor
use of contrast material with 370 mg I/mL. As [8], in which case a different venous access
the injection duration increases, the recircula- site may be necessary. A repeat CTPA after
tion of contrast material causes a cumulative ef- hydration of the patient is recommended.
fect on enhancement over time [21], so that an
increase in time increases the enhancement of Flow Artifacts
the pulmonary arteries during the injection. A transient interruption of contrast material
This enhancement advantage is most optimally consists of a portion of the pulmonary artery
used with the empiric delay technique, whereas that shows relatively poor enhancement be-
bolus tracking starts the CT scan earlier on the tween areas of higher attenuation both proxi-
rise of the enhancement curve and results in mally and distally [24, 25] (Fig. 1). Comparing
worse pulmonary artery enhancement. Al- patients with this artifact with age- and sex-
though no published data as yet can validate matched controls, Wittram and Yoo [25]
this statement, preliminary work appears to showed that the artifact results from an increase Fig. 1—Transient interruption of flow of contrast material
support this observation [22, 23]. One could ar- in flow of unopacified blood from the inferior in 59-year-old woman. Coronal oblique reformatted image
gue that when the triggering threshold for bolus vena cava. What can be done to avoid this flow through right posterior basal segmental artery from CT
tracking is increased, CT would start later on phenomenon? A review of the literature shows pulmonary angiography shows segment of poor
opacification (arrow) between areas of higher
the rise of the enhancement curve. However, in that the transient interruption of contrast artifact attenuation both proximally and distally. Interface
cases with poor function of the right side of the was seen in 3% of the study population in that between low- and high-attenuation areas is ill-defined.
Streak Artifacts
Streak artifact that obscures pulmonary ves-
sels because of metallic implants can make a
study indeterminate, a repeat CT will not im-
prove this problem, and additional imaging
with V/Q scintigraphy or pulmonary angiogra-
phy may be necessary. Streak artifact from
high-density contrast material in the superior
vena cava can obscure adjacent pulmonary ar-
teries. The frequency of this artifact can be re-
duced by using a saline bolus immediately af-
ter the contrast material injection [30].
Fig. 2—Localized increase in vascular resistance in 69-year-old woman with breast cancer who has right-sided The Indeterminate CTPA
talc pleurodesis. This article discusses the solutions to the
A, Staging CT was performed with injection of 65 mL of Isovue 370 (iopamidol, Bristol-Myers Squibb) at rate of 1.5 mL/s
using scan delay of 35 seconds. Right lower lobe shows volume loss and consolidation. Note good opacification of common causes of an indeterminate CTPA. In
left lower lobe pulmonary arteries (arrowheads). However, also note poor opacification of right lower lobe pulmonary practice, if a diagnosis of pulmonary embolism
arteries (arrows), indicating localized increase in vascular resistance in right lower lobe arteries. cannot be confidently confirmed or refuted and
B, CT pulmonary angiogram 3 days after A using 110 mL of Isovue 370 at 4 mL/s and 22-second scanning delay. Note
good opacification of right lower lobe pulmonary arteries (arrows). This image illustrates that peripheral vascular
the study is indeterminate, it is recommended
resistance can be overcome with large volume of contrast material injected rapidly and by acquiring images at that the radiologist decide at which anatomic
very end of injection. level the study is indeterminate; for example, if
American Journal of Roentgenology 2007.188:1255-1261.
Fig. 6—Chronic pulmonary embolism in 37-year-old Fig. 7—Chronic pulmonary embolism in 60-year-old Fig. 8—Chronic pulmonary embolism in 65-year-old man.
woman. Curved coronal reformatted CT image viewed man. Axial CT image obtained at level of right lower Curved coronal reformatted CT image viewed on maximum
on lung window setting shows pouch defect (arrow) of lobe pulmonary artery shows broad-based, smoothly intensity projection shows abrupt vessel narrowing that
anterior basal segmental artery of right lower lobe. margined, eccentric filling defect (arrow) that forms affects posterior basal segmental artery of right lower lobe.
Contracted or obliterated artery (arrowheads) is obtuse angle with vessel wall. Note abrupt convergence of contrast material, leading to
shown peripheral to site of chronic obstruction. thin column of more distal IV contrast material (arrow). In
addition, organized thrombus is identified surrounding
column of contrast material (arrowheads).
Fig. 9—Chronic pulmonary embolism in 54-year-old Fig. 10—Acute right ventricle dilatation in 33-year-old woman with large acute pulmonary embolism clot burden.
man. Axial CT image of right lower lobe pulmonary A, Maximum short-axis diameter (black rule) of right ventricle measures 5.2 cm.
artery shows band or web (arrow) surrounded by B, At more cephalad level, maximum short-axis diameter (black rule) of left ventricle measures 3.2 cm. CT
contrast material. Subcarinal and right hilar pulmonary angiography right ventricle–to–left ventricle ratio equals 1.6.
lymphadenopathy is also noted, which is associated
with chronic pulmonary embolism.
imum left ventricle short-axis measurement) death [39]. A ratio of 1.0 is associated with a Conclusion
[38] (Fig. 10). The greater the right ventri- 5% chance of death; 1.3, 10%; 1.7, 20%; 1.9, For more than 25 years, the direct signs of pul-
cle–to–left ventricle short-axis ratio in acute 30%; 2.1, 40%; and a ratio of 2.3 is associated monary embolism have been available to the ra-
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