SALES Reading Materials

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Reading Materials – December 12, 2020

Read and Study Articles 1582 – 1623 of the New Civil Code

Relevant Cases to read:

1. Iringan vs. CA, GR 129107 (2001)
2. Pangan vs. Rogeio & Perreras, GR 157374
3. Ramos vs. Sarao – G.R No. 149756 , February 11, 2005
4. Roberts vs. Papio, 515 SCRA 346
5. Cadungog vs. Yap – G.R No. 161223 , September 12, 2005
6. San Pedro vs. Lee, 430 SCRA 338 (G.R No. 156522 , May 28, 2004)
7. Villarica vs. Court of Appeals, 26 SCRA 189;
8. Vda. De Urbano vs. GSIS, 367 SCRA 672;
9. Estrella vs. Francisco, GR 209384 (2016);
10. Calma vs. Santos, G.R. No. 162027 (2009),
11. Aguilar vs. Aguilar, G.R. No. 141613 (2005),
12. Salatandol vs. Retes, G.R. No. L-38120 (1988),
13. Cabrera vs. Villanueva, 160 SCRA 672,
14. Francisco vs. Boizer, G.R No. 137677 (2000),
15. Ectuban vs. C.A 48 SCRA 507 (1987)

Guide Questions
What are the rights and obligations of the vendee?
What the actions available to the vendor or vendee in case of breach of sale of goods?
What is the effect of “automatic rescission clause” in a contract of sale in case of failure to pay
on the part of the vendee? Is there a difference if the object of the sale is movable or
immovable property?
What are the modes or cause of extinguishing sale?
What is conventional redemption?
Is there transfer of title or ownership in pacto de retro sale? Is pacto de retro absolute or
What is equitable mortgage? What are instances of equitable mortgage?
What is the effect if a court declares a pacto de retro sale or an absolute sale an equitable
What is legal redemption?
What the instances of legal redemption under the Civil Code and under special laws?
What is the period of legal redemption?
Is there an exception to written notice required in Article 1623 of the New Civil Code?

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